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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Road Warrior Hawk defeated Romeo C+


    Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog defeated Cade and Murdoch C


    The Outsiders defeated Hurricane and Venis to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles B


    Aguila defeated Antonio to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Justin Credible defeated Rene Dupree to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Flair and Kane defeated Triple H and Edge B+




    Show Rating: B

  2. Monday, week 1, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel "Bigger and better than the Titanic because only four hundred women went down on the Titanic" Gertner.

    Callis gives him a strange look.

    Callis: Anyway, I can't wait for tonight's action. So much is planned!

    Gertner: Damn right! A TV Title match and a Tag Titles match will take place, plus, this mysterious new signing will make his debut appearrance.


    The New Age Enterprise are in the ring.



    Pag: Tonight is a glorious night in the history of Extreme Championship Wrestling! Monsers Inc. are the World Tag Team Champions.


    Abyss and Goliath hold up their belts to deafening boos.


    Pag: Raven is the World Heavyweight Champion.


    Raven also proudly presents his belt to the crowd, who respond with jeers.


    Pag: Not only that but Paul Burchill will, tonight, challenge Kensuke Sasaki for the World Television Championship. Before the night is through the New Age Enterprise will complete the trifecta of championship belts!


    The crowd boos as Pag hands the mic to Stephanie Mcintosh.


    Steph: Oh, shut up! You can sit there and boo all you want but it won't do any good. Shawn Michaels isn't here tonight and Paul E and Taz are in police custody awaiting trial. The fact is that we now have complete control of this promotion and there is not a damn thing any of you ass holes can do about it!


    She hands the mic to Burchill.


    Burchill: Now, it is my esteemed pleasure to announce, as Charlie Pag's Best Man, that the wedding Ceremony for Mr. Pag and Miss Mcintosh will take place next week on Revolution. As much as it pains me to think that lower-class plebicites, such as yourselves, could actually attend such an auspicious event, all ECW fans are invited to the ceremony.


    Pag takes the mic.


    Pag: Thank you Paul. Your words mean a lot to me and my wife-to-be. On a slightly different note, I've just had a touch of divine inspiration. I am making the rematch between Vito and Chris Daniels a number one contender's match for the International All Action Title.



    Super Crazy makes an impressive debut and wins with a Trifecta Moonsault at10:42

    Match Rating: C+


    Big Stevie Cool and Hollywood Nova are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Stevie: Stephanie Mac, you say you're in charge of this promotion and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Well, tough sh*t bitch because I beg to differ! The Blue World Order may no longer be the Tag Champs but we are sure as hell going to stop you ass holes from ruining the good name of this company.


    Nova: Watcha gonna do Daddyo when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?


    Gertner: Well, the bWo are still in fighting spirits.

    Callis: You wonder how much they can actually do to stop the New Age Enterprise though. Nevertheless, up now is the number one contender's match for the International All Action Title. It is, of course, also a rematch from Guilty As Charged: Vito versus Chris Daniels.



    The match is very even and both men are clearly determined to get the victory. At 13:58, Vito gets the pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, it is clear that Daniels is furious with Vito for using undehanded tactics to get the win.


    Brock Lesnar is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Lesnar: Hey Austin, I had you and the entire wrestling world fooled. You didn't know who it was in the mask until Guilty As Charged. But, now that I'm unmasked, things get serious. I'm challenging you to a one-on-one match for next week on Revolution and you better believe that I will end your career!




    The match is a bloody brawl from the beginning. The Dudley Boys put up a good fight against the two giants. However, following interference from Salvatore and Brandon, Monsters Inc. get the win at 14:02

    Match Rating: A*


    Cactus Jack enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Cactus: As many of you may know, my very good friend Rocky has left the promotion to return to a career in acting.


    The fans show their disdain for Rocky's decision.


    Cactus: Now, don't get me wrong, acting is a very noble profession but his decision does mean that I will be competing in more singles matches. So, I'm just out here to warn everyone that the most hardcore motherf**ker in wrestling history is back and he is after blood! There is no wrestler alive that is as extreme as me...


