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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Dude, I love the fact that you put so much effort into your reviews, it really is helpful! Moreover, I agree with pretty much everything you've said and, yes, that is very true about using Ravex as a base. Oh and don't worry, after pulling out an A* match, I'm not letting the Vito/Dragon situation go just yet... it could be far too productive for that! As for Vito's more corporate look, that was just messing about on the GIMP (Italian wrestlers always strike me as though they should be in a suit :D).


    Thanks again, dude.


    Quote The Raven


  2. Aah man, I generally don't give news reports on this stuff but every couple o' shows I get someone new on the injured list (the downside to a hardcore promotion), Hayabusa is one of them. This is a right pain in the ass 'cos I had a story planned out involving Hayabusa :mad:. Fortunately, though, Corino is the only serious injury atm.


    Quote The Raven


  3. Aah man, I generally don't give news reports on this stuff but every couple o' shows I get someone new on the injured list (the downside to a hardcore promotion), Hayabusa is one of them. This is a right pain in the ass 'cos I had a story planned out involving Hayabusa :mad:. Fortunately, though, Corino is the only serious injury atm.


    Quote The Raven


  4. Monday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: We have two Masters Of Pain Quarter Finalits confirmed in Owen Hart and Kurt Angle. Tonight, another man will join them as Frankie Kazarian faces Kensuke Sasaki for a coveted place in the tournament.

    Gertner: Coveted? To say the least, Don, 'cos let's not forget that the tournament winner goes on to face the World Heavyweight Champion in the new year.

    Callis: Very true, my friend. That's not the only attraction, either, because both the All Action Title and the TV Title are on the line tonight!

    Gertner: Yeah and the All Action Title match is up next.




    The two workers clearly have great chemistry. Daniels wins with an Angel's Wings at 14:26

    Match Rating: A* (that was unexpected - Daniels is even better than I thought :D)


    After the match Daniels picks up a mic.


    Daniels: I told you that the Fallen Angel would be the most dominant...


    Michael Shane attacks him from behind and floors him with a Super Kick.


    Shane: Dominant, my ass. I'm making it my mission to prove that the "gospel according to the Fallen Angel" is nothing more than myth. Your All Action Title reign is on life support and I'm the one to put you out of your misery!


    Gertner: Well, Michael Shane doesn't take kindly to losing.

    Callis: Clearly...



    Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:07

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Cactus Jack comes running to the ring.



    He blasts Sabu with a steel chair and hits a Double Arm DDT.


    Cactus: Hey Sabu, no one cares if you can beat an insignificant luchadore because we all know that you can't beat me and I'm gonna prove it after I am crowned the Master Of Pain!


    Callis: Wow, Cactus Jack looks even more psychotic than Michael Shane did.

    Gertner: Man, there seems to be a lot of vendettas in the air tonight!


    The new TV champ enters the ring accompanied by Francine.



    Callis: Well, I may not agree with his in-ring actions but I have to say that Vito looks sharp tonight.

    Gertner: He must have been taking note of the "Quintessential Studmuffin".

    Callis: Don't flatter yourself, Joel.

    Gertner: Aah, screw you! Anyway, what do you mean Vito looks sharp? Check out Francine!


    Francine: Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to your new ECW World Television Champion and the greatest wrestler in the history of the industry... Vito.


    Callis: Well, that's arguable.


    Vito: Thank you, Francine.


    He clears his throat.


    Vito: If you tuned into the premiere edition of Blood, Sweat and Beers, you'll know that I destroyed Kensuke Sasaki!


    Callis: That's also pretty damn contentious!


    Vito: And, in the case of you more intelligent fans, not like most of the lowlife dropouts that inhabit Miami Florida...


    Huge boos are heard from the Floridian crowd.


    Vito: ...you will realise that I am destined to be the biggest legend in ECW history. I have never once experienced defeat in singles competition and in the space of only two weeks I have held both the International All Action Title and the World Television Championship!


    Callis: Yeah but you had to lose one to win the other.

    Gertner: Oh, shut up, Don! You're just bitter 'cos your in-ring career was never as succesful.


    Francine: In spite of your supremely limited intelligence, you should know to kneel before greatness!


    Boos continue to echo around the arena.


    Vito: Oh, be honest with yourselves! Look at me, am I not beauty? Smell me, am I not perfume?


    As if from nowhere, Ultimo Dragon appears on the apron.



    He hits a Springboard Dropkick that sends Vito flying to the outside. As the champ and Francine hurry backstage, Ultimo points to his waist.


    Gertner: I think he wants the TV Title?

    Callis: Oh, ya think?


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a modified Cloverleaf at 13:41

    Match Rating: B


    Owen Hart and Paul Burchill are backstage.



    Hart: Hey, thanks for having my back last week.


    Burchill: No problem. I was just returning the favour. I'll warn you, though, I won't be so kind if we are scheduled to face each other in the Masters Of Pain.


    Hart: Haha, I wouldn't expect you to.


    Burchill: So, we're good?


