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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Thursday, week 2, July


    *Theme music, Slayer - Angel Of Death, plays*




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: That never fails to crack me up. Tell me, do you finish each other's sentences away from the show.

    Joey: No.

    Heyman: So why now?

    Taz: It's our thing.

    Heyman: Your thing? What a convincing arguement.

    Taz: Yeah, everyone has a thing.

    Heyman: They do?

    Taz: Yeah all announce teams have a trademark introduction.

    Heyman: There just not all so camp.

    Joey: I wondered when the day would come that I had to call a show single-handed again.

    Taz: He's right. 10,000 fans are here at the Jefferson Civic Centre.

    Joey: Let's go to Bob Artese.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Title. To my left, the challenger, The Canadian Extremist: Lance Storm. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television champion: The Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 14:33

    Match Rating: A*


    Paul Heyman enters the ring to chants of "Paul E."



    Heyman: Thank you. Now, tonight's show has a continuous theme so to speak. That theme is the number two. You see, there will be a double main event, both of which will be tag-team matches.


    Firstly, RVD and Sabu will learn to work together, in preperation for Summer Assylum, by teaming to face the former ECW World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boys.


    Also, we will combine two pay-per-view rematches. At Summer Assylum, Chris Benoit will wrestle Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle will wrestle Brock Lesnar. So, tonight Angle and Benoit will team to face Lesnar and Guerrero!




    Goldberg dominates and wins with a Jackhammer at 10:59

    Match Rating: A


    Goliath appears at the entrance-way.



    Goliath: Goldberg, you have the reputation for being a monster but I see no reason for it, especially since you lost you title match at Wrestlepalooza. So, at Summer Assylum, I will prove to you who the real ECW monster is!

    Goldberg nods in acceptance and mouths "You're next".




    Rhino absolutely dominates, getting the win with a Gore at 8:27

    Match Rating: B


    After the match Christian assults Rhino with a chair and flees before the ManBeast can fight back.


    Brock Lesnar enters the ring to chants of "Get The F**k Out!"



    Lesnar: Last week Kurt Angle made me look stupid and tonight he's gonna pay. Kurt get your ass out here right now!


    Kurt Angle appears at the entrance-way but The Hardy Boys attack him before he can make it to the ring.




    Joey: Damn. It was a setup.

    Taz: It sure was Joe and I think The Hardy Boys just repaid Brock Lesnar for him helping them get the tag gold last week.

    Heyman: At Summer Assylum I hope Angle breaks Brock's ankle!

    Joey: Well, now it's time for the first of our main events. RVD and Sabu face The Dudley Boys.




    Sabu pins D-von after an Atomic Arabian Facebuster at 12:16

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, RVD and Sabu stare each other out.


    Suddenly, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman appear from the crowd with Singapore Canes.



    They attack RVD and Sabu, leave them a bloody mess and leave the way they came.


    Heyman picks up a mic.


    Heyman: This goes to Stephanie Mac. Keep your guys on your show or there will be hell to pay!


    Chris Benoit is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Benoit: Eddie, know this, at Summer Assylum I will prove that you never deserved a victory over me. It was a fluke and it won't happen again. So, prepare yourself for the most hellacious match you have ever had!


    Tonight will be no different. I can beat you in a tag match just as I can one-on-one. Tonight you will tap out.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and is a merged tag-team match. To my left, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. And, to my right, Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guerrero.




    Benoit accidentally hits Angle with a chair. Eddie then takes out Benoit, allowing Brock to get the pinfall over Angle at 16:21

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: B+

  2. Monday, week 2, July


    *Theme music, Trivium - Pull Harder On THe Strings Of Your Martyr, plays*




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution.

    JR: 9,600 fans have packed the ALLTEL Arena for the show.

    Hudson: I'm not surprised with the card we have lined up! Yoshihiro Tajiri will try and take Chris Jericho's TV Title and Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr. will face off in their second match of the best-of-seven series.

    Callis: Not only that, Scott, but Shawn Michaels will face Steve Austin to see who will wrestle Raven for the World Championship at Summer Assylum.

    JR: What about Dreamer and Sandman?

    Hudson: Well, Stephanie Mac is meeting Paul Heyman and Charlie Pag tonight to decide that. I suppose whoever comes out on top of that situation will get a title shot at Hardcore Heaven in August.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the one and only Jerry Lynn. And to my right, from Nagoya Japan: Ultimo Dragon.




    Ultimo Dragon wins with a Tornado DDT at 14:27

    Match Rating: B+


    Tommy Dreamer approaches The Sandman backstage.



    Dreamer: Wait, hang on! If we start brawling we both lose a potential title shot. So, I'm here on peaceful terms. In fact, I wanted to share an idea with you...


    Callis: I wonder what that could be about.




    Paul Burchill dominates and wins with a Standing Moonsault at 12:54

    Match Rating: B+


    Burchill returns to the backstage area and approaches Charlie Pag.



    Burchill: Hey, bossman, you saw how dominant I was out there...

    Pag: I did.

    Burchill: Well, I was hoping to appeal to you as a fellow Englishman.

    Pag: Go on...

    Burchill: I want a title shot at Summer Assylum. Just one shot is all I ask. In fact, I think this letter I wrote for you may convince you of my point of view.

    Burcill hands Pag a brown envelope. A wad of cash is just visible. Pag smiles.

    Pag: I must say, you are very persuasive. I'll see what I can do.

    Burchill: Thank you sir.

    Pag: Please, call me Pag.

    Pag enters a conference room where Stephanie Mcintosh and Paul Heyman are sitting.


    Hudson: Well, I know Pag has Italian blood in him but I never knew he was such an everyday Godfather.

    Callis: Yes, that did look very suspicious!


    Bob Artese: The following match is one fall and for the ECW World Television Title. To my left, the challenger from Tokyo Japan: Yoshihiro Tajiri. And to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion: The Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 14:39

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Raven: Marx once said that "Religion is the opiate of the people". What about me? What about Raven? Well, evidently, my title is the opiate of the entire ECW roster.


