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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. I mean, i assume you have a deal with wrestleworld for events, so why not just set up an event like the others? After you do the first, change the date for the event. If you want the specials to feel less than your regular event you can change the intention (? I don't remember the name of that option right now) from normal to lesser.


    Normal, Lesser, Tour, and Throwaway are the four event tiers, if I recall correctly.

  2. They really need to... uh... go or get off the pot as far as this Orange Cassidy/ Matt Hardy feud goes. If they're waiting for the no-compete clause for YOU KNOW WHO to expire, that's one thing, but in the meantime, there needs to be something more meaningful than Hardy glowering at Cassidy. There's "slow burn" and then there's "dragging things out".
  3. Hello. I want to book the SWF with a more Attitude era (product settings and a generally more mature feel, not necessarily all the Russoriffic stuff). Also I want to have heroes and villains but I want to be able to have heel vs heel matches. I also envision plenty of grey area characters.


    I'd like to be able to do stories where two rival heels or heel stables fight (because they certainly wouldn't all be friends ala 80s family sports entertainment and while they might work together occasionally or have strategic truces they aren't going to just not compete with fellow heels over titles, position, prestige and money).


    Question: should I have the face vs heel divide but not enforce it or should I have it turned off entirely?




    Note: posted in the general gameplay questions thread as well. That one appears to be more active but this one is probably a better fit.


    I would go with "not enforced" or "loosely enforced" rather than removed entirely.

  4. Came to say the same thing.


    I'm very interested to see how people react to Cody's promo though. I feel like it's going to be super polarizing.


    Yeah, they can't ignore the boos forever. John Cena powered through it back in the day, but John Cena is massively talented and charismatic. Cody's good, but he's no Cena. He either needs to tweak his shtick beyond the "classic white meat babyface" to have a bit more depth and edge, or he needs to turn heel.


    Also, "I don't have a heel bone in my body" said the guy who also said that Tom Brady was his favorite football player.

  5. I'm playing as a Medium sized company and looking at doing a brand split.


    I wanted to have 2 'A' Shows and keep my existing B show.


    Im getting the message that no Broadcasters feel i can sustain 3 shows at the same time. Is there any way around this or is this hard programmed?


    I cant even change my B show to an A Show as i have existing Broadcasting deals in place.


    As far as I'm aware, your only options are either go up in size or start your own broadcaster.

  6. So, overall good show. The middle was a bit rough (the AAA tag match made very little sense from a storyline perspective, and Moxley/ Yuta was blink and you'll miss it, but I suppose it's to set something up for later), but they got back on track with the 6-man tag. And the show opened and closed with fantastic matches. The winner was never in doubt in either one, but the losers came out looking good regardless.
  7. Yeh the American Top Team (MMA involvement) doesn’t sit with me either, I like lamberts mic skills but don’t like the MMA guys and girls there it’s a cringe fest when they get into a brawl as it just feels unrealistic which is ridiculous as they are real fighters but look awkward at times.



    MMA in wrestling just never works out the way promoters hope. I mean, the most successful MMA fighter to move over to pro wrestling is, arguably, Ken Shamrock, and he was pretty much a midcard talent.


    Or, for another example, Ronda Rousey was the most famous female MMA fighter (I'd at least heard of her prior to her involvement in WWE, which is more than I can say for ATT), and then she became RAW Women's Champion, and Monday Night RAW would then go on to... have the lowest ratings in their history up to that point.

  8. America's Top Team isn't working for me, because they've done absolutely nothing to showcase character or personality outside of "they're MMA fighters!" They may as well be angry cricket players for all I know.


    Meanwhile, Orange Cassidy demonstrated more personality in the 30 seconds he showed up in the first Casino Battle Royale.

  9. So, thanks to CWA, USPW is stealing at least 3 of my top babyfaces, including 2/3 of The Line. In addition to that, Alina America (current COTT World Heavyweight Champion, good for her!) handed in her notice. Plus, I hired Gorgon when USPW cut her, and she just announced her retirement. Grr.


    I poached Simony Sentinel from ACPW (I shortlisted her, so when CWA started snooping around, I snagged her out from under them), but I've still got some gaps to fill. Luckily, I have developmental company set up with a QAW Network, so in a few months, I should have a few people ready pop wise.

  10. I'm playing as QAW, and I just got offered a developmental agreement offer. From USPW? CWA? No, that would make sense, because they have women's divisions! TCW! Has anything like this happened to anyone else?


    So, in addition to that, which came in December 2020, January 2021 comes with TCW offering a talent trading agreement, which... Huh. It doesn't cost them anything, but they don't really get anything from it either.

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