    The lights go off and when they come back on Sabu is in the ring.



    He assaults Cactus chack with a chair, eventually hitting an Atomic Arabian Facebuster. He pays homage to his uncle and heads backstage.



    Eddie Guerrero wins with a Frog Splash at 14:42

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Jericho enters the ring.



    He takes out Eddie from behind and locks in the Walls Of Jericho. He and Christian then continue the assault.


    Callis: Oh, come on, stop this!

    Gertner: I guess that's payback for Guilty As Charged.

    Callis: Okay, but where' Chris Benoit?

    Gertner: Very good question!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my right, currently undefeated in ECW, the "All Japan Assassin" Kensuke Sasaki. And, to my right, from Surrey England, representing the New Age Enterprise, he is accompanied by Charlie Pag and Stephanie Mcintosh, Paul Burchill.




    The match is an even contest until the NaE become involved.


    Raven and Monsters Inc. interfere, making life very difficult for Sasaki.



    Paul Burchill utilises the help from his allies in order to gain a strong advantage.


    However, the bWo interfere to even the odds.



    A huge stable brawl ensues in the middle of the ring whilst the title is still on the line. However, the Championship is somewhat forgotten in the pandomonium. Mostly due to their sheer physical size, the NaE seem to have the upper hand. However, suddenly, unknown music is heard from the PA System and everyone stops brawling in the confusion.


    Owen Hart appears at the entrance way.



    Callis: Oh my god! It's Owen Hart! It's Owen Hart!

    Gertner: He must be the new signing!

    Callis: My god, this is incredible! The former Federation Intercontinental Champion is here in ECW!


    Owen runs to the ring as everyone evacuates the area as quickly as possible. Because Burchill and Sasaki are nowhere to be seen, Jim Molineaux has no choice but to declare a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Gertner: Thanks to Owen, Sasaki is still champ and Pag's promise has been proven hollow!

    Callis: Damn right, no one wants to go toe to toe with Owen Hart!


    The show goes off the air with Owen standing tall in the ring, as the fans applaud.



    Show Rating: A*

  3. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwrevolution-1.jpg


    Confirmed Matches



    Guilty As Charged Rematch

    Vito vs. Christopher Daniels



    ECW World Tag Team Titles Match

    The Dudley Boys vs. Monsters Inc. ©



    Eddie Guerrero vs. Christian



    ECW World Television Title Match

    Paul Burchill vs. Kensuke Sasaki ©





    Plus, ECW's new star signing makes his debut!

  4. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW online can confirm that ECW has contacted several multi-national television networks with the hope of airing a new show, to a much larger audience, beginning in December. This is very important because it could give the promotion the advantage over their sports entertainment counterpart: WWF. Check back here for any further news that may surface.

  5. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the best place for an uncensored look at the world of pro wrestling.


    Guilty As Charged was awesome, really awesome! The matches were great, the angles were great; what more can I say? Well, actually quite a lot.


    Four out of four titles changed hands. That's a rarity and with good reason because it may make title changes appear less important and credible. However, I think that the ECW bookers, headed by Paglerio and Paul E, pulled it off really rather well. All of the new champs seem very deserving indeed!


    That awesome match between Vito and Chris Daniels, according to "insider reports", could be the beginning of an extended feud. This is a very good thing for the young Thomaselli because every time he steps in the ring with Daniels he will be learning his craft from the best.


    I'm really liking The Cult too. It's got to the stage when you don't know whether to turn the TV off when they come on because they may scare your kids or to encourage your kids to watch it 'cos they are so damn funny!


    That triangle match was very cool. Michaels and RVD had awesome chemistry and showcased their unlimited skills to the max! Truth be told, I could see Steph's turn coming a mile off but, sometimes, in wrestling you have to give the audience what they expect as well as what they don't.