    If the whole Sandman, Dreamer, Van Dam and Sabu bullsh*t wasn't enough now Austin and Michaels are squaring off to get a chance to face me. I beat Michaels just over a month ago. How many times do I have to prove myself superior?


    Also, it appears that Burchill's after my belt as well. One wonders if the list of challengers has ever been so long but one thing is for certain...


    Tommy Dreamer and the Sandman walk to the ring, side by side, each armed with a Singapore Cane.



    They attack Raven, who manages to escape before too much damage is done.

    Dreamer and Sandman shake hands but then Dreamer motions for The Sandman to turn around. He does so.


    As if from nowhere, RVD flies off the top rope and kicks Sandman in the face.



    Hudson: What the hell is that? He's not even on our show's roster!

    Callis: Well, if you watched F' The Mainstream last week, you would have seen RVD on his cellphone. I guess this is what it was about.

    JR: Oh I get it. RVD will be suspended if he attacks Sabu but there's nothing to stop him from attacking The Sandman. And, after all, if he gets the chance to take another challenger out of the picture, he will take it.

    Callis: Spot on Jim!

    Hudson: But he can't just show up here!

    Callis: I think he just did.


    RVD and Dreamer bloody Sandman with the Singapore Canes and head to the back.


    Heyman, Mcintosh and Pag leave the conference room backstage.



    Pag: I might see you later Paul.

    Heyman: Okay Pag. I'm glad we got this sorted.

    Heyman leaves.

    Pag: And I'll see you later tonight, Steph.

    Steph: Where are we going out to?

    Pag: You'll see.

    Pag kisses her on the hand and they walk off in opposite directions.




    Juventud Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 16:43 (2-0 to Juvi in the series)

    Match Rating: A*


    Stephanie Mcintosh enters the ring.



    Steph: I, along with Paul Heyman and Charlie Pag, have come up with a suitable solution to the title problem. In order to ensure no more unsanctioned attacks or cross-brand assaults on either show, we have decided a tag-team match makes sense.


    RVD and Sabu will face Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman at Summer Assylum. The winning team will wrestle one another at the next TV show after the pay-per-view to decide who will face the champ at Hardcore Heaven. Problem solved!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and is for the Number One Contendership. To my left, from Victoria Texas: Stunning Steve Austin. And to my right, from Houston Texas: Shawn Michaels.




    Rocky interferes and costs Steve Austin the match at 12:17

    Match Rating: A*


    Stephanie Mcintosh enters the ring for a second time.



    Steph: Due to the fact that this last match ended under unfair circumstances, I have, just this second, discussed an alternative solution with Charlie Pag. He persuaded me that it would be best for business if, next week, we hold another Number One Contenship match. This time with Paul Burchill included to make it a triple threat.


    Hudson: Something about that strikes me as dodgy.

    Callis: I know the feeling.


    Pag bumps into Raven backstage.



    Pag: Just the man I wanted to see.

    Raven: And why's that?

    Pag: I think we can both help each other out.

    Raven: I'm listening...


    Callis: Does anyone else smell a rat?


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B-

  3. Another great show. I love the whol Brock Lesner hates ECW / Kurt Angle Loves ECW thing you have going on. Really good. Also Im looking foward to seeing the result of the Title situation and the match between Eddie (RIP) and Beniot. Pure gold!


    Cheers dude. It means a lot to get a compliment from a high quality diary writer such as yourself!


    Quote The Raven


  4. Thursday, week 1, July


    *Theme music, Slayer - Angel Of Death, plays*




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: We got a great show lined up tonight here at the LJVM Colliseum Complex in front of 11,200 fans!

    Taz: What, no snide comments Paul?

    Heyman: Sorry to dissapoint. I have something on my mind.

    Joey: Would you be referring to the title situation?

    Heyman: That's the one Joey.

    Taz: Yeah that has got a little bit out of hand.

    Heyman: Well, I've invited Stephanie Mcintosh to the show tonight and we plan to have a meeting with the ECW owner, Charlie Pag, so we can sort things out.

    Joey: What the hell's he getting involved for? I thought he did the business side of things and left the booking to you and Stephanie Mac.

    Taz: Well I guess the title controversy is affecting business.

    Heyman: Something like that.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW Tag Team Titles. To my left, the challengers from Cameron North Carolina: The Hardy Boys *A "Get The F**k Out!" chant begins*. And, to my right, from Dudleyville, they are the ECW World Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boys.



    http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/JeffHardy.jpghttp://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/MattHardy.jpg vs. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/BubbaRayDudley.jpghttp://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/D-VonDudley.jpg


    The Hardy Boys win after interference from Brock Lesnar at 12:03

    Match Rating: B+


    Lesnar: That's for everyone who hates ECW! *Another "Get The F**k Out!" chant begins, louder than before.*


    Joey: Damn it, that's not right!

    Taz: You think he'd get the picture that he's not wanted here!

    Heyman: I think the fans dropped a subtle hint.

    Joey: Next up is Christian...

    Heyman: ...The man with the most pointless name in the world.

    Joey: laughs and continues Anyway, Christian vs. The Messiah


    Christian is walking backstage to the entrance-way for his match and accidentally bumps into Rhino.



    Rhino sees red and attacks Christian. He eventually gores him into some wooden crates. *A "F**K him up Rhino F**k Him up" chant begins*


    Joey: Well that's scuppered that match then.

    Heyman: Maybe not.

    Heyman picks up a mic.

    Heyman: Rhino, seeing as you just took out one of our competitors, and believe me I have no problem with that, you can take his place. Rhino vs. The Messiah. *There is a big pop from the crowd at the prospect of seeing Rhino in action*


    Rhino hits the ring




    Rhino absolutely dominates the match and wins with a Gore at 8:19

    Match Rating: A


    RVD enters the ring, limping, to a huge "Whole F**king Show" chant



    RVD: Do I look hurt? Hey, it doesn't matter 'cos everythings cool when you're R-V-D!


