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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Loving your diary man cool idea, and the World Title picture is looking good come on give RVD the shot! lol! i like your writting style to very easy to read keep it up.


    Cheers dude, your compliments are very much appreciated - I'm glad someone is reading! Without giving too much away you may find that the title picture becomes even more interesting...

  2. Thursday, week 2, June



    *Theme music, Slayer - Angel of Death, plays*




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Joey: I'm Joey Styles: the only man unlucky enough to share an announce table with Taz and Paul Heyman.

    Heyman: laughs Oh that's cold.

    Joey: 9,990 fans have packed the Cricket Arena.

    Taz: Oh yeah, we're full to bursting baby and it looks like our first match is set to kick off.


    Bob Artese: This evening's opening match is one fall. On my left, the Sidekick Saviour, Chris Hero. And on my right, tipping the scales at an amazing 485lbs, Goliath.




    Goliath wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 11:09.

    Match Rating: C+


    Kurt Angle is in the ring for a shoot promo



    Angle: When I got to the arena tonight I discovered I was booked into a handicap match against the Hardy Boys. You may think I'm apprehensive about facing two guys at once but, in fact, I relish the opportunity to prove my wrestling superiority. You see, Matt and Jeff, this isn't World Wrestling Egomania, where musclebound brawlers with no skill for true wrestling succeed. This is ECW, I'm Kurt Angle and you... will tap out!




    Kurt Angle wins when Matt Hardy tapped out to an Ankle Lock at 12:18

    Match Rating: A


    Paul Heyman takes off his headset and enters the ring



    Heyman: Now I have a little surprise for all of you...


    Unknown music plays and, to the audience's surprise, Brock Lesnar emerges from the entrance-way wearing an ECW shirt. He recieves a strong positive reaction.


    He shakes hands with Paul Heyman. He then takes a step back... and clotheslines him! He the rips his ECW shirt to shreds. Huge jeers are heard.

    He picks up Heyman's mic...


    Lesnar: Did you honestly think I would come to ECW and embrace it? I detest everything you stand for. Hardcore brawling over wrestling, unnecessary violence and rudeness... this promotion is a disgrace. A "Get the f**k out!" chant begins. Why? Because I'm better than you? Because you feel threatened?


    The Dudley Boys come running out to a huge ovasion and attack Lesnar.

    John Finnegan enters the ring as Heyman stumbles back to the announce table


    Joey: Well, it looks like we have an unscheduled match.

    Taz: Oh man, this is huge! You okay Paul?

    Heyman: clearly in pain Just about. I'll feel a lot better when the Dudleys destroy Lesnar.




    Lesnar wins with an F-5 at 12:54.

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Damn it!

    Taz: Who does this guy think he is?


    Heyman picks up a microphone but is wise enough to stay at the announce table this time.


    Heyman: You know what Brock? If you're so convinced that ECW places no emphasis on technical excellence, at Wrestlepalooza you can face a man who thinks slightly differently to you. T^he other man to win a handicap match tonight... Kurt Angle!

    Lesnar looks shocked

    Taz: Yeah, Paul, yeah.




    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 13:04.

    Match Rating: A


    Raven enters the ring for a shoot promo



    Raven: How many men does it take to challenge for the ECW World Title? Apparently, four because none of them are good enough to beat me single-handed. What about me? What about Raven? I could destroy RVD, Sabu, Dreamer or Sandman but the problem lies in the fact that I have to watch my back for fear of armed two-on-one assaults. Moreover, I have to remember who I'm supposed to be opposing on which show - it's more difficult than you might think when four men are screaming for your blood.


    But it stops here!


    RVD, you took me out from behind with a singapore cane last week. So why don't you come down here right now and prove you can do it face-to-face.


    RVD's music hits and the crowd goes nuts.


    RVD walks out with chair in hand taunting Raven.


    But as if from nowhere Sabu attacks RVD from behind, takes his chair and blasts him in the head with it.

    A limp RVD falls to the floor. Sabu picks him up and throws him through the entrance-way caging and into electrical equipment.


    Joey: Oh my God!

    Taz: That is absolutely brutal!


    Sabu turns to face Raven and the two men stare each other down from opposite sides of the arena before Sabu walks off, leaving RVD to be helped backstage by Hogan and Funk.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, from the United Kingdom, the Anarchist Doug Williams. And to my right, the ECW World Television Champion, the Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with the Walls Of Jericho at 14:27.

    Match Rating: A


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B+

  3. Monday, week 2, June



    *Theme music, Trivium - Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr, plays*




    Don Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution, I'm Don Callis.

