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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. WWF Champions


    World Heavyweight Champ

    Bret Hart


    Intercontinental Champ

    Owen Hart


    European Champ

    Justin Credible


    Light Heavyweight Champ



    Tag Champs

    Kevin Nash and Scott Hall




    Because people are taking an interest in this, I'll start posting updates on major events in the gameworld

    (title changes, big signings etc.). Seeing as ECW is at war with WWF, it could be interesting if I included that element.

  2. It's roughly outlined on the first page of the diary but things that you may find intereting are:


    1. TNA never opened to begin with. Even when I updated the data to TEW 2005, I decided against including TNA because so much of their talent pool was still employed by WWF/E and ECW.
    2. WCW were bought out back in 2000. Most of their guys stayed with WWE but ECW signed three notables - The Giant (now Goliath), Goldberg and Hogan (who refused to work for Vince).
    3. I took over ECW from Heyman in '99 (you could do that in TEW 2004).
    4. Some guys never left ECW (eg. Steve Austin, Juvi, Rey Mysterio, Benoit, Guerrero - there may well be others you notice).
    5. Kurt Angle signed with ECW in '97 not WWF/E.
    6. WWF/E overtook WCW in about '97 to become the number one company. It's remained in that position ever since. However, ECW is closing the gap. If only I could've signed Bret Hart back in 2001 it may have already happened.
    7. Shawn Michaels jumped to ECW back in '97 when he had a falling out with Vince. This has affected a whole lot in the gameworld. For instance, The Montreal Screwjob never happened and Bret is still in WWE. Also, he is still active 'cos he never had the match where Goldberg injured him.


    If you got any other questions please ask.


    Quote The Raven


  3. Thursday, week 3, September

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. 9,500 fans have packed The Rockford Metro Center.

    Heyman: We've got another great show lined up with the TV Title on the line and more Super Juniors action.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is an F' The Mainstream Super Juniors Match. To my left, the team of Jody Fleisch and Teddy Hart. And, to my right, Chessman and Ozz: The Cult of Sasuke.



    Teddy Hart wins with a 450 splash at 9:57

    Match Rating: C+


    After the match Chessman and Ozz assault Hart and Fleisch. Teddy Hart has to help Jody Fleisch, who looks seriously injured, to the back.


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: Tonight's sinner is responsible for countless acts of gratuitous violence both here in ECW and across his native Japan. The Iron Saints are here to force him to see the error of his ways. Masato Tanaka, come and subject yourself to justice!



    Cristoforro gets the pin after he and Brandon hit God's Will at 12:17. Brandon looks angry that Cristoforro picked up the victory instead of him.

    Match Rating: B+


    All four Iron Saints attack Tanaka after the match


    Just as last week, The Dudleys run in to make the save



    The Iron Saints flee the ring before a confrontation begins.


    Joey: They escaped by the skin of their teeth again.

    Heyman: Don't worry, The Dudleys will get their hands on them at Anarch Rulz but now it's time for another Super Juniors bout. The Great Sasuke takes on LA Park.



    The Great Sasuke wins with a Fire Thunder Powerbomb at 11:10

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match The Cult Of Sasuke enter the ring.



    They proceed to tie up LA Park in ceremonial black ropes and then kneel down in a circle around him.

    The Great Sasuke makes a gesture with his arms and the arena lights dim.


    Taz: Woah.


    He then places his hand over LA Park's face as if extracting some sort of essence from within him.


    Tiger Mask IV and Teddy Hart run to the ring.



    Tiger Mask takes out The Great Sasuke as Teddy Hart tries to battle the rest of the cult. After being hit by a dropkick by Tiger Mask, Sasuke decides it is best to vacate the ring and he motions for his followers to do the same. They quickly oblige.


    Taz: Man, that was freaky. I don't know what they were planning to do there and I'm kinda happy not knowing.

    Joey: I agree with you. That was just plain weird.



    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 14:52

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Chris Jericho and Christian run into the ring.



    Christian floors Benoit with a steel chair and Jericho locks in The Walls Of Jericho. It eventually has to be broken by numerous offcials.


    Jericho: That's for sticking your nose in our business last week.


    When Jericho turns around, Kurt Angle is in the ring.



    He hits an Angle Slam on Jericho and then applies an Ankle Lock on Christian. Jericho, now on the outside, considers it best not to get involved and heads to the back.


    Joey: Two weeks in a row he's left his friend high and dry.

    Taz: Well, it is Jericho you're talking about.



    RVD wins with a Five star Frog Splash at 15:43

    Match Rating: A*


    RVD: Hey, Dreamer, RVD 4:20 says I just smoked Jerry Lynn's ass. At Anarchy Rulz, the same damn things gonna happen to you and I'll go on to become ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Hey, everything's cool when you're RVD!


    Paul Heyman drops his headset and enters the ring.



    Heyman: I'm afraid it's passed the point of professional courtesy. I have to speak my mind. What is happening on the Revolution Brand is frankly ridiculous.


    Charlie Pag has taken it upon himself to single out certain wrestlers and treat them like dirt. In my eyes, that is unacceptable behaviour for a person in power. So, I have a message for Shawn Michaels, the bWo and anyone on the Revolution brand that feels disenfranchised or misrepresented. That is that we, at F' The Mainstream, will welcome you with open arms if you decide to change your fortunes.




    Rhino wins with a Gore at 14:18

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B

  4. That's very true. Shawn Michaels, I don't think is too much of an issue because in the gameworld he jumped ship to ECW back in '97 I think (and yes that means there was never a Montreal Screwjob - Bret is still wrestling for WWE).