    Last night, despite the match going to a draw, I think I proved that I deserve that title shot when I threw myself of a freakin' balcony just to take out Sabu.


    Sabu makes his way to the ring, also limping slightly.



    Heyman picks up a mic.

    Heyman: Woah, woah, woah! I've gotta say that I agree with Stephanie Mac on this one. You are just wasting time! If you want to fight so bad you can damn well do it in a match!


    If either Sabu attacks RVD or RVD attacks Sabu outside of a match, I will ensure that both of you are suspended because I need a certain amount of solid ring time to display great wrestling contests. Do I make myself clear? Thank you.


    Taz: Damn, Paul, you are all bussines tonight.




    Eddie Guerrero wins with a Frog Splash at 14:50

    Match Rating: A


    Eddie picks up a mic.


    Eddie: For those of you who were too cheap to buy the Wrestlepalooza pay-per-view, I won my match, man. Chris Benoit, I can take you anytime, Holmes.


    Benoit arrives at the entrance-way.



    Benoit: Okay, if you're so damn confident Eddie, you won't mind proving yourself at Summer Assylum. You and me, Eddie, you and me in a Submission match.


    Eddie: Bring it, me vito loco, if you really think you're good enough.


    Joey: Is that our first scheduled match for Summer Assylum, Paul E.?

    Heyman Yes it is Joey. Now excuse me. I have a meeting to attend.


    Heyman walks backstage and is greeted by Stephanie Mcintosh and Charlie Pag. All three enter a makeshift conference room.



    Bob Artese: The following match is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, the challenger from Wakayama Japan: Masato Tanaka. And to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion, The Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 12:42

    Match Rating: A*


    Steve Corino attacks Masato Tanaka after the match and leaves through the crowd.


    The three authorities leave the makeshift conference room.



    Pag: Thanks I really appreciate your time!

    Heyman: No problem. Now I gotta go and tell the fans.

    Steph: I'm glad we sorted out our differences tonight Paul.

    Heyman: Me too, Mac. I'll see you guys later.

    Heyman heads to the ring

    Pag: Hey Steph, this may be a bit forward of me but do you fancy dinner?

    Steph: Yeah, sure.


    Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: I've just spent the last twenty minutes in a boiling room, discussing the action we should take concerning the world title. *A "Thank you Paul" chant begins and Heyman laughs*


    Think nothing of it. Now me an Stephanie Mac have agreed to work in the interest of both shows, however, we have not yet reached a definite decision as to what to do. We will meet again at Revolution to finalise a plan. Until then my earlier words hold true - if RVD and Sabu fight outside of a sanctioned match I will personally suspend them.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, from Webster South Dakota: Brock Lesnar. And, to my right, from Calgary Alberta Canada: Chris Benoit.




    Chris Benoit after interference from Kurt Angle at 16:49

    Match Rating: A


    Angle: That's for everyone who loves ECW! *An "ECdub" chant begins*


    RVD is backstage on a cellphone.



    RVD: Yeah man, banned from confronting Sabu. It sucks... Oh really? I guess that makes sense... OK... Yeah... So you're suggesting that... yeah, absolutely. Its a good idea... Sure thing. I'll see you next week.


    Joey: What the hell was that about?


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: C+

  5. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW online has discovered that Revolution have made a contract offer to a young Canadian called Apocalypse. All that is known about him is that he trained at the Hart Dungeon.


    "We are always looking for young talent to join Revolution" said Stephanie Mcintosh earlier today "and it seems clear to me that Apocalypse will fit right in with our hardcore pioneers. Expect him to be making frequent appearances in the near future."


    Will the ECW powers that be, most notably Stephanie Mac, actually award large amounts of national TV exposure to this relative unknown? Only time will tell.

  6. Monday, week 1, July


    *Theme music, Trivium - Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr, plays*




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution!

    Hudson: Tonight's action takes place in the American Airlines Centre in front of 10,500 fans.

    JR: That's close to record attendance for Revolution.

    Hudson: Yes it is. It just goes to show that you won't find a more exciting wrestling promotion than ECW.

    JR: Well there is always...

    Callis: ...Jim, if the letters 'WWE' even cross your mind, I am perfectly prepared to throw your fat ass into the most rabid wrestling audience you'll ever find!

    Hudson: And I won't stop him.

    Callis: Anyway, I apologise for the domestic folks. Tonight's card includes a TV Title match, a Wrestlepalooza rematch between Juvi and Rey.

    Hudson: And the main event is even better. Rocky faces Cactus Jack!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is a Japanese showdown. To my left, The Buzzsaw: Tajiri. And, to my right, from Nagoya: Ultimo Dragon.




    Tajiri wins with a Buzzsaw Kick at 12:02

    Match Rating: A


    Chris Jericho enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Jericho: The Lionheart Chris Jericho can defat any enemy, conquer any foe, overcome any obstacle. And guess what? I did it again on Friday night.


    You see Cactus, it doesn't matter whether you're friends with Steve Austin because he couldn't save your ass when I was busy kicking it nine ways to Sunday. So, next time when you feel like issuing a challenge to someone just think 'WWJD? What Would Jericho Do?' Well, actually, I'd be safe in the knowledge that I am superior to any opponent but then that's a luxury you can't afford because you are a washed-up, old has been. You have no place in ECW, Cactus, you are obsolete!





    Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 13:46

    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: He might just be the most arrogant man on the planet but the thing that everyone hates about him most is that he is as good as he says he is!

    JR: It's true Don. You have to give him credit.

    Hudson: Agreed, let's not forget that his TV Title reign is now entering its seventh month. That's impressive in itself!


    Tommy Dreamer enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Dreamer: After Wrestlepalooza everyone's wondering what will happen as far as the number one contendership is concerned. Well, on Friday there was a miscarriage of justice! I should have won that match and it was a fluke that The Sandman landed the way he did! What's more, I'm willing to prove it right here, right now!


