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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Cheers guys. The compliments mean a lot. In terms of who I used, I wanted to only use guys whose in ring abilities had not diminished too much. Also, because I'm not using realworld data (it's like an alternate reality, man :D), Yokozuna is, in fact, still alive. I urge you to read the backstory, otherwise you may end up confused ;).


    Quote The Raven


  2. Saturday, week 1, November





    Okerlund: Hello and welcome to Hulk Still Rules! This is the one-night-only wrestling spectacular in memory of the one and only "Immortal" Hulk Hogan.

    Joey: Madison Square Garden is completely sold out and that, in itself, is a fitting tribute. However, there are so many great matches scheduled and all competitors dedicate their performance to the memory of the Hulkster.

    Heenan: Now, if you want to submit any messages to Hulk's family or just pay homage to a great man, you can phone or text us on the numbers at the bottom of your screen. Notes from fans will be broadcast in between matches.


    Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hulk Still Rules!, the pay-per-view extravaganza in memory of Hulk Hogan. Our first match for this evening is a three way dance between Jim Duggan, "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. "The Mouth Of The South Jimmy Hart will be your guest referee.



    The match is an even contest. However, Ted DiBiase seems to be slightly in control throughout. In the fourteenth minute, Dr. Death went for a clothesline but DiBiase reversed into a Million Dollar Dream for a submission victory.

    Match Rating: A


    The camera cuts backstage to where Paul Burchill and Charlie Pag are sitting.



    Pag: Wow, it's actually really difficult to know what to say in tribute to such a great man because, no matter who you are, you have to resspect Hulk Hogan!


    Burchill: As ECW workers, we often place a lot of emphasis on how we prefer wrestling to gimmicky angles and, no doubt, Hogan was very gimmicky in his character but that doesn't matter. Even guys like us, who hate sports entertainment, looked up to Hogan.


    Pag: Yeah, although he wasn't the greatest wrestler in the world, that is only one facet of the business, you know. He was a phenominal entertainer who had the incredibly rare ability to make even the most jaded fan get goosebumps just by sitting through one of his promos.


    Burchill: In more recent years, I've been a big fan of hardcore wrestling and more niche markets. However, there is no doubt in my mind that, from the moment I saw Hogan step in the ring with Andre at Wrestlemania Three, I wanted to be a wrestler. If Hogan hadn't torn up the 80s scene with memorable performances, I probably wouldn't be here today.


    Pag: Moreover, over the course of the last three years, Hogan became a valuable member of the ECW locker room as a road agent, veteran and as a wrestling knowledge bank. I swear, there isn't a single guy on our roster that, at some point, didn't say "Hey, Hulk, how could I improve this promo?" or something similar.


    Burchill: I know I got his advice numerous times!


    Pag: Yeah, me too. So, even as guys who don't like sports entertainment, we speak on behalf of everyone at ECW. Goodbye and godbless, Hulk. You'll be sorely missed!


    The camera cuts back to ringside.


    Joey: I'd like to second, as an ECW announcer. They summed up my feelings perfectly!

    Okerlund: Well, now, two men who Hogan wrestled numerous times in Japan, Antonio Inoki and Masahiro Chono, will square off.

    Heenan: It's worth pointing out that Inoki has been retired for almost six years but has agreed to dust off the wrestling boots in memory of his friend.



    The two men put on a fitting, entertaining strong-style match. They did, however, try to quicken the pace in places to cater for the American crowd. Antonio Inoki won with an Octopus Stretch at 16:27

    Match Rating: A


    Bruce Buffer: May I now introduce to you, making his return from Hollywood especially for tonight, Rocky.


    Rocky makes his way to the ring.



    Rocky: As you probably all know, I'm now making movies but I'm not here to talk about that. You see, I wouldn't be able to forgive myslef if I didn't come to Madison Square Garden and pay homage to one of my heroes!


    Hulk, I'm gonna keep it short and sweet because, god knows, I could ramble for hours about how cool you were! So, Hulk Hogan was a great man, an entertaining wrestler but, most of all, an inspiration to every single guy in the back tonight, every single fan in the stands and to the millions of people watching at home! Hogan, if you are looking down on this, I hope the huge numbers of Hulkamaniacs here tonight puts a smile on your face. God bless, dude!