    Related to ECW but not Guilty As Charged, it looks like Rocky maybe off to shoot more movies. Apparently, he has been offered a short-term contract by Miramax films. As you know, ECW signed him after he returned to wrestling after his first movie star stint. One wonders if he will a.) accept the offer and b.) return to the ring if he does.


    As far as WWF goes, I hate to say it but it's more of the same. Same as ever, they are relying on a few guys to carry their cards. Their booking went through a good spell but it's quickly becoming mediocre again. I tell you here and now, if ECW can get a TV deal with a larger, possibly multi-national, station, The Federation's days will be numbered.


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  6. And the winner is...


    *Cue drumroll*


    ECWRulz32 with The Enterprise


    If you don't mind, dude, I think I might alter it slightly to become:


    The New Age Enterprise but keep it as The Enterprise for short.


    I have to say, they were all great ideas but a lot of them were a bit too dark/supernatural. Although, I have to say, I may use the other names for future stables if it's okay with you guys ;).


    So, ECWRulz, you get the choice of the new signing's tag partner for his first TV Match. All will become clear after this week's Revolution.


    Cheers for reading everyone!


    Quote The Raven


  7. Think of all the anti-Grapes promos where the opposition threaten to crush them.....and Pag tells them to stop wine-ing.......OK maybe I should have stopped with GRASPP and SCRAP.



    Ford, dude, you are truly insane, but I love it ;)!


    Cheers to everyone for all the ideas. I shall announce the winner soon.


    Quote The Raven


  8. Some of those are some solid ideas; I won't hint at which, though, until I announce the winner ;). For reference, though, I would prefer if they had not yet been used. For instance, The Network and The Ministry have been taken. So, orginals would be good...


    Cheers for participating every one!


    Quote The Raven


  9. Right then, as previously hinted at, a name is required for the stable consisting of:



    Charlie Pag

    Paul Burchill



    Stephanie Mcintosh


    If you post your suggestions, I would find it very useful!

    The person with the best suggestion will earn the right to choose the new signing's tag team partner for his first TV Match.



    Quote The Raven


  10. Thanks buddy! That's the second time you've known how my mind was working in terms of a major story. I think you're getting to know my writing style a bit too well and, if that's the case, I will have to kill you...


    I was hoping people would like a slightly more goofy angle for the cult, so, I'm very glad that paid off :D!


    You are so right about the name for the stable. I've been reffering to them as, get this... "Group" in my in-game notes. How's that for earth shattering?


    Seriously, though, I had a think about this before and I think I'll hold a interactive vote for their name. I'll give some sort of incentive to make it ineteresting. The new signng needs his first match so that could be the prize.


    Quote The Raven


  11. Friday, week 4, October

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=1990314&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: In a sport where no one is innocent, ECW is proud to be Guilty As Charged! I'm Joey Styles alongside Don Callis. Joel Gertner will be joining us shortly.

    Callis: Joey, I'm so excited! This is the first pay-per-view since ECW dropped the brands and it promises to be nothing short of incredible.

    Joey: No doubt, Don. Shawn Michaels defends his World Title against two world class performers in Raven and Rob Van Dam.

    Callis: Not just that but every single one of our other champions face their toughest obstacles to date.

    Joey: True, the bWo, I hate to say, have their work cut out for them against Goliath and Abyss. The Great Sasuke, who is on fantastic form, could walk away as the new International All Action Champion and the same can be said for Kensuke Sasaki, who challenges "The Franchise" Shane Douglas for the TV Title.

    Callis: As for now, Joey, I think Joel Gertner is ready in the ring.


    Joel Gertner is in the ring ready to give one of his trademark introductions.



    He clears his throat.


    Gertner: Good evening all of you insignificant, highgenically challenged Gertner wannabe's. I am your personal God for this evening, Joel Gertner, with the highlight of the program, where I introduce to you this here little pay-per-view.


    The crowd cheers.


    Gertner: You see, people have come from miles around and put there money down just to hear the sweet molotic sounds from the "Quintessential Studdmuffin" Joel Gertner because, f**k knows, I'm hotter than a 15 year old girl in a field hockey skirt.