    I just don't like two men to an announce table personally. Joey Styles was great on his own and I like a 3man setup. I've been trying to replace JR for ages but, for some ridiculous reason, Joel Gertner has declined negotiations twice.


    Cheers for your two cents though dude because trying to keep the "ECW feel" is my main objective.


    Quote The Raven


  5. I think it would open up a whole world of possibilities if the brands went away.


    I had the same thought myself but I think I have some plans to redress the imbalances. At this stage I need two brands because of my huge amount of enhancment talents. As for the Super Dragon pic, I was lucky enough to have one of him wearing blue :D.


    Quote The Raven


  6. Monday, week 3, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. We have sold out the Kansas Expocenter.

    Hudson: Well, on the card tonight, Yoshihiro Tajiri defends his International All Action Championship and AJ Styles faces Jushin Lyger for a shot at the same title at Anarchy Rulz.

    JR: I also think the aftermath of last week is going to be very intense. After the way the bWo disrespected Pag, Burchill and Raven there will surely be hell to pay!


    Jeff Jarret is in the ring



    Jarrett: Okay, we're gonna try this one last time because something's not right. I should not be losing to a rookie midcarder!


    Apocalypse walks to the ring with a look of sheer anger.



    Apocalypse dominates and wins with a Jesus Driver at 6:57

    Match Rating: B


    Callis: Do you think Jarrett gets the picture yet?


    Backstage, Pag, Raven and Burchill are talking with the FBI




    Pag: Okay, you've got it. You can have a shot at the tag titles on one condition.


    Guido: Name it.


    Burchill: That you and your bodyguards here destroy the bWo.


    Guido: You have my word. Tonight, Stevie will sleep with the fishes.


    Sal: Boss, I don't think he wants to know about Stevie's sex life.


    Little Guido signals for Big Sal to bend down to his level. When he does, Guido slaps him.


    Guido: What have I told you about talking? Just stand there and look threatening. My apologies Carlo.


    Pag: That's fine. Do we have a deal?


    Guido: We sure do. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.



    Callis: Well, it looks like we have a match for the Tag Team Titles tonight.



    Super Dragon wins with a Psycho Driver at 12:42

    Match Rating: B-


    Big Stevie Cool enters the ring and approaches Super Dragon.



    Stevie: Hey, dude, I have an offer for ya. Basically, we have a tag match against the F.B.I. tonight and, frankly, there's a very good chance that we're gonna get our asses kicked by five guys. That's not even including Burchill and Raven.


    Me and the boys in blue have seen you over the past couple of weeks and been impressed. So, we were hoping you could give us some back up later tonight.


    Super Dragon looks at Stevie. He looks at the crowd and then shakes Stevie's hand.


    Stevie: Yeah, that makes it only seven on four!


    Hudson: He seems oddly optimistic.

    Callis: Either that or he knows there is nothing he can do to get out of a beating and has just ceased to care.

    JR: Well, either way, that's not until later. Up next is a number one contender's match for the International All Action Title.



    When Lyger attempts a Backslide on AJ at 14:17 both men's shoulders are down for three.

    Match Rating: A


    Charlie Pag is backstage with a microphone.



    Pag: Let me clear up this All Action Championship situation. Since neither man won the match outright, at Anarchy Rulz there will be a Triangle Match for the title.


    Now, we are still in need of a challenger for Raven. Who will wrestle for the World Championship? Oh, I know, Shawn Michaels. So, good luck Shawn because it's gonna be right up Raven's street. It's gonna be a good, old fashioned Barbed Wire Death Match.


    Callis: Wow, we're going to see a Death Match at Anarchy Rulz.

    Hudson: That plays right into Raven's hands. Michaels is a technically based wrestler not a hardcore brawler. That could get very ugly indeed.



    Michael Shane pins Nick Gage with a handful of tights at 11:43

    Match Rating: B+


    The H8 Club clearly take exception to these cowardly tactics. After the match they assault Shane and Kazarian and hit them with a Double Conchairto so that their heads collide, sandwiched between two chairs. Nate Hatred then grabs a bag of tacs and spreads them across the ring. He then hits a Decapitator on Shane, who his driven into the tacs. Gage follows suit and powerbombs Kazarian into them.


    A "H8 Club" chant begins.


    Callis: Oh my god that was brutal!




    Lyger comes down to watch the match at ringside and sees Tajiri win with a Buzzsaw Kick at 13:52

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Lyger enters the ring and he and Tajiri go nose to nose.



    They stare each other down intensely, neither man willing to take the first shot.


    Then, AJ Styles comes running to the ring.



    He hits a Springboard Dropkick on both Lyger and Tajiri. A three-way brawl ensues that is eventually broken up by officials.


    JR: That Triangle Match should be brilliant!


    The bWo make their way to the ring with their newest member.



    Callis: Hey, cool, look at Super Dragon.

    Hudson: He looks like he fits in pretty well.




    During the match, The Blue Guy, Super Dragon and Traci do their best to guard the ring from outside interference. However, Palumbo, Big Sal and DeVito prove to much for them. Before they can make an impact on the match, though, Shawn Michaels comes running in and Super Kicks all three. The bWo get the win when Stevie hits the Stevie Kick on Tony Mamaluke at 14:06

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Raven, Pag and Burchill come running to the ring.



    With the help of Shawn Michaels, the Blue World Order prove superior to all of their adversaries and clear the ring.


    Shawn Michaels picks up a mic



    Michaels: Oh yeah, baby, the bWo and Shawn Michaels just cleared the house again. Raven, Pag and Burchill keep talking about being "unstoppable" but, from where I'm sitting, the only unstoppale force is the Blue World Order and yours truly.


