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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. The words match up so perfectly to what you have going on I would think you put them in yourself.


    Haha, I did :D.


    I love how you are making Austin out to be a sick bastard. Looks like Pagliero is going to have some catching up to do.


    What is this? The Battle Of The Sick, Evil Bastards? Works for me... :D.


    Quote The Raven


  2. Monday, week 1, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. The Spokane Arena is completely sold out for the show.

    Hudson: And I bet the crowd is dying to see the action, like I am. Tonight, Tommy Dreamer faces Andrew Martin and The Sandman faces Bob Sapp in order to warm up for the inter-promotional tag team match at Heatwave.

    JR: Also, Scott, don't forget that the second semi-final of the International All Action Championship Tournament takes place tonight.

    Hudson: Oh, how could I?


    Jeff Jarrett is in the ring.



    Jarrett: Last week Apocalypse beat me but it was a fluke. So, boy, get your ass out here and let me prove that it was.



    Apocalypse dominates and wins with a Jesus Driver at 12:00

    Match Rating: B-


    Callis: Wow, this guys on fire.

    Hudson: I'm expecting really big things from him!


    Austin Aries and Chad Collyer appear at the entrance-way.



    Aries: For those of you that don't recognise us we are Double Shot, the Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Champions, and we are issuing a challenge to The Dudley Boys at Heatwave for their ECW Tag Titles. Let's see who the better promotion is.


    They leave as quickly as they entered.


    Callis: Wow, that's huge news!


    Backstage, Steve Austin sneaks up on Rocky.



    Austin places a cloth under Rocky's nose, causing him to pass out. He then drags him out of shot.



    Dreamer wins with a Spicolli Driver at 14:06

    Match Rating: A*


    Rocky is standing on a chair, tied to a rafter by his neck, as if about to be hanged. Steve Austin steps into shot.



    Austin: Drastic times call for drastic measures, Rocky. I hope this proves I'm not f**king about.


    Now, in my hand I hold a contract stating that we are going to have a barbed wire match at Heatwave. I've signed, so, all I need is your signature. How about it Rocky, or do I have to kick the chair out from under you?


    Rocky: You don't have the guts. You're not that stupid, you'll be tried for murder.


    Austin: Now, Rocky, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna leave you hanging by your neck long enough to cripple you. As for not having the guts, you've got your eyes locked on the eyes of the world's craziest son of a bitch. Do you really want to put it to the test?


    The camera cuts back to ringside.


    Callis: sounding panicked Oh my god. We apologise to those of you who may have been offended by those actions but this is ECW. Is someone going to go and stop that?

    Hudson: How can we? We don't know where the hell they are!

    JR: There's got to be something we can do. This could be terrible.



    The Sandman wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 11:39

    Match Rating: A


    The camera cuts backstage. Rocky is still in his vulnerable podition.



    Austin: How about it Rocky? You and me in a barbed wire match.


    Rocky: Read my lips "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN".


    Austin: Well, that's a shame.


    Austin goes to kick the chair.


    Rocky: Oh Jesus, wait!


    Austin: Well...


    Rocky stares at him.


    Austin: You're stalling, son.


    He goes to kick the chair again.


    Rocky: Okay, okay. You and me at Heatwave. Okay, just let me down.


    Austin: Good to hear, if you'll just sign this.


    Rocky signs the contract.


    Austin: Thank you, son.


    Breaking his end of the bargain, Austin kicks the chair out from under Rocky. However, the rope immediately snaps and it becomes apparent that it never would have taken his wait.


    Austin: You actually thought I was gonna hang you? You stupid son of a bitch!


    International All Action Title Tournament - Semi Final


    Yoshihiro Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw kick at 14:56

    Match Rating: A


    Pag and Burchill make their way to the ring.



    Pag: Ladies and gentlemen... the official Heatwave card according to the Revolution brand.


    The ROH tag champions, Double Shot, will face the ECW tag champions, The Dudley Boys in an inter-promotional showdown.


    Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera will face off in the sixth match of their best-of-seven series.


    Due to the events that have just taken place, I can confirm that Steve Austin will face Rocky in a Barbed Wire Match!


    Shawn Michaels will finally feel the pain he deserves when the man beside me, Paul Burchill, physically destroys him.


    Finally, two of our competitors, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer, will take part in an inter-promotional tag team match that was suggested by Paul Heyman. RVD and Tommy Dreamer will face Sabu and The Sandman.


    As for tonight, Shawn Michaels, you're up next and you're facing the Jung Dragons.


    Pag and Burchill stay ringside for the match.



    Shawn Michaels gets the upset victory with a Flying Elbow at 14:17

    Match Rating: A*


    Pag and Burchill attack Michaels after the match.


    Callis: This is just cowardly. Michaels has competed in two handicap matches in as many weeks and he gets assaulted almost every time. How is he going to be in shape for Heatwave?


    Backstage, Austin sneaks up on Cactus Jack and uses the same cloth to subdue him.



    Austin then drags Cactus out in front of the crowd and into the ring. He grabs a chair and positions it around Cactus Jack's ankle. To make sure he can't fight back he ties him up in the ring ropes and then slaps his face to revive him.


    Austin: Now, you backstabbing bastard, I will get my match with you tonight or you will have your ankle broken. It's your choice and, believe me, I'm not bluffing this time!


    Cactus: sounding scared Okay just take the chair off my ankle!


    Austin: Can we get a ref down here?


    Referee Jim Molineaux comes running down to the ring.


    Austin: Okay good.


    Austin ignores the deal he made and stamps on the chair. Cactus Jack writhes in pain and he is clearly injured. Austin removes the chair and the bell rings.



    Austin absolutely destroys Cactus Jack and wins with a Stunner at 14:06

    Match Rating: A*


    Austin: Let this be a lesson to every guy in the back. Don't f**k with Steve Austin!


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: C+

  3. Thursday, week 3, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: We're only just over a week from Heatwave and the card is already looking spectacular!

    Taz: It sure is Paul E. Kurt Angle, who is not yet on the card, has emphatically stated that, one way or another, he will get his match with Lesnar.

    Joey: Lesnar just isn't playing ball on that one, so, I'll believe it when I see it.


    Eddie Guerrero is in the ring for a shoot promo.



    Eddie: Chris Benoit, it looks like we will face each other at Heatwave, Holmes. So, me vito loco, I just want to assure you that, although you are the master of the Crossface, you will not be walking out of Pittsburgh with a win!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, The Babyface Assassin: Josh Barnett. And, to my right, from Wakayama Japan: Masato Tanaka.



    Masato Tanaka wins with a Roaring Elbow at 12:55

    Match Rating: B


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: We are The Iron Saints and, tonight, we continue our inquisition. The enemy of God who we will punish tonight is a man who, during his days in another promotion, began by belonging to a dark and heretical cult known as "The Ministry Of Darkness" and then openly endorsed violence, promiscuity and alcoholism. That man is Ron Simmons otherwise known as Farooq. So, Ron, come and subject yourself to justice.



    Brandon and Salvatore win with God's Will at 11:49

    Match Rating: C+


    After the match, all four Iron Saints assault Ron Simmons.


    Then, to everyone's surprise, an audience member runs into make the save.



    Joey: It's Bradshaw! It's Bradshaw! He's come to help his friend.


    Farooq and Bradshaw clean house and send The Iron Saints running.


    Heyman: I thought he was under contract with The E.

    Taz: Oh screw that. The Acolytes are standing tall baby.




    The Dudleys win with a 3D at 12:02

    Match Rating: B+


    Kurt Angle comes to the ring.



    Angle: I know what it is that Lesnar wants but, Paul, I'm going to need your help and support on this.


    Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: Okay, Kurt, what is it you want?


    Angle: Well, Lesnar hates ECW. So, if I were to put the ECW brand name on the line I could get my match with him.


    Heyman: Are you crazy? I want to see Lesnar versus Angle at Heatwave as much as anyone but I'm not risking the future of ECW on it!