    Hart: Definitely.


    Suddenly, Raven bursts into the locker room.



    He takes out Owen with a Singapore cane and throws Burchill to the hall way outside.


    Raven: Owen, do you honestly believe you could win the Masters Of pain tournament, let alone beat me in a title match? You're dreaming! Oh, and Burchill don't involve yourself in what doesn't concern you!



    The Canadian Connection win when Jericho hit the Lionsault on Hollywood Nova at 14:52

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Los Increibles and Eddie Guerrero run to the ring.



    They overpower Jericho and Christian and start to lay the boots in.


    Chris Benoit runs in to make the save.



    This this erupts into a huge 3 on 3 brawl that has to be seperated by officials.


    Callis: This Canada-Mexico situation is really heating up.

    Gertner: To say the least, Don!





    The match is very even. In the thirteenth minute, Francine throws a chair to Vito, allowing him to take the advantage. He wins with a Vito Driver at 14:02

    Match Rating: A*


    Gertner: Vito is still the TV Champ!

    Callis: But would he be if he didn't have Francine in his corner?

    Gertner: Don't delude yourself, Don.


    Show Rating: A*

  5. Monday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: We have two Masters Of Pain Quarter Finalits confirmed in Owen Hart and Kurt Angle. Tonight, another man will join them as Frankie Kazarian faces Kensuke Sasaki for a coveted place in the tournament.

    Gertner: Coveted? To say the least, Don, 'cos let's not forget that the tournament winner goes on to face the World Heavyweight Champion in the new year.

    Callis: Very true, my friend. That's not the only attraction, either, because both the All Action Title and the TV Title are on the line tonight!

    Gertner: Yeah and the All Action Title match is up next.




    The two workers clearly have great chemistry. Daniels wins with an Angel's Wings at 14:26

    Match Rating: A* (that was unexpected - Daniels is even better than I thought :D)


    After the match Daniels picks up a mic.


    Daniels: I told you that the Fallen Angel would be the most dominant...


    Michael Shane attacks him from behind and floors him with a Super Kick.


    Shane: Dominant, my ass. I'm making it my mission to prove that the "gospel according to the Fallen Angel" is nothing more than myth. Your All Action Title reign is on life support and I'm the one to put you out of your misery!


    Gertner: Well, Michael Shane doesn't take kindly to losing.

    Callis: Clearly...



    Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 12:07

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Cactus Jack comes running to the ring.



    He blasts Sabu with a steel chair and hits a Double Arm DDT.


    Cactus: Hey Sabu, no one cares if you can beat an insignificant luchadore because we all know that you can't beat me and I'm gonna prove it after I am crowned the Master Of Pain!


    Callis: Wow, Cactus Jack looks even more psychotic than Michael Shane did.

    Gertner: Man, there seems to be a lot of vendettas in the air tonight!


    The new TV champ enters the ring accompanied by Francine.



    Callis: Well, I may not agree with his in-ring actions but I have to say that Vito looks sharp tonight.

    Gertner: He must have been taking note of the "Quintessential Studmuffin".

    Callis: Don't flatter yourself, Joel.

    Gertner: Aah, screw you! Anyway, what do you mean Vito looks sharp? Check out Francine!


    Francine: Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to your new ECW World Television Champion and the greatest wrestler in the history of the industry... Vito.


    Callis: Well, that's arguable.


    Vito: Thank you, Francine.


    He clears his throat.


    Vito: If you tuned into the premiere edition of Blood, Sweat and Beers, you'll know that I destroyed Kensuke Sasaki!


    Callis: That's also pretty damn contentious!


    Vito: And, in the case of you more intelligent fans, not like most of the lowlife dropouts that inhabit Miami Florida...


    Huge boos are heard from the Floridian crowd.


    Vito: ...you will realise that I am destined to be the biggest legend in ECW history. I have never once experienced defeat in singles competition and in the space of only two weeks I have held both the International All Action Title and the World Television Championship!


    Callis: Yeah but you had to lose one to win the other.

    Gertner: Oh, shut up, Don! You're just bitter 'cos your in-ring career was never as succesful.


    Francine: In spite of your supremely limited intelligence, you should know to kneel before greatness!


    Boos continue to echo around the arena.


    Vito: Oh, be honest with yourselves! Look at me, am I not beauty? Smell me, am I not perfume?


    As if from nowhere, Ultimo Dragon appears on the apron.



    He hits a Springboard Dropkick that sends Vito flying to the outside. As the champ and Francine hurry backstage, Ultimo points to his waist.


    Gertner: I think he wants the TV Title?

    Callis: Oh, ya think?


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a modified Cloverleaf at 13:41

    Match Rating: B


    Owen Hart and Paul Burchill are backstage.



    Hart: Hey, thanks for having my back last week.


    Burchill: No problem. I was just returning the favour. I'll warn you, though, I won't be so kind if we are scheduled to face each other in the Masters Of Pain.


    Hart: Haha, I wouldn't expect you to.