    As expected, The Sandman enters the ring with a Singapore Cane in hand.



    The two men look set to brawl


    Stephanie Mcintosh appears at the entrance-way.



    Steph: No, no no. You two can't just take up ten minutes of ring time every week and beat the hell out of each other in an unsanctioned fashion! This has got to stop.


    Sabu, RVD and you two all have an equal claim to a championship match and, frankly, any of you could face each other to decide the number one contender. However, until a definitive course of action is made, if either of you so much as touches the other, I will personally ensure that you are disqualified from the title picture!




    Scott Steiner wins with a Steiner Recliner at 11:32

    Match Rating: A


    Rey Mysterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera make there way to the ring for their match. Rey picks up a mic.



    Rey: Juvi, man, you gave me a great fight at Wrestlepalooza and I don't think we can settle who the better man is in just one match. One of us could have an off night or something. That's the main reason why we're having this rematch but I propose we make this the first match in a best of seven series.


    Juvi looks indifferent.


    Rey: Come on, man, you bring out the best in me every time I face you in this ring.

    Juvi: You know what? I'd be honored Rey!


    The crowd applaud heavily as they shake hands.

    Juvi quickly turns the handshake into an armdrag, however, and the match begins...




    Juvi wins with a Juvi Driver at 14:56

    Match Rating: A*


    Cactus Jack enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Cactus: Tonight I'm gonna prove that Jericho's success last night was nothing more than a fluke. I am a hardcore icon, the man that helped establish ECW. I was here dishing out hardcore beatings before we had national TV exposure, I was here before we had two brands, hell, I was here before we even had a pay-per-view deal! Rocky, you are no different to any other hardcore-wannabe I've faced. You will experience a world of hurt at the hands of Cactus Jack. Bang Bang!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, the hardcore icon that is Cactus Jack. And, to my right, from Fort Lauderdale Florida: Rocky.




    Rocky wins with a Rock Bottom at 12:20

    Match Rating: A*


    Cactus Jack is visibly upset. He starts kicking the turnbuckles and then just goes crazy with anger. He throws several chairs around and in a blind fit of rage puts himself threw a ringside table.


    JR: Oh god, Cactus has snapped.

    Hudson: He lost to Jericho and now Rocly. He's clearly very angry with himself.

    Callis: We're sorry to leave you on such a bizzare note but, I'm afraid, that's all the time we have.


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B

  7. Friday, week 4, June


    *Theme music, Arch Enemy - Nemesis, plays*




    Joey: Hello ladies and gentleman. Allow me to welcome you to the pay-per-view spectacle that is ECW Wrestlepalooza. 26,000 fans have packed the ECW Arena here in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Alongside me, as is the custom at our pay-per-view events, are the authorities of both F' The Mainstream and Revolution: Paul Heyman and Stephanie Mcintosh.

    Heyman: It's great to be back home Joey, especially with such a great show lined up.

    Steph: Absolutely Paul and can I take this opportunity to say how glad I am that we came to a suitable arrangement regarding the World Championship?

    Heyman: I am too Steph. I think this understanding will yield positive results for everyone.

    Joey: For those of you have been sleeping under a rock for the past month, to what my broadcast colleagues refer is tonight's special Triple-Header Main Event. The winner of tonight's seventh match will face the winner of tonight's eighth match, in a month's time, at Summer Assylum. The victor of that match will face the World Champion, who will be decided tonight in the ninth and final match. If you understand that you'll understand anything!

    Steph: It was the best we could come up with under the circumstances.

    Joey: No, I think it'll work great, it's just a bitch to explain!

    Heyman: Well, I don't know about you two but I can't wait for the matches.

    Joey: Good call Paul E. Let's go to Bob Artese.


    Bob Artese: Welcome to Wrestlepalooza. *Huge pop* Tonight's opening contest is one fall and a showdown between two longtime rivals. To my left, from Wakayama Japan, Masato Tanaka. And to my right, from Winipeg Manatoba Canada, The King Of Old School, Steve Corino.




    Masato Tanaka wins with a Tanaka Blaster at 14:42

    Match Rating: A

    Eddie Guerrero is backstage, ready for a shoot promo



    Eddie: So, here we are Chris. After weeks of speculation the time has come for me to beat you down, Holmes. Don't think I'll go easy on you just because we've toured Japan together. A few weeks ago on F' The Mainstream you insulted me and now, me vito loco, I will make you pay. Expect a bloodbath.


    Joey: Wow, Eddie's all fired up.

    Heyman: You better believe it Joey. This one is personal beyond belief!

    Steph: But now, guys, it's time for a Revolution match-up: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera.

    Joey: Oh yeah, I saw their match on Revolution a few weeks ago. It was awesome.

    Steph: Well, Joey, expect nothing less this time around. Both of them have momentum on their side!




    Juventud Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 17:14

    Match Rating: A*


    Steve Austin enters the ring to a standing ovation.



    Austin: I'm out here for two, very simple reasons. Firstly, I want to wish Cactus Jack the best of luck in his TV Title match against that loudmouth son of a bitch Jericho.


    Secondly, I just want to make it perfectly clear that Rocky is going home with an 'L' chalked in his career column. He wanted this match just to fuel his ego 'cos he can't stand to be left off a pay-per-view bill but tonight that supersize ego is gonna take one hell of a beating.




    Eddie Guerrero wins with a Frogsplash at 16:54

    Match Rating: A*


    Cactus Jack enters the ring for his match but picks up a microphone



    Cactus: Tonight is the night that someone finally makes Chris Jericho shut the hell up. So, come on, Jericho, come on. Let's not waste anymore time.


