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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Nov.jpg


    4-Way Tag Team Gauntlet for the Number One Contendership

    The Dudley Boys vs. The Iron Saints vs. The Hardy Boys vs. Los Increibles











    Stairway To Hell Match for the International All Action Championship

    Super Crazy vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Vito©






    "Superstar" Steve Austin vs. Brock Lesnar





    Scaffold Match

    Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman





    Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit





    ECW World Tag Team Title Match

    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. Monsters Inc©






    Number One Contendership Match

    Sabu vs. Cactus Jack





    Taipei Deathmatch for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

    (Shane Douglas' Career is on the line)

    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. Raven©






    All predictions welcomed.

  2. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Nov.jpg


    4-Way Tag Team Gauntlet for the Number One Contendership

    The Dudley Boys vs. The Iron Saints vs. The Hardy Boys vs. Los Increibles











    Stairway To Hell Match for the International All Action Championship

    Super Crazy vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Vito©






    "Superstar" Steve Austin vs. Brock Lesnar





    Scaffold Match

    Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman





    Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit





    ECW World Tag Team Title Match

    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. Monsters Inc©






    Number One Contendership Match

    Sabu vs. Cactus Jack





    Taipei Deathmatch for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

    (Shane Douglas' Career is on the line)

    "The Franchise" Shane Douglas vs. Raven©






    All predictions welcomed.

  3. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina C


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Lance Cade C


    Funaki defeated Paul London B-


    Johnny Nitro defeated Spanky to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C+


    Justin Credible defeated Hawk to retain the WWF European Title B-


    Kevin Nash defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B+




    Show Rating: B

  4. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Trish Stratus defeated Melina C


    Shane Mcmahon defeated Lance Cade C


    Funaki defeated Paul London B-


    Johnny Nitro defeated Spanky to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C+


    Justin Credible defeated Hawk to retain the WWF European Title B-


    Kevin Nash defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title B+




    Show Rating: B

  5. Thursday, week 4, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Joey: Tonight is your last dose of ECW TV before November To Remember.

    Taz: Oh man, Joey, I can't wait!

    Joey: Nor me, Taz. Especially the events that have happened these past few weeks.

    Taz: I know, Joe. Some crazy sh*t has gone down! I mean, can you believe Chris Benoit turning on Eddie Guerrero like that on Revolution?

    Joey: Frankly, I can't. I, like everyone else, knew they were having a few problems communicating lately but I never thought it would come to that. Anyway, the show must go on and this one kicks off with a TV Title match.




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 12:26

    Match Rating: A*


    The camera cuts backstage to where Eddie Guerrero is storming through a corridor.



    He looks incredibly angry.


    Eddie: Chris, I know you're here tonight. So, get your ass out here you backstabbing bastard!


    He kicks doors open as he passes them.


    Eddie: Come on, motherf**ker, You better come out ready to explain or ready to fight! The choice is yours, holmes.


    Taz: Wow, Eddie looks pissed!

    Joey: Can you blame him?



    Owen dominates and wins with an Enziguiri at 10:41

    Match Rating: A


    Taz: And Owen's still on a roll folks.

    Joey: Yeah, what an impressive... Wait, I'm geeting word that there is a situation backstage.

    Taz: Meaning?


    The camera cuts backstage to Cactus Jack and Sabu brawling.



    They fight around a few corridors before Cactus Jack puts Sabu through a table.


    Taz: Well, it looks like they can't wait 'til tommorrow night.

    Joey: I guess both men want to be number one contender that badly!



    The Whole F**kin' Show dominate and win with a 420 Splash.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the Whole F**kin' Show head backstage and are approached by Traci.



    RVD: Hey, Traci.


    Traci: Wow, guys, awesome match! There's no way you can lose tommorrow night.


    Michaels: Hey, thanks babe but I don't know, Monsters Inc are pretty big bastards!


    RVD: True but we're the Whole F**kin' Show! Yeah.


    Traci: Rob's right Shawn. You'll kick ass!


    Michaels: Oh, yeah I know. I'm just checking that this crazy son of a bitch still has his mind on the matter. He can get a bit excited around a sweet little thing like you.


    Traci and Shawn laugh as RVD feins a hurtful look.


    RVD: You wish, Shawn, I'm smoother than you'll ever be. Chicks dig Mr. PPV.


    They all laugh.