    Burchill: So, we're good?


    Hart: Definitely.


    Suddenly, Raven bursts into the locker room.



    He takes out Owen with a Singapore cane and throws Burchill to the hall way outside.


    Raven: Owen, do you honestly believe you could win the Masters Of pain tournament, let alone beat me in a title match? You're dreaming! Oh, and Burchill don't involve yourself in what doesn't concern you!



    The Canadian Connection win when Jericho hit the Lionsault on Hollywood Nova at 14:52

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Los Increibles and Eddie Guerrero run to the ring.



    They overpower Jericho and Christian and start to lay the boots in.


    Chris Benoit runs in to make the save.



    This this erupts into a huge 3 on 3 brawl that has to be seperated by officials.


    Callis: This Canada-Mexico situation is really heating up.

    Gertner: To say the least, Don!





    The match is very even. In the thirteenth minute, Francine throws a chair to Vito, allowing him to take the advantage. He wins with a Vito Driver at 14:02

    Match Rating: A*


    Gertner: Vito is still the TV Champ!

    Callis: But would he be if he didn't have Francine in his corner?

    Gertner: Don't delude yourself, Don.


    Show Rating: A*

  6. Cheers for the feedback buddy. The ratings are like that for a few reasons. First off, if I ever want a really good show rating (like I did with the debut of the new TV show) I run it in the Tri-State where ECW is really over (approx 95%). Also, all my wrestlers are slightly more over there. Finally, I always try and put at least one great factor into a match; with TV shows I usually put in one very over and talented wrestler (eg. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit) and hope they can pull a great match out of the other guy - it's also good experience for the younger guys to face veterans.


    And, yes, it is an awesome pic of Franny ;)!


    Quote The Raven


  7. Cheers for the feedback buddy. The ratings are like that for a few reasons. First off, if I ever want a really good show rating (like I did with the debut of the new TV show) I run it in the Tri-State where ECW is really over (approx 95%). Also, all my wrestlers are slightly more over there. Finally, I always try and put at least one great factor into a match; with TV shows I usually put in one very over and talented wrestler (eg. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Benoit) and hope they can pull a great match out of the other guy - it's also good experience for the younger guys to face veterans.


    And, yes, it is an awesome pic of Franny ;)!


    Quote The Raven


  8. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the only place for a no holds barred look at the world of pro wrestling.


    ECW seem to be building nicely towards Masters Of Pain (MOP for the sake of laziness) by giving the competitors some decent promo time. So far, Kurt Angle and Owen Hart are in the Quarter Finals and, therefore, will be on the PPV card. Now, that can only be a good thing! Could you imagine those two being drawn against each other...


    Commissioner? I wasn't expecting that but I'm glad to see Shaney boy back in any capacity and, let's be honest, if the credentials for a good authority figure are mic skills and charisma, you can't get better than The Franchise!


    On that note, I'm kinda liking what they're doing with FTM. The plan seems to be to give the youth some airtime and, again, that can only be good. Don't get me wrong, ECW has a great core of veterans that can still go hell for leather (need I cite Sasuke, Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Liger?) but no one can go forever, so, it's good to build towards the inevitable torch passing.


    Speaking of young guys, they've put the TV belt on Vito. Ooooh, this is a tough one to comment on. Personally, I don't think he was ready for such a push but, combining what I've seen on programming with word from my famous sources, Vito seems to be the golden boy of the ECW bookers (especially Pag - it must be the shared Italian roots). No doubt Vito has progressed well from the mouthpiece of a newbie stable to a credible and competent singles competitor but I'm not too sure if he's quite the natural the management think he is. Jury's out on this one... I guess we'll see.


    As for the WWF, I like the European title on Dupree. I think he could be as good as Credible was with the belt. Plus, I like that they aree, finally, pushing Justin into the main event!


    However, I cannot stand the fact that Kevin Nash seems to have worked his political magic all over again! If anyone ever doubted this cunning mastermind, try explaining how a guy who is nowhere near the best wrestler on the roster nor the most over is both the World and Tag Champ?


    Big news from both the ECW and WWF camps in terms of contract renewal. Steve Austin is said to have had a falling out with ECW Owner, Charlie Pag, regarding his future prospects. Apparently, the boss recognises the huge contribution Austin has made to ECW but believes it's time for Steve to start putting over some younger upper-midcarders. Steve is said to have politely disagreed with this vision and is contemplating not renewing his contract, which would almost definitely lead to a jump to the WWF. On the other side of the fence, Bret Hart is said to be unhappy with Vince's decision to take the World strap away from him. There has been much speculation as to whether the former champ would want to join his younger bro in ECW and it is looking more and more likely as an additional dispute over pay has begun. These are potentially huge losses/gains for both companies and, to make things even more interesting, both contracts run dry on the same day.


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  9. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam, the only place for a no holds barred look at the world of pro wrestling.


