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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Monday, week 2, April

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158843&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner. What's on the card, Don?

    Callis: Well, we know that Paul E has signed another rematch between Steve Corino and Kensuke Sasaki. It now appears that will be the third quarter-final in the Number One Contendership Tournament.

    Gertner: Sweet. Anything else?

    Callis: Oh, yeah! We will witness Los Increibles take on Los Guerreros also as signed by Paul E last week. Plus, Jerry Lynn will finally get a shot at Kurt Angle one-on-one tonight!



    The Candian Connection's experience proves too much for Kendrick and London.

    The Canadians win when Paul London taps to the Walls Of Jericho at 10:17

    Match Rating: C+


    Owen Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Hart: Hey, Raven, did you see what I did to Chris Beboit on saturday night. Not only did I physically dismantle him, I took him to school. The fact is, when I finally step in the ring with you one-on-one for the title, my superior wrestling ability render you helpless.


    He pauses.


    Hart: You know, a lot of people have been asking if it was me who attacked you last week. Put simply, it wasn't. Firstly, threats of unemployment or not, I wouldn't hide behind a mask. Secondly, if it was me you wouldn't have been able to walk out of that arena without assistance!



    the match is an even, hardcore-based contest.

    In the twelfth minute, Mick Foley wins with a Double Arm DDT.

    Match Rating: B


    The Whole F**kin' Show come to the ring.



    RVD stands behind Traci with his arms around her as Michaels performs his flexing pose in front.


    Traci: It doesn't matter who challenges for the Tag Titles at Cyberslam. It could be the Canadian Connection, it could be Monsters Inc, Los Increibles, Los Guerreros... it just doesn't matter!


    Michaels: You see, we got the greatest high-flyer in wrestling, "Mr Monday Night" Rob Van Dam...


    RVD: ...and we got the greatest all-round worker of all time, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.


    Traci laughs.


    Traci: There isn't a team past, present or future that can bea the Whole...


    RVD: ...F**kin'...


    Michaels: ...Show!


    The Candian Connection enter the ring from the crowd.



    They take out the Tag Team Champions from behind and throw them, along with Traci, to the outside.


    Christian: Famous last words, Traci!


    Jericho: You can bet your two-dollar, slutty ass that we will be the ones to challenge for the titles at Cyberslam.


    Christian: Yeah and when that time comes, your whippin' boys ae gonna get whipped... big time!



    Again, The Iron Saints come to the ring in ECW shirts. Again, the crowd doesn't buy it.

    The match is evenly contested.

    However, The Dudleys win with a 3D at 12:41

    Match Rating: B


    The Great Sasuke appears at the entrance-way after the match.



    The cult leader merely makes a cut-throat gesture and points at The Dudleys as the lights fade to black.


    Bret Hart is backstage.



    Hart: I'm a proud Canadian and I'm pretty damn sick of the bad name that my nation is getting here in ECW! There's only one reason for it and that is The Canadian Connection! It's reached the point where Jericho and Christian's actions are reflecting on guys like me and my brother Owen. So, I'm taking it upon myself to shut their mouths.


    He pauses.


    Hart: If either of you have the stones to step in the ring with me on Blood, Sweat and Beers, I'll put my World Television Title on the line. Just expect the beating of your life!



    The match is a hardfought and even contest.

    In the fourteenth minute, Jerry Lynn goes for a Cradle Piledriver.

    However, Angle hits a lowblow.

    He follows up with a Schoolboy and gets his feet on the middle rope.


    Match Rating: B+


    Gertner: Oh, man, Kurt Angle continues to screw over Jerry Lynn!

    Callis: Yeah, this is getting ridiculous!


    Raven and his nest come to the ring.



    Raven: Last Saturday, I was savagely attacked backstage at Blood, Sweat and Beers. I am here to make an assurance: as soon as I find out who was under that mask, whether its Rhino, Owen Hart or not, they will be fired!


    Suddenly, The masked man from last week runs to the ring with a chair in hand.



    He takes out Abyss and Goliath with the chair.

    Burchill goes to punch him out but is tossed over the top rope for his trouble.

    Vito approaches... steel chair to the head.

    CM Punk clubs him in the back, turns him around and whips him to the ropes.

    The masked man rebounds... GORE!


    Gertner: Well, the mask isn't off but I think we just found out who's under it.

    Callis: Maybe... but is that enough proof for Raven to sack him?

    Gertner: Good point.


    Meanwhile, Raven is hooked up by his adversary who is still masked.

    Rhino Driver!

    Raven and his Nest are left completely incapacitated.



    The match is evenly contested and a solid cruiserweight affair.

    Los Increibles win when Guerrera hits the Juvi Driver on Eddie at 12:09

    Match rating: B


    After the match, Chavo and Eddie get revenge by assaulting their opponents.


    Quarter-Final in the Number One Contender's Tournament


    Despite their feud reaching the main event, the two men seem to underpeform.

    Nevertheless, the match is still a worthy hardcore showcase.

    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 13:26

    Match Rating: B+


    Show Rating: A

  2. Saturday, week 1, April

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158919&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey. Hey, I bet you're glad you didn't have to go through with that match on Monday.

    Joey: You have no idea, Taz. I'm an announcer; I'd have had my ass handed to me.

    Taz: Haha, yeah... Anyway, what's up first tonight?

    Joey: Well, I think The Dudley Boys are after some retribution as they enter a rematch with Stevie and Nova.



    The Dudleys seem to maintain a degree of control in this matchup.

    They win when they hit a 3D on Stevie at 11:01.

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, Chessman and Espiritu come to the ring.



    As The Dudleys ready themselves for another fight, The Great Sasuke descends from the rafters.



    Taz: Oh, man, this is looking exactly like what happened on Revolution.


    However, clearly more prepared this time, D-Von and Bubba throw Stevie and Nova over the ropes so that they fall onto Chessman and Espiritu and all four men collapse in a heap.

    Meanwhile, Sasuke's zipline gets stuck when he is about a foot above the ring.

    The cult leader flails frantically in an attempt to dislodge himself while Bubba and D-Von, along with the sellout crowd, nearly piss themselves laughing.

    In the end, while Sasuke is helpless, they deliver a 3D with authority that snaps the zipline and sends the sWo leader headfirst into the canvas.


    Taz: Oh! I think that's the retribution you were talking about Joey.

    Joey: Agreed.


    Raven and his nest enter the ring.



    Raven: After the distressing events that occurred on Revolution, I am here to make an official decree. In view of both Owen Hart and Rhino assaulting me, I am putting in place a restraining order. I don't care who wins Heyman's little tournament, if either of you lay on finger on me before Cyberslam, I'll fire you instantaneously! I've also told my Nest to watch my back extra carefully in the run up to the pay-per-view. So be warned that your actions will not be tolerated!



    The Iron Saints come to the ring in ECW shirts but the crowd don't buy it and lay into them as always.

    However, this doesn't stop them from halting London and Kendrick's momentum.

    They win with a Spike Powerbomb at 13:17

    Match Rating: C+


    Backstage, Eddie Guerrero approaches Juventud Guerrera.



    Eddie: Rey-Rey not with you, holmes? That's good because our issues are not yet resolved.


    Juvi: F**k off Eddie!


    Eddie pushes Juvi and a brawl ensues.

    Juvi floors Eddie with an ellbow to the face.


    However, he turns around only to be caught in the face by a Superkick by the debuting Chavo Guerrero.



    The clearly reformed Los Guerreros tag team walks off, each laughing.


    Owen Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Hart: Raven, I don't care if you put restraining orders in place or if your chronies are on high alert. The fact remains, "champ", that I've been waiting to lock the Sharpshooter on you since November... THAT'S SIX DAMN MONTHS! So, let me tell you, when it finally happens at Cyberslam, when I finally win the World Heavyweight title and hear your back break under the pressure of the most painful submission hold in wrestling, there will not be a single remorseful bone in my body!


    He pauses.


    Hart: Cherish the time that you have left with that belt, Raven, because I'm not just going to end you're reign; I am going to end your f**king career!




    The match is an evenly contested technical display.

    Bret Hart wins with a Sharpshooter at 14:08

    Match Rating: B-


    Juvi Guerrera and Rey Mysterio are walking backstage and bump into Paul heyman.



    Juvi: Paul E, I'm glad we found you, man.


    Heyman: Oh yeah? What's up?


    Juvi: We want Los Guerreros! We want 'em next week!


    Heyman looks thoughtful.


    Rey: Come on, Paul, they took Juvi out, man.


    Heyman: You really think I'm gonna turn you down? Of course I'm not. It's you and The Guerreros in tag team action next week on Revolution!


    Rey: Sweet. Cheers, Paul E.


    Juvi: Yeah, thanks Paul. We'll kick their asses!



    The match is a fantastic hardcore spectacle.

    Both men go out for all out for a great bout.


    In the twelfth minute, Steve Corino runs in with a chair.



    He takes out Kensuke Sasaki with the chair, leaving as quickly as he exited.

    The Sandman takes the opportunity to hits a White Russian Legsweep.


    Match Rating: A*


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



    Traci: Canadian Connection, you think you're worthy of a title shot? Think again. The only thing you taking out the Tag Team Champions proved is that you need to jump someone from behind to stand a chance!


    Michaels: Yeah and what pissed us off especially was the fact that we couldn't finish our celebration. Nonetheless, Rob, I think you have a special celebration planned.


    RVD: Huh?


    Michaels nudges his partner.


    RVD: Oh, right... Traci, there's something I've been meaning to do for a while.


    Van Dam takes Traci by the chin and kisses her.

    He pulls away hoping for a response but Traci looks despondent.


    RVD: Trace?


    Suddenly, Traci plants a kiss on RVD as Michaels laughs and claps his hands in celebration.


    Michaels: And as far as you're concerned, folks, that's the Whole F**kin' Show!


    Michaels blocks out the camera with his hand to give the couple some privacy.


    Taz: Wow, that was unexpected!

    Joey: Yeah...

    Taz: Anyway, what's up next, Joey?

    Joey: Well, Paul E signed this match in view of events that took place on Revolution... Lance Storm and Jerry Lynn team up to take on CM Punk and Kurt Angle.



    While Lynn and Storm work together well, Punk and Angle clearly do not gel.

    In the fourteenth minute, Punk and Storm start to brawl up the aisle-way, allowing Angle to hit a lowblow on Lynn.

    He follows up with an Angle Slam.


    Match Rating: C+


    Joey: Damn it! Kurt continues to screw over Jerry Lynn!


    Raven is backstage, alone in a dark corner of the arena, for a shoot promo.



    Raven: There is one thing that seperates mediocrity from that which is...


    Before he can continue a masked man takes him out with a Singapore cane.

    The unknown assailant then throws Raven head first into a brick wall before leaving quickly.


