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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Armageddon.jpg

    Attendance: 5,000

    PPV Buyrate: 546,725

    Shane Mcmahon and Funaki defeated Johnny Swinger and Antonio C


    Aguila defeated Paul London to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C+


    Legion Of Doom defeated Rob Conway and Viscera C+


    British Bulldog defeated Randy Orton B


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina C+


    Gene Snitsky defeated Hardcore Holly B-


    Sylvain Grenier defeated Spanky B-


    Steven Regal and Rene Dupree defeated Tyson Tomko and Chavo Guerrero B-


    Justin Credible defeated Shelton Benjamin B


    Edge defeated Eugene B-


    Ric Flair and Booker T defeated Scott Hall and Triple H B+


    Kevin Nash defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B+




    Show Rating: B+

  2. Thank you, dude, I really appreciate that. It must always sound a bit hollow when I say that but, believe me, I do.


    On that note, KOOS, I've been meaning to say that, although I am grateful for everyone's feedback, I owe you a particular thank you. That's 'cos you were the first guy to leave proper feedback on this thread and, to a large extent, inspired me to continue back in the early stages. So, thanks again, dude. I'll keep writing; you just keep reading ;).


    Quote The Raven


  3. Thank you, dude, I really appreciate that. It must always sound a bit hollow when I say that but, believe me, I do.


    On that note, KOOS, I've been meaning to say that, although I am grateful for everyone's feedback, I owe you a particular thank you. That's 'cos you were the first guy to leave proper feedback on this thread and, to a large extent, inspired me to continue back in the early stages. So, thanks again, dude. I'll keep writing; you just keep reading ;).


    Quote The Raven


  4. Saturday, week 3, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside two former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

    Corino: Thanks, Joey, I'm very happy to be joining you tonight.

    Taz: We're happy to have you, dude.



    Ultimo Dragon and Chris Daniels hold the advantage throughout the match and win when Ultimo hits an Asai DDT on Frankie Kazarian at 12:04

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Shane picks up a steel chair from ringside and floors Ultimo and Daniels.


    Shane: I'm sick of not having a one-on-one shot. So, at Got Blood?, I'm challenging you, Chris Daniels, for the International All Action Championship!


    The Canadian Connection are backstage.



    Jericho: Tonight, I have a Masters Of Pain qualifying match against Lance Storm. Now, Lance, it's nothing personal but you will fall victim to the Walls Of Jericho and, after I qualify, I will dominate the competition and earn a shot at the World Championship. Finally, the title is coming back to Canada!




    The match is very open. However, in the fourteenth minute, Francine hits Lyger in the back of the head with the TV Title, allowing Vito to get the pinfall.

    Match Rating: A*


    Vito picks up a mic.


    Vito: I am still the World Television Champion and there is not one damn person that could even come close to beating...


    Ultimo Dragon sprints to the ring.



    Vito chooses not to test his own theory and evacuates the ring as quickly as possible. He and Francine head to the back, leaving Ultimo in the ring looking angry.


    Backstage, Raven is on a mobile phone.



    Raven: Yeah, everything looks set... Haha, not a problem... Yeah I'm about to take him out... Yes... Okay... Just be ready for the most glorious moment in wrestling history, my friend... Will do, speak to you later.


    He hangs up.


    Taz: "I'm about to take him out." What the hell does that mean?

    Joey: I don't know, Taz, but it sounds sinister.

    Corino: Yeah and I'll bet he's referring to Sabu, Owen Hart or Paul Burchill.


    Before the next match, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    Callis: I guess it's time for the vocal stylings of the Whole F**kin' Show.

    Gertner: They're good but not as good as me.


    Michaels: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing the jobbers... first, the only wrester whose muscles are comparable in size to Eric Bischoff's brain, Tony "I Want My" Mama-luke.


    Michaels tosses the mic to RVD.


    RVD: And, his tag team partner, he measures in at knee-high to a grasshopper, "The Walking, Talking Stereotype" Little, and that doesn't refer to his height, Guido.


    RVD throws the mic back to Michaels.


    Michaels: If they think they'll win the titles, they must be high; it's those fools from the FBI.


    He hands the mic to Traci.


    Traci: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction... First, one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.


    [bTraci:[/b] And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The WFS win with a 420 Splash at 9:52

    Match Rating: A*


    The camera cuts backstage to see Raven jump Paul Burchill.