    Joey: Oh god, it's bad enough already and he's only two sentences in!

    Callis: Well, what did you expect?


    Gertner: So, I advise you, remember my name because you'll be screaming it later!


    The camera cuts to Joey Styles, who has his head buried in his hands.


    Gertner: So then hot, sexy ladies and far less interesting men... If it's a crime for my c*ck to be large, you know that I'm always GUILTY AS CHARGED!


    There is a huge pop.


    Joey: And to think, they pay him a monthly wage for this!

    Callis: Don't worry, Joey, I think Bob Artese is ready to take the mic.


    Gertner hands Artese the mic and heads to the announce table.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is an elimination rules, Flaming Tables Match. To my left, from Dudleyville, D-Von and his half brother Buh Buh Ray: The Dudley Boys. And, to my right, they are undefeated in ECW and hail from Vatican City, Brandon and Salvatore: The Iron Saints.



    D-Von is first to be eliminated, when Brandon delivers a DDT through a table and Salvatore sets it alight at 6:17. Brandon is eliminated at 9:42 when Bubba delivered a Toprope Powerbomb through a flaming table. Finally, at 12:51, The Dudleys deliver a 3D to Salvatore, through a flaming table, to win the match.

    Match Rating: A


    Charlie Pag is backstage on the phone.



    Pag: I don't care! I'm telling you fundamentally and categorically, if they are seen in the building, I want them arrestsed... Yes, both of them... On what grounds? On the grounds that they broke the law by jumping the barricade last night... Don't tell me to calm down; just do your job!


    He hangs up.


    Pag: Tough luck Paul E.




    The match is an even and entertaining Super Juniors spectacle. Thanks to interference from The Cult, Sasuke win with a 450 Backsplash at 15:41

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Sasuke shouts orders at his followers.




    Cuervo, Espiritu and Escoria pull a huge wooden symbol from under the ring that is a larger replica of the design on Sasuke's mask. The Cult, under instruction from their leader, then proceed to tie Lyger to the symbol with thick, metal wire and then raise him to the rafters with the use of more wire.


    Joey: Oh my god! Are they going to crucify him?

    Callis: This is just sick!


    Chessman pulls a miniature doll of Jushin Lyger from his pocket and goes to hand it to Sasuke. However, Cuervo tries to steal it, as if wanting the credit for handing it to the cult leader. The others quickly see what is happening and join in so that all six of them are fighting for possesion of the doll as The Great Sasuke watches in disbelief. Eventually, Cuervo grabs it and the others proceed to chase him around ringside.


    Joey: What the hell are these idiots doing? Lyger is still strung up there!


    In the pandomonium, Ultimo Dragon runs in.



    He quickly floors Sasuke and is able to free Lyger and run backstage while The Cult are still preoccupied.

    When Sasuke rises, he is visibly angry. He lets out a deafening scream so that The Cult members forget their previous challenge and cower before him. He looks at them with disdain and, one by one, orders them to stand so he can strike them with his newly won title.


    Callis: That was so bizzare!

    Joey just looks on in disbelief.



    The match is very even but Daniels wins with a BME at 14:07

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Vito strikes Daniels from behind and assaults him relentlessly. He then picks up a mic.


    Vito: This is not over. You are the greatest of all sinners; you have harassed God's messenger and I promise that you will pay!


    Joey: God's messenger? Self proclaimed,

    Callis: What a great match though.




    The match quickly turns into a hardcore bloodbath. The Franchise is bust open with a stiff chair shot. Eventually, Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb through a table.

    Match Rating: A


    After, the match Francine approaches Sasaki.



    She turns, sneers at Shane Douglas and turns back to face the new TV Champ. She kisses him and walks to the back in his company.


    A "She's a crackwhore!" chant begins.


    Gertner: Well, Francine has a new fella.

    Callis: And they say a woman's main motivation isn't money?