    Clearly reacting to the noise, Abyss and Goliath come to help their boss.



    It is no use, though, the attacker is long gone.


    Taz: Who the hell was that?

    Joey: I don't know but I would hazard a guess that it was either Rhino or Owen Hart disguising their identity.

    Taz: It can't have been Owen, surely. He's got a match up next.

    Joey: Maybe that's why he didn't take his time...

    Taz: Maybe...

    Joey: Anyway, this is the next installment of Paul E's Number One Contender's Tournament.


    Quarter-Final in the Number One Contender's Tournament


    The match is a TV classic.

    The two competitors show that technical wrestling is alive and well in North America.

    Owen Hart wins with a Piledriver at 16:08

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Holy cow, what a match!

    Joey: Yeah and Owen advances in the tournament!


    Show Rating: A

  3. Monday, week 1, April

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158843&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Tonight is set to be a slightly strange affair. In the main event we understand that, upon Raven's decree, Tony Mamaluke will face none other than "The Voice Of ECW" Joey Styles for a World Title shot.

    Gertner: Don, I'd be pulling for Joey if he actually had a chance in hell but, fact is, I think, either way, Raven's gonna have an easy job at Cyberslam!

    Callis: Unfortunately, I agree, Joel, but, for the mean time, let's concentrate on the action tonight.

    Gertner: Fairplay, what's up first?

    Callis: Well, the seemingly newly reformed team of Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian are gonna take on ECW's brand new signings, Paul London and Brian Kendrick.



    The match is a fast-pace aerial affair in which the debuting team make a good showing.

    In the twelfth minute, Paul London hit the "London Calling" Shooting Star Press on Kazarian.


    Match Rating: C


    Callis: Wow, London and Kendrick get what is surely an upset victory.


    Raven comes to the ring with his nest.



    Raven: We already know that, tonight, we will see a historic Number One Contender's contest and a rematch between Steve Corino and Kensuke Sasaki. What about me? What about Raven?


    Before the new commissioner can continue, Owen Hart sprints to the ring.



    Callis: Owen is here!

    Gertner: Oh, man, we know thw history between him and Raven.


    Hart springboards off the top rope and launches himself over The Nest.

    He lands on top of the World Champion and delivers several stiff right hands.


    Callis: Here we go! Owen's finally gonna get a piece of Raven.


    However, Hart is restrained by Raven's cohorts.


    Bret Hart comes running to aid his brother.



    The Nest decides to vacate the ring rather than face further confrontation.

    The fans boo their cowardice.



    Benoit dominates Yoshihiro Tajiri. His mat-wrestling skills are learly too much for his opponent.

    He wins with a Crossface at 11:07

    Match Rating: C+


    The Canadian Connection are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Jericho is visbly banged up from his fall at Baptism Of Fire.


    Christian: People are probably wondering why I took out the Whole F**kin' Show last week. Well, it's simple. They don't deserve those titles; we do.


    Jericho: Oh, you better believe it. As soon as I'm back at a hundred percent, those belts will be coming home to Canada!



    The match is an even, hardcore contest.

    The Dudleys win with a 3D through a table on Nova at 12:17.

    Match Rating: B


    After the match, Stevie tries to get some retribution but the Dudleys deliever a Death Drop to him as well.


    Chessman and Espiritu make their way to the ring.



    D-Von and Bubba ready themselves for a brawl.


    However, Sasuke descends from the rafters on a zip line with a Singapore cane in hand.



    Upon landing in the ring he takes out both Dudleys from behind ans, soon enough, a 5-on-2 assault ensues.


    The Iron Saints are backstage.



    Salvatore: Me fratello, do you remember what I was saying a few months back?


    Brandon: About what?


    Salvatore: About actually growing to like ECW, man.


    Brandon: Si, certo, I remember.


    Salvatore: Well this whole Raven thing's brought it up again for me. I mean, not being funny, in how many promotions could guys like us enter as complete unknowns and become Tag Team Champions within a year?


    Brandon: I know what you mean, my brother. ECW has been molto buono to us and it's a shame to see Raven treat this company with such disdain.


    Salvatore: Assolutemente but what is even worse is to see our blood, our brother, Vito, alongside him.


    They shake their heads as the camera cuts back to ringside.



    These two compete in another even, technically based contest.


    In the twelfth minute, Jerry Lynn comes to the ring on crutches.



    Lynn struggles onto the apron and, as Angle is whipped to the ropes, he hits him in the back with a crutch.

    This causes the Olympian to stumble forward into a Piledriver from Lance Storm.


    Match Rating: B-


    Callis: Jerry Lynn gets some payback on Kurt Angle!


    After the match, as Lynn and Storm slap hands, CM Punk runs to the ring.



    He takes out Storm from behind with a clubbing blow and kicks Lynn in his bad ankle, sending him to the floor.

    He then drags Storm to the corner and hits a Pepsi Plunge.


    Punk: Hey, Storm, I know you've got an International All Action Title shot for Cyberslam but, let me assure you, this strap ain't goin anywhere! The fact is... you just got Punk'd!



    The match is a bloody, hardcore spectacle.

    In the thirteenth minute, Sasaki wins with Northern Lights Bomb.

    Match Rating: A


    Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the main event of the evening and for the Number One Contendership to the World Heavyweight Title. By comand of the new Commissioner, Raven, the resultant title match will occur at Cyberslam!



    Joey does not look comfortable in the slightest, whereas Mamaluke seems happy with the opportunity.

    The Italian locks up with Joey in a Collar and Elbow tie-up.


    Paul Heyman comes to the ring with a microphone in hand.



    He receives a huge ovation.


    Heyman: Woah, woah, woah! Hold on a second, this is f**king ridiculous. Raven, I don't care if you are the new commissioner, this match is not happening!


    Raven appears at the entrance-way.



    Raven: Oh really, Paul? What are you going to do about it?


    Heyman: I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make a Number One Contender's tournament, the winner of which will face you at Cyberslam!


    The crowd pops.


    Raven: Oh, who's going to be in this tournamnet?


    Heyman: Well, the first match will be between Tommy Dreamer and Rhino and it happens... RIGHT NOW!


    The entire arena erupts.


    Raven: Hang on a second. If I recall correctly, that gullible d*ckhead, Charlie Pag, still owns the majority share of ECW, thus, making you and I merely appointed authorities. That means you have no more power than me, Paul!


    The crowd boos as Heyman looks annoyed.


    Raven: So, what do you say to a reasonable compromise?


    Heyman grudgingly responds...


    Heyman: Such as?


    Raven: Well, you can have your little tournament as long as I get to choose the title match stipulation.


    Heyman: Fine, deal. What's it gonna be, Barbed Wire, Scaffold?


    Raven: Not quite.


    Heyman: Well, please, relieve the suspense.


    Raven: Fair enough.


    He pauses.


    Raven: The match stipulation will be... Burchill as the guest referee!


    Heyman's face falls as he realises he has been tricked.


    Gertner: Oh, man, something tells me Raven had this planned from the beginning.

    Callis: What, you think he never expected the Joey Styles/Tony Mamaluke match to happen?

    Gertner: I don't reckon so; I think Raven just showed us why he's considered a master of mind games and manipulation.



    Raven stays at ringside to scout who might chalenge for his title.

    The newly-made main event does not disappoint as Rhino tries to get revenge for his upset defeat last week.

    After a lengthy hardcore brawl, he wins with a Gore at 14:22

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Rhino exits the ring and grabs Raven by the hair.

    He hooks him up in a Piledriver position as The Nest comes running out.

    However, they are too late. Rhino hits the Piledriver on the concrete and escapes through the crowd, leaving the champion unconscious.


    Show Rating: A

  4. Besides, no offense, Nevermore, but I didn't ever get the feeling you were pushing Austin much in this diary, save for until just recently. Just saying! ;)


    P.S. Did Austin debut as face or heel in the Federation?


    Why I oughtta :mad:!


    No, fair comment, I didn't have as big plans for him as other guys. However, he did have some pretty awesome stats and was gonna be a good way t5o build up youngsters. Clearly, he wasn't happy with that, the egotistical bastard.


    He debuted as a face, defeating Nash who's a heel.


    Cheers for the feedback ;).


    Quote The Raven


  5. http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gifhttp://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/dave.jpg


    Steve Austin, the new World Champion!


    by Dave Meltzer




    On his first night performing for the World Wrestling Federation, Steve Austin has won the World Heavyweight Title, dethroning former champion Kevin Nash on Monday Night Raw! This marks the beginning of a new era on several levels. Firstly, it notes Eric Bischoff's willingness to attempt a new booking forumla instead of relying on his trusted political allies. Secondly, it shows that the WWF has made a very real steal from ECW and signifies the company's willingness to give a fair push to previous outsiders. Arguably, it also could be the beginning of a reversal of fortunes for the Federation which may now cement its position as the world's premier promotion.


    In another shock happening that perhaps strengthens these claims, Matt Hardy, also on his first appearance, ended Aguila's year long Light Heavyweight Championship reign.

  6. The Hardyz could ahve been used better


    Haha, yes, well... they were going to get a push as No. 1 contenders to the tag belts until I found out neither of them gelled with Shawn Michaels :rolleyes:.


    And didn't Angle and Storm click? I would have thought they would have been capable of an A rated match, at least.


    Ugh, don't get me started :mad:.


    You need to push Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon! They rule! lol


    Haha, I'll see what I can do.


    Quote The Raven


  7. Cheers bud ;).


    Aha... Well, the data is actually from a really old 1995 mod for TEW2004 that's been updated and converted to the next two games in accordance with what happened in the gameworld. Hence why the rosters are so screwy :p.


    I considered,at one point, releasing the data I'm using in case anyone would be interested in checking/trying it out. However, as it only makes sense if you've followed this diary, I figured it wouldn't be a particularly fruitful endeavour.


    Quote The Raven


  8. http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gifhttp://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/dave.jpg


    Shock Defections in the Battle of the Big Two continue


    by Dave Meltzer


    The effective "trades" between the two heavy hitters of American pro wrestling have continued this week as several workers, from either company, have decided to join the competition. Three tag teams in all have switched allegiances: Paul London and Brian Kendrick have joined ECW while The Acolytes and The Hardy Boys have rejoined their former employers in Conneticut. Meanwhile, Chavo Guerro Jr has, at last, made the move that he has been planning to make for years: re-uniting with his Uncle Eddie in the land of extreme. However, most shockingly of all, "The Superstar" Steve Austin has abandonned contract negotiations with Paul Heyman, instead seeking fame and fortune alongside Vince McMahon.



    Austin at his WWF signing.


    It has been reported that Austin has decided to leave ECW, after a tenure of twelve years, because the booking team were not able to promise him the push he desired. After being a loyal company man for over a decade, he felt he had earned a run with the strap. However, while he was guaranteed a solid main event run, his demands were not met.


