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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. That women's match was a mess, story wise. A very well wrestled mess, but still a mess. Storm & Saraya were getting booed, and at times, they seemed to lean into that. But then Britt and Hayter were still doing the same heel shtick they always do.

    I see a lot of people online blaming the fans for the poor reception to Toni, but it's really not their fault. If Toni was the plan all along they should have announced that at the get-go instead of teasing "Who's the partner" for several weeks. It's lousy booking, plain and simple.

  2. You see, to me, Triple H's booking feels like it's competently wrestled matches that I just have no emotional investment in. And the wrestles he hires or have hired are like this. I even see this in AEW, as some of the people who've signed are... fine, I just don't care if they win or lose. Andrade, Toni Storm, Tony Nese, Adam Cole. They are very talented, and they are all dry as toast to me.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

    You're misremembering.

    No, I'm not. I remember when Jade made that stipulation that they were hampering themselves. I didn't expect them to ignore it, but then Jade storylines ignore a lot of things, like how she and Red Velvet hated each other, but then they formed the Baddies and ignored all of that.

    • Like 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, Dalton said:

    What does that have to do with Britt/Jamie/Saraya/Shida? 

    I thought we were talking about confusing booking in the women's division that makes no sense.

    Anyway, Skye versus Jade is tonight on Battle Of The Belts; earlier in the year, not too long after the TBS tournament, Skye lost a match on either Dark or Elevation against Jade with that stipulation. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Dalton said:

    That's the story.

    Britt and Jamie said that Saraya doesn't understand what AEW is about. Saraya then chose Toni over the one who carried the division through the pandemic. 

    Hmmm... Okay, now explain how Skye Blue can get a TBS Title shot despite losing a match last year where the stipulation was that if she lost she would never get a TBS Title shot?

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    Darby and Joe was a lot of fun. Sting and Darby celebrating was awesome too. Sting looked so genuinely happy for Darby. 

    I really dig the new stage and set. I wasn't paying attention, but are there still two entrances? I've always liked the double entrances for some reason. 

    I hope Toni being Saraya's partner is a swerve or something. Seemed weird to hold out naming her partner and then it's just someone already on the roster. 

    It also didn't make sense. "Hmm... Who should I choose? The woman who went undefeated in AEW for over a year, carrying the entire division on her shoulders through the pandemic? Or the wrestler who lost her first match after winning the Interim title? The second one. I'm going to go with her."

  7. On 1/1/2023 at 4:21 AM, milamber said:

    - Hogan vs Jade (c) was solid. Velvet about to turn on Jade.

    Nope, not buying it. AEW has faked us out too many times this past year. Scorpio Sky, Jamie Hayter, Daniel Garcia, and MJF.

    Credit where it's due, the match on Friday was one of Jade's best. While the outcome was never in any serious question, she did do a fair bit more selling than she usually does.

  8. 5 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    Not gonna lie, I got goosebumps for the main event of Smackdown. Always seems like holiday episodes of WWE shows lack in real substance, but man, what a HUGE main event. I'm glad Cena was able to keep his 20 year streak in tact and a tag match with three of WWE's MVPs was definitely the right route to go. Cena was so animated and looked like he was having an absolute blast being back. 

    And the crowd was superhot for everybody.

    • Like 1
  9. 56 minutes ago, Dalton said:

    Hogan did not put Kidman over. 

    Jericho vs Andretti is the only match of its kind I can think of. An even match between a legend and a straight up unknown that ended with a clean pinfall after a move. 

    I think the closest you get in the modern Era is the first Cody vs Darby match.

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