    JR: And I'm Jim Ross

    Scott Hudson: We're live in front of 10,000 fans in the Pan-American Stadium and we have a great card lined up!

    Don Callis: Shawn Michaels will be in action despite suffering broken ribs last Sunday at Barely Legal. He will square off against Psicosis.

    Scott Hudson: And continuing on the theme of luchadores we have two high-flying battles set for tonight.

    JR: First off, two japanese greats faceoff as Lyger takes on Ultimo Dragon

    Don Callis: Then, the main event. Rey Mysterio vs. Juventud Guerrera. I can't wait guys.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from D'loville, D'lo. And to my right, residing in Pennsylvania, Nate Hatred.




    Nate Hatred wins with a Fire Thunder Driver through a table at 11:02

    Match Rating: B


    A backstage camera shows Steve Austin Arriving


    He gets a huge pop, raises a fist to the camera, laughs and walks off




    Burchill wins with a Standing Moonsault at 12:02

    Match Rating: B+


    Tommy Dreamer appears at the entrane way to give a shoot promo



    Dreamer: Last Sunday, Barely Legal marked a two year anniversary. It was exactly two years since I last had a title shot. Well guess what? Raven, I've beaten you before and I'll beat you again. Put quite simply...


    The Sandman emerges from the entrance and attacks Tommy Dreamer with a singapore cane from behind

    Sandman: I've heard RVD challenge Raven, I've seen Sabu challenge Raven and now Tommy Dreamer joins the list but the list ends here! If anyone's gonna challenge Raven it's gonna be me!


    Don Callis: Wow, in the space of a week Raven has been issued with four seperate challenges: RVD, Sabu, Dreamer and Sandman.

    Scott Hudson: Yeah, and you've got to believe that both Steph Mcintosh and Paul E. will be plugging one of the guys from their show to get the next title shot.

    Don Callis: That's true. I don't know how this will be settled.

    JR: Well if this was WWE...

    Don Callis: ...Well it's not WWE Jim. This is ECW, where we give a fair go to all challengers regardless of whether they marry the boss' daughter or not.

    Scott Hudson: Calm down guys, I'm sure Steph and Paul will think of something.

    Don Callis: True. Anyway, it's now time for Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Jerry Lynn.

    JR: Your old client I believe, Don.

    Don Callis: Yeah, a few years back.




    Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 12:43

    Match Rating: B+


    Steve Austin enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Austin: It seems like an awful lot of people have their sights set on the same goal. That, of course, being the ECW World Title. Personally, I'm happy just kicking ass and getting paid for it! (Huge pop). Anyway, as you may have noticed I've been out with a neck injury thanks to a chair shot from Goldberg two months ago. But hey, we're on different shows I've got no vendetta. There's enough people to kick his ass on F' The Mainstream without my intervention (F**k you Goldberg chant begins - Austin laughs). Having said that, I make my official in-ring return next week (another huge pop) and a very good friend of mine has agreed to be my opponent... none other than Cactus Jack!

    He leaves as the crowd go crazy at the prospect of Austin vs. Cactus Jack




    Shawn Michaels wins with a Flying Elbow 12:24. He left the ring in pain from his broken ribs.

    Match Rating: A


    A video is shown to hype up Austin vs. Cactus Jack




    Lyger wins with a 450 splash at 13:40.

    Match Rating: A* - they have great chemistry.


    Raven enters the ring, for a shoot promo, to a hugely negative reaction



    Raven: The Bible states "There is hope, faith and love but the greatest of these is love." In ECW, there is F' The Mainstream, there is Revolution and there is the ECW World Chamionship. The greatest of these is the Championship.


    What about me? What about Raven? I am the ECW World Champion and I am the greatest force hardcore wrestling has ever seen.


    As far as I'm concerned, it does not matter if it is RVD, Sabu, Dreamer or Sandman. They are all inferior to me.



    The Sandman crashes the ring with a singapore cane in hand but Raven is able to escape through the audience just before he gets nailed.

    Sandman raises his hand to jeers from the sellout crowd.


    However, Tommy Dreamer runs in and the jeers turn to cheers.

    Sandman also escapes through the crowd before Dreamer can get his revenge.


    Scott Hudson: Dreamer wants blood.

    Jim Ross: I think they all do.

    Don Callis: No doubt but, now, let's go to Bob Artese in the ring.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, hailing from Mexico, Rey Mysterio Jr. And to my right, also from Mexico, Juventud Guerrera.




    Rey Mysterio wins with a Huracanrana from the top rope at 14:16.

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Juventud shook Rey's hand as a sign of respect. the crowd applauded this act.


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

  4. will the two shows be competing for ratings?

    They shall be competing for ratings, yes, but in the form of a friendly rivalry.


