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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. Triple H: I know you fans were upset about not having Sami or the Rock in the Rumble, but I'll make it up to you in the women's Rumble.
    WWE Universe: Oh?
    Triple H: Like a surprise return...
    WWE Universe: Oh REALLY?
    Triple H: Someone who left the company after a dispute with management...
    WWE Universe: Ooh...!
    Triple H: Someone who's close with the Bloodline...
    WWE Universe: Oh-hoo...!

    Triple H: Her name starts with an "N"...

    WWE Universe: *squeeee...!*

    Triple H: NIA JAX!
    WWE Universe: ... You jerk.

  2. The show had a fantastic start. Everything with the Bloodline was gold. It all went downhill from there.

    They set up a cage for that? Seriously? Advertising a match and then not delivering as advertised... How unprofessional.

    The other women's match wasn't much better. They're having Sonya feud with Charlotte, so she needs to be established as a credible threat. So, they have her LOSE to Bianca Belair. *face palm*

    The DX stuff went on a little too long, but it had it's moments. A lot to go through to set up a 6-man tag that wasn't terribly interesting in the first place.

  3. Ever have a wrestler who shouldn't have gotten over get really, REALLY over? Someone who you didn't even set out to book strongly and wound up being one of your big draws?


    Here's my story- playing QAW. Lost a bunch of talent to CWA, particularly on the babyface side of things. So, I hire Olivia Diamond. She's... well she tries hard. Her stats are fine, but not something you'd look at say, "Yes, this person is going to be my next star." I just need a warm body to fill out the tecnico side and eat some pins.

    Well, she winds up having great chemistry with Marianna Torres, which is actually a two birds, one stone scenario, as Pinky Perez got poached by the aforementioned CWA and I didn't have any plans for Torres yet.

    Well, anyway, the auto-booker keeps putting the impromptu tandem in trios matches with my big stars, so Olivia got over by association, while also improving her somewhat mediocre skills.

    Then, Torres gets poached by CWA. At the same time, I need some big stars for my main event to determine who will win the vacated World title following the retirement of Danielle Sweetheart (who, 6 months later, would go on to win Manager Of The Year, which, impressive). So, set up a 5-Way match, and throw Diamond in there, because hey, she's popular, but she'll be a perfect person to eat the loss and make a star. I don't set a winner in the road agent notes.


    She becomes World Champ. Now, admittedly, she doesn't hold onto it very long, dropping it to Ashley Keith (of @willr0ck's Women's Revolution mod), but she's still one of my Major Stars and a strong candidate to put into the next Queen Of The Ring tournament.

    • Like 2
  4. 17 hours ago, BrokenCycle said:

    You did not just compare Abadon to Jade Cargill. Come on, man, be better.

    Yeah, I'm sorry. Abadon is actually interesting.


    13 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    AEW embracing the sillier sides of pro wrestling is super hit and miss, but I love everything to do with the Double J group and Best Friends. Danhausen in particular stole the show during Orange vs Lethal. When he strummed the guitar I laughed harder than I should have.

    Also, I want someone to make a supercut of Taz just chuckling and giggling at random nonsense in AEW

    "Wait, I thought Danhausen was an usher?!?"
    "He contains multitudes, Taz."

    • Confused 1
  5. On 1/15/2023 at 2:14 PM, The Swanton825 said:

    You need to create a new database for this mod, then import everything from it into the Default database.

    My import order (hopefully I didn't forget anything):
    Worker relationships
    Tag Teams
    Move Sets
    Alter Egos

    If you're just doing the workers, yeah. But if you're doing the companies, you'll need to do those and the associated titles as well.

  6. 12 hours ago, CactusHack said:

    I'd argue that Abadon is held back by the gimmick. It's a spooky/dominant gimmick and only works if Abadon is winning the majority of their matches, but they aren't at an in-ring level yet to be a weekly focus point on TV. The hardcore showcase match last year against BBDMD was fun, but a good indication of where Abadon was at from a developing standpoint. They can't appear frequently like Skye Blue or Leila Grey in losing efforts without diluting and diminishing the character they've created.

    A character that needs to win but the wrestler isn't where they need to be at an in-ring level yet? So, Jade Cargill?

  7. 10 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

    That’s the booking though. Tony Khan does not know how to book an interesting women’s storyline. There’s rarely ever real cutting personal issues between the women. He doesn’t know how to portray them in a way to get over. 

    Not entirely the booking. Abadon is never on TV, let alone booked consistently, and they're very over with the audience when they do show up, and the character is something someone can see and say "Oh, I know exactly what this person is all about." Same thing with Orange Cassidy. I had never seen him before Double Or Nothing 2019, but once he hit the ring, I instantly got it.

    Meanwhile, Adam Cole refuses to fully commit to the pirate gimmick!

  8. Well, it's not just the booking. Toni Storm just isn't terribly interesting. She's been with AEW since May, and she's little more than "babyface" character wise. Say what you will about Britt Baker, but she has worked very hard at developing her character, and Jamie Hayter has worked very hard at stalling the inevitable face turn and feud with Britt so she doesn't have to come up with a character.

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