    Angle: But Paul I won't lose.


    Heyman: I don't care if Lesnar only has one chance in a million of winning, I'm still not risking the whole company on it. I'm sorry Kurt but this is just thoughtless of you. You're gonna have to find another way.


    Heyman returns to the announce table as Lesnar appears at the entrance-way.



    Lesnar: It doesn't look like you're gonna get the match does it Kurt? Oh well.


    Lesnar laughs and heads backstage, leaving Kurt looking pissed.



    Sabu wins with a Camel Clutch at 13:44

    Match Rating: B+


    Rhino enters the ring.



    Rhino: Paul, I'm sorry to get you back down to the ring again but I am so pissed off about last week and I'm not leaving 'til something is done about it!


    Heyman again makes his way to the ring.



    Heyman: Rhino I sympathise, I really do and I'm willing to give you whatever match you want at Heatwave but there is a problem. You probably want to get revenge on Jericho and Christian and also get the TV Title back but I can only let you have one match.


    Rhino looks thoughtful.


    Heyman: So, Man Beast, what's it going to be?


    Rhino: You know what? Just one match suits me fine. It'll be me versus Chris Jericho versus Christian in a Triangle Match for the World TV Title.


    There is a huge pop.


    Joey: Wow, that's genius. That means he can get revenge on both of them and win the title all in one match.

    Taz: True, Joey, but you have to believe that it will basically be a handicap match.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, from Calgary Alberta Canada, The Canadian Extremist Lance Storm. And, to my right, from Battle Creek Michigan, The Whole F**kin' Show Rob Van Dam.



    RVD wins with a Five Star Frog Splash at 16:27

    Match Rating: A


    Raven enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Raven: A child's life is like a piece of paper, upon which every passerby leaves a mark. What about me? What about Raven? My birth was a caesarian inflicted upon the womb of dysfunction. Never once in my life have I felt like I have belonged. Broken homes, broken relationships and broken dreams have all been contributing factors to the warped individual you see before you. But today that changes.


    Today, I reform myself. Today, I redeem myself. Today I renounce my weakness and indignity. You see, I belong here in ECW and I hope you fans can forgive me for previous tresspasses because I am, truly, a changed man.


    Goliath runs in and floors Raven with a Big Boot.



    Goliath: You say all passersby leave a mark Raven? How's that for a mark? You see, I don't care if you want to turn into a little kiss ass. What I do care about is that belt around your waste and, at Heatwave, I'm gonna take it from you.


    He picks Raven up and Chokeslams him.


    Goliath: Sweet dreams champ.


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: C

  4. Monday, week 1, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. The E Center is completely sold out for tonight's show.

    Hudson: On the card is a Tag Team Title match, in which the Dudley Boys will face Jimmy Yang and his mystery partner.

    JR: Also, the first semi-final of the International All Action Championship Tournament will take place. AJ Styles will face Jushin Thunder Lyger.


    Jeff Jarrett enters the ring.



    Jarrett: As you have probably noticed, I have been touring abroad and haven't stepped foot in an ECW ring for a while. So, to prove I am as good as I ever was, I'm issuing an open challenge. Anyone in the back who wants to face me come and get me.


    Apocalypse walks to the ring without hesitation.




    Apocalypse dominates and wins with a Jesus Driver at 8:09

    Match Rating: B-


    Charlie Pag and Paul Burchill make their way to the ring.



    Pag: Paul E, I heard what you said on F' The Mainstream last week. Firstly, thank you for your professionalism. Secondly, your idea is a very sound one. As such, I accept your proposition. It will be RVD and Dreamer versus Sabu and The Sandman at Heatwave.


    Burchill applauds Pag.


    Pag: Now, as far as tonight is concerned, I'm making two Heatwave warm up matches. Firstly, Paul Burchill will face Stevie Richards.


    Burchill nods his head and laughs.


    Pag: And Shawn Michaels, as much as you don't belong here, even you deserve a warmup. So, in the main event, it will be Shawn Michaels versus Frankie Kazarian and Michael Shane.


    Callis: How is that fair? Michaels has to face two guys.

    JR: I guess when you're the boss you don't have to be fair.




    Yang and Gibson (The Jung Dragons) put up a good fight but the Dudley Boys win with a 3D at 12:54

    Match Rating: B+


    Cactus Jack and Rocky enter the ring.



    Cactus: How did you like it last week Austin? Last week you felt what it was like to lose. On top of that, I won my first match in over a month. So how does it feel Austin? How does it feel to know that you can't beat a loser like me?


    Cactus Jack hands the mic to Rocky.


    Rocky: Now, hang on a minute. You lost to Burchill in a triple threat last month, I beat you at Summer Assylum and Cactus and I destroyed you last week. Is that three consecutive losses Austin? Congratulations on a marvellous hat-trick.


    Steve Austin runs to the ring looking pissed.



    He chases Rocky and Cactus out of the ring and through the crowd.



    Burchill dominates and wins with a C-4 at 12:16

    Match Rating: A


    Tommy Dreamer enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Dreamer: So, it's me and Van Dam as a team at Heatwave. I have no problem with that at all. In fact, I'm certain that we will defeat Sabu and The Sandman and go on to...


    Before he can finish the Sandman runs to the ring with a singapore cane.



    He attacks Dreamer brutally with the weapon.


    But then, as if from nowhere, RVD appears from the crowd.



    He runs into make the save and takes out The Sandman.


    To the shock of the sellout crowd, Sabu appears from under the ring.



    He nails RVD and helps Sandman to his feet. Sandman, instead of thanking him, goes nose to nose with Sabu and the two men stare each other down.


    Callis: What the hell is this? We have F' The Mainstream guys hiding in our audience and under the ring. There not supposed to be on our show.

    Hudson: Oh, who cares? It's exciting as hell. I can't wait to see that tag match at Heatwave!


    International All Action Title Tournament - Semi Final


    Jushin Lyger wins with a Lyger Bomb at 14:08

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: So, it's Lyger in the final and he will face either Ultimo Dragon or Tajiri. Those two will square off next week.


    Michaels enters the ring for his match but picks up a microphone.



    Michaels: Pag, not that you would care, but your ex-girlfriend is making a steady recovery. As for you and Burchill, I don't care what obstacles you put against me. If I go out, I'm taking you two with me and I'm going out in a blaze of glory!



    Shawn Michaels takes a hell of a beating but, amazingly, gets the win with Sweet Chin Music on his nephew at 14:39

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Shane and Kazarian assault Shawn Michales.


    Pag and Burchill come down to the ring.



    They join in with the viscious attack and shake the hands of Kazarian and Shane.


    Callis: Will this unfair treatment of Shawn Michaels never stop? I hope someone does something to stop these powermad bastards!


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

  5. Thursday, week 3, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Joey: Tonight, Chris Jericho cashes in the rematch he is entitled to after Rhyno won the TV title. Also, Kurt Angle claims that he has an interesting offer for Brock Lesnar.

    Heyman: It should be great Joey and 9,900 fans are here to witness it.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Silicone Valley, Super Nova. And, to my right, from Calgary Alberta Canada, The Canadian Extremist: Lance Storm.



    Lance Storm wins with a Single Leg Boston Crab at 12:03

    Match Rating: A


    Eddie Guerrero enters the ring.



    Eddie: Now, under usual circumstances I would not want to associate myself with Chris Benoit but this is slightly different. Paul, me hermano, please could you come up here, holmes?


    Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: Yes Eddie?


    Eddie: Well, Paul E, just as Benoit wants another match, I've got to be honest, holmes, so do I.


    Heyman looks sceptical for a moment.


    Heyman: You know what? You want it, Chris wants it, these people want it. Benoit versus Guerrero take 3? It's on at Heatwave.


    There is a massive pop.


    Eddie: Thank you Paul.


    Eddie leaves the ring.


    Heyman: Not only that. We'll settle the score once and for all. It will be Ultimate Submission!


