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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Monday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: This December is a great time for Extreme Championship Wrestling.

    Gertner: That it is, Donny boy. The Masters Of Pain Tournament is just around the corner. In fact, the first qualifying match is up tonight.

    Callis: True but not only that. Blood, Sweat and Beers, our first international broadcast in promotion history, debuts this month.

    Gertner: Oh, yeah. Hey, isn't Paul E going to give some sort of announcement about that?

    Callis: He sure is. He's scheduled to address employees and fans alike after our first match.



    Los Increibles dominate and win when Juventud hits the Juvi Driver on Mark Briscoe at 14:01

    Match Rating: B+


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    A massive "Paul E" chant begins.


    Heyman: Okay, thank you very much. I appreciate that but if you give me a second I'll be able to give you the big news.


    The crowd quitens down.


    Heyman: As you know, on Saturday night ECW goes worldwide!


    An even bigger "ECdub" chant begins.


    Heyman: Haha, yeah.


    He takes a second to savour the electric atmosphere.


    Heyman: Now, the weekly three hour spectacle, known as "Blood, Sweat and Beers", will be the place for us to showcase our most talented stars to the world! However, I figure that, now we have three TV shows, we should be giving some airtime to our younger stars. So, F' The Mainstream will be more focused on our blue chippers. Don't worry, we're not reverting to a brand split but ECW's Thursday night TV will be a little different. I'll tell you what, I won't waste anymore time. I'll let F' The Mainstream's new commissioner tell you about it.


    Gertner: F' The Mainstream has a new commissioner?

    Callis: It's the first I've heard of it.


    Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen... "The Franchise" Shane Douglas!


    The Franchise enters the ring and shakes Heyman's hand.



    He takes the mic off Paul E and laughs loudly.


    Douglas: Thank you, Paul!


    A "Franchise" chant begins in the crowd.


    Douglas: Oh, yeah! Did you honestly expect me to be gone very long? I didn't think so. You see, Raven made me retire from in-ring action but not from the industry and, let me tell you, after a long absence due to personal issues, when I returned I swore I would never leave home again because my home is E C F**king W!


    Another "ECdub" chant begins.


    Douglas: Now, get ready for some top quality action on Thursday nights 'cos, if I have anything to do with it, Blood, Sweat and Beers won't be ECW's most celebrated show... F' The Mainstream will be!


    Callis: Wow, Joel, what huge news!

    Gertner: Yeah, that's massive!



    The Sandman wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 10:22

    Match Rating: A*


    Steve Austin approaches Kurt Angle, who is lacing up his boots backstage.



    Austin: Hey, Kurt, I'm sorry about Friday, man. I honestly thought you were Lesnar.


    Angle seems too focused to care.


    Angle: It's fine.


    Austin: No it's not. I f**ked up bad. I apologise.


    Angle turns to Austin.


    Angle: Steve, it's fine. Now, I've got a Masters of Pain qualifying match to focus on...


    Angle walks off leaving Austin looking somewhat confused.


    Callis: Now, for those of you who don't know, matches that are a part of the Masters Of Pain tournament...

    Gertner: ...like the one that's up next.

    Callis: Exactly. They can only end in one of three ways.

    Hertner: Those are to make your opponent tap out, to force him to say "I Quit" through a microphone or to, plain and simple, knock him out cold.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifying Match


    Angle looks incredibly intense. Shane taps out to the Ankle Lock at 13:57

    Match Rating: A*


    The Whole ****in' Show are backstage with Traci.



    RVD: Didn't we tell you? New ECW World Tag Team Champions...


    Michaels: The Whole...


    RVD: ...F**kin'...


    Michaels and RVD: ...Show.


    RVD: Yeah!


    Traci: Yeah, that match was really impressive. You guys were amazing!


    Michaels: Well, thank you, sweet cheeks.


    RVD: Say, Traci, we're going to an after show party. Did you want to join us?


    Traci: I'd love to.


    Michaels: puts on fake Englis accent Exquisite! We shall adjourn at twenty three hundred hours.


    Traci: also puts on fake Englis accent Splendid.


    Gertner: They call that language "English" Don.

    Callis: sarcastically Do they now?

    Gertner: You should learn to speak it properly.

    Callis: After your performance at November To Remember, you are in no position to pass comment on my use of the language!



    Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:36

    Match Rating: A


    Cactus Jack is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Cactus: Sabu, you may have won our match at November To Remember but this is not over! For the time being, my priority is the Masters Of Pain competition but after I win the tournament, earn my title shot and take the belt off Raven I will look for retribution. I promise you, here and now, Sabu, when we next meet in the ring I will carve you a new face with my own special brand of psycopathic surgery!



    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 16:49

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Christian and Jericho run to the ring.



    They, along with Benoit, assault Lyger, leaving him out in the middle of the ring.


    Callis: Oh, it's this goddamn Canadian group.

    Gertner: Hey, Don, aren't you Canadian?

    Callis: Yeah but don't associate me with these turncoats!


    Jericho picks up a microphone.


    Jericho: We are the Candian Connection and we are here to show America to be the inferior sespool that it is!


    Huge boos echo around the arena as the show goes off the air...




    Show Rating A

  2. Monday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: This December is a great time for Extreme Championship Wrestling.

    Gertner: That it is, Donny boy. The Masters Of Pain Tournament is just around the corner. In fact, the first qualifying match is up tonight.

    Callis: True but not only that. Blood, Sweat and Beers, our first international broadcast in promotion history, debuts this month.

    Gertner: Oh, yeah. Hey, isn't Paul E going to give some sort of announcement about that?

    Callis: He sure is. He's scheduled to address employees and fans alike after our first match.



    Los Increibles dominate and win when Juventud hits the Juvi Driver on Mark Briscoe at 14:01

    Match Rating: B+


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    A massive "Paul E" chant begins.


    Heyman: Okay, thank you very much. I appreciate that but if you give me a second I'll be able to give you the big news.


    The crowd quitens down.


    Heyman: As you know, on Saturday night ECW goes worldwide!


    An even bigger "ECdub" chant begins.


    Heyman: Haha, yeah.


    He takes a second to savour the electric atmosphere.


    Heyman: Now, the weekly three hour spectacle, known as "Blood, Sweat and Beers", will be the place for us to showcase our most talented stars to the world! However, I figure that, now we have three TV shows, we should be giving some airtime to our younger stars. So, F' The Mainstream will be more focused on our blue chippers. Don't worry, we're not reverting to a brand split but ECW's Thursday night TV will be a little different. I'll tell you what, I won't waste anymore time. I'll let F' The Mainstream's new commissioner tell you about it.


    Gertner: F' The Mainstream has a new commissioner?

    Callis: It's the first I've heard of it.


    Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen... "The Franchise" Shane Douglas!


    The Franchise enters the ring and shakes Heyman's hand.



    He takes the mic off Paul E and laughs loudly.


    Douglas: Thank you, Paul!


    A "Franchise" chant begins in the crowd.


    Douglas: Oh, yeah! Did you honestly expect me to be gone very long? I didn't think so. You see, Raven made me retire from in-ring action but not from the industry and, let me tell you, after a long absence due to personal issues, when I returned I swore I would never leave home again because my home is E C F**king W!


