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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Personally, I thought it was great. Then again, I'm a big Wylde fan. :)


    Good lad!


    Great show, but where you drunk or something when you typed it out? It has quite a few typos, the funniest one being the match between Jushin Liger and "Chrods Daniels." :D


    Goddamnit! I didn't get a chance to spell check :mad:. Thank you for pointing it out, though, I'll make sure to proof-read next time.


    Cheers for the feedback, guys.


    Quote The Raven


  2. Personally, I thought it was great. Then again, I'm a big Wylde fan. :)


    Good lad!


    Great show, but where you drunk or something when you typed it out? It has quite a few typos, the funniest one being the match between Jushin Liger and "Chrods Daniels." :D


    Goddamnit! I didn't get a chance to spell check :mad:. Thank you for pointing it out, though, I'll make sure to proof-read next time.


    Cheers for the feedback, guys.


    Quote The Raven


  3. Cheers for the feedback guys; I appreciate that.


    not really a fan of having Raven getting taken out by your musical guest, but whatever, to each their own. The rest of your storylines have seemed very solid recently.


    Yes, I thought this would be contentious. I just wanted to make Raven seem like the cowardly heel. Plus, it's building somewhere...


    Thanks again, boys.


    Quote The Raven


  4. Cheers for the feedback guys; I appreciate that.


    not really a fan of having Raven getting taken out by your musical guest, but whatever, to each their own. The rest of your storylines have seemed very solid recently.


    Yes, I thought this would be contentious. I just wanted to make Raven seem like the cowardly heel. Plus, it's building somewhere...


    Thanks again, boys.


    Quote The Raven


  5. Saturday, week 2, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to the debut edition of ECW Blood, Sweat, and Beers, where the Black Label Society will be performing live!. I'm Joey Styles alongside the master of the Katahajime, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey. Hello; Bonjour; Hola; Ciao; Konichiwa.

    Joey: Come again?

    Taz: I'm merely catering to our international audience, Joe.

    Joey: laughs Well, on that note, the second edition of Blood, Sweat and Beers is going to open with an International All Action Title matc.

    Taz: Oh, yeah, I can't wait for this. Chris Daniels takes on Jushin Lyger.




    The match is a fantastic technical display with neither man holding a strong advantage. In the fifteenth minute, Michael Shane interferes and takes out Chrods Daniels with a cgair. He then motions for for Jushin Lyger to cover the champion but, to his amazement, Lyger refuses. Shane sees red and floors the challenger as well. Referee, John Finnegan, calls for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Shane picks up a mic.



    Shane: How very honourable of you, Jushin. It's just a shame it didn't save your ass from a beating!


    Boos are heard throughout the sellout.


    Shane: Shut the f**k up! This is my mic time; mine!


    The boos become louder.


    Shane: Daniels, the only reason you were able to pin me on Thursday is 'cos my partner abandonned me. Don't think it could happen under any other circumstances!


    Shane lays the boots in to the I.A.A. champion before leaving the ring.


    Joey: Well, that's got to be the biggest temper tantrum I've evr seen.

    Taz: Haha, yeah. I think Daniels will be wanting revenge for this little episode, though!


    The camera cuts to Paul Heyman who is sitting behind a desk backstage.



    Heyman: I have five simple words: Vito versus Ultimo Dragon, tonight!


    The crowd erupts.


    Taz: Wow.

    Joey: Paul E's giving the fans what they want to see!


    Before the next match, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    Taz: Here we go again, Joey.


    Michaels: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing the jobbers... first, weighing in at pencil necked and scrawny, Hollywood "I have to paint my beard on 'cos I'm not man enough to grow one" Nova.


    Michaels tosses the mic to RVD.


    RVD: And, his tag team partner, weighing in at one hamburger short of clinically obese, the only man fat enough to step on a dollar bill and make change, Da Blue Guy. Ladies and gentlemen, the Truly Screwed World Order!


    Van Dam angles the mic so that HBK can speak into it.


    Michaels: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction...


    RVD clears his throat and winks at a ringside camera.


    RVD: First, one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.

    RVD then throws the mic to him.


    Michaels: And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The WFS win with a 420 Splash at 12:09

    Match Rating: A*


    Tommy Dreamer and Beulah Mcgillicutty arrive at the arena.



    Dreamer: Okay, I want you to be out of harm's way tonight.


