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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Viewing figures for Monday, week 2, October



    In House Attendance: 11,748


    1,406,862 on MTV2


    North American Total: 1,406,862 (down 124,475)

    Total: 1,406,862





    In House Attendance: 14,425


    837,794 on TSN

    609,994 on USA Network

    221,929 on Sky Sports


    North American Total: 1,447,788 (down 7,432)

    Total: 1,669,717 (down 5,658)

  2. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Al Snow and Shane Mcmahon defeated Cade and Murdoch B-


    The Outsiders defeated The Hurricane and Rosie to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles B+


    Victoria defeated Lita B


    Aguila defeated Antonio to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    Justin Credible defeated Chavo Guerrero to retain the WWF European Title B


    Bret Hart and John Cena defeated Owen Hart and Triple H A




    Show Rating: B+

  3. Monday, week 2, October

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Tonight, we have a confirmed TV Title match between Shane Douglas and Masato Tanaka. Plus, Steve Austin reveals his mystery partner for his tag match against Rocky and Cactus Jack.

    Gertner: No wonder that over ten thousand fans have packed in here.


    The Iron Saints come to the ring.



    Vito: Thanks to the sheer incompetence of one Christopher Daniels, The Iron Saints could not properly punish Sabu last week. So, Mr. Homocidal Maniac, come and subject yourself to justice!



    Sabu wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 13:45

    Match Rating: A


    Vito picks up a mic.


    Vito: Christopher Daniels, your screw up has affected us more than I previously thought. Tonight's loss was due to the lingering smell of your inadequacy that haunts The Iron Saints. So, I am challenging you, one-on-one, to a match at Guilty As Charged.


    Gertner: And you have to know that Daniels will take up that challenge.

    Callis: Absolutely.



    Los Increibles win with a Double Toprope Guillotina at 14:22

    Match Rating: A


    Stephanie Mcintosh and Shawn Michaels are talking backstage.



    Steph: Shawn, how are you feeling after Raven and his kronies attacking you last week?


    Michaels: Yeah, not too bad. I'm gonna kick his ass one of these days!


    Steph: And why not make that day Guilty As Charged?


    Michaels: Steph, please not this again.


    Steph: Sorry Shawn but I'm worried about what will happen to you and you're friends if you don't accept Raven's challenge. He's a sick bastard that will stop at nothing!


    Michaels: Yeah, don't I know it?


    Steph: Shawn, you could beat him so easily one-on-one and then you wouldn't have to let this weigh on your mind.


    Michaels: Okay, I'll think about it but I'm not promising anything because Rob deserves his shot.


    Steph: Fair enough, I'm only saying this for your sake.


    They stare at each other for a second but look away.


    Michaels: Yeah, I know that. I'm glad there's someone looking out for me.


    Steph: Likewise.


    They kiss as the camera cuts back to ringside.


    Callis: Well... that's an interesting development.

    Gertber: Isn't it just?



    Sasaki dominates and wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 14:52

    Match Rating: A


    Callis: Wow, Kensuke Sasaki is looking impressive!

    Gertner: Two matches, two victories. Where I come from that's called a good start!


    Beulah Mcgillicutty is backstage when The Sandman approaches her.



    Sandman: Hey, hotstuff.


    Beulah ignores him.


    Sandman: Hey! I was talking to you!


    Beulah looks intimidated.


    Beulah: Um, I was just leaving.


    She goes to leave but The Sandman leans towards her, trying to look impressive.


    Tommy Dreamer approaches.



    Dreamer: Hey! Back off!


    Sandman: Woah, is there a problem with a guy having a little fun with a girl?


    Dreamer: There sure as hell is when that girl is my wife.


    Sandman: You need to calm down. What's the problem? Doesn't your missus put out enough?


    Dreamer sees red and punches The Sandman. The two men brawl until Dreamer hits a DDT on the concrete floor.


    Dreamer: You don't treat any woman like that, you ass hole, least of all my wife!


    Callis: Dreamer standing up for his wife, that's how a man should behave!

    Gertner: Yeah, true. But then, I know where Sandman's coming from. She is one fine piece of ass!

    Callis: Jesus, Joel, you haven't changed at all. At least be a little bit tactful!




    Shane Douglas wins with a Pittsburgh plunge at 12:12

    Match Rating: A*


    Christopher Daniels comes to the ring for a shoot promo.



    Daniels: Vito, what you said earlier was laughable. One-on-one? You don't know the damn meaning of one-on-one. Never once have you wrestled a match without your brothers there to back you up. Nonetheless, one way or another, The Fallen Angel will face you and beat you at Guilty As Charged!


    Pag and Raven enter the ring.



    Pag: The following matchup is brought to you courtesy of yours truly. Raven will face Hollywood Nova and, once again, the bWo and Shawn Michaels are banned from ringside!



    Raven is again joined by Abyss and Goliath for a hellacious assault. He gets the win with an Evenflow DDT at 14:16

    Match Rating: A


    Raven, Abyss and Goliath assault Nova after the bell.


    The bWo, Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels come running out.



    They quickly clear the ring as the crowd applauds. Then, RVD and Shawn Michaels stare each other down in the middle of the ring.


    Gertner: They may be able to work together but they know that they're gonna wrestle one another at Guilty As Charged.

    Callis: For The World Title no less!