    This marks another swing in the balance of power. Up until recently, ECW was fairing well from a perspective of maintaining its roster while raiding the competition. Signings such as the Hart brothers added a new variety to the extreme product. Now, however, Vince has pulled off a valuable coup by stealing a top star with undeniable in-ring talent. The biggest slap in the face to ECW, though, is that it has occurred just as the number two promotion had its first real opportunity to overtake the Federation.

  9. Saturday, week 4, March

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158919&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Cheers for the intro, Joey. Let me tell ya, I can't wait for the fallout from Baptism Of Fire!

    Joey: Nor me, Taz.

    Taz: Well, then, let's get this badboy on the road!



    The new look team of Stevie and Nova ensure an even contest with Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon.

    However, in the ninth minute, Lyger hits a a Shooting Star Press on Nova.


    Chessman and Espiritu run to the ring.




    Chessman breaks up the pin as Espiritu catches Ultimo Dragon from behind with a clubbing blow.

    Stevie follows up on Dragon with a Stevie Kick.


    Match Rating: B-


    The Great Sasuke comes to the ring looking pleased with his followers' efforts.



    Once the cult leader reaches the ring a five-on-one assault begins on Lyger and Ultimo.


    Hayabusa runs to the ring.



    However, Sasuke merely thrusts his hands into the air and Hayabusa falls down in a trance-like fashion.


    Taz: What the hell?

    Joey: I have no idea, Taz, but I think we've realised that Sasuke has some kind of celestial power. Why else would Stevie and Nova be working on his behalf?


    The Dudley Boys emerge from the crowd with steel chairs in hand to a huge ovation.



    Bubba takes out Sasuke from behind with a deafening shot as D-Von dishes out a similar punishment to Chessman and Espiritu.

    D-Von approaches Stevie and Nova as Bubba picks up a microphone.


    Bubba: Hey, Nova, it's me, Bubba. What's up with you, dude?


    There is no response.


    Bubba: Stevie, how about you?


    Suddenly, Stevie goes for a Stevie Kick but Bubba catches his foot.

    D-Von clocks Stevie in the head with the chair.

    Bubba boots Nova in the gut and performs his patented flurry, ending in a Bionic Elbow.


    Bubba: Fine, have it your way!


    The crowd pops.


    Bubba: Call us the enforcers of ECW. When The Iron Saints were running their mouths as if they owned the place, we were the ones to shut them up and, now Sasuke is having his way with the roster, we're gonna be the ones to step up to the plate. The bottom line is... don't mess with the D - D - DD- DDD- D- D-


    D-Von slaps him in the back of the head.


    Bubba: Dudleys!



    The match is a very even contest.

    However, in the thirteenth minute, Angle rolls up Storm in a Schoolboy and gets his foot on the middle rope.


    Match Rating: B-


    Joey: Damn it! Kurt Angle steals one!


    Angle leaves the ring in a hurry to avoid the consequences of his underhanded tactics.



    Benoit maintains a degree of control throughout.

    He forces Tajiri to tap out to the Crossface at 14:17

    Match Rating: B+


    Traci comes to the ring with a microphone to much whistling from the male members of the audience.



    Traci: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the new ECW World Tag Team Champions!


    RVD and Michaels head to the ring.



    The new champs obviously play to the crowd and the fans go crazy in appreciation.


    However, before the celebrations can continue...



    Christian takes out RVD and HBK from behind.


    Taz: Are those brass knuckles on his fist, Joey?

    Joey: Jesus, Taz, I think you're right!


    Christian continues to lay the fists in before heading to the back.



    The match is incredibly even.

    In the twelfth minute, Sasaki pulls Corino into a Backslide.

    Both men's shoulders hit the canvas.


    Jim Molineaux call for a draw.

    Match Rating: A* (SCORE!)


    After the match, Corino and Sasaki get into an intense staredown that is seperated by officials.


    Sabu is backstage, standing beside a poster of the Hart Foundation.



    Suddenly, in a fit of rage, he tares down the half of the poster which depicts Owen Hart.

    He opens his fist and a flame emerges, igniting Owen's image.

    He drops the poster and walks off, leaving the camera to focus on Owen's burning effigy.


    Taz: What the hell was that about?

    Joey: Well, Owen eliminated Sabu from the Baptism Of Fire Match. I think that's Sabu's way of calling for revenge!



    The two men seem eager to better the other after last night's events.

    In the fourteenth minute, Eddie floors Juvi and heads to the hope.


    Joey: Frog Splash!

    Taz: No, Joey, Juvi moved!


    Guerrera picks up Eddie.

    Juvi Driver!


    Match Rating: B-


    Shane Douglas is shown standing in the dark outside in an undisclosed location.



    His forehead is covered by a large plaster and his left arm is in a support.


    Franchise: Raven, my old buddy, I'll hand it to you. You and Punk did quite a number on me last night... I mean, just look at me.


    He smiles.


    Franchise: But you know what? Back when you and I were drawing sellout crowds througout the North East in the nineties, I kicked your ass week in and week out and this won't be any different! I may not be on the active roster anymore but, rest assured, I will have my vengeance!


    As the camera pans out a street sign is revealed.



    It can now also be seen that Douglas is holding what appears to be a Raven in his right hand.

    He lifts the bird to his mouth and bites its head off, spitting the dismembered carcus into the gutter.



    Both men are strapped up in various ways and seem slightly off their game due to the punishment they sustained last night.


    Joey: Of course, neither man had to compete here tonight but these two men have never been quitters.

    Taz: Oh, no doubt, Joey. These two are tough as nails!


    In the thirteenth minute, Sandman appears at the entrance way on crutches, wearing a neckbrace.



    After flooring Dreamer, Rhino heads to the ropes to warn Sandman.

    Tommy rolls up the Man Beast from behind.


    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Wow, Tommy just ended Rhino's undefeated streak in singles competition.

    Taz: Yeah but, if I were him, I'd get out of there pretty quick!


    Paul Burchill comes to the ring to chants of "Burchill".



    Joey: The ECW fans clearly appreciate Paul Burchill's effort last night!

    Taz: Oh, no doubt, Joey, no doubt!


    Burchill: Thank you!


    Burchill takes a second to savour the applause.


    Burchill: Now, an awful lot of people have been asking me an awful lot of questions. It seems as though people are trying to figure out my next move. Well, in refernce to my leaving the Nest and beating Raven in the best ECW match of all time...


    The pop around the arena is huge.


    Burchill: ...it's not happening!


    Jeers echo around the arena.


    Burchill: Hey, let's face it, Raven needs some time off in return for all his hard work and, my winning the Baptism Of Fire match, has ensured that he does not have to endure a competitive match at Hardcore Heaven.


    Joey: I can't believe he's willing to sell himself so short!

    Taz: I can. He clearly worships the ground Raven walks on and, to be fair, he has been the man's protege for nearly a year!


    Burchill: Now, without further ado, I give you your World Heavyweight Champion and new Commissioner, Raven!


    Raven makes his way to the ring with his Nest as Burchill applauds.



    Raven: Thank you, Burchill. You're a good servant.


    Joey: A good servant? How condescending!


    Raven: Vito, you could learn a thing or two from him.


    Taz: You can say that again, Joey!


    Raven: Now, for my first act as Commissioner, I'm going to surprise you all by delivering something you want: a rematch between Kensuke Sasaki and Steve Corino on Revolution!


    The crowd give a stifled round of applause.


    Raven: And, of course, we need a challenger for my World title, so, in the interest of fairness, I have opted to make a Number One Contender's match between two men who haven't recieved a shot at superstardom recently. Firstly, Tony Mamaluke...


    Joey: What the hell? Does Mamaluke even qualify for the Heavyweight Title?

    Taz: I wouldn't have thought so but, hey, Raven calls the shots now.


    Raven: And, secondly, Joey Styles!


    Joey: What?

    Taz: Woah...


    Raven: That match will also occur next week on Revolution.


    Raven throws the mic down in a nonchalant manner and heads to the back followed by his Nest.


    Show Rating: A

  10. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Blood, Sweat and Beers


    On the first ECW televisual broadcast since Baptism Of Fire, Blood, Sweat and Beers, the following is scheduled to occur:



    Kensuke Sasaki vs. Steve Corino

    Kensuke Sasaki has issued a challenge to the man who eliminated him from the Baptism Of Fire match: Steve Corino. Unsurprisingly, "The King Of Old School" was more than happy to accept.



    Kurt Angle vs. Lance Storm

    Jerry Lynn is unable to attend Blood, Sweat and Beers due to an undisclosed ankle injury he suffered at the hands of Kurt Angle at Baptism Of Fire. Therefore, the Number One Contender to CM Punk's International All Action Title, Lance Storm, in an admirable show of respect, has promised to defend his friends pride and step into the ring with the Olympic gold medalist.



    Rhino vs. Tommy Dreamer

    This match is still "officially unconfirmed" as the physical condition of either man, particularly Rhino, has not yet been determined as fit for action. However, Paul Heyman has promised that this match will occur as soon as both wrestlers are healthy. ECW.com hopes that both men are able to attend and compete at Blood, Sweat and Beers.



    Paul Burchill's "Victory Speech"

    The Winner of the first ever Baptism Of Fire Match, Paul Burchill, is scheduled to address the crowd in regard to his victory and resultant title shot at Hardcore Heaven.

  11. From ECW.com



    **O.O.C.: These bulletin type efforts will pop up now and again as a way of filling in the entire backstory for those who have been reading and to provide a recap of what's happened so far in the diary. The reason, this starts in 1995 is that this was the year that I took over booking of ECW in TEW 2K4. For obvious reasons, in places, dates will not be in accordance with realworld happenings.**


    The Franchise Players



    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas


    No list of ECW's franchise players could possibly be compiled without The Franchise himself, Shane Douglas. The sacrifices this man has made for and the effort he has given to this great company are well documented and cause for much respect. In fact, he arguably single-handedly carried the promotion from 1995-1997 and boasts the longest ever world title reign of over two years (736 days from January 15 1995 - January 21 1997).


    His feud with Sabu throughout 1995 helped propel ECW to new heights and culminated in a Barbed Wire Deatmatch at F**k The Big Two in November 1995, which he narrowly won thanks to assistance from Chris Benoit. His next rivalry with Raven was one of the greatest in the promotion's history, spanning over a year and showcasing many cutting-edge title matches. This led to what many believe was the best hardcore match of all time at ECW's first pay-per-view, Barely Legal, on January 21 1997. Raven, a babyface at the time, with assistance from Douglas' old nemesis Sabu, was able to end the legendary reign of The Franchise.