    Beulah smiles.


    Beulah: You're not the only one.


    Dreamer shows her into a locker room with a sofa and a TV monitor.


    Dreamer: Will you be alright here?


    Beulah: Should be.


    Dreamer: Cool, I've got business to attend to with The Sandman.


    Dreamer walks off, looking for his rival.


    The camera cuts to the Canadian Connection, who are also backstage.



    Christian: Last week, those dirty Latin-American ass holes stuck their noses where they didn't belong. So, tonight, I'm challenging Juventud Guerrera. Hey, Huvi, Usted tiene cojones grandes?


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    The match is an even contest but Rhino wins by knockouat at 13:15 when he hit an Apron Piledriver to the concrete floor.

    Match Rating: A


    Tommy Dreamer is seen looking backstage.



    Dreamer: Sandman, where are you motherf**ker? I know you're back here!


    Taz: Man, Dreamer wants retribution on The Sandman.

    Joey: To say the least! However, it's now time for Vito to defend his TV title against the Ultimo Dragon.




    Vito dominates and wins with a Sicilian Driver in only 2:04

    Match Rating: B+


    Joey: Ultimo Dragon really seemed off his game!

    Taz: No doubt, Joey. Vito didn't even need Francine's help this time.


    Suddenly, what looks to be another Ultimo Dragon runs to the ring.



    Taz: What the hell?


    Vito flees the ring as the two Ultimo Dragon's stare one another down. They fight around the ring until Francine hits the one dressed in blue in the back of the head with the TV title belt.


    Vito picks up a mic.


    Vito: You may be a good wrestleer, Ultimo, but your intelligence is somewhat lacking!


    The TV champ then walks to the back with Francine and the Black Dragon.


    Joey: It must have been an imposter, Taz. Vito just weaseled his way out of a title defence!

    Taz: One question, though, Joey. Who is the other Ultimo then?

    Joey: I have no idea.


    The lights go out. When they come back on, Black Label Society are on a pre-prepared stage.

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CapUNSFDlM"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CapUNSFDlM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>


    Taz: Wow, Joey, that was awesome!


    Before the band can play another song, Raven walks to the ring with mic in hand.



    Raven: Okay, that's enough, stop the music!


    The crowd jeer the world champion.


    Raven: I am here to address Owen Hart and Paul Burchill. Put quite simply, my answer to your challenge is... No!


    The fans again begin to boo.


    Raven: I want to prepare for my title match at the Masters Of Pain without having to deal with you two plebiscites! Now, feel free to continue listening to this half-assed band who, by the way, wouldn't know good music if it slapped them in the face!


    Zakk Wylde puts down his guitar and walks to the ring.



    Joey: O-oh, Raven may have said too much.


    Wylde picks up a mic and gets right in the face of Raven.


    Wylde: Look here, motherf**ker, I don't care if you're the ECW World Champion! No one, and I mean no one, insults Zakk Wylde or his Black Label Society!


    Raven takes a step back and then slaps the taste out of Wylde's mouth.


    Raven: I beg to differ!


    Zakk Wylde looks up, smiles and clotheslines Raven to the outside. The fans go nuts and a "F**K him up, Wylde, f**k him up!" chant begins.


    Taz: I always knew Zakk was a tough guy but... wow. He just took out our World Heavyweight Champion!

    Joey: Yeah and Raven most certainly had it coming!



    Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 16:07

    Match Rating: A*


    Juvi quickly sprints to the back after the match to avoid a Canadian Connection assault.


    Tommy Dreamer comes to the ring.



    Dreamer: Hey, Sandman, I've been looking for you all night. So, how about you do the manly thing and just get the f**k down here?


    Suddenly the big screen reveals The Sandman backstage in Beulah's locker room with his hand around her mouth.



    Sandman: Oh, I don't think so. I have all I want right here.


    Beulah let's out a muffled scream as the show goes off the air with Dreamer sprinting to the back.


    Show Rating: A*

  6. Saturday, week 2, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to the debut edition of ECW Blood, Sweat, and Beers, where the Black Label Society will be performing live!. I'm Joey Styles alongside the master of the Katahajime, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey. Hello; Bonjour; Hola; Ciao; Konichiwa.

    Joey: Come again?

    Taz: I'm merely catering to our international audience, Joe.

