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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Chris Masters C


    Lita and Trish defeated Victoria and Lance Cade C+


    The Outsiders defeated Hurricane and Val Venis to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles B


    John Cena defeated Danny Basham and Rob Conway B-


    Justin Credible defeated Gene Snitsky to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Bret Hart defeated Carlito to retain the WWF World Title C+




    Show Rating: C+

  2. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Chris Masters C


    Lita and Trish defeated Victoria and Lance Cade C+


    The Outsiders defeated Hurricane and Val Venis to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles B


    John Cena defeated Danny Basham and Rob Conway B-


    Justin Credible defeated Gene Snitsky to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Bret Hart defeated Carlito to retain the WWF World Title C+




    Show Rating: C+

  3. Long wait for an update...


    Monday, week 3, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Tonight's Revolution is all set to be an absoloute rocketbuster!

    Gertner: No doubt, Don. Kensuke Sasaki, Vito and Owen Hart will all be in action.

    Callis: Let's go to the ring then.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, the challenger from Wakayam Japan, Masato Tanaka. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion, accompanied to the ring by Francine, "The All Japan Assasin" Kensuke Sasaki.




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 14:32

    Match Rating: A


    Cactus Jack approaches the Sandman backstage.



    Cactus: What the hell was that last week? You cost us our tag match.


    Sandman: F**k you! If you hadn't let Sabu pin me we wouldn't have lost. A tag team partner is supposed to make the save in a situation like that.


    Cactus: Well, if you hadn't got your ass kicked so easily in the first place...


    Suddenly, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer attack the pair from behind.



    Sabu floors Cactus with a chair as Dreamer hits a DDT on The Sandman on the concrete floor. Before walking off, Sabu points to his waste, indicating that he will be the next number one contender.


    Gertner: Wow, that number one contender match should be incredible!

    Callis: Well, you know something extreme is gonna happen when Sabu and Cactus Jack are in the same ring. As for now, though, in view of last week's events, D-Von Dudley, Jeff Hardy and Brandon will face off in a triangle match. Each will have their partner in their corner.



    The match effectively becomes a three-way tornado tag match. In the thirteenth minute, The Dudleys hit the 3D on Jeff Hardy. However, Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr. run in. Rey Hurricanranas Bubba to the outside as Juvi hits the Juvi Driver on D-Von and makes the cover. Slightly confused, Chris Kay counts the three.

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Well, I guess that means Los Increibles are the winners.

    Gertner: That could only happen in ECW, baby!


    Rey and Juvi pick up mics.



    Rey: We noticed that there was a little tag team "situation" going down. So, we thought we, as the most exciting team in modern day wrestling, would throw our names in the hat, man.


    Juvi: Damn straight, my friend. We assure everyone watching tonight that we will rule the ECW tag division!



    Owen Hart dominates and wins with a Sharpshooter at 14:54

    Match Rating: A


    Chris Jericho and Christian are in the ring.



    Christian: Did you see that last week? We kicked Benoit and Guerrero's asses! Not only that...


    Before Christian can even finish, Benoit and Guerrero run to the ring.



    Christian ducks out of the ring quickly, leaving Jericho to take the full force of the beating.


    Callis: Man, these guys never have each other's back. Either Jericho is abandoning Christian or vice verca.

    Gertner: Yeah, you do wonder how they're still partners!

    Callis: Anyway, Super Crazy requested a rematch from last week to face Vito for the International All Action Title again. So, that's next up and I can't wait!




    The match is, again, an even contest and a great cruiserweight display. In the fourteenth minute, Chris Daniels runs in. He goes to nail Vito with a chair but the champ ducks and Super Crazy is floored! 1...2...3. Vito is still champ.

    Match Rating: A


    Paul E. appears at the entrance-way.



    Heyman: Woah, woah, woah! I see there are some issues that need resolving. First off, this situation arising right here. So, let's sort it now. At November To Remember, there will be a triangle match for the International All Action Title; you three will battle it out!


    Callis: That's huge! Vito versus Daniels versus Super Crazy.