    After this defeat, Douglas took a hiatus from wrestling due to "personal issues" that never were discussed with the media. In 2001, after a four year absence, he returned as a face to challenge Raven in a one-off title match at Hardcore Heaven - he was unsuccesful. He then headed to Japan, achieving moderate success with both WMF and AJPW, only to return in 2006 at Anarchy Rules to defeat Rhino for the World Television Championship.


    Now seemingly retired from active competition (but not before revisiting his feud with Raven one last time), Douglas is expected to take up an important position within the company whether it be as an on-screen personality or as a road agent.





    Douglas' arch nemesis is the next logical icon to discuss. What Douglas achieved in the '90s as the figurehead of ECW, Raven continued to the new millenium and beyond. He holds the record for the most amount of World Title reigns at six (narrowly beating Douglas who holds four and Sabu who holds five).


    His heel turn at 1997's November To Remember, when he betrayed his tag partner Sabu (they faced Cactus Jack and Chris Jericho) is often seen as a pivotal moment in the promotion's history and has been compared to Hulk Hogan's heel turn in WCW. Since changing his alignment, Raven has never looked back, clearly playing the bad guy role with ease.


    Since his days feuding with Douglas, he has formed a cult following and has clocked up rivalries with Sabu, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, The Sandman, Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart. More recently, he was the main attraction in the New Age Enterprise stable that dominated the title picture for a few months and has since reformed Raven's Nest.



    "Lionheart" Chris Jericho


    Chris Jericho had what was perhaps the most meteoric rise to fame in the history of the sport. His feud with Steve Austin surpassed all expectations and pushed both men into the upper reaches of the card. When he was victorious in their final match at Barely Legal '97, he earned his place in the main event.


    After entering a tag feud with Cactus Jack against the babyface team of raven and Sabu, Chris Jericho turned a week after Raven, leading to him challenging for the title at Anarch Rules '97. He was victorious and held the title for five months before being dethroned by Goliath in 1998.


    Since then, he has held the TV Title twice, the tag titles once (with Rob Van Dam) and formed the elite stable of The Canadian Connection with Christian and Chris Benoit.



    "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels


    In one of the most shocking events of the '90s era, Shawn Michaels defected to ECW amidst a sea of misunderstandings and betrayals. Vince Mcmahon was unwilling to give Shawn Michaels a title run in the WWF, claiming that Bret Hart was still the most marketable man on the roster. Meanwhile, Kevin Nash, Michaels' old friend, convinced the Heart Break Kid to jump to WCW when his contract ran out in a mere matter of weeks. Michaels indeed saw his contract out and entered negotiations with Eric Bischoff. However, in one of the biggest backstabs in wrestling history, it was revealed that Vince and Nash had engineered the whole thing, freeing up a place place on the WWF roster and a fat paycheck for Big Daddy Cool, who rejoined the Federation. Despite Bischoff's pleas, Michaels' sour experience led to him taking a hiatus. But then, after only a month, the ECW bookers called him up, offering a reasonable paycheck, a main event push and a world title run... he accepted.


    Michaels' debut was at Anarchy Rulz '98, when he appeared as a surprise attraction and faced Goliath for the World Title. He was victorious and, as a result, went by the name "Giant Killer" for the next few years. However, he lost the title to Raven shortly after, sparking a feud between the two men in which Michaels never really gained the upper-hand.


    More recently, he battled the New Age Enterprise alongside the bWo, Rob Van Dam and Taz, winning the title in the process. The mutual enemies of him and RVD led to their forming one of the most exciting tag teams in ECW: The Whole F**kin' Show. After one tag title reign that ended in a massive argument between the two and RVD abandoning Michaels in the ring, the team seems to have got its sh*t together. The two men are as good friends as ever and are, once again, World Tag Team Champions.

  12. I've been thinking about doing that for a while. It will also give me a chance to give fill in the holes I left in the backstory. I think after your prompting I'll definitely do it. Only problem is, I don't know how to set it out. It could clutter the thread quite a bit but starting a new one would just be stupid.


    I'll give it some thought...


    Quote The Raven


  13. I knew I should have picked Burchill in the match. a little disappointed that Douglas lost but it will pass in time.


    Yeah you should've :p!


    I know what you mean about Douglas; he's one of my favourites ever as well but his in-ring stats are diminishing and I have a very good use for him lined up...


    I just wanna say a huge thank you to all who have left feedback; it really means a lot ;).


    Quote The Raven


  14. I can honestly say, best pay per view of all time. Your write-ups were amazing and every match had me gripped.

    the best PPV ever on here.


    Wow, thank you, boys :o. That's very high praise indeed. I'm not sure if the show can be called better than anyone elses efforts but I did try to make it a good read.


    I really appreciate your reading and leaving feedback ;). Moreso than I could express in one of these posts. So, once again, thanks.


    Quote The Raven


  15. Friday, week 4, March

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3270270&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to what is arguably the most important pay-per-view in ECW's fourteen year history. I'm Joey Styles alongside one of the best analysts in the business, Don Callis, and, former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Callis: Thank you, Joey. I'm ecstatic to be here tonight. Frankly, I don't think ECW has ever boasted a stronger card!

    Taz: I don't know, Callis, we've had some great ones in the past but I certainly will grant you that this one is phenomenal.

    Joey: Just to name a few matches, we...

    Taz: ...I'm sorry to stop you, Joey, but I think Joel is ready in the ring.

    Joey: Oh... goody!


    Gertner is, indeed, ready.



    Gertner: Well, well, well... Hello and welcome to the insignificant, masculinity-challenged population of Pittsburgh, PA! So, I hear you guys got placed number one on the Places Rated Almanac's 2007 list of "Most Livable Cities". Well, I hate to break it to you, but that's only 'cos they knew I was coming here!


    Joey: What an arrogant son of a...

    Taz: Language, Joey.

    Joey: He gets away with it!

    Taz: You're not as charismatic as him.

    Joey: Charismatic? Charismatic my a...

    Taz: Language, Joey!


    Gertner: Now, allow me to introduce myself, as if you could possibly stop me. I've been described as like a rubix cube; the more you play with it the harder it becomes. I've busted more nuts than a peanut factory and I deliver more package than FedEx. It is rich, fabulous I, Joel "point the direction you want my erection" Gertner!


    Joey: Oh for crying out loud!


    Gertner: Now, folks, I must admit that this verse is pretty dire

    ‘Cos I’m fresh out of c*ck gags that rhyme with Baptism Of Fire.

    Some might say I’m washed up; some say I should retire

    But I still have far too many lines to make the ladies all perspire.


    The camera cuts to Joey Styles who has his head in his hands.


    Gertner: So, when Guido and Foley and Owen and Bret

    Are in the battle royal working up a sweat,

    Forget the high temperatures emitted by the flames.

    Just think how hot you’ll be when I make you SCREAM… MY… NAME!



    The second ring is ignored for this match as the action occurs in a standard setting.

    The fast-paced, aerial style of the sWo proves difficult for the bWo to combat but the match is, nevertheless, quite even.

    By the twelfth minute, Nova has been in the ring for a solid five minutes.

    Sasuke, the sWo's legal man, leaps to the top turnbuckle and delivers a Moonsault.


    Stevie interferes to break up the fall.

    Chessman and Espiritu enter the ring and quickly eject Stevie from it.

    While Sasuke's disciples are preoccupied, Nova hits a lowblow on the cult leader.

    He crawls towards his corner...

    Espiritu sees the possibility of a tag and runs to prevent it.

    However, Stevie, now on the outside, grabs his foot to trip him up.

    Nova makes the tag to Da Blue Guy!

    Meanie immediately clotheslines Chessman to the outside.

    He turns round to face Espiritu who is now on his feet again.

    Blue Buster!

    Espiritu rolls to the outside, dazed.

    Meanie then turns to face Sasuke.

    He goes to smack the cult leader but Sasuke holds out a finger.

    Meanie looks puzzled as Nova and Stevie enter the ring to back up their friend in case anything unexepected should occur.

    Sasuke then motions for Da Blue Guy to turn around.

    Stevie hits a Stevie Kick on his friend!


    Callis: What the hell?

    Joey: I have no idea.


    Nova then picks up Meanie.



    Callis: This is insane! Stevie and Nova just turned on their friend!

    Taz: Hey, something tells me that Sasuke's kooky mind games have something to do with it.


    The Great Sasuke makes the cover.


    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, Nova and Stevie join Chessman and Espiritu in kneeling down and worshipping their master.

    The lights suddenly go out.

    When they come back on, the ring is empty.


    In a dark corner of the backstage area, Raven sits alone.



    Raven: The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, constantly seeking refuge from the folly of their own worthlessness. However, amongst the sh*t and squalor, a few vestiges of hope remain. Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. What about me? What about Raven? Consider me an example of all three instances, distinguished enough to bring light to even the darkest depths of human misguidedness. Shane Douglas, however, can be excluded from any such list. He was born of mediocrity, unto medicority, and in mediocrity he shall forever stay.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven



    Joey: Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the first ever Ultimate Jeopardy match to be competed between three teams.

    Callis: Who's your pic, Taz?

    Taz: I have no idea, Callis. The amount of talent on every team is outstanding.

    Joey: We remind you, folks, that all entries into this match are determined at random.

    Callis: And, as you can probably see, the cage structure has no roof unlike when this kind of match iis held in second-rate promotions.


    Ultimate Jeopardy Match


    Chris Jericho and Hayabusa start the match inside the cage.

    The two spend a little time squaring each other up.

    Hayabusa falls backwards, rebounds off the ropes and hits a thunderous Wheel Kick!


    Callis: Well, it looks like this match is well and truly under way!

    Taz: Oh, man, what a kick!


    Hayabusa attempts a Springboard Moonsault but Jericho moves out of the way.


    Callis: Ooh, Hayabusa tastes canvas.


    Jericho tries to lock in the walls of Jericho early.

    Hayabusa is able to block it but Jericho, instead, catapults him into the steel.

    He then picks up his opponent and attempts a Powerbomb which is reversed into a Hurricanrana.


    Leaving Jericho no time for recovery, Hayabusa hits a Basement Dropkick.


    Hayabusa leaps to the top rope and waits for Jericho to stand.

    Missile Dropkick!



    Taz: Oh, man, Jericho's gonna have to do something pretty soon!

    Callis: True, Taz. He's in all sorts of trouble.


    Hayabusa mounts Jericho and hits some Crossface Blows.

    He then gets to his feet and hits a Legdrop to the back of the Canadian's neck.

    He lifts Jericho to his feet and rebounds off the ropes.

    He goes for a Flying Headscissors but Jericho is able to trap him in a Side Headlock.

    The crowd starts to chant down the remaining seconds until the next entrant appears.




    Jericho is happy to keep Hayabusa grounded until he discovers who the next entrant will be.






    To Jericho's delight, it's Christian.

