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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. 27 minutes ago, Kamchatka said:

    Jade shouldn't lose the title, ever.

    Then she needs to improve significantly, both in the ring and on promos. Nobody has come out of a feud with Jade looking better because of it.

    You know, it's funny, I'd seen clips from AEW at Comic-Con, and there, Jade seemed charismatic and charming and full of personality, and I kept thinking, "Why can't we get THIS Jade Cargill on TV every week?"

  2. Regarding FTR, another reason why might be because of AAA and NJPW. They might not be keen on the guys holding their belts losing to the AEW champions. Now, one could argue that they should be winning against the AEW tag team champions, whoever that might be, but that's a topic of discussion for another time.

    As far as Jade, I think the thing that's really grating is that there's no obvious end goal in sight. When Kenny Omega won the World Championship, we pretty much knew that Hangman was going to be the one to take it from him. Likewise, when Britt Baker won the Women's Title, there was no question that they'd eventually have her drop it to Thunder Rosa. We don't have that with Jade. The only reason to get invested right now is to see if someone can finally end her streak, and they haven't really put her against anyone who's been built up to make you believe that they COULD end the streak. It looked like they MIGHT have been going that way with Statlander, until she got hurt. I think, given the reaction she got at All Out, the next logical choice for Jade is Jamie Hayter.

  3. On 9/7/2022 at 10:12 PM, Makhai said:

    1) Comedy stays in the midcard. You don't put belts you take seriously on it.

    2/3 of The New Day have been world champions.

    59 minutes ago, ZMAN said:

    I thought they'd be in good hands with MJF coming back, but they made him a face. 😭 whyyyyyyyyy

    Did... did you not watch the whole segment?

    • Like 2
  4. They've done it in WWE as well, a notable (and stupid) example was when Nox & Shotzi debuted and beat then Women's Tag Champs Natalya and Tamina. That earned them a non-title contender's match where, if they won that, they got a shot at the titles. They did win, except WWE decided to do that match again. They won that one too, so the next team to challenge Nattie and Tamina was... Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H.

  5. Of all the varying accounts of the... "incident" from this weekend, the one I hope is true that allegedly, when the fight broke out, the first thing Kenny Omega did was try to cover CM Punk's dog Larry and get him out of harm's way.


    And in regards to the "Eliminator" match, it's a simple concept that AEW and WWE has used multiple times (though I don't believe the latter uses the word "Eliminator", instead usually opting for something like "Contender's Match").

    • Like 3
  6. Not crazy about the finishes for the Trios match (seriously, are they EVER going to lest Orange or the Best Friends win a title?) or the tournament, though I can rationalize the latter.

    Ideally, I want to see the finals as Bryan Danielson versus Darby Allin. We've seen Jericho/ Mox and Mox/ Danielson, Darby would be something new. ANYONE but Sammy.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dalton said:

    I find it absolutely mind-boggling anyone can be on Punk's side here. At all. Even if you hate the Elite for some reason, Punk went above and beyond to bury anyone he thinks slighted him. It only took a year for the locker room cancer side of him to come out.

    Heck, he was going after a guy who was wearing a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey!

  8. You know, I think it's amusing that when AEW debuts the Butcher & the Blade or Danhausen, some member of the Internet Wrestling Community (twitter especially) say, "But WHO are they? You can't just debut someone without explanation!" And then when Dexter Lumis shows up without anything more than "It's Dexter Lumis", people call Triple H brilliant.


    Last night, after a month, the announce team finally got around to explaining who Lumis is for those who didn't watch NXT, which, going by the ratings, was a not insignificant portion of the RAW viewing audience.


    Having said that, the handshake between Sami and Jimmy was GOLD.

  9. I think the point where she started losing steam was when she lost to Britt in the Owen tournament. Of course, I found the booking for that whole thing suspect at best on both sides, but the women's side was especially prone to making me go "... Huh?!?" (though it was STILL better than the fiasco that was the Queen's Crown tournament in WWE).

    It's funny how often you can say, "You know, they were on a roll until that match with Britt..."

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