    Any crossbrand matches at PPVs (all PPVs cover both brands) have to be agreed by both authorities (except for those booked by me but you'll notice I very rarely pop up - I'm not Vince Mcmahon and therefore prefer to leave the crowd interaction to Paul E. and Steph on the whole).


    Basically, they compete as far as it is healthy for the product. They try and hype their matches above the competition's but don't degrade each other.

  5. woah,...Hogan had to find work then eh? after WWE was gone :)


    He came to ECW as a heel Main Eventer back in 2000 when WCW went out of business... he refused to work for Vince.


    After about a year or two of being the most hated man on the roster, he was too old to carry on wrestling so Roadie it is.

  6. Thursday, Week 1, June



    *Theme music, Slayer - Angel of Death, plays*



    Joey: Welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: We let him have that line.

    Taz: Hey bossman, it's 'cos of me that you call the show that.

    Heyman: (laughing) Well someone was always gonna come up with it.

    Taz: (laughing) Yeah, whatever Paul.

    Joey: I'll just call the show myself shall I?

    Taz: (still laughing) Sorry Joe.

    Heyman: Floor's all yours.

    Joey gives a jokingly scornful look

    Joey: We're sold out in front of 10,000 fans here in Albequerqe

    Taz: The Tingley Colliseum to be precise

    Heyman: Yeah, whatever Taz

    Joey: Let's go to Bob Artese


    Bob Artese: The following contest is one fall. To my left the Sidekick Saviour Chris Hero. And to my right, from El Paso, Texas the second generation mexican mauler. This is Eddie Guerrero Resounding boos are heard which Eddie merely taunts.




    Eddie wins with a Frog Splash after 11:43.


    Match Rating: B+. A very solid opener.


    The camera follows Eddie to the back where he collides with Christ Benoit


    Eddie: What do you think you're looking at Holmes?

    Benoit: I'm looking at you Eddie. A sellout piece of crap.

    Eddie: Them fighting words Me Vito Loco. You should put you're money where you're mouth is.

    Benoit: Sure thing Eddie, just don't look for sympathy in the fans you soldout when I make you tap out!

    Benoit walks off leaving Eddie looking pissed.


    Camera cuts back to ringside.


    Joey: What do ya say Paul E. - is it official?

    Heyman: Oh it's official. On June 28th at Wrestlepalooza you, Eddie Guerrero, will feel the wrath of these fans behind me and the Crippler Chris Benoit.

    Taz: Hey, aren't you supposed to be objective in your commentary?

    Heyman: Oh believe me I am. Eddie's days are numbered.




    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 13:12

    Match Rating: A


    RVD appears by the entrance-way



    RVD: Straight to the point, no BS. I'm issuing a challenge right here, right now to Raven. You may have beaten Shawn Michaels last night but you can't beat me. So say hello to your new ECW World Champion - Rob Van Dam.


    Back in the ring...


    Bob Artese: The following match is one fall and for the ECW Tag Team Titles. On my left, the Hardy Boys. "Vince sucks c**k" chants sound around the arena And on my right from Dudleyville the Dudley Boys. Loud cheers





    Dudley Boys win with a 3D at 11:24

    Match Rating: B+.


    Raven enters the ring




    Raven: Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who should have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph. What about me? What about Raven? I am that evil!


    Consider, if you will, that you feckless, fickle parasites revere Shawn Michaels as a god. Last night, I beat that god, I bled that god, I buried the career of that god six feet under. Who kills a god if not a god? I'm on the same, no a higher, existential level than the "Immortal" Shawn Michaels. Yet still you chant his name rather than mine.


    So, now, RVD wants a title shot and Raven has to prove himself once more. Furthermore, I have to do it with an injured arm. Nevertheless, prove myself I shall whoever the challenger may be.


    So it is written, so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Ra...


    The lights go out

    They come on again to reveal Sabu, who merely signals at his waist, indicating that he wants Raven's title.


    The two men stare each other down and Raven slaps Sabu.

    A Brawl begins and then RVD comes running out.


    He goes to kick Raven but misses and decks Sabu. He then unloads rights and lefts on Raven, who manages to escape the ring.

    Sabu then attacks RVD from behind, picks up a chair and beats him down, leaving him bloodied.


    Joey: Well that was...

    Heyman: ...interesting?

    Joey: Pretty much

    Taz: Man, that was violent

    Joey: Very true but now it's Goliath vs. Christian

    Heyman: What kind of name is Christian anyway?

    Taz: What do you mean?

    Heyman: Well my parents had nine months to decide on a name, the same as his, but they didn't call me "Jew".