    Once in the ring, Christian joins his partner in a 2-on-1 beatdown.

    After a series of double team moves, Christian hits the Unprettier.

    Jericho follows up with a Walls Of Jericho.

    Hayabusa taps!


    Joey: Hayabusa is out! It looks like we'll have to wait for the next entrant.


    The two Canadians sit in the corner, arrogantly chatting.


    Taz: Ha, we'll see if thing's are so easy when the next entrant appears.




    Mysterio enters the ring all guns blazing.

    He takes out both Canadians with a Flying Cross Body.

    His opponents fall across the middle rope and he follows up with a Double Leg Slingshot.

    Both Christian and Jericho are knocked back into the ring as Mysterio springboards back into the ring with a Splash that connects with both of them.

    Mysterio covers Christian.


    Jericho is able to get to his feet and subdue the Mexican cruiserweight.

    The following minutes see another methodical 2-on-1 attack.




    Taz: Oh, man, which way will Lyger play it?

    Callis: What do you mean?

    Taz: Well, he can either help the Canadians to eliminate Rey Rey or try and even the odds. It depends which he thinks is more beneficial to Team JAPAN.


    Lyger opts to help out Mysterio.

    The two cruiserweights prove an even match for the Canadians as a tightly contested battle ensues.

    The fans count down to the next entrant.





    Eddie comes to Rey and Lyger's aid, immediately hitting a Brainbuster on Jericho.

    He makes the cover.


    Meanwhile, Lyger floors Jericho with an Enziguri.

    Guerrero picks up both Canadians from behind as Mysterio gets down on all fours.

    Lyger then rebounds off the ropes, uses Mysterio's back as a springboard and takes out both Christian and Jericho.


    Callis: Interesting. We're seeing some inter-team co-operation.


    Mysterio then climbs to the top rope.

    He hits a 450 Splash on Christian!


    Christian rolls through and gets his feet on the ropes.


    Eddie sees what has happened too late.


    Joey: Rey Rey is gone. Both Team JAPAN and Team Mexico have now lost a man.


    Guerrero sets about Christian in revenge while Lyger and Jericho face off in the other ring.




    Taz: It's Ultimo Dragon.

    Callis: That's all of Team JAPAN accounted for.


    Instead of entering through the door, Ultimo scales the outside of the cage.

    Meanwhile, Guerrero and Christian continue to brawl in the ring furthest from the entrance-way.

    Lyger throws Jericho into that ring as Ultimo reached the top of the cage.

    Jericho floors Guerrero and teh Candians pick him up again for a Double Russian Legsweep.

    However, as Lyger looks on, Ultimo Dragon launches himself from the far cage wall, clears one ring entirely and hits a Sommersault Senton on to all three of his opponents.


    Joey: OH MY GOD!


    An "ECW" chant thunders around the arena.


    Lyger ascends the turnbuckle.

    He delivers a Shooting Star Press that clears Jericho's unconscious body and connects cleanly with Christian!



    Callis: Each team is a man down.

    Taz: Oh this is awesome!




    Callis: Juventud Guerrera is in. Only Chris Benoit is left to enter.

    Taz: Yeah, and for the next few minute, the Canadians are at a supreme disadvantage!


    Juvi immediately hits a Flying Headscissors on Jericho and makes the cover.

    1...2...Jericho gets his foot on the rope.

    Eddie Guerrero and Juvi Guerrera proceed to enter a fast-paced, aerial contest with Crouching Lyger Hidden Dragon.

    Meanwhile, Chris Jericho gets to his feet and slowly ascends the cage wall.


    Callis: Where the hell is Jericho going?

    Taz: I think he's trying to get outta the firing line. Hey, it's a smart move!


    Jericho reaches the top of the cage as the other four competitors continue to face off.

    After a short while, they realise Jericho's cowardice.

    All four cease fighting and converse in the middle of the ring to Jericho's bewilderment.

    Suddenly, both the Mexicans and Japanese rebound off one set of ropes and jump full force into the cage wall.

    Jericho is sent flying twelve feet to the floor below!


    Joey: OH MY GOD!

    Taz: Damn, I think Jericho's outcold.


    The fighting continues in the cage.




    On his way in, Benoit checks on Jericho and calls out some EMTs who proceed to do a routine check.

    Meanwhile, Lyger climbs to the top rope inside the ring.

    As Benoit enters the cage, Lyger attempts to catch him off guard with a Flying Spear but it is reversed into a Crossface!

    Within seconds, Lyger taps.


    Joey: Lyger taps out! Ultimo Dragon is the only representative of Team JAPAN left.


    As Lyger heads to the back, the EMTs decide Jericho is in no state to continue and stretcher him up the aisle-way behind Lyger.


    Callis: It looks like Team Mexico have one hell of an advantage then.


    Eddie proceeds to battle with Benoit as Juvi concentrates on Ultimo Dragon.

    In the twenty sixth minute, Ultimo Dragon lifts Guerrera to the top rope and atemps a Dragonsteiner.

    However, it is reversed into a Top Rope Powerbomb.


    Meanwhile, Benoit throws Guerrero into the steel cage head first.

    He then turns and delivers the same treatment to Juvi.

    Instead of making the cover on either Mexican, he locks in the Crossface on Ultimo Dragon.

    Ultimo taps out!


    Joey: Team JAPAN are eliminated.

    Taz: Yeah, but I think Benoit made an error of judgment.

    Callis: How so?

    Taz: Well, it's now two on one. Whereas, if he'd have tried to eliminate Juvi or Eddie, it would have endes up like a triangle match.

    Callis: Good point!


    The two Mexicans, now on their feet, staredown with Benoit, who looks slightly apprehensive.


    a "Mexico" chant starts in the crowd.


    Eddie and Juvi whip Benoit to the ropes.

    Benoit rebounds with a Double Clothesline!

    He picks up Eddie and hits a Brainbuster.

    He picks up Juvi...



    Joey: Benoit is on fire!

    Taz: No doubt, Joey. No doubt.


    He locks in the Crossface on Guerrero but Juvi breaks it up.

    Juvi attempts a Hurricanrana but it is reversed into a Powerbomb.


    The two sides back off and staredown again, clearly at a stalemate.

    The Mexicans are the first to start moving forward.

    However, Benoit thumbs Eddie in the eye.

    He Lowblows Juvi, who falls to the ground, writhing in pain.

    He locks in the Crossface for a second time on Guerrero.



    Callis: It's one on one!


    Juvi staggers to his feet.

    Benoit, unremorsefully, hits a stiff chop to the chest.



    Juvi is backed into the corner.

    Benoit picks him up and places him on the top buckle.



    Benoit picks up Juvi from behind.

    German Suplex.

    He doesn't release the waist lock and drags his opponent to his feet.

    He hits another suplex.

    He, again, drags Juvi up and hits a third suplex.

    He makes the cut throat motion and ascends the turnbuckles.


    Taz: Here it comes, Joey!


    Diving Headbutt!


    Match rating: B+


    After the match, Eddie Guerrero re-enters the cage with a microphone.



    He helps up Juventud Guerrera.


    Eddie: Hey, Juvi, what the hell was that, man?


    Juvi snatches the mic.


    Juvi: What the hell was what? Benoit just took both our asses to school, me amigo. I'm not happy about it but at least I ain't in denial.


    Eddie shoves Juvi to the floor.


    Eddie: No one takes Eddie Guerrero to school, holmes. I was just off my game. I joined you and Rey, despite your lack of accomplishment in ECW and your pansy little costumes, in order to defend the pride of Mexico. Thanks to you, our country just got pissed on, essa.


    Rey Mysterio Jr runs to the cage.



    Juvi: Pansy little costumes? F**k you, Eddie. This is part of our country's heritage in case you'd forgotten. And, me and Rey, we don't need you!


    Mysterio taps Eddie on the back, who turns round.

    Rey leaps onto Eddie's shoulders as Juvi Sweepkicks Eddie's legs from the front.

    This causes Rey to fall back, delivering a Hurricanrana.

    Los Increibles leave the ring to the crowd's applause.


    Taz: Well I think the whole concept of Team Mexico just went up in smoke!


    Christopher Daniels is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Daniels: I was the International All Action Champion. I was an icon. I was the best technical wrestler alive!


    He pauses.


    Daniels: The first two facts may have changed but the third has not and, tonight, I will prove my technical excellence in the Baptism Of Fire match. Then, after I've earned my title shot, I will go on to Hardcore Heaven to become the World Heavyweight Champion! That's not a threat or a promise. It's the gospel according to the Fallen Angel.


    Final Match in the Best-of-Seven Series

    Stairway To Hell Match


    The two men seem determined to put on the best match of the series for the sellout crowd.

    They do not disappoint.

    It is an incredibly even contest.

    In the twelfth minute, while Storm is floored, Lynn sets up a ladder and climbs up towards one of the contracts.

    Storm gets to his feet and enters the other ring.

    He then springboards of one set of ropes, onto the ropes of the next ring and delivers a Dropkick that knocks Lynn off the ladder.

    Storm then proceeds to make the climb.

    Once on his feet, Lynn follows him up the same side of the ladder.

    Storm reaches up for the contract but Lynn clubs him in the back.

    Lynn then locks in a waistlock.


    Taz: Oh, this could be very dangerous.


    Lynn leans backwards, trying to dislodge Storm but Lance hangs tight.

    The ladder starts to wobble.

    With one last pull, Lynn dislodges Storms grip and hits a German Suplex from halfway up the ladder.


    Callis: Oh!

    Taz: Storm is out.

    Callis: So is Jerry Lynn for that matter.


    After a few moments, the two men start to gather themselves and make it to their feet.

    Storm connects with a knife edge chop.

    Lynn follows suit.

    A battle of consecutive chops ensues with the crowd chanting along with each strike.

    Eventually, Lynn bends Storm double with a Kick to the gut.

    He hooks him up.

    Cradle Piledriver!


    Joey: Jerry Lynn now has the perfect opportunity to go for a contract.


    Lynn picks up a ladder.

    Surprisingly, he doen't set it up under a contract but, instead rests it across the middle ropes of either ring so that it is parallel above the joined aprons.

    He then picks up Storm and Snapmares him onto the ladder, hitting a few strikes to keep him subdued.

    He then takes a chair from ringside and ascends teh turnbuckle.


    Taz: Oh, what the hell?


    He leaps off the turnbuckle, positions the chair under his legs and connects with a Legdrop, sandwiching Storm between two steel surfaces.


    Joey: Oh, Jerry Lynn borrows a trick from Sabu.

    Taz: Yeah and he decked Lance Storm in the process!


    Lynn now takes another ladder and sets it up under a contract.

    He ascends while Storm is too incapacitated to protest.

    He pulls down the contract and rips off it's black covering as the camera zooms in.