    Joey: laughs Well, on that note, the second edition of Blood, Sweat and Beers is going to open with an International All Action Title matc.

    Taz: Oh, yeah, I can't wait for this. Chris Daniels takes on Jushin Lyger.




    The match is a fantastic technical display with neither man holding a strong advantage. In the fifteenth minute, Michael Shane interferes and takes out Chrods Daniels with a cgair. He then motions for for Jushin Lyger to cover the champion but, to his amazement, Lyger refuses. Shane sees red and floors the challenger as well. Referee, John Finnegan, calls for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Shane picks up a mic.



    Shane: How very honourable of you, Jushin. It's just a shame it didn't save your ass from a beating!


    Boos are heard throughout the sellout.


    Shane: Shut the f**k up! This is my mic time; mine!


    The boos become louder.


    Shane: Daniels, the only reason you were able to pin me on Thursday is 'cos my partner abandonned me. Don't think it could happen under any other circumstances!


    Shane lays the boots in to the I.A.A. champion before leaving the ring.


    Joey: Well, that's got to be the biggest temper tantrum I've evr seen.

    Taz: Haha, yeah. I think Daniels will be wanting revenge for this little episode, though!


    The camera cuts to Paul Heyman who is sitting behind a desk backstage.



    Heyman: I have five simple words: Vito versus Ultimo Dragon, tonight!


    The crowd erupts.


    Taz: Wow.

    Joey: Paul E's giving the fans what they want to see!


    Before the next match, the Whole F**kin' Show take Bob Artese's microphone.



    Taz: Here we go again, Joey.


    Michaels: The following squash match is one fall and is for the ECW World Tag Team Championship. Introducing the jobbers... first, weighing in at pencil necked and scrawny, Hollywood "I have to paint my beard on 'cos I'm not man enough to grow one" Nova.


    Michaels tosses the mic to RVD.


    RVD: And, his tag team partner, weighing in at one hamburger short of clinically obese, the only man fat enough to step on a dollar bill and make change, Da Blue Guy. Ladies and gentlemen, the Truly Screwed World Order!


    Van Dam angles the mic so that HBK can speak into it.


    Michaels: And, now, introducing tonight's main attraction...


    RVD clears his throat and winks at a ringside camera.


    RVD: First, one half of the ECW World Tag Team Champions. He weighs in at a rough, tough, ready, stacked and buff 225 lbs. Lock up your daughters and blindfold your wives because, from San Antonio Texas, it's "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn "The Showstopper" Michaels.


    Michaels strikes his flexing pose and the crowd goes crazy.

    RVD then throws the mic to him.


    Michaels: And, introducing his tag team partner... weighing in at a slim, trim, buff, cut, ripped, chizzled, and jacked 237 lbs. Lose your inhibitions and forget your ABCs 'cos, from Battle Creek Michigan, it's mister RVD!


    Van Dam points his thumbs as his initials are said and the sellout crowd imitates.




    The WFS win with a 420 Splash at 12:09

    Match Rating: A*


    Tommy Dreamer and Beulah Mcgillicutty arrive at the arena.



    Dreamer: Okay, I want you to be out of harm's way tonight.


    Beulah smiles.


    Beulah: You're not the only one.


    Dreamer shows her into a locker room with a sofa and a TV monitor.


    Dreamer: Will you be alright here?


    Beulah: Should be.


    Dreamer: Cool, I've got business to attend to with The Sandman.


    Dreamer walks off, looking for his rival.


    The camera cuts to the Canadian Connection, who are also backstage.



    Christian: Last week, those dirty Latin-American ass holes stuck their noses where they didn't belong. So, tonight, I'm challenging Juventud Guerrera. Hey, Huvi, Usted tiene cojones grandes?


    Masters Of Pain Qualifier


    The match is an even contest but Rhino wins by knockouat at 13:15 when he hit an Apron Piledriver to the concrete floor.

    Match Rating: A


    Tommy Dreamer is seen looking backstage.



    Dreamer: Sandman, where are you motherf**ker? I know you're back here!


    Taz: Man, Dreamer wants retribution on The Sandman.

    Joey: To say the least! However, it's now time for Vito to defend his TV title against the Ultimo Dragon.




    Vito dominates and wins with a Sicilian Driver in only 2:04

    Match Rating: B+


    Joey: Ultimo Dragon really seemed off his game!