    Joey and Taz try and restrain their laughter

    Joey: We apologise for that

    Heyman: laughing What?

    All three announcers are laughing as the camera cuts to the ring




    Goliath wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 11:13

    Match Rating: B-


    A video is shown to hype Raven, focusing mainly on him beating Shawn Michaels on last night's PPV




    Goldberg wins with a Jackhammer at 11:02

    Match Rating: A (Goldberg recieved a mixed reaction as always).




    Raven is walking down a corridor backstage and sees Sabu.

    The two approach each other and look set to brawl.

    Out of nowhere, RVD appears with a singapore cane and takes both of them out.


    Joey: This looks like it's getting serious.


    Bob Artese: The Main Event for this evening is one fall and is for the ECW World Television Championship. On my left "The Canadian Extremist" Lance Storm. And on my right, also from Canada, the ECW World TV Champion "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho.





    Crhis Jericho wins with the Walls Of Jericho at 14:08

    Match Rating: A*.



    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown rating: B+

  7. Back to the plot...


    The Roster is split into two brands: Revolution and FTM (M standing for 'Mainstream'. Any Taz fans will immediately recognise the rest).



    Champs are on both brands.



    Raven (Heel)



    'The Lionheart' Chris Jericho (Heel)



    The Dudley Boys (Faces)




    The Authority


    Paul E. (Face)


    Announce Team

    Joey Styles


    Paul E.


    Main Eventers


    Rob Van Dam (Face)

    Bill Goldberg (Face - but many, many fans resent him for his time in WCW)

    Chris Benoit (Face)

    Kurt Angle (Face)

    Goliath (Heel)

    Sabu (Heel)

    Eddie Guerrero (Heel)


    Upper Midcarders


    Rhyno (Face)

    Masato Tanaka (Face)

    Christian (Heel)

    Steve Corino (Heel)




    Spike Dudley (Face)

    Matt Hardy (Heel)

    Lance Storm (Face)

    Jeff Hardy (Heel)

    Charlie Haas (Heel)


    Lower Midcarders


    Ron Simmons (Heel)

    Christopher Daniels (Heel)

    Nova (Face)




    Josh Barnett (Face)

    Doug Williams (Face)

    The Messiah (Heel)

    Ron Simmons (Heel)


    Enhancement Talent


    Chris Hero (Face)

    Bryan Danielson (Face)


    Road Agents/Referees


    Hulk Hogan

    Terry Funk

    John Finnegan

    Dave Hebner




    The Authority


    Stephanie Mcintosh (Face-ish many fans feel she does not deserve her position). At this moment in time I shall point out this is the las who joined the gameworld in TEW2004.


    Announce Team

    Don Callis

    Scott Hudson

    Jim Ross (Signed after he shockingly left WWF. Is little more than a comedic heel figure)


    (It is a joke on this brand that Don Callis has to contend with an ex-WWF guy and an ex-WCW guy. He often resorts to calling the matches single handed and ignoring the pro-WWF ramblings of Ross. Hudson at least makes an effort; Ross doesn't).


    Main Eventers


    Tommy Dreamer (Face)

    Steve Austin (Face)

    Shawn Michales (Face - no longer associated with WWF as he defected years ago)

    Cactus Jack (Face)

    Rocky (Heel - very much still associated with WWF)

    The Sandman (Heel)


    Upper Midcarders


    Paul Burchill (Face - Hell yes)

    Rey Mysterio (Face)

    Scott Steiner (Face - turned by launching an on-air a diatribe against WCW but not accepted by the fanbase)

    Lyger (Face)

    D'Lo (Heel - a wannabe D-von Dudley but invariably is put through tables himself)

    Juventud Guerrera (Heel)




    Yoshihiro Tajiri(Face)

    Ultimo Dragon (Face)

    Lance Storm (Face)

    Jerry Lynn (Heel)

    Bob Sapp (Heel)


    Lower Midcarders


    Nate Hatred (Face)

    Jimmy Yang(Heel)


    Andrew Martin (Heel)




    CM Punk(Heel)

    Eric Angle(Heel)


    Road Agents/Referees


    Hulk Hogan

    Terry Funk

    Chris Kay

    Jim Molineaux



    *Some of the workers in the list are surprising. They are included, in the main, simply for their name value as ECW tries to rise in size. Throughout the course of the diary, the roster will be moulded into a more constant and talent-oriented form*

  8. So you started playing this on TEW 2004 and you used the data converter to convert it into TEW 05 files?


    Actually, because I'm crap with all that kinda stuff, a painful amount of the TEW 2005 database was done from scratch based of the 2004 stats. Hence why I'm hoping that this diary goes well.