    Now, seeing as I'm here, I have an announcement and I guess, now that Stephanie Mac is in hospital, it goes out to Charlie Pag. First of all, a lot of people have condemned your actions but, because of my professional connection, I will not pass comment. This is purely business and it concerns the number one contendership.


    As you know, the tag team match at Summer Assylum did not go according to plan. So, let's mix the teams up. Van Dam has no obvious problem with Tommy Dreamer and the same can be said for Sabu and Sandman. So, I propose we make it RVD and Dreamer versus Sabu and The Sandman at Heatwave. The winners will face each other for a shot at the title.



    Ron Simmons wins with a Dominator at 10:26

    Match Rating: B+


    The Iron Saints (Vito, Slavatore, Brandon and Cristoforro) make their way to the ring.



    Vito: I think we made our presence known pretty forcefully last week but, for those of you who don't know us, we are the scourge of heresy. We are The Iron Saints!


    Tonight, marks the beginning of our inquisition. From this day, we will rid ECW of all sinners and turn it into a god fearing institution. The first enemy of God on our list is a man who makes a mockery of the son of god and our saviour, Jesus Christ. That man is The Messiah, whose blatant blasphemy deserves the harshest punishment. So, blasphemer, come and subject yourself to justice.



    Vito and Cristoforro decimate The Messiah and win with God's Will at 11:39

    Match Rating: C+


    Before The Iron Saints leave, the debuting Briscoe Boys enter the ring.



    Jay Briscoe: If there is one place on Earth where religious agendas are a waste of goddamn time it's ECW. Here people don't have to be moralistic 'cos they're extreme. Whatever it is that an ECW extremist does, he does it with conviction. So, we don't need the likes of you preaching to us. We're issuing a challenge, two of you versus my brother and me right here, right now.



    Despite interference from Vito and Cristoforro, The Briscoe Boys get the victory at 12:48

    Match Rating: C+


    After the match all four of The Iron Saints assault the Briscoes.


    Joey: That was a very impressive debut from The Briscoe Boys and they didn't deserve that four on two attack.

    Heyman: Damn right they didn't. They were standing up for the principles of ECW.


    Raven enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Raven: If a man strives for wealth, he's money-mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a failure; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it, he's a parasite and, if he accumulates it after a lifetime of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life.


    What about me? What about Raven? I feel as though I am at a similar crossroads. I am your World Heavyweight Champion yet, in arenas across the country, crowds boo me out of the building. I have to say it has made me question my ambitions. Is it worth being the best if you are not acknowledged by your fellow man?


    There might just be a change in the mentality of Raven.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven



    Joey: What the hell does that mean?

    Taz: Hello, it's Raven. You can never understand the derranged workings of his mind.



    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 15:57

    Match Rating: A


    Angle enters the ring with his Atlanta gold medal in his right hand.



    Angle: Brock, you want an incentive? I'll give you an incentive. If you face me at Heatwave and win you can have my Olympic gold medal. How's that?


    Brock Lesnar appears at the entrance-way.



    Lesnar: Kurt, come on, if I wanted your gold medal I could just come and take it off you now with no need for a match. Fact is, I don't want it. Why would I? It's ten years old Kurt. It no longer means anything and your substandard wrestling is proof of that.


    Lesnar heads backstage, leaving Angle looking very angry.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, the challenger, from Manhasset New York, The Lionheart Chris Jericho. And, to my right, from Detroit Michigan, he is the ECW World Television Champion, The Man Beast: Rhino.




    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault after interference from Christian at 14:58

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Damn it! Chris Jericho is the TV Champ again and it's only because of Christian.


    After the match, Jericho and Christian assault Rhino.


    To the crowd's surprise, Raven runs in to make the save.



    Taz: Why the hell is Raven helping Rhino? He doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    Joey: Maybe this is what he was talking about earlier.


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: A

  6. Monday, week 1, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. We have sold out the Bank Of America Center.

    Hudson: Well, that was inevitable when we have such a great card lined up. There's a Tag Team Title match, in which The Dudleys will face mystery opponents.

    JR: Also, we will have the other two first round matches of the International All Action Championship Tournament tonight.

    Hudson: And, on top of all of that, the main event tonight is match five of Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera's best-of-seven series. Juvi, of course, has the chance to win the series with a fourth victory.

    Callis: Now, we can't promise anything but we are expecting some answers to the questions posed last week concerning, our hospitalised headbooker, Stephanie Mcintosh's health and the reasons behind Cactus Jack's actions.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and a first round match in the International All Action Championship Tournament. To my left, the straight edge CM Punk. And, to my right, The Phenomenal AJ Styles.


    International All Action Title Tournament - First Round Match


    AJ Styles wins with a Styles Clash at 12:09

    Match Rating: A


    Charlie Pag makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Paul Burchill. Chants of "You Suck D*ck" echo around the arena.



    Pag: As you may or may not know, Stephanie Mcintosh is in hospital. I believe that Shawn Michaels has visited her a few times, so, he'll probably give you an update on her condition later. Frankly, I don't give a sh*t.


    The reason why I'm out here is to inform you that, in the absence of Miss Mcintosh, I am using my power as CEO of ECW to assume the position of Revolution headbooker.


    Paul Burchill applauds and Pag hands the mic to him.


    Burchill: Thank you Pag. Now, Shawn Michaels, there's a little thing called "Heatwave" coming up. So, I'm issuing you with a challenge to a match for the pay-per-view and, seeing as I have the new headbooker standing next to me, I don't think you have much choice in the matter.


    Burchill drops the microphone as he and Pag exit the ring laughing.




    Shane and Kazarian put up a good fight but the Dudley Boys win with a 3D at 12:11

    Match Rating: B+


    Steve Austin enters the ring looking pissed off.



    Austin: I don't plan on asking any questions. So, I don't need any answers but, god damn it, there's gonna be one hell of an ass kicking. Cactus Jack, I don't care what your reasons were as long as you come down here and take this can of whoop-ass with your name on it.


    Cactus Jack appears at the entrance-way.



    Cactus: I'll go you one better, Austin, you and me in a match tonight.


    Austin: Oh hell yes you dirty son of a bitch.


    Cactus: It will be Stunning Steve Austin versus Cactus Jack... and Rocky in a handicap match.


    Cactus heads backstage, leaving Austin looking even more frustrated.


    International All Action Title Tournament - First Round Match


    Yoshihiro Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 13:57

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Well, we now know the competitors for the second round. Those should be some great matches and don't forget that the final will take place at Heatwave.


    <embed src='

    http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1710615&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />


    Shawn Michaels enters the ring looking slightly distressed.



    Michaels: I really hate to be the one to have to say this but everyone else seems to have turned their back on Steph. The doctors say she sustained a very serious concussion and she won't be cleared to return to work for about a month. As for the baby, I hate to inform you that she... er... she suffered a miscarriage.


    I've visited her and expressed sympathies on behalf of each of you. A "Thank You Shawn" chant begins.


    She thought you deserved to know and, I have to say, she, although very upset, is handling it very well. If any of you have any personal messages for her send them to ECW via e-mail and we will make sure she gets them.


    Burchill runs in to attack Michaels, who looks ready to fight. The two men go nose to nose but Charlie Pag attacks Shawn from behind.



    Burchill: I'd stop wasting your time on that cheap little strumpet and concentrate on our match at Heatwave.


    Hudson: Strumpet? Do these two men have no respect at all? The poor girl has just gone through an ordeal I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. She's probably very depressed and these two have to make things worse. I hope Shawn kicks Paul Burchill's ass at Heatwave!



    Rocky hits a Rock Bottom at 12:37 and lets Cactus Jack pick up the pin

    Match Rating: A*


    Cactus: I want to explain something to you people. When Rocky attacked me a few weeks ago, he was doing me a favour. He made me realise why I kept losing. He made me realise my weakness and that weakness was trying to do the right thing by you fans. Trying to entertain you is what held me back. When I fight for myself and only for myself I am a better wrestler. So, Rocky thank you.


