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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. 2 hours ago, djskeemask said:

    Also exciting news!!! I'm sure I'm the last to hear this, but I've avoided reading news cause there is always changes and delays. The new AEW video game will feature OWEN HART!!

    The GM mode for the AEW game won't let you book more than one women's match per show.

    1 hour ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

    But the problem is that the matcha with Cassidy didn’t need to be booked. Let’s not forget they’re both faces as well. So how would that help Wardlow. 

    Character development? After the match, he gave a show of respect to Cassidy. That's a fairly standard goal for a face versus face match.

  2. 30 minutes ago, milamber said:

    - Jade should dropped her title by now. Diamante finally back on TV. Was she referring to Mercedes Martinez?

    I hope not. Whoever Diamante brings is most likely going to be Jade's next feud, and Jade vs Martinez at this point isn't going to play well regardless of winner.

    If Mercedes wins, it's a nice feather in her cap, but ending Jade's streak should be reserved for someone who could be the future of the division. At almost 42, Mercedes is not the future of the division.

    On the other hand Jade beating the ROH Women's champion is a bad message if Tony Khan is still hoping for a TV deal. This wouldn't be like Jericho beating Yuta or Claudio beating Dax, this would be a flat out "AEW > ROH" situation. And that's assuming  the ROH title isn't on the line. Can you imagine the response if Jade wins a title for a company traditionally known for work rate?

  3. ... You are not seriously comparing Orange Cassidy to Crash Holly. I love Crash (RIP) but he could only DREAM of being as over as Cassidy is. Orange has been featured previously as being able to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Kenny Omega and Cody Rhodes.

    Also, the Rock had a pretty long match with the Hurricane, if I recall correctly, didn't hurt him any.

  4. One of the big complaints that many have been levying at AEW the past year or so is "too many WWE guys". Well, the main event last week was two indy guys who barely weigh 350 lbs combined. They're trying to make new stars, and on occasion that means sacrificing short term ratings for hopeful long term gains.

    Now, if they could only apply that to the women's division....

    • Like 7
  5. 3 minutes ago, milamber said:

    I guess they need her as a heel right now unless she's taking Jade's title. Deeb, DMD & Hayter can be Toni's next 3 defenses. If Rosa's out long term strap Hayter up.

    That's fine for the short term. But there are long term issues to look at. You can't just have the division be Britt Baker and whoever she's feuding with at the time. Especially considering that Britt is somewhat prone to injury.

  6. 32 minutes ago, milamber said:

    - Deeb & DMD vs Athena & Storm was good. Looks like Hayter is going solo but staying heel.

    That is a terrible idea. First, the crowd seems super hot for her to be a babyface. The crowd was hot for Scorpio Sky to be a babyface, but AEW nipped that in the bud too. Eventually, fans are going to get frustrated.

    Second, the women's division is lacking in babyfaces that are anywhere close to being credible. Shida & Ruby Soho have been booked terribly the past year (and the former is said to be prioritizing engagements in Japan), Rosa and Statlander are injured, Riho and Sakazaki are hardly ever in the U.S. anyway, and Tay, Jay, & Velvet were all turned heel.

  7. 2 hours ago, Kamchatka said:

    AEW doing 1.1175 mil and 0.39. 

    Good bounce, hard to tell if thats the end of the summer lull kicking in, or if people are enjoying new stories coming through finally rather than the weird holding patterns we seemed to be stuck in for the last few months.

    That's especially encouraging considering that while they had over a million at the start of last week's episode, it dropped significantly by the main event.

  8. 5 hours ago, Kamchatka said:

    Yeah, it reminds me a lot of being a kid watching the B show wrestling stuff we'd get here on saturday morning tv. Things like Heat and Velocity. Just fun vibes but AEW manages to dial it up so much more with commentary and stuff like Infinito and Fuego Dos etc. More of that lighthearted pageantry and playing to the crowds but also often interesting people coming in as jobbers and working up slowly. So many times watching Horowitz doing his thing back in the day.

    I remember when I went to the Philly show last year, and how surprised and excited I was to see Crowbar. A lot of fans around me were "Is he new?", meanwhile I'm doing my version of the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the TV meme.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Dalton said:

    Anna Banana was bad, yes, but it was clear that she was attempting to infantilize Anna, it just didn't work well.

    Not only didn't it work, it was a bad idea to begin with. If the idea is that Anna is no big deal to her, then why would it be a big deal when Jade beats her? If SHE doesn't care about the match, why should we?

  10. Regarding Jade's promo ability, she once called Anna Jay "Anna Banana". That's... hmm.

    Now, when she debuted, I did note that she had a confidence on the microphone that is hard to teach. However, one thing I realized today is that, aside from that debut (which was in the middle of the pandemic), I don't think she's done any promos in the ring or ringside area. All the promos I can remember have been backstage, possibly pretaped. Most of Thunder Rosa's promos are pretaped, and I've seen people call her a bad promo.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Kamchatka said:

    Counterpoint: Shes great.

    But also i do agree we should have more angles featuring Jade.

    Countercounterpoint: She's okay, with lots of potential, and while she's improved markedly she still has a ways to go.

    I think the main issue is that she doesn't seem to put anyone over. She no-sells in the ring, and in promos and angles she never shows any concern about who she's feuding with; sometimes she just looks bored.

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