    Bob Artese: This contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, from Long Island New York, the challenger Cactus Jack. And, to my right, the ECW World Television Champion, The Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 14:20

    Match Rating: A*


    Rocky enters the ring and picks up a microphone



    Rocky: I am the best wrestler, the best athlete, the best superstar to ever grace ECW and tonight I shall prove it again. *Shut th f**k up chant begins* Get in all the chants you can now because you probably won't feel like it after I kick Steve Austin's ass!




    Steve Austin wins with a Stunner at 13:34

    Match Rating: A*


    Kurt Angle enters the ring to overwhelming applause



    Angle: I am here tonight to defend the pride of ECW. *ECdub chant begins* Now, Brock Lesnar, I will use you as an example to anyone who tries to mess with either me or ECW ever again and I hope you know there is not a single person in the building cheering for you! Oh, you may get a pop in bigger arenas in other states but this isn't South Dakota, this is my hometown - Pittsburgh, PA; I am Kurt Angle and you... wil tap out!




    Kurt Angle wins with an Ankle Lock at 16:50

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Wow, I think that proves to any doubters that technical wrestling is alive and well in ECW!

    Heyman: Take that Lesnar! Take that Lesnar! In your face bitch!

    Joey: Paul, Paul, calm down. I'm as happy as you are but just calm down.


    Angle is celebrating in the ring but Lesnar attacks him from behind, hits the F-5 and proceeds to bloody him with a chair.


    Lesnar: I will bury the names of Kurt Angle and ECW if it is the last thing I do. Don't think this is the end.


    Heyman: Damn it!

    Steph: As much as that sucks, we should focus on the rest of the show and now Revolution will open the Triple-Header Main Event: Tommy Dreamer versus The Sandman in a Singapore Cane Match.




    The match quickly becomes a bloody, hardcore weaponfest. In the closing seconds of the match, Tommy Dreamer hits a Dreamer DDT but stays down due to exhaustion. Each man has an arm over the others chest...


    The match ends in a draw at 14:15

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Oh man, that's thrown a spanner in the works! What happens now?

    Steph: I had a contingency plan for just such an occurence. We'll just have another match on Revolution.

    Joey: If they're in a fit state...

    Heyman: Yeah, that was hellacious. Maybe the title shot should just go to one of my guys.

    Steph: Don't even think about it Paul!

    Heyman: Well, anyway, it's F' The Mainstreams turn to entertain you: Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu and this one could get very ugly!




    This match is also a harcore, bloody spectacle. in the seventeenth minute, Rob Van Dam throws Sabu through the steel caging at the entrance-way, into electrical equipment (just like Sabu did to RVD a few weeks ago). Rob Van Dam then climbs the stairs to the second floor balcony and makes his way to the front of the crowd. To everyone's amazement he leaps off the second story guardrail to perform the 5 Star Frog Splash on Sabu. Electrical sparks fly everywhere and both men seem incapacitated. John Finnegan has no choice but to rule the match a no contest.


    Match ends in a draw at 17:42

    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: OH MY GOD! That was incredible. That has to go down in history as one of the craziest things in wrestling history!

    Heyman: Yeah, that was amazing!

    Joey: But what happens regarding the title shot?

    Heyman: Oh, it should so go to RVD after that.

    Steph: Your joking! My guys match was way better. The winner of the rematch on Revolution should get it before anyone off your show!

    Heyman: You're just being biased!

    Steph: So are you!

    Joey: Guys, guys, maybe we can settle this later in the week. We still have a match to call!


    Paul and Stephanie stare at each other angrily.


    Raven is backstage for a shoot promo



    Raven: And the world was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep. This was the case in ECW when untalented, useless champions reigned. This was the case in ECW when has-been wrestlers main evented the card. What about me? What about Raven? I led the world of ECW into the light!


    I am the morning star of this promotion, the endless beacon of eternal light amonst the squalor and filth. I am the sole reason that ECW is so succesful. So, when you cheer for Kurt Angle or Rob Van Dam, remember who made the promotion where they showcase their limited skills.


    Tonight, I shall showcase my far greater skill. No, my undeniable greatness, when I defeat Bill Goldberg.


    So it is written. So it shall come to pass.

    Quote The Raven,



    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall and for the ECW Wold Heavyweight Championship! To my left, the challenger, from Tulsa Oklahoma, Bill Goldberg. And, to my right, from The Bowery, he is the ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Raven.





    Raven wins with an Evenflow DDT at 14:11

    Match Rating: A*



    Show Rating: A*

  8. ECW and Cverse diaries are about the only ones that interest me, so I finally got around to checking this diary you told me about.


    a). I'm glad you did.


    Nice card... You're doing a pretty good job with the Raven promos, btw. It would be interesting to see if you could put together one of those Raven / Cactus Jack masterpieces.


    b). Thank you! Cactus is currently a face, while Raven's a heel but maybe I can blend their interview styles in some way. Those promos back in the day were awesome!


    Michaels, Austin and Rocky taken out of WWE in the 90s? Would've been interesting to see your vision about what WWE and WCW did back then to make up the Attitude Era and if there was a montreal screwjob. Atleast I know Bret didn't get his head punted by Berg. Hogan being in ECW is pretty crazy. I read somewhere that he was actually able to adapt to the japanese style back in the day on some tour, and did a dropkick or something.


    c). Aaah, wondered when this would come up! WWF/E's main stars in the 90s were: Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Justin Credible (would you believe?), Lex Luger, Bret Hart, Road Dogg and Undertaker.


    Bret's still wrestling and on good terms with Vince, seeing as the Montreal Screwjob never happened. Vince, conversely, has a hatred for Michaels after he jumped ship to the extreme.


    After WCW were bought out most of their stars joined WWE. The only ones ECW got were Goliath, Goldberg (after they were released by WWE) and Hulk Hogan (who refused to work for Vince). Hogan made a great heel for a couple o' years, being so anti everything ECW stands for, but basically he was just a jobber for the Main Eventers. Now, he's so useless in the ring that road agent was the only way to go.