    A "Hogan" chant begins in the stands and quickly becomes deafeningly loud.



    The match is very slow paced but still hugely entertaining for the sellout crowd. Goliath wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 14:02

    Match Rating: A*


    Goliath picks up a mic.


    Goliath: Hey, I know I don't have a scheduled promo now but I'd be appreciative of just two minutes. I think I speak on behalf of Bill here as well. Hogan was responsible for giving us a kickstart in our careers and helped push our popularity up. I can safely say, I wouldn't be main eventing if it wasn't for Hulk. So, I hope it's not too late to say thank you one last time!


    Goliath nods in agreement and the two men head backstage together.


    Hardcore Match


    Funk and Sabu put on a beautifully crafted hardcore match, being careful to not offend the youn kids while still going extreme. Sabu eventually wins with a Triple JUmp Moonsault at 16:23

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, the two olong-time friends embrace as a sign of respect for one another's efforts. They make a salute to the Hulkster and head to the back.


    Joey: ECW loves you Hogan! Terry Funk came out of retirement to put his body on the line in a match for you, purely out of respect.


    Sting is backstage.



    Sting: Tonight, I will face Ric Flair for the first time in four years! First off, I want to say, Flair, let's really make this one to remember! Secondly, Hogan, I hope that our performance is a fitting tribute. I'll miss you, my friend!



    The two veterans put on an old-school style match, as a true tribute to the glory days of Hogan. Savage wins with a Flying Elbow Drop at 13:56

    Match Rating: A*


    The Macho man picks up a mic.


    Savage: I was never a big enough man to sort out my issues with Hulk when he was still with us but, Hogan, I hope my being here tonight, putting on this match, shows that I always had respect for ya.


    Okerlund: It's good when you hear a show of respect like that.

    Joey: Absoloutely!

    Heenan: Up next, Hogan'f former team mates, The Outsiders, take on Shawn Michaels and Triple H.



    The four friends all seem happy to be in the ring together again and put on a great tag match. Eventually, The Outsiders win when Nash hit a Jacknife Powerbomb at 16:12

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, The Outsiders crack open the spray paints.


    Okerlund: Wait, those aren't the black and white colours.


    Hall and Nash proceed to spray "Hulk Still Rules!" on Triple H's back in red and yellow paint.


    Joey: Well, I guess that's their way of paying tribute.

    Heenan: It sure looks like it.

    Okerlund: One way or another, it was a great match and, now, Ric Flair and Sting will face each other for the firsty time in four years!



    As always when these two wrestle, the match is a classic. Sting eventually wins with a Scorpion Death Lock at 17:43

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match the two friends shake hands and point to the heavens in recognition of Hogan.


    Okerulnd: That was incredible!

    Heenan: It sure was, Mean Gene, but now it's time for our penultimate contest: the WWF Champion Bret Hart takes on the ECW Champion Raven.



    Both men begin by trying to scout their opponent but, in the end, the match is an all out slugfest with both competitors seeing much offence. In the seventeenth minute, Bret Hart applied the Sharpshooter. Raven was able to break the hold but only with the use of brass knucks concealed in his shorts, which he reached back and nailed Hart with. The WWF Champion, therefore won by DQ.

    Match Rating: A*


    Heenan: Trust someone like Raven to resort to dirty tactics.

    Joey: If you worked where I work, you'd be used to it!

    Okerlund: Well, folks, without further ado, it's time for the main event. The only three men to defeat Hogan for the WWF Title: The Ultimate Warrior, Yokozuna and The Undertaker will battle it out under elimination rules.


    Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for tonight's featured main event. So, Madison Square Garden, are you ready?


    There is a huge pop.


    Michael Buffer: I said, ARE YOU READY?


    There is another huge pop.


    Michael Buffer: Then, for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world... LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!



