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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. I spoke to soon; more problems have arisen.


    If anyone knows, will restoring my computer to factory defaults (with a recovery CD) affect my second hard drive? I've backed up all my files to my second (I: ) drive. Will they still be present after running a recovery process or do I have to put everything on to DVD/CD?


    Cheers ;).


    Quote The Raven


  2. Cheers, buddy.


    Keef, they're actually the full Alevels this year - not fun :(.


    Anyway, more bad news: my computer decided to commit harakiri last night (I'm using my bro's laptop to write this). So, they're may be a further delay. Basically, the shows should start appearing next week.


    Thanks for your patience ;).


    Quote The Raven


  3. Cheers boys - appreciated as always ;).



    What exams are these? And where in England you from? Sorry to ask but was just interested!


    As for this, they're A levels in: Politics, History, English Lit and Music.


    I'm from Miadenhead (fairly small town in Berkshire). 30 miles west o' London (roughly).


    Quote The Raven


  4. hey I have made pics for the wwf champs, and a very special pic... don't think you have any use for it but it would be cool

    Have a nice day


    Thanks for this, bud. Very cool. I almost wish there was a cross-brand tag match going down so I culd use it as a PPV poster ;).


    Finally, another show's up. Enjoy...


    Quote The Raven


  5. Saturday, week 2, February

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and I am once again alongside two former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey, I am so hyped for tpnight.

    Corino: Oh, me too, man.

    Joey: With good reason, too. The Iron Saints are in action once again and Chris Daniels puts his All Action title on the line against Michael Shane. However, there's even bigger news.

    Corino: What's that, Joey.

    Joey: Well, after the huge argument that members of the New Age Enterprise got into on Revolution, it seems that only some of the group are here tonight.

    Corino: Seriously?

    Joey: One hundred percent. Apparently, Raven and Pag didn't want to be in the same room as each other.

    Taz: Wow, although, there are some pretty combustable elements in that equation! I wonder if the others will be able to diffuse the situation.

    Joey: Your guess is as good as mine, Taz.



    The match quickly turns hardcore and is a great opener.

    Rhino wins with a Gore at 9:17

    Match Rating: A


    Bret Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Bret: I'm sure you've noticed that, over the course of the past few weeks, my brother, Owen, and I have been feuding with the New Age Enterprise. Well, it looks like they're not here tonight, not in full strength at least, and I'm assuming that means I haven't been booked to defend this TV title against one of Pag's lapdogs. Nevertheless, I'm a fighting champion and this title will stay true to its name and be defended on this television broadcast but, let's be honest, it's not like there is anyone who can beat the Hitman.



    The match is very even.

    In the twelfth minute, Jazz goes for a Powerbomb but LuFisto reverses it into a Hurricanrana.

    She hooks the leg.


    Jazz rises only to be struck by a thunderous Spinning Wheel Kick.


    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, LuFisto celebrates her victory over Jazz.


    Amazing Kong runs to the ring.



    She pummels LuFisto to the ground and grabs a chair from ringside. She then hits a sick DDT on the chair.


    Joey: Oh my god! LuFisto gets the victory she's wanted against Jazz but Amazing Kong cut the celebrations short.


    Tommy Dreamer is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Dreamer: Sandman, at Living Dangerously I am gonna destroy you for the torment you have put me and my wife through! This isn't gonna be like any other match I've had with you, the stakes are too high for that. So, I say we revisit an old ECW tradition: the barbed wire match!


    Taz: Wow, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tommy Dreamer is insane, man.

    Corino: Yeah, Taz, and, if I know the Sandman like I think I know him, he isn't gonna back down from that challenge.

    Taz: Oh, hell no, Oldschool.

    Joey: I have to agree with you guys and there is no doubt in my mind that, should that match go ahead, it should be an absolute gorefest! Anyway, it's time we got back to tonight's action as, in an all Italian affair, the Iron Saints take on the FBI.



    Brandon and Sal win with a Spike Powerbomb at 12:47.

    Match Rating: B


    Taz: Wow, the Iron Saints are knocking up quite a hitlist. They've beaten the bWo, the Dudleys and the FBI in their last three showings.