    Another "ECdub" chant begins.


    Douglas: Now, get ready for some top quality action on Thursday nights 'cos, if I have anything to do with it, Blood, Sweat and Beers won't be ECW's most celebrated show... F' The Mainstream will be!


    Callis: Wow, Joel, what huge news!

    Gertner: Yeah, that's massive!



    The Sandman wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 10:22

    Match Rating: A*


    Steve Austin approaches Kurt Angle, who is lacing up his boots backstage.



    Austin: Hey, Kurt, I'm sorry about Friday, man. I honestly thought you were Lesnar.


    Angle seems too focused to care.


    Angle: It's fine.


    Austin: No it's not. I f**ked up bad. I apologise.


    Angle turns to Austin.


    Angle: Steve, it's fine. Now, I've got a Masters of Pain qualifying match to focus on...


    Angle walks off leaving Austin looking somewhat confused.


    Callis: Now, for those of you who don't know, matches that are a part of the Masters Of Pain tournament...

    Gertner: ...like the one that's up next.

    Callis: Exactly. They can only end in one of three ways.

    Hertner: Those are to make your opponent tap out, to force him to say "I Quit" through a microphone or to, plain and simple, knock him out cold.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifying Match


    Angle looks incredibly intense. Shane taps out to the Ankle Lock at 13:57

    Match Rating: A*


    The Whole ****in' Show are backstage with Traci.



    RVD: Didn't we tell you? New ECW World Tag Team Champions...


    Michaels: The Whole...


    RVD: ...F**kin'...


    Michaels and RVD: ...Show.


    RVD: Yeah!


    Traci: Yeah, that match was really impressive. You guys were amazing!


    Michaels: Well, thank you, sweet cheeks.


    RVD: Say, Traci, we're going to an after show party. Did you want to join us?


    Traci: I'd love to.


    Michaels: puts on fake Englis accent Exquisite! We shall adjourn at twenty three hundred hours.


    Traci: also puts on fake Englis accent Splendid.


    Gertner: They call that language "English" Don.

    Callis: sarcastically Do they now?

    Gertner: You should learn to speak it properly.

    Callis: After your performance at November To Remember, you are in no position to pass comment on my use of the language!



    Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:36

    Match Rating: A


    Cactus Jack is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Cactus: Sabu, you may have won our match at November To Remember but this is not over! For the time being, my priority is the Masters Of Pain competition but after I win the tournament, earn my title shot and take the belt off Raven I will look for retribution. I promise you, here and now, Sabu, when we next meet in the ring I will carve you a new face with my own special brand of psycopathic surgery!



    Chris Benoit wins with a Crossface at 16:49

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Christian and Jericho run to the ring.



    They, along with Benoit, assault Lyger, leaving him out in the middle of the ring.


    Callis: Oh, it's this goddamn Canadian group.

    Gertner: Hey, Don, aren't you Canadian?

    Callis: Yeah but don't associate me with these turncoats!


    Jericho picks up a microphone.


    Jericho: We are the Candian Connection and we are here to show America to be the inferior sespool that it is!


    Huge boos echo around the arena as the show goes off the air...




    Show Rating A

  3. FFS take the belt off Raven. You only keep the belt on him becauuse you are a Raven mark :rolleyes: . This gets 2 maybe 3 stars. Nice videos and layout though.


    Ooooh, a little harsh there. Especially seeing as I'm a mark for most of the old ECW guys not just Raven. Moreover, I think it makes sense to have a strong heel champion; if the belt kept changing hands it would lose credibility.


    I appreciate your opinion but next time I recommend expressing it a little less aggressively; you may end up offending someone ;). Also, I note the absence of any form of constructive criticism.


    Quote The Raven


  4. FFS take the belt off Raven. You only keep the belt on him becauuse you are a Raven mark :rolleyes: . This gets 2 maybe 3 stars. Nice videos and layout though.


    Ooooh, a little harsh there. Especially seeing as I'm a mark for most of the old ECW guys not just Raven. Moreover, I think it makes sense to have a strong heel champion; if the belt kept changing hands it would lose credibility.


    I appreciate your opinion but next time I recommend expressing it a little less aggressively; you may end up offending someone ;). Also, I note the absence of any form of constructive criticism.


    Quote The Raven


  5. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the best place for an uncensored look at the world of pro wrestling.


    November To Remeber really was something to remember. I was mulling over what I'd seen on Saturday night and it hit me... bang... I think that's the best wrestling card of the year so far. Seriously, everyone on that roster that was in action left their heart and soul in the ring!


    The All Action Title match was actually the standout. You may not think it to look at me but I love it when the best cruisers are in the ring and let me tell ya: Vito, Daniels and Super Crazy are definitely some of the best.


    This may be controversial but, if I'm honest, I don't like the idea of Christian, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit being in a stable. I just think they are all such good singles competitors that they don't need to be involved in any sort of group storyline. Having said that, I hope the ECW booking team proves me wrong.


    And the World Title Match? Pure brilliance. Hats absoloutely have to go off to the guy who decided to revisit the Taipei Deathmatch (my guess is Paul E). Shane and Raven both put on an amazing performance and, in a way, it's a shame that Shane had to lose and retire. Although, having said that, we all knew he was gonna hang up his boots fairly soon - at least he did it in style. On that note, I have heard from my famous "inside sources" that he will still have an on-screen role but, I'm afraid, I am as in the dark as you are in regards to what that may be. I'll tell you what, though, with or without Shane, the ECW main event scene is looking very strong - possibly stronger than ever!


    The same cannot be said for the WWF. Frankly, I wonder whether I should dignify their last couple of shows with a response but, hey, I'm nothing if not a diplomat...


    Well, that's not quite true because I do have to say it how I see it. Ever since Frank Ladevala took over the booking reigns, the Federation have been heading for a nosedive. The sooner they give the ex-JAPW owner the boot, the better for wrestling fans. How can I say this nicely? Aah, screw niceties: Ladevala was the reason why Jersey All Pro went belly up so why, in the name of all that is sacred, did Vince hire him to book for a multinational company? It's like putting an alcoholic in a room with an open bar and expecting him to stay sober! Hardly Vince's modt brilliant moment...


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  6. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the best place for an uncensored look at the world of pro wrestling.


    November To Remeber really was something to remember. I was mulling over what I'd seen on Saturday night and it hit me... bang... I think that's the best wrestling card of the year so far. Seriously, everyone on that roster that was in action left their heart and soul in the ring!


    The All Action Title match was actually the standout. You may not think it to look at me but I love it when the best cruisers are in the ring and let me tell ya: Vito, Daniels and Super Crazy are definitely some of the best.


    This may be controversial but, if I'm honest, I don't like the idea of Christian, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit being in a stable. I just think they are all such good singles competitors that they don't need to be involved in any sort of group storyline. Having said that, I hope the ECW booking team proves me wrong.


