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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. I agree with pretty much everything everyone has said. Jade has improved, and she has potential, but she is nowhere near the level she needs to be to be one of the figureheads of the company, which is essentially what AEW is presenting her as. Her in-ring work is lacking, her character is little more than "generic arrogant heel", she no-sells both in the ring and during angles, and her mic skills are so lacking that they've given her TWO managers AND a stable to cover up how mediocre she is. Hint for AEW: using profanity does not equal a good promo.
  2. Orange versus Page was fun. The 6-Man tag was great. I was surprised to find that I enjoyed the Jade Cargill match; true, it wasn't anything we haven't seen from her many, MANY times before, but I thought the post-match stuff was very interesting.


    Blood and Guts was just bonkers. Much better than the first one, and I already thought the first one was pretty good. I hope Santana is okay; he looks like he got hurt badly. It's a testament to how stacked the roster is that the wildly popular (interim) World Champion was only the 4th or 5th most important person in the match.

  3. I want an AEW x DDT/NOAH/TJPW/Gatoh Move show with at least 4 women's matches. They really got screwed with Forbidden Door.


    They did make out better than the first Full Gear event which, if I recall correctly, had no women's matches on the main card and just Britt and Bea Priestly on the Buy-In.


    But seriously, all those trios matches and they couldn't squeeze in a women's trios match?

  4. That's a little harsh on Jay White, I think. He's not perfect, but I think he's very skilled, especially considering his age. Certainly, I think he's better than Adam Cole, who I find terribly overrated.


    You know, I wouldn't mind if AEW did a similar event with AAA. There's been some crossover, but so far no joint card. Certainly, I think the AEW women's division would benefit from an event like that more than last night's show, as AEW and AAA both have good women's rosters and you could do one or two trios matches in addition to have some of the belts on the line.

  5. A thought occurred to me today. Over the past 2 years, the WWE has released many, many wrestlers and off staff members due to "budget cuts" (despite the company raking in record profits thanks to their TV deals and money from Saudi Arabia). And now, we find out that Vince spent millions in company funds to serve as hush money to cover up an affair. If I were someone who was one of the people released because of these "budget concerns", I'd be very upset right now.
  6. Mark Sterling is more consistently entertaining than Jade.


    He's such a lovable heel. Which I admit is sort of an oxymoron, but even when he fails, he's entertaining.


    Jade has all the potential in the world, but ugh, horrible pick for first TBS champion


    Yeah. Her in-ring skills aren't nearly where they need to be, and for all that some fans laud her for her mic skills, she's needed TWO mouthpieces.


    She's good at making herself look good, and that's about it.

  7. She won the TBS title clean in front of her daughter in the crowd and celebrated with her afterwards. It felt pretty babyface. That, and, I always thought the Smart Mark thing was him trying to impress her and not them being in cahoots. He's a klutz and she didn't need him but he was always trying to prove his value. I don't know, we're trying to make sense out of AEW's storylines and this feels like an exercise in futility.


    I'd consider that a one-off, like MJF in Long Island.

  8. In Jade's defence, they started turning her into a babyface because she went on a good run for several weeks and had good matches. The first one against Anna Jay was very good. The one against Julia Hart was decent. I liked the Tay Conti match on PPV. She was looking every bit like the star they presented her as. She was getting more positive crowd reactions and it felt like she had turned a corner and put it together. Then they put The Baddies on her, effectively making her a heel women's wrestler with two lackies who help her out. Does that sound familiar to anybody?


    Uh... what? She was pretty much always a heel. Before the Baddies, she had Smart Mark Sterling distracting people and would constantly run down her opponents (I think; she once called Anna Jay "Anna Banana" which is maybe an insult a 5-year old would use), and insult whatever town they were in.

  9. You know, I noticed something this week- most, if not all, of Jade's televised matches since winning the TBS championship have been on Rampage. I thought that was odd since, you know, Rampage isn't on TBS, Dynamite is. And then I thought, "Well, maybe that's because it's pre-taped, and that gives them a day or two to fix things up in editing in case someone screws up...."
  10. I kind of get Kyle winning. Obviously, the goal for Forbidden Door is Mox vs Tanahashi, which is something they've been trying to pull off for a while now, so whoever won the battle royal was going to job to Mox. And, ideally, you want someone with credibility and in-ring skill but also someone who no one will care if they lose. It did make the main a little predictable, but eh.


    I feel like they're booking themselves into a corner with Jade vs. Athena.

  11. And now they made Statlander lose to Soho. I'm glad the crowd boo'd.


    Statlander got repackaged and split from Best Friends (for the best, in my opinion) just to lose to Soho and now we have Baker vs Soho again but now for the Owen. Storm vs Statlander would be WAAAY better. I guess I have a bathroom break set for Sunday now.


    You'd think that whoever won the Owen would be in line for one of the two titles, and Statlander against Cargill makes far more sense than either Baker or Soho vs. Rosa or Deeb.

  12. You know, all weekend I've been seeing people at various spots online defending Michael Cole. "Oh, he didn't REALLY want to say those things about Sasha & Naomi; Vince told him to say that." That would be a compelling argument if this were the first time it had happened, but Michael Cole has been behind the broadcast booth for nearly a quarter of a century, and this is not the first time. If it REALLY bothered him, he would have done something long ago. At the very least, he is apathetic about the whole situation.
  13. I'm definitely buying that Bunny. Been using the excellent Jsilver renders until now, but those are with an older model. Sorry, but now you pretty much have to do her tag partner too. :p Just please don't overdo the "goodlooks", as they shouldn't look too hot, like the one you just did.


    People tend to overdo the female renders and make them all look stunning imo, but a 72 sex appeal is pretty much the database average, so they would look average too.


    "Average" looks would be a 50 sex appeal though, wouldn't it?

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