    All three men go all out to entertain the fans. The Undertaker and Warrior begin to team up to take out Yokozuna, who is pinned after Warrior hits the Gorilla Press. The two remaining contestants take it up a notch, using many flying clotheslines and power moves. Eventually, The Undertaker wins with a Tombstone Piledriver at 22:34

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, all three contestants put on red and yellow "Hulk Still Rules!" shirts and gather in the ring. Then, everyone who had competed, plus the referees and announcers make their way to the ring in Hogan shirts. They all proceed to do the Hogan posedown in tribute to the legend as the show goes off the air.



    Show Rating: A*

  3. spent the whole day yesterday reading this from beginning to end instead of catching up on calculus homework as I had planned. Damn you and your addictive storylines.


    Haha, I'll take that as a compliment ;). Maths guy eh? I'm impressed.


    Cheers for the ideas guys. I am seriously considering some of them.


    Quote The Raven


  4. It's such a huge event in the gameworld that I thought this was deserved! I think the easiest way would just be to set up a new game with the same data. I'll stick all the people who are gonna be used for the show under contract for one promotion.


    By the way, if there are any matches anyone wants to see at the show, please leave a post and tell me! I will try and include them, if possible. I would like a large proportion of the matches to have a link with the Hulkster. For instance, people who he famously wrestled or teamed with should be involved where possible.


    Quote The Raven


  5. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/winc_logo.jpg




    WrestlingInc. brings you news of, quite possibly, the biggest event in wrestling history only two days after Hulk Hogan's tragic death. ECW, WWF and NJPW, arguably the three biggest and most prestigious promotions in the world, have put their differences aside and, for one night only, will work together to pay tribute to Hogan. "Hulk Still Rules!" will be shown live on pay-per-view and will showcase dream matches between wrestlers from all three promotions' rosters who wish to pay tribute to the biggest icon of wrestling. All proceeds will go to the Bollea family in order to pay for any necessary expenses.


    "I'm delighted that we have come to this arrangement with both promotions but particualrly the WWF." said ECW owner, Charlie Pag, "I believe this emphatically shows that, in the cold light of day, the men who have given their heart and soul to the business are more important than the business itself!"


    "Hulk and I didn't always see eye to eye" admitted Vince Mcmahon. "At times, I genuinely disliked the man but, above everything else, I will always have the greatest respect for him. He was a legend and a great man!"


    Antonio Inoki was quick to agree. "I was privileged enough to compete against Hulk Hogan and I will remember him as one of my greatest contemporaries and as a true inspiration. So, I am honoured to pay tribute to him in this fashion."


    These opinions are surely shared around the world by fans of every race, creed and nationality. For once, the entire wrestling world, regardless of allegiance, will stand as one in memorial of The Immortal Hulk Hogan!

  6. At the moment it's actually gonna be seven! Blood, Sweat And Beers is gonna be a three hour show. I'm thinking I might start to tier them slightly (i.e. give emphasis to different guys on different shows). Just for instance, all wrestlers would be on all shows but one show could be more for the younger guys as a chance to establish their popularity.


    I'm very, very glad you like the Owen idea; I was playing about with possibilities. It was like "Wow, I have this really amazing signing that I can do so much with but I can't think what!" I was thinking of teaming him with Shawn for a while but I thought they were both too good as singles stars.


    Quote The Raven


  7. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea, 53, Suffers Heart Attack



    Quite possibly the wrestling's most beloved figure, Hulk Hogan, passed away today after suffering a heart attack. It is fair to say that the wrestling world is in mourning after such a tragic loss.


    Hogan was the third child born to Pete Bollea and Ruth Bollea. Early in life, he was a standout in minor league baseball and also spent ten years playing bass guitar in several Florida-based rock bands, including Ruckus and Infinity's End. Many of the wrestlers who competed in the Florida territory at that time would visit the bars in which he was performing.


    His impressive physical stature soon caught the attention of former top-drawing wrestler Jack Brisco and his brother Gerald, both of whom convinced Bollea to give wrestling a try. Bollea had been a wrestling fan since childhood and was eager to give it a chance. This was to be the beginning of an illustrious career that took him to nearly every major promotion in the world.


    ECW, WWF and NJPW, three companies for whom Hogan was a loyal competitor, have all expressed their deepest sympathies and wish, in some way, to pay tribute to the first and biggest international icon of wrestling.