    And the World Title Match? Pure brilliance. Hats absoloutely have to go off to the guy who decided to revisit the Taipei Deathmatch (my guess is Paul E). Shane and Raven both put on an amazing performance and, in a way, it's a shame that Shane had to lose and retire. Although, having said that, we all knew he was gonna hang up his boots fairly soon - at least he did it in style. On that note, I have heard from my famous "inside sources" that he will still have an on-screen role but, I'm afraid, I am as in the dark as you are in regards to what that may be. I'll tell you what, though, with or without Shane, the ECW main event scene is looking very strong - possibly stronger than ever!


    The same cannot be said for the WWF. Frankly, I wonder whether I should dignify their last couple of shows with a response but, hey, I'm nothing if not a diplomat...


    Well, that's not quite true because I do have to say it how I see it. Ever since Frank Ladevala took over the booking reigns, the Federation have been heading for a nosedive. The sooner they give the ex-JAPW owner the boot, the better for wrestling fans. How can I say this nicely? Aah, screw niceties: Ladevala was the reason why Jersey All Pro went belly up so why, in the name of all that is sacred, did Vince hire him to book for a multinational company? It's like putting an alcoholic in a room with an open bar and expecting him to stay sober! Hardly Vince's modt brilliant moment...


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  7. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/survivor99.jpg

    Attendance: 5,000

    PPV Buyrate: 542,026

    Val Venis defeated Joey Mercury C+


    Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Aguila B


    John Cena defeated Tyson Tomko to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title C


    Hawk defeated The Hurricane C+


    Randy Orton defeated Al Snow C+


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina to retain the WWF Women's Title C-


    Bret Hart defeated Danny Basham C+


    Johnny Nitro defeated Spanky to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Gene Snitsky and Chavo Guerrero defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog C+


    Rene Dupree defeated Justin Credible for the WWF European Title C+


    Edge and Scott Hall defeated Animal and Heidenreich B-


    Kevin Nash defeated Kane to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B




    Show Rating: B-

  8. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/survivor99.jpg

    Attendance: 5,000

    PPV Buyrate: 542,026

    Val Venis defeated Joey Mercury C+


    Scotty 2 Hotty defeated Aguila B


    John Cena defeated Tyson Tomko to retain the WWF Intercontinental Title C


    Hawk defeated The Hurricane C+


    Randy Orton defeated Al Snow C+


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina to retain the WWF Women's Title C-


    Bret Hart defeated Danny Basham C+


    Johnny Nitro defeated Spanky to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Gene Snitsky and Chavo Guerrero defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog C+


    Rene Dupree defeated Justin Credible for the WWF European Title C+


    Edge and Scott Hall defeated Animal and Heidenreich B-


    Kevin Nash defeated Kane to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B




    Show Rating: B-

  9. Your Joel Gertner is my role model....is that sad?


    Haha, not necessarily.


    It took a long time to write up the show but it's definitely worth it if people read it and enjoy it. So, thank you for the feedback you guys left. I really appreciate you taking the time to do so ;).


    Quote The Raven


  10. Your Joel Gertner is my role model....is that sad?


    Haha, not necessarily.


    It took a long time to write up the show but it's definitely worth it if people read it and enjoy it. So, thank you for the feedback you guys left. I really appreciate you taking the time to do so ;).


    Quote The Raven


  11. Friday, week 4, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2326536&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Despite the season of goodwill drawing near, there is only bad blood in ECW and, as such, this is a November To Remember!

    Taz: Yeah, Joe, the pay-per-view name couldn't be more fitting. This is gonna be off the hook.

    Callis: There's absolutely no doubt about that, Taz. So many great matches are scheduled including two championship contests for the International All Action Title and the World Heavyweight Title.

    Joey: Yeah, and not only the World title is on the line in our main event but so is Shane Douglas' career.

    Callis: Absolutely, Joey, if The Franchise wants to remain as an active competitor, failure is not an option: it's win or die trying!

    Taz: Oh, man, I'm so psyched and I think it's time for your favourite part of the show, Joey!

    Joey: Oh god!


    Joel Gertner is in the ring with mic in hand.



    Gertner: Well, well, well is New York really ready for the biggest ladykiller since OJ Simpson?


    Joey Styles already has his head in his hands.


    Gertner: I am your unofficial host for this evening: the peeled banana in your tropical fruit salad of love, the man whose number is on your girlfriends speed dial and whose wit is more tongue-in-cheek than an anal affectionate lesbian Joel "You can't have your cream pudding until you eat your meat" Gertner.


    Joey: How did we end up employing this guy? Seriously, can you imagine the sh*t he would spout in a job interview?

    Callis: I'd prefer not to.

    Taz: Aah, come on guys, it's just some harmless fun.

    Joey: Harmless?

    Taz: Well, you know what I mean.


    Gertner: So, this goes out to all the lovely ladies in the house: we have some crazy match stipulations tonight. But forget the scaffolds, the stairways to hell and the burning embers; only if you put your lipstick on my dipstick will this be a November To Remember!


    Joey: I'd be lying if I said that was anything other than terrible.

    Taz: Come off it, Joey. Just 'cos you haven't mastered the art of the double entendre.

    Joey: If by "mastered" you mean striving to put at least three into every sentence, you'd be right.

    Taz: You're just jealous 'cos he gets all the attention from the ladies.

    Joey: sarcastically Yeah, that'll be it.


    Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's opening contest is one fall and a four-way tag team gauntlet for the number one contendership. This means that the winning team will have the right to challenge the tag team champions to a title match during any ECW event of their choosing over the course of the next six months. The teams are as follows: from Dudleyville, Buh Buh Ray and D-Von, The Dudley Boys. From Cameron North Carolina, Jeff and Matt, The Hardy Boys. From Mexico, Rey Mysterio Jr and Juventud Guerrera, Los Increibles. And, finally, from the Vatican City, Salvatore and Brando, The Iron Saints.





    The first four legal men are D-Von, Jeff, Juvi and Salvatore. D-Von goes straight for Salvatore as Jeff and Juvi lock up but Sal decides to exit the ring rather than go toe to toe with his rival. D-Von proceeds to follow him out and a chase ensues around ringside. Buh Buh Ray steps down off the apron and the Dudleys attempt to deliver a 3D to Salvatore. However, Brandon is able to make the save. From this point referee, John Finnegan, cannot prevent all 8 men from being involved simultaneously. Los Increibles and The Hardys put on an incredibly fast paced display in the ring, allowing the other two teams to continue brawling on the outside. In the sixteenth minute, The Iron Saints are able to isolate D-Von and deliver God's will. Brandon picks up the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: So The Iron Saints are the new number one contenders for the tag titles.

    Callis: Yeah, and they can have that title match any time within the next six months.

    Taz: Oh man, what a way to start the show!


    RVD, Shawn Michaels and Traci are talking backstage.



    Traci: Hey, good luck tonight, guys!


    RVD: Cheers, Trace.


    Traci: No problem, I can't wait to see the match!


    Michaels: I can't wait to wrestle.


    RVD: I know what you mean. I'm dying to take out those two supersize ass holes and be crowned the new ECW World Tag Team Champions. Yeah!


    Michaels: Oh, you better believe it motherf**ker 'cos we are...


    Michaels and RVD: The Whole F**kin' Show!


