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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. I thought her and Corey Graves worked very well together, so well that I could pretend Michael Cole wasn't there trying to ruin everything with how bad he is.

    As for the show tonight, I thought the ROH match was great up until the finish. It absolutely did not land because they just ran something similar with Hayter and Baker.

    The MJF, Mox, and Hangman promos were solid.

    Pac vs, Cassidy was terrific.

    The opener was good, again, until the finish. What's the end game here? Aside from dragging things out until Full Gear?

    I'm not sure who's supposed to be the heel with the TBS feud. The announcers were clearly denouncing Nyla, but her promo was almost one hundred percent cocky cool babyface.

  2. On 10/9/2022 at 8:13 PM, The Swanton825 said:

    Oh yeah, Riho and Nyla Rose were just setting the world alight with a white hot feud everyone loved when that belt was established. And don't even get me started about the nonstop thrills from when Shida dropped the belt to the woman who thinks being a dentist is a personality. Half the actually talented women had to choose between being stuck in Japan or the US during the pandemic while the other half had to spend all their time making Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes look good.

    I'll give you Britt, but I think the bit about Brandi is unfair. The only big TV feud she had that time was with Anna Jay, who she put over.

  3. QAW for me. My introduction to the C-Verse was AAA in TEW 2016, and from there I moved to QAW and never looked back. They've got a good roster, good product, good location, and are just enjoyable to play. It's a little tougher in 2020, as retirements and other companies now hiring women means there's a smaller free agent pool this time around, but it's still the company I've logged the most hours on.

    And for companies I don't want to see close, ACPW. I'm still not completely behind them yet, but it's like everything wrong with them in 2016 has been fixed in 2020 so now they're actually viable and fun to play without making massive database edits.

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  4. Dinner Debonair was great, and I will fight everyone who says otherwise. The problem with the MJF/ Jericho feud, as is a problem with many AEW feuds in general, is that it just. Went. On. Too. LONG. It really SHOULD have ended with Blood & Guts, but then we got Stadium Stampede, and then the 5 Labors Of Jericho, and THEN the match at the PPV.

    And despite the criticisms leveled at Jericho, I still say he's better for new talent than Matt Hardy, who really hasn't elevated anybody. I'm especially thinking of the Orange Cassidy feud.

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