    Gertner: For the International All Action Title no less.


    Heyman: And you know what? It will be a Stairway To Hell Match!


    Callis: Wow!


    Heyman: Furthermore, because I'm on a roll, I have two further matches to announce. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit will face Chris Jericho and Christian.


    Callis: Another great match!

    Gertner: Yeah. Good call, Paul E.


    Heyman: Finally, we're gonna have ourselves a four-way tag team battle royal at the pay-per-view. The Dudleys, The Hardy Boys, Los Increibles and The Iron Saints will face each other for the number one contendership to the ECW World Tag Team Titles!


    Gertner: Oh man, it just gets better. I could cream myself right now if there weren't so many women in the audience wanting a piece of the quintessential studmuffin later tonight.

    Callis: Jesus, Joel, we're on air! Do you have a tactful bone in your body?

    Gertner: Highly doubtful.


    Heyman: As for tonight, I have a little surprise for the main event. Let me, first, introduce The Acolytes.


    Farooq and Bradshaw make their way to the ring.



    Heyman: And, ladies and gentlemen, their opponents for this evening, the brand new team of The Show Stealer and The Showstopper... THE WHOLE F**KIN' SHOW.


    <embed src='

    http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2239893&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    RVD and Shawn Michaels work together extremely well and string together many well-time double team moves. They eventually win with a simultaneous Flying Elbow and Five Star Frog Splash on Farooq from opposite turnbuckles.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match Van Dam and Michaels celebrate in the ring for the fans. Michaels performs his stretch and flex pose in front of RVD who simultaneously performs his thumb gestures.


    A huge chant of "Whole f**kin' Show" echoes round the arena as the show goes off the air.



    Show Rating: A

  4. Long wait for an update...


    Monday, week 3, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Tonight's Revolution is all set to be an absoloute rocketbuster!

    Gertner: No doubt, Don. Kensuke Sasaki, Vito and Owen Hart will all be in action.

    Callis: Let's go to the ring then.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, the challenger from Wakayam Japan, Masato Tanaka. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion, accompanied to the ring by Francine, "The All Japan Assasin" Kensuke Sasaki.




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 14:32

    Match Rating: A


    Cactus Jack approaches the Sandman backstage.



    Cactus: What the hell was that last week? You cost us our tag match.


    Sandman: F**k you! If you hadn't let Sabu pin me we wouldn't have lost. A tag team partner is supposed to make the save in a situation like that.


    Cactus: Well, if you hadn't got your ass kicked so easily in the first place...


    Suddenly, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer attack the pair from behind.



    Sabu floors Cactus with a chair as Dreamer hits a DDT on The Sandman on the concrete floor. Before walking off, Sabu points to his waste, indicating that he will be the next number one contender.


    Gertner: Wow, that number one contender match should be incredible!

    Callis: Well, you know something extreme is gonna happen when Sabu and Cactus Jack are in the same ring. As for now, though, in view of last week's events, D-Von Dudley, Jeff Hardy and Brandon will face off in a triangle match. Each will have their partner in their corner.



    The match effectively becomes a three-way tornado tag match. In the thirteenth minute, The Dudleys hit the 3D on Jeff Hardy. However, Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr. run in. Rey Hurricanranas Bubba to the outside as Juvi hits the Juvi Driver on D-Von and makes the cover. Slightly confused, Chris Kay counts the three.

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Well, I guess that means Los Increibles are the winners.

    Gertner: That could only happen in ECW, baby!


    Rey and Juvi pick up mics.



    Rey: We noticed that there was a little tag team "situation" going down. So, we thought we, as the most exciting team in modern day wrestling, would throw our names in the hat, man.


    Juvi: Damn straight, my friend. We assure everyone watching tonight that we will rule the ECW tag division!



    Owen Hart dominates and wins with a Sharpshooter at 14:54

    Match Rating: A


    Chris Jericho and Christian are in the ring.



    Christian: Did you see that last week? We kicked Benoit and Guerrero's asses! Not only that...