    Traci laughs in a flirty manner.


    Michaels: We'll see you later little missy.


    Michaels kisses Traci's hand and walks off. RVD follows suit, leaving Traci looking pleasantly surprised.



    Stairway To Hell Match


    Vito starts the match by quickly clotheslining Daniels to the outside and throwing Super Crazy over the ropes. He then makes a dash for the ladder, sets it up and starts to climb towards retaining his belt. However, Super Crazy ascends the turnbuckle and hits a Flying Hurricanrana to throw the champion off the ladder, hurting himself in the process. With both of his opponents down, Daniels decides to ascend the ladder but Super Crazy soon recovers and meets him at the top. Daniels is the first to land a punch but Super Crazy promptly answers and a brawl, on top of the ladder, begins. Meanwhile, Vito makes it to his feet. He bounces off the ropes, ducks under the ladder, rebounds off the opposite ropes and delivers a dropkick to the middle of the ladder, sending both of his opponents flying eighteen foot to the concrete floor. Vito sets up the ladder again and starts to climb as the challengers stagger to their feet. He makes it to the top and looks set to retain his title but, instead, leaps off the ladder all the way to the outside, delivering a Flying Double Clothesline to Daniels and Super Crazy.


    Joey: Oh my god!


    An "ECdub" chant begins.


    From this point, the match is very even with all men desperately trying to get their hands on the coveted title. In the twentieth minute, Vito and Daniels both climb the ladder and start to brawl at the top but it collapses as their movement makes the ring shake. Both instinctively grab the harness from which the belt is hung to stop themselves from falling and proceed to try and knock the other to the floor with only the use of their legs. Super Crazy, who was down outside the ring, then jumps from the apron and delivers a Springboard Dropkick to Daniels and Vito. The champion is sent flying to the canvas but, somehow, with the use of incredible upper body strength, Daniels is able to remain hanging before jumping down with the belt in hand.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: The Fallen Angel is the new International All Action Champion!

    Taz: Yeah and what an unbelievable effort it was. Can you imagine the strength that must have been required to stay hanging there?

    Joey: Far more than someone like I could possibly muster!

    Taz: No doubt, Joe. No doubt.


    After the match, Vito grabs a chair. He lays out Daniels with an incredibly stiff shot and hits an equally hard blow on Super Crazy. Then, out of pure malevolence, he picks up the new champion and hits him again, this time wrapping the chair around his skull.


    Joey: Oh my god, what is he doing?

    Callis: Talk about a sore loser!

    Taz: He's more than a sore loser, Don. He's a bitter, sick and twisted loser!


    Vito picks up mic.


    Vito: What just happened is an absoloute injustice but this is not the last you will hear of Vito Thomaselli! Far from it.


    Joey: What the hell does that mean?

    Taz: Who knows, Joey?



    The match is an all out brawl from the opening bell. Austin is clearly determined to punish Lesnar for sticking his nose in his business, while Lesnar is eager to prove a point. In the thirteenth minute, Austin hits the Stunner 1...2... Lesnar kicks out! The Superstar is amazed that he didn't get the pin and checks with referee, Chris Kay, that it wasn't a slow count. Suddenly, Lesnar hits the low blow on Austin while he is still talking to the ref and rolls him up for a quick pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Damn it, how sneaky can you get.

    Taz: Not much sneakier than that! I think there's gonna be some serious hell to pay.


    After the match, Lesnar picks up Austin and sends him back to the floor with a huge clothesline. He then starts to lay the boots in.


    Kurt Angle runs in to make the save.



    He takes out Lesnar with an Angle Slam and then goes to help Austin up. However, Austin clearly thinks it is Lesnar who has grabbed his arm and retaliates by elbowing Angle in the face.


    Joey: What the hell? He must have thought it was Lesnar.


    Austin rolls out of the ring and heads to the back without realising his mistake.


    Taz: Oh man, talk about getting your wires crossed; That was pandemonium!

    Callis: That it was and I'm pretty certain that there will be more to follow.

    Joey: There's no denying that, Don. The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer will face off in a Scaffold Match and it's only when one of them falls twelve feet, through several tables and to the canvas below that the other will be victorious!


    Scaffold Match


    The Sandman takes his trademark Singapore cane up to the scaffolding with him, hoping to use it to gain an advantage. However, Dreamer quickly disarms him and an even fist fight breaks out. This continues for much of the match, with some fairly basic moves like Backbreakers and Atomic Drops being used. The two men often find themselves teetering on the edge; The Sandman, in particular, is almost eliminated on three ocassions. In the twelfth minute, The Sandman regains posession of the cane and uses it to get the upper hand. Then, in fear of her husband being thrown from the scaffold, Beulah climbs to the top.


    Joey: What the hell is Beulah doing?

    Taz: I think she's trying to help Tommy!


    She jumps on The Sandman from behind but this backfires as he lifts her into a Military Press position. He then shouts at Dreamer indicating that, if Tommy does not jump off the scaffold willingly, he will throw Beulah through the tables below. Tommy grudgingly stands at the edge of the scaffold facing The Sandman.


    Callis: Don't do it Tommy! There has to be another way!


    Dreamer then flings himself backwards, falling twelve feet through the tables below.


    Joey: Oh my god!

    Taz: Well, I guess The Sandman wins but hardly in the most honourable of fashions.


    The Sandman laughs hysterically, still holding Beulah above his head. Then, to the horror of the crowd, he throws her from the top anyway!


    Joey: Oh my god! Beulah! This is sick!

    Taz: You're right, Joe, even by ECW's standards.

    Callis: Can we get some medical attention out here.


    As The Sandman heads to the back, looking pleased, Beulah and Tommy are both stretchered out.


    A video is shown to hype the upcoming battle between Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit itfocuses on their previous encounters and Benoit's heel turn.



    The match is a great technical display with both men seeing much offence and locking in some impressive submission moves. In the sixteenth minute, Eddie Guerrero locks in a Modified Texas Cloverleaf and Benoit looks set to tap. However, he is able to reach back, grab Eddie's neck and apply a Modified Dragon Sleeper so that both holds are applied simultaneously. Before long, both men are forced to submit and Jim Molineaux has to call it a draw.

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Chris Jericho and Christian come running in.



    They start to lay the boots into Eddie before Christian picks him up and delivers an Unprettier. Jericho then applies the Walls Of Jericho to add further insult. After releasing the hold, he picks up a mic.


    Jericho: Do you know what? Christian and I have been brawling with these two in arenas across the country and it was only tonight that something struck us: we have no issue with Chris Benoit. We thought "When was the last Canadian World Champion?" The answer is four f**king years ago. I should know; it was me!


    He hands the mic to Christian.


    Christian: The point is that ECW clearly does not value it's Canadian competitors and, therefore, we shouldn't be fighting. We should watch each other's backs because it's clear that the management doesn't give a damn about our welfare! So, Benoit, we're here to offer the proverbial olive branch.


    Joey: What?


    Jericho helps Benoit to his feet and offers to shake his hand.


    Taz: Don't do it Chris!


    Benoit looks thoughtful... but decides to take the offer and shakes Jericho's hand.