    Now, The Showstopper has a very important announcement to make. The Mac is back!


    Stephanie Mcintosh makes her return and enters the ring.



    Michaels and the bWo hold Charlie Pag upright, keeping his arms behind his back so that he can't struggle.

    Stephanie Mcintosh then slaps the taste out of his mouth!


    Steph: I'm back and raring to go. The horrible ordeal that this bastard put me through made me realise that I who my friends are!


    Oh, and Raven, at Anarchy Rulz, Shawn Michaels is going to kick your ass!


    As the crowd is loudly chanting "bWo", a huge figure comes running to the ring.



    Callis: Oh my god, it's Abyss. The Monster Abyss is here.


    Most of the bWo and Stephanie are able to escape the ring. However, Stevie and Shawn stay to fight.

    Abyss flattens them both with big right hands. He then hits a Black Hole Slam on each of them.


    After the assault, he leaves with Pag, Burchill and Raven, who laugh their way back to the locker room.


    Hudson: The Monster is working for Pag! The odds stacked against the bWo and Shawn Michaels just got a whole lot taller.


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B

  7. Mayhem = Men In Underwear?! Do I have to worry about you?


    Seriously, I laughed so much when I read that :D. But, don't worry, it's merely a way of introducing them...


    To be honest this show did not live up to your usual high standards.


    In all honesty, I kinda thought that too when I was writing it. It's odd because it's getting easier and easier to write Revolution storylines but harder and harder to do te same for F' The Mainstream.


    No Charlie, Raven & Burchill? They shoud be fuming after what the bWo did to them!


    Oh believe me they are. But Burchill is no longer active on F' The Mainstream. Because he lost the tag titles, he is back to being a solely Revolution worker.


    Quote The Raven


  8. Thursday, week 2, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. 9,700 fans are here in the Veterans Auditorium.

    Heyman: That's got to be because of the great card we have lined up. Tonight, the Tag Titles will be defended. Plus, the F' The Mainstream Super Juniors Division will debut tonight with a lucha libre rules six-man tag.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is an F' The Mainstream Super Junior match. It will be fought under lucha libre rules and,therefore, is best two out of three falls. To my right, the team of Tiger Mask IV, Jody Fleisch and Teddy Hart. And, to my right, The Great Sasuke, Chessman and Ozz.



    The Great Sasuke, Chessman and Ozz win two falls to one when Sasuke pinned Jody Fleisch with a handful of tights.

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match The Great Sasuke stands on the top turnbuckle and waves his hands.

    Suddenly three men run down to the ring and help Chessman and Ozz to assault Tiger Mask, Hart and Fleisch.


    Taz: Who the hell are these guys?

    Joey: I don't know but it looks as though they're following orders from The Great Sasuke.


    Sasuke picks up a microphone, as his followers kneel before him.




    He clearly has a few problems with English and speaks in a stereotypical Japanese accent.


    Sasuke: I Great Sasuke. These be my disciples: Chessman, Ozz, Cuervo, Espiritu and Escoria. We are The Cult Of Sasuke and we be here to bring MAYHEM!


    Sasuke's followers all nod their heads, mouthing "mayhem"


    Joey: Damn, that was weird.



    Corino wins with an Old School Expulsion at 12:09

    Match Rating: B+


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: Our inquisition is not reserved for the young. Oh no, tonight's featured sinner is a half crippled old man but that does not excuse him of his wrongs. Terry Funk, come and subject yourself to justice!


    Joey: Terry Funk? He's been retired for a year.

    Heyman: Like these guys care. They'd assault their own grandmother.



    Salvatore and Vito win with God's Will at 9:17

    Match Rating: B


    After the match, all four Iron Saints Attack Funk.


    The Dudley Boys run in to make the save.



    A big four on four brawl ensues in the middle of the ring.


    Suddenly, the lights go out.


    When they come back on The Great Sasuke is standing in between the two sides, stopping them from fighting.


    The lights go out again. They come back on.


    The Great Sasuke has disappeared but Terry, Spike, Bubba, D-Von, Vito, Salvatore, Brandon and Cristoforro have all been stripped to their underwear.


    They turn to see Chessman, Ozz and Espiritu laughing at the entrance-way holding a big bundle of clothes



    Taz: laughing I guess that's what they mean by mayhem.



    RVD wins with a Vandaminator at 14:57

    Match Rating: A*


    Jericho and Christian enter the ring for a shoot promo.



    Jericho: Last week we never got to finish what we were saying thanks to Kurt Angle.


    Christian: Yeah, so we want to be heard.


    Jericho: At Heatwave a tragedy took place...


    Angle and Benoit make their way to the ring.



    Angle: Whah, whah, whah. We've already heard this. Now, shut up and stop taking up ringtime.


    Christian whispers something to Jericho and Jericho nods.


    Christian runs to attack Angle and Benoit. Jericho acts a though he is going to but ducks out of the ring at the last minute.


    Benoit gets the Crossface on Christian. Angle then applies the Ankle Lock so that both holds are locked in simultaneously.


    Heyman: Well, that's telling. Jericho had every opportunity to help his friend but chose not to.

    Joey: Well, come on, we always knew he was a coward.




    The bWo wins when Stevie delivers a Stevie Kick to Jeff Hardy at 13:49

    Match Rating: A


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B-

  9. I like Shawn in the bWo for some reason. However IS he a member of the bWo? He does not have the background and you did not announce that Michaels has joined the bWo.


    Not really as of yet. He might become a member but I'll leave you to find out :D. Currently they both just have the same goal: getting rid of me, Burchill and Raven.