    Taz: No doubt, Joey. Vito didn't even need Francine's help this time.


    Suddenly, what looks to be another Ultimo Dragon runs to the ring.



    Taz: What the hell?


    Vito flees the ring as the two Ultimo Dragon's stare one another down. They fight around the ring until Francine hits the one dressed in blue in the back of the head with the TV title belt.


    Vito picks up a mic.


    Vito: You may be a good wrestleer, Ultimo, but your intelligence is somewhat lacking!


    The TV champ then walks to the back with Francine and the Black Dragon.


    Joey: It must have been an imposter, Taz. Vito just weaseled his way out of a title defence!

    Taz: One question, though, Joey. Who is the other Ultimo then?

    Joey: I have no idea.


    The lights go out. When they come back on, Black Label Society are on a pre-prepared stage.

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CapUNSFDlM"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CapUNSFDlM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>


    Taz: Wow, Joey, that was awesome!


    Before the band can play another song, Raven walks to the ring with mic in hand.



    Raven: Okay, that's enough, stop the music!


    The crowd jeer the world champion.


    Raven: I am here to address Owen Hart and Paul Burchill. Put quite simply, my answer to your challenge is... No!


    The fans again begin to boo.


    Raven: I want to prepare for my title match at the Masters Of Pain without having to deal with you two plebiscites! Now, feel free to continue listening to this half-assed band who, by the way, wouldn't know good music if it slapped them in the face!


    Zakk Wylde puts down his guitar and walks to the ring.



    Joey: O-oh, Raven may have said too much.


    Wylde picks up a mic and gets right in the face of Raven.


    Wylde: Look here, motherf**ker, I don't care if you're the ECW World Champion! No one, and I mean no one, insults Zakk Wylde or his Black Label Society!


    Raven takes a step back and then slaps the taste out of Wylde's mouth.


    Raven: I beg to differ!


    Zakk Wylde looks up, smiles and clotheslines Raven to the outside. The fans go nuts and a "F**K him up, Wylde, f**k him up!" chant begins.


    Taz: I always knew Zakk was a tough guy but... wow. He just took out our World Heavyweight Champion!

    Joey: Yeah and Raven most certainly had it coming!



    Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 16:07

    Match Rating: A*


    Juvi quickly sprints to the back after the match to avoid a Canadian Connection assault.


    Tommy Dreamer comes to the ring.



    Dreamer: Hey, Sandman, I've been looking for you all night. So, how about you do the manly thing and just get the f**k down here?


    Suddenly the big screen reveals The Sandman backstage in Beulah's locker room with his hand around her mouth.



    Sandman: Oh, I don't think so. I have all I want right here.


    Beulah let's out a muffled scream as the show goes off the air with Dreamer sprinting to the back.


    Show Rating: A*

  7. From ECW.com




    ECW is proud to announce that Black Label Society will perform live at this Saturday's Blood, Sweat and Beers, the very show that the band provided the theme music for.


    "I've been a Zakk Wylde fan for as long as I can remember." said ECW owner, Charlie Pag, "So, when Black Label Society agreed to provide the music for Blood, Sweat and Beers, I was stoked but, now that they've agreed to perform live on ECW TV, I'm happier than a kid in a candy store!"


    Zakk Wylde expressed a similar sentiment in a phone interview. "I've loved pro wrestling since I was a kid, man, and ever since ECW opened, I always thought it was better than the soft, touchy-feely bullsh*t that the WWF Broadcasts. Am I happy to be playing Blood, Sweat and Beers? You're damn f**king right I am!" The performance is likely to be a highlight of the broadcast and may well attract new fans to ECW or, at least, that is what the promotion's employees are hoping!


    Although the band are currently still on tour in Stockholm, they are scheduled to return to the US for a meet and greet with the ECW locker room on Friday night. In the mean time, Rob Sartain from ECW.com was able to catch up with them.


    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="

    name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

  8. From ECW.com




    ECW is proud to announce that Black Label Society will perform live at this Saturday's Blood, Sweat and Beers, the very show that the band provided the theme music for.


    "I've been a Zakk Wylde fan for as long as I can remember." said ECW owner, Charlie Pag, "So, when Black Label Society agreed to provide the music for Blood, Sweat and Beers, I was stoked but, now that they've agreed to perform live on ECW TV, I'm happier than a kid in a candy store!"