    Joey: Yeah and don't forget, Taz, they still have that Tag Title shot that they won at Guilty As Charged to cash in.

    Corino: Is there a time limit on that?

    Joey: I think it's a year, so, the Whole F**kin' Show may not have to watch their backs just yet.


    CM Punk approaches Raven backstage.



    Punk: Are we the only two of us here tonight?


    Raven: It looks that way.


    Punk: Look, I don't want to play emmissary or anything but I was hoping to convince you to be the bigger man and sort this thing with Pag out.


    Raven: Aah, screw that. I helped Burchill out last week and that's the thanks I get? I am the bigger man but I don't need to prove sh*t!


    Punk: Well, whatever, man. Just don't let this jeopardise the Enterprise.


    Raven: Hey, it won't. Look, Punk, I actually wanted to talk to you seriously.


    Punk: Oh yeah?


    Raven: Yeah. Look, I'm really glad you joined us; I think you're one hell of a talent.


    Punk: Hey, thanks.


    Raven: So, trust me, whatever happens with the Enterprise, even in the worst case scenario you can count on me. Don't get me wrong, the other guys are cool but I feel like I have a special understanding with you.


    Punk: Really?


    Raven: Yeah, even if guys like Burchill, Vito and Goliath fall by the wayside you and I should stick together. What do you reckon?


    Punk: Yeah, cool. Thanks man.


    Raven: No problem. I'll even do you a favour tonight.


    Punk: What's that?


    Raven whispers something to Punk.


    Punk: Got ya! Thanks, man.


    Raven: Hey, what are partners for?


    As Punk walks off, Raven has a sarcastic, almost sinister, smile on his face.


    Joey: Is it just me or did he say a very similar thing to Burchill the other night.

    Corino: It isn't just you, Joey.


    Steve Austin enters the ring.



    Chants of "Superstar" echo around the arena.


    Austin: Sabu, you crazy bastard, Living Dangerously ain't that far away and you better know that the "Superstar" Steve Austin is not gonna back down. That title belt will be round my waist when all is said and done and I will be a two time ECW World Champion! If you want the Superstar to kick some Homocidal, Suicidal, Genocidal ass at Living Dangerously, give me a hell yeah!


    Hell yeah! (the reaction is less than usual as Sabu seems equally popular)


    Austin: Oh hell yeah!




    The match lives up to the previous spectacles these two athletes have put on.

    In the twelfth minute, CM Punk appears on the apron.

    Both Daniels and Shane turn their attention to the interference.

    However, Raen runs in from the opposite side of the ring with a steel chair.

    He knocks both champion and challenger out from behind.

    Referee, John Finnegan, has no choice but to call for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



    Traci: Hey, I'm glad you guys got all that macho crap outta your systems.


    RVD: Yeah me too.


    Michaels: Aah, it was just some minor turbulence. The Whole F**kin' Show are gonna be on top for a long while yet.


    The Iron Saints jump them from behind.



    Salvatore: Oh, you think so, bastardi?


    Brandon: We've got un po' different idea!


    They pick up Michaels and hit a Double DDT on the concrete floor. They then deliver a Spike Powerbomb to RVD.


    Salvatore: You see, we're cashing in our title shot at Living Dangerously.


    Brandon: So, you better watch your backs.


    Before leaving, The Saints pick up Traci and throw her through a nearby table.


    Joey: Oh my god, they just broke Traci!

    Taz: Well, Joey, you could give masterclasses in speaking too soon.

    Joey: Oh, how was I supposed to know that would happen?

    Corino: Man, that was a direct slap in the face to the Whole F**kin' Show. I hope the Iron Saints know what they're up against now.



    Owen wins with a Sharpshooter at 13:18

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Jericho attacks Owen but it backfires as he starts to come back.


    Chris Benoit and Christian runout to help.



    They run to Jericho's aid and Owen faces a 3-on-1 assault.


    Bret Hart runs out.



    He runs the Canadian Connection out of the ring.


    Bret: Hey, get back in here, I'm not done with you cowards. In fact, Benoit, if you face me right now, I'll put this TV title on the line.




    The match is very even but Bret is able to subdue the challenger as his brother prevents interference.