    As far as him working well with the bWo, he would. As much as I love Stevie Richards (and I really do - he was one of the best ECW guys) he was always a bit of an HBK wannabe. Just look at those two pictures:




    Stevie was parodying Kevin Nash but you can so tell he's a Shawn Michaels fan!


    Quote The Raven


  10. Monday, week 2, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. We have sold out The El Paso County Coliseum.

    JR: Tonight, Tajiri defends his International All Action Title against Little Guido. In addition, Rhino will take on the debuting BG James with The TV Title on the line.

    Hudson: Yeah, that's all great but I can't wait to see what the bWo have in store. I'm so glad they reformed!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, Big Poppa Pump: Scott Steiner. And, to my right, currently undefeated in ECW: Apocalypse.



    Apocalypse wins with a Jesus Driver at 12:23

    Match Rating: B-


    Pag, Burchill and Raven enter the ring.



    Pag: I want to make this perfectly clear right now, it does not matter if the bWo have reformed. We are still the most powerful force in professional wrestling.


    Pag hands the mic to Burchill.


    Burchill: Blue boys, if you try anything, and I mean anything, we will forcefully eject you from the building.


    The mic is passed to Raven.


    Raven: Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan. One may as well think of rocking a grown man in the cradle of an infant. So, yes it is true that we may need to adjust our plans to deal with the bWo but they are only the most minor of hinderances.


    Quote The Raven





    Rhino domiantes and wins with a Gore at 8:17

    Match Rating: A


    The bWo and their valet, Traci, are backstage in a corridor, standing by a fire exit.



    Hollywood Nova opens the door and peers out.


    Nova: Hey, Stevie, this one leads to the roof outside.


    Stevie: Does it lock from the inside?


    The Blue Guy: Yep.


    Stevie: Awesome.


    The bWo set about swapping the "Fire Exit" sign with a "Gentlemen" toilet sign.



    Shane and Kazarian win with a Flying Double Legdrop at 11:52

    Match Rating: B-


    Charlie Pag is backstage. He walks to his office door and opens it.



    Big Stevie Cool is on the other side of the door. He Super Kicks Pag.



    The rest of the bWo appear and spray paint in the face of the ECW CEO.



    Nova: Whatcha gonna do, Daddy, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?


    Hudson: laughing Wow, I don't think Pag has ever been disrespected like that.

    JR: That was completely out of line!

    Callis: laughing Oh, shut up Jim. It was funny as hell!



    Lyger wins with a Lyger Bomb at 14:27

    Match Rating: A


    Paul Burchill is walking backstage.



    He is clearly looking for the toilet and walks through a door saying "Gentlemen". The door closes behind him.

    Muffled shouts can be heard from behind the door.


    Burchill: muffled What the hell am I doing on the roof? Is anyone there? For f**ks sake!




    Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 16:57

    Match Rating: A


    Raven is in the locker room backstage going through his bag.



    He pulls out a t-shirt. It has been spray-painted bright blue.


    Raven: What the hell?


    He pulls out his tracksuit bottoms. They are also bright blue.


    Raven: Hang on a damn minute.


    He pulls out his socks. Again, they are bright blue.


    He suddenly has a realisation.


    Raven: I'm gonna kill those bastards!



    Tommy Dreamer dominates and wins with a Spicolli Driver at 10:16

    Match Rating: A


    Pag, Burchill and Raven come to the ring. Pag's face is still blue.



    Pag: Frankly, this is f**king ridiculous. It has to stop right now!


    Burchill: Damn right! No one disgraces Paul Burchill like that!


    Raven: You owe me a new t-shirt Stevie! That cost $9.50.


    Burchill and Pag give Raven an odd look.


    Raven: What?


    The bWo appear at the entrance-way.



    Stevie: I told you we were taking over!


    There is a huge pop.


    Stevie: Okay boys, it can all stop. All the jokes, all the rooftops, superkicks, all the blue t-shirts that cost $9.50 can end here. That is if you give Nova and I a shot at the Tag Titles.


    Burchill: Okay, let's do it. I'm dying to kick your ass!




    The match is fairly open but Raven and Burchill maintain a small advantage. In the twelfth minute, Shawn Michaels runs in and Super Kicks Burchill. Nova restrains Raven and Big Stevie capitalises for the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Michaels and The bWo celebrate.



    Michaels: Oh yeah, Shawn Michaels is back baby!


    Nova: Whatcha gonna do, Daddy-o, when the bWo and Shawn Michaels rumble on you?


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B

  11. Thursday, week 1, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. The Cricket Arena is sold out for the show.

    Heyman: I'm not surprised, seeing as we've got the fallout from Heatwave and Burchill and Raven's first title defence to witness. Also, something I'm really excited about, we have two japanese workers debuting tonight.

    Joey: Oh yeah, Paul E, didn't you mention bringing in a new division.

    Heyman: Quite possibly, Joey. You see, tonight's opening matchup is the prototype for an idea I've put together.

    Taz: And that idea would be?

    Heyman: Making F' The Mainstream the place where great foreign wrestlers, who would otherwise be unknown in the US, can come and showcase their skills.

    Joey: That sounds like a great idea to me.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and fought between two debuting foreign stars. To my left, from Michinoku Japan, Tiger Mask IV. And, to my right, also hailing from the Michinoku Region, The Great Sasuke.



    The match is a fast-paced classic that really engages the crowd. The Great Sasuke wins with a Fire Thunder Powerbomb at 12:17

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Well, I would call that a succesful prototype!

    Taz: Wow, me too!


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: The Iron Saints' inquisition continues. Tonight, a man, who has offended God by instructing and helping his brothers to commit grave acts of violence, will be punished. Spike Dudley, come and subject yourself to justice.