    Steve Austin enters the ring.



    Austin: If you want to know who Stunning Steve Austin's tag partner is tonight let me hear you.


    The crowd go crazy.


    Austin: Now, see, that just ain't good enough. I said let me hear you!


    The crowd cheers even louder than before.


    Austin: Ladies and Gentleman, none other than the Olympic gold medalist, Kurt Angle.



    Rocky and Cactus Jack win when Rocky hit The Rock Bottom and used the ropes for extra leverage at 14:25

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Damn it! Rocky and Cactus still stole the win.

    Gertner: Oh, there's gonna be hell to pay for this!


    Show Rating: A*

  4. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam. A mix of things to discuss this week...


    First off, Cristoforro is out of the Iron Saints. If you ask me it is probably a good call. No offence to Chris Daniels, because he is a phenomenal wrestler, but the three Thomaselli brothers (Vito, Sal and Brandon) are three very talented kids who need their shot at the big time without anyone else alongside them. If they don't make it over with the fans then they can start associating themselves with more established wrestlers but there is every chance that they will make it on their own.


    Why weren't The Cult Of Sasuke on F' The Mainstream? So far, I think this gimmick is a really good idea and the group has been slowly gathering momentum. So, why leave them off the show? I think (and hope) that there's an interesting reason behind it.


    On a similar note, the actual match between Sasuke and Hayabusa on F' The Mainstream was rather average. That's such a shame because their first encounter on Revolution was a real treat to watch. I'm hoping it was just an off night for those guys because, generally, ECW strives to only put on feuds that will produce great matches. In addition, I've seen both guys wrestle on many ocassions and there is no doubt in my mind that they are both incredible athletes that fully deserve their positions on the ECW roster and the apparent push they are getting.


    If you don't mind, I was gonna jump over to talk about WWF. What the hell are they doing with the tag belts? There are so many great teams on that roster but on every show we have to watch the straps struggle to stay buckled around the overweight waists of two out-of-shape has beens! It's ridiculous. It's time The Outsiders stayed outside of wrestling.


    More positively, Justin Credible is doing a great job as European Champ. Recently he has been able to get some high quality matches out of some poor quality opponents. So, hats and any other items of clothing that you feel like removing go off to him.


    Now, the bit I really wanted to write: Bret and Owen at Summerslam. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Match of the year candidate in my opinion. The belt didn't change hands but it didn't have to because the quality of wrestling was some of the best I have ever seen.


    Finally, speaking of match of the year candidates, what's with the whole Michaels/Raven thing in ECW? I've got to admit that this story has me very interested but I hope it doesn't stop us from seeing Shawn Michaels v. RVD because that could easily rival Summerslam's main event just gone.


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was the Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  5. Viewing figures for Thursday, week 1, October



    In House Attendance: 10,000


    2,509,475 on MTV2


    North American Total: 2,509,475

    Total: 2,509,475





    In House Attendance: 15,000


    962,597 on UPN

    406,171 on The Score


    North American Total: 1,368,768

    Total: 1,368,768

  6. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Lita against Melina ended in a no contest C+


    Justin Credible defeated Cade and London to retain the WWF European Title B


    The Outsiders defeated MNM to retain The WWF Wold Tag Team Titles B


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Scotty 2 Hotty and Al Snow B


    Booker T defeated Randy Orton B+


    The Undertaker defeated Batista A




    Show Rating: B+

  7. Thursday, week 1, October

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW F' The Mainstream. I'm Joey Styles, seemingly back to calling shows on my own because my two broadcast colleagues left the promotion last week at Anarchy Rulz. Anyway, confirmed for tonight's card is a rematch from Revolution between The Great Sasuke and Hayabusa. Also, Shane Douglas is scheduled to defend his TV Title against Tajiri and Kensuke Sasaki makes his debut.


    Charlie Pag, Raven, Burchill, Abyss and Goliath are in the ring.



    Pag: Tonight, what I like to think of as "The Purge Of The bWo" continues as Raven will face Da Blue Guy one on one. Just as on Monday, the rest of the bWo and Shawn Michaels are banned from ringside and face immediate termination of their contract if they choose to ignore that fact.


    Pag passes the mic to Raven.


    Raven: Shawn Michaels, regardless of what you say, I will face you at Guilty As Charged and ensure that your reign was nothing more than a small discrepancy in the history of the ECW Title.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass

    Quote The Raven



    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, representing The Cult Of Sasuke, from Michinoku Japan, The Great Sasuke. And, to my right, from Kamamotu Japan, Hayabusa.



    The Great Sasuke wins with a Fire Thunder Powerbomb at 9:26

    Match Rating: B


    Joey: What, no presence from the cult?


    Stephanie Mcintosh and Shawn Michaels are talking backstage.



    Steph: Shawn I really think you should just give the title shot to Raven.


    Michaels: No way. RVD earned his shot and I'm not gonna be the one responsible for taking that opportunity away from him!


    Steph: But Shawn, you have to realise that Raven and the bastards he hangs around with are going to slowly take apart the bWo to get at you. I ask you, does Stevie deserve that?


    Michaels: No, of course not but...


    Steph: So, don't you see? You have to give Raven the shot for their sake and yours.


    Michaels: I just can't do that to Rob.