    ECW seem to be building nicely towards Masters Of Pain (MOP for the sake of laziness) by giving the competitors some decent promo time. So far, Kurt Angle and Owen Hart are in the Quarter Finals and, therefore, will be on the PPV card. Now, that can only be a good thing! Could you imagine those two being drawn against each other...


    Commissioner? I wasn't expecting that but I'm glad to see Shaney boy back in any capacity and, let's be honest, if the credentials for a good authority figure are mic skills and charisma, you can't get better than The Franchise!


    On that note, I'm kinda liking what they're doing with FTM. The plan seems to be to give the youth some airtime and, again, that can only be good. Don't get me wrong, ECW has a great core of veterans that can still go hell for leather (need I cite Sasuke, Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Liger?) but no one can go forever, so, it's good to build towards the inevitable torch passing.


    Speaking of young guys, they've put the TV belt on Vito. Ooooh, this is a tough one to comment on. Personally, I don't think he was ready for such a push but, combining what I've seen on programming with word from my famous sources, Vito seems to be the golden boy of the ECW bookers (especially Pag - it must be the shared Italian roots). No doubt Vito has progressed well from the mouthpiece of a newbie stable to a credible and competent singles competitor but I'm not too sure if he's quite the natural the management think he is. Jury's out on this one... I guess we'll see.


    As for the WWF, I like the European title on Dupree. I think he could be as good as Credible was with the belt. Plus, I like that they aree, finally, pushing Justin into the main event!


    However, I cannot stand the fact that Kevin Nash seems to have worked his political magic all over again! If anyone ever doubted this cunning mastermind, try explaining how a guy who is nowhere near the best wrestler on the roster nor the most over is both the World and Tag Champ?


    Big news from both the ECW and WWF camps in terms of contract renewal. Steve Austin is said to have had a falling out with ECW Owner, Charlie Pag, regarding his future prospects. Apparently, the boss recognises the huge contribution Austin has made to ECW but believes it's time for Steve to start putting over some younger upper-midcarders. Steve is said to have politely disagreed with this vision and is contemplating not renewing his contract, which would almost definitely lead to a jump to the WWF. On the other side of the fence, Bret Hart is said to be unhappy with Vince's decision to take the World strap away from him. There has been much speculation as to whether the former champ would want to join his younger bro in ECW and it is looking more and more likely as an additional dispute over pay has begun. These are potentially huge losses/gains for both companies and, to make things even more interesting, both contracts run dry on the same day.


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was The Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  10. Saturday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to the debut edition of ECW Bllod, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside the master of the Katahajime, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey. Oh man, I'm so pumped up for this.

    Joey: I know Taz it's an exciting time for Extreme Championship Wrestling.

    Taz: Oh, no doubt and, speaking of excitement, we're gonna kick this whole thing off with an International All Action Title Match.




    The match is very even but Daniels wins with the BME at 15:27

    Match Rating: A


    The camera focuses close-up on Owen Hart's face backstage.



    Hart: Charlie Haas, it's nothing personal but tonight you are going to feel pain like you have never felt before because I am the Master Of Pain. And, Raven, after I prove that once and for all, I am coming for you and the World Heavyweight Championship!



    Eddie wins with a Frog Splash at 16:04

    Match Rating: A*


    Eddie picks up a mic.


    Guerrero: Chris Jericho, Christian and, most of all, you Chris Benoit, I do not like being ambushed me hermanos! So, I'm calling all three of you out right now. Hell yeah, I may get my ass kicked but I might just be the one doing the kicking, holmes. Come on, motherf**kers; it's time you learnt some respect.


    The anadian Connection run to the ring.



    In no time at all, they overpower Guerrero and beat him to the canvas.


    Taz: Oh man, I think Eddie bit off a little more than he can chew!


    Benoit and Christian lay the boots as Jericho takes a microphone.


    Jericho: We represent the greatest nation in the world, Canada, and we Canadians have no time for filthy pieces of crap from south of the border. No, I don't mean Mexicans; I mean those south of the Canadian border, the lowliest dirt of all... Americans!


    A series of jeers echo around the arena.


    Jericho: But, having said that, Mexicans and Americans are very much alike. You are all either stoners, dropouts, criminals or all of the above! So, we...


    Los Increibles come running out.



    They quickly take out Benoit and Christian, whose backs are still turned, and throw them from the ring. Juventud then hits the Juvi Driver on Jericho, Rey follows it up with a Mysterio Express and they throw him to the outside.

    Rey helps up Eddie as Juvi picks up the microphone that Jericho dropped.


    Juvi: You ass holes want to insult our homeland, huh? Well, let us tell you something, if you have your heart set on some sort of race war, you got it! We are not gonna sit and let you insult our proud heritage, so, it's time to put up or shut up!


    Taz: Wow, Eddie's got himse;f some backup!

    Joey: Well, someone had to shut The Canadian Connection up at some point! I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Owen Hart is dominant and wins with a Sharpshooter at 12:58

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven runs to the ring with a steel chair in hand.



    Taz: Look out Owen!