    Taz: Spike? They're only saying that so they don't have to take on the awesome team of D-Von and Bubba.



    As always, the numbers game proves too much. Brandon and Cristoforro win with God's Will at 12:05

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, all four Iron Saints attack Spike.


    Bubba and D-Von come running in to make the save.



    With all three members of The Dudleys now present, The Iron Saints decide to vacate the ring.


    Bubba: You jackoffs have been running your mouth for over a month, spouting anti-ECW bullsh*t. Quite frankly, my brothers and I, as loyal ECW wrestlers, are f**king sick of it! And seeing as we lost our belts this week, we're doubly pissed off! So, we don't care if the three of us have to fight all four of you, at Anarchy Rulz we're gonna shut you up once and for all because we are The D-D-D-DD-D-DD...


    D-Von slaps him.


    Bubba: Dudleys!


    D-Von: Oh my brother, testify!



    The Hardy Boys win when Jeff hits The Senton Bomb on Mark Briscoe at 13:47

    Match Rating: B+


    Chris Jericho and Christian come to the ring.



    Jericho: As you may have seen, a tragedy occured at Heatwave! I never should have lost my belt.


    Chritian: And I never should have been in that match in the first place.


    Jericho: So, we are, understandably, very goddamn angry! So...


    Kurt Angle interrupts them.



    Angle: Oh, for crying out loud, shut up, shut up, shut up! These people came here to see a wrestling show not listen to you bitch and whine. What's the matter? Did Rhino not play fair in the match where you had a two on one advantage?


    Jericho goes to speak.


    Angle: Oh, I wasn't finished. I just had to kick the crap out of Brock Lesnar for being an ass. Don't make me do the same to you!.


    Jericho and Christian see red and attack Angle brutally.


    Chris Benoit comes running in.



    He quickly takes out Christian and Jericho and sends them running to the back. He then checks on Angle's condition.

    Kurt thanks him and they too head backstage.




    Raven and Burchill win with a Double DDT at 14:28

    Match Rating: A*


    Burchill picks up a mic.



    Burchill: It doesn't matter if the Blue World Order reform on Revolution or if any number of tag teams challenge us on F' The Mainstream. We will not be stopped!


    Raven: So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


    Quote Burchill and Raven



    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and for The ECW World Television Championship. To my left, the challenger, from Atlanta Georgia: Bill Goldberg. And, to my right, from Detroit Michigan, he is The ECW World Television Champion, The Man Beast: Rhino.




    Rhino is surprisingly dominant. He wins with a Gore at 14:54

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B+

  12. Monday, week 1, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. The Resch Center here in Green Bay is completely sold out.

    Hudson: No doubt, Don, after all, we know for a fact that two titles will be defended tonight. Yoshihiro Tajiri will make the first ever defence of the ECW International All Action Title and Rhino will make his first defence of the World TV Title.

    JR: Not only that but we have two great tag matches lined up and Tommy Dreamer will be in action!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the team of Nate Hatred and Nick Gage: The H8 Club. And, to my right, James Gibson and Jimmy Yang: The Jung Dragons.



    The H8 Club dominate. Nate Hatred pins Gibson after a Fire Thunder Driver at 12:06

    Match Rating: B-


    Charlie Pag, Paul Burchill and Raven make their way to the ring.



    Pag: Tonight, a new era for ECW begins. An era controlled by the three men you see before you. Just to illustrate that point, I'm making a match for the ECW World Tag Team Titles. The current champions, The Dudleys, will face Raven and Paul Burchill.


    Pag hands the mic to Burchill.


    Burchill: Last night you saw what we did to both Shawn Michaels and Goliath. We destroyed a man who has been at the top of ECW for nearly ten years and then toppled a five hundred pound giant. If anyone stands in our way the same will happen to you!


    The mic is passed to Raven.


    Raven: Men of the noblest dispositions think themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them. What about me? What about Raven? Personally, I'm happy not being noble because there are only two men in the world whose opinion I value. They are standing next to me.


    A "Speak In English" chant begins.


    Raven: Tonight, these two men and I will firmly cement our place in history when Burchill and I become your Tag Team Champions.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven





    Super Dragon puts up an impressive fight but Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 14:28

    Match Rating: B


    Rocky and Cactus Jack come to the ring.



    Rocky: Do you feel righteous, Cactus?


    Cactus: I sure do Rocky.


    Rocky: Do you feel happy Cactus?


    Cactus: I sure do Rocky.


    Rocky: Cactus, do you feel as though a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders?


    Cactus: I sure do Rocky.


    Rocky: And why is that?


    Cactus: Because on Friday night we beat the holy hell out of Stunning Steve Austin.


    Rocky: Oh hell yeah, we did. He is in hospital and he won't be showing his face around here for a long time. So, we thought we should let you fans know that the legend of Steve Austin is dead!



    The Full Blooded Italians win with a Sicilian Slice at 14:09

    Match Rating: B+


    Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera pass each other backstage.



    Juvi: Hey, great match last night Rey. I was very impressed.


    Rey: Yeah, me too man. I guess it all comes down to the final match.


    Juvi: Yeah, good luck.


    Rey: You too.


    Juvi: Jokingly Hey, just don't think you're gonna win.


    The two men laugh and walk off.



    Tommy Dreamer dominates and wins with a Dreamer DDT at 12:58

    Match Rating: A


    Dreamer picks up a mic.



    Dreamer: Hey, RVD at Anarchy Rulz, when we face each other one-on-one there won't be the opportunity for a cheap shot. So, just know that you are looking at the next ECW World Heavyweight Champion.