    The bWo put up a brave fight but could not deal with the giants. Goliath and Abyss win with a Double Chokeslam at 13:32

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the giants celebrate and head up the aisle.


    Pag, Burchill and Raven come out to greet them.



    The five men celebrate as the bWo look on, frustrated.



    The match is very even and quickly turns extreme as tables, chairs, canes, ladders and barbed wire become involved. In the thirteenth minute, Beulah tries to throw powder into The Sandman's eyes but acidentally blinds Dreamer. Tommy stumbles around for a second and then grabs Beulah, thinking she is the Sandman, and delivers a Spicolli Driver. Sandman, looks to take advantage and grabs Dreamer from behind. However, Dreamer reacts quickly and DDTs The Sandman. He then falls on top of his opponent, still blinded, and gets the 1...2...3

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Dreamer cleans his eyes out with water and realises his mistake. He picks up Beulah and carries her to the back. However, Sandman jumps them both before they get backstage and leaves them out cold.



    The match is even and a great technical display. Benoit and Guerrero win when Eddie hit a Frog Splash on Christian at 17:26

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven is alone backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: If a patient is poor he is committed to a public hospital as a "psychotic". If he can afford a sanatorium, the diagnosis is "neurasthenia". If he is wealthy enough to be in his own home under the constant watch of nurses and physicians, he is simply "an indisposed eccentric". The same is true of you Shawn Michaels; these fans only adore you because the bookers have pushed you down their throats for the passed nine years.


    What about me? What about Raven? It doesn't apply to me because I don't care how others see me or label me! The only thing I do care about is my superiority over my fellow man and, tonight, I will prove its vastness when I reclaim my World Title.



    Steve Austin seems to have the upper hand throughout the match and sees much offence. However, in the fifteenth minute when he attempts to hit The Stunner, the masked man runs in and floors him with a chair. Rocky capitalises for the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, the masked man removes the mask.



    Joey: It's Brock Lesnar! He hasn't been seen since Heatwave!


    Lesnar F-5s Austin, laughs and heads to the back.


    Stephanie Mcintosh and Shawn Michaels are backstage.



    Michaels is psyching himself up.


    Steph: It's cool Shawn, remeber: I'll still be holding the champs hand after the match.


    Michaels: Damn right!


    He kisses her on the cheek and makes his way to the ring.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is a Triangle Match for the ECW World Hevyweight Championship. To my left, from Battle Creek Michigan, "Mr. Pay-Per-View" Rob Van Dam. In the corner behind me, accompanied by Charlie Pag, from The Bowelry, Raven. And, to my right, accompanied by Stephanie Mcintosh, from San Antonio Texas, he is the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels.




    Raven spends much time outside of the ring, allowing Michaels and Van Dam to have an awesome technical matchup. In the twenty first minute, RVD springs to the toprope and looks set to hit the Five Star Frog Splah on Michaels. However, the champ rolls out the way as RVD begins to jump. In addition, Raven, now inside the ring, catches RVD in midair and delivers the Evenflow DDT. As Raven rises from the canvas, Michaels goes to deliver the Superkick but Stephanie Mcintosh lowblows him from behind. Raven then hits his seconed DDT, this time on the champ, and gets the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Damn it! Why Steph? Why?

    Gertner: Either way, Raven's the champ again.

    Callis: Yeah, unfortunately and under dubious circumstances.


    Stephanie Mcintosh picks up a mic.



    Steph: Hey "Showstopper" we just stopped your title reign. I can't actually believe you were dumb enough to think a classy, intelligent woman like me would support you.


    You're a f**king idiot, Shawn, and do you know what the best bit is? There never was a baby. It was all a setup and you played right into it! Now, finally, your stagnant, old self will be removed from the limelight.


    Burchill, Abyss and Goliath come out to Join Charlie, Steph and Raven.



    All six of them celebrate.


    Taz runs to the ring, accompanied by Paul Heyman.



    However, before he can get to the ring, numerous security guards and policemen apprehend the two men and arrest them. Before he is taken away, Taz shouts "I will choke you out!" to Pag.


