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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. I don't think I've ever heard a reaction like that from an AEW crowd like I did when Athena hit Aubrey. If you want to get someone over as a heel in AEW, that's how you do it. I just wish it was for someone organically getting over as a heel, and not someone who had been Ruby Soho'd and now they're scrambling to salvage what they can.

  2. On 11/7/2022 at 5:52 PM, The Swanton825 said:

    They're not invading EWA, it's just a special wrestling operation! For some reason my brain immediately went to thinking of an all-female sister promotion called Russian Girl Power Wrestling where the only change is that the bear has lipstick.

    I personally think a Russian female wrestling company should be called Night Witch Wrestling, after the famed WWII aviators.

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  3. 43 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

    AEW chose to market itself as having a sports-style wrestling product. They said wins and losses would matter. They had a ranking system that was supposed to be taken seriously. They put up their wrestler's win and loss records during their entrances. I'm simply treating their wrestlers as I'm supposed to. When a dude's last match on the show was in June and he lost to Orange Cassidy from a body slam, why am I supposed to believe he can lay out the World Champion with a single boot to the chops? 😂 


    Page's 2022 record is 10-4, with an overall of 32-10. And the only wins that matter in this current storyline are the ones in the tournament.

    And besides, if he wins, his most likely opponent will be MJF, who really throws a huge wrench into the "wins and losses matter" angle.

  4. I missed approximately the first hour of Smackdown, tuning in just in time for the... ugh... Ronda Rousey segment. However, thanks to social media, I did get to see the highlights of the Bloodline segment. And MY GOD, seeing Jey and Roman finally lose it was GLORIOUS. And while some might think "Oh, no, they broke kayfabe", I think this adds a needed bit of depth and emotion. When the turn finally comes, it will be all the more heartwrenching a betrayal.

  5. Not crazy about Jade/ Shafir 2 next week. Their first match was passable, but neither one is interesting enough on their own to really merit a rematch. This will almost be entirely carried by the Nyla storyline, who deserves an Emmy or something for actually making something involving Cargill interesting.

    And while I admit to being critical of Cargill, at least she's not Rousey.

    • Like 1
  6. 50 minutes ago, Makhai said:


    NXT was better than most people claim. The Gargano era was literally the best wrestling produced in North America since the 1970s from a quality perspective. From Takeover: Philly to Takeover: Portland the quality of each of those events was off the charts. Between them and what NJPW was doing pre-pandemic it was unbelievable stuff. 

    If we're resetting to that, on a primetime TV timeslot, with the full WWE production barrel behind it. And no body dysmorphic, rapey NYer around to body block it.

    That's the dream.

    When McMahon started to meddle with it during the pandemic it declined by a lot. But let's not whitewash what was NXT, even the Dusty era was dramatically better than the WWE. Bayley and Sasha still live off the fumes of that Ironman match. When they close their eyes at night they probably see that little Hugger mark crying.

    Give me that back, all day. 

    No. I tried watching it back before they put it against AEW. I remember when they had the Christmas special on USA and it was... fine. I mentioned that it didn't strike me as something that would draw in new viewers, and some NXT fans said, "It's not SUPPOSED to be enjoyable to new fans!" Odd flex, but okay.


    Flash forward a year. I had a free trial subscription to the WWE Network, which I had redeemed to watch the Evolution PPV. So, I decided to give NXT another shot. It was bad. The "highlight" was The Street Profits vs. The Mighty... over a plastic cup.

    The rest of it was very much like what Triple H is doing now. People will show up, and there will be little to no exposition or explanation as to why we should care about Dexter Lumis or whoever the heck the guys with Zelina Vega are.

    NXT, and the current WWE product as a whole, is matches that are adequately wrestled, but absolutely little is given in the way of getting fans emotionally invested. The only story I really care about is Sami and the Bloodline, and HHH is just picking up what Vince started.

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