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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. The thing that gets me is the statement WWE released. "We regret we were unable to deliver, as advertised, tonight’s main event." That would mean so much more if they didn't do that all the time on purpose. Heck, they did it Monday for another match. In fact, advertising a match that they never intended on delivering was pretty much their strategy for last year's Summerslam. So, they can save the crocodile tears.
  2. Deonna and Mercedes definitely could have used more time. There are a few segments they could have made shorter or even cut entirely. It's especially funny because Thunder Rosa mentioned the criticisms of the women's division, and the women not getting enough time is arguably THE biggest criticism.
  3. AEW do it as a fundamental part of their creative, WWE do it on conference calls. The brass ring, for example, for the winner of the Face of the Revolution ladder match... I just think it's low hanging fruit and I would rather they put on better shows than try to pop the marks.


    Sami Zayn literally said "AEW" on an episode of Monday Night RAW.

  4. It's not really a character. They tried to push them as a face couple and the crowds flat out rejected them. The audience thinks so negatively of them it turned Dan Lambert face. They're completely cringey and not in a "I wanna see them get beat up way". It's more of a "if a non wrestling fan sees this, ugh" kind of cringe.


    Still not as bad as that time Brandi and Lambert tried cutting promos on each other. *Shudder* I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it.

  5. The only injury I remember that wasn't caused directly by Nyla was when Statlander and Shida did that weird double DVD to Nyla onto Baker in the corner and even then Nyla was involved..


    Concussion in a match with Bea Priestley, broken nose with Shida.


    A lot of the criticisms you've leveled at Nyla Rose can be said of many of the other women on the roster, including Britt Baker and Jade Cargill, and Rose gets far less TV consistently than either of them. Heck, they keep putting Jade in the main event, and she's had problems with the very complicated spot of *checks notes* kicking out at two.

  6. Beating Nyla means zero. She's one of the first challengers of every women's champ and she's Botchzilla. Not as bad as Nia Jax, but she's injured Britt Baker how many times now? :p


    Come now! Britt Baker was getting repeatedly injured before she even stepped foot in the ring with Nyla Rose. Britt is second to only Rey Fenix for the number of times a wrestler has gotten hurt in a televised match in AEW, I think.

  7. Melody's old bio mentions the women's division being revamped in 2006, so perhaps it was kind of put on the back burner?


    though JMB got cut in 2007 for finances so uh nice revamp NOTBPW lmao.


    As someone who had JMB (in her Hell Cat persona) go on to have a year+ World title reign in QAW in a 2016 save, I can confidently say that NOTBPW is lucky to have survived as long as it did, getting rid of great talents like that.

  8. Mercedes, Emi, Diamante, Abadon, Ford. Some of the more talented Dark wrestlers like Aminata and D'amboise. For the future there's Riho when she's healed up. Yuka, Itoh and Yamashita are in the US soon.


    Could do better than Marina for win #30 anyway.


    Mercedes, being Interim ROH Women's Champion, presumably has Deonna Purazzo on her dance card at some point in the future, so can't have her eating pins until then. Emi, Diamante, and Ford are all heels, and heel vs heel contests are already an uphill battle to get the crowd invested; throw in the fact that Jade is not losing until at least after her 30th win. And with the Dark wrestlers, you run into a similar problem as with Shafir, no credibility built and no time devoted to their character.

  9. - Blue vs Shafir was meh. Shafir is too slow and boring. She's no Baszler or Rousey. Not sure why she's being hot-shotted to a title match.


    Because there really aren't a whole lot of people left who Jade hasn't beaten and who aren't busy with another storyline. They'll have a match, Shafir will lose, Jade will get win number 30, and hopefully we can move on to more credible opponents where there's actually doubt about whether or not Jade will retain.

  10. I thought the first hour of the show was much better than the second hour. Not that the second hour was bad, but there were a lot of questionable booking choices.


    - The Marina Shafir match totally killed the crowd's enthusiasm.

    - Keith Lee should NOT be eating pins this soon after his debut.

    - The post match shenanigans after the main event didn't land for me.

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