    He wins with a Sharpshooter at 16:22

    Match Rating: A*


    Backstage, RVD and Shawn Michaels help Traci onto a bench in the locker room.



    RVD: You okay, Trace?


    Traci: I think so.


    Michaels: You sure?


    Traci: I'm fine but, Rob, you could do me a favour.


    RVD: Shoot.


    Traci: Go grab the aspirin outta my bag. My head isn't coping as well as the rest of me.


    RVD: No sweat.


    RVD heads out of the room.


    Traci: Shawn, now we're alone, I wanted to tell you something.


    Michaels looks confused.


    Michaels: Go on...


    Traci: I heard what you said last week.


    Michaels: About what?


    Traci: Me.


    Michaels looks confused.


    Traci: You know, about you and me.


    RVD enters the doorway.


    Michaels: Trace, I don't know...


    Traci leans up and kisses Michaels. RVD drops the aspirin in disbelief and walks out. Meanwhile, Shawn pulls away from Traci.


    Traci: What's wrong?


    Michaels: It's nothing personal, I just don't like you in that way. Besides...


    Traci: What?


    Michaels: I can't say.


    Traci: Shawn?


    Michaels glances up and sees the packet of aspirin that RVD dropped.


    Michaels: Sh*t, Rob.


    He gets up and sprints out of the room.


    Michaels: shouting Rob?


    Show Rating: A

  6. http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gifhttp://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/dave.jpg


    ECW looks to the future


    by Dave Meltzer


    ECW is clearly looking into its future prospects today as the company confirms significant expansions in its developmental system. It has come to light that the owner of the newly reopened All Pro Wrestling, Bill Alfonso, has agreed for his promotion to become a development "feeder league" for ECW. This is not surprising when one considers Alfonso's previous links with the national company.


    In addition, various young talents have been signed to developmental contracts. The list is said to include:


    Los Maximos

    Harry Smith

    Matt Capotelli

    Afa Jr.

    Teddy Hart


    Unfortunately, no other signings can be confirmed at this time.

  7. overall it was just a great show for ECW, cant wait to see what happends between Burchill and Raven, keep up the great work.


    Thanks, buddy, I appreciate it as always ;).


    Really? I think your ratings are very generously high, but I'm not sure what stat update you use.


    It's a custom deal based on an old TEW 2004 (blast from the past) game that started in 1995 (I've added some people in as time has progressed). Point is, the overness of some guys ain't quite what it is in the real world, so, I can see where you're coming from.


    That Bret Hart ECW Champ cut is awesome.


    All credit goes to Game-Face. Thanks again dude ;).


    I like the Raven/Burchill storyline too.


    Thank you, I appreciate that. I can't always be arsed to write up lengthy match descriptions but I do like to think I can write good storylines.


    Also, Amazing Kong is frightning, she makes Jazz seem like Miss Elizabeth.


    Funniest thing I've heard all day :D. Genius!


    Quote The Raven


  8. Monday, week 2, February

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: We have a new Television champion here in ECW in the form of Bret Hart and it looks like The New Age Enterprise's run of bad luck isn't over.

    Gertner: True, Don, and I'm sure that will delight this sellout crowd.



    The two rival teams fight it out in a very even match.

    The Iron Saints win with a Spike Piledriver through a table on Buh Buh at 9:17

    Match Rating: B


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



    Michaels: Right, I'm gonna help you with this whole Traci thing.


    RVD: And how are you gonna do that, Cupid?


    Michaels: By helping you with your moves.


    RVD: My moves are fine.


    Michaels: Fine but not great. Trust, you're speaking to the Heartbreak Kid here.


    RVD laughs.


    RVD: Whatever.


    Michaels: Drop the cynical attitude and help me out here. What's your plan of action?


    RVD: I dunno, I'll find a way to impress her.


    Michaels: How so, Romeo?


    RVD: I have no idea right now.


    Michaels: Okay, watch and learn.


    Michaels stretches and checks his breath.


    Michaels: I'm gonna show you how I'd do it, so you can pick up some clues.


    Traci approaches the locker room.



    Michaels: Traci...


    Michaels clears his throat.