    Quote The Raven


  9. All stories/creations by Nevermore

    Graphic contributions by Game-Face and Sean McFly

    The masterful PDF by Mistaken





    PDF of this diary (story related posts only) from start to November To Remember XV (2007): http://rg.to/file/e146d6dc22d44c7411c511f03cfaa98c/ECW_Worldwide.pdf.html


    This is a fictional game world! This game began using TEW 2004 with 1994 data. As such, events in the game world are concurrent with all real world events up until July 1994. From this point on, however, all events that are referenced will be events that occurred within the world. Here are a few quick examples:


    1. Many talent defections took place in the 90's.
    2. WCW were bought out by WWF in 2000. Many workers joined the WWE roster, while others tried their luck in a slightly more hardcore environment.
    3. ECW are an internationally known company (currently just inside the International game parameters). Whilst appealling to a wider audience they remain true to many of their original ideals and the ECW roster still includes many of the original pioneers.
    4. Some major workers including Steve Austin, Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr (you may spot others) never left ECW in the 1990's and remain as a part of the promotion. However, since the diary has begun Austin has defected to the WWF.
    5. I am the owner of ECW after I took over from Heyman in '99 and I am an occasional on-screen authority (Heyman remains as an authority figure and booker under a lifetime contract).
    6. Kurt Angle joined ECW in '97 not WWE (the "Crucifiction Incident" never happened).
    7. "Sophie Mcintosh" joined the gameworld in TEW 2004. In TEW 2005 I changed her name and picture and she's an on-screen authority with the same stats.






    What shall follow is a retrospective look at what I deem to be important factors in the evolution of the gameworld and ECW. This shall be done in stages... I'm lazy, so shoot me :D.


    Title Histories



    ECW World Heavyweight Championship


    Vito Thomaselli: 27 February 2008 - present


    Chris Hero: 7 January 2008 - 27 February 2008


    Paul Burchill: 30 November 2007 - 7 January 2008


    Raven (7): 26 October 2007 - 30 November 2007


    Chris Jericho (2): 26 October 2007 (10:54 pm) - 26 October 2007 (11:02 pm)


    Owen Hart: 1 October 2007 - 26 October 2007


    Raven (6): 29 February 2007 - 1 October 2007


    Sabu (5): 29 December 2006 - 29 February 2007


    Raven (5): 28 October 2006 - 29 December 2006


    Shawn Michaels (2): 26 September 2006 - 28 October 2006


    Raven (4): 23 November 2005 - 26 September 2006


    Sabu (4): 21 December 2004 - 23 November 2005


    Bam Bam Bigelow: 28 December 2003 - 21 December 2004


    The Sandman (4): 21 May 2003 - 28 December 2003


    Steve Corino: 26 March 2003 - 21 May 2003


    Masato Tanaka: 29 November 2002 - 26 March 2003


    Raven (3): 30 September 2001 - 29 November 2002


    The Sandman (3): 26 May 2001 - 30 September 2001


    Taz: 18 September 2000 - 26 May 2001


    Tommy Dreamer: 18 September 2000 (10:57 pm) - 18 September 2000 (11:15 pm)