    Traci: Look, guys, I gotta run but it was great seeing you and congrats on that awesome performance!


    Michaels: See ya later, babe.


    RVD: Ciao.


    Michaels: Ciao? So, is that what you call smooth?


    They laugh again.


    RVD: Aah, screw you. Come on, the first drink's on me.



    Paul Burchill wins with a C-4 at 14:36

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the rest of the F.B.I. hit the ring and set about assaulting Burchill.



    They pick up the fallen Englishman so that Guido can hit the Sicillian Slice.


    However, Owen Hart comes running out.



    He clotheslines Guido to the outside and starts to clear the ring of Italians. Before long, Burchill joins the fight and the two are left standing tall in the ring.


    Joey: Well, it's good to see Owen repaying the favour from last week.

    Taz: Yeah, these two are looking pretty tight all of a sudden.

    Joey: Well, safety in numbers and all that.

    Taz: Yeah, especially when the Full Blooded Italians are around!



    The match soon spills outside and Raven and Douglas brawl to the backstage out of view. In the mean time, Lesnar and Austin fight on the inside. They eventually brawl out into the crowd and Jim Molineaux is forced to call for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Wow, November To Remember is going to be absoloutely incredible!

    Joey: Oh, yeah. That match was sure indication if you were in any doubt!


    Eddie Guerrero makes his way to the ring.



    Eddie: Chris, you weren't willing face me backstage so I've come to the ring to call you out! Come on, ass hole, you have some explaining to do...


    Suddenly, Benoit appears from the crowd and attacks Eddie from behind.



    He lays his former partner out flat and, just like before, applies the Crossface. After releasing the hold, he picks up a mic.


    Benoit: Hey, Eddie, you've been calling for me to face you all night and you can't even put up a decent fight when I oblige. What the f**k is that? Now, you may have guessed that I am no longer willing to team up with a piece of sh*t like you at November To Remember. So, instead of us facing Chris Jericho and Christian, I say we face each other.


    Eddie barely manages to stagger to his feet and grab the microphone.


    Eddie: You've got it, motherf**ker!


    Benoit smiles and then nails Eddie with a big right hand.


    Joey: Oh my god! Guerrero and Benoit one last time at Novemebr to Remember!

    Taz: This is huge, Joey!



    Show Rating: A

  6. Thursday, week 4, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Joey: Tonight is your last dose of ECW TV before November To Remember.

    Taz: Oh man, Joey, I can't wait!

    Joey: Nor me, Taz. Especially the events that have happened these past few weeks.

    Taz: I know, Joe. Some crazy sh*t has gone down! I mean, can you believe Chris Benoit turning on Eddie Guerrero like that on Revolution?

    Joey: Frankly, I can't. I, like everyone else, knew they were having a few problems communicating lately but I never thought it would come to that. Anyway, the show must go on and this one kicks off with a TV Title match.




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 12:26

    Match Rating: A*


    The camera cuts backstage to where Eddie Guerrero is storming through a corridor.



    He looks incredibly angry.


    Eddie: Chris, I know you're here tonight. So, get your ass out here you backstabbing bastard!


    He kicks doors open as he passes them.


    Eddie: Come on, motherf**ker, You better come out ready to explain or ready to fight! The choice is yours, holmes.


    Taz: Wow, Eddie looks pissed!

    Joey: Can you blame him?



    Owen dominates and wins with an Enziguiri at 10:41

    Match Rating: A


    Taz: And Owen's still on a roll folks.

    Joey: Yeah, what an impressive... Wait, I'm geeting word that there is a situation backstage.

    Taz: Meaning?


    The camera cuts backstage to Cactus Jack and Sabu brawling.



    They fight around a few corridors before Cactus Jack puts Sabu through a table.


    Taz: Well, it looks like they can't wait 'til tommorrow night.

    Joey: I guess both men want to be number one contender that badly!



    The Whole F**kin' Show dominate and win with a 420 Splash.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the Whole F**kin' Show head backstage and are approached by Traci.



    RVD: Hey, Traci.


    Traci: Wow, guys, awesome match! There's no way you can lose tommorrow night.


    Michaels: Hey, thanks babe but I don't know, Monsters Inc are pretty big bastards!


    RVD: True but we're the Whole F**kin' Show! Yeah.


    Traci: Rob's right Shawn. You'll kick ass!