    Steph: Shawn, that doesn't matter. You'll easily beat Raven at Guilty As Charged and then RVD can have his shot. You beat Raven last time, so what's the problem now?


    Michaels: Nothing, but just in case I were to lose, I can't do that for Rob's sake. Now, can we please drop it?


    Steph: Okay, but you do know I'm only saying this because I care about you, don't you?


    Michaels: Yeah, of course.


    They stare at each other for a moment, then look away, embarrased.




    Shane Douglas wins with a Pittsburgh Plunge at 13:42

    Match Rating: A*


    A video is shown to promote the debut of Kensuke Sasaki.

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=1859190&contentType=2 loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />



    Sasaki absolutely dominates and wins with a Volcano Eruption at 12:02

    Match Rating: B+


    The Iron Saints make their way to the ring.



    Vito: Tonight's featured sinner is a heretic of the highest order! He is responsible for countless acts of gratuitous violence and has incited hatred on similarly numerous ocassions. Sabu, come and subject yourself to justice!


    Joey: Sabu? They have to be joking!



    Sabu has no problem contending with the numbers game and wins with an Atomic Arabian Facebuster on Cristoforro at 13:29

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match Vito floors Cristoforro with a haymaker.


    Vito: My brother, Brandon, was correct. You are nothing more than a waste of space; a waste of valuable oxygen! There is no place for you among God's elite.


    Vito, Salvatore and Brandon assault Cristoforro.


    Joey: Well, it looks like Cristoforro's holy brothers have turned on him. That hardly seems christian...



    Raven destroys Da Blue Guy with various weapons and, just as on Monday, Goliath and Abyss join in with the beatdown. Raven wins with an Evenflow DDT at 10:34

    Match Rating: B+


    Raven picks up a mic.


    Raven: You choose the moment when the inhumanity stops, Shawn Michaels. You can prevent all manner of bloodshed with three simple words: "Raven I accept."


    Michaels comes running to the ring.



    He manages to floor Raven and land a few strikes but Abyss restrains him quickly. Burchill comes to the ring and Michaels is destroyed in a four-on-one assault.


    After his adversaries have left the ring, Stephanie Mcintosh comes to check on Michaels' condition.



    It is no good, though. Michaels is out cold.




    Show Rating: A*

  8. Viewing figures for Monday, week 1, October



    In House Attendance: 10,000


    1,531,337 on MTV2


    North American Total: 1,531,337

    Total: 1,531,337





    In House Attendance: 15,000


    846,007 on TSN

    609,213 on USA Network

    220,155 on Sky Sports


    North American Total: 1,455,220

    Total: 1,675,375

  9. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    The Hurricane Defeated Chris Masters B-


    Val Venis defeated Johnny Parisi B-


    Aguila defetaed Antonio to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C


    The Outsiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and Al Snow to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles B+


    Justin Credible defeated Carlito to retain the WWF European Title B


    Kane defeated Triple H A




    Show Rating: B+

  10. Monday, week 1, October

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis, alongside a man that is making his return to ECW after a year long absence, none other than Joel Gertner.

    Gertner: It's great to be back Don!

    Callis: This is the first official show of the Post-Brand Era of ECW, partially indicated by my new broadcast colleague, and we think it's going to be a barnstormer!

    Gertner: Damn right, Don! Tonight, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera are scheduled to make their first appearance as a tag team.

    Callis: That seems like a logical logical progression for them after the respect they have earned for one another.

    Gertner: Oh, absolutely but, on top of that, The Iron Saints say they are going to punish one of the most well known men on the roster tonight.

    Callis: I wonder who that is.

    Gertner: I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.


    Shawn Michaels is in the ring with Stephanie Mcintosh.



    Steph: Ladies and gentlemen, the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion... "The Showstopper" Shawn Michaels.


    Michaels falls to his knees in a theatrical pose.


    Michaels: Why, thank you, Stephanie


    He kisses her on the hand.


    Michaels: First of all, I want to thank my entire family for standing by me... No, but seriously, award ceremony or not, I want to thank each and every one of you for your incredble support at Anarchy Rulz. My second name was chanted from the moment I made my entrance until after the show was over and, believe me, that is one hell of a humbling experience.


    So, tonight the Shawn Michaels reign begins and...


    Raven appears at the entrance way, accompanied by Charlie Pag, Burchill, Abyss and Goliath.



    Raven: So, Shawn Michaels has come to give his little acceptance speech. Who gives a f**K? What about me? What about Raven? We're two minutes into the Shawn Michaels reign and I'm already sick of it.


    Any man's death strengthens me, for I am not of average mind and entity. Therefore, Shawn Michaels, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. At Guilty As Charged, I am challenging you for a title shot.


    Michaels: Woah, slow down there big boy, your math don't quite add up. At Guilty As Charged I'm facing Rob Van Dam because he won his Number One Contendership on Friday. By the way, Rob, be ready because it might just be the match of both of our careers!


    Raven: Now, Shawn, you're just not getting this are you? Screw RVD, one way or another I will face you for the title at Guilty As Charged. The choice is not yours to make!


    He hands the mic to Pag.


    Pag: On that note, Raven will face Super Dragon tonight and both Shawn Michaels and the bWo will be banned from ringside. If they choose to ignore that ban, they will join Paul Heyman and Taz on the unemployment line!