    Rhino dominates and wins with a Gore at 13:35

    Match Rating: A*


    Rhino continues to assault Scott Steiner after the match, to the crowd's delight. A "F**k Him Up, Rhino, F**k Him Up" chant starts.




    Pag's interference causes constant problems for The Dudleys. Burchill and Raven win with a Double DDT at 14:12

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Pag, Burchill and Raven Celebrate.



    Raven: Two things indicate weakness: to be silent when it is proper to speak, and to speak when it is proper to be silent. We chose our time to speak and...


    The Blue World Order's music hits and Big Stevie Cool, Hollywood Nova and The Blue Guy make their way to the ring as the crowd goes crazy.



    Stevie: I'm hearing all this talk about you three being the greatest. I'm hering all this bullsh*t about you three being the most powerful men in wrestling but you forgot one thing. WE'RE TAKING OVER!


    Stevie superkicks Pag and then the bWo take out Raven and Burchill to the crowds delight.


    Callis: Stevie brought the bWo back to Revolution! And it looks like they're gonna be the ones to stand up to Pag, Burchill and Raven.


    The show closes to deafening chants of "bWo".


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B-

  13. The Eddy segments make you realise what we are all missing by his loss.


    Yeah man, he was in one of my favourite ECW matches of all time. It was him versus Dean Malenko and it was their first match in the States for ages ('cos they'd been touring Japan). It was one of the best technical wrestling displays I've ever seen - truly incredible. Moreover, the crowd, who are known as being the most ruthless, loud and bloodthirsty fans in wrestling, fell completely silent and merely applauded great reversals etc. Seriously, it was f**king amazing! He was a phenomenal wrestler.


    Quote The Raven


  14. Friday, week 4, August

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1727806&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: That's right; it's finally here. Welcome to the biggest wrestling spectacle of the summer, ECW Heatwave. I'm Joey Styles and alongside me is the headbooker of F' The Mainstream, Paul Heyman, and, in place of Stephanie Mcintosh, Don Callis.

    Heyman: I can't wait for things to kick off Joey. You can feel the electricity here in the ECW Arena, which by the way is sold out.

    Callis: That's right Paul, I have goosebumps! You know, it's strange, as bad as I feel for Stephanie Mac, I'm glad that I get such a good seat this time around.

    Joey: I guess that's understandable. After all, this is one of the biggest ECW shows of the year. Now, I hope you guys don't mind, I'm gonna have to send it down to Bob Artese because I just can't take the suspense!


    Bob Artese: Welcome to ECW Heatwave!


    There is a massive pop.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is a First Blood Match. That means that the first competitor to draw blood on an opponent will win the match for his team.

    Now, the competitors are as follows. To my left, making their ECW debut as a tag team, Farooq and Bradshaw: The Acolytes. And, to my right, representing the most dominant group of youngsters ECW has ever seen, Vito and Salvatore: The Iron Saints.



    The match is dominated by The Acolytes, who use various weapons to attack the saints. However, Brandon and Cristoforro interfere and restrain Farooq, allowing Vito and Salvatore to draw blood from Bradshaw using a staple gun.

    Match Rating: A


    Vito signals for a microphone as the other three Iron Saints assault The Acolytes



    Vito: We shall not rest until our inquisition is complete and it shall not be complete until we have brought every sinner in ECW to justice. The Acolytes were just two names on a very long list.


    The assault continues to jeers from the crowd.


    Joey: Damn it. One of these days someone is going to shut Vito's big mouth.




    "ECdub" chants are heard throughout the entire match and it is clear the fans are siding with The Dudleys. After a fairly open contest, The Dudleys win with a 3D through a table at 12:52

    Match Rating: B+


    Heyman: I think that conclusively proves that ECW is the premier wrestling company in the world today.

    Joey: Aah, but which is the premier ECW brand?

    Heyman and Callis stare at each other for a moment.

    Joey: Haha, too easy.


    Goliath is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Goliath: Raven, I know you saw what I did to Steve Corino last night. I told you it would pale in comparison with what I'm going to do to you and I wasn't lying. You see, tonight, I'm gonna get my hands around your little throat and squeeze until I here a snap. More than that, Raven, I'm gonna enjoy it when I break your neck.


    Sixth Match In The Best-Of-Seven Series


    The match is very open with both competitors getting an equal amount of offence. It is clear that, over the course of the series, they have earned a great respect for one another. Eventually, Rey Mysterio Jr. wins with a West Coast Pop at 17:29

    Match Rating: A* (3-3 in the series)


    Joey: Wow, that makes it 3-3 and it's all gonna come down to a definite final.

    Callis: Just goes to show, Joey, how evenly matched these two are.


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: The inevitability of death is terrible enough, but worse still is death with time to spare, time in which all the happiness that was yours and all the happiness that might have been yours becomes clear to you. You see with utter lucidity all that you are losing. The sight brings on an oppressive sadness that no water about to drown you can match. The feeling is truly unbearable. What about me? What about Raven? It is this that has made me consider my previous transgressions.


    I cannot change the past but I can shape the future and I will shape a better image of myself from here on. Goliath, you can speak with all the vulgarity you wish but, nevertheless, I will beat you tonight. Moreover, I believe that I will do so with the blessing of the ECW fans because they shall see my effort to reform myself.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven



    Chants of "Raven" can be heard around the arena as fans seem to be warming to the new outlook displayed by the World Champion.




    The match progresses as expected, with Jericho and Christian co-operating to take on Rhino. In the fifteenth minute, Jericho breaks the deal with Christian and applies The Walls Of Jericho. However, while Jericho is still applying the hold, Rhino hits the Gore on him and gets the 1...2...3.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Gore! Gore! Gore! Rhino is The World Television Champion for the second time in three weeks and, finally, justice has been carried out.


