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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. Basically, all the heels won their matches. Except the AJ Styles/ Austin Theory match, that ended in a DQ when the NXT guy attacked styles.


    Furthermore, the main event sets up our SECOND heel vs heel championship match (3, depending on how you view Lesnar/ Lashley) at the Royal Rumble which, you might recall, is supposed to be one of the Big 4 of WWE.


    I mean, I know Vince hates Philly, but MAN....

  2. The main event was good, but there were two glaring problems, nothing about the match itself.


    1) It's been a recurring criticism of AEW that they run similar storylines concurrently. Teasing a Britt/ Hayter split loses some of it's punch when they've been teasing a MJF/ Wardlow split.


    2) How many title defense has Britt had where Hayter and Rebel get involved? Do none of the babyfaces in the women's division have friends to come out and neutralize the advantage? No one thinks to demand a match where interference won't be a factor? It's quickly reaching the point where everyone who faces Britt looks foolish immediately.

  3. Dan Lambert's Cornette parody is more entertaining than the majority of anyone else that gets mic time and Cody isn't on Dynamite all that often. The issue with Lambert's segments is they rarely have any direction. Yes, the women need more time on TV, but these two examples don't really work. Cody's entrance is also part of his character. You're not supposed to like it. He wants you to get mad at it.


    For Cody, that argument only makes sense now, but he's been doing that shtick long before his heel tease.


    As for Lambert, he is not a wrestler and should not be getting TV time at the expense of actual wrestlers on the roster. And as far as the rest of the roster not being entertaining on the mic, maybe they would be if they got more mic time to practice. Britt's one of the best talkers now in part because she was given lots of mic time to develop. Some of her earlier stuff was... Well, she got better.

  4. Not that the women's division didn't have a lot of green talent at the time, but unlike Britt Baker, Swole didn't have quite as much charisma and mic talent to make up for shortcomings in the ring.


    It's just striking because we've so many other talents improve significantly in a relatively short time. Anna Jay, Tay Conti, Red Velvet, etc.

  5. Even Gunn Club/Sting&Darby had some entertaining moments.


    Not saying it didn't, it just didn't really stand out. I think the thing that gives it a down from me is Colten eating the pin. They make a big deal about him being undefeated, to just job out midway through the show, not even the opener or main event? Does protecting Billy mean THAT much?

  6. Overall, I think it was a really good show. The only real clunker was the Gunn Club match, and that's just because at this stage in his career, Billy is not even remotely credible as a threat. Even then, it was a fun little match, and Sting got to have a pop in the old backyard of WCW, so it's a wash.
  7. I've just started a new game as VWA and changed the product. I'm desperately trying to find a new top guy alongside Landon Mallory and Walker van Cleef.


    Christopher Lister is a little old and lacking in charisma. Lauro Giordano is definitely rising but also much older than Mallory and van Cleef. But no one else is really close. And most of the European stars are working in 21CW.


    Any suggestions?


    Use the Talk To Worker feature to get someone with high Star Quality to work in Europe?

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah that bugged the hell out of me. I'm a big Billy fan, but that was BS</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It reminded me of that match with Awesome Kong in TNA. Since she debuted, they had teased her having a match with a male wrestler, having had stare downs with the likes of Samoa Joe, Abyss, and Booker T. And then, they finally pulled the trigger on it....</p><p> </p><p> In a match with Billy Gunn back in his "evil hair stylist" days. Yes, that was actually a thing that TNA did.</p><p> </p><p> Anyway, she won, BUT she needed the help of both members of the Beautiful People team AND a steel chair. And she was the face, mind you. It didn't make her look any better, and protecting Billy was really not necessary, as no one watching was clamoring for a Billy Gunn main event push.</p>
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