    Before Christian can even finish, Benoit and Guerrero run to the ring.



    Christian ducks out of the ring quickly, leaving Jericho to take the full force of the beating.


    Callis: Man, these guys never have each other's back. Either Jericho is abandoning Christian or vice verca.

    Gertner: Yeah, you do wonder how they're still partners!

    Callis: Anyway, Super Crazy requested a rematch from last week to face Vito for the International All Action Title again. So, that's next up and I can't wait!




    The match is, again, an even contest and a great cruiserweight display. In the fourteenth minute, Chris Daniels runs in. He goes to nail Vito with a chair but the champ ducks and Super Crazy is floored! 1...2...3. Vito is still champ.

    Match Rating: A


    Paul E. appears at the entrance-way.



    Heyman: Woah, woah, woah! I see there are some issues that need resolving. First off, this situation arising right here. So, let's sort it now. At November To Remember, there will be a triangle match for the International All Action Title; you three will battle it out!


    Callis: That's huge! Vito versus Daniels versus Super Crazy.

    Gertner: For the International All Action Title no less.


    Heyman: And you know what? It will be a Stairway To Hell Match!


    Callis: Wow!


    Heyman: Furthermore, because I'm on a roll, I have two further matches to announce. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit will face Chris Jericho and Christian.


    Callis: Another great match!

    Gertner: Yeah. Good call, Paul E.


    Heyman: Finally, we're gonna have ourselves a four-way tag team battle royal at the pay-per-view. The Dudleys, The Hardy Boys, Los Increibles and The Iron Saints will face each other for the number one contendership to the ECW World Tag Team Titles!


    Gertner: Oh man, it just gets better. I could cream myself right now if there weren't so many women in the audience wanting a piece of the quintessential studmuffin later tonight.

    Callis: Jesus, Joel, we're on air! Do you have a tactful bone in your body?

    Gertner: Highly doubtful.


    Heyman: As for tonight, I have a little surprise for the main event. Let me, first, introduce The Acolytes.


    Farooq and Bradshaw make their way to the ring.



    Heyman: And, ladies and gentlemen, their opponents for this evening, the brand new team of The Show Stealer and The Showstopper... THE WHOLE F**KIN' SHOW.


    <embed src='

    http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2239893&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    RVD and Shawn Michaels work together extremely well and string together many well-time double team moves. They eventually win with a simultaneous Flying Elbow and Five Star Frog Splash on Farooq from opposite turnbuckles.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match Van Dam and Michaels celebrate in the ring for the fans. Michaels performs his stretch and flex pose in front of RVD who simultaneously performs his thumb gestures.


    A huge chant of "Whole f**kin' Show" echoes round the arena as the show goes off the air.



    Show Rating: A

  5. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina and Lita C+


    Animal defeated Scotty 2 Hotty B-


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Jordan, Snow and London C+


    Johnny Nitro defeated Aguila for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Justin Credible defeated William Regal to retain the WWF European Title B-


    Bret Hart defeated Scott Hall to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B+




    Show Rating: B

  6. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina and Lita C+


    Animal defeated Scotty 2 Hotty B-


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Jordan, Snow and London C+


    Johnny Nitro defeated Aguila for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Justin Credible defeated William Regal to retain the WWF European Title B-


    Bret Hart defeated Scott Hall to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B+




    Show Rating: B

  7. Thursday, week 2, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. Man, it's been too long since I said that!

    Hudson: Welcome back to the desk, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks for having me back boys.

    Joey: Well, Taz's presence is just one indication that the era of the New Age Enterprise is well and truly over.

    Taz: Absoloutely, Joey, my boy, and, god, did it feel good to get my arms around the throat of Charlie Pag? I tell ya, ten seconds more and his neck would have snapped!

    Joey: I don't doubt it for a second!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Houston Texas, Charlie Haas. And, to my right, from Calgary Alberta Canada, "The Jack Of Harts" Owen Hart.