    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the team of Michael Shane and Frankie "The Future" Kazarian. And, to my right, making their debut as a tag team, from South Of The Border, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera: Los Increibles.



    Los Increibles work extremely well together and get the win at 14:06 with a Double Springboard Legdrop.

    Match Rating: A


    The Great Sasuke enters the ring, for once, unaccompanied.



    Sasuke: Friday, my disciples and I prove that we be awesome! Tonight, I prove myself as greatest wrestler alive. Anyone, in the locker room can face me one on one and I prevail!


    Hayabusa makes his way to the ring.



    Gertner: Oh my god, it's Hayabusa!

    Callis: We haven't seen him in ECW since 2000!



    The Great Sasuke wins with an illegal pin at 14:07

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the two men stare one another down.


    The cult comes running to the ring.



    Hayabusa is able to escape before he is beaten down. Meanwhile, Sasuke admonishes his followers for not arriving quickly enough.


    Callis: Well, that answers the question posed at Anarchy Rulz. LA Park is a part of the cult.

    Gertner: Thank god Hayabusa made it out of the ring in time!


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: At Anarchy Rulz, The Iron Saints defeated The Dudley Boys and, tonight, the inquisition continues. Tonight's featured sinner is one of the most well known men in the wrestling world but that makes him no less of a heretic! So, Bill Goldberg, come and subject yourself to justice!


    Callis: Goldberg? Do they honestly expect to beat him?



    Goldberg nearly pins Cristoforro after a Spear but, in the end, with thanks to interference, The Iron Saints get the win with God's Will at 16:02

    Match Rating: A


    Brandon picks up a mic.


    Brandon: What was that Cristoforro? You nearly cost us the match!


    Vito: I'm sure it was an accident my brother.


    Cristoforro: You need to calm down.


    Brandon: Don't tell me to calm down.


    Brandon pushes Cristoforro. Vito and Slavatore have to seperate them.


    Vito: In the name of all that is holy, stop this now!


    Rocky and Cactus Jack are talking backstage.



    Rocky: ...and so the boss said "Can't talk now, love, I'm on the mobile."


    Cactus Jack laughs hysterically.


    Cactus: Haha, awesome. Was he for real?


    Suddenly Steve Austin attacks both men and leaves them down.



    Austin: Oh hell yeah. Steve Austin is back and he's here to kick some ass!


    The crowd goes nuts.


    Callis: Wow, Austin's back!

    Gertner: It sure looks that way. Tonight is full of surprises!



    Raven destroys Super Dragon with various weapons and, to make matters worse, Abyss and Goliath come down to join in the beating. Raven wins with an Evenflow DDT at 12:10

    Match Rating: B+


    Raven picks up a mic.


    Raven: Do you understand now Shawn? I will hospitalise every single person you hold dear if you don't accept my challenge!


    Michaels appears at the entrance-way.



    Michaels: Raven, all that this proves is that you are a grade A bluechip bastard! I will not sale RVD down the river. My title match with him is still on whether you like it or not!


    Raven: Okay, Shawn, it's your funeral. Or rather, the funeral of all your loved ones and the blood is on your hands!


    Gertner: What a sick bastard!

    Callis: Raven always was the master of manipulation! Now, though, I have just recieved word that our main event, which is up next, will be Steve Austin versus Rocky!



    Despite interference from Cactus Jack, Steve Austin wins with a Stunner at 14:22

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Rocky and Cactus Jack assault Steve Austin but he is able to escape before too much damage is done.


    Austin: Okay you bastards, you like working together so much? Let's make a tag match for Revolution next week. You two versus me and any partner of my choosing.


    Rocky: Bring it, bitch.



    Show Rating: A*

  11. One thing I did not like however, was the breaking of Keyfabe (I think thats how you spell it) by Bam Bam. Not cool and it breaks the illusion big time. We all knew that Paul and Taz leaving would be part of a storyline, but when Bam Bam came out and spoiled it for everyone it kind of sucked.


    Fairplay, I didn't know how "insider" to go. I'll bare that in mind for the next Bam Bam Exam.


    Cheers for the feedback dude, appreciated like you would not believe.


    Quote The Raven


  12. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam. For those of you who have just stumbled upon this page by accident, ECW have commissioned me to write on their website. "About what?" I hear you ask. About the state of the wrestling inustry according to the Beast From The East.


    The first thing that needs examining is the "departure" of Paul Heyman and Taz from ECW. Sorry to ruin the illusion guys but it's all a storyline because I happen to know that both guys are still under contract. Hell, Paul E has a lifetime contract and is said to be bestest buddies with Charlie Pag behind the scenes. But then, I guess they would be after working closely together for about the last ten years. Anyway, I would expect the master of the Tazmission and the mad scientist that is Paul Heyman to be returning to a TV screen near you in the very near future.


    On the subject of returning I will turn my attention to "The Franchise" Shane Douglas. Now, Shane is a very close personal friend of mine but I say this even in spite of that: he is one of the few veterans around today that can still go. Bret and Owen are both over fourty and they're still the best thing on the current WWF roster and Raven, despite being fourty, is still a hugely valuable asset to ECW. As for Shane, he's right up there with them. The guy is fourty two for crying out loud and he was still able to have that brutal TV title match with Rhino at Anarchy Rulz. Unbelievable, just unbelievable! You know what else? He's gonna get the ECW Triple Crown and equal Sandman's record because, believe me, when Shane makes a promise, he delivers!