    Rhino goes into the crowd to celebrate as the camera cuts backstage to Eddie Guerrero.



    Eddie: Chris, tonight's the night, Holmes. Thirty whole minutes of intense wrestling. So, me vito loco, are you really ready? Are you really ready to take on a second generation wrestler like me? We have wrestled before in Japan and Mexico, even here in ECW but never in an Ultimate Submission and that, me hermano, is going to work in my advantage. Get ready to feel the worst pain of your life.


    International All Action Championship Tournament - Final



    The match is a fine technical display, with neither man gaining an obvious advantage. However, Yoshihiro Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 16:58

    Match Rating: A


    Kurt Angle is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Angle: Brock, I finally got you to agree to my match on the condition that I'd put my career on the line. But, you see, that doesn't matter because I'm not going to lose. So, prepare yourself for a beating, the likes of which have never been seen in a professional wrestling ring.


    In an arena in New England they may support your anti-ECW tyrades. But, this isn't New England; this is my hometown of Pittsburgh; I am Kurt Angle and you... will tap out!


    Ultimate Submission Match


    The match is incredibly even with both men tied on four submissions as the twenty ninth minute rolls around. Chris Benoit goes to apply the Sharpshooter but Guerrero reverses it into a Laso From El Paso. 29:38... Benoit is writhing in pain. 29:42... Benoit edges towards the ropes. 29:48... Benoit reaches out for the bottom rope. 29:50... Eddie pulls him away. 29:54... Benoit won't tap. 29:56... Eddie wrenches the hold in harder. 29:57... still no tap. 29:58... Chris Benoit raises his hand as if to tap. 29:59... his hand is still raised. 30:00... Benoit taps out.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: That was so unbelievably close. That has to hurt twice as bad if you're Benoit, to endure all that pain for so long but, in the end, it's for nothing.

    Heyman: You may have spoken too soon Joey.


    Bob Artese: Referee John Finnegan has decided that Chris Benoit tapped out after the time limit had expired. As such, he has decided upon sudden death. That means the first man to gain a submission over his opponent will be declared the winner.



    Both men are physically exhausted but still manage to put on a great technical display. In the end, Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 9:17

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Wow, that's a match of the year candidate right there. That was incredible!

    Heyman: I'm in shock, Joey, they gave it absolutely everything.


    Brock Lesnar enters the ring for his match but picks up a microphone.



    Lesnar: Ladies and gentleman, allow me to welcome you to the last ever professional match of Kurt Angle.


    Joey: What a jackass!



    The match is very open and, surprisingly, rather brawl-based. Kurt Angle wins with an Ankle Lock at 18:29

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Kurt Angle grabs a small knife that was concealed under the ring. He proceeds to carve the letters "ECW" into Brocks back.

    The crowd go crazy as Angle smears Lesnar's blood across his face.


    Joey: Oh my god! That was one of the craziest things I've ever seen in a wrestling ring.

    Callis: And that really means something when it comes from an ECW announcer!


    Paul Burchill is backstage with Charlie Pag.



    Burchill: I've just spoken to him, Bossman.


    Pag: And?


    Burchill: He says he's got it covered and that it's all planned.


    Pag: Good. I love it when a plan comes to fruition.


    Joey: What the hell was that about?

    Callis: If you were an announcer on Revolution, you'd be used to that kind of thing.


    Barbed Wire Match


    The match is very open. Rocky clearly wants revenge on Austin for his sick actions on Revolution. The action goes back and forth as both men's skin is ripped and scarred by the barbed wire. Cactus Jack comes down to the ring on crutches in the tenth minute. The match continues to swing back and forth but, then, Cactus nails Austin in the back of the head with one of his crutches. Rocky capitalises and hits the Rock Bottom for the victory.

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, it is clear that Austin is seriously hurt. An EMT team come to the ringside aisle, strap him to a stretcher and start to take him to the back.

    In a shocking turn of events, The Rock and Cactus forcefully eject the EMTs and pour gasoline over a vulnerable Austin.


    Rocky: Hey, Cactus, isn't this show called Heatwave?


    Cactus: It sure is Rocky.


    Rocky: Oh, how fitting.


    They set the stretcher (and Austin) on fire and push him through the entrance-way caging and into a mass of electrical equipment.

    A huge series of electrical explosions occur as the crowd chants "Holy Sh*t"


    Joey: Oh my god! Kurt Angle's makeshift surgery just got challenged in the sick stakes by Rocky and Cactus' impromptu pyrotechnics!

    Callis: Jesus, can we get some help out here now? Like, right now! He needs medical attention damn it.


    An EMT team and, seemingly, half the locker room turns out to check on Austin's condition. He is wheeled off to hospital as the wrestlers and fans look on in disbelief.



    Pag's constant interference is a great hinderance to Michaels but, nevertheless, the match is surprisingly open. In the fourteenth minute Raven runs in an DDTs Michaels. Burchill capitalises for the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven picks up a mic as Burchill and Pag applaud. Conversely, the crowd boo loudly.



    Raven: It is often the case that the real tragedies in life occur in such an inarticulate manner that they hurt one by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack of style. What about me? What about Raven? Allow me articulate my actions properly.


    I cannot believe how naive each and every one of you is. You honestly believed I was going to reform my character. Well, denial is the face that fallacy met and I will not change!


    Why did I choose to allign myself with these two men? Because I realise where the real power in ECW is. It's not in the demands of you fans but in the proclemations of Charlie Pag and the physical support that Paul Burchill provides them with. So, I urge you to look at the most powerful force in professional wrestling: the man who controls the fate of ECW, the most dominant young talent in wrestling history and The World Heavyweight Champion. We are the undeniable power!


