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Everything posted by raspymorten

  1. Ello! Since the newest RWC is here, it's time for another release! Like always, leave feedback for me, I wanna make the expansion good, But... Honestly don't have all that much time to play it. There's some worker additions, stat adjustments (like always) and while it's not in this release, I'm thinking about trying to import some OTHER ScandiGraps companies! particularly FREEDOM Pro Wrestling out of Sweden! https://twitter.com/freedomprow Buuut it's likely gonna involve a lot of speaking with the company itself on twitter. So it'll likely take awhile, so bare with me. Aaaaaaanyway, enough rambling from me (I never know what to put in these update thingies...), here's the link! Updated database and belt logos! https://www.mediafire.com/file/wqvpn2e1tb5jp5n/Bodyslam.rar/file
  2. I'm hyped! We desperately need more 1989 representation in the modding scene. It suuuucked that we never got a proper 89 mod for 2016. Here's hoping this goes great!
  3. Thanks a ton for this man, that's probably a lot of extra effort, and I appreciate it.
  4. Something I just noticed. The "UWFHerb" logo I've got in my picture pack, uses the Bill Watts logo. Maybe I've got an old pack or something, but felt like I should still pop in and say it.
  5. Don't worry about it man. I'll wager a guess and say most people have either forgotten about Main Event originally getting pushed pretty hard, oooor started watching at some point within the last 6-5 years where it's been a B show through 'n through, and understandably assumed things. lol
  6. Sup guys! Early update this time, becaaaaaause... I apparently forgot to give Hype Boy actual stats. That's my bad guys. There's some other minor fixes and adjustments. Just stuff I thought might work better. Again, Please give me ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK. Geniunely. Even the tiniest little thingimcjiggeries you guys can think of would be a massive help. Post it in the thread, DM me, whatever. That's all. Have a good one. Next release will likely be alongside whenever the next RWC update'll be like usual. Updated thing https://www.mediafire.com/file/sxusm63oiq8o1kz/Bodyslam.rar/file
  7. St. Louis Anarchy is another pretty good place to look at imo. They're one of the promotions I was thinking of putting in an Indie Expansion Pack I wanted to do (Them, Freelance, S.U.P and ECWA) But keeping taps on one company (and possibly more if I ever get around to it) with the ScandiGraps stuff is already hard enough. lol
  8. Nah, ScandiGraps has to be imported in. I adore our local scene, but we're NOWHERE near big enough to warrant being properly in the mod.
  9. Ello! This should be the newest version of the expansion. Tinkered with it a bit, and added some stuff that I learned from the recent interviews Kurt Johannsen did with Danish talent. Also added in Hype Boy since he started getting booked in Bodyslam as a part of Pete Phoenix's new stable. http://www.mediafire.com/file/sxusm63oiq8o1kz/Bodyslam.rar/file
  10. A great looking 2000 mod is just... *chefs kiss* I cannot wait to book the weirdest people in 2000 WCW (the objectively best starting point for a save.) And I'm in camp June 2000. Though i'd mostly just mess around with January
  11. Absolutely phenomenal work considering the short time you had the mod. Carried stuff through a really shitty time for wrestling, and did a ton of ground work that'll massive help stuff going forward. Love ya bud.
  12. I just wanna drop in with my five cents. While people just outright grabbing other people's stuff, and not crediting them is very obviously bad, and should be heavily frowned upon... What's wrong with people taking something, reworking it, giving credit where credit is due (preferably in the title) Laxing the policy like that, and making it easier to get started on modding, would likely help increase the frequency that mods get released at. Also, while I'm at it. in an instance like here where. while it was nice of Jamhead to convert the mod to 2020. It's still a converted mod from 2016. And according to people here, the original version was freeware... It just really seems shakey, that's all I'm saying. Again, not trying to rile up any flames or anything. Just saying
  13. I just finished downloading, And all the workers are set to use .gif pictures, despite the pic pack not having any gifs.
  14. Ello! A few hours ago or so I noticed that Curb Stomp City had actually added a lot of Bodyslam pictures added to his GIF Based Dynamic Graphics pack! That's a lot of effort to go through, and I appreciate it! So I put an optional link to that as well if you like using that style pack. It's not gonna work as well, and won't be optimized towards it, but I did go ahead and release a new version of the database that (along with some other minor changes), changed up a lot of the logo orders to make it easier to use other possible picture packs. Also, apparently he did most of the work for his European Local to Global save on his youtube channel. I haven't watched his stuff in awhile, but I used to really love ECW Lives when I was first getting into the game! So go check him out and stuff! Okay, that's all. If you're doing something along the same lines as CSC, then please do DM me so that I can become aware of it, and link to your stuff in this thread! And if you've got any feed back to the Expansion Pack. Then please share it here! I'm always trying to make this stupid little thing better. But I'm still a complete novice who's just doing his best, even simple little bits of feedback are steps in the right direction for me! My god I ramble a lot! UPDATED DATABASE http://www.mediafire.com/file/yi0cvz74netnru8/Bodyslam.rar/file DYNAMIC GRAPHICS PACK (Not fully fletched out. But if that's your style, then go for it!) http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=550002
  15. I know that belts are way too hard to find good pictures for. Which is why there's never been a single belt pic in the pack. It's pretty much always been quality over quantity.
  16. Just wanna drop in to add to all the love rn. 1970s are a super unique time period, and I had a ton of fun playing the 2016 version. I'm seriously excited for this!
  17. If it comes to the absolute worst, then I don't think anybody would get mad at you for just making one singular non-alliance NWA Promotion and calling it a day
  18. <p>Released a bit more reworking. I keep tinkering with the expansion to try and figure out the best possible way to pull this off, and boy is it tough. Hope this is better now.</p><p> </p><p> As always, if you've got any notes, then please leave them in the thread.</p>
  19. <p>Hey guys, since RWC's October release just came out, I felt there wasn't a better time to release the update for the Expansion. I've been quietly working in the background on trying to make the pack better, and really hope that it's starting to be fairly fun to play.</p><p> </p><p> BTW! I moved the extra belt pictures (BTW, new pic for the ScandiGraps Invitational they just had this september! It was a good show!) into the same folder as the Database, so now you wont need to download as many things!</p><p> </p><p> Again, much love to people on twitter for their support (Including BODYSLAM themselves! Questlove, And a crapton of help from the awesome people behind the Galaxy pack), and if you have ANY feedback, then please come back and note them in the thread.</p>
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