    I mentioned Bret and Owen before and that's also something I want to talk about. As you probably know, WWF has this grand plan for Unforgiven. Bret, as the heel World champ, is gonna face his brother Owen, who is the babyface Intercontinental Champ. Is this ringing any bells? Survey says... Wrestlemania VI - Hogan versus The Ultimate Warrior. They did that same angle way back in 1989. Yes, they are just rebranding old ideas but, for everyone who's saying that it's a bad idea, you're a fool because any chance to see Bret versus Owen should be taken! They are the two most gifted technical wrestlers alive today and I haven't forgotten Angle or Benoit!


    Staying on the subject of WWF, they resigned The Outsiders. They're just too old. Scott Hall has lost what he had and Kevin Nash couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag in the first place. Has he got charisma? Hell yes but so does the entire WWF locker room. It's a shame because recent WWF booking has been fantastic.


    Goliath joining Pag's group? Bad idea in my opinion. You had Raven as the established talent and could have brought any number of young guys into that stable to push them into the main event. Bad booking - 'nuff said.


    Finally, I come to Shawn Michaels winning the ECW World Title. A lot of my friends in the industry have different opinions but I think it was a good call. As much as I love Raven (and I do), the strap was getting a little stale on him. I don't know if Shawn is only gonna be a transitional champion but, either way, it was good to give to someone else. Also, if they plan on continuing this feud between bWo/Michaels and Pag's group, it's a great way to get some heat for the storyline.


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was the Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  13. Friday, week 4, September

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=1813957&contentType=2 loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Anarchy Rulz! I'm Joey styles alongside my broadcast colleagues for tonight, Don Callis and two time ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks for the intro Joe. It's good to be here.

    Callis: It sure is. I have a feeling that tonight's show is going to be a real spectacle.


    Bob Artese: Welcome to Anarchy Rulz!


    There is a huge pop


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is a Super Juniors Six Man Tag Team Match contested under lucha libre rules. Therefore, it is best two out of three falls. To my left, the team of Tiger Mask VI, Teddy Hart and LA Park. And, to my right, Chessman, Ozz and The Great Sasuke: The Cult Of Sasuke.



    The match is incredibly fast paced, easily the best Six Man Tag Match witnessed in the Super Juniors Division. The Cult Of Sasuke win in two straight falls in 12:17

    Match Rating: B


    After the match, the entire cult enter the ring.




    They forcefully eject Hart and Tiger Mask and proceed to tie up LA Park just like two weeks ago. Sasuke then places his hand over LA Park's face as if sucking out the life essence from within him. After a minute he releases his grip and steps backwards. The cult untie LA Park and he gets to his feet. He stares at Sasuke for a second and then falls to his knees in worship.


    Joey: Oh my god, does this mean that he's a part of the cult?

    Callis: Surely not.


    Sasuke laughs and leads his followers and LA Park to the back.




    The match is fast paced and aerial based. Jushin Thunder Lyger wins with a Lyger Bomb at 14:27

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Lyger is the new International All Action Champion and what a match it was!


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: As you know, we are scheduled to face The Dudley Boys three on three. As far as we are concerned, they are just three more sinners on a very long list!



    The match quickly turns hardcore as the Dudleys bring out their signature furniture. However, thanks to interference from Cristoforro, The Iron Saints pick up the victory at 13:11

    Match Rating: A


    Brandon picks up a microphone.


    Brandon: We didn't need your help to win that!


    Cristoforro: I'm sorry?


    Brandon: You should be. You shouldn't have been involved.


    Vito: Calm down my brother. He helped us.


    Brandon: ...Unnecessarily.


    Brandon storms out of the ring, Salvatore goes after him.



    Taz: Well, I think there is descension in the ranks of The Iron Saints.

    Joey: Brandon did seem a little over the top there. After all, they did just win the match.


    Charlie Pag, Paul Burchill and Abyss are backstage for a shoot promo.



    Pag: Tonight will be a glorious night for my associates and me. Paul Heyman will join the unemployment line, Raven will destroy Shawn Michaels and the two men standing next to me will win the Tag Titles.


    Burchill: That's right. The bWo stuck their nose in where it didn't belong and tonight they are gonna pay!


    The three men laugh, looking confident.


    Final Match In The Best-Of-Seven Series


    Both men seem determined to leave their all in the ring. The match is incredibly even with both men seeing ample offence. There are highspots galore: Rey hits a toprope Huracanrana through a ringside table on Juvi at 9:26 and Juvi nais a 450 Splash on Rey at 13:16. Eventually, Juventud Guerrera gets the win with a Juvi Driver at 17:22

    Match Rating: A*


    The fans give a standing ovation in recognition of an amazing wrestling bout.


    Juvi helps Rey off the canvas and offers him his hand. Rey accepts and the two men hug in the centre of the ring. The crowd continues to applaud.


    Taz: I tell you here and I tell you now, that sort of mutual respect is not seen nearly enough in a wrestling ring. That respect is deserved on both of their parts. That match, hell the series, was absoloutley phenomenal!