    Zakk Wylde expressed a similar sentiment in a phone interview. "I've loved pro wrestling since I was a kid, man, and ever since ECW opened, I always thought it was better than the soft, touchy-feely bullsh*t that the WWF Broadcasts. Am I happy to be playing Blood, Sweat and Beers? You're damn f**king right I am!" The performance is likely to be a highlight of the broadcast and may well attract new fans to ECW or, at least, that is what the promotion's employees are hoping!


    Although the band are currently still on tour in Stockholm, they are scheduled to return to the US for a meet and greet with the ECW locker room on Friday night. In the mean time, Rob Sartain from ECW.com was able to catch up with them.


    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="

    name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

  9. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Lance Cade C-


    Spanky defeated Paul London C+


    Johnny Nitro defeated Aguila to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Justin Credible defeated Animal to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Sylvain Grenier defeated Hardcore Holly C


    The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton B




    Show Rating: B-

  10. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Lance Cade C-


    Spanky defeated Paul London C+


    Johnny Nitro defeated Aguila to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Justin Credible defeated Animal to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Sylvain Grenier defeated Hardcore Holly C


    The Undertaker defeated Randy Orton B




    Show Rating: B-

  11. Thursday, week 2, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Scott Hudson alongside former ECW champion, Steve Corino.

    Corino: Thank you, Scott. The King Of Old School is stoked to be on the home of the new school.

    Hudson: Yes, here on F' The Mainstream it is all about giving the young stars and the unkowns the focus they deserve!

    Corino: And on that note, we're kicking off with an all-Japanese Super Juniors match as The Great Sasuke takes on Tiger Mask IV.



    The Great Sasuke wins with a Fire Thunder Powerbomb at 9:12

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Sasuke picks up a mic.


    Sasuke: You witness inception of sWo - Sasuke World Order. Soon, we rule F' The Mainstream then all world!


    Corino: A Japanese meglomaniac looking to take over the world using the medium of wrestling?

    Hudson: Only on ECW!


    The commissioner, Shane Douglas, enters the ring.



    Douglas: This week it appears that controversy has surrounded two events. Firstly, Michael Shane's attack on the All Action Champion Christopher Daniels. Secondly, the underhanded tactics used by Vito to retain his TV Title.


    Hudson: That's true, he only won with Francine's help.

    Corino: Yeah, Ultimo Dragon was screwed!


    Douglas: So, seeing as I am a man who is dedicated to giving the fans what they want, I am here to announce tonight's main event. Michael Shane and Vito will take on Ultimo Dragon and Christopher Daniels in a tag match!


    Corino: Man, that's gonna be awesome.

    Hudson: You said it, Steve.



    Matt and Jeff dominate, winning with Poetry In Motion at 11:04

    Match Rating: B


    Vito and Francine are backstage.



    Francine: I hope you're humbled because you are looking at greatness; you are looking at the World Television Champion!


    Vito clears his throat.


    Vito: Shane Douglas mentioned controversy. Well, clearly he knows not of what he speaks. I defeated Ultimo Dragon in a fair and, far more importantly, fantastic fashion!


    Francine nods in agreement.


    Vito: As for tonight's main event, it doesn't matter. The Dragon couldn't beat me on Monday and he can't beat me tonight even if he has got back up.



    Hayabusa wins with a 450 Splash at 12:47

    Match Rating: A


    A video is shown to hype Rhino and Big Stevie Cool, who will face each other in a Masters Of Pain qualifier on Saturday.



    Owen Hart and Paul Burchill enter the ring for a shoot promo.



    Hart: Raven, when you assaulted us last week, you made a huge f**king mistake. You made me and this big ol' bastard, Burchill, pretty damn pissed!


    Burchill: Damn right! The thought that I ever chose to associate myself with a cowardly piece of sh*t like you makes me sick to my stomach.


    Hart: So, we're calling you out Raven. This Saturday, on Blood Sweat and Beers, we'll take on you and any partner of your choosing!


    Hudson: Wow, Owen Hart and Paul Burchill are challenging the world champion!

    Corino: Yeah but I wonder if Raven will accept...



    The match is very even. In the twelfth minute, Chris Hero goes for a Hero's Sidekick but it is reversed into a Dragonscrew Legwhip. Super Dragon then locks in a modified Boston Crab and Hero is forced to asubmit.