    Raven blasts Hart with the chair and sets him up for the Raven Effect.


    Paul Burchill runs to the ring.



    Raven chooses not stay and fight and evacuates the ring. Burchill helps Owen to his feet and they head to the back together.


    Joey: Well, these two seem to be watching each other's back pretty closely recently.

    Taz: Oh man, could you imagine them as a tag team? That'd be incredible!



    The match descends into a brawl on the outside that spills into the crowd. Eventually, John Finnegan has to call for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Well there was some great smashmouth brawling there but it solved absoloutely nothing!

    Joey: Yeah and you can just sense that Tommy Dreamer wants real retribution for what The Sandman did to his wife, Beulah, at November To Remember!


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: I am out here for one very simple reason and that is to say thank you! I mean that sincerely and honestly and that goes out not only to all of you here tonight but everyone watching at home. We have finally achieved what were dreaming of the whole way through the '90s: an international TV deal! So, to everyone watching here in the USA, in Canada, Europe, Mexico and Japan, I once again have to say thankyou for your continued support!


    A "Thank you Paul" chant begins.


    Joey: Let me tell you, that man right there is the reason why we are here! His hard work and vision is what has inspired us to continue broadcasting at such a high standard!

    Taz: My sentiments exactly, Joe.

    Joey: Now, though, it's time for our first ever Blood, Sweat and Beers main event. Vito challenges Kensuke Sasaki for the Television Title.

    Taz: Yeah and do you know what I worked out, Styles?

    Joey: What's that?

    Taz: This should be a real epic 'cos Vito boasts a 15-1 record, while Sasaki is still undefeated here in ECW!




    The match is even but Sasaki seems to have a slight edge throughout. In the thirteenth minute, he sets up Vito for the Northern Lights Bomb but Francine enters the ring and lowblows the champ.


    Joey: What the hell? Francine just turned on Kensuke Sasaki!

    Taz: Oh my god, Joey, this is huge!


    Vito hits the Vatican Driver. 1...2...3!

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Oh my god, Vito is the new Television Champion!

    Taz: Only eight days after he lost the All Action Title, as well.


    After the match Vito and Francine celebrate.



    Show Rating: A*

  11. Saturday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to the debut edition of ECW Bllod, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside the master of the Katahajime, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey. Oh man, I'm so pumped up for this.

    Joey: I know Taz it's an exciting time for Extreme Championship Wrestling.

    Taz: Oh, no doubt and, speaking of excitement, we're gonna kick this whole thing off with an International All Action Title Match.




    The match is very even but Daniels wins with the BME at 15:27

    Match Rating: A


    The camera focuses close-up on Owen Hart's face backstage.



    Hart: Charlie Haas, it's nothing personal but tonight you are going to feel pain like you have never felt before because I am the Master Of Pain. And, Raven, after I prove that once and for all, I am coming for you and the World Heavyweight Championship!



    Eddie wins with a Frog Splash at 16:04

    Match Rating: A*


    Eddie picks up a mic.


    Guerrero: Chris Jericho, Christian and, most of all, you Chris Benoit, I do not like being ambushed me hermanos! So, I'm calling all three of you out right now. Hell yeah, I may get my ass kicked but I might just be the one doing the kicking, holmes. Come on, motherf**kers; it's time you learnt some respect.


    The anadian Connection run to the ring.



    In no time at all, they overpower Guerrero and beat him to the canvas.


    Taz: Oh man, I think Eddie bit off a little more than he can chew!


    Benoit and Christian lay the boots as Jericho takes a microphone.


    Jericho: We represent the greatest nation in the world, Canada, and we Canadians have no time for filthy pieces of crap from south of the border. No, I don't mean Mexicans; I mean those south of the Canadian border, the lowliest dirt of all... Americans!


    A series of jeers echo around the arena.


    Jericho: But, having said that, Mexicans and Americans are very much alike. You are all either stoners, dropouts, criminals or all of the above! So, we...


    Los Increibles come running out.



    They quickly take out Benoit and Christian, whose backs are still turned, and throw them from the ring. Juventud then hits the Juvi Driver on Jericho, Rey follows it up with a Mysterio Express and they throw him to the outside.

    Rey helps up Eddie as Juvi picks up the microphone that Jericho dropped.


    Juvi: You ass holes want to insult our homeland, huh? Well, let us tell you something, if you have your heart set on some sort of race war, you got it! We are not gonna sit and let you insult our proud heritage, so, it's time to put up or shut up!


    Taz: Wow, Eddie's got himse;f some backup!

    Joey: Well, someone had to shut The Canadian Connection up at some point! I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Owen Hart is dominant and wins with a Sharpshooter at 12:58

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven runs to the ring with a steel chair in hand.



    Taz: Look out Owen!


    Raven blasts Hart with the chair and sets him up for the Raven Effect.


    Paul Burchill runs to the ring.



    Raven chooses not stay and fight and evacuates the ring. Burchill helps Owen to his feet and they head to the back together.