    Cactus Jack: 25 May 2000 - 18 September 2000


    The Sandman (2): 18 November 1999 - 25 May 2000


    Raven (2): 27 March 1999 - 18 November 1999


    Shawn Michaels: 20 September 1998 - 27 March 1999


    Goliath: 27 February 1998 - 20 September 1998


    Chris Jericho: 18 September 1997 - 27 February 1998


    Raven: 21 January 1997 - 18 September 1997


    Shane Douglas (5): 15 January 1995 - 21 January 1997


    Terry Funk (2): 21 December 1994 - 15 January 1995


    Shane Douglas (4): 29 November 1994 - 21 December 1994


    Sabu (3): 24 September 1994 - 29 November 1994


    Shane Douglas (3): 29 August 1994 - 24 September 1994


    Sabu (2): 26 July 1994 - 29 August 1994


    Shane Douglas (2): 26 March 1994 - 26 July 1994




    *Prior to this, the history is concurrent with realworld events*



    ECW World Television Championship



    Juventud Guerrera: 26 November 2007 - present


    AJ Styles (2): 26 October 2007 - 26 November 2007


    Ultimo Dragon (2): 28 September 2007 - 26 October 2007


    AJ Styles: 29 May 2007 - 28 September 2007


    Rob Van Dam (3): 24 April 2007 - 29 May 2007


    Chris Jericho (4): 15 April 2007 - 24 April 2007


    Bret Hart (2): 22 March 2007 - 15 April 2007


    Paul Burchill: 28 February 2007 - 22 March 2007


    Bret Hart: 6 February 2007 - 28 February 2007


    Vito Thomaselli: 4 December 2006 - 6 February 2007


    Kensuke Sasaki: 28 October 2006 - 4 December 2006


    Shane Douglas: 26 September 2006 - 28 October 2006


    Rhino (2): 30 August 2006 - 26 September 2006


    Chris Jericho (3): 15 August 2006 - 30 August 2006


    Rhino: 8 August 2006 - 15 August 2006


    Chris Jericho (2): 23 November 2005 - 8 August 2006


    Ultimo Dragon: 26 May 2005 - 23 November 2005


    Kurt Angle (3): 29 November 2004 - 26 May 2005


    Lance Storm (2): 23 February 2004 - 29 November 2004


    Jerry Lynn (2): 21 May 2003 - 23 February 2004


    Chris Benoit (2): 26 March 2003 - 21 May 2003


    Kurt Angle (2): 28 September 2002 - 26 March 2003


    Jerry Lynn: 30 September 2001 - 28 September 2002


    Chris Jericho: 20 November 2000 - 30 September 2001


    Rob Van Dam (2): 21 December 1998 - 20 November 2000


    Bam Bam Bigelow (2): 26 April 1998 - 21 December 1998


    Rob Van Dam: 28 August 1997 - 26 April 1998


    Kurt Angle: 21 January 1997 - 28 August 1997


    Lance Storm: 26 November 1996 - 21 January 1997


    Chris Benoit: 28 July 1996 - 26 November 1996


    Bam Bam Bigelow: 26 March 1996 - 28 July 1996


    Raven: 25 August 1995 - 26 March 1996


    Eddie Guerrero (2): 28 July 1995 - 25 August 1995


    Dean Malenko: 26 July 1994 - 28 July 1995




    *Prior to this, the history is concurrent with realworld events*



    Undisputed ECW World Tag Team Championships


    The Old Age Cliches ("Hot Dogg" Jesse Nova & "Blue Balls" Billy Buns: 27 February 2008 - present


    Second Generation of Dudleys (Big Dick Dudley Jr. & Slyk Tayshaun Dudley): 4 December 2007 - 27 February 2008


    Dudley Boyz (9): 26 October 2007 - 4 December 2007


    The Whole F**kin' Show (2): 29 March 2007 - 26 October 2007


    The Thomaselli Brothers (Salvatore and Brandon Thomaselli): 29 February 2007 - 29 March 2007


    The Whole F**kin' Show (Rob Van Dam & Shawn Michaels): 26 November 2006 - 28 February 2007


    Monsters Inc. (Abyss & Goliath): 28 October 2006 - 26 November 2006


    Blue World Order (2): 9 August 2006 - 28 October 2006


    New Age Enterprise (Raven & Paul Burchill): 2 August 2006 - 9 August 2006


    Dudley Boyz (8): 23 May 2006 - 2 August 2006


    Blue World Order (Big Stevie Cool & Hollywood Nova): 18 January 2006 - 23 May 2006


    Dudley Boyz (7): 28 December 2005 - 18 January 2006


    Ultimo Dragon & Hayabusa: 27 November 2005 - 28 December 2005


    Dudley Boyz (6): 26 January 2005 - 27 November 2005


    Full Blooded Italians (3): 26 January 2005 (9:52 pm) -26 January 2005 (9:58 pm)


    Tokyo Storm (3): 29 April 2004 -26 January 2005


    Dudley Boyz (5): 28 February 2004 - 29 April 2004


    Full Blooded Italians (2): 29 September 2003 - 28 February 2004


    Dudley Boyz (4): 26 March 2003 - 29 September 2003


    Jerry Lynn & Jushin Lyger: 29 January 2003 - 26 March 2003


    Tokyo Storm (2): 28 April 2002 - 29 January 2003


    Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit: 22 March 2002 - 28 April 2002


    Dudley Boyz (3): 8 January 2002 - 22 March 2002


    LSD (Chris Jericho & Rob Van Dam): 27 September 2001 - 8 January 2002


    Dudley Boyz (2): 23 November 2000 - 27 September 2001


    Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman: 22 January 2000 - 23 November 2000


    MasIVBalls (Masato Tanaka & Balls Mahoney): 26 July 1999 -22 January 2000


    Tokyo Storm (Yoshihiro Tajiri & Lance Storm): 22 December 1998 - 26 July 1999


    Sabu & Rob Van Dam: 21 January 1998 -22 December 1998


    Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke): 27 August 1997 - 21 January 1998