    Upon hearing her name, Traci decides not to enter but listens outside the door.


    Michaels: Traci, sugar, you are the finest piece o' ass in the building and I'd be honoured if I could take you out on the town tonight so we can paint the damn thing red. And she'd be like... puts on feminine voice "Shawn, I'd love to."


    Traci smiles outside the door and walks off looking thoughtful.


    RVD: That would so not happen.


    Michaels: Well, no obviously not 'cos you'll be the one saying it. So it'll be more along the lines of "Rob, I'd love to." but, come on, artistic licence and all that.


    RVD: sarcastically Yeah, right.


    Gertner: Oh, man, how much do you think Traci heard?

    Callis: I'm not too sure, Joel, but things could get a bit awkward if she heard what I think she heard.

    Gertner: Yeah, I'm with you on that, Don.

    Callis: Up next, though, LuFisto and Jazz step into the ring again bu this time each has got a partner: LuFisto and Meiko Satomura take on Jazz and Amazing Kong.



    The match is very even with both teams working well together.

    In the ninth minute, Kong and Satomura are brawling on the outside.

    Jazz hits a Powerbomb on LuFisto and hooks her legs.

    Amazing Kong floors Satomura with a charm and pulls Jazz's arms from the apron to give her extra leverage.


    Match Rating: B-


    Callis: Is LuFisto ever gonna get a fair shot at beating Jazz.

    Gertner: It doesn't look like it at this rate, Don.


    The Sandman comes to the ring with mic in hand.



    Sandman: Tommy Dreamer, you...


    Before he can continue, Dreamer storms the ring.



    The two men step forward to face each other and another brawl looks set to start.


    Shane Douglas appears at the entrance way.



    Douglas: Woah, woah, woah. The Franchise likes a good brawl as much as the next guy but this is just ridiculous. My job as Revolution Commissioner is to ensure that the best possible matches are showcased every week. So, tell me, how can I do that when you two are taking up ten minutes of my ringtime?


    Dreamer: Shane...


    Douglas: I don't want to hear it, Tommy. I know what the situation is between you two and I know how to rectify it. You two are gonna have a match at Living Dangerously in two weeks time.


    The crowd erupt at the announcement.


    Douglas: That's not all. There are going to be some stipulations that will settle this whole thing. Sandman, if you win, you'll get a contract entitling you to the managerial services of Beulah Mcgillicutty.


    Dreamer looks pissed off.


    Douglas: Dreamer, if you win, you not only get Beulah but you also get to book Sandman's matches for a month!


    Dreamer suddenly looks a lot more content, while it is Sandman's turn to look pissed.


    Douglas: One last catch. Do what you want on your own time but, if either of you lay a finger on one another when you're in my ring, you're both fired!


    Gertner: Wow, The Franchise lays down the law.

    Callis: Yeah, something he does very well.


    Douglas: As for tonight, I was so impressed with two individuals on Blood, Sweat and Beers that I'm making a rematch here on Revolution. You see, I seem to remember a few months back there was a best of seven series between Juvi Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr. Well, this is the first match in a new best of seven series between Lance Storm and Jerry Lynn and it's up right now!


    Gertner: Oh man, if this match is anything like the one last week...

    Callis: I know, Joel, it should be incredible.



    Sure enough, the match is another classic.

    In the fourteenth minute, Storm attempts a Flying Spinning Heel Kick but Lynn cathes his leg, lifts him up and delivers a Powerbomb.


    Storm then backs out of the ring to gather his bearings.

    Lynn rebounds off the ropes and swan dives over the ropes but Storm moves.


    Callis: Oh, Lynn eats the steel guard rail.

    Gertner: Now, if Storm's quick he can capitalise.


    Storm rolls Lynn back into teh ring.

    He then sets up his opponent for a Deep Impact Piledriver.

    However, Lynn uses his weight to force Storm over.

    Lynn, now standing, hooks his arm over and hits a Cradle Piledriver.


    Match rating: A*


    Callis: That was incredible!

    Gertner: Yeah, those two never fail to impress!


    Paul Burchill approaches Raven backstage.



    Burchill: Hey, champ.


    Raven: What's up Burchill?


    Burchill looks surpised.