    After delivering several punches, he hits the Evenflow DDT on the concrete floor.


    Joey: Oh my god. Burchill's spine just got reshaped!


    EMTs come to the aid of Burchill and start to wheel him away on a stretcher.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Storm taps out to the Walls of Jericho at 14:07

    Match Rating: A*


    Owen Hart approaches Sabu backstage.



    Hart: Hey, Sabu, very bad news. Burchill's out.


    Sabu looks puzzled.


    Hart: Raven jumped him from behind. He can't wrestle tonight.


    Sabu hits the wall in disgust.


    Hart: Well, I don't know about you but I'm not gonna let him get away with it. I say the two of us go out there and take it to Raven and his two cronies.


    Sabu nods and picks up a nearby steel chair. The two men then head to the ring.



    Despite a brave fight, Sabu and Hart cannot overcome the numbers came. Rhino pins Sabu after a Gore at 13:43

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A*

  5. Saturday, week 3, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside two former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

    Corino: Thanks, Joey, I'm very happy to be joining you tonight.

    Taz: We're happy to have you, dude.



    Ultimo Dragon and Chris Daniels hold the advantage throughout the match and win when Ultimo hits an Asai DDT on Frankie Kazarian at 12:04

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Shane picks up a steel chair from ringside and floors Ultimo and Daniels.


    Shane: I'm sick of not having a one-on-one shot. So, at Got Blood?, I'm challenging you, Chris Daniels, for the International All Action Championship!


    The Canadian Connection are backstage.



    Jericho: Tonight, I have a Masters Of Pain qualifying match against Lance Storm. Now, Lance, it's nothing personal but you will fall victim to the Walls Of Jericho and, after I qualify, I will dominate the competition and earn a shot at the World Championship. Finally, the title is coming back to Canada!




    The match is very open. However, in the fourteenth minute, Francine hits Lyger in the back of the head with the TV Title, allowing Vito to get the pinfall.

    Match Rating: A*


    Vito picks up a mic.


    Vito: I am still the World Television Champion and there is not one damn person that could even come close to beating...


    Ultimo Dragon sprints to the ring.



    Vito chooses not to test his own theory and evacuates the ring as quickly as possible. He and Francine head to the back, leaving Ultimo in the ring looking angry.


    Backstage, Raven is on a mobile phone.



    Raven: Yeah, everything looks set... Haha, not a problem... Yeah I'm about to take him out... Yes... Okay... Just be ready for the most glorious moment in wrestling history, my friend... Will do, speak to you later.


    He hangs up.


    Taz: "I'm about to take him out." What the hell does that mean?

    Joey: I don't know, Taz, but it sounds sinister.

    Corino: Yeah and I'll bet he's referring to Sabu, Owen Hart or Paul Burchill.


    Before the next match, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    Callis: I guess it's time for the vocal stylings of the Whole F**kin' Show.

    Gertner: They're good but not as good as me.


    Michaels: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing the jobbers... first, the only wrester whose muscles are comparable in size to Eric Bischoff's brain, Tony "I Want My" Mama-luke.


    Michaels tosses the mic to RVD.


    RVD: And, his tag team partner, he measures in at knee-high to a grasshopper, "The Walking, Talking Stereotype" Little, and that doesn't refer to his height, Guido.


    RVD throws the mic back to Michaels.


    Michaels: If they think they'll win the titles, they must be high; it's those fools from the FBI.


    He hands the mic to Traci.


    Traci: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction... First, one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.


    [bTraci:[/b] And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The WFS win with a 420 Splash at 9:52

    Match Rating: A*


    The camera cuts backstage to see Raven jump Paul Burchill.



    After delivering several punches, he hits the Evenflow DDT on the concrete floor.


    Joey: Oh my god. Burchill's spine just got reshaped!


    EMTs come to the aid of Burchill and start to wheel him away on a stretcher.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Storm taps out to the Walls of Jericho at 14:07

    Match Rating: A*


    Owen Hart approaches Sabu backstage.



    Hart: Hey, Sabu, very bad news. Burchill's out.


    Sabu looks puzzled.


    Hart: Raven jumped him from behind. He can't wrestle tonight.


    Sabu hits the wall in disgust.