    Owen Hart dominates and wins with a Sharpshooter at 11:52

    Match Rating: A*


    Paul Heyman enters the ring to deafening chants of "Paul E".



    Heyman: My god, it's good to be back!


    The "Paul E" chants get louder.


    Heyman: I see you remember who I am, then?


    There is a huge pop.


    Heyman: Well, for my first authoritative action, I am gonna clean up the several messes that the New Age Enterprise neglected to acknowledge. "How?" you may ask. In the only way ECW knows: in this very ring!


    So, the following matches are on the card for November To Remember:


    Brock Lesnar versus Steve Austin is now official. It's time to sort out this situation.


    I'm also making Raven and Shane Douglas' Taipei Deathmatch for the title official because I like a good, old-school, hardcore beatdown as much as all of you!


    Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman seem to have been having problems during my absence. According to my understanding, it all started because Dreamer didn't like The Sandman's blatant disrespect. Well, Tommy, I'm giving you the chance to force Sandman to look up to you because you two will settle your differences in a Scaffold Match!


    A similar situation seems to have occurred between Sabu and Cactus Jack because, again to the best of my knowledge, they both consider themselves to be the most extreme men on the roster. Well, I'm not going to make any stipulations; you two can choose how extreme it gets because the entire arena, and every object inside it, will be at your disposal. Oh, and you know what? You two haven't been given a shot at much gold lately so it will be a Number One Contender's Match.


    Finally, and this is my favourite match on the bill, Monsters Inc. will put their Tag Titles on the line against Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam!


    Paul E drops the mic and exits the ring


    Joey: Wow, that's huge.

    Hudson: Yeah, so many great matches!

    Taz: No kidding, Scott.




    Although the match was booked in the midcard, the two lightweights excel themselves and put on a fast paced spectacle. Vito eventually wins with a Vatican Driver at 16:02

    Match Rating: A* (hell yeah - I smell feud potential)


    Owen Hart knocks on Paul E's door backstage and walks in.



    Owen: Paul, I want a shot at Raven's title!


    Heyman: Okay...


    Owen: I'm the biggest signing in ECW history and I absoloutely dominated Charlie Haas earlier and Guido last week.


    Heyman: True, but...


    Owen: And, to cap it all off, Raven blindsided me last week! I can take him in the ring; I know it, you know it, he knows it!


    Heyman: I can't argue with what you've said but there are countless guys who also deserve a shot and the fact is, Owen, that you haven't even been here a month.


    Owen: So, you're saying no?


    Heyman: Not exactly. As a former Federation "superstar" you may not know this but ECW's December pay-per-view is Masters Of Pain, the main attraction of which is the Masters Of Pain Tournament. You see, it's a knockout tournament where you can only win matches via sumbission or your opponent saying "I Quit!"


    Owen: So?


    Heyman: So, my friend, seeing as you are a submission specialist, I'm guaranteeing you a spot in the competition and did I neglect to mention that the overall winner gets a shot at the world title?


    Owen smiles.


    Owen: Fair enough, Paul, but just be prepared for half the locker room to be crippled, courtesy of the Sharpshooter.


    Heyman: As long as it makes for good entertainment, go for it!


    The two men shake hands and Owen leaves looking satisfied.


    Joey: So the first confirmed name for the Masters Of Pain Tournament is our newest signing.

    Taz: Damn right, Joey, and I can see Owen excelling in tha environment.

    Hudson: It fits his style perfectly!



    Brock Lesnar wins with an F-5 at 12:26

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Steve Austin runs in.



    He floors Brock Lesnar and relentlessly puts the boots into his grounded adversary. Somewhat uncharacteristically, he doesn't reach for a mic and, instead, just storms to the back in a fit of rage, leaving Lesnar down and out.


    Joey: Well. I think Austin's back from injury.

    Taz: Oh, you reckon?



    The Hardy Boys are, surprisingly, in control throughout the match. They win with Poetry In Motion at 13:31

    Match Rating: A


    Matt and Jeff pick up mics.


    Matt: In case you didn't know, we are Team Extreme!