    Callis: It's for a place in the Baptism of Fire match. Jerry Lynn has earned himself entry into the main event!


    Lynn now carries the ladder across to the other ring and sets it up.

    He begins to climb as Storm finally stirs.

    Lynn gets halfway up the ladder buut Storm goes up behind him and hokks his arms round his legs.

    Powerbomb off the ladder!

    Storm starts to climb but Lynn stirs.

    Lynn tries the exact same defence as Storm, hooking his opponent up for a Powerbomb.

    However, Storm reverses into a Hurricanrana.


    Joey: Oh, the agility of Lance Storm is quite incredible!


    Storm now climbs the ladder again and makes it to the top without any interference.

    Surprisingly, though, he does not reach for the contract.

    He jumps from the top of the ladder and hits an Elbow Drop onto a prone Lynn.

    Lynn, now completely outcold, can do nothing to stop Storm from taking down the contract for an International All Action Title shot.


    Callis: They have a contract each.

    Taz: I think Storm came off better, though.

    Callis: Really?

    Taz: Yeah. At least he gets a rest before his All Action title shot. Lynn's gonna have to enter the flames later tonight!


    Once Lynn regains consciousness, the match continues as an evenly contested struggle.

    In the twenty first minute, two ladders are set up at the edge of either ring, next to the joined aprons.

    Lynn takes a table from ringside and positions it on the middle ropes of either ring, between the two ladders.


    Taz: Jerry's got something painful in mind.


    Lynn then floors Storm with a Wheel Kick and starts to ascend one of the ladders.


    Joey: What the hell is he planning?

    Callis: I have no idea.


    Storm gets to his feet and ascends the other ladder.

    Both men reach the top of either ladder simultaneously.

    Lynn tries to punch Storm but can't reach.

    Storm tries too but can't reach either.


    Callis: Now what?


    Suddenly, Lynn leaps off his ladder clearly attempting a Flying Shoulder Tackle.

    However, Storm scouts it, catches Lynn in a Front Facelock and falls, delivering a makeshift DDT through the table below!


    Joey: OH MY GOD!


    The second "ECW" chant of the evening begins.


    Both men are completely out cold.

    EMTs come sprinting to the ring to check on the men.


    The fans jeer the thought of teh prospect ending in a draw.


    Suddenly, Storm, barely conscious waves the paramedics away.

    The EMTs oblige.

    Storm makes the cover on Lynn with just one arm.


    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: That was incredible!

    Taz: I'm with you, Callis. That's one of the best matches I've ever seen in my life!


    After a good few minutes of paramedics continuing to check them out, both men slowly get to their feet to a standing ovation.

    Lynn offers his hand to Storm who promptly accepts.


    Joey: That, ladies and gentlemen, is what ECW is all about. Unrivalled in-ring competition with a mutual respect held by all wrestlers!


    Suddenly, Kurt Angle runs out.



    He easily floors both men who are quite obviously exhausted.

    He then picks each up and hits an Angle Slam one after the other.

    The fans jeer loudly.


    Angle: Hey, don't blame me; blame the management! They left me off the entire card and, let's face it, I had to find a way into the Baptism of Fire match. So, Jerry, I'm going to take yours!


    He locks in the Ankle Lock as Lynn writhes in pain.

    The situation is eventually broken up by backstage officials but the damage has clearly been done.


    Joey: Damn it! Angle just picked apart a defenceless Jerry Lynn!

    Taz: Yeah and he's probably gonna have to replace Lynn in the main event.

    Callis: How is that fair?

    Taz: I don't think he intended it to be fair!

    Joey: Speaking of not being fair, this next match is kind of based on that premise.

    Callis: Aah, the Halflife Handicap match.

    Joey: Exactly! Effectively, each of two rings belongs to one of the two teams. The illegal men from each team are actually elligible to wrestle but must stay within their own ring. However, the two legal men can go wherever they please, meaning that if a legal man finds himself in his opponents' ring he will face the conditions of a handicap match until he tags out or exits that ring.

    Taz: Awesome.


    Before the match can starts, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    RVD: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship.


    RVD tosses the mic to Michaels.


    Michaels: Introducing the jobbers... err... Flathead and Cueball... Aah, who gives a f**k?


    He hands the mic to Traci.


    Traci: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction... First, one half of the challengers for the ECW World Tag Team Titles. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.


    Traci: And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.


    Halflife Handicap Match



    The two teams start off in their respective rings unwilling to make the first move.

    Eventually, RVD goes for broke, Diving over the middle apron, over two sets of ropes and onto the Tag Champs.

    He follows up by lifting them both to their feet and delivering a Double DDT.

    He then rebounds off the ropes.

    Rolling Thunder onto both champions!

    He makes the cover on Brandon.


    He jumps back into his own ring and tags in Michaels who heads into the opponents area.

    HBK goes for the Sweet Chin Music early on Salvatore but his foot is caught.

    Brandon then takes out his other leg with a sweep kick.

    The Iron Saints take full of what is effectively niow a handicap match.

    Brandon holds Michaels in a Full Nelson while Salvatore pummels his abdomen.

    Brandon finishes off the sequence with a Full Nelson Slam.


    Salvatore jumps onto the top rope and hits a Springboard Moonsault.



    Callis: Michaels is in trouble already.


    The match continues in this format for a good four minutes until Michaels appears exhausted.

    However, in desperation, he is able to reverse a Northern Lights Suplex from Brandon into a DDT.

    He crawls towards his ring to tag in a fresh RVD.

    Sal cuts him off with a stomp to the back.

    The Italian then picks up the challenger.

    Sweet Chin Music!


    Joey: Michaels hits the Super Kick out of nowhere.


    Instead of going for the cover, Michaels capitalises on the opportunity for a tag.

    RVD springs into the other ring.

    He floors Brandon with a Clothesline and picks up Salvatore.

    He tosses the tag champ into his and Michael's ring so that the numbers game now favours the Whole F**kin' Show.


    Taz: Good thinking by Van Dam.

    Callis: Absolutely, Taz. Now the tables are turned.


    A well-rested RVD continues to pick apart Salvatore as Michaels regains his breath.

    The two then take full advantage of the situation.

    Michaels holds Sal in a Wheelbarrow position while RVD heads to the outside apron.

    Van Dam then springboards in and hits a Legdrop to the back of Salvatore's head.



    Taz: Oh, man, that was close.


    The Whole F**kin' Show continue to work on Salvatore for a few minutes.

    Then, Brandon clearly shouts an inaudible insult at RVD, causing the challenger to enter Brandon's ring.

    Meanwhile, Sal hits a lowblow on Michaels and rolls into his own ring after Van Dam.


    Joey: That wasn't so smart by Rob. No he's got problems, I'm sure.


    The Iron Saints take the opportunity to physically dismantle RVD.

    In the sixteenth minute, Salvatore hits a thunderous Stump Piledriver.


    RVD just rolls the shoulder.

    The Iron Saints then pick up Van Dam.

    They hit God's Will!


    RVD gets his foot on the bottom rope.


    Taz: Oh, RVD's gotta get outta their!


    As he is pulled to his feet, Van Dam thumbs Brandon in the eye in desperation.

    Sal attempts a Clothesline but RVD ducks it and hits a Back Kick.

    While falling from the momentum of his strike RVD is able to reach over the inner apron and tag in Michaels.


    The crowd pops.


    Michaels comes in and cleans house, clotheslining Brandon to the outside.

    Then, as RVD ascends the turnbuckle of his own ring, Michaels hits the Super Kick on Salvatore for the second time.

    In a technically illegal move, RVD flies from the turnbuckle of his own ring, delivering a Five Star Frog Splash to Sal.

    However, he rolls out of the ring so quickly that Jiohn Finnegan can do little to stop him.

    Michaels makes the cover.


    Match Rating: B+


    Joey: Yes! A Five Star Frog Splash and we have new tag champs!

    Taz: The Whole F**kin' Show are back on top, Joey.


    After the match the new champs, along with Traci, head into the crowd to celebrate.


    Taz: Well, the fans look happy with the result.

    Callis: How could you not be? What's up next Joey?

    Joey: The Two Out Of Three Falls Match between Rhino and The Sandman.

    Taz: Awesome. Now, one fall has to be scored in each ring, right?

    Joey: Spot on, Taz, and don't forget that the victor earns a place in the main event.


    Two Out Of Three Falls Match


    Surprisingly, the match follows a similar pattern to Rhino's recent streak.

    He decimates The Sandman with whatever weapons he can find at ringside.

    In the sixth minbute, he positions a chair between the middle and top turnbuckles and throws The Sandman headfirst into it.

    He backs off into the opposite corner and waits for his opponent to stand.


    Joey: GORE! GORE! GORE!


    Rhino makes the cover.



    Callis: Wow, Rhino gets the first fall in only the seventh minute.

    Taz: Oh, man, I wasn't expecting this!


    Rhino then drags Sandman into the other ring and, again, makes the cover.


    Sandman just lifts his shoulder off the canvas.

    The Man Beast picks up a limp opponent.

    Rhino Driver.

    He makes the cover for a third time.


    Tommy Dreamer sprints to the ring with a chair in hand.




    Dreamer breaks up the pin.

    Rhino gets up to face him but is floored with a chair shot that echoes round the arena.


    Callis: What the hell is Dreamer doing? He booked this match to see The Sandman suffer and he's now helping him.

    Taz: Come on, Callis, you're supposed to be the analyst round here. If Sandman wins this match, he'll have to enter the Baptism Of Fire Match and suffer even more pain. It's all part of Dreamer's revenge, I reckon, and I'd probably do the same.

    Callis: What, and suffer the wrath of an already fuming Man Beast?

    Taz: Well, yeah, that's the downside.


    Tommy picks up Rhino and drops the chair.

    He delivers a Dreamer DDT onto the stell and throws sandman on top of the Man Beast.



    Joey: Thanks to Tommy Dreamer, it's a fall each.

    Taz: This could get real ugly!


    Dreamer takes a seat at ringside to watch the rest of the match.

    It takes the two competitors a good few minutes to get to their feet.

    A groggy Rhino hits Sandman with a straight left arm.

    Sandman returns the favour and follows up with a Back Elbow.

    A brawl ensues in the middle of the ring.

    Sandman whips Rhino to the ropes.


    Calls: Oh, look out, Sandman!


    Sandman moves and Rhino, attempting a Gore, goes flying through the ropes and crashing to the concrete floor.

    Sandman gets a Singapore Cane from ringside as Dreamer rolls Rhino back in.

    As Rhino gets to his feet, Sandman hits a White Russian Legsweep!

    He makes the cover.

    Although referee John Finnegan refuses to make the count, the crowd chant the seconds.




    Taz: Why ain't Finnegan counting, Joey? Sandman would have had this match won.

