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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. 8 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

    Oh I am all over that! Can't believe I never watched those episodes of MST3K

    Both available to purchase in the new Gizmoplex streaming service! (I got both as part of one of the Kickstarter bundles, though I can't remember if it was the initial one, the second one, or one of the upgrades when they made the stretch goals.)

  2. 5 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

    That is an amazing concept and I hate that I already know Lee Van Cleef as a ninja is nowhere near as cool as it could be because most 80s TV sucked at fight scenes.

    If you would like to see how well it was executed, four episodes were packaged together as movies, Master Ninja and Master Ninja II, and both were featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, milamber said:

    I disagree. Last of Us S1 is a travel show with very few recurring characters. Despite that most of the side characters have been memorable even with limited screen time, IMO. That's down to the quality writing and acting.

    They used to do shows like this all the time in the 70s and 80s. While there are many excellent examples, the one that I immediately think of is... uh... Master Ninja, starring Lee Van Cleef.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, John Lions said:

    Orange Cassidy, the All Atlantic champion who beat PAC for the belt and has the most non-Jade title defenses in AEW history? Who, after his feud with Jericho, obliterated the HFO and then beat Adam Cole in a Light's Out match? Adam Cole, who has been a front and center poster boy for AEW and has only lost to OC and Hangman?

    The All-Atlantic win was almost TWO years after the win over Jericho, and I can't say as Orange "obliterated" the HFO, as the feud went on for months (and I said Jericho's feuds overstay their welcome) until Matt Hardy went over at the end of it.

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  5. I mean... Eh? Orange Cassidy technically went over Jericho in their feud, and he really didn't do anything of note for a good long while afterward, except lose title matches. Claudio hasn't done a whole lot after beating Jericho either. Admittedly, blame for both of those scenarios lie more at the feet of Tony Khan than Jericho, but....

  6. 11 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

    I would set it as either a cinematic match or a special set since it was fought at an actual Japanese love hotel (with zero permits), with whatever implements your sick little hearts desire and first one to score a pin or submission wins.

    It is a shame there's no way to include the platypus or the weird German-sounding (Or possibly Drusselstein?) pharmacist that was with him or why they were there. Oh well, that's what imagination is for.

    Of course, I now have an idea for an Australian worker who heard vague details about the now infamous match, and decided to be a wrestling platypus, with the idea that she's THAT platypus. Of course, she'll team with Koala Mask.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, Self said:

    I watched a highlight package of Elimination Chamber, and there were so many spears. Far too many for me to respect it as a finish. Most of them looked pretty gentle. 

    I remember there was a WhatCulture video about the worst finishers (not Simon Miller doing it, the guy with glasses), and he described Edge's spear along the lines of "Edge tenderly embraces his opponent and gently lowers him to the ground."

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