    Callis: ECW doesn't look out for its Canadian competitors? That's not true at all!

    Taz: Yeah, what utter bullsh*t!


    The Whole F**kin' Show enter the ring for their match.



    Bob Artese: Weighing in at a combined weight...


    RVD takes the mic from Bob Artese.


    RVD: I'll take that if you don't mind, Bob.


    Taz: What the hell is Rob doing?

    Joey: Who knows? But if we've learnt one thing about the Whole F**kin' Show it's to expect the unexpected!


    RVD: Introducing, first, one half of the challengers for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd erupts. He then takes the mic from Van Dam.


    Michaels: And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The match is a very even contest. RVD and Michaels make up for their disadvantage in strength with their speed, agility and by making frequent tags. In the sixteenth minute, The Whole F**kin' Show hit the 420 Splash on Abyss and RVD picks up the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Michaels and RVD are the new Tag Team champions!

    Taz: Hell yeah. That was awesome!


    The new champions celebrate in the ring as the fans in attendance go nuts.


    Joey: Well, we're gonna follow that up with something that, dare I say it, might be even better. It's a number one contdership match between Cactus Jack and Sabu.

    Taz: Oh, man, this is gonna be brutal.



    THe match is hardcore from the very beginning as the competitors brawl to the backstage and all the way back, making use of any object they possibly can. In the thirteenth minute, Cactus Jack drops Sabu with a Piledriver on the concrete floor. He then picks him up, carries him to the ring and hangs him upside down on the turnbuckle in a Tree Of Woe. He then backs off to the other corner and charges forward, ready to drive a knee directly into Sabu's face. However, Sabu unclenches his fist and releases a fireball that shoots into Cactus' face.


    Taz: Oh man, Sabu unleashes a fireball on Cactus Jack and let me tell you from first hand experience, folks, that is damn painful!


    Sabu then sets up a chair and hits the Triple Jump Moonsault. He goes for the pin 1...2...3!

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Sabu is the number one contender for the ECW World Heavyweight Title but he took one hell of a beating in the process!

    Callis: True, Joey, and don't forget that means he will face the winner of our next match at Masters Of Pain.

    Taz: Oh, no doubt. Now, if you thought that was as violent as wrestling can get, you ain't seen nothing yet because up next is the demonic invention that is a Taipei Deathmatch!


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: Hell is simply the displeasure of God mingled with your own condemnation of yourself. Brimstone fires are nothing in comparison with the flames of remorse and self reproach. What about me? What about Raven? I will fill your heart with the remorse of one thousand squandered dreams, Shane Douglas.


    You would never, ever take the title from me even if you had infinite opportunities because, you see, to act intelligently and prudently in perilous circumstances is the true test of a man and I am more a man than you shall ever be.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven




    Taipei Deathmatch


    Both men come out with taped fists swinging and, before long, Raven is bleeding.

    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a eye rake.

    Shane Douglas answers with a knee to Raven's stomach.

    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a punch, Douglas returns the favour and the two men start to trade blows.


    Joey: Oh, a cut has opened on The Franchise's forehead.

    Callis: Yeah, both men are already bleeding!


    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a knife edge chop and gouges his eye.


    Taz: Holy sh*t, there must be glass in his eye!

    Joey: Damn, that's got to hurt and Raven's gonna grab the opportunity to hit a Piledriver.

    Callis: Douglas is down!


    Shane Douglas is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

    Raven whips him to the corner and chops him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.


    Callis: Can you see how badly Douglas' flesh is being torn up?

    Joey: There are scrathes appearing all over his torso!


    Shane Douglas is thrown to the other turnbuckle.

    Raven charges but Douglas puts his foot up.


    Joey: Oh, great reversal!


    Douglas whips Raven to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks underneath.

    Raven bounces off the opposite ropes...

    He comes back but only runs into a shoulder block.


    Taz: Surprisingly fast paced for these two!

    Callis: Yeah and it seems to be playing to Douglas' advantage.


    Raven whips Shane Douglas to the ropes and sends him down with a dropkick to the knee.


    Joey: I think you spoke too soon, Don.


    Raven drags Douglas to the ropes and hits a clothesline so that both competitors fall out of the ring.

    Once on the outside, Raven connects with a punch to Douglas' already bleeding chest.

    Shane Douglas stops Raven, though, by kicking him in the stomach and then throwing him head first in to the ring post.


    Taz: They are slogging it out our table

    Callis: Hey! What are you coming here for? There's enough tables under the ring!


    Shane Douglas slams Raven's head right into the announce table and throws him back inside.


    He whips Raven to the ropes but Raven counters...

    Douglas bounces off the ropes and comes back with a flying clothesline!


    Joey: The impact of that clotheline took both superstars down.

    Callis: They're climbing to their feet again, though Joey.


    Douglas hits a huge chop on Raven that opens a gash across his chest and sends him down to the canvas.


    Joey: Oh my god! That was sick!


    Raven gets up but Shane Douglas is waiting... Pittsburgh Plunge!




    Joey: Raven gets the shoulder up!

    Callis: That must have been a slow count, surely!

    Taz: I don't think so, Don. As much as I hate Raven's attitude, I've got to give him props: he's one tough son of a bitch!


    Raven swings a punch at Shane Douglas' face but Douglas blocks and triess to come back with a punch of his own.

    However, Raven quickly hits a throat thrust and prevents any sot of attack.

    Douglas collapses on the mat.


    Joey: Oh, what a stiff shot!

    Taz: Shane's in trouble!


    Raven capitalises and hooks in a Sleeper Hold, looking for a submission.

    Douglas, with blood streaming down his face, starts to fade.


    Taz: Oh, man, I don't think Shane will be able to hold on.


    Jim Molineaux lifts The Franchise's arm.


    It falls once.


    Joey: Come on, Shane, come on. Your career is on the line!


    It falls twice.


    Jim Molineaux lifts the challenger's arm for a final time.


    Taz: Oh man, I think Raven's got him.


    Douglas throws his fist up, not willing to give up yet.

    Raven is visibly angry. He lifts Douglas to his feet and whips him to the ropes.

    Douglas rebounds and hits a thunderous lariat!


    Joey: Oh, what a shot!

    Taz: He's coming back. man.


    Douglas climbs to the toprope and delivers a flying legdrop.


    He goes for the cover: 1...2...


    Joey: Raven just rolls the shoulder.

    Callis: This match is incredible!


    Douglas picks up Raven and sets him up for the Pittsburgh Plunge.


    Taz: This has got to be it!


    But Raven slips behind Douglas and, again, applies a sleeper hold.

    The Franchise tries to fight out but Raven's grip is too strong.

    The champion begins rubbing his glass-laced fist across the face of the challenger.


    Callis: The Franchise's face is nothing more than a crimson mask!

    Taz: This is sick. Absoloutely sick.


    The Franchise, again, begins to fade and referee Molineaux checks his conciousness.


    He lifts his arm once... it falls.


    Twice... it falls.


    The third and final time... it fall...


    Joey: No, not quite. There's still fight left in The Franchise!