    Hart: Well, I don't know about you but I'm not gonna let him get away with it. I say the two of us go out there and take it to Raven and his two cronies.


    Sabu nods and picks up a nearby steel chair. The two men then head to the ring.



    Despite a brave fight, Sabu and Hart cannot overcome the numbers came. Rhino pins Sabu after a Gore at 13:43

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A*

  6. From ECW.com


    Huge Main Event For Blood, Sweat And Beers



    It was announced today that, following the events that took place on Revolution, a huge six-man tag team match will take place on Blood, Sweat And Beers: Raven, Rhino and Cactus Jack will face Sabu, Owen Hart and Paul Burchill!

  7. From ECW.com


    Huge Main Event For Blood, Sweat And Beers



    It was announced today that, following the events that took place on Revolution, a huge six-man tag team match will take place on Blood, Sweat And Beers: Raven, Rhino and Cactus Jack will face Sabu, Owen Hart and Paul Burchill!

  8. From ECW.com


    F' The Mainstream Taken Off-Air



    ECW.com can confirm that ECW F' The Mainstream has, as of today, been taken off air. The programme's two year tenure on MTV2 included some very memorable moments including Owen Hart's debut match for ECW.


    It has been decided that Shane Douglas' position as commissioner will be kept intact; he will, however, now reside over Revolution's proceedings.

  9. From ECW.com


    F' The Mainstream Taken Off-Air



    ECW.com can confirm that ECW F' The Mainstream has, as of today, been taken off air. The programme's two year tenure on MTV2 included some very memorable moments including Owen Hart's debut match for ECW.


    It has been decided that Shane Douglas' position as commissioner will be kept intact; he will, however, now reside over Revolution's proceedings.

  10. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Rene Dupree defeated Aguila to retain the WWF European Title B-


    Doug Basham defeated Bobby Lashley C-


    The Outsiders defeated Hardcore Holly and Spanky C+


    Lita defeated Melina C


    Sylvain Grenier and Trish Stratus drew with Legion Of Doom C+


    The Undertaker and Batista defeated Bokker T and Ric Flair B




    Show Rating: B-

  11. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Rene Dupree defeated Aguila to retain the WWF European Title B-


    Doug Basham defeated Bobby Lashley C-


    The Outsiders defeated Hardcore Holly and Spanky C+


    Lita defeated Melina C


    Sylvain Grenier and Trish Stratus drew with Legion Of Doom C+


    The Undertaker and Batista defeated Bokker T and Ric Flair B




    Show Rating: B-

  12. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Rene Dupree defeated British Bulldog to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Shane Mcmahon, Shelton Benjamin and Eugene defeated Rob Conway, Danny Basham and Chavo Guerrero C+


    The Outsiders defeated Val Venis and The Hurricane B


    Trish Stratus defeated Lita C+


    Kane defeated Triple H B+


    Undertaker defeated Edge B+




    Show Rating: B+

  13. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Rene Dupree defeated British Bulldog to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Shane Mcmahon, Shelton Benjamin and Eugene defeated Rob Conway, Danny Basham and Chavo Guerrero C+


    The Outsiders defeated Val Venis and The Hurricane B


    Trish Stratus defeated Lita C+


    Kane defeated Triple H B+


    Undertaker defeated Edge B+




    Show Rating: B+

  14. From ECW.com


    ECW On MTV?



    It appears that this week's F' The Mainstream on MTV2 will be cancelled as ECW and MTV enter into negotiations concerning the future of their television deals. It is understood that it was the ECW management team and not MTV who called for the meeting.


    "We've been experimenting quite a bit with the product" said ECW owner, Charlie Pag. "First there was the brand split, then the introduction of a new TV show. We thought that we would try a six hour schedule per week, showing three TV shows but it has put an unexpected strain on our booking plans."


    It is not yet known where these negotiations will lead but many have assumed that one of ECW's shows (Revolution or F' The Mainstream) currently being broadcast on MTV2 will be taken off air. This is, apparently, so as not to dilute the quality of ECW shows.


    MTV released the following statement:


    "We are happy to take whatever action that the members of the ECW team advise. If they honestly feel that they cannot maintain their usual high standards in the current situation, we will support them in that decision."

  15. From ECW.com


    ECW On MTV?