    Dudley Boyz (Buh-Buh Ray Ray & D-Von): 19 February 1997 - 27 August 1997


    The Eliminators (Perry Saturn & John Kronus): 24 July 1996 - 19 February 1997


    Triple Threat (Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko): 16 September 1995 - 24 July 1996


    Raven & Stevie Richards: 30 June 1995 - 16 September 1995


    Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge): 26 July 1994 - 30 June 1995




    *Prior to this, the history is concurrent with realworld events*



    ECW Triple Crown


    Sabu: Achieved 4 February 1995 by capturing first World Tag Team Championship with Taz


    Raven: Achieved 21 January 1997 by capturing first World Heavyweight Championship


    Taz: Achieved 18 September 2000 by capturing first World Heavyweight Championship


    Chris Jericho: Achieved 27 September 2001 by capturing first World Tag Team Championship with Rob Van Dam


    Paul Burchill: Achieved 30 November 2007 by capturing first World Heavyweight Championship




    ECW International All Action Championship


    Sal Thomaselli: 27 February 2008 - present


    Ricky Marvin: 30 November 2007 - 27 February 2008 (winner of championship tournament)


    Vacant: 3 November - 30 November 2007 (to be awarded to winner of championship tournament)


    CM Punk (2): 26 October 2007 - 3 November 2007 (stripped of title)


    Vito Thomaselli (2): 29 September 2007 - 26 October 2007


    CM Punk: 28 February 2007 - 29 September 2007


    Vito Thomaselli: 5 November 2006 - 28 February 2007


    The Great Sasuke: 28 October 2006 - 5 November 2006


    Jushin Lyger: 26 September 2006 - 28 October 2006


    Yoshihiro Tajiri: 30 August 2006 - 26 September 2006



    ECW/Dudleyville Hardcore Tag Team Championship


    Unified with the World Tag Team Championship on November 30 2007


    Dudley Boyz (2): 26 October 2007 - 30 November 2007


    Hardcore Innovators (Cactus Jack & Tommy Dreamer: 24 August 2007 - 26 October 2007


    Dudley Boyz: 28 July 2007 - 24 August 2007 (Dudley Boyz debut titles on Blood, Sweat & Beers)



    ECW Lioness Championship


    Nathalie: 7 January 2008 - present

    Alexis Laree: 28 September 2007 - 7 January 2008 (won a Lioness' Den Match to crown the first champion)



    ECW Masters Of Pain Tournament Winners


    Chris Hero: 2007 - succesful world title challenge



    Cactus Jack - 2006 - unsuccesful in world title challenge


    Kurt Angle - 2005 - unsuccesful in world title challenge


    Sabu (2) and Raven (3) - 2004 - succesful world title challenge*


    Bam Bam Bigelow - 2003 - succesful world title challenge


    Tommy Dreamer - 2002 - unsuccesful in world title challenge


    Taz (2) - 2001 - unsuccesful in world title challenge


    Taz - 2000 - succesful in world title challenge


    Raven (2) - 1999 - succesful world title challenge


    Sabu - 1998 - unsuccesful in world title challenge


    Goliath - 1997 - succesful world title challenge


    Raven - 1996 - succesful world title challenge



    *Sabu won the belt in a Triangle Match against Raven and Bam Bam Bigelow



    Winners of the "Baptism Of Fire" Match


    Paul Burchill: - Baptism Of Fire 1 (2007)



    World Cup Winners Winners


    England: 2007


    The Franchise Players



    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas


    No list of ECW's franchise players could possibly be compiled without The Franchise himself, Shane Douglas. The sacrifices this man has made for and the effort he has given to this great company are well documented and cause for much respect. In fact, he arguably carried the promotion (with support from Sabu) from 1994-1997 and boasts the longest ever world title reign of over two years (a remarkable 736 days from January 15 1995 - January 21 1997)!


    His feud with Sabu throughout 1995 helped propel ECW to new heights and culminated in a Barbed Wire Deathmatch at "F**k The Big Two" in November 1995, which he narrowly won thanks to assistance from Chris Benoit. His next rivalry with Raven was one of the greatest in the promotion's history, spanning over a year and showcasing many cutting-edge title matches. This led to what many believe was the best hardcore match of all time at ECW's first pay-per-view, Barely Legal, on January 21 1997. Raven, a babyface at the time, with assistance from Douglas' old nemesis Sabu, was finally able to end the legendary reign of The Franchise.


    After this defeat, Douglas took a hiatus from wrestling due to "personal issues" that never were discussed with the media. In 2001, after a four year absence, he returned as a face to challenge Raven in a one-off title match at Hardcore Heaven - he was unsuccesful. He then headed to Japan, achieving moderate success with both WMF and AJPW, only to return in 2006 at Anarchy Rules to defeat Rhino for the World Television Championship.