    Michaels: Oh, yeah I know. I'm just checking that this crazy son of a bitch still has his mind on the matter. He can get a bit excited around a sweet little thing like you.


    Traci and Shawn laugh as RVD feins a hurtful look.


    RVD: You wish, Shawn, I'm smoother than you'll ever be. Chicks dig Mr. PPV.


    They all laugh.


    Traci: Look, guys, I gotta run but it was great seeing you and congrats on that awesome performance!


    Michaels: See ya later, babe.


    RVD: Ciao.


    Michaels: Ciao? So, is that what you call smooth?


    They laugh again.


    RVD: Aah, screw you. Come on, the first drink's on me.



    Paul Burchill wins with a C-4 at 14:36

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the rest of the F.B.I. hit the ring and set about assaulting Burchill.



    They pick up the fallen Englishman so that Guido can hit the Sicillian Slice.


    However, Owen Hart comes running out.



    He clotheslines Guido to the outside and starts to clear the ring of Italians. Before long, Burchill joins the fight and the two are left standing tall in the ring.


    Joey: Well, it's good to see Owen repaying the favour from last week.

    Taz: Yeah, these two are looking pretty tight all of a sudden.

    Joey: Well, safety in numbers and all that.

    Taz: Yeah, especially when the Full Blooded Italians are around!



    The match soon spills outside and Raven and Douglas brawl to the backstage out of view. In the mean time, Lesnar and Austin fight on the inside. They eventually brawl out into the crowd and Jim Molineaux is forced to call for a no contest.

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Wow, November To Remember is going to be absoloutely incredible!

    Joey: Oh, yeah. That match was sure indication if you were in any doubt!


    Eddie Guerrero makes his way to the ring.



    Eddie: Chris, you weren't willing face me backstage so I've come to the ring to call you out! Come on, ass hole, you have some explaining to do...


    Suddenly, Benoit appears from the crowd and attacks Eddie from behind.



    He lays his former partner out flat and, just like before, applies the Crossface. After releasing the hold, he picks up a mic.


    Benoit: Hey, Eddie, you've been calling for me to face you all night and you can't even put up a decent fight when I oblige. What the f**k is that? Now, you may have guessed that I am no longer willing to team up with a piece of sh*t like you at November To Remember. So, instead of us facing Chris Jericho and Christian, I say we face each other.


    Eddie barely manages to stagger to his feet and grab the microphone.


    Eddie: You've got it, motherf**ker!


    Benoit smiles and then nails Eddie with a big right hand.


    Joey: Oh my god! Guerrero and Benoit one last time at Novemebr to Remember!

    Taz: This is huge, Joey!



    Show Rating: A

  7. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Tyson Tomko defeated Aguila C


    The Oustiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog B


    Danny Basham defeated Al Snow C+


    Justin Credible defeated Carlito to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Triple H and Edge defeated The Undertaker and Ric Flair B+


    John Cena defeated Hawk B




    Show Rating: B

  8. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/raw.jpg


    Tyson Tomko defeated Aguila C


    The Oustiders defeated Shane Mcmahon and British Bulldog B


    Danny Basham defeated Al Snow C+


    Justin Credible defeated Carlito to retain the WWF European Title C+


    Triple H and Edge defeated The Undertaker and Ric Flair B+


    John Cena defeated Hawk B




    Show Rating: B

  9. Monday, week 4, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Man, I can't wait for November To Remember.

    Gertner: Nor me, Don, but do you know what the next best thing to the actual pay-per-view is?

    Callis: Go on.

    Gertner: Tonight's main event. It's gonna be awesome!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Steve Corino. And, to my right, he is Brock Lesnar's opponent for November To Remember, from Victoria Texas, "Superstar" Steve Austin.



    Austin dominates and wins with a Stunner at 12:10

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Brock Lesnar runs to the ring.



    He delivers the F-5 to Austin and, as quickly as he came, he leaves.


    Gertner: Wam, bam, thank you m'am. Lesnar didn't waste any time. He just picked his spot and got the psychological edge going into the pay-per-view.

    Callis: You think that will give him an edge? I think it will just make Austin even more pissed off!


    Paul Heyman is backstage ready to address the fans.



    Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is brought to you courtesy of the evil genius of Paul Heyman. No, but seriously, this contest is to get you all hyped for the 4-way tag gauntlet at November To Remember. So, it's gonna be Bub-Buh Ray Dudley, Salvatore, Matt Hardy and Juventud Guerrera all squaring off next. Oh, and each man's tag partner is banned from ringside!