    The two men shake hands as the crowd jeer loudly.


    Callis: What a sellout. He sold out his former best friend and these ECW fans.



    Rey Mysterio wins with a West Coast Pop at 14:45 (3-2 to Juvi in the series)

    Match Rating: A*


    Juvi nods and looks impressed with his opponent's performance as Rey leaves the ring.


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

  7. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW Online can report that ECW has made a successful bid to become the parent company of Ring Of Honor. Apparently they have entered into similar discussions with John Zandig in an attempt to gain a similar relationship with Combat Zone Wrestling.


    A source involved in ECW management said "We hope that this arrangement genuinely benefits ECW and ROH." Apparently, ideas involving inter-promotional stories have been suggested but not confirmed.



    In another story, ECW has made several new signings, most of which are to add to the somewhat below average Tag Team Division. We cannot reveal any names at this time but various teams are expected to debut in the near future.

  8. Sorry I have not been leaving any feedback for the past few days but Ive been busy (stupid life).


    No worries, dude. I very much appreciate the feedback you do give.


    ...He would never pass that match up. Now I could be jumping the gun here and you have big plans for that fued in which case Im sorry for talking out of my ass.


    I'm afraid I won't give any hints as to the storyline but, in terms of talking out of your arse, you're definitely not. You're just expressing an opinion and that opinion may just manifest in my diary (who knows? :D ).


    Please dont do a pregnancy angle.


    I have to say this here and now: A couple of months ago I saw an awesome shoot interview with Raven. Anyway, he made this comment about how everyone who is, or wants to be, a wrestler has their dream angle. He said he loved playing the heel and he got to do the most heel angle he could possibly think of in his Portland Wrestling days. That was dumping a girl at the altar (and that is pretty damn heelish). So, I thought what mine would be and I decided that the most controversial way someone could turn heel is delibrately attacking a pregnant woman (seriously, what kind of bastard would you have to be to do that). Anyway, I'll be honest, that was the main reason behind the pregnancy skit. Also, if a few other references are made to it, I urge you not to despair 'cos there might just be an interesting twist in the tale *winkwink*.


    Finally, that thing you said about Revolution being more interesting than FTM is probably correct. I thought it myself, I just didn't want anyone else to notice :p . Anyhow, I think (and hope) that over the course of the next few game weeks that'll change and the shows will be of an equally high standard.


    Again, thanks for the comments mate. I really do appreciate them!


    Quote The Raven


  9. Thursday, week 3, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: The O'Connell centre is completely sold out.

    Joey: Wow, no stupid remarks.

    Heyman: Well it's getting too simple. You guys are easy prey.

    Taz: laughing I resent that. I'm better than Joe at least.

    Joey: Oh, thanks. Anyway, I'll point out now that one of the highlights of tonight's card is a Tag Team Title match, in which the Dudleys have the opportunity to become ten time champions!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania: Bryan Danielson. And, to my right, from Dallas Texas: Charlie Haas.



    Charlie Haas wins with the Haas Of Pain at 9:08

    Match Rating: B


    Christopher Daniels makes his way to the ring.



    Daniels: You used to call me Christopher Daniels but now you shall address me as Brother Cristoforro. Why? Because three individuals introduced me to the path of enlightenment. They are Brandon, Salvatore and Vito: The Iron Saints.


    The Iron Saints join Cristoforro in the ring.



    Vito: Thank you my brother. Now, let me explain, we are here in ECW because it is a breeding ground for all things that insult the name of God: sexual objectification, promiscuity, gratuitous violence, foul language and fundamental heresy. We will not stand for this any longer. We shall be the will of the Heavenly Father in a godforsaken environment.


    A "Shut The F**K Up" chant begins.


    Vito: That is exactly what I am talking about! That is exacttly what we are here to stop.


    Chris Hero and Doug Williams make their way to the ring.



    Hero: What in the name of Christ are you talking about?


    Vito: Filthy, putrid blasphemer. You will be punished for your sinful ways.


    All four members of the Iron saints (including Cristoforro) assault Hero and Williams.

    A referee enters the ring and an impromptu match begins.



    Thanks to outside interference from Cristoforro and Brandon, Vito and Salvatore pick up the win with a double team finisher called God's Will.

    Match Rating: B-


    Joey: I hope we don't have to put up with a dose of hellfire and brimstone every week.

    Taz: I get the feeling they won't be leaving anytime soon, Joe.


    Kurt Angle enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Angle: Brock Lesnar, thanks to you I have a permanent scar on my back. The doctors can make it less obvious but it will never go away and that makes me feel more angry than I ever have in my entire life.


    So, Brock I'm challenging you to a match at Heatwave and I'll be damned if you beat me this time.


    Lesnar appears at the entrance-way.



    Lesnar: Kurt, Kurt, Kurt, why on Earth would I want to fight you? I have nothing to prove to you or any of these people. I beat you last Friday and confirmed what I already knew was an undeniable truth: I am better than you and all of ECW. So,Kurt, maybe if you come up with an incentive I'll accept- but it's doubtful.



    Goliath dominates and wins with a Giant Chokeslam

    Match Rating: B+


    Chris Benoit enters the ring.



    Benoit: Paul E, may I please ask you to join me in the ring?


    Heyman obliges



    Benoit: What I want to ask is very simple. At two consecutive pay-per-views Eddie Guerreo and I have faced one another. We have each won once. I merely want a third and final match at Heatwave.


    Heyman: Chris, I'll think about it. You two have already taken a lot of pay-per-view time that other guys are after as well. Let's see how it goes.


    Benoit: But Paul...


    Heyman: That's all I'm promising Chris.


    Christian and Chris Jericho are talking backstage.



    Christian: Chris, you and I go way back.

    Jericho: Yeah we do, so, don't dance around the point. What did you want to ask me?

    Christian: Well as you probably know, Rhino beat me on Friday at Summer Assylum.

    Jericho: Right, so...

    Christian: Well, I need some help taking care of business.

    Jericho: Okay, enough said.




    The Duldey's hit a 3D to win their tenth ECW Tag Team Championship at 12:01

    Match Rating: B+


    Christian enters the ring.



    Christian: Rhino, at Summer Assylum you beat me and, I've got to be honest, I was impressed. So, I was hoping you would come down here and accept my congratulations.


    Rhino heads to the ring but, before he is even half way down the entrance-way steps, Chris Jericho ambushes him.



    Paul Heyman drops his headset and picks up a mic.



    Heyman: Woah, woah, woah, woah. Chris Jericho, if you want to get involved with other people's business, I'll involve myself in yours. Tonight, as a means of retribution, Rhino will challenge Chris Jericho for the TV Title. There is a huge pop.


    Chris Jericho looks shocked, mouthing "No, you can't do that!"


    Heyman: Oh, and Christian, if you show your face during that match you will be fired on the spot! There is another huge cheer.



    Sabu wins with an Atomic Arabian Facebuster at 13:49

    Match Rating: A


    RVD passes Rhino in the corridor backstage.



    RVD: Hey, Rhino, Chris Jericho has been pissing a hell of a lot of people off recently and, tonight, you have the chance to shut him up once and for all. Good luck dude.

    They slap hands and Rhino walks off.


    Before RVD leaves he is assaulted by Sabu, who leaves him laying.



    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, the challenger, from Detroit Michigan, The Man Beast: Rhino. And, to my right, from Manhasset New York, he is the ECW World Television Champion, The Lionheart: Chris Jericho.




    Rhino wins with a Gore at 13:57 to become ECW World Television Champion.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh my god, Gore! Gore! Gore! Rhino is the Television Champion! That's all we have time for but what a way to sign off!