    Douglas fights his way up to his feet and tosses Raven over his shoulder to free himself.

    On spaghetti legs, nearly unconcious, Douglas picks up Raven.

    Out of nowhere, he hooks up the Pittsburgh Plunge.


    Joey: And could this be it?


    He hits it!


    Callis: We have a new champion, we have a new champion!


    1...2... Raven gets his foot on the rope.


    Taz: Oh, man, this is nuts!


    Both men lay on the canvas exhausted.

    Raven rolls out to ringside, looks under the ring and pulls out a length of rope.


    Callis: Oh no, could this be like two weeks ago when he hanged Shane Douglas?

    Joey: I hope to hell it won't be.


    Raven enters the ring and ties Douglas' hands together.

    He then proceeds to beat the challenger perfusely with closed fists.


    Joey: Oh no, Douglas' face is being ripped to shreds.

    Taz: That's it. It must be over.


    Raven goes for the cover: 1...2...3.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Damn it, not like that! He needed to restrain The Franchise before he could get the win!

    Joey: And it's wrong on so many levels because Douglas is now forced to retire from in ring action!

    Taz: Damn shame. Damn shame.



    Show Rating: A*

  12. Friday, week 4, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2326536&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Despite the season of goodwill drawing near, there is only bad blood in ECW and, as such, this is a November To Remember!

    Taz: Yeah, Joe, the pay-per-view name couldn't be more fitting. This is gonna be off the hook.

    Callis: There's absolutely no doubt about that, Taz. So many great matches are scheduled including two championship contests for the International All Action Title and the World Heavyweight Title.

    Joey: Yeah, and not only the World title is on the line in our main event but so is Shane Douglas' career.

    Callis: Absolutely, Joey, if The Franchise wants to remain as an active competitor, failure is not an option: it's win or die trying!

    Taz: Oh, man, I'm so psyched and I think it's time for your favourite part of the show, Joey!

    Joey: Oh god!


    Joel Gertner is in the ring with mic in hand.



    Gertner: Well, well, well is New York really ready for the biggest ladykiller since OJ Simpson?


    Joey Styles already has his head in his hands.


    Gertner: I am your unofficial host for this evening: the peeled banana in your tropical fruit salad of love, the man whose number is on your girlfriends speed dial and whose wit is more tongue-in-cheek than an anal affectionate lesbian Joel "You can't have your cream pudding until you eat your meat" Gertner.


    Joey: How did we end up employing this guy? Seriously, can you imagine the sh*t he would spout in a job interview?

    Callis: I'd prefer not to.

    Taz: Aah, come on guys, it's just some harmless fun.

    Joey: Harmless?

    Taz: Well, you know what I mean.


    Gertner: So, this goes out to all the lovely ladies in the house: we have some crazy match stipulations tonight. But forget the scaffolds, the stairways to hell and the burning embers; only if you put your lipstick on my dipstick will this be a November To Remember!


    Joey: I'd be lying if I said that was anything other than terrible.

    Taz: Come off it, Joey. Just 'cos you haven't mastered the art of the double entendre.

    Joey: If by "mastered" you mean striving to put at least three into every sentence, you'd be right.

    Taz: You're just jealous 'cos he gets all the attention from the ladies.

    Joey: sarcastically Yeah, that'll be it.


    Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's opening contest is one fall and a four-way tag team gauntlet for the number one contendership. This means that the winning team will have the right to challenge the tag team champions to a title match during any ECW event of their choosing over the course of the next six months. The teams are as follows: from Dudleyville, Buh Buh Ray and D-Von, The Dudley Boys. From Cameron North Carolina, Jeff and Matt, The Hardy Boys. From Mexico, Rey Mysterio Jr and Juventud Guerrera, Los Increibles. And, finally, from the Vatican City, Salvatore and Brando, The Iron Saints.





    The first four legal men are D-Von, Jeff, Juvi and Salvatore. D-Von goes straight for Salvatore as Jeff and Juvi lock up but Sal decides to exit the ring rather than go toe to toe with his rival. D-Von proceeds to follow him out and a chase ensues around ringside. Buh Buh Ray steps down off the apron and the Dudleys attempt to deliver a 3D to Salvatore. However, Brandon is able to make the save. From this point referee, John Finnegan, cannot prevent all 8 men from being involved simultaneously. Los Increibles and The Hardys put on an incredibly fast paced display in the ring, allowing the other two teams to continue brawling on the outside. In the sixteenth minute, The Iron Saints are able to isolate D-Von and deliver God's will. Brandon picks up the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: So The Iron Saints are the new number one contenders for the tag titles.

    Callis: Yeah, and they can have that title match any time within the next six months.

    Taz: Oh man, what a way to start the show!


    RVD, Shawn Michaels and Traci are talking backstage.



    Traci: Hey, good luck tonight, guys!


    RVD: Cheers, Trace.


    Traci: No problem, I can't wait to see the match!


    Michaels: I can't wait to wrestle.


    RVD: I know what you mean. I'm dying to take out those two supersize ass holes and be crowned the new ECW World Tag Team Champions. Yeah!


    Michaels: Oh, you better believe it motherf**ker 'cos we are...


    Michaels and RVD: The Whole F**kin' Show!


    Traci laughs in a flirty manner.


    Michaels: We'll see you later little missy.


    Michaels kisses Traci's hand and walks off. RVD follows suit, leaving Traci looking pleasantly surprised.



    Stairway To Hell Match


    Vito starts the match by quickly clotheslining Daniels to the outside and throwing Super Crazy over the ropes. He then makes a dash for the ladder, sets it up and starts to climb towards retaining his belt. However, Super Crazy ascends the turnbuckle and hits a Flying Hurricanrana to throw the champion off the ladder, hurting himself in the process. With both of his opponents down, Daniels decides to ascend the ladder but Super Crazy soon recovers and meets him at the top. Daniels is the first to land a punch but Super Crazy promptly answers and a brawl, on top of the ladder, begins. Meanwhile, Vito makes it to his feet. He bounces off the ropes, ducks under the ladder, rebounds off the opposite ropes and delivers a dropkick to the middle of the ladder, sending both of his opponents flying eighteen foot to the concrete floor. Vito sets up the ladder again and starts to climb as the challengers stagger to their feet. He makes it to the top and looks set to retain his title but, instead, leaps off the ladder all the way to the outside, delivering a Flying Double Clothesline to Daniels and Super Crazy.


    Joey: Oh my god!


    An "ECdub" chant begins.


    From this point, the match is very even with all men desperately trying to get their hands on the coveted title. In the twentieth minute, Vito and Daniels both climb the ladder and start to brawl at the top but it collapses as their movement makes the ring shake. Both instinctively grab the harness from which the belt is hung to stop themselves from falling and proceed to try and knock the other to the floor with only the use of their legs. Super Crazy, who was down outside the ring, then jumps from the apron and delivers a Springboard Dropkick to Daniels and Vito. The champion is sent flying to the canvas but, somehow, with the use of incredible upper body strength, Daniels is able to remain hanging before jumping down with the belt in hand.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: The Fallen Angel is the new International All Action Champion!