    Now seemingly retired from active competition (but not before revisiting his feud with Raven one last time), Douglas has become the manager and mentor of "The New Franchise" Paul Burchill. Under Douglas' guidance, Burchill seems destined for greatness.





    One of the craziest bastards in the history of the sport. There is seemingly nothing that the Human Highlight Reel will not do to entertain an ECW crowd. His time with the company has not exactly been the smoothest, though, his fallings out with both Paul Heyman and current ECW owner, Charlie Pag, are well documented. However, regardless of his relations and actions outside of the ring, he remains nothing short of a legend inside it.


    His afore-mentioned feud with "The Franchise" Shane Douglas lasted from the end of 1993 right up until his nemesis' departure from the promotion in 1997 and is universally regarded as a classic.


    Although his run in the promotion has since become less iconic, he is commonly described as the backbone of the roster. Indeed, whenever a transitional champion is required, it's Sabu; whenever an incumbent talent needs "the rub", it's the Human Highlight Reel who provides it yet always seems to come back stronger.


    The question is how much longer this seemingly ageless wonder can really go on. It's no secret that his ring-work has become far more sloppy over the years but the fans evidently still adore him. Whatever his future holds it will be with ECW!





    Douglas' arch nemesis is the next logical icon to discuss. What Douglas achieved in the '90s as the figurehead of ECW, Raven continued to the new millenium and beyond. He holds the record for the most amount of World Title reigns at six (narrowly beating Douglas and Sabu who both hold five).


    His heel turn at 1997's November To Remember, when he betrayed his tag partner Sabu (they faced Cactus Jack and Chris Jericho) is often seen as a pivotal moment in the promotion's history and has been compared to Hulk Hogan's heel turn in WCW. Since changing his alignment, Raven has never looked back, clearly playing the bad guy role with ease.


    Since his days feuding with Douglas, he has formed a cult following and has clocked up rivalries with Sabu, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio Jr, The Sandman, Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart. However, all of these could be eclipsed in the wake of his bad blood with former protege, Paul Burchill. More recently, he was the main attraction in the New Age Enterprise stable that dominated the promotion for a few months and has since reformed Raven's Nest.



    "Lionheart" Chris Jericho


    Chris Jericho had what was perhaps the most meteoric rise to fame in the history of the sport. His feud with Steve Austin surpassed all expectations and pushed both men into the upper reaches of the card. When he was victorious in their final match at Barely Legal '97, he earned his place in the main event.


    After entering a tag feud with Cactus Jack against the babyface team of Raven and Sabu, Chris Jericho turned a week after Raven, leading to him challenging for the title at Anarch Rules '97. He was victorious and held the title for five months before being dethroned by Goliath in 1998.


    Since then, he has held the TV Title a record four times, the tag titles once (with Rob Van Dam) and formed the elite stable of The Canadian Connection with Christian and Chris Benoit.



    "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels


    In one of the most shocking events of the '90s era, Shawn Michaels defected to ECW amidst a sea of misunderstandings and betrayals. Vince Mcmahon was unwilling to give Shawn Michaels a title run in the WWF, claiming that Bret Hart was still the most marketable man on the roster. Meanwhile, Kevin Nash, Michaels' old friend, convinced the Heart Break Kid to jump to WCW when his contract ran out in a mere matter of weeks. Michaels indeed saw his contract out and entered negotiations with Eric Bischoff. However, in one of the biggest backstabs in wrestling history, it was revealed that Vince and Nash had engineered the whole thing, freeing up a heel main-event on the WWF roster and a fat paycheck for Big Daddy Cool, who rejoined the Federation. Despite Bischoff's pleas, Michaels' sour experience led to him taking a hiatus. But then, after only a month, Paul Heyman called him up, offering a the best paycheck ECW could muster, a main event push and a the opportunity to air his grievances to the world... he accepted.


    Michaels' debut was at Anarchy Rulz '98, when he appeared as a surprise attraction and faced Goliath for the World Title. He was victorious and, as a result, went by the name "Giant Killer" for the next few years. However, he lost the title to Raven shortly after, sparking a feud between the two men in which Michaels never really gained the upper-hand.


    More recently, he battled the New Age Enterprise alongside the bWo, Rob Van Dam and Taz, winning the title for a second time in the process. The mutual enemies of him and RVD led to their forming one of the most exciting tag teams in ECW: The Whole F**kin' Show. After one tag title reign that ended in a massive argument between the two and RVD abandoning Michaels in the ring, the team seems to have got its sh*t together. The two men are as good friends as ever and are, once again, World Tag Team Champions.

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