  9. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW Online is proud to announce the official card for Wrestlepalooza!


    Mastao Tanaka vs. Steve Corino




    Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera




    Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero




    ECW World Television Championship Match

    Cactus Jack vs. Chris Jericho




    Steve Austin vs. Rocky




    Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar




    Singapore Cane Match

    Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman




    Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu




    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Goldberg vs. Raven


  10. Thursday, week 4, June


    *Theme music, Slayer - Angel Of Death, plays*



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream

    Joey: This is the last TV show before Wrestlepalooza, which takes place tommorrow night!

    Heyman: That's right, Joey, and tonight you get the pleasure oh hearing me announce the FTM half of the card.

    Taz: So, Paul, what do you have to say about Stephanie Mac's proposal on Monday?

    Heyman: Patience, my friend, you will find out soon enough.

    Joey: Now we go to Bob Artese.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Tag Team Titles. To my left, from Dudleyville, The Dudley Boys. And to my left, from Cameron North Carolina, The Hardy Boys.





    Dudley Boys win with a 3D trough a table at 11:34

    Match Rating: B+


    Kurt Angle enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Angle: Tommorrow is Wrestlepalooza and I'm here to address Brock Lesnar. You came here and took out Paul E. You came here and insulted ECW. You came here and mocked everything I stand for. Just because you've competed in pure promotions in Japan it does not mean that you are a great technical wrestler. This isn't NJPW, this is ECW; I am Kurt Angle and you... will tap out!




    Haas wins with the Haas Of Pain at 12:58

    Match Rating: B+


    Eddie Guerrero is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Eddie: You people call me a sellout. You people think I'm two-faced but that's not actually the case. I have made it clear from day uno that I am greater than any other wrestler here. Particularly Chris Benoit.


    Ya see, Holmes, I am better than you and at Wrestlepalooza each and every ECW fan will see it.




    Brock Lesnar wins with an F-5 at 12:22

    Match Rating: A


    Brock picks up a microphone.


    Brock: What I've just done to Chris Hero pales in comparison to what I will do to Kurt Angle and when I kick his ass you will see the inferiority of ECW.


    Joey: I hope Kurt Angle kicks his ass!

    Taz: Amen brother.


    Bob Artese: This match is one fall and for the ECW World Television Title. To my left, Bryan Danielson. And to my right, the ECW World TV Champion, Lionheart Chris Jericho.





    Chris Jericho wins with a Lionsault at 13:34

    Match Rating: A*


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: F' The Mainstream still needs to confirm its matches for Wrestlepalooza so let's rectify that problem.


    Our opener will be: Masato Tanaka vs. Steve Corino.


    Then: Chris Benoit will face Eddie Guerrero


    Kurt Angle will defend the pride of ECW agains Brock Lesnar


    Rob Van Dam will settle his score with Sabu


    And Bill Goldberg will face Raven for The ECW World Heavyweight Championship.


    Now, Stephanie Mcintosh made a proposition on Revolution and, though I'm loathed to admit it, it was fair. So I agree to the terms. The winner of RVD vs. Sabu will face the winner of Dreamer vs. Sandman for the number one contendership.


    And, finally, to get you all in the mood for Wrestlepalooza here is Masato Tanaka vs. Steve Corino in a television warm-up match.





    The match descends into a bloody, weapons brawl outside the ring and referee Jim Molineuax opts to end the match. Boos are heard from the crowd.

    Match Rating: A


    Show Rating: A

    Coiunterpart Smackdown Rating: B

  11. Monday, week 4, June


    *Theme music, Trivium - Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr, plays*



    Don Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution, I'm Don Callis.

    JR: And I'm Jim Ross.

    Scott Hudson: 10,400 fans are in attendance here at the Breslin Events Centre for the show.

    Don Callis: We already know that Stephanie Mcintosh will make an announcement tonight. We assume that this is to confirm Revolution's matches for Wrestlepalooza. However, she may also respond to Paul Heyman's comments on F' The Mainstream.

    JR: Well let's put speculation to one side and get on with the show.

    Scott Hudson: Bob Artese is ready in the ring.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, the Beast Bob Sapp and to my right, Nate Hatred.




    Bob Sapp wins with a Beast Bomb at 11:35

    Match Rating: B+


    Lionheart Chris Jericho enters the ring for a shoot promo



    Jericho: How many of you were watching Revolution last week? Wasn't it a joke? Abyss debuts and beats Big Stevie Cool.


    Wow, what an achievement, seeing as Stevie couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. Yang debuts amidst much hype and loses. What a let down. AJ Styles, on the other hand... oh no, wait, he lost too.


    And then in the main event Cactus Jack was beaten by Steve Austin. The guy's been out with a serious neck injury for two months. He's not yet on top of his game and Cactus still lost to him. What's the matter - not the hardcore freak you used to be?


    So to sum up, these people are all facing a few difficulties. Especially that washed up hardcore has-been. So I recommend thinking WWJD? What Would Jericho Do?


    Cactus Jack appears at the entrance-way



    Cactus Jack: Washed up hardcore has-been? Washed up hardcore has-been? Is that what you think of me? Let me tell you that I am proud to call Steve Austin a friend and facing him in that ring is an honor regardless of the result.


    You, on the other hand, are an outspoken , egotistical ass hole! You see, Jericho, you made a big mistake in your plain speaking because Stephanie Mac hasn't yet announced the Revolution half of the card for Wrestlepalooza. So, I think that it would be fitting for me to beat some respect into you on Friday! The only reason people even take you seriously is that TV Belt on your shoulder but come Wrestlepalooza it will be on my shoulder.


    The two men stare each other down from opposite sides of the arena.




    Paul Burchill wins with a Standing Moonsault at 12:42

    Match Rating: A


    Rocky enters the ring to an incredibly negative reaction



    Rocky: Shut the hell up, no one gives a damn what you think! Especially you loudmouth lard asses at the front here. Now onto more important issues. Then again, anything is more important than a precocious ECW crowd. Huge boos are heard. What's the matter, did Rocky use a big word?