    Match Rating: B


    Chris Daniels is backstage.



    Daniels: Tonight's main event is a perfect opportunity for me to get some retribution! You see, not only does it allow me to punish Michael Shane for his blindside assault on Monday but I also consider there to be unresolved issues between Vito and me. He still clings to the belief that he was screwed out of this championship.


    Daniels points to the I.A.A. Title on his shoulder.


    Daniels: But tonight I'm going to prove him wrong and cripple him and his partner in the process! That's not a threat or a promise. It's the gospel according to The Fallen Angel!



    CM Punk wins with an Arm Triangle Choke at 13:12

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Punk picks up a mic.


    Punk: Hey, Guido, you just got Punk'd!


    Corino: Oh man, CM Punk has looked very impressive over these past two weeks.

    Hudson: Absolutely, he is on real roll!


    Backstage, Sabu is staring at a doll-like effigy of Cactus Jack.



    As if by magic, the doll catches on fire. Sabu turns to the camera and smiles. After a moment, he walks off, revealing the wall behind him, which bears a simple painting of Raven, wrapped in barbed wire and bleeding perfusely.


    Hudson: Oh my god, Sabu sends a message to both Cactus Jack and his opponent at Masters Of Pain, Raven, in one fell swoop!

    Corino: Oh, man, that title match is gonna be incredible!



    The match is very even. In the fifteenth minute, Ultimo Dragon is set to hit a Moonsault on Vito but Francine pulls him out of harm's way. Instead of staying to fight, the TV Champ flees up the entrance-way. Meanwhile, Daniels hits Shane with an Angel's Wings and gets the pinfall.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Ultimo Dragon points towards Vito.


    Corino: Ultimo Dragon wants another shot at the TV Title.

    Hudson: He deserves one too.


    Show Rating: A

  12. Thursday, week 2, December

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Scott Hudson alongside former ECW champion, Steve Corino.

    Corino: Thank you, Scott. The King Of Old School is stoked to be on the home of the new school.

    Hudson: Yes, here on F' The Mainstream it is all about giving the young stars and the unkowns the focus they deserve!

    Corino: And on that note, we're kicking off with an all-Japanese Super Juniors match as The Great Sasuke takes on Tiger Mask IV.



    The Great Sasuke wins with a Fire Thunder Powerbomb at 9:12

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Sasuke picks up a mic.


    Sasuke: You witness inception of sWo - Sasuke World Order. Soon, we rule F' The Mainstream then all world!


    Corino: A Japanese meglomaniac looking to take over the world using the medium of wrestling?

    Hudson: Only on ECW!


    The commissioner, Shane Douglas, enters the ring.



    Douglas: This week it appears that controversy has surrounded two events. Firstly, Michael Shane's attack on the All Action Champion Christopher Daniels. Secondly, the underhanded tactics used by Vito to retain his TV Title.


    Hudson: That's true, he only won with Francine's help.

    Corino: Yeah, Ultimo Dragon was screwed!


    Douglas: So, seeing as I am a man who is dedicated to giving the fans what they want, I am here to announce tonight's main event. Michael Shane and Vito will take on Ultimo Dragon and Christopher Daniels in a tag match!


    Corino: Man, that's gonna be awesome.

    Hudson: You said it, Steve.



    Matt and Jeff dominate, winning with Poetry In Motion at 11:04

    Match Rating: B


    Vito and Francine are backstage.



    Francine: I hope you're humbled because you are looking at greatness; you are looking at the World Television Champion!


    Vito clears his throat.


    Vito: Shane Douglas mentioned controversy. Well, clearly he knows not of what he speaks. I defeated Ultimo Dragon in a fair and, far more importantly, fantastic fashion!


    Francine nods in agreement.


    Vito: As for tonight's main event, it doesn't matter. The Dragon couldn't beat me on Monday and he can't beat me tonight even if he has got back up.



    Hayabusa wins with a 450 Splash at 12:47

    Match Rating: A


    A video is shown to hype Rhino and Big Stevie Cool, who will face each other in a Masters Of Pain qualifier on Saturday.



    Owen Hart and Paul Burchill enter the ring for a shoot promo.



    Hart: Raven, when you assaulted us last week, you made a huge f**king mistake. You made me and this big ol' bastard, Burchill, pretty damn pissed!