    It appears that this week's F' The Mainstream on MTV2 will be cancelled as ECW and MTV enter into negotiations concerning the future of their television deals. It is understood that it was the ECW management team and not MTV who called for the meeting.


    "We've been experimenting quite a bit with the product" said ECW owner, Charlie Pag. "First there was the brand split, then the introduction of a new TV show. We thought that we would try a six hour schedule per week, showing three TV shows but it has put an unexpected strain on our booking plans."


    It is not yet known where these negotiations will lead but many have assumed that one of ECW's shows (Revolution or F' The Mainstream) currently being broadcast on MTV2 will be taken off air. This is, apparently, so as not to dilute the quality of ECW shows.


    MTV released the following statement:


    "We are happy to take whatever action that the members of the ECW team advise. If they honestly feel that they cannot maintain their usual high standards in the current situation, we will support them in that decision."

  16. Monday, week 3, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: As both the Masters Of Pain and Got Blood? draw near, things are really heating up.

    Gertner: Very true, Don, and let me assure you all at home that tonight's Revolution is gonna rock your world.

    Callis: No doubt, Joel. We have, after all, received word that Zakk Wylde is here in the Tingley Colliseum tonight!

    Gertner: Wow, I wonder what Raven has planned...



    CM Punk wins with a Pepsi Plunge at 12:37

    Match Rating: B+


    Punk picks up a microphone.


    Punk: Hey, Psicosis, you just got Punk'd!


    Vito makes his way to the ring accompanied by Francine.



    Francine: It's time for you to all fall silent so that you can hear the words spoken by the human personification of greatness.


    Vito: Thank you, Francine.


    He clears his throat.


    Vito: Note that I am still the World Television Champion. I handed Ultimo Drgaon the quickest defeat of his career last week! With that being said...


    Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



    Heyman: Vito, we all know that wasn't Ultimo. We all know you wormed your way out of a title defence. However, I am not going to let you stand there and boast about it. So, tonight, I'm making a six-man tag team match. Jushin Lyger, Christopher Daniels and Ultimo Dragon will face Michael Shane, Vito and his little masked imposter!


    Gertner: Wow, that should be incredible.

    Callis: Absolutely.


    Vito is left looking slightly stunned in the ring.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Paul Burchill wins by knockout when he delivers a stiff chairshot at 14:48

    Match Rating: A*


    The Whole F**kin' Show approach Traci backstage



    Michaels: Well, hello miss Traci.


    Traci: Hiya guys. What do I owe this pleasant surprise to?


    RVD: laughs Pleasant? More like earth-shatteringly exciting!


    Traci: Haha, yeah that too.


    Michaels: Well, we had an idea...


    RVD: ... A proposition...


    Michaels: ...So to speak.


    Traci: Go on.


    Michaels: Well, we're in the market for a manager...


    RVD: ...And seeing as we can think of no one more suitable than yourself...


    Traci: interrupts I'd love to!


    RVD: Awesome.


    The three walk off together.



    The match is a fantastic fast paced spectacle. Vito makes sure to avoid Ultimo Dragon, tagging out whenever they are both the legal men. In the sixteenth minute, Francine hits Ultimo Dragon in the back of the head with the TV title, allowing Vito to get the pinfall.

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Man, is Ultimo ever gonna get a fair shot at Vito?

    Gertner: It doesn't look likely.


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: Treason, thy name is Zakk Wylde! What about me? What about Raven? I know you're here, Zakk. So, face your demons and receive redemption; there is no other way!


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven



    Before the next match, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    Callis: I guess it's time for the vocal stylings of the Whole F**kin' Show.

    Gertner: They're good but not as good as me.


    Michaels: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing the jobbers... first, the rootin' tootin' pistol shootin' redneck... "I don't have a first name or, at least, I'm too dumb to remeber it" Bradshaw.


    Michaels tosses the mic to RVD.


    RVD: And, his tag team partner, weighing in at well passed his prime, the lean, mean jobbing machine... Ron "Well, I'll be DAMNED" Simmons. Ladies and gentlemen, the men who just don't know when to retire: The Acolytes.


    Van Dam hands the mic to Traci.


    Traci: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction... First, one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.


    [bTraci:[/b] And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The Whole F**kin' Show dominate with double team moves and win with a 420 Splas at 11:09

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven makes his way to the ring.