    Joey: It's in the wrong ring, Taz. He's already scored a fall their.


    After prompting from the ref, Sandman realises and drags Rhino across to the other ring.

    He makes the cover.



    Callis: Oh, it's not over!


    Sandman picks up Rhino but is floored by a quick Clothesline.

    He gets up but is floored again.

    He once again makes it to his feet but is dropped by another Clothesline.


    Joey: The Man Beast is coming back!


    Rhino waits for Sandman to stand.


    The cover is made but Rino sees Tommy Dreamer entering the ring and goes to meet him at the apron.

    Dreamer reconsiderd his options and heads to the back to save himself for the battle royal.

    Rhino exits the ring anyway and sets up a table at ringside.

    He rolls back in and drags Sandman out to the apron.

    He delivers a Rhino Driver through the table to the concrete floor!


    Taz: Holy Sh*t! I think Sandman's out of it!


    Rhino rolls his lifeless opponent back in.


    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Rhino picks up a mic.


    Rhino: I'm making a promise to everyone in attendance tonight: I will be the next World Heavyweight Champion. Let my actions serve as a warning to all those who stand in my way and, Tommy Dreamer, you'll get what's coming to you in the Baptism Of Fire match when I watch your sorry ass burn!


    Taz: Well, I'm not gonna disagree with him.

    Callis: Me neither.

    Joey: Well, speaking of the World Championship, Raven defends his title against Shane Douglas next. If Douglas wins, he returns to active competition at the top of the mountain; if Raven wins, Douglas must relinquish his powers as commissioner to the World Heavyweight Champion!


    Before the match, Douglas enters the ring with a microphone.



    Franchise: Let me make one thing perfectly clear. If anyone interferes in this match, I will personally ensure that they never see another paycheck, be it in ECW or any other North American promotion! Believe me, I have the connections!




    Both men come out with fists swinging .

    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a eye rake.

    Shane Douglas answers with a knee to Raven's stomach.

    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a punch, Douglas returns the favour and the two men start to trade blows.


    Joey: Here we go. This one could be a classic!


    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a knife edge chop and gouges his eye.


    Joey: Oh, cheap shot... and Raven's gonna grab the opportunity to hit a Piledriver.

    Callis: Douglas is down!


    Shane Douglas is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

    Raven whips him to the corner and chops him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.

    The Franchise is thrown to the other turnbuckle.

    Raven charges but Douglas puts his foot up.


    Joey: Oh, great reversal!


    Douglas whips Raven to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks underneath.

    Raven bounces off the opposite ropes...

    He comes back but only runs into a shoulder block.


    Taz: Well, Douglas came off the best from that exchange.


    Raven is pulled up to standing and whips Shane Douglas to the ropes and sends him down with a dropkick to the knee.


    Joey: I think you spoke too soon, Taz.


    Raven drags Douglas to the ropes and hits a clothesline so that both competitors fall out of the ring.

    Once on the outside, Raven tries to connect with a punch.

    Shane Douglas stops Raven, though, by kicking him in the stomach and then throwing him head first in to the apron.


    Taz: They are brawling right in front of us!

    Callis: Hey! What are you coming here for? There's enough tables under the ring!

    Taz: Yeah... ask Rhino!


    Shane Douglas slams Raven's head right into the announce table and throws him back inside.

    He whips Raven to the ropes but Raven counters...

    Douglas bounces off the ropes and comes back with a flying clothesline!

    Both men are down.


    The fans applaud the exchange so far.


    Douglas hits a huge chop on Raven that turns his chest bright red and sends him down to the canvas.


    Joey: Taking a page from the Nature Boy's book there.

    Taz: Yeah but the FRanchise does it better!


    Raven gets up but Shane Douglas is waiting... Pittsburgh Plunge!




    Joey: Raven gets the shoulder up!

    Callis: That must have been a slow count, surely!

    Taz: I don't think so, Callis. As much as I hate Raven as a person, you have got to give him props: he's one tough son of a bitch!


    Raven swings a punch at Shane Douglas' face but Douglas blocks and triess to come back with a punch of his own.

    However, Raven quickly hits a throat thrust and prevents any sort of attack.

    Douglas collapses on the mat.


    Joey: Oh, what a stiff shot!

    Taz: Shane's in trouble!


    Raven capitalises and hooks in a Sleeper Hold, looking for a submission.

    Douglas starts to fade.

    Jim Molineaux lifts The Franchise's arm.


    It falls once.


    Callis: Come on, Shane, come on. This for the title!

    Taz: And your career!


    It falls twice.


    Jim Molineaux lifts the challenger's arm for a final time.


    Taz: Oh man, I think Raven's got him.

    Callis leaps up from his chair and screams at the top of his lungs.



    Douglas throws his fist up!

    Raven is visibly pissed off.

    He lifts Douglas to his feet and whips him to the ropes.

    Douglas rebounds and hits a thunderous lariat!


    Joey: Oh, what a shot!

    Taz: He's coming back, man.

    Callis: Hell yeah!


    Douglas climbs to the toprope and delivers a flying legdrop.

    He goes for the cover



    Joey: Raven just rolls the shoulder.

    Callis: This match is incredible!


    Douglas rolls to the outside and brings a chair into the match.

    Upon re-entering he is caught with a lowblow.

    Raven sets up the chair in the middle of the ring and whips Douglas to the ropes.

    On the rebound, he hits a Drop Toe Hold onto the steel.


    Joey: Oh the Franchise just got a cut opened on his forehead!


    Raven picks up the challenger and hits repeated fists and forearms to the forehead to open the cut further.

    Douglas dropd to his knees barely conscious.

    Out of nowhere, though, he gets Raven back for earlie, hitting a lowblow of his own.

    He picks up Raven and sets him up for the Pittsburgh Plunge.


    Taz: This has got to be it!


    However, Raven slips behind and, again, applies a sleeper hold.

    The Franchise tries to fight out but Raven's grip is too strong.

    The champion wrenches the hold in even tighter.


    Joey: The Franchise's face is nothing more than a crimson mask and now he's having the life choked out of him!

    Callis: This is sick. Absoloutely sick!


    The Franchise, again, begins to fade and referee Molineaux checks his conciousness.


    He lifts his arm once... it falls.


    Twice... it falls.


    The third and final time... it fall...


    Joey: No, not quite! There's still fight left in The Franchise!


    Douglas fights his way up to his feet and tosses Raven over his shoulder to free himself.

    On spaghetti legs, Douglas picks up Raven.

    Out of nowhere, he hooks up the Pittsburgh Plunge again.


    Joey: And could this be it?


    He hits it!


    Callis: We have a new champion, we have a new champion!


    1...2... Raven gets his foot on the rope.


    Taz: Oh, man, this is nuts!


    Both men lay on the canvas exhausted as the fans applaud their efforts.

    They stagger to their feet using each other for balance.

    Raven strikes Douglas with achop.

    Douglas follows suit only harder.

    Raven falls backwards and bounces off the ropes.


    The Franchise makes the cover.


    Douglas picks up the champion and hits a DDT.

    He picks him up again and lifts him into a Vertical suplex.

    He continues to hold him upside down.

    Still, the champion's blood is rushing to his head.

    Finally, Douglas crashes Raven into the mat.


    Taz: This is a great sequence of moves from The Franchise!


    He picks up Raven in a Piledriver position.


    CM Punk runs to the ring with his title over his shoulder.



    Callis: Hang on. Didn't Douglas say that if you interfered you'd be fired?

    Taz: Yeah but maybe Punk doesn't care.


    Before Douglas can deliver the Piledriver, Punk nails him with the All Action title belt.


    Joey: Damn it!


    Raven crawls over Douglas to make the cover.



    Taz: Oh, man, The Franchise is still in it.


    Punk, now at ringside, is nearly pulling his hair out with anxiety.

    Raven picks up Douglas and hits an Evenflow DDT!



    Joey: The Franchise won't stay down!


    Raven hooks him up again.

    Evenflow DDT!



    Taz: Oh my god!


    Punk sklides a chair into the ring as Raven hooks up the challenger for the third time.

    Evenflow DDT on the steel!


    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Well, it took three DDTs from Raven and assistance from CM Punk but Raven is still the champion.

    Callis: Damn it!

    Taz: So does this mean Punk is out of work?


    Raven picks up a microphone.


    Raven: Now that I'm the ECW commissioner I don't think you have any worries about job security, Punk!


    The Champion and his protege celebrate in the ring to the crowd's disgust.


    "Superstar" Steve Austin is backstage.



    Austin: In about two minutes time, the Baptism Of Fire match will kick off. So, I better keep this short and sweet. After I win this battle royal, I'm gonna be the one to finally take out Raven once and for all at Hardcore Heaven!


    Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the most historic match in ECW's fourteen year legacy. This is the Baptism Of Fire match!


    Baptism Of Fire Match



    Ring 1




    Ring 2



    Simultaneously, at the very beginning of the match all the other eight competitors (excluding Vito) in Ring 1 push Goliath to the ropes.

    Meanwhile, a chaotic 10-man brawl ensues in Ring 2.

    Vito tries to prevent the others from eliminating his fellow Nest member but 8 men prove too much for him and the giant who is lifted over the ropes and into the flames.

    His screams of pain can be heard around the arena.


    Taz: Sh*t! Goliath's on fire! Someone put him out!


    A team of officials with fire extinguishers relieve the danger.


    Joey: I guess a size advantage doesn't count for much when eight guys team up on you!

    Callis: So, Goliath's the first out. He won't be heading to Hardcore Heaven.


    In Ring 2, Sabu corners Abyss and attempts a Flying Crossbody.

    However, he is caught and Abyss goes to throw him outside to the flames.

    Sabu is able to thumb the montser in the eyes though and return to the action in the ring.

    In Ring 1, The Dudleys capitalise on being drawn in the same ring.

    Bubba takes Little Guido on his shoulders and D-Von heads up top.


    Taz: What are the Dudleys looking for?


    D-Von Clotheslines Guido off his partners shoulders, over the ropes and into the fires below.


    Joey: OH MY GOD! Guido tastes fire and he's out of the battle royal!

    Callis: Two, down, Joey, eight to go until the partition is lifted.


    In Ring 2, Owen Hart locks in a Sharpshooter on Yoshihiro Tajiri near the joined aprons as Kurt hits an Angle Slam on Chris Daniels.

    Meanwhile, Steve Austin hits a Superstar Stunner on Masato Tanaka.

    Michael Shane heads to the top rope looking to hit an Elbow Drop on a grounded Tanaka.

    However, Vito knocks the ring ropes, causing Shane to fall onto the flames of the joined aprons.


    Officials in special fire-retardant suits have to make their way to apron to put him out.


    Joey: Shane is out thanks to sneaky tactics from Vito.