    Number One Contendership Match


    The match is a classic, as two loyal competitors showcase a hybrid of fast paced, technical holds and ultra-hardcore spots that is unique to ECW. Rob Van Dam wins with a Five Star Frog Splash at 16:23

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, RVD takes a bow and Tommy Dreamer joins the crowd in applauding hs victory.


    Bob Artese: The following contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. In the ring at this time, from Detroit Michigan, he is the ECW World Television Champion: "The Man Beast" Rhino. And his opponent, whose identity was previously unknown, is a three time ECW Television Champion and a four time ECW World Heavyweight Champion, from right here in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas.


    Douglas, accompanied by Francine, makes his way to the ring to a standing ovation and chants of "Franchise"



    He picks up a mic and laughs loudly.


    Douglas: The Franchise is back in Extreme Championship Wrestling. The man who toppled Terry Funk at Cyberslam '97 in Monica, Pennsylvania; the man who destroyed Sabu for the World title at November To Remember in Fort Lauderdale Florida is back and he is back to prove he is still the best performer in America.


    You see, I am here to achieve three very important things. I have never held the ECW TV Title, an eroor of history that will be put right tonight! I already hold the record for the longest ECW World Title reign, which by the way was seven hundred and thirty six days! So, I want to equal Raven's record of five reigns because I'm on four. Finally, I want to be the only the fourth man to achieve the elusive ECW Triple Crown by winning The Tag Titles.




    The match is a hardcore bloodbath as both men make use of singapore canes, chairs, tables, fire extinguishers, staple guns and even branding irons! The Franchise wins with a Pittsburgh Plunge at 14:17

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: The Franchise really is back and he's in the best form I've ever seen him in!


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: There is no sin. There is no virute. There are just humans and the actions they choose to take, neither justly righteous or condemnable. So, no criticism made of me can be supported by fair evidence. What about me? What about Raven? I am so often asked "Why can't you can't you cut a promo in plain English? Why can't you be less depressive? Why can't you have a sense of humour?" Well, imagination is a quality given to a man to compensate him for what he is not and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is. Thus, due to my own successes, I need neither.


    Tonight, my successes shall continue. Shawn Michaels is a man marked for execution.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven





    The Blue Guy, Super Dragon and Traci guard the ring from any outside interference throughout. At 10:26, Raven comes running down the entrance-way aisle. However, Shawn Michaels emerges from the crowd and Superkicks him before he can make it to the ring. The bWo win when Big Stevie hit the Stevie Kick on Burchill at 14:22

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Well, Charlie Pag's best laid plans have failed. The Blue World Order are still the Tag Champs.


    Paul Heyman and Team F' The Mainstream are backstage.



    Heyman: Now, guys, I don't have to remind you that my job is on the line. So, please, for the love of god, go out there and prove yourself to be as good as I think you are.


    Inter-Promotional Eight Man Tag Match To End The Brand Split.


    ----------------------------------------- vs. ----------------------------------------


    The match is evenly contested between two fantastic teams. At 12:27, Goliath turns on his own team and hits Benoit with a Giant Chokeslam. The Sandman capitalises for the pin.

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh my god! Paul E. No! No! I never thought it would actually happen.

    Taz: Oh Jesus, Paul. Screw that. This can't happen. He f**king built this company!

    Callis: And it's all thanks to that backstabbing bastard Goliath.

    Taz: Can every faithful ECW wrestler please come out and kick Goliath's ass?


    Charlie Pag enters the ring. He smiles and shakes hands with Goliath.



    Joey: It was all a setup! Pag organised the whole damn thing.


    Heyman comes out and waves at the fans with tears in his eyes.



    Pag: Heyman, I said that you would be the next fat, balding bastard on the unemployment line. Now, get the f**k out of my arena!


    Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to the new, post-brand era of Extreme Championship Wrestling: an era without the stagnant, obsolete piece of crap that is Paul Heyman.


    In a public display, Taz throws his headset on the floor and picks up a microphone.


    Taz: F**k this! If Paul goes, I go.


    He drops the microphone and walks out with his arm around Heyman.




    There is a deafening chant of "Michaels" throughout the entire match, as the fans want Pag and his associates to pay for their actions towards Paul E. At 16:43, Pag, Burchill, Goliath and Abyss all come running to the ring. However, the bWo is in close pursuit. A huge five-on-five brawl ensues. In the confusion, Shawn Michaels hits the Superkick on Raven and Jim Molineaux counts the three at 19:24

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh my god! Shawn Michaels is the ECW champion!

    Callis: That is a direct slap in the face to Raven and Pag and I am so damn happy about it!


    Pag and his associates head to the back in disbelief.

    Shawn Michaels and the bWo, as both The World and Tag Team Champions, stand tall in the ring. The fans go crazy.


    Show Rating: A*

  14. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/anarchyrulz.jpg


    Lucha Libre Rules Six-Man Tag

    Tiger Mask IV, Teddy Hart & LA Park vs. The Cult Of Sasuke





    International All Action Championship Match

    Jushin "Thunder" Lyger vs. AJ Styles vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri ©






    The Dudley Boys vs. The Iron Saints





    Final Of The Best-Of-Seven Series

    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera





    World Television Championship Match

    Rhino © vs. Mystery Opponent






    Number One Contendership Match

    Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer





    World Tag Team Championship Match

    The bWo © vs. Burchill & Abyss






    Inter-Promotional Eight-Man Tag To End The Brand Split

    Team F' The Mainstream vs. Team Revolution







    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Shawn Michaels vs. Raven ©



  15. Thursday, week 4, September

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream. We have sold out the American Bank Center.