    Pag: I'm afraid Taz that you're not gonna gatecrash this party! Now, Steph, I have a very important question...


    Stephanie signals for him to continue and Pag gets down on one knee.


    Pag: Stephanie Mcintosh, will you marry me?


    Steph: Yes. Yes I will!


    Deafening boos are heard all the way around the arena.


    Joey: Oh, what the hell is this? This isn't The Federation and we don't need a wedding to draw ratings!

    Callis: I'll tell you what this is. This is bullsh*t!

    Gertner: Well, I think it's romantic.


    Callis and Styles glare at Gertner.



    Show Rating: A*

  12. That's the largest number of predictions an ECW Worldwide card has ever recieved. So, I would like to sincerely thank you for showing an interest and, moreover, partcipating! I really do appreciate each of you taking the time to read and reply to this thread.


    I'm gonna try and get the card up later tonight or tommorrow. So, if anyone wants to add their predictions, or even, tweek their old ones (no pun intended Tweek It, I swear :p) there is still time to do so.


    Quote The Raven


  13. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/gascharged00.jpg


    Flaming Tables Match

    The Dudley Boys vs. The Iron Saints.





    International All Action Championship Match

    The Great Sasuke vs. Jushin "Thunder" Lyger©






    Vito vs. Christopher Daniels





    World Television Championship Match

    Kensuke Sasaki vs. Shane Douglas ©






    World Tag Team Championship Match

    The bWo © vs. Goliath & Abyss






    The Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer





    Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho and Christian





    Steve Austin vs. Rocky





    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Rob Van Dam vs. Raven vs. Shawn Michaels ©






    All predictions welcomed.

  14. Viewing figures for Thursday, week 4, October



    In House Attendance: 10,000


    2,708,150 on MTV2


    North American Total: 2,488,711 (up 219,439)

    Total: 2,488,711





    In House Attendance: 10,000


    1,021,509 on UPN

    383,534 on The Score


    North American Total: 1,405,043 (up 33,149)

    Total: 1,405,043

  15. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    The Outsiders defeated Funaki and Aguila to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles B


    Orlando Jordan defeated Shane Mcmahon B


    London and Kendrick defeated Nitro and Heidenreich B-


    Justin Credible defeated British Bulldog to retain the WWF European Title B+


    The Undertaker defeated Sylvain Grenier B


    Batista defeated Hawk B+




    Show Rating: B+

  16. Thursday, week 4, October

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Joey Styles alongside my broadcast colleague, Scott Hudson.

    Hudson: Thanks Joey. Tonight's show is the last stop before Guilty As Charged and it's full steam ahead!

    Joey: Absolutely, we have some amazing matches scheduled. Guerrero, Benoit, Jericho and Christian, who will all be involved in that huge tag match at Guilty As Charged, will be in action tonight. So will Vito and Chris Daniels, who also face one another tommorrow night.

    Hudson: But, possibly the best bit of all, we get to find out who Lyger's challenger for the I.A.C. belt will be in a number one contendership match.


    Salvatore and Brandon are in the ring.



    Sal: Our brother, Vito, can sadly not be with us tonight because he has a singles match later on. However, this shall not stop us from subjecting the Briscoe Boys to justice!



    Brandon and Sal win with God's Will at 9:52

    Match Rating: B


    The Iron Saints continue to attack The Briscoes after the bell.


    The Dudleys come running out.



    The Iron Saints quickly flee the ring.


    Bubba: Last month, at Anarchy Rulz, you only defeated us thanks to interference and it didn't prove anything. You see, my brother and I are still looking to shut your self righteous mouths. So, this time it's gonna be up our street. At Guilty As Charged it will be My brother and me against you two ass holes in a Flaming Tables Match! You wil learn not to cross the D-DD-DD-D-D


    A "What's your name?" chant begins.


    Bubba: D-DD-D-DDDD-D


    D-Von Slaps him.


    Bubba: Dudleys!