    Taz: Yeah and have you noticed? Three are gone from ring one and none from ring two.


    As Taz says this, Paul Burchill boots Owen Hart in the gut, forcing him to release the Sharpshooter from Tajiri, who slowly gets to his feet.

    Kensuke Sasaki sees this and Clotheslines Tajiri over the ropes and unto the flames of the joined aprons.


    Callis: You spoke too soon Taz.


    As soon as Sasaki has eliminated Tajiri, Steve Corino comes up behind him and throws him over the ropes, into the flames.


    Taz: I really did. Oldschool has gone too.

    Joey: That's halfway until the middle flames are extinguished.


    Just as Corino did to Sasaki, Sabu creeps up behind Corino and eliminates him in an identical fashion.

    Burchill tries the same trick on Sabu but is met with an elbow to the face.

    In Ring 1, the rivalry of Mick Foley and Masato Tanaka kicks off again as the two enter a wild brawl.

    Rhino hits a Gore on Steve Austin!


    Joey: GORE! The Superstar could be eliminated here!


    Rhino goes to eliminate Austin but is met by a double team attack from the Dudley Boys.

    In Ring 2, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer team up to deliver a Double Clothesline to Abyss that sends him over the ropes an into the fire.


    Taz: The monster goes! That's seven now by my count.

    Callis: Yeah, only three left to go.


    The brawl between Foley and Tanaka reaches a head as the Japanese extremist hits a Bionic Elbow and throws Foley between the middle and top ropes.


    Joey: Foley is in the flames!


    Foley's hair catches on fire to the distress of the officials who rush to save him.


    Taz: Jesus, this is brutal!


    Steve Austin delivers a flapjack to Vito that smashes his face against the top rope.

    As he bounces up and turns round with the force, Rhino hits him with a stiff Clothesline.


    Callis: Vito is over and out!

    Joey: There is only one more elimination to come before the middle partition of flame is extinguished.


    Masato Tanaka picks up Chris Daniels in an Atomic Drop position and tries to throw him to the outside but Daniels is able to kick off the top rope and deliver a modified Bulldog.

    In Ring 2, Kurt Angle picks up Owen Hart in an Angle Slam and throws him over the top rope.


    Taz: Owen's out!

    Callis: No he's not Taz, look. He's held on to the rope and stayed on the apron.


    Owen then grabs Kurt from behind, runs along the apron and smashes the olympian's face into the turnbuckle.

    Paul Burchill comes running like a bull at Angle and connects with a huge Clothesline.

    Owen drops onto his back on the apron, mere inches away from the fire.

    Angle is sent flying over the ropes and into the flames as Owen rolls back onto the inside.


    Joey: Kurt's out and Owen somehow escape.

    Callis: Good. Frankly, he didn't deserve his spot. He stole it off Jerry Lynn!

    Taz: Well, either way the final ten are confirmed.





    Officials extinguish the middle wall of flame and the two groups of five men spill into both rings.

    As soon as Rhino realises their is an opportunity, he scouts out Tommy Dreamer.


    Joey: GORE!


    The force of Rhino's run is so great that it knocks Dreamer through the ropes and into the flames.


    Taz: Oh, man, Dreamer is the first of the final ten to go. I wasn't expecting that.


    Chris Daniels over to try and eliminate the Man Beast while his back is turned but Rhino realises in time.

    He boots The Fallen Angel in the gut and picks him up in a Military Press.

    He launches Daniels into the fire.


    Callis: Rhino is dominating!

    Joey: Yeah, Chris Daniels is out.


    A brawl ensues between Paul Burchill and Masato Tanaka.

    Meanwhile, Bubba and D-Von work together to lift Austin out.

    However, Sabu comes to the Superstar's aid.

    Owen Hart and Rhino engage in an intense staredown from opposite ends of the two rings and start to head towards each other.

    Burchill gets the best of Tanaka with a kick to the shin followed by an elbow to the back of his head.

    While Tanaka is bent double, Burchill takes the opportunity to toss him over the ropes and into the fire.


    Joey: Paul Burchill eliminates Masato Tanaka!

    Callis: There are only seven men left now.


    Sabu cuts off Owen Hart before he can get to Rhino, cathing him unexpectedly with a Reverse DDT.

    Steve Austin is able to floor both Dudleys with a Double DDt and goes after Paul Burchill.

    As the Dudley Boys get to their feet, Rhino charges, delivering a Double Clothesline which sends them to the fires outside.


    Joey: Both Bubba and D-Von are out in one fell swoop.

    Taz: Yeah, and that's five eliminations Rhino's made now.


    Owen Hart and Sabu continue to brawl in one ring while Rhino approaches Burchill and Austin, who are also brawling, in the other.

    Owen picks up Sabu in a Powerbomb position and tries to throw him over the ropes but Sabu reverses into a Hurricanrana.

    Meanwhile, Paul Burchill picks up Steve Austin, also in a Powerbomb position.

    Rhino goes up behind Burchill and rolls him up in a School Boy, causing both him to fall backwards and Austin, still in the Powerbomb position, to fall over the top rope and into the flames.


    Joey: The Superstar is out. We're down to four.

    Taz: Joey, this is insane!


    Sabu floors Owen with an Enziguri and goes for a Springboard Moonsault.

    However, Owen quickly rises to his feet and pushes Sabu off the rope into the flames.


    Callis: Make that down to three because Sabu's out too.

    Joey: So, it's Paul Burchill, Owen Hart and Rhino. Who's heading to Hardcore Heaven?


    Paul Burchill picks up Rhino in a Military Press.

    Owen Hart walks out onto the joined aprons, springboards off the top rope and delivers a Front Dropkick to Burchill's chest.

    Burchill falls backwards into the ropes.

    Rhinio goes flying over the ropes and over the flames below, landing on the concrete floor next to the steel guard rail.


    Taz: What the hell? Is Rhino eliminated?

    Joey: I don't think so. He hasn't been set on fire.


    As Hart and Burchill continue to wrestle in the ring, Rhino tries to get back in the ring but realises he can't due to the wall of flame.

    Meanwhile, Owen applies the Sharpshooter to Burchill in the middle of the second ring.

    Rhino asks an official to borrow their flame proof suit but the official refuses, claiming it would be unprofessiona;.

    Rhino, in a fit of rage, throws the official into the steel guard rail and storms backstage.


    Taz: What the hell does that mean?

    Callis: I guess we're down to two.

    Joey: So, it's either Owen Hart or Paul Burchill.


    In an incredible display of strength, Paul Burchill pushes down with both arms, in effect performing a push-up.

    The force of this action decreases Hart's leverage, forcing him to break the Sharpshooter.

    However, Owen follows up by whipping Burchill to the ropes and catching him with a knee to the mid section.

    He goes to put Burchill in a headlock but Burchill counters with a crafty Lowblow.

    Burchill applies a Rear Naked Choke to Owen Hart who slowly begins to fade.


    Taz: Hang on, who's that?

    Callis: You what?

    Joey: Look, it's Rhino!


    Rhino comes back to ringside from backstage carrying a ladder.


    Taz: Oh, man. If that actually works it will be a stroke of genius.


    Rhino sets up the ladder on the outside as Owen continues to fade.

    He ascends the ladder slowly, making sure not over balance.

    In the ring, Owen starts to fight his way to his feet.

    With a great show of strength he forces Burchill to release the headlock and throws him to the ropes.

    On the rebound Owen catches him with a Leg Lariat.

    Rhino, now on the top of the ladder, launches himself and the ladder crashes to the ground into the process.

    He flies over the flames and hits a Splash on Paul Burchill in the centre of the ring!


    Joey: OH MY GOD!


    The third "ECW" chant of the evening thunders round the arena, louder than the previous two.


    Taz: In all my life, I never expected to see a flying Rhino!


    Both Burchill and Rhino lay in the ring practically unconscious and Owen takes the opportunity to catch his breath.

    When he recovers, he picks up Rhino and drags him over to the ropes.

    He tries to pick up the Man Beast in a Vertical Suplex position but Rhino blocks it with his foot.

    He tries again.

    Again, blocked.

    Rhino punches Owen in the stomach, winding him.

    He locks in a Gut Wrench and lifts Hart onto his shoulder.


    Callis: What's this, a Shoulder Breaker?

    Taz: I don't think so, Callis.


    Rhino launches Owen over the ropes and into the flames.


    Joey: Owen is gone. It's down to Rhino and Paul Burchill! One of these men is heading to the main event at Hardcore Heaven in May.


    Rhino takes a minute to compose himself and waits for Burchill to stand who is clearly still affected from Rhino's Splash.

    When the Brit stands Rhino charges...


    Joey: GORE!

    Taz: No...


    Burchill sidesteps and pushes Rhino to increase his momentum.

    The Man Beast goes flying between the middle and top ropes and into the flames!

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Burchill wins it! Burchill wins it!

    Callis: We have our winner for the first ever Baptism Of Fire Match!


    The rest of Raven's nest come to the ring.



    They lift Paul Burchill onto their shoulders in appreciation and the six men all celebrate their group's success at the pay-per-view.


    Show Rating: A

  16. Hey Stallion, thanks for the feedback, mate. Your criticism is always constructive and very helpful.


    Plus, it's great to have you back reviewing shows. You've been a real rock of support for this diary since the off and I really appreciate it ;).


    The show should be up very soon...


    Quote The Raven


  17. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/BaptismDVD.jpg


    Six Man Tag Team Match

    bWo vs. sWo




    Two Ring Theory:



    Ultimate Jeopardy Match

    The Canadian Connection vs. Team Mexico vs. Team JAPAN





    Final Match in The Best-Of-Seven Series

    The series will be determined by pinfall or submission.

    A contract will be suspended above either ring.

    One certifies entry into the Baptism of Fire match.

    The other guarantees an International All Action title shot.

    Jerry Lynn vs. Lance Storm





    Halflife Handicap Match for the ECW World Tag Team Titles

    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Iron Saints©






    Two Out of Three Falls Match

    The winner is guaranteed entry into the Baptism of Fire match.

    Rhino vs. The Sandman





    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    If Shane Douglas wins, he will earn the right to return to active competition.

    If Raven wins, he will claim Shane Douglas' powers as Revolution Commissioner.

    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. Raven©






    The Baptism of Fire Match

    The last man standing will recieve a World Heavyweight Title shot at Hardcore Heaven in May


    The apron between the two rings and the ringside floor will host lit, gas fires.

    At the start of the match, twenty men will enter, ten in each ring, and compete under Battle Royale rules.

    A wrestler is eliminated when any part of his anatomy or clothing catches fire.

    When ten men are eliminated, the fire on the middle ring apron will be extinguished, allowing both rings to be accesible to all who remain.


    Ring 1




    Ring 2





    All predictions welcomed.

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