    Steve Austin accepted my challenge last week and it looks like we'll square off at Wrestlepalooza. But let me warn you, Austin, I'm no walkover like Cactus Jackoff. I will kick your ass and still make you look better than you ever have before because I am just that good a wrestler. People for years will remember your name. Don't that make you proud Austin? You will go down in history as the man who lost to Rocky!


    Austin appears at the entrance-way



    Austin: Look, son, I'm not gonna reciprocate your insulting comments because, frankly, it is not worth it. Let's just see at Wrestlepalooza whether you've spent as much time training as you have practicing your crappy speeches in front of your bathroom mirror.




    Shawn Michaels wins with Sweet Chin Music at 12:50

    Match Rating: A


    Stephanie Mcintosh enters the ring



    Steph: I'm out here for two reasons. Firstly I want to announce the Revolution half of the card for Wrestlepalooza.


    Our opener, will be: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Juventud Guerrera, who have expressed an interest in a rematch after their meeting two weeks ago.


    For the ECW TV Title: Cactus Jack will challenge Chris Jericho


    And of course: Steve Austin will face Rocky


    My second announcement ties in with Revolution's final match on the card: Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman. The controversy surrounding the World Title has to end! So, I suggest that either RVD or Sabu, depending upon who wins in their match, faces either Dreamer or The Sandman, again depending on the victor, at Summer Assylum in July. The winner of this inter-promotional match will face the ECW World Champion. I think that this scenario is a fair outcome for all parties.




    Juventud Guerrera wins with a Juvi Driver at 14:12

    Match Rating: A*


    Don Callis: So, Juvi picks up the win heading into Wrestlepalooza.

    JR: Yeah, what an amazing match!

    Scott Hudson: His opponent on Friday is up next, taking on Ultimo Dragon. Let's see if Rey Mysterio can also gain some momentum.


    Dreamers music hits.


    Before he can even make it to the ring, he is attacked by The Sandman.


    The two men brawl wildly around the ringside area.


    JR: Oh good lord, they're going at it right here on top of us.

    Scott Hudson: Oh god, no.


    Sandman powerbombs Dreamer through the announce table and casually walks backstage.

    Hogan and Funk come out to help Dreamer but he refuses, walking to the back on his own. He recieves applause as a result.


    Don Callis: Oh, come on, there must be at least fifteen tables under the ring and you have to use ours?


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is a lucha libre showdown. To my left, from San Diego California, Rey Mysterio Jr. And to my right,from Nagoya Japan, Ultimo Dragon.




    Rey Mysterio wins with a Springboard Moonsault at 14:12

    Match Rating: A*


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

  12. Thursday, week 3, June


    *Theme music, Slayer - Angel Of Death, plays*



    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Heyman: You two are so gay.

    Joey: I beg your pardon?

    Heyman: Your camp little opening and constantly finishing each other's sentences.

    Joey: I think we'll leave that there.

    Heyman: No I'll tell you what - official fans' poll: Are Taz and Joey secretly a couple? Answers on the back of a postcard addressed to Paul E.

    Taz: laughs Let's just call the show shall we.

    Heyman: Fine, I'm done.

    Joey: 10,000 fans are here in the Cricket Arena for the show and without further ado let's go to Bob Artese.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, The Sidekick Saviour Chris Hero and to my left, The Beast Bob Sapp.




    Bob Sapp wins with a Beast Bomb at 10:42

    Match Rating: B


    Heyman removes his head set and enters the ring



    Heyman: I am in the ring to address a certain Stephanie Mcintosh. I don't know how many of you watch ECW Revolution but Miss Mcintosh is my equivalent on that show so to speak. Now, she offered a "proposal" last Thursday, a proposal that was, quite frankly, the single worst idea I have ever heard! And Believe me I hear a lot sitting next to Joey and Taz.


    Seriously, though, her idea is an unacceptable one because I have two guys that deserve a shot at the title - RVD and Sabu. Mind you, Van Dam is not currently cleared to wrestle after last week. My point is, Stephanie, that if RVD's health permits it my two guys will face each other at Wrestlepalooza and in my eyes the winner of that match is far more deserving of a title shot than Sandman or Dreamer.




    Goliath wins with a Giant Chokeslam at 11:14

    Match Rating: B+


    Lionheart Chris Jericho enters the ring



    Jericho: That's right, the one and only Lionheart is here for your entertainment. Now, There may be a whole hell of a lot of controversy surrounding the World Title but there is none surrounding the TV Title. I am your champion and there's not a man good enough alive to beat me. So, Sabu, RVD, Sandman, Dreamer and Raven , when you next start feeling insecure about the amount of challenges coming your way just think WWJD? What Would Jericho Do?




    Masato Tanaka wins with a Roaring elbow at 13:47

    Match Rating: A* - they have great chemistry


    A video is shown hyping the RVD, Sabu, Raven feud.




    Goldberg wins with a Jackhammer at 12:04

    Match Rating: A


    Kurt Angle enters the ring for his match but picks up a mic



    Angle: I beat the Hardy Boys last week, just like I said I would and tonight I will beat Andrew "Test Dummy" Martin. That's all you are a test dummy, a warm-up match before I destroy Lesnar at Wrestlepalooza. You see, Andrew, you may be big up in your home country of Cananda but this is the USA, I am Kurt Angle and you... will tap out.




    Kurt Angle wins with an Ankle Lock at 12:36

    Match Rating: A*


    RVD enters the ring on crutches, wearing a neck brace.



    RVD: As you can see, I'm not doing too good. The doctors say I'm not gonna be cleared to wrestle until at least September - that's three months. So, Sabu I would appreciate it if you could come down here. For once, you won't get jumped - you got the better of me.


    Sabu obliges and enters the ring



    RVD: Seeing as I can't wrestle the title shot is yours. I have no right to hold you back.