    Burchill: You're not pissed at me then?


    Raven: No, why?


    Burchill: Well, that whole thing on Saturday. You bailed on us.


    Raven: Let's just say, I didn't agree with kicking Abyss out. Anyway, I think it's safe to say you guys had it covered.


    Burchill: That's not the point, we're supposed to be a group.


    Raven: Yeah, so tell me why just the one ass hole is calling the shots?


    Burchill: Bossman, you mean?


    Raven: Yeah, man, and what is that "Bossman" sh*t?


    Burchill: F**k me, dude, what is your problem all of a sudden. Even before the other guys came, you, me and Pag were the most dominant force in ECW. It was us who started the Enterprise.


    Raven: Yeah I realise that but do you know what else I realise?


    Burchill: What?


    Raven: We don't get enough credit. Let's be honest, it wasn't you, me and Pag. It was you and me winning the titles, it was you and me working are asses of in that ring every night. Pag was just an onlooker.


    Burchill: But it was him who brought us together.


    Raven: Oh, I know. Look, it's simple, he had his purpose but that purpose has become obsolete.


    Burchill makes to leave.


    Raven: Hey, Paul, this doesn't come between us, okay. We've worked too f**king hard for things to fall apart now. Regardless of who is with us, you and I will always be a team. You and I are the New Age Enterprise.


    Burchill takes the compliment and the two men hug before Burchill walks off, leaving Raven smiling almost sarcastically.



    The newly independent Abyss, despie his size, finds it difficult to match Austin's determination and tenacity.

    The "Superstar" wins with a Superstar Stunner at 12:04

    Match Rating: A*


    The Canadian Connection are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Jericho: We are the Canadian Connection and we are here to address those putrid, no-talent has-beens in Team Mexico.


    Benoit: The fact is, Canada is the most elite country in the world.


    Christian: Yeah and we three men are the elite of wrestling.


    Jericho: While you, Team Mexico, are on your way out 'cos we're challenging you to another six-man-tag match at Living Dangerously and, after we kick your asses for a second time, the wrestling community will realise just how second-rate you are.


    Two members of the NaE come to the ring.



    Pag: Tonight, we're going to see if Bret Hart deserves that TV tilte because I'm making a title match between him and Paul Burchill.


    The crowd jeer.


    Pag: But first, Owen Hart get you ass out here 'cos you've got a match with Vito.



    Owen struggles with interference from Pag.

    However, in the twelfth minute, Bret Hart runs down to even the odds.

    This allows Owen to control the match.

    He locks in the Sharpshooter and Vito has no choice but to tap.

    Match Rating: A


    Bret enters the ring and picks up a microphone.



    Bret: I don't care who it is from the New Age Enterprise that I have to face is. I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. So, Burchill don't get too downhearted when I teach you what real wrestling is!




    The presence of Vito and Pag and Owen Hart effectively cancels out as neither side wants a brawl on the outside.

    The match is surprisingly even as Burchill manages to break many of Hart's holds.

    In the sixteenth minute, Bret locks in the Sharpshooter and Owen prevents Vito and Pag from interfering.


    Callis: Bret locks in the Sharpshooter, this could be it!


    Raven runs to the ring.



    Raven reaches under the ring ropes and pulls Burchill out of the ring.

    The two men head up the aisle way.


    Gertner: Are they leaving?

    Callis: Those cowardly bastards, the match isn't over!


    Referee, Jim Molineaux, awards the match to Bret Hart.

    Match Rating: B+


    Vito and Pag approach Burchill and Raven.


    Pag: What the hell was that? Bret's still the champ.


    Raven: Are you kidding? He had Burchill in the Sharpshooter.


    Burchill: Bossman, it's fine, he helped me out.


    Pag: Help? He lost us the match.


    Raven: Us? It was Burchill's match not yours!


    Pag: And he lost thanks to you.


    Raven: No, thanks to me, he didn't have his back broken! NIce to see your concern for your team mates.


    Pag: That's not what I meant and you know it!


    Raven: So, what did you mean "Bossman"?


    Pag: F**k this!


    Pag storms off and is followed by Vito. Burchill stays standing with Raven.


    Show Rating: A

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