    Joey: Well, these two seem to be watching each other's back pretty closely recently.

    Taz: Oh man, could you imagine them as a tag team? That'd be incredible!



    The match descends into a brawl on the outside that spills into the crowd. Eventually, John Finnegan has to call for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Well there was some great smashmouth brawling there but it solved absoloutely nothing!

    Joey: Yeah and you can just sense that Tommy Dreamer wants real retribution for what The Sandman did to his wife, Beulah, at November To Remember!


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: I am out here for one very simple reason and that is to say thank you! I mean that sincerely and honestly and that goes out not only to all of you here tonight but everyone watching at home. We have finally achieved what were dreaming of the whole way through the '90s: an international TV deal! So, to everyone watching here in the USA, in Canada, Europe, Mexico and Japan, I once again have to say thankyou for your continued support!


    A "Thank you Paul" chant begins.


    Joey: Let me tell you, that man right there is the reason why we are here! His hard work and vision is what has inspired us to continue broadcasting at such a high standard!

    Taz: My sentiments exactly, Joe.

    Joey: Now, though, it's time for our first ever Blood, Sweat and Beers main event. Vito challenges Kensuke Sasaki for the Television Title.

    Taz: Yeah and do you know what I worked out, Styles?

    Joey: What's that?

    Taz: This should be a real epic 'cos Vito boasts a 15-1 record, while Sasaki is still undefeated here in ECW!




    The match is even but Sasaki seems to have a slight edge throughout. In the thirteenth minute, he sets up Vito for the Northern Lights Bomb but Francine enters the ring and lowblows the champ.


    Joey: What the hell? Francine just turned on Kensuke Sasaki!

    Taz: Oh my god, Joey, this is huge!


    Vito hits the Vatican Driver. 1...2...3!

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Oh my god, Vito is the new Television Champion!

    Taz: Only eight days after he lost the All Action Title, as well.


    After the match Vito and Francine celebrate.



    Show Rating: A*

  12. Thursday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Scott Hudson alongside my broadcast colleague, fromer ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Corino.

    Corino: Thanks, Scott. We are your new announce team for Thursday nights as Joey and Taz have moved to Saturday nights to broadcast Blood, Sweat and Beers.

    Hudson: Steve, you, of course, suffered some ligament damage in your last match against Steve Austin.

    Corino: That's right, and that's the reason why I'm sat here rather than being in the ring.

    Hudson: Well, I'm sure I speak for all the ECW fans as well as myself. We're glad to have you with us.

    Corino: Haha, thanks Scott.

    Hudson: Well, first up is a bout between The Messiah and Spike Dudley.

    Corino: Awesome.



    The match quickly turns hardcore and The Messiah administers a severe beating with a steel chair. He wins with a Godsmack at 9:48

    Match Rating: B


    The Franchise makes is way to the ring.



    Hudson: And there, folks, is the new commissioner.

    Corino: I guess this is gonna be the first official decree.


    Douglas takes a mic and laughs loudly.


    Douglas: Whether you like me or hate me, you have to admit that you're looking at greatness!


    A "Franchise" chant begins in agreement.


    Douglas: I am a three time World Television champion and a four time World Heavyweight Champion. Oh, and just to cap it off I held the World title for 406 days, longer than anyone prior or since! Now, though, I am a commissioner and not a wrestler but the calibre will be just as great!


    Corino: Let me tell you, if that man is anywhere near as good a commissioner as he was a wrestler, F' The Mainstream has nothing to worry about!


    Douglas: On that note, I'm making the main event for tonight. The Cult Of Sasuke, Chessman, Oz and The Great Sasuke, will face the Blue World Order in a six-man-tag!


    Hudson: Oh, that should be huge!

    Corino: No doubt, Hudson, no doubt.



    Chris Hero wins with a Hero's Sidekick at 12:03

    Match Rating: A


    The Hardy Boys are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Matt: We are the Hardy Boys and we have been horribly misused by the ECW management.


    Jeff: We're either made to be proverbial lion feed in matches where the odds are stacked against us or we are forgotten entirely and left off the card.


    Matt: Yeah, but now that F' The Mainstream is dedicated to showcasing the less well known wrestlers, we will finally show you just how good we are.


    Jeff: Forget The Iron Saints, Los Increibles, The Eliminators, The FBI or even your precious Dudley Boys because we are Team Xtreme!


    Corino: Well, that was what they were dubbed in the Federation but it hardly applies in ECW.

    Hudson: I guess will find out in the not too distant future.


    A video is shown to hype the Canadian Connection




    Shane wins with a Picture Perfect Elbow at 12:41

    Match Rating: A


    Vito is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Vito: I was screwed out of the International All Action Title. I had to face two opponents and it is clear that they conspired to defeat me. However, I prefer to focus on positives. So, I am going to use this as a career opportunity. Everyone is talking about how great the debut of Blood, Sweat and Beers is going to be. Therefore, I propose to make it really great, thus, I am challenging Kensuke Sasaki to put his TV Title on the line against me on Saturday night!