    Taz: Yeah and what an unbelievable effort it was. Can you imagine the strength that must have been required to stay hanging there?

    Joey: Far more than someone like I could possibly muster!

    Taz: No doubt, Joe. No doubt.


    After the match, Vito grabs a chair. He lays out Daniels with an incredibly stiff shot and hits an equally hard blow on Super Crazy. Then, out of pure malevolence, he picks up the new champion and hits him again, this time wrapping the chair around his skull.


    Joey: Oh my god, what is he doing?

    Callis: Talk about a sore loser!

    Taz: He's more than a sore loser, Don. He's a bitter, sick and twisted loser!


    Vito picks up mic.


    Vito: What just happened is an absoloute injustice but this is not the last you will hear of Vito Thomaselli! Far from it.


    Joey: What the hell does that mean?

    Taz: Who knows, Joey?



    The match is an all out brawl from the opening bell. Austin is clearly determined to punish Lesnar for sticking his nose in his business, while Lesnar is eager to prove a point. In the thirteenth minute, Austin hits the Stunner 1...2... Lesnar kicks out! The Superstar is amazed that he didn't get the pin and checks with referee, Chris Kay, that it wasn't a slow count. Suddenly, Lesnar hits the low blow on Austin while he is still talking to the ref and rolls him up for a quick pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Damn it, how sneaky can you get.

    Taz: Not much sneakier than that! I think there's gonna be some serious hell to pay.


    After the match, Lesnar picks up Austin and sends him back to the floor with a huge clothesline. He then starts to lay the boots in.


    Kurt Angle runs in to make the save.



    He takes out Lesnar with an Angle Slam and then goes to help Austin up. However, Austin clearly thinks it is Lesnar who has grabbed his arm and retaliates by elbowing Angle in the face.


    Joey: What the hell? He must have thought it was Lesnar.


    Austin rolls out of the ring and heads to the back without realising his mistake.


    Taz: Oh man, talk about getting your wires crossed; That was pandemonium!

    Callis: That it was and I'm pretty certain that there will be more to follow.

    Joey: There's no denying that, Don. The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer will face off in a Scaffold Match and it's only when one of them falls twelve feet, through several tables and to the canvas below that the other will be victorious!


    Scaffold Match


    The Sandman takes his trademark Singapore cane up to the scaffolding with him, hoping to use it to gain an advantage. However, Dreamer quickly disarms him and an even fist fight breaks out. This continues for much of the match, with some fairly basic moves like Backbreakers and Atomic Drops being used. The two men often find themselves teetering on the edge; The Sandman, in particular, is almost eliminated on three ocassions. In the twelfth minute, The Sandman regains posession of the cane and uses it to get the upper hand. Then, in fear of her husband being thrown from the scaffold, Beulah climbs to the top.


    Joey: What the hell is Beulah doing?

    Taz: I think she's trying to help Tommy!


    She jumps on The Sandman from behind but this backfires as he lifts her into a Military Press position. He then shouts at Dreamer indicating that, if Tommy does not jump off the scaffold willingly, he will throw Beulah through the tables below. Tommy grudgingly stands at the edge of the scaffold facing The Sandman.


    Callis: Don't do it Tommy! There has to be another way!


    Dreamer then flings himself backwards, falling twelve feet through the tables below.


    Joey: Oh my god!

    Taz: Well, I guess The Sandman wins but hardly in the most honourable of fashions.


    The Sandman laughs hysterically, still holding Beulah above his head. Then, to the horror of the crowd, he throws her from the top anyway!


    Joey: Oh my god! Beulah! This is sick!

    Taz: You're right, Joe, even by ECW's standards.

    Callis: Can we get some medical attention out here.


    As The Sandman heads to the back, looking pleased, Beulah and Tommy are both stretchered out.


    A video is shown to hype the upcoming battle between Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit itfocuses on their previous encounters and Benoit's heel turn.



    The match is a great technical display with both men seeing much offence and locking in some impressive submission moves. In the sixteenth minute, Eddie Guerrero locks in a Modified Texas Cloverleaf and Benoit looks set to tap. However, he is able to reach back, grab Eddie's neck and apply a Modified Dragon Sleeper so that both holds are applied simultaneously. Before long, both men are forced to submit and Jim Molineaux has to call it a draw.

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Chris Jericho and Christian come running in.



    They start to lay the boots into Eddie before Christian picks him up and delivers an Unprettier. Jericho then applies the Walls Of Jericho to add further insult. After releasing the hold, he picks up a mic.


    Jericho: Do you know what? Christian and I have been brawling with these two in arenas across the country and it was only tonight that something struck us: we have no issue with Chris Benoit. We thought "When was the last Canadian World Champion?" The answer is four f**king years ago. I should know; it was me!


    He hands the mic to Christian.


    Christian: The point is that ECW clearly does not value it's Canadian competitors and, therefore, we shouldn't be fighting. We should watch each other's backs because it's clear that the management doesn't give a damn about our welfare! So, Benoit, we're here to offer the proverbial olive branch.


    Joey: What?


    Jericho helps Benoit to his feet and offers to shake his hand.


    Taz: Don't do it Chris!


    Benoit looks thoughtful... but decides to take the offer and shakes Jericho's hand.


    Callis: ECW doesn't look out for its Canadian competitors? That's not true at all!

    Taz: Yeah, what utter bullsh*t!


    The Whole F**kin' Show enter the ring for their match.



    Bob Artese: Weighing in at a combined weight...


    RVD takes the mic from Bob Artese.


    RVD: I'll take that if you don't mind, Bob.


    Taz: What the hell is Rob doing?

    Joey: Who knows? But if we've learnt one thing about the Whole F**kin' Show it's to expect the unexpected!


    RVD: Introducing, first, one half of the challengers for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd erupts. He then takes the mic from Van Dam.


    Michaels: And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The match is a very even contest. RVD and Michaels make up for their disadvantage in strength with their speed, agility and by making frequent tags. In the sixteenth minute, The Whole F**kin' Show hit the 420 Splash on Abyss and RVD picks up the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Michaels and RVD are the new Tag Team champions!

    Taz: Hell yeah. That was awesome!


    The new champions celebrate in the ring as the fans in attendance go nuts.


    Joey: Well, we're gonna follow that up with something that, dare I say it, might be even better. It's a number one contdership match between Cactus Jack and Sabu.

    Taz: Oh, man, this is gonna be brutal.



    THe match is hardcore from the very beginning as the competitors brawl to the backstage and all the way back, making use of any object they possibly can. In the thirteenth minute, Cactus Jack drops Sabu with a Piledriver on the concrete floor. He then picks him up, carries him to the ring and hangs him upside down on the turnbuckle in a Tree Of Woe. He then backs off to the other corner and charges forward, ready to drive a knee directly into Sabu's face. However, Sabu unclenches his fist and releases a fireball that shoots into Cactus' face.


    Taz: Oh man, Sabu unleashes a fireball on Cactus Jack and let me tell you from first hand experience, folks, that is damn painful!


    Sabu then sets up a chair and hits the Triple Jump Moonsault. He goes for the pin 1...2...3!