    Instead of getting on the mic, he just lowers himself and sits in one of the corners.


    Zakk Wylde walks to the ring from out of the crowd.



    The audience goes crazy at the prospect of seeing these two face off again.


    Suddenly, what looks to be another Raven enters the ring.



    Gertner: What the hell?

    Callis: I have no idea...

    Gertner: My god I'm confused!


    Zakk Wylde turns around to face the latest comer and is hit with a haymaker. He stumbles backwards and turns away with the force of the blow. The first Raven flicks his hair up to reveal his face.


    It's Rhino in street clothes.



    Rhino nails Wylde with the Gore and the champion lays the boots in.


    Callis: Gore! Gore! But why? What is Rhino's issue with Zakk Wylde.


    Raven picks up a microphone and laughs demonically.


    Raven: God, how I enjoy exploiting the limited intellect of lesser mortals... You see, Rhino and I have a little understanding.


    Callis: What the hell does that the mean?

    Gertner: If you shut up, I'm sure we'll find out.


    Raven: If Rhino watches my back and helps me take care of the people who are screaming for my blood, I'll ensure he wins the Masters Of Pain!


    He hands the mic to Rhino.


    Rhino: Putting people out of commission is what I do best! So, I was more than willing to take Raven up on his offer.


    Sabu sprints to the ring,



    He takes out both Rhino and Raven with a Singapore cane.


    Callis: My god, the number one contender for Raven's title just made his presence known.

    Gertner: I thought that was the exact thing Rhino was supposed to prevent from happening.


    Cactus Jack runs to the ring with a 2x4.



    He nails Sabu and, after Raven and Rhino make it to their feet, a 3-on-1 assault begins.


    Callis: Somebody stop this!

    Gertner: Sabu brought it on himself, Don.


    Owen Hart and Paul Burchill run to the ring.



    They come to the rescue of Sabu and clearly want a piece of the World Heavyweight Champion. An uncontrollable 3-on-3 brawl ensues as the show goes off air.


    Callis: Oh my god, this is pandemonium!


    Show Rating: A*

  17. Monday, week 3, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: As both the Masters Of Pain and Got Blood? draw near, things are really heating up.

    Gertner: Very true, Don, and let me assure you all at home that tonight's Revolution is gonna rock your world.

    Callis: No doubt, Joel. We have, after all, received word that Zakk Wylde is here in the Tingley Colliseum tonight!

    Gertner: Wow, I wonder what Raven has planned...



    CM Punk wins with a Pepsi Plunge at 12:37

    Match Rating: B+


    Punk picks up a microphone.


    Punk: Hey, Psicosis, you just got Punk'd!


    Vito makes his way to the ring accompanied by Francine.



    Francine: It's time for you to all fall silent so that you can hear the words spoken by the human personification of greatness.


    Vito: Thank you, Francine.


    He clears his throat.


    Vito: Note that I am still the World Television Champion. I handed Ultimo Drgaon the quickest defeat of his career last week! With that being said...


    Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



    Heyman: Vito, we all know that wasn't Ultimo. We all know you wormed your way out of a title defence. However, I am not going to let you stand there and boast about it. So, tonight, I'm making a six-man tag team match. Jushin Lyger, Christopher Daniels and Ultimo Dragon will face Michael Shane, Vito and his little masked imposter!


    Gertner: Wow, that should be incredible.

    Callis: Absolutely.


    Vito is left looking slightly stunned in the ring.


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    Paul Burchill wins by knockout when he delivers a stiff chairshot at 14:48

    Match Rating: A*


    The Whole F**kin' Show approach Traci backstage



    Michaels: Well, hello miss Traci.


    Traci: Hiya guys. What do I owe this pleasant surprise to?


    RVD: laughs Pleasant? More like earth-shatteringly exciting!


    Traci: Haha, yeah that too.


    Michaels: Well, we had an idea...


    RVD: ... A proposition...


    Michaels: ...So to speak.


    Traci: Go on.


    Michaels: Well, we're in the market for a manager...


    RVD: ...And seeing as we can think of no one more suitable than yourself...


    Traci: interrupts I'd love to!


    RVD: Awesome.


    The three walk off together.



    The match is a fantastic fast paced spectacle. Vito makes sure to avoid Ultimo Dragon, tagging out whenever they are both the legal men. In the sixteenth minute, Francine hits Ultimo Dragon in the back of the head with the TV title, allowing Vito to get the pinfall.