    Jeff: So, we deserve a shot at the tag titles because our entire image is the personification of ECW.


    Matt: Screw RVD and Shawn Michaels! We are the ones who deserve it.


    The Dudley Boys enter the ring.



    Bubba: Hold on one f**king minute! There's only one extreme team and that's the D-DD-D-DDD-DD-D...


    Before he can finish Matt and Jeff attack and a brawl begins between the two teams.


    The Iron Saints run in.



    They try to use this opportunity to attack The Dudley Boys from behind but, in fact, all three teams start to brawl around ringside before they are seperated by countless officials.


    Hudson: Well, that quickly span out of control.

    Joey: It looks like The Hardy Boys could become involved in the problems between The Iron Saints and The Dudleys.



    Sabu dominates and wins with an Atomic Arabian Facebuster at 15:02

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Cactus Jack attacks Sabu.



    The two men brawl around ringside as the show goes off the air.



    Show Rating: A

  8. Thursday, week 2, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. Man, it's been too long since I said that!

    Hudson: Welcome back to the desk, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks for having me back boys.

    Joey: Well, Taz's presence is just one indication that the era of the New Age Enterprise is well and truly over.

    Taz: Absoloutely, Joey, my boy, and, god, did it feel good to get my arms around the throat of Charlie Pag? I tell ya, ten seconds more and his neck would have snapped!

    Joey: I don't doubt it for a second!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Houston Texas, Charlie Haas. And, to my right, from Calgary Alberta Canada, "The Jack Of Harts" Owen Hart.



    Owen Hart dominates and wins with a Sharpshooter at 11:52

    Match Rating: A*


    Paul Heyman enters the ring to deafening chants of "Paul E".



    Heyman: My god, it's good to be back!


    The "Paul E" chants get louder.


    Heyman: I see you remember who I am, then?


    There is a huge pop.


    Heyman: Well, for my first authoritative action, I am gonna clean up the several messes that the New Age Enterprise neglected to acknowledge. "How?" you may ask. In the only way ECW knows: in this very ring!


    So, the following matches are on the card for November To Remember:


    Brock Lesnar versus Steve Austin is now official. It's time to sort out this situation.


    I'm also making Raven and Shane Douglas' Taipei Deathmatch for the title official because I like a good, old-school, hardcore beatdown as much as all of you!


    Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman seem to have been having problems during my absence. According to my understanding, it all started because Dreamer didn't like The Sandman's blatant disrespect. Well, Tommy, I'm giving you the chance to force Sandman to look up to you because you two will settle your differences in a Scaffold Match!


    A similar situation seems to have occurred between Sabu and Cactus Jack because, again to the best of my knowledge, they both consider themselves to be the most extreme men on the roster. Well, I'm not going to make any stipulations; you two can choose how extreme it gets because the entire arena, and every object inside it, will be at your disposal. Oh, and you know what? You two haven't been given a shot at much gold lately so it will be a Number One Contender's Match.


    Finally, and this is my favourite match on the bill, Monsters Inc. will put their Tag Titles on the line against Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam!


    Paul E drops the mic and exits the ring


    Joey: Wow, that's huge.

    Hudson: Yeah, so many great matches!

    Taz: No kidding, Scott.




    Although the match was booked in the midcard, the two lightweights excel themselves and put on a fast paced spectacle. Vito eventually wins with a Vatican Driver at 16:02

    Match Rating: A* (hell yeah - I smell feud potential)


    Owen Hart knocks on Paul E's door backstage and walks in.



    Owen: Paul, I want a shot at Raven's title!


    Heyman: Okay...


    Owen: I'm the biggest signing in ECW history and I absoloutely dominated Charlie Haas earlier and Guido last week.


    Heyman: True, but...


    Owen: And, to cap it all off, Raven blindsided me last week! I can take him in the ring; I know it, you know it, he knows it!


    Heyman: I can't argue with what you've said but there are countless guys who also deserve a shot and the fact is, Owen, that you haven't even been here a month.


    Owen: So, you're saying no?