  8. From CBS.com





    CBS.com is happy to announce that the first weekly wrestling show in our network's history, ECW: Blood, Sweat And Beers, will be broadcast for three consecutive seasons, beginning December 1st.


    Charlie Pag, the ECW owner, was quoted as saying "I, along with everyone in the ECW lockeroom, am ecstatic that our promotion will finally recieve the coverage that it so obviously deserves!" This opinion is very much compliant with huge numbers of fans, who believe that ECW is now the most original and creative brand of wrestling entertainment.


    "Although I am not a wrestling fan, I recognise the waves that ECW is making in the that particular industry and the huge possibilities that this new contract presents for both companies." said Leslie Monnves, head of the CBS corporation. Indeed, The deal represents a step forward for both organisations as ECW has never achieved true success or coverage outside of North America, which the new show will now provide, and CBS has never aired a wrestling show or such an edgy product.


    However, many speculate as to whether or not ECW gan garner sufficient viewing figures to maintain CBS' confidence. "I believe, regardless of what you may have heard, that, with our special blend of high quality wrestling, hardcore brawls and unbeatably entertaining storylines, we will easily make Blood, Sweat And Beers one of the biggest draws on network television." commented Paul Heyman, ECW Managing Director and Chief Booking Assistant.


    So, if you though the war between Extreme Championship Wrestling and the World Wrestling Federation was entertaining before, well, it just got a lot more interesting. For the first time ever, ECW could be set to become the world's premier wrestling promotion and CBS is the medium through which it will occur.

  9. Thursday, week 1, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Joey Styles alongside my broadcast colleague, Scott Hudson.

    Hudson: Thanks for the intro, Joey. This edition of F' The Mainstream is gonna be huge! Vito will challenge The Great Sasuke for the International All Action Championship and Owen Hart will make his ECW in-ring debut!

    Joey: Not only that, Scott, but Kensuke Sasaki defends his TV Title, plus, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit will face The Iron Saints. Will the two long-time friends be able to sort out what happened on Monday and put it behind them?

    Hudson: Who knows, Joey? I mean, Benoit did leave Guerrero in the lurch big time!


    The NaE are backstage making plans for Charlie and Steph's wedding.



    Steph: Hey, Abyss, which do you think is the best dress.


    She passes a magazine to him. Abyss grunts and points.


    Steph: What about you Paul?


    The camera cuts back to ringside.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and an ECW Super Juniors match. To my left, from Michinoku Japan, Tiger Mask IV. And, to my right, from Orange County California, representing the Blue World Order, Super Dragon.



    Super Dragon wins with a Supernatural Driver at 12:01

    Match Rating: C+


    Tommy Dreamer and Beulah Mcgillicutty are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Dreamer: Sandman, Beulah and I were not able to make it to Revolution because we were still recovering from when you jumped us from behind. So, to cut a long story short, I'm pretty f**king pissed off! In a few weeks time, at November To Rember, I am going to show you the meaning of hardcore and teach you some goddamn respect in the process. Bring your A game, bitch, because you'll be fighting the most hardcore motherf**ker in ECW history!


    Joey: Wow, Dreamer really is pissed!

    Hudson: Oh, you better believe it.




    Sasaki dominates and wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 8:12

    Match Rating: B+


    Eddie Guerrero approaches Chris Benoit backstage.



    Guerrero: Where the hell were you on Monday, Holmes?


    Benoit: I was busy.


    Guerrero: Oh, you were busy. I guess that makes it alright then.


    Benoit: You bet it does.


    Guerrero: Well, sorry, Holmes, I didn't realise you could be too busy for your hermano!


    Benoit: Oh, Eddie, shut up. You're doing my head in.


    Guerrero: Oh, I'm doing your head in? How about on Revolution when Chris Jericho was kicking my head in? You failed to show up, man.


    Benoit: Screw this!


    Benoit storms off.


    Guerrero: Where the hell are you going? We have a match later! Chris?




    The match is a fantastic Super Juniors spectacle and incredibly open. Both men see much offence. In the fourteenth minute, Chris Daniels interferes. He goes to nail Vito with a chair but misses and hits Sasuke. Vito capitalises for the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh my god! Vito is the International All Action Champion!