    Heyman: Well, at least that's fitting for what could be my last night on the job.

    Taz: Hey, Paul, there's no way you are going out like that, my friend. It doesn't matter who's on the team; Team F' The Mainstream will whip Team Revolution's ass and you will carry on as our headbooker.

    Joey: Amen to that!

    Heyman: Thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Taz: No problem man.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is a F' The Mainstream Super Juniors match contested under lucha libre rules. Therefore, it is best two out of three falls. To my left, Chris Hero, Phoenix Star and Nosawa. And, to my right, Chessman, Ozz and The Great Sasuke: The Cult Of Sasuke.



    The Cult Of Sasuke dominate and win by two straight falls in 12:45

    Match Rating: B-


    The entire cult enter the ring.




    Sasuke's followers kneel before him.


    Sasuke: When we first arrived, you thought that we joke, that we laughable but Great Sasuke is no joking. This we will demonstrate further tonight.


    Taz: What the hell does that mean?

    Joey: I have no idea but these guys freak me out every time I see them!


    The Iron Saints enter the ring.



    Vito: This weeks featured evil doer made his ECW debut just last week but that makes him no less of a sinner. This man has glorified death and the supernatural throughout his entire career. This man is none other than LA Park.



    Cristoforro picks up the pin after he and Vito hit God's Will at 12:43 Vito seems annoyed that Cristoforro was credited with the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, The Great Sasuke appears at the entrance-way, holding a doll resembling LA Park. He is joined by his follwers.




    His disciples begin chanting in a foreign language, whilst dancing around him. Suddenly, he makes a pointing motion at the doll and LA Park, who is still in the ring, catches on fire.


    Joey: Oh my god! He's on fire.

    Taz: Man, this is freaky. Somebody stop this!


    Tiger Mask IV and Teddy Hart come running from the back.



    They are able to take out the cult and get to Sasuke. As soon as Tiger Mask hits him, his concentration seems to be broken and the fire burning LA Park instantly extinguishes. However, whilst an EMT crew comes to the aid of LA Park, the cult begins a six on 2 assault on Hart and Tiger Mask.


    Joey: Oh my god! That was brutal.

    Taz: I don't think I've ever seen anything as disturbing as that and I was there when Dreamer forcefully moulded a steel chair into the shape of Raven's Head!



    Goliath dominates and wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 11:16

    Match Rating: A


    Christian and Chris Jericho are talking backstage.



    Christian: What the hell was that last week Chris? Why didn't you help me?


    Jericho: Man, I would have but I couldn't.


    Christian: angrily What do you mean you couldn't?


    Jericho: By the time Kurt had you in that Ankle lock, Benoit was up and ready to take me out.


    Christian looks sceptical


    Jericho: Come on man, we go back years. Would I really do that to you?


    Christian: No.


    Jericho: Exactly, now put it there.


    The two men slap hands and then hug. Unbeknown to Christian, Jericho has a wry smile on his face.




    The bWo win when Big Stevie delivers a Stevie Kick to Jay Briscoe at 13:52

    Match Rating: B


    Heyman drops his headset and enters the ring to deafening chants of "Paul E".



    Heyman: Ladies and gentleman, F' The Mainstream's half of the card for Anarchy Rulz:


    After tonight's events, I have decided that Chessman, Ozz and Sasuke will face LA Park, Tiger Mask IV and Teddy Hart in a Six Man Tag Team Match.


    The Dudley Boys will face three members of The Iron Saints.


    Rob Van Dam will face Tommy Dreamer in a Number One Contender's match.


    Rhino, who has been on incredible form, will defend his TV Title against a mystery opponent.


    Now, I was going to make a tag match where Angle and Benoit faced Christian and Jericho but, because of what Charlie Pag said on Monday, I have decided to pull that match from the card.


    You see, at Anarchy Rulz, my job is on the line. So, I've enlisted Angle and Benoit, as two of ECW's top performers, to represent Team F' The Mainstream.


    This brand's team in full is: Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Goliath and Sabu. I trust these four to loyally represent their company, their brand and me.



    RVD wins with a Five Star Frog Splash at 17:26

    Match Rating: A


    RVD picks up a mic.


    RVD: Hey, Dreamer, at Anarchy Rulz Mr. Pay Per View is going to add to his incredible record with your name in the "defeated" column. So, say hello to your new ECW Number One Contender: Rob Van Dam.


    Show Rating: A

    Show Rating: B

  16. At this point, I'd be hugely appreciative of any feedback on that last show and the general direction of the diary 'cos I've started trying a lot of new things, what with dropping the brands (well done Stallion, I really do think you were right after consideration), introducing the Super Juniors and trying to strengthen the tag team division...


    So, if you think there is anything I should be doing differrently, if I used to include stuff that you liked and no longer do or if you think any of the storylines require comment (be it positive or negative), please drop a comment.


    Cheers for reading, I really appreciate it.


    Quote The Raven


  17. Monday, week 4, September

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. We have sold out the Kansas Coliseum.

    Hudson: We're less than a week away from Anarchy Rulz and I can't wait to see our finalised half of the card.