    Corino: Big news Scott!

    Hudson: Indeed, a TV Title match scheduled for the debut of Blood, Sweat and Beers.



    CM Punk wins with a Pepsi Plunge at 11:35

    Match Rating: A


    CM Punk picks up a mic.


    Punk: Shane Douglas maybe the new commissioner but you will recognise me as the dominant force on F' The Mainstream when I destroy anyone who crosses my path. Lance Storm, you just got Punk'd!


    Hudson: Wow, CM Punk means business.

    Corino: He sure does, Scott.

    Hudson: Well, making his return to the ring, after tearing his bicep back in September, is Apocalypse. He will face Scott Steiner. Can the enigmatic youngster really keep up his winning streak against Big Poppa Pump?



    The match is very open with both men seeing offence. However, Apocalypse wins with a Jesus Driver at 10:27

    Match Rating: B+


    Chris Daniels makes his way to the ring for a shoot promo.



    Daniels: Allow me to introduce myself. I am your new International All Action Champion; I am the greatest wrestler alive; I am Christopher Daniels!


    A "Fallen Angel" chant begins.


    Daniels: I am issuing an open challenge for anyone to face me for the title at Blood, Sweat and Beers. I will prove to be the most dominant All Action Champion that any of you will ever see! That's not a threat or a promise but the gospel according to The Fallen Angel.



    The match is a very even contest but, in the end, Big Stevie Cool pins Chessman after a Stevie-T at 13:49

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the rest of the cult run to the ring.



    Upon the instruction of The Great Sasuke, The Cult assault the bWo. Da Blue Guy runs in to make the save but it is no use and he is overpowered. After laying the boots in, The Cult clear the ring and Sasuke takes a microphone.


    Sasuke: Screw bWo! There shall never be Blue World Order only Sasuke World Order! Hahahahahahahahahaha!


    Corino: Scott, am I dreaming or did I just hear The Great Sasuke threaten to take over the world?

    Hudson: No, you weren't dreaming.

    Corino: Hmm... intriguing.


    Backstage, a camera focuses close-up on Owen Hart's face.



    Hart: This Saturday night, I will compete in a Masters Of Pain qualifier against Charlie Haas and I will make him tap out to the Sharpshooter. Then, Raven, after I win the tournament, I am coming for you and the World Heavyweight Championship.



    Show Rating: A

  13. Thursday, week 1, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Scott Hudson alongside my broadcast colleague, fromer ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Corino.

    Corino: Thanks, Scott. We are your new announce team for Thursday nights as Joey and Taz have moved to Saturday nights to broadcast Blood, Sweat and Beers.

    Hudson: Steve, you, of course, suffered some ligament damage in your last match against Steve Austin.

    Corino: That's right, and that's the reason why I'm sat here rather than being in the ring.

    Hudson: Well, I'm sure I speak for all the ECW fans as well as myself. We're glad to have you with us.

    Corino: Haha, thanks Scott.

    Hudson: Well, first up is a bout between The Messiah and Spike Dudley.

    Corino: Awesome.



    The match quickly turns hardcore and The Messiah administers a severe beating with a steel chair. He wins with a Godsmack at 9:48

    Match Rating: B


    The Franchise makes is way to the ring.



    Hudson: And there, folks, is the new commissioner.

    Corino: I guess this is gonna be the first official decree.


    Douglas takes a mic and laughs loudly.


    Douglas: Whether you like me or hate me, you have to admit that you're looking at greatness!


    A "Franchise" chant begins in agreement.


    Douglas: I am a three time World Television champion and a four time World Heavyweight Champion. Oh, and just to cap it off I held the World title for 406 days, longer than anyone prior or since! Now, though, I am a commissioner and not a wrestler but the calibre will be just as great!


    Corino: Let me tell you, if that man is anywhere near as good a commissioner as he was a wrestler, F' The Mainstream has nothing to worry about!


    Douglas: On that note, I'm making the main event for tonight. The Cult Of Sasuke, Chessman, Oz and The Great Sasuke, will face the Blue World Order in a six-man-tag!


    Hudson: Oh, that should be huge!

    Corino: No doubt, Hudson, no doubt.



    Chris Hero wins with a Hero's Sidekick at 12:03

    Match Rating: A


    The Hardy Boys are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Matt: We are the Hardy Boys and we have been horribly misused by the ECW management.


    Jeff: We're either made to be proverbial lion feed in matches where the odds are stacked against us or we are forgotten entirely and left off the card.


    Matt: Yeah, but now that F' The Mainstream is dedicated to showcasing the less well known wrestlers, we will finally show you just how good we are.


    Jeff: Forget The Iron Saints, Los Increibles, The Eliminators, The FBI or even your precious Dudley Boys because we are Team Xtreme!


    Corino: Well, that was what they were dubbed in the Federation but it hardly applies in ECW.

    Hudson: I guess will find out in the not too distant future.