    Hudson: Wow, Daniels must feel gutted.


    The Cult comes running to the ring.



    Vito is able to quickly escape through the crowd, with no time for a celebration. However, Daniels is not so lucky and is the recipient of a six on one assault.


    Joey: Something tells me that Daniels will want retribution!

    Hudson: Definitely!



    Eddie is forced to face The Iron Saints alone due to Benoit's absence. However, he gets the win when The Dudley Boys interefere and 3D Brandon at 14:36

    Match Rating: A*


    Charlie Pag, Paul Burchill and Raven approach Owen Hart backstage.



    Pag: You know, Owen, you don't often get a second chance at first impression.


    Burchill: But we are willing to give you one.


    Raven: You see, the New Age Enterprise are always looking for more loyal soldiers in our battle for supremacy and, Owen, we would be proud tro call you an ally.


    Pag: Think about it. We have the Tag Champs and The World Champ. Moreover, I make the matches. So, joining us has its advantages!


    The NaE walk off, leaving Owen looking thoughtful.


    Cactus Jack enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Cactus: Hey, Sabu, you want to come out here and attack me? Well, let's do it face-to-face, one-on-one without any lighting tricks! Get your suicidal ass out here and let's go.


    Sabu makes his way to the ring.



    Referee John Finnegan enters the ring.


    Joey: Well, I guess we have an impromptu match.



    The match is a bloody, hardcore brawl from the start. In the tenth minute, John Finnegan is knocked out cold but the two wrestlers continue to brawl for a further six minutes before they are seperated by backstage officials.

    Match Rating: A*


    Shawn Michaels and Owen Hart are making their way to the ring from backstage.



    Michaels: I say this in all seriousness: screw me over tonight and I will take it upon myself to run you out of this promotion! Don't even think about siding with them!


    Owen merely shrugs off the suggestion.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, accompanied to the ring by Raven and Burchill and representing the New Age Enterprise, they are the ECW World Tag Team Champions, the team of Abyss and Goliath: Monsters Inc. And, to my right, "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels and, making his ECW debut, "The Jack Of Harts" Owen Hart.



    The match is very open, even despite Raven and Burchill's interference. In the fourteenth minute, Owen picks up a Singapore Cane. He stands in the middle of the ring between Michaels and Monsters Inc. After a brief look at both sides, he nails Michaels round the face.


    Joey: Oh my god! Owen has joined the New Age Enterprise!

    Hudson: No, not this! Anything but this!


    Owen then goes to celebrate with the NaE but, suddenly, takes out Abyss, followed by every other member. The Enterprise evacuate the ring. Because both Michaels and the NaE have fled, Jim Molineaux calls the match a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Owen picks up a mic.


    Hart: The Jack Of Harts left The Federation because he was misused. I am more than a midcard wrestler and I am better than the talentless steroid junkies that account for most of their roster! I came to Extreme Championship Wrestling to prove myself as the best wrestler alive today, alongside greats such as Rob Van Dam, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. As such, I am not going to be anyone's lapdog!


    But, Raven, I will promise you this much. It could be a month or it could be a year before it happens but I will take that World Title from you. So, watch your back!



    Show Rating: A*

  10. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwftm-1.jpg


    It can now be confirmed that Owen Hart's partner shall be none other than:


    "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels.




    Don't miss this and much, much more; tune into F' The Mainstream, Thursday night.

  11. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwftm-1.jpg


    ECW's newest signing will have his debut match on Thursday's F' The Mainstream.


    He will face the Tag Team Champions Monsters Inc. in a non-title matchup with a partner who is still to be announced.




    Don't miss this and much, much more; tune into F' The Mainstream, Thursday night.

  12. Viewing figures for Monday, week 1, November



    In House Attendance: 10,000


    2,793,072 on MTV2


    North American Total: 2,793,072(up 1,361,436)

    Total: 2,793,072





    In House Attendance: 10,000


    739,104 on TSN

    1,646,465 on USA Network

    213,943 on Sky Sports


    North American Total: 2,385,569 (up 1,081,346)

    Total: 2,599,512 (up 1,073,346)

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