    JR: Well, Charlie Pag has a very big announcement tonight and we expect that it will, in part, concern Paul Heyman's speech last Thursday. However, I'm sure it will also deal with Revolution's official card at Anarchy Rulz.



    Apocalypse dominates and wins with a Jesus Driver at 11:16

    Match Raing: B-


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Raven: The world is filled with people who believe that their talents have been frustrated by an unkind fate; they are convinced that they could write, paint, or, perhaps, excel in music if their lives were only differently ordered but they lack the resolution to reorder their destiny. They are not liars, these people, but they are deceiving themselves. For talent that is not backed up with sufficient resolution to ensure its expression is only doubtfully existent. What about me? What about Raven? I am the greatest wrestler alive and I have the resolution to impose my physical will on Shawn Michaels at Anarchy Rulz.


    You see, the reward of great men is that, long after they have died, one is not sure that they are dead and, just as a human of esteemed greatness is long remembered, the pain that I shall inflict upon Shawn Michaels will form the basis of future legend.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass

    Quote The Raven




    Abyss, who is accompanied by Charlie Pag, absolutely destroys the H8 Club, winning with a Blackhole Slam at 12:42

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, Charlie Pag enters the ring. Abyss' imposing figure remains beside him.



    Pagleiro: Allow me to introduce The Monster that is Abyss. If my associates and I were not the most dominant force in proffesional wrestling, we sure as hell are now.


    I am here for two reasons. Firstly, to announce Revolution's half of the card for Anarchy Rulz:



    There will be a Triangle Match for The International All Action Title. Tajiri will defend the belt against Jushin Lyger and AJ Styles.


    Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera will face off in the seventh, and last, match of their best-of-seven series.


    Tommy Dreamer will face Rob Van Dam in a Number One Contender's Match.


    This is my favourite match of the night, Paul Burchill and Abyss will physically dismantle the bWo in a match for the World Tag Team Titles.


    Abyss nods his head and clenches his fists in a very threatening manner.


    Pag: Finally, Shawn Michaels will feel the wrath of my good friend Raven in a Barbed Wire Death Match for the World Heavyweight Title.


    Now, I move onto the second issue that requires redress. Last Thursday night Paul Heyman made a very unprofessional statement that gives me very good grounds to fire him! However, I'm going to give him a chance to keep his job.


    As, a lot of you may know, after Anarchy Rulz, we are officially dropping the brand split. That is, headbookers will still control their respective show but the entire ECW roster will be eligible to compete on both brands. So, as a way of marking this ocassion and allowing Paul E an opportunity to stay employed, I am making an inter-promotional Eight Man Tag Match for Anarchy Rulz. Team Revolution will face Team F' The Mainstream. If F' The Mainstream wins, Paul E. can keep his job. If not, he's gonna be the next fat, balding bastard on the unemployment line.


    Team Revolution will be: The Sandman, Cactus Jack, Rocky and Ultimo Dragon.


    Pick your guys wisely Paul E. You may regret it if you don't.




    Yoshihiro Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 15:57

    Match Rating: B


    AJ Styles comes running to the ring from the back and Jushin Lyger appears from the crowd.



    Lyger, Styles and Tajiri get into a huge, three-way brawl. Eventually, Hogan and Funk have to come out and seperate them.


    Callis: Wow, that All Action Title match should be awesome but, now, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera are going to have to co-exist as a tag-team to warm up for their singles match on Friday night.



    Rey and Juvi work together remarkably well and win with a Double Toprope DDT at 16:23

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, the two luchadores shake hands. However, instead of letting go, Juvi pulls Rey closer and they stare each other down.


    Hudson: It all somes down to a final match. Talk about intensity and determination to win...

    JR: Now, though, we have recieved word that Shawn Michaels will face the F.B.I. in a handicp match.

    Callis: Paul E was right you know? I don't think this unjust treatment of Shawn Michaels will ever stop.



    Despite putting up a brave fight, Shawn Michaels is slowly picked apart in a five on one beatdown.

    However, the bWo run in to even the odds.


    A five on five all-out brawl ensues and the bWo and Shawn Michaels start to get the upper hand. However, at that moment Abyss runs out to the ring. The F.B.I. escape through the crowd as quickly as they can while Abyss takes out Shawn Michaels and every member of the bWo one-by-one. With the F.B.I. nowhere in sight, referee Jim Molineaux has no choice but to call for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Abyss continues the assault. Charlie Pag, Raven and Burchill appear at the entrance-way and applaud his efforts.


    Show Rating: A

    Show Rating: B

  18. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW Online can report that ECW intends to drop the brand split. Apparently, this decision was taken by the senior management team as a result of pressure from loyal fans, through various media, to see both rosters merged.


    It is not yet known how the two TV shows will be organised from this point on as both shows have over a season remaining on MTV2 according to contractual agreement.


    Charlie Pag is expected to make an on-screen announcement on the subject. If any further reports become available you will hear them here first.

  19. I know the feeling. Unfortunately, what with a written contract it may be a little difficult. Although, I have a feeling his contract with WWF enters the "negotiation period" in about a week. So, I'll keep you all posted.


    I will start posting updates on happenings in the gameworld after Anarchy Rulz. I'll give a rundown of viewing figures/buyrates etc. and explain who's winning in the WWF/ECW war.


    Quote The Raven


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