    Heyman: Not exactly. As a former Federation "superstar" you may not know this but ECW's December pay-per-view is Masters Of Pain, the main attraction of which is the Masters Of Pain Tournament. You see, it's a knockout tournament where you can only win matches via sumbission or your opponent saying "I Quit!"


    Owen: So?


    Heyman: So, my friend, seeing as you are a submission specialist, I'm guaranteeing you a spot in the competition and did I neglect to mention that the overall winner gets a shot at the world title?


    Owen smiles.


    Owen: Fair enough, Paul, but just be prepared for half the locker room to be crippled, courtesy of the Sharpshooter.


    Heyman: As long as it makes for good entertainment, go for it!


    The two men shake hands and Owen leaves looking satisfied.


    Joey: So the first confirmed name for the Masters Of Pain Tournament is our newest signing.

    Taz: Damn right, Joey, and I can see Owen excelling in tha environment.

    Hudson: It fits his style perfectly!



    Brock Lesnar wins with an F-5 at 12:26

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Steve Austin runs in.



    He floors Brock Lesnar and relentlessly puts the boots into his grounded adversary. Somewhat uncharacteristically, he doesn't reach for a mic and, instead, just storms to the back in a fit of rage, leaving Lesnar down and out.


    Joey: Well. I think Austin's back from injury.

    Taz: Oh, you reckon?



    The Hardy Boys are, surprisingly, in control throughout the match. They win with Poetry In Motion at 13:31

    Match Rating: A


    Matt and Jeff pick up mics.


    Matt: In case you didn't know, we are Team Extreme!


    Jeff: So, we deserve a shot at the tag titles because our entire image is the personification of ECW.


    Matt: Screw RVD and Shawn Michaels! We are the ones who deserve it.


    The Dudley Boys enter the ring.



    Bubba: Hold on one f**king minute! There's only one extreme team and that's the D-DD-D-DDD-DD-D...


    Before he can finish Matt and Jeff attack and a brawl begins between the two teams.


    The Iron Saints run in.



    They try to use this opportunity to attack The Dudley Boys from behind but, in fact, all three teams start to brawl around ringside before they are seperated by countless officials.


    Hudson: Well, that quickly span out of control.

    Joey: It looks like The Hardy Boys could become involved in the problems between The Iron Saints and The Dudleys.



    Sabu dominates and wins with an Atomic Arabian Facebuster at 15:02

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Cactus Jack attacks Sabu.



    The two men brawl around ringside as the show goes off the air.



    Show Rating: A

  9. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Lita defeated Trish Stratus and Victoria B


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Viscera, Hurricane and Cade B


    Aguila defeated Romeo to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C+


    Val Venis defeated Tyson Tomko B-


    Justin Credible defeated Gene Snitsky to retain the WWF European Title B


    Edge defeated John Cena A




    Show Rating: B+

  10. Monday, week 2, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I am the "Quintessential Studmuffin" Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Tonight's card promises to be a rollercoaster of epic proportions.

    Gertner: Oh, absolutely, Don. Kensuke Sasaki defends his TV Title against Jerry Lynn and Vito puts his newly acquired International All Action Title on the line against Chris Daniels.

    Callis: Not only that but we have to endure the live, on-air marriage of Charlie Pag and Stephanie Mcintosh.

    Gertner: Oh, stop it you old sourpuss.

    Callis glares at Gertner.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the team of Buh Buh Ray and D-Von, from Dudleyville, The Dudley Boys. And, to my right, the team of Farooq and Bradsha, The Acolytes.



    The match is an evenly fought contest that is quickly taken to the extreme. In the thirteenth minute, Salvatore and Brandon run in and hit God's Will on D-Von, allowing Bradshaw to capitalise for the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Well, it looks like The Iron Saints have got revenge for last week when The Dudleys cost them their match against Eddie Guerrero.

    Gertner: Some real bad blood is brewing between these two teams, Don.


    Stephanie Mcintosh is backstage with Goliath and Abyss, in her wedding dress, looking excited.