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B+

  10. Monday, week 1, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. The DCU Center is sold out for tonight's show.

    Scott Hudson: That's right Don and it's hardly surprising with what's been happening recently. What will happen about the number one contendership? Can Rey Mysterio pull some matches back in the best-of-seven series? Will Stunning Steve Austin really settle for a loss at Summer Assylum due to Rocky's underhanded tactics? So many unanswered questions!

    JR: Not only that but there's now yet another reason to stay tuned to Revolution! Stephanie Mcintosh has asked us to tell you that over the course of this month there will be a tournament for a new title exclusive to Revolution, christened the ECW International All Action Championship.

    Callis: Wow, that's a mouthful but it perfectly describes the function of the belt. With such great talent as Jushin Lyger, Ultimo Dragon, Yoshihiro Tajiri and Psicosis, it is clear that we need a new title for fast-paced, action-filled wrestling bouts.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from D'loville: D'lo. And, to my right, making his ECW debut: Apocalypse.



    Apocalypse dominates the match and wins with a Jesus Driver at 12:01

    Match Rating: C+


    JR: That was a brilliant debut.

    Hudson: It certainly was. I think we should expect to see a lot more of Apocalypse in the near future.


    Paul Burchill approaches Raven backstage.



    Burchill: It wasn't supposed to go down like that last night.

    Raven: And what do you expect me to do about it? Just back off.


    Charlie Pag comes rushing over.



    Pag: Hey Paul, he's right. There are for more constructive ways to deal with this little problem than verbally attacking Raven.

    Raven: Thank you.

    Burchill: (To Pag) Okay Bossman. (To Raven) I'm sorry mate.

    Raven: Fine. Don't make the mistake of doing it again.


    Callis: Everytime I see those three together it seems slightly more suspicious...

    Hudson: I know what you mean but now it's time for a first round match in the tournament you and Jim discussed. Ultimo Dragon versus Jimmy Yang.


    International All Action Title Tournament - First Round Match


    Ultimo Dragon wins with an Asai DDT at 13:22

    Match Rating: B


    Steve Austin enters the ring and picks up a microphone.



    Austin: Cactus, I'm sorry I didn't get revenge on Rocky for you last night. But then, that's only because he cheated. So Rocky, I'm not waiting until another pay-per-view in a few weeks time. I'm challenging you to a match tonight. What's more, I'm not leaving this ring until I get response and that response had better be the right one.


    Rocky eneters the ring.



    Rocky: Austin, you're so damn full of yourself but that's gonna end pretty damn quickly. Yes, I'll face you tonight and beat you for a second consecutive night.

    Austin: Oh you think so, punk?

    Rocky: Oh I know so, ass hole!

    The two men go nose to nose and stare each other down.


    Callis: Wow, I think we have an impromptu main event.

    JR: It sure looks that way.



    Rey Mysterio Jr. wins with a West Coast Pop at 12:48


    Rey picks up a mic.



    Rey: That was an impressive performance on Friday, Juvi, but don't think it's over. Even though I'm losing three matches to one, I will come back. Mark my words.


    Tommy Dreamer and Sandman pass each other backstage.



    Dreamer: I hope you know that you're the only reason why we lost that tag match on Friday.

    Sandman: F**k you.

    A huge brawl ensues, ending with both men falling through a locker room door.


    Callis: Oh man, the number one contendership situation is so chaotic!


    International All Action Title Tournament - First Round Match


    Jushin Thunder Lyger wins with a Lyger Bomb at 14:17

    Match Rating: A*


    Stephanie Mcintosh enters the ring looking very happy.



    Steph: I have a very important announcement to make and would like to ask Charlie Pag to come out please.


    Pag obliges and makes his way to the ring. He kisses Steph on the cheek and picks up a microphone.



    Pag: What's up babe?

    Steph: Well, I'm not quite sure how to say this.

    Pag: lauging Oh come on, now. You can't call me out here and just leave me in suspense.

    Steph: Right, okay. I'm pregnant!

    Pag looks shocked.

    Steph: smiling Isn't it brilliant?

    Pag takes Stephanie's microphone from her hand and, to the horror of the crowd, hits her round the face with it. She falls to the mat.


    Callis: What the hell is this lunatic thinking? She's a poor, defenceless woman.

    Hudson: Oh my god. Can we get some help? Like now. Come on! This is horrible!


    As Pag stands over a frightened and hurt Stephanie, Shawn Michaels comes running out to make the save.



    He positions himself between Pag and Steph and checks if she is okay. He then turns to Pag, with a look of pure anger and disdain on his face.


    Just before he can pay Pag back for his despicable actions, Paul Burchiil appears from the crowd.



    Michaels is just able to get Stephanie to safety before Burchill assaults him violently.

    Pag: Get up you bastard! Get up! You want to play the hero but can't take a beating like a man.

    Burchill continues to attack Michaels, who is now out on the canvas.

    Pag: You see Shawn, you have no place here in ECW. Old, useless has-beens like you are taking opportunities away from talented youngsters like Paul Burchill.


    Now, we tried to lead you out of the spotlight graciously. Believe me, we tried. Do you remember? We removed you from the title picture in that triple threat but you weren't prepared to go out quietly were you Shawn? You had to put up a fight. Well, look where it's got you. Let this be a lesson to anyone who stands against me or Paul Burchill.


    Then Shawn, and this is where you're really out of line, you involved yourself in my personal business. If I have a falling out with my girlfriend, Stephanie, it's none of your damn business.


    Callis: A falling out? He just decked her with a microphone. This man is an evil bastard.


    Pag: So, now Shawn, because you won't bow out gracefully we will kick you out forcefully.

    Pag drops the mic and joins in with the beatdown. Michaels is left in a pool of his own blood.


    Hudson: Oh my god that was horrible!

    JR: I hope those two men burn in hell for their actions tonight!



    Steve Austin wins with a Stunner at 12:51

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Cactus Jack joins Austin in the ring for a celebration.



    Austin climbs the turnbuckles to salute the crowd when, out of nowhere, Cactus Jack nails him in the back with a chair. The crowd jeer loudly.


    Cactus: Earlier on you said you were sorry that you couldn't get revenge on Rocky for me. Well, guess what, Austin? I don't need anyone to fight my battles for me. Just because I've lost a few matches you think I'm useless. You do, don't you? I know you laugh at me behind my back. I know it Austin. Well, buddy, this is payback.

    He continues to assault Austin with the chair.


    Hudson: What is he talking about? Austin is his friend he wouldn't laugh at him behind his back.

    JR: Yeah, and he's supposed to be Austin's friend.

    Callis: Well, this has been a truly shocking edition of Revolution! Unfortunately, we're out of time but I hope you join us next week when we may get some answers.

    Hudson: Can someone please take the chair away from that basket case?


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

  11. Just wish he wasnt a pirate.


    Frankly, I'm bored of that gimmick as well. So, change may be in order.


    Seeing Stephanie Mcintosh from "Neighbours" anywhere near wrestling, let alone in someone's diary is kinda weird


    What can I say? I needed a fittie :D .



    Also, cheers for the comments/compliments guys. I really appreciate it.


    Quote The Raven


  12. Friday, week 4, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1684017&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Summer Assylum. We have absolutely smashed the ECW attendance record as 45,000 fans have packed into Madison Square Garden tonight.

    Heyman: That's right Joey, I have a feeling this will be the best ECW pay-per-view we've seen yet.

    Steph: I agree. Both brands have put out strong cards and I think the action tonight has every chance of surpassing all expectations!


    Bob Artese: Summer Assylum's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the one and only Man Beast: Rhino. And, to my right, the man who wants revenge on Rhino for his actions two weeks ago: Christian.



    Rhino absolutely dominates and wins with a Gore at 12:16

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: What a great opening match. Rhino is looking in great shape.

    Heyman: Yeah, that's got to be the best form I've ever seen from Rhino. He looks like he could realistically beat anyone on the roster.

    Steph: The F' The Mainstream roster maybe. My guys are of a slightly standard.

    Heyman looks annoyed.