    Bob Artese: The following contest is one fall and a number one contender's match for the International All Action Title. To my left, from Kumamoto Japan, Hayabusa. And, to my right, representing the Cult Of Sasuke, from Michinoku Japan, The Great Sasuke.



    The Great Sasuke wins following interference from the Cult at 14:19

    Match Rating: B+


    Sasuke heads to the back as The Cult assault Hayabusa.




    Hudson: Oh come on; the match is over!

    Joey: I don't think they care, Scott.


    Shane Douglas and Francine are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Douglas: Kensuke Sasaki, you've been on a real roll but that doesn't mean you can handle The Franchise! You see, it doesn't matter how many lesser wrestlers you beat; I am the first creditable opponent you have had to face and you will not beat me! The Franchise will walk into Madison Square Garden as the World Television Champion and The Franchise will walk out as the World Television Champion.


    He laughs loudly as Francine kisses him on the cheek.



    Vito wins with a Vatican Driver at 14:32

    Match Rating: A


    A video is shown hyping Sandman versus Dreamer. It highlights their history of feuding for a title shot, it shows how Sandman's disrespectful behaviour led to the match and also focuses on their previous draw and backstage brawls.



    Jericho and Christian win when Faarooq tapped to the Walls Of Jericho at 12:47

    Match Rating: A


    Rocky enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Rocky: Austin, ironically, it looks like you got your ass kicked on Monday by that masked guy. Nevertheless, I'd be happy to dish you out the biggest beating in the history of professional wrestling. In short, your challenge for Guilty As Charged is accepted!



    Daniels puts on a wrestling clinic and wins with a Fall From Grace at 16:22

    Match Ratig: A*


    Daniels picks up a mic.


    Daniels: Be ready, Vito, be ready! This is nothing compared to the wrestling lesson I will give you tommorrow night. You are far too green to beat a master like me!



    Benoit and win Guerrero when Eddie hit the Frog Splash on Kazarian at 16:43

    Match Rating: A


    Hudson: So, Eddie and Chris have momentum heading into Guilty As Charged.

    Joey: Yeah but so do Jericho and Christian!


    Charlie Pag, Paul Burchill, Raven, Abyss and Goliath enter the ring.



    Pag: We are here to announce a late addition to the pay-per-view card. Abyss and Goliath will face Big Stevie Tool and Hollywood Over for the World Tag Team Titles.


    Both Giants nod and clench their fists.


    Pag: You see, tommorrow will be a glorious night for us. Raven will regain his World Title and these two behemoths beside me will win the Tag Titles. We will truly dominate ECW!


    Disembodied Voice: I wouldn't be so sure of that!


    Pag: Oh yeah, says who?


    Paul E. appears from the crowd, with a microphone in hand and enters the ring.



    Heyman: Says me, bitch!


    Abyss goes to flatten Heyman.


    Heyman: If you lay one finger on me, I will sue you for grievous assault because you will be breaking the law by attacking a member of the public who is not under contract!


    Raven restrains the giant.


    Pag: Paul, I don't know how you got that microphone and I don't want to know but, the fact is, you don't belong here!


    A deafening "Paul E" chant begins.


    Heyman: Forgive me if I'm incorrect but it sounds like ten thousand people disagree with you!


    Pag: Frankly, I don't give a f**k what they think. We're in charge now and whatever we say goes!


    Heyman: Now, I'm not so sure there either.


    Suddenly Taz runs in from the crowd.



    He applies the Katahajime on Pag as Heyman steps back and laughs. Pag's associates try and break Taz's hold with as little force as possible so there are no grounds for legal reprisal.


    However, Shawn Michaels and RVD come running out.



    Michaels nearly beheads Raven with a Superkick as RVD clears the ring with the use of a chair.


    Hudson: Pag and his lapdogs are heading for the hills.

    Joey: Go Paul E!

    Hudson: Go Michaels and RVD!

    Joey: Oh man, who is gonna win that Triangle Match?



    Show Rating: A

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