    Sabu turns his back on RVD to face the crowd - he performs his signature tribute to his Uncle.

    Suddenly, RVD drops the crutches and as soon as Sabu turns aroun again SMACK, he nails him with a roundhouse kick.

    He removes his neckbrace, heads to the top rope and delivers the 5-Star


    RVD: You think that's all it takes to get rid of RVD? One day in the hospital and I was out ready to beat you down Sabu. At wrestlepalooza I'll return the favour by putting you in the hospital. The only difference is that you'll stay there.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my left, from Toronto Canada, Christian. And to my right, the Man Beast, Rhyno.




    Rhyno wins with a Piledriver through a ringside table at 15:21

    Match Rating: A*


    Raven enters the ring for a shoot promo.



    Raven: And so preoccupied did the man become with his own vendetta that he forgot what was important. RVD will face Sabu; Dreamer will face The Sandman. What about me? What about Raven?


    Far be it from me to imply that I'm not happy with the fact that the four men who were attacking me left, right and centre suddenly have other things to deal with. However, I have a right to know who I will face at Wrestlepalooza!


    Goldberg comes running in



    He spears Raven before the champ can move


    Goldberg: Careful what you wish for Raven. You might just get it!


    Show Rating: A*

    Counterpart Smackdown Rating: A

  13. i have to say you really captured the feel of ECW. Even with some of the old WWE guys you managed to really capture that sence of what ECW is all about. While Im not trying to step on anyones toes that posts diarys, yours is the best ECW one out there right now (and there are a few) and one of the best period. I am humbled before you are a diary writer and I can only hope to have the same feeling in mine own diary. Good job man, good job.


    Thank you I am, in turn, truly humbled by your response. What can I say? I was (and am) a huge, huge ECW fan. Paul E's booking style was almost everything I loved about wrestling. I actually cried when I heard the company went out (I was a bit younger then). This is my own way of trying to keep the old vision alive.


    As happy as I am with the relaunch of ECW it's just not quite the same when at the first ECW TV show Cena gets a bigger pop than Heyman. That's just not right in any ECW fans mind.


    Quote The Raven


  14. Monday, week 3, June


    *Theme music, Trivium - Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr, plays*




    Don Callis: Hello and Welcome to ECW Revolution

    Scott Hudson: Tonight's show takes place in front of a sellout crowd in the USF Sun Dome and I have to say the card is as good as the attendance.

    JR: Absoloutley Scott. Tonight Abyss, Jimmy Yang and AJ Styles make their ECW debuts. Abyss takes on Stevie Richards of the bWo, Yang faces Lyger and AJ will wrestle Jerry Lynn.

    Scott Hudson: And let us not forget the main event!

    Don Callis: Oh, how could we? Steve Austin against Cactus Jack.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, making his ECW debut, the Monster: Abyss. And to my right, from the Blue World Order, Stevie Richards.




    Abyss wins with a Black Hole Slam at 11:50

    Match Rating: B


    Tommy Dreamer enters the ring for a shoot promo



    Dreamer: I think I proved pretty conclusively last week that I deserve a title shot when the other top contender fleed at the first site of me. I don't care who else challenges. This is my time and I'm willing to prove it by facing the Sandman tonight!


    The Sandman comes to the ring with microphone in hand



    Sandman: Tommy. Tommy, Tommy, you don't need to prove anything because everyone already knows you are nowhere near as good as me!

    Dreamer: Come on then Sandman: right here, right now - you and me

    Sandman: No, I don't think so. I want to save myself for when I face Raven for the title. It doesn't matter anyway, you know in you heart that I would kick your arse.


    Both men throw their mics down and go nose to nose.

    They are so focused on staring each other out that they do not notice Raven making his way through the crowd.


    Raven enters the ring with a steel chair and takes out both Sandman and Dreamer


    Raven: It doesn't matter if you two fight or not. The title stays with me!

    Quote The Raven





    Lyger wins with a 450 splash at 13:42

    Match Rating: A


    A video is shown to hype the TV champ, Chris Jericho.




    Rocky wins with a Rock Bottom at 12:16

    Match Rating: A


    Rocky takes a microphone from ringside


    Rocky: Now let's face it there is no way, no way, NO WAY that I could be left out of the next pay-per-view but as of yet I have no match. Steve Austin, your making your triumphant return from injury. So, why don't you face Rocky at Wrestlepalooza so he can kick your ass right back onto the injured list?




    AJ wins with a Styles Clash at 14:28

    Match Rating: A


    Stephanie Mcintosh enters the ring



    Steph: As you have probably noticed, there have been some rather controversial and confusing instances surrounding the ECW World Title. In order to rectify this, I propose that The Sandman faces Tommy Dreamer at Wrestlepalooza in a Singapore Cane Match. Whoever wins will face Raven for the title at Summer Assylum in June.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is one fall. To my, right, from Long Island New York, the Hardcore Icon: Cactus Jack. And to my left, making his return from injury after a two month absence, Steve Austin.




    Steve Austin wins with a Stunner at 15:02

    Match Rating: A*


    Austin picks up a mic


    Austin: Rocky, consider your challenge accepted.


    Show Rating: A

    Counterpart Raw Rating: B+

  15. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    Tuesday, week 2, June

    ECW online has discovered that Revolution has signed Abyss, AJ Styles and Jimmy Yang to written contracts. They will join the brand's roster to expand the lower-midcard. "We are delighted to welcome three wrestlers of great quality to the brand. I'm sure that Jimmy and AJ will fit right in with our outstanding high-flyers, while Abyss will, no doubt, add to the hardcore intensity of the show." said Stephanie Mcintosh in a press conference earlier. When asked when these individuals could be expected to hit ECW TV screens she replied "I can tell you that Jimmy Yang will debut on Thursday against a fellow Japanese native." This means that Yang could face Tajiri, Lyger or Ultimo Dragon. Tune into Revolution to find out who it is!

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