    Joey: Calm it Paul E. I think she's just messing with you.

    Stephanie laughs.


    Goldberg is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Goldberg: No doubt everyone's most powerful memory of my recent pay-per-view form is my match with Raven for the title. I, of course, lost. But tonight is different. When I step in the ring with Goliath I will conquer the giant and once again prove why I deserve to be in the title picture. Goliath you're next!


    Goliath appears and the two men stare each other down with immeasurable intensity.



    Joey: Wow, I'm suddenly so psyched for Goldberg versus Goliath!


    8-Man Battle Royal for the World Television Championship



    Jericho pins Tajiri for the win after a Lionsault at 22:38

    Match Rating: A*


    Charlie Pag, Raven and Paul Burchill are talking backstage.



    Pag: You boys play it however you see fit.

    Burchill: Fair enough Bossman.

    Raven simply nods in understanding.

    Pag: Right, everyone happy?

    Burchill: Absolutely.

    Raven: Fine.


    Joey: What the hell was that about? They're suppossed to be wrestling each other for the title later on and they're conversing in the back like old school friends.

    Heyman: That is a little suspect.

    Steph: Nevertheless, I have faith in my guys to put on a great title match.

    Heyman: You would.



    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 14:58

    Match Rating: A*


    A video is shown hyping RVD and Sabu vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. It shows all the recent controversy surrounding the number on contendership.



    Juventud Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 17:22

    Match Rating: A*


    Angle is backstage for a shoot promo. He is wearing a neck brace.



    Angle: Last night Brock Lesnar attacked me when I wasn't looking and he severely injured my spine. Brock, if that's the way you want to play it then fine but need I remind you that I won an olympic gold medal with a broken neck? Don't think for one second I'm gonna back down from our match tonight. I may be injured but I'm no quitter. I am Kurt Angle and you... will tap out!



    Goliath is suprisingly dominant, winning with a Giant Chokeslam at 12:04

    Match Rating: A


    Shawn Michaels comes out and approaches Stephanie Mac at the announce table



    Michaels: Steph, I have to talk with you now. It's about the title match tonight.

    Steph: Shawn I can't take anymore of your conspiracy theories! If you don't get out of my face now, I will take serious disciplinary action against you.

    Michaels has no choice but to head backstage again. So, he does so grudgingly.



    Rocky picks up the victory after gaining illegal leverage in a pin from the ring ropes at 13:32.

    Match Rating: A*


    Brock Lesnar enters the ring for his match and picks up a mic. A "Get The F**k Out " chant starts.



    Lesnar: F**k you too! I hope you're safe in the knowledge that tonight is the night that I finally show ECW to be the inferior piece of crap that it is. I will remove the life support from this dying, cancerous hellhole!



    Kurt Angle is clearly badly injured and finds it difficult to wrestle. Lesnar picks up the win with an F-5 at 16:47

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Lesnar continues the beatdown. He then grabs a small knife that was concealed under the ring and, to the fans' horror, he carves the letters "ECW" into Angle's back and then crosses them out.


    Joey: Oh my god! What the hell is this sick freak thinking?

    Heyman: First he injures his spine and then carves hate messages into his skin. He's clearly taking this rivalry to a whole new level!


    Inter-Promotional Tag Team Match


    After ten minutes the teams start to turn on one another and the match turns into a chaotic fourway brawl. Jim Molineaux has no choice but to end the match in a no contest. Loud jeers and chants of "RVD" and "Dreamer" echo round the arena.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh man, not again. This number one contender situation is making my head spin!


    After the ref's controversial decision, the brawl continues. Officials, including Hogan and Funk, have to come to diffuse the situation.


    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match



    The two men start the match with a handshake. The contest is highly competitive and very open. After twelve minutes, Shawn Michaels interferes and Super Kicks Paul Burchill. Raven, looking confused, wonders what to do but decides to capitalise for the victory.

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A*

  13. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/SummerAssylum.jpg


    Rhino vs. Christian



    8-Man Battle Royal For The World Television Championship



    Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero



    Match Four Of The Best-Of-Seven Series (Juventud leads 2-1)

    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera



    Goldberg vs. Goliath



    Steve Austin vs. Rocky



    Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar



    Inter-Promotional Tag Team Match

    RVD and Sabu vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman



    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Paul Burchill vs. Raven




    All predictions welcome.

  14. ECW F' The Mainstream in front of 9,616 fans at The War Memorial Colliseum and live on MTV

    Thursday, week 3, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: Can you deal with that?

    Taz: laughing What the hell was that?

    Heyman: My thing.

    Taz: Your thing?

    Heyman: Yes, my thing.

    Joey: Oh god, not this again. laughing I'm gonna have to ask to switch brands.

    Heyman: But you know who's in charge of brand trades don't you Joey?

    Joey: Oh god it's you isn't it? Anyway, let's not waste any more time 'cos we have an awesome TV Title match lined-up as the opener.



    ECW World Television Championship Match

    Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho ©


    Chris Jericho dominates the match, winning easily with a Lionsault in the twelfth minute.

    Match Rating: A


    A video is shown to hype the Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit match for Summer Assylum



    Brock Lesnar vs. Doug Williams


    Brock Lesnar dominates, locking Williams in several harsh submissions. He eventually puts the Brit out of his misery with a Brock Lock in the fourteenth minute.

    Match Rating: A


    Paul Heyman drops his headset and enters the ring.



    Heyman: As you may have guessed, I am here to announce F' The Mainstream's half of the card for summer Assylum.


    In our opener, Christian will have a chance at revenge for last week's assault as he will go one on one with Rhino.


    This next match could be aptly described by the term "Clash Of The Titans". Goldberg and Goliath face off to see who is the true powerhouse.


    In a true technical display, Chris Benoit will look to even his score with Eddie Guerrero in a Wrestlepalooza rematch.


    Kurt Angle will defend the pride of ECW against Brock Lesnar. Angle, of course, one in their last encounter but Brock pinned Angle two weeks ago in a tag match, so, any result is plausible.


    Finally, Rob Van Dam and Sabu will represent F' The Mainstream in the inter-promotional tag match. If they win they will face each other in August for the opportunity of a title shot.


    And that, my friends, concludes our card.


    Bill Goldberg vs. The Hardy Boys


    For the first few minutes The Hardys are able to restrain Goldberg and mount some decent team-oriented offence. However, before long Goldberg makes a huge comeback, hitting the Spear on Matt and Jack Hammering Jeff for the 1...2...3.

    Match Rating: A


    Goldberg picks up a mic



    Goldberg: Goliath, you're next!


    Taz: Wow, that's some big time momentum for Goldberg. He just beat the tag champs single handedly!

    Joey: Do you think he's ready for Goliath?

    Taz: Oh I think so.


    Lance Storm vs. Kurt Angle


    Kurt Angle dominates in a fine display of technical ability. After clearly demonstrating his wrestling superiority he locks in the Ankle Lock and Lance Storm has no choice but to tap out.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match Brock Lesnar runs in.


    He beatsdown Kurt Angle and grabs a chair to continue the assault. He then drags a limp Angle out of the ring before delivering an F-5 so that Angle's neck lands across the guardrail at ringside.


    Joey: Oh my god! Kurt Angle is out! He is out!

    Heyman: He could have a broken neck right there Joey.

    Taz: He's gonna need some help.

    Hogan and Funk come to help Angle to the back.


    RVD and Sabu vs. The Dudley Boys


    Despite frequent tagging from the Dudleys and their one man advantage, RVD and Sabu are able to keep control of the match. They seem to co-operate surprisingly well and RVD picks up the pin, after a Five Star Frog Splash, in the fifteenth minute.

    Match Rating: A*


    During the aftermath of the match The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer appear from out of the crowd. Both armed with Singapore Canes, they beat down RVD and Sabu.



    Joey: That's not right. They're not supposed to be on this show. They're not supposed to step foot in the ring with RVD and Sabu until tommorrow night at Summer Assylum.