    Steph: Okay, how do I look?


    Abyss grunts and nods his head.


    Goliath: You look stunning, Steph. Pag's a very lucky guy.


    Steph: God, I'm nervous.


    Goliath: Hey, what's to worry about? The bWo aren't even in the building, Michaels isn't likely to show up thanks to Owen Hart's cane shot last week and Taz and Paul E are still in police custody. Seriously, it will all be fine.


    Goliath gives her a good luck hug.


    Shane Douglas enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Douglas: Now I am no longer the Television Champion, it is time for me to achieve my next objective. Raven, if I beat you in a title match, I will surpass tilte record! So, I'm laying down a challenge for November To Remember: you and me; one on one.


    Raven appears at the entrance way.



    Raven: Come on, Shane. I can choose any challenger I want. So, why you? You're gonna have to give me a little incentive.


    The Franchise thinks for a second.


    Douglas: I'll tell you what. I'm so confident that I'll kick your ass that I'll put my career on the line. If you beat me, I'll retire from in-ring action.


    Raven laughs hysterically.


    Raven: Putting a has been like you out of commission sounds like a laugh. So, yeah, fine: challenge accepted.


    Douglas looks happy.


    Raven: But, I want to really make you suffer for being so arrogant. So, it will be a Taipei Deathmatch!


    Callis: Oh my god, we haven't seen a Taipei Deathmatch since Hardcore Heaven 1999! That could be absoloutely brutal!

    Gertner: You might want to explain in it for those fans who have never seen one.

    Callis: True, Joel. The Taipei Deathmatch was made popular in ECW by the Rotten brothers in 1995. Both wrestlers tape their fists before the match, they dip their fists in glue and then in shards of broken glass. It basically means that both guys will be losing blood within a matter of seconds.

    Gertner: Only the sick mind of Raven would want to revisit that match!




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 13:26

    Match Rating: A*


    Brock Lesnar is backstage for a shoot promo



    Lesnar: As you know, I layed down a challenge for Steve Austin last week but it appears that my chairshot at Guilty As Charged did more damage than I anticipated on Austin's fragile spine. He is still not medically cleared to wrestle. So, Austin, because I'm a fair man, I'll postpone your ass kicking until November To Remember but, at that pay-per-view, I will destroy you!




    After several matches, the two men seem to have grown used to one another's styles and, as a result, the match is very exciting, filled with counter moves and reversals. In the fourteenth minute, Chris Daniels attempts a Backslide on Vito but both men's shoulders are down for a three count.

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Well, Vito retains his title but only just.

    Gertner: This score is far from settled.


    Eddie Guerrero approaches Chris Benoit backstage.



    Guerrero: What the hell was that last week, Holmes?


    Benoit: Eddie, I can't deal with this right now.


    Guerrero: Oh, you can't deal with it? Well, too f**king bad. me vito loco!


    Jericho and Christian attack both men from behind.



    Using chairs they lay out Guerrero and Benoit and leave looking pleased with themselves.


    After Owen's remarks last week, Raven takes a seat at ringside for the next match.




    Owen Hart puts on a technical wrestling clinic and absolutely dominates Little Guido Mariato. Guido tapped out to the Sharpshooter at 16:51

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Raven runs into the ring and floors Owen Hart from behind with a chair.


    Gertner: Raven clearly realises what a great wrestler Owen is and doesn't want him to be able to challenge for the title any time soon.

    Callis: Yeah, I think you're right, Joel. Now, in our main event, the is a chance for two feuds to be resolved.

    Gertner: Indeed, Cactus Jack and The Sandman will face Sabu and Tommy Dreamer.



    The match is a bloody, hardcore beatdown, in which chairs canes and tables are utilised. In the fourteenth minute, both Cactus and Sabu are armed with singapore canes. Sabu floors The Sandman... Cactus Jack floors Dreamer. They then turn to face each other. Each man strikes the other on the skull and they both fall backwards. The referee begins to count the three as Cactus covers Dreamer and Sabu covers Sandman 1...2...3.