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Sabu is the number one contender for the ECW World Heavyweight Title but he took one hell of a beating in the process!

    Callis: True, Joey, and don't forget that means he will face the winner of our next match at Masters Of Pain.

    Taz: Oh, no doubt. Now, if you thought that was as violent as wrestling can get, you ain't seen nothing yet because up next is the demonic invention that is a Taipei Deathmatch!


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: Hell is simply the displeasure of God mingled with your own condemnation of yourself. Brimstone fires are nothing in comparison with the flames of remorse and self reproach. What about me? What about Raven? I will fill your heart with the remorse of one thousand squandered dreams, Shane Douglas.


    You would never, ever take the title from me even if you had infinite opportunities because, you see, to act intelligently and prudently in perilous circumstances is the true test of a man and I am more a man than you shall ever be.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven




    Taipei Deathmatch


    Both men come out with taped fists swinging and, before long, Raven is bleeding.

    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a eye rake.

    Shane Douglas answers with a knee to Raven's stomach.

    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a punch, Douglas returns the favour and the two men start to trade blows.


    Joey: Oh, a cut has opened on The Franchise's forehead.

    Callis: Yeah, both men are already bleeding!


    Raven hits Shane Douglas with a knife edge chop and gouges his eye.


    Taz: Holy sh*t, there must be glass in his eye!

    Joey: Damn, that's got to hurt and Raven's gonna grab the opportunity to hit a Piledriver.

    Callis: Douglas is down!


    Shane Douglas is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

    Raven whips him to the corner and chops him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.


    Callis: Can you see how badly Douglas' flesh is being torn up?

    Joey: There are scrathes appearing all over his torso!


    Shane Douglas is thrown to the other turnbuckle.

    Raven charges but Douglas puts his foot up.


    Joey: Oh, great reversal!


    Douglas whips Raven to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks underneath.

    Raven bounces off the opposite ropes...

    He comes back but only runs into a shoulder block.


    Taz: Surprisingly fast paced for these two!

    Callis: Yeah and it seems to be playing to Douglas' advantage.


    Raven whips Shane Douglas to the ropes and sends him down with a dropkick to the knee.


    Joey: I think you spoke too soon, Don.


    Raven drags Douglas to the ropes and hits a clothesline so that both competitors fall out of the ring.

    Once on the outside, Raven connects with a punch to Douglas' already bleeding chest.

    Shane Douglas stops Raven, though, by kicking him in the stomach and then throwing him head first in to the ring post.


    Taz: They are slogging it out our table

    Callis: Hey! What are you coming here for? There's enough tables under the ring!


    Shane Douglas slams Raven's head right into the announce table and throws him back inside.


    He whips Raven to the ropes but Raven counters...

    Douglas bounces off the ropes and comes back with a flying clothesline!


    Joey: The impact of that clotheline took both superstars down.

    Callis: They're climbing to their feet again, though Joey.


    Douglas hits a huge chop on Raven that opens a gash across his chest and sends him down to the canvas.


    Joey: Oh my god! That was sick!


    Raven gets up but Shane Douglas is waiting... Pittsburgh Plunge!




    Joey: Raven gets the shoulder up!

    Callis: That must have been a slow count, surely!

    Taz: I don't think so, Don. As much as I hate Raven's attitude, I've got to give him props: he's one tough son of a bitch!


    Raven swings a punch at Shane Douglas' face but Douglas blocks and triess to come back with a punch of his own.

    However, Raven quickly hits a throat thrust and prevents any sot of attack.

    Douglas collapses on the mat.


    Joey: Oh, what a stiff shot!

    Taz: Shane's in trouble!


    Raven capitalises and hooks in a Sleeper Hold, looking for a submission.

    Douglas, with blood streaming down his face, starts to fade.


    Taz: Oh, man, I don't think Shane will be able to hold on.


    Jim Molineaux lifts The Franchise's arm.


    It falls once.


    Joey: Come on, Shane, come on. Your career is on the line!


    It falls twice.


    Jim Molineaux lifts the challenger's arm for a final time.


    Taz: Oh man, I think Raven's got him.


    Douglas throws his fist up, not willing to give up yet.

    Raven is visibly angry. He lifts Douglas to his feet and whips him to the ropes.

    Douglas rebounds and hits a thunderous lariat!


    Joey: Oh, what a shot!

    Taz: He's coming back. man.


    Douglas climbs to the toprope and delivers a flying legdrop.


    He goes for the cover: 1...2...


    Joey: Raven just rolls the shoulder.

    Callis: This match is incredible!


    Douglas picks up Raven and sets him up for the Pittsburgh Plunge.


    Taz: This has got to be it!


    But Raven slips behind Douglas and, again, applies a sleeper hold.

    The Franchise tries to fight out but Raven's grip is too strong.

    The champion begins rubbing his glass-laced fist across the face of the challenger.


    Callis: The Franchise's face is nothing more than a crimson mask!

    Taz: This is sick. Absoloutely sick.


    The Franchise, again, begins to fade and referee Molineaux checks his conciousness.


    He lifts his arm once... it falls.


    Twice... it falls.


    The third and final time... it fall...


    Joey: No, not quite. There's still fight left in The Franchise!


    Douglas fights his way up to his feet and tosses Raven over his shoulder to free himself.

    On spaghetti legs, nearly unconcious, Douglas picks up Raven.

    Out of nowhere, he hooks up the Pittsburgh Plunge.


    Joey: And could this be it?


    He hits it!


    Callis: We have a new champion, we have a new champion!


    1...2... Raven gets his foot on the rope.


    Taz: Oh, man, this is nuts!


    Both men lay on the canvas exhausted.

    Raven rolls out to ringside, looks under the ring and pulls out a length of rope.


    Callis: Oh no, could this be like two weeks ago when he hanged Shane Douglas?

    Joey: I hope to hell it won't be.


    Raven enters the ring and ties Douglas' hands together.

    He then proceeds to beat the challenger perfusely with closed fists.


    Joey: Oh no, Douglas' face is being ripped to shreds.

    Taz: That's it. It must be over.


    Raven goes for the cover: 1...2...3.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Damn it, not like that! He needed to restrain The Franchise before he could get the win!

    Joey: And it's wrong on so many levels because Douglas is now forced to retire from in ring action!

    Taz: Damn shame. Damn shame.



    Show Rating: A*

  13. Hey, dude, cheers for doing a full review of the TV shows; that's actually very helpful and, to a large extent, I agree with you (especially about Ultimo Dragon - he's my favourite cruiser of all time). However, I did want Owen to have that month long streak to establish him as a real force.


    In short, thanks for putting so much effort into your feedback. Constructive criticism is very useful and you're the most objective critic I've come across.


    Cheers buddy ;).


    Quote The Raven


  14. Hey, dude, cheers for doing a full review of the TV shows; that's actually very helpful and, to a large extent, I agree with you (especially about Ultimo Dragon - he's my favourite cruiser of all time). However, I did want Owen to have that month long streak to establish him as a real force.


    In short, thanks for putting so much effort into your feedback. Constructive criticism is very useful and you're the most objective critic I've come across.


    Cheers buddy ;).


    Quote The Raven


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