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B

  15. Your storylines keep getting better and better. Im very interested to see where the whole Charlie and Steph angle goes. I could see a double cross in Charlies future, where Steph was playing him the whole time. Im also very interested to see what is up with Cactus Jack. Why does he keep letting himself get beat down and what is the reason for his losing streak. Great Job man.


    Interesting... let's see if you're right. As always, cheers for the feedback to everyone who's left some!


    Quoth The Raven


  16. Monday, week 4, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. The Cricket Arena is sold out for tonight's show.

    Hudson: That's right Don. 10,000 fans have packed in here.

    JR: We have two outstanding matches scheduled. The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer will team for the first time in order to prepare themselves for the pay-per-view this Friday. Then, in view of last week's shocking assault, Rocky will go one on one with Cactus Jack in the main event!

    Callis: That's not all. Stephanie Mcintosh will announce Revolution's half of the card for Summer Assylum and Raven will address the sellout crowd, apparently to discuss his controversial actions last week. However, now it's time for our first match.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Title. To my left, the challenger all the way from hell: Nate Hatred. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television champion: The Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 12:47

    Match Rating: A*


    Jericho picks up a mic



    Jericho: Now, I haven't yet been approached by any member of the management with a match idea. So, I'm assuming that I am currently not on the bill for Summer Assylum.


    If overlooked by the administration WWJD? What Would Jericho Do? He would rectify this huge injustice. Therefore, I am issuing an open challenge. Anyone who wants to challenge for my TV Title can do so.




    Rey Mysterio wins with a West Coast Pop at 14:11

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: So, Rey gets the momentum heading into Summer Assylum.

    JR: Yes, but will Juventud Guerrera? His match is up next.

    Hudson: Not quite yet though, Jim, as Stephanie Mcintosh will announce Revolution's pay-per-view matches in full.


    Stephanie Mcintosh heads to the ring.



    Steph: As you are probably aware, I am here to officially announce Revolution's matches for Summer Assylum.


    First of all, Chris Jericho, if you want to be arrogant and issue an open challenge, I'll be the one to answer it. You will defend your TV Title against Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Lyger, Tajiri, Jimmy Yang, Psicocis, Jerry Lynn and CM Punk in a 8 man battle royal!


    Secondly, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera will battle it out in the fourth match of their best-of-seven series. Rey, of course, has the opportunity to pull even and make the series 2-2.


    It is time for Rocky and Steve Austin to settle their score. So, they will face one another on Friday night!


    Then, representing Revolution in the inter-promotional tag team match, will be Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman. If they win the match they will face each other for the Number One Contendership.


    Finally, as decided last week, albeit under controversial circumstances, Paul Burchill will challenge Raven for the World Heavyweight Championship.




    Juventud Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 16:09

    Match Rating: B+


    Raven enters the ring to address the sellout crowd.



    Raven: The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of one thousand? Merely a statistic. For example, countless servicemen have died in Iraq and you recognise it. Yet, you cannot fathom the huge, individual suffering caused by each single incident. What about me? What about Raven? I just wonder why have so much affection for two ECW wrestlers. Children die every day, genocide and murder is carried out everyday but still you jeer me for simply attacking Austin and Michaels last week.


    Since that time, all I've heard is "Why Raven? Why?" Well, consider this: I wasn't unfairly assaulting two righteous men but, in fact, ridding ECW of an unnecessary cancer. You see, due to me selflessly sacrificing myself in order to take out "Stunning Steve" and Shawn Michaels, we are all free to watch or participate in wrestling without feckless parasites like them leeching of the achievements of others.


    So it is written; so it has come to pass.

    Quote The Raven



    Callis: Well, that was the biggest load of BS I have ever heard!

    Hudson: He made it seem like he was doing it for the fans. What sort of warped world perspective must you have to believe that?




    The Sandman pins Scott Steiner after a White Russian Legsweep at 12:43

    Match Rating: A*


    Hudson: Well it looks like they can co-exist.

    Callis: Yeah, they looked very solid indeed. Let's hope they can beat the Paul E.'s guys.


    Shawn Michaels is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Michaels: What Raven said earlier was a joke! His actions last week were not taken out of charity or benevolence. He assaulted Steve Austin and me only to benefit himself.


    Just think about it. Steve Austin has been on a huge roll since returning from injury and, therefore, there is no way Raven would want to defend the title against him. As for me, Raven cheated me out of the title two months ago and broke my ribs in the process. I have been dying to get my hands on him again because I know, just as he does, that I would not lose again. Now think of Burchill. He is on no great form and has no vendetta so Raven would obviously rather face him.


    In addition, and this is where it gets scandalous, there is another ulterior motive: Burchill "persuaded" Charlie Pag to get him a title shot. What relevance does this have? Well, Pag clearly has our head booker, Stephanie Mcintosh, eating right out of his hand and was able to make that triple threat match, which I hope everone now realises was held under unfair circumstances.


    He then persuaded Raven of the benefits they would both recieve if the champ intervened to help Burchill win.


    Now, I'm not gonna stay here and bitch but I want everyone to know the true, corrupt reasons behind Raven's actions. I hope that this also helps remove the wool from Stephanie Mac's eyes.


    Stephanie Mac approaches.



    Steph: Shawn, I know you are upset but you have no right to talk about me or Charlie Pag like that. He only has my best interests in mind and, as far as your conspiracy theory goes, he would never involve himself in something like that.

    She becomes visbly angry and upset.

    Steph: I'll warn you now that if you ever make an outburst like this again, I will fire you immediately.


    Charlie Pag approaches.



    Pag: It's alright Steph. Shawn's just upset about last week.

    Michaels stares at him angrily.

    Pag: I don't blame him; I'd be upset too. I won't hold this against him. So, there's no reason for you to do so.


    Charlie Pag turns and walks off with Steph, his arm around her. Unknown to Steph, he gives a hand signal behind his back.


    Burchill jumps Michaels and assaults him but is careful not to make enough noise for Stephanie to notice.



    Rocky carries a sports bag to the ring with him and leaves it at ringside.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, from Long Island New York: Cactus Jack. And to my right, Steve Austin's opponent at Summer Assylum. From Fort Lauderdale Florida: Rocky.




    Rocky wins with a Rock Bottom at 12:18

    Match Rating: A*


    Cactus Jack is beside himself. As Rocky goes to attack, he seems to submit to the beating.

    Steve Austin runs in to help his friend as Rocky quickly runs to his sports bag and pulls an object out.

    It soon becomes apparent that it is a tazer, which he uses to stun Austin. He then pulls a length of wire from his bag and ties Austin to the ring ropes.

    He proceeds to beat down Cactus Jack, while an incapacitated Austin is forced to watch.


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B-

  17. Thursday, week 3, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz and Heyman: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Taz: Hey, that's my line.

    Heyman: laughing Sorry, I needed a "thing".

    Joey: What are you talking about?

    Heyman: All wrestling announcers need a trademark.

    Taz: laughing Okay, fine. Just get your own.

    Joey: Anyway, back to the plot...

    Taz: ...What there is of it.

    Joey: laughing Come on guys, we have a nationwide audience expecting at least a small degree of professionalism.

    Heyman: Yes, Joey, which you provide. Taz and I are here as match analysts and comic relief.

    Taz: Speak for yourself.

    Joey: If you're at home watching, I apologise. I am genuinely trying.

    Heyman: Fine. Go ahead Joey.

    Joey: Well, we're here in the Tingley Colliseum in front of 9,700 fans and we have a great card lined up.


    Steve Corino is backstage when Masato Tanaka attacks him mercilessly. This is clearly revenge for two weeks ago.



    Taz: Wow, what a violent opening.

    Joey: Yeah, but now we have a sanctioned brawl, scheduled for the ring.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the 500lb behemoth: Goliath. And, to my right, The Canadian Extremist: Lance Storm.




    Goliath wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 11:56

    Match Rating: A


    Paul Heyman enters the ring to address the crowd.