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Well, that, in fact, settled nothing. We have a draw, folks.

    Gertner: Too bad.


    The ring is fitted with a white carpet and the ring ropes are replaced with white trellaces covered in beutiful floral decorations.


    Gertner: Well, they've really gone all out.

    Callis: Yeah, great.


    A priest, dressed in most ostentatious robes and headware, makes his way to the ring and stands behind the altar. He is accompanied by two altar boys.


    Priest: Ladies and gentlemen quiet in the arena, please. This a sacred event.


    Abyss and Goliath, in smart suits but still wearing the tag belts, make their way to the ring.



    Priest: Allow me to introduce the guests of honour: Abyss and Goliath.


    The crowd jeer loudly.


    Priest: In the name of the holy father, show some respect for this hallowed occasion! Now, may the groom please make his entrance.


    Charlie Pag makes his way to the ring, accompanied by his best man Paul Burchill. They are both in fine tailored suits.



    After a minute of anticipation, "Here Comes The Bride" plays over the sound system.


    Stephanie Mcintosh makes her entrance in a beautiful wedding dress, accompanied by Raven, who is probably wearing a suit for the first time in his life.



    Priest: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.


    The proceedings continue as normal with the exchanging of rings and vows.


    Priest: If anyone knows of a reason why these two people should not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace...


    The arena echoes with "Michaels" and "bWo" chants that are traded back and forth. However, no one comes forward.


    Priest: Then, by the power invested in me...


    The priest pulls back his headwear to reveal Big Stevie Cool.



    Stevie: ...by the Blue World Order, I now pronounce you f**ked and screwed!


    The altar boys pull back their headwear to reveal Shawn Michaels and RVD.



    They suddenly Superkick Raven and Burchill.


    Callis: Oh my god! I think that qualifies as a rather large objection!

    Gertner: To say the least!


    The rest of the bWo storm the ring.



    They, with the help of RVD and Michaels, take out the Tag Team Champions, leaving Pag and Stephanie Mac isolated, without backup. The bWo continue to lay the boots into Raven, Burchill, Abyss and Goliath as Michaels and RVD approach the bride and groom, who screwed them both out of the World Title.


    Suddenly, Taz's music hits and he runs to the ring, followed by Paul Heyman.



    Taz applies the Katahajime to Pag.


    Gertner: Tazmission! Tazmission!


    At the same time, Michaels and RVD setup Stephanie Mac on a table and climb opposite turnbckles. They leap and hit simultaneous legdrops.


    Callis: And, I think Stephanie Mac just learned not to get involved in these kind of things!


    Taz finally releases the chokehold and all members of the NaE are left down on the outside as Paul E picks up a microphone.


    Heyman: Still in police custody, huh? We were released three days ago; we just paid them not to tell you! Now, I'm declaring this an official coup d'état. As such, I'm reclaiming control of Extreme Championship Wrestling.


    The fans cheer deafeningly.


    Heyman: So, are there any objections?


    Taz, RVD, Shawn Michaels and the bWo shake their heads and merely applaud.


    Heyman: It's settled then. The New Age Enterprise's tyrannical reign is over!


    Callis: Paul E is back in charge! Thank god, thank god!

    Gertner: But did they have to ruin Charlie and Steph's special day?

    Callis: Oh, Joel, shut the f**k up!



    Show Rating: A*


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  11. Love Your stuff Nevermore, its gonna suck when I leave and cant read anymore of it.


    Whilst I'm still online, I had to say this: without a doubt you are one of the most reliable guys for feedback and your opinions are always honest and useful. Without sounding like a sycophantic ass hole, I wanted to say thanks because you have often been the one to make me feel like continuing writing this thing was worthwhile (no offence to anyone else; 'tis just that Stallion has been reading and replying for a long while). Anyway, good luck, wherever your duty takes you, dude; I'm sure you will do Old Glory proud (or whatever you Americans say :D). I, for one, will miss your presence on these forums when you do go.


    Quote The Raven


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