    A video is shown to hype the Canadian Connection




    Shane wins with a Picture Perfect Elbow at 12:41

    Match Rating: A


    Vito is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Vito: I was screwed out of the International All Action Title. I had to face two opponents and it is clear that they conspired to defeat me. However, I prefer to focus on positives. So, I am going to use this as a career opportunity. Everyone is talking about how great the debut of Blood, Sweat and Beers is going to be. Therefore, I propose to make it really great, thus, I am challenging Kensuke Sasaki to put his TV Title on the line against me on Saturday night!


    Corino: Big news Scott!

    Hudson: Indeed, a TV Title match scheduled for the debut of Blood, Sweat and Beers.



    CM Punk wins with a Pepsi Plunge at 11:35

    Match Rating: A


    CM Punk picks up a mic.


    Punk: Shane Douglas maybe the new commissioner but you will recognise me as the dominant force on F' The Mainstream when I destroy anyone who crosses my path. Lance Storm, you just got Punk'd!


    Hudson: Wow, CM Punk means business.

    Corino: He sure does, Scott.

    Hudson: Well, making his return to the ring, after tearing his bicep back in September, is Apocalypse. He will face Scott Steiner. Can the enigmatic youngster really keep up his winning streak against Big Poppa Pump?



    The match is very open with both men seeing offence. However, Apocalypse wins with a Jesus Driver at 10:27

    Match Rating: B+


    Chris Daniels makes his way to the ring for a shoot promo.



    Daniels: Allow me to introduce myself. I am your new International All Action Champion; I am the greatest wrestler alive; I am Christopher Daniels!


    A "Fallen Angel" chant begins.


    Daniels: I am issuing an open challenge for anyone to face me for the title at Blood, Sweat and Beers. I will prove to be the most dominant All Action Champion that any of you will ever see! That's not a threat or a promise but the gospel according to The Fallen Angel.



    The match is a very even contest but, in the end, Big Stevie Cool pins Chessman after a Stevie-T at 13:49

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the rest of the cult run to the ring.



    Upon the instruction of The Great Sasuke, The Cult assault the bWo. Da Blue Guy runs in to make the save but it is no use and he is overpowered. After laying the boots in, The Cult clear the ring and Sasuke takes a microphone.


    Sasuke: Screw bWo! There shall never be Blue World Order only Sasuke World Order! Hahahahahahahahahaha!


    Corino: Scott, am I dreaming or did I just hear The Great Sasuke threaten to take over the world?

    Hudson: No, you weren't dreaming.

    Corino: Hmm... intriguing.


    Backstage, a camera focuses close-up on Owen Hart's face.



    Hart: This Saturday night, I will compete in a Masters Of Pain qualifier against Charlie Haas and I will make him tap out to the Sharpshooter. Then, Raven, after I win the tournament, I am coming for you and the World Heavyweight Championship.



    Show Rating: A

  14. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Lita defeated Victoria B


    Val Venis defeated Rob Conway B


    Viscera defeated The Hurricane B-


    Rene Dupree defeated Al Snow to retain the WWF European Title C+


    The Outsiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog A


    Animal and Kane defeated Justin Credible and Bret Hart A




    Show Rating: B+

  15. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Lita defeated Victoria B


    Val Venis defeated Rob Conway B


    Viscera defeated The Hurricane B-


    Rene Dupree defeated Al Snow to retain the WWF European Title C+


    The Outsiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog A


    Animal and Kane defeated Justin Credible and Bret Hart A




    Show Rating: B+

  16. WOW!!!! Great Match ratings

    A* out Angle and Shane (Angle's is a wrestling God, but surprised he could get that with Shane)

    Sabu & Test with an A (also surprising

    Benoit/Liger (Now, that doesn't surprise me) neither does Sandman/Tanaka as these 2 are probably extremely over....


    The Canadian Connection could rival The Horseman as the greatest stable ever in my opinion


    Yeah, I try and use matchups where the guys suit each other's styles. I was very pleased with Shane's performance seeing as he is hardly over at all. Angle's so good (especially in the gameworld), though, that he can drag at least an A match out of almost anyone.


    As for the Canadian Connection, I agree but I just have to book them right :confused:.


    Thanks for the feedback, dude. I appreciate it!


    Quote The Raven


  17. WOW!!!! Great Match ratings

    A* out Angle and Shane (Angle's is a wrestling God, but surprised he could get that with Shane)

    Sabu & Test with an A (also surprising

    Benoit/Liger (Now, that doesn't surprise me) neither does Sandman/Tanaka as these 2 are probably extremely over....


    The Canadian Connection could rival The Horseman as the greatest stable ever in my opinion


    Yeah, I try and use matchups where the guys suit each other's styles. I was very pleased with Shane's performance seeing as he is hardly over at all. Angle's so good (especially in the gameworld), though, that he can drag at least an A match out of almost anyone.


    As for the Canadian Connection, I agree but I just have to book them right :confused:.


    Thanks for the feedback, dude. I appreciate it!


    Quote The Raven


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