    So it is written; so it has come to pass

    Quote The Raven




    The match is very even. All competitors keep an eye on their partners as well as their opponents and wisely so. In the fourteenth minute, Tommy Dreamer hits a Spicolli Driver on Sabu and gets the pin while RVD holds The Sandman back.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: It's finally settled!


    After the match, RVD and Tommy Dreamer hug in celebration as the fans trade chants of "RVD" and "He's Hardcore". Then, RVD floors Dreamer with a spinkick.


    RVD: Just don't think you'll win the Number One Contender's Match!


    Callis: Wow, RVD's all business.

    Heyman: I would be too if I'd been through all he has just to get a title shot.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's Main Event is one fall and for The ECW World Heavyweight Championship. To my left, the challenger, tipping the scales at an incredible 500lbs and standing at seven feet tall: Goliath. And, to my right, accompanied by Charlie Pag and Paul Burchill, he is The ECW World Heavyweight Champion: Raven.




    What would have been a match stacked highly against Raven actually become a match in his favour, thanks to the constant interference from Pag and Burchill. In the end, Burchill and Raven hit a Double DDT and Raven gets the pin at 14:06

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh man, what sort of hell will be unleashed on ECW now that these three are working together? That's all we have time for, I hope you enjoyed ECW Heatwave.


    Show Rating: A*

  15. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/heatwave.jpg


    First Blood Match

    The Acolytes vs. The Iron Saints





    Inter-Promotional Tag Team Match For The ECW World Tag Team Titles


    Double Shot vs. The Dudley Boys





    Sixth Match In The Best-Of-Seven Series

    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera





    ECW World Television Title Match


    Rhino vs. Christian vs. Chris Jericho





    ECW Revolution International All Action Championship Tournament - Final


    Jushin Thunder Lyger vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri





    Ultimate Submission Match

    Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero





    Kurt Angle's Last Ever Professional Match?

    Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar





    Barbed Wire Match

    Stunning Steve Austin vs. Rocky





    Shawn Michaels vs. Paul Burchill





    Inter-Promotional Tag Team Match

    Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer vs. Sabu and The Sandman





    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match


    Raven vs. Goliath





    All predictions welcome.

  16. Thursday, week 3, July

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. We have sold out the Mitchell Center.

    Heyman: Tonight, we announce the card for Heatwave and I can't wait for tommorow night!

    Taz: Neither can anyone in the entire building Paul E.


    The Iron Saints are in the ring.



    Vito: This week in our inquisition we come to a man who takes the Lord's name in vain with such regularity that he truly deserves his punishment. All one ever hears from this man are profanities and the glorification of violence. So, Joey Styles, come and subject yourself to justice.


    Joey: Screw that, I'm the announcer. I'm not going up there.


    Cristoforro and Brandon drag Joey into the ring. Taz follows them.


    Taz: Hey ass holes, if you want Joey you're gonna have to go through me!



    Cristoforro and Brandon's interference effectively nullifies Taz's presence. Vito and Salvatore get the easy victory over Joey Styles with God's Will at 4:36

    Match Rating: C


    After the match all four Iron Saints assault Joey and Taz.


    The Acolytes storm the ring and take out The Iron Saints in order to save the announcers.



    Bradshaw: Okay, you slimy little bastards. This inquisition stops right now! At Heatwave two of you, and we don't care which two, will face us in a First Blood Match.


    The Acolytes help Joey and Taz back to the announce desk.



    Eddie Guerrero wins with a Frog Splash at 15:06

    Match Rating: A


    Christian and Chris Jericho are talking backstage.



    Christian: Chris, what are we going to do? We have to face Rhino in a triple threat.


    Jericho: Yeah, I'm well aware of that.


    Christian: And how are you not worried?


    Jericho: Christian, stop panicking, there's two of us and one of him. He hasn't got a chance.


    Rhino attacks both men with a chair, leaving them down and out.



    Heyman: Oh, I think he has a chance. How are you guys by the way?

    Taz: Yeah, not too bad.

    Joey: I'm fine, as long as The Iron Saints get the mother and father of all ass kickings tommorrow night.

    Heyman: I think The Acolytes will make sure of that.



    Brock Lesnar dominates and wins with an F-5 at 14:06

    Match Rating: A


    Angle appears at the entrance-way.



    Angle: Brock, I know what it is that you want. So, I'm putting my career on the line. If we wrestle and you win, I'll never compete in a professional wrestling match again. What's more, I'll sign a contract to back it up.


    Lesnar looks thoughtful.


    Lesnar: Okay, you got it. Kurt Angle's last ever professional match will be at Heatwave against Brock Lesnar.


    Joey: Wow, it's on then.

    Taz: It sure is Joey.



    Goliath Dominates and wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 12:09

    Match Rating: A


    Goliath: Raven, this is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you.


    Paul Heyman enters the ring to cahnts of "Paul E"



    Heyman: Thank you. Now, F' The Mainstream half of the card for Heatwave is as follows:


    The Acolytes will sqaure off against The Iron Saints in a First Blood Match.


    Rhino, Christian and Chris Jericho will wrestle in a Triangle Match for The World TV Title


    Chris Benoit will face Eddie Guerrero in an Ultimate Sumbission Match.


    Kurt Angle puts his career on the line against Brock Lesnar.


    RVD and Tommy Dreamer will battle Sabu and The Sandman for the chance at a Number One Contender's Mach.


    Finally, Raven faces his toughest challenge to date as he takes on Goliath.



    Benoit wins with a Crossface at 17:54

    Match Rating: A


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B-

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