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Man, is Ultimo ever gonna get a fair shot at Vito?

    Gertner: It doesn't look likely.


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: Treason, thy name is Zakk Wylde! What about me? What about Raven? I know you're here, Zakk. So, face your demons and receive redemption; there is no other way!


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven



    Before the next match, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    Callis: I guess it's time for the vocal stylings of the Whole F**kin' Show.

    Gertner: They're good but not as good as me.


    Michaels: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing the jobbers... first, the rootin' tootin' pistol shootin' redneck... "I don't have a first name or, at least, I'm too dumb to remeber it" Bradshaw.


    Michaels tosses the mic to RVD.


    RVD: And, his tag team partner, weighing in at well passed his prime, the lean, mean jobbing machine... Ron "Well, I'll be DAMNED" Simmons. Ladies and gentlemen, the men who just don't know when to retire: The Acolytes.


    Van Dam hands the mic to Traci.


    Traci: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction... First, one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.


    [bTraci:[/b] And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The Whole F**kin' Show dominate with double team moves and win with a 420 Splas at 11:09

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven makes his way to the ring.



    Instead of getting on the mic, he just lowers himself and sits in one of the corners.


    Zakk Wylde walks to the ring from out of the crowd.



    The audience goes crazy at the prospect of seeing these two face off again.


    Suddenly, what looks to be another Raven enters the ring.



    Gertner: What the hell?

    Callis: I have no idea...

    Gertner: My god I'm confused!


    Zakk Wylde turns around to face the latest comer and is hit with a haymaker. He stumbles backwards and turns away with the force of the blow. The first Raven flicks his hair up to reveal his face.


    It's Rhino in street clothes.



    Rhino nails Wylde with the Gore and the champion lays the boots in.


    Callis: Gore! Gore! But why? What is Rhino's issue with Zakk Wylde.


    Raven picks up a microphone and laughs demonically.


    Raven: God, how I enjoy exploiting the limited intellect of lesser mortals... You see, Rhino and I have a little understanding.


    Callis: What the hell does that the mean?

    Gertner: If you shut up, I'm sure we'll find out.


    Raven: If Rhino watches my back and helps me take care of the people who are screaming for my blood, I'll ensure he wins the Masters Of Pain!


    He hands the mic to Rhino.


    Rhino: Putting people out of commission is what I do best! So, I was more than willing to take Raven up on his offer.


    Sabu sprints to the ring,



    He takes out both Rhino and Raven with a Singapore cane.


    Callis: My god, the number one contender for Raven's title just made his presence known.

    Gertner: I thought that was the exact thing Rhino was supposed to prevent from happening.


    Cactus Jack runs to the ring with a 2x4.



    He nails Sabu and, after Raven and Rhino make it to their feet, a 3-on-1 assault begins.


    Callis: Somebody stop this!

    Gertner: Sabu brought it on himself, Don.


    Owen Hart and Paul Burchill run to the ring.



    They come to the rescue of Sabu and clearly want a piece of the World Heavyweight Champion. An uncontrollable 3-on-3 brawl ensues as the show goes off air.


    Callis: Oh my god, this is pandemonium!


    Show Rating: A*

  18. Form ECW.com

    The Champion's Challenge




    The ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Raven, has issued a challenge to Zakk Wylde to show up at next week's Revolution. "I don't want a match with the man" said Raven "That would be unfair on him! I just want him to stand face to face with the the World Champion and justify his actions on Blood, Sweat and Beers."


    This, of course, is in reference to Zakk Wylde taking out the champ on ECW's worldwide televison show. It is not yet known if the rock superstar of Black Label Society fame will show up but, if he does, things could get pretty ugly!

  19. Form ECW.com

    The Champion's Challenge




    The ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Raven, has issued a challenge to Zakk Wylde to show up at next week's Revolution. "I don't want a match with the man" said Raven "That would be unfair on him! I just want him to stand face to face with the the World Champion and justify his actions on Blood, Sweat and Beers."


    This, of course, is in reference to Zakk Wylde taking out the champ on ECW's worldwide televison show. It is not yet known if the rock superstar of Black Label Society fame will show up but, if he does, things could get pretty ugly!

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