    Burchill: Damn right! The thought that I ever chose to associate myself with a cowardly piece of sh*t like you makes me sick to my stomach.


    Hart: So, we're calling you out Raven. This Saturday, on Blood Sweat and Beers, we'll take on you and any partner of your choosing!


    Hudson: Wow, Owen Hart and Paul Burchill are challenging the world champion!

    Corino: Yeah but I wonder if Raven will accept...



    The match is very even. In the twelfth minute, Chris Hero goes for a Hero's Sidekick but it is reversed into a Dragonscrew Legwhip. Super Dragon then locks in a modified Boston Crab and Hero is forced to asubmit.

    Match Rating: B


    Chris Daniels is backstage.



    Daniels: Tonight's main event is a perfect opportunity for me to get some retribution! You see, not only does it allow me to punish Michael Shane for his blindside assault on Monday but I also consider there to be unresolved issues between Vito and me. He still clings to the belief that he was screwed out of this championship.


    Daniels points to the I.A.A. Title on his shoulder.


    Daniels: But tonight I'm going to prove him wrong and cripple him and his partner in the process! That's not a threat or a promise. It's the gospel according to The Fallen Angel!



    CM Punk wins with an Arm Triangle Choke at 13:12

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Punk picks up a mic.


    Punk: Hey, Guido, you just got Punk'd!


    Corino: Oh man, CM Punk has looked very impressive over these past two weeks.

    Hudson: Absolutely, he is on real roll!


    Backstage, Sabu is staring at a doll-like effigy of Cactus Jack.



    As if by magic, the doll catches on fire. Sabu turns to the camera and smiles. After a moment, he walks off, revealing the wall behind him, which bears a simple painting of Raven, wrapped in barbed wire and bleeding perfusely.


    Hudson: Oh my god, Sabu sends a message to both Cactus Jack and his opponent at Masters Of Pain, Raven, in one fell swoop!

    Corino: Oh, man, that title match is gonna be incredible!



    The match is very even. In the fifteenth minute, Ultimo Dragon is set to hit a Moonsault on Vito but Francine pulls him out of harm's way. Instead of staying to fight, the TV Champ flees up the entrance-way. Meanwhile, Daniels hits Shane with an Angel's Wings and gets the pinfall.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Ultimo Dragon points towards Vito.


    Corino: Ultimo Dragon wants another shot at the TV Title.

    Hudson: He deserves one too.


    Show Rating: A

  13. Long wait for an update...


    My apologies, the last couple o' weeks have been crazy busy! On that note, here is a word of advice: don't get married; there is far too much work in organising a wedding! Especially when you're sitting important exams and working two jobs :eek:.


    Anyhow, excuses aside, this should be back up and running soon.


    For those who are still reading, thanks for sticking with me!

    For those who aren't, well, f**k you too :D.


    Quote The Raven


  14. Long wait for an update...


    My apologies, the last couple o' weeks have been crazy busy! On that note, here is a word of advice: don't get married; there is far too much work in organising a wedding! Especially when you're sitting important exams and working two jobs :eek:.


    Anyhow, excuses aside, this should be back up and running soon.


    For those who are still reading, thanks for sticking with me!

    For those who aren't, well, f**k you too :D.


    Quote The Raven


  15. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Shelton Benjamin defeated Lance Cade B-


    British Bulldog defeated Al Snow C+


    Tyson Tomko defeated Shane Mcmahon C


    Rene Dupree defeated Val Venis and Aguila to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Scott Hall defeated Kane B+


    Kevin Nash defeated The Hurricane B




    Show Rating: B

  16. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Shelton Benjamin defeated Lance Cade B-


    British Bulldog defeated Al Snow C+


    Tyson Tomko defeated Shane Mcmahon C


    Rene Dupree defeated Val Venis and Aguila to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Scott Hall defeated Kane B+


    Kevin Nash defeated The Hurricane B




    Show Rating: B

  17. Dude, I love the fact that you put so much effort into your reviews, it really is helpful! Moreover, I agree with pretty much everything you've said and, yes, that is very true about using Ravex as a base. Oh and don't worry, after pulling out an A* match, I'm not letting the Vito/Dragon situation go just yet... it could be far too productive for that! As for Vito's more corporate look, that was just messing about on the GIMP (Italian wrestlers always strike me as though they should be in a suit :D).


    Thanks again, dude.


    Quote The Raven


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