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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. You probably aren't far off, but I think Triple H has a wonderful mind for the business.


    Really? Because the first episode of NXT I ever watched (not counting the USA special from Christmas 2017, I think it was) featured the Street Profits fighting the Mighty... over a plastic cup. That's practically Russo-esque.


    We're still seeing most of the Vince-isms- DQs, jobbing people out in their hometowns, not letting people enjoy a babyface win. The only big change is that you can tell Vince isn't hollering at Michael Cole over the headset anymore, because Cole has gone from awful to... well, still not "good" but mediocre?

  2. Since we're about a month away from this year's All Out, did anyone expect that when Ruby Soho came out to a thunderous ovation as the Joker for the Women's Casino Battle Royal just how badly AEW would drop the ball with her? She's been used to put over Jade, Britt (TWICE), and now Tay & Jay. I don't think she's come out on the winning end of a single storyline since she's been in the company.
  3. Ehh Liv not wanting to tag Ronda in to prove herself was a nice change to the usual bickering opponents as partners gimmick.


    That said, I don't believe we'll see real change until after Summer Slam though.


    I'm doubtful we'll see real change at all. We got another Maximum Male Models bit, and there's nothing scheduled for them for Summerslam, so that must mean we're getting more of that AFTER. Give me strength.

  4. LOL! :p I never thought of that, but you definitely bring up a good point.


    Reminded me of the first year, when Brandi was starting up the (ugh) Nightmare Collective, and she was "Where's Riho? Where's our Women's Champion been?", and I'm, "You're the Chief Brand Officer; isn't it your job to know something like this?!?"

  5. While on the one hand, there was some great stuff, there were a few feuds set up that are underwhelming at best.


    - We do NOT need to see Mox vs. Jericho again.

    - Eddie should be main eventing, challenging for the title, not chasing Sammy around in a midcard feud.

    - The first opponents for our new Tag Team Champions are... Tony Nese and a guy who thus far has only wrestled on Dark?!?


    I mean, if you need someone to feud with Sammy, ideally someone who's associated with a female wrestler on the roster to do mixed tag stuff with Tay, then Kip Sabian is right there. I mean, he's literally right there in the front row every week. Bring up the fact that he beat Sammy in the first ever AEW singles match, but yet it's Sammy who's called "A Pillar", bring up how Ford hates Tay & Jay, and let them try to kill each other.

  6. So excited AEW is introducing a Trios championship. 6 man tags are great, if you don't believe me, just watch any NJPW event. There is always some amazing and also odd teams in these matches.


    It was a tad unbelievable that the Bucks were surprised by the announcement. I was, "How do you not know?!? You're Executive Vice Presidents!"

  7. It was only a matter of time before The Acclaimed turned face one way or the other. They just got so over, often getting some of the loudest reactions on any particular show.


    I do feel that they're booking themselves into a corner with the ROH World title. It feels too early to take the title off of Gresham, both because he's still settling into this new role, and because he's still very new to many fans. On the other hand, you can't have Claudio lose so soon after debuting, because they did that with Ruby Soho, and look what happened. You could do a draw or a no-contest after interference from Tully Enterprises, but either one feels like a bit of a cop out.

  8. It's also not true, she was getting more time before this in the TBS title hunt and was getting better in the ring. Now she's just Sammy's trampy blam target, stuck in a dead-end angle going nowhere fast.


    Yes, that American Top Team angle ruined the credibility of a LOT of people, not to mention the TNT championship. But hey, it was all to establish Paige VanZant, and they've used her SO much since then, so it was ALL worth it.

  9. Cassidy has won a lot of matches with a good winning percentage and he's always been shown to be resilient.


    Wrestlers in AEW kick out of multiple super kicks/germans/piledrivers. Only a handful of finishers are highly protected like One Winged Angel. F10's more of a signature move. Wardlow didn't even hit his lifting-knee strike or powerbomb symphony.


    Can anyone even remember the last time he used that in a match? Plus there was the very nonchalant cover.


    Am still kind of amazed that the titles changed hands, as this was the Bucks first defense, and AEW doesn't usually do title changes that quickly. The only other time that happened was Sammy dropping the belt back to Sky in the ladder match 11 days after winning it, and by that point in the story, I think we'd all just thrown up our hands and stopped paying close attention.

  10. The worst sin in AEW is to be boring.


    Unless, of course, you're Adam Cole.


    She can't get in with Rosa or Britt, that would have to be a 15min match, and she'd absolutely forget her spots and botch like crazy.


    I mean, she's BEEN in a match with Thunder Rosa, and it was the first Thunder Rosa match I saw where I said, "... This isn't very good." It wasn't bad, but the whole thing just felt off, and not nearly up to the standards of some of Rosa's other matches.

  11. Whenever I see her I turn into a teenage boy with the clap. Insatiable. :o


    ... :eek:


    On a completely different topic, they need to do something with Kip Sabian. Having him sit prominently in the front row, especially in the corner where brawling often takes place when it spills to the outside, makes me think he's going to finally take that box of his head and get involved. But he doesn't. It's driving me crazy!

  12. So to recap, all the Jade Cargill talk...

    What I'm hearing is give the belt to Toni Storm, let her thrive. Then, in the meantime, Jade hones her craft, comes back and challenges for the title?


    Statlander. Storm looks like she might be the one to take the belt off of Thunder Rosa.


    And absolutely agreed about Anna Jay. That street fight with Tay against Ford & the Bunny was PHENOMENAL. Speaking of people who've improved by leaps and bounds, Ford is also really good, and it's a shame they've thrown her on the back burner. Though her back flip into the cutter/ stunner always looks like crap.

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