    Heyman: Tonight, in a lot of ways, is a preparation for Summer Assylum. For instance, Goliath just had a warm-up match to prepare him for Goldberg, who will have his warm-up match next week.


    Both Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, who will face one another at Summer Assylum, will have matches tonight to keep them in fighting shape.


    Also, RVD and Sabu will team again, in prepartion for Sandman and Dreamer, to face The Hardy Boys in a non-title match.


    Finally, due to the brawl backstage about twenty minutes ago, we will see Masato Tanaka take on Steve Corino in the main event.




    Eddie Guerrero wins with a Frog Splash at 14:10

    Match Rating: A*


    Kurt Angle enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Angle: The result of my tag match last week was a tragedy! It was wrong it was unjust! Brock Lesnar, you now probably think that you are better than me and I will not stand for that. You were only able to pin me because of Chris Benoit's careless stupidity. So, at Summer Assylum I'm gonna put you in your place once and for all. If you have any guts whatsoever, you will accept my challenge and, at least, take your beating like a man.


    As Chris Benoit makes his way to the ring, he tries to apologise to Kurt Angle but just recieves the cold shoulder.



    Chris Benoit wins with a Diving Headbutt at 14:27

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Eddie Guerrero comes running to the ring. Rhino is close behind him.



    Eddie proceeds to beat down Chris Benoit as Rhino attacks Christian on the opposite side of the ring. Surprisingly, the two assaults seem independent of one another as Guerrero and Rhino do not even interact.




    RVD pins Matt Hardy after a Five Star Frog Splash at 12:29

    Match Rating: A*


    Brock Lesnar comes to the ring, accompanied by chants of "Get The F**k Out!"



    Lesnar: Kurt, thank you for your invitation. Of course I'll attend Summer Assylum and face you in a match, just don't think that your little prediction is worth anything. At Summer Assylum, just as I promised a month ago, I will bury the names of Kurt Angle and ECW!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and a Wrestlepalooza rematch between two former world champions. To my left, The King Of Old School: Steve Corino. And, to my right, from Wakayama Japan: Masato Tanaka.




    The match ends in a draw when John Finnegan loses all control at 13:48

    Match Rating: A


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B+

  18. Question for you. In this reality, did Austin ever go to WWE or did he come strait from WCW and stayed Stunning Steve Austin?


    He never went to WWE. This, for me, was always one of the most interesting things about the gameworld: WWF/E were able to survive, when WCW went out of business, despite the attitude era never happening.


    Quote The Raven


  19. I'll say here that in the TV shows from this point there will be very basic opening credits (just 'cos I wanted you to be able to hear the theme music and just feel that ECW vibe).


    The idea to include media files in this diary came from ToddTheBodd. I hope that neither he, or the Stallion, who have both pioneered this technique, mind that I have included these additions.


    Quote The Raven


  20. Monday, week 3, July


    *Theme music, Trivium - Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr, plays*




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution.

    Hudson: 10,00 fans are here at the Pan American Centre for the show.

    JR: From what we've heard, I think this is going to be one of the most exciting Revolution's ever!

    Callis: Absolutely! There is a triple threat between Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and Paul Burchill for the Number One Contendership.

    Hudson: Also, Stephanie Mac will announce further matches a little later on.


    Stephanie Mcintosh and Charlie Pag arrive at the arena.



    Pag: I've got to run. I'll see you later.

    He kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

    Steph: Okay, see ya.


    Shawn Michaels confronts Stephanie Mac.



    Michaels: What the hell is this triple threat about?

    Steph: I'm sorry?

    Michaels: You came to a conclusion about it with Charlie Pag right?

    Steph: Yes.

    Michaels: Well, I just hope you know he's playing you like a fiddle! He's just getting close to you so that you make the booking decisions he wants.

    Steph: Do you honestly think I'd be stupid enough to not see that happening?

    Michaels: If you're not going to listen that's fine but don't say I didn't warn you! He's just going to use you and lose you.

    Michaels leaves looking annoyed.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Title. To my left, the challenger from Nagoya Japan: Ultimo Dragon. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion: The Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with the Walls Of Jericho at 14:24

    Match Rating: A*


    Stephanie Mcintosh enters the ring.



    Steph: First of all, I want to apologise to Paul Heyman. I honestly had no idea that my guys would appear on your show. Then again, RVD showed up here last week. So, I guess it makes things even.


    Now, on the subject of Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman, they will both have warm up singles matches to make sure they're on form for Summer Assylum. The Sandman will face Nate Hatred and that match is up next. As for Dreamer, he will go one on one with Rocky!




    Sandman wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 9:58

    Match Rating: A


    Charlie Pag is backstage talking with Raven.



    Pag: Now, don't forget what we talked about.

    Raven: I've got it covered.

    Pag: Good, just make sure you get both of them!

    Raven: Do I look like an idiot?

    Pag: Not at all, I have every faith in you.

    Raven: Good.

    Raven walks off.


    Callis: Well the circumstances just more and more suspicious.

    JR: Do you think Michaels had a point earlier?

    Hudson: Who knows? We may find out though.




    Scott Steiner wins with a Steiner Recliner at 12:08

    Match Rating: A


    Cactus Jack seems disgusted with himself because of his recent losing streak. He begins a repeat performance of two weeks ago, flying completely off the handle.


    Rocky enters the ring with a chair in one hand and a microphone in the other.



    Rocky: Well if it isn't the good friend of Steve Austin, the non-stop losing phenomenon that is Cactus Jack.

    Cactus goes to attack but Rocky folds the chair around his skull.

    Rocky: Come on hardcore icon. Come on get up.

    Cactus stands only to recieve another chair shot that echoes around the arena. He then mounts Cactus' limp body and pummels away at him until he draws blood.

    Rocky: Austin. Do you want to know what's going to happen to you at Summer Assylum? Just look at your friend here. This pales in comparison.

    *An "Austin" chant starts*

    Rocky drops the mic and leaves the ring. Cactus Jack is left in a pool of his own blood, half unconscious, crying tears of anger, pain and frustration.


    Callis: Oh good god! That is possibly the most horrific thing I've seen in months. I've never seen Cactus Jack beaten down quite like that.

    Hudson: That was scary Don. Cactus Jack usually has more fight in him.

    JR: Thanks to this losing streak, he seems like a broken man.

    Callis: Well, momentarily putting that behind us, it's time for Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera. Juvi leads the best-of-seven series 2-0. Can Rey claw one back?




    Rey Mysterio wins with a West Coast Pop at 14:17 (2-1 to Juvi in the series)

    Match Rating: A*


    Steve Austin arrives backstage to a huge reaction. He looks pissed off and does not even bother to look at the camera.





    Steve Austin runs in and costs Rocky the match at 12:53

    Match Rating: A*


    After the bell rings, Rocky is just able to escape through the crowd before Austin can get his hands on him. However, Austin gives chase through the crowd until both men reach the backstage area. Rocky is able to hide in a store room before Austin catches up. Austin, still looking pissed, decides to give up and heads back towards the ring.


    Hudson: Wow Rocky escaped by the skin of his teeth. Do you think Austin was looking for revenge on behalf of Cactus Jack?

    JR: I think you've got it spot on Scott.

    Callis: Well, now it's time for the main event.


    Bob Artese: The following contest is one fall and is a triple threat match for the Number One Contendership. In this corner, from Victoria Texas: Steve Austin. In the opposite corner, from San Antonio Texas: Shawn Michaels. And finally, from Surrey in the UK: Paul Burchill.




    Raven runs in and takes out Steve Austin with a chair. He then hits the Evenflow DDT on Michaels. Burchill capitalises for the pinfall victory.

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Raven and Burhchill shake hands.


    Callis: Oh man, what does this mean? Unfortunately, we can't answer that this week as we're out of time. One thing I do know for definite: Burchill will face Raven at Summer Assylum for the World Heavyweight Title.


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

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