    Callis: Oh, this should be great!

    Gertner: Absolutely, Don.



    The match is very even but Juventud Guerrera eventually picks up the win with a Juvi Driver on Salvatore at 16:47

    Match Rating: A*


    Backstage, Owen Hart is preparing for his match as Paul Burchill walks passed.



    Hart: Hey, Paul.


    Burchill: What the hell do you want?


    Hart: Woah, easy, I was gonna pay you a compliment!


    Burchill gives a quizical look.


    Hart: I just wanted to say that out of all the young guys I've seen wrestle during my time in the business, you are one of the best.


    Burchill: Are you serious?


    Hart: Of course.


    Burchill: Hey, thanks man.


    Hart: No problem.


    Callis: I see that Owen is clearly impressed with Burchill.

    Gertner: Well, if I were Owen I'd focus on my match. Don't forget that he's in a handicap match against the two men he has defeated most recently...

    Callis: ...being Jeff Jarrett and James Gibson.

    Gertner: Absolutely and that's no easy matchup!



    Hart is surprisingly dominant and forces Gibson to tap out to the Sharshooter at 9:21

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Jarrett and Gibson decide to get retribution and start to dish out a 2-on-1 beating to Owen Hart.


    Suddenly, Burchill comes running out.



    He clotheslines Gibson over the ropes, to the outside and delivers the C-4 to Jarrett. He then helps Hart to his feet.


    Callis: Well, Burchill clearly took Owen's words to heart.

    Gertner: Oh, come on. Are they gay?

    Callis: Joel, I...

    Callis decides to give up on a lost cause.



    Douglas dominates and looks set to pick up an easy victory. However, Raven runs in and DDTs The Franchise, allowing Lynn to pick up the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    Raven picks up a mic.



    Raven: Hey, Shane, do you see these plasters on my face? They're from when you cut me open last week. Now, I was considering doing the same thing to you but I thought I'd save it until Friday night. However, I am the devil and I am here to do the devil's work...


    Raven pulls a length of rope from under the ring. He ties it tightly around Douglas' neck and throws him over the ring ropes. He then proceeds to hang The Franchise.


    Callis: Oh f**k me! Someone stop this!

    Gertner: Jesus, that's sick!


    Raven is eventually restrained by several officials, while Shane Douglas is attended to by medical staff.


    Callis: Oh, thank god. I'm glad that's over!

    Gertner: You think that's bad? Wait 'til the Taipei Deatmatch!

    Callis: Yes, that will be brutal. However, now it is time for our outstanding main event.



    The match quickly turns hardcore and each wrestler focuses on his rival. In the nineteenth minute, Eddie Guerrerro picks up a chair and goes to nail Christian. However, the ducks and the chair connects with Chris Benoit's skull. Christian hits the Unprettier on Eddie as Jericho makes the cover on Benoit 1...2...3!

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Jericho and Christian leave the ring as quickly as possible while Sabu and Dreamer chase Cactus Jack and The Sandman backstage.


    Callis: Oh man, Guerrero and Benoit are still out.

    Gertner: Wait, Eddie looks like he's sturring.

    Callis: Oh, Chris too... this could be awkward.


    Eddie approaches his partner to apologise but Benoit doesn't want to hear it and turns away. Eddie pulls on his arm to turn him round and Benoit delivers a huge clothesline.


    Callis: Oh my god!

    Gertner: Wow, Benoit's pissed!


    He then applies the Crossface until hoardes of officials come to pull him off an unconcious Guerrero. Benoit walks to the back to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


    Show Rating: A*

  10. Monday, week 4, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: Man, I can't wait for November To Remember.

    Gertner: Nor me, Don, but do you know what the next best thing to the actual pay-per-view is?

    Callis: Go on.

    Gertner: Tonight's main event. It's gonna be awesome!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Steve Corino. And, to my right, he is Brock Lesnar's opponent for November To Remember, from Victoria Texas, "Superstar" Steve Austin.



    Austin dominates and wins with a Stunner at 12:10

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Brock Lesnar runs to the ring.



    He delivers the F-5 to Austin and, as quickly as he came, he leaves.


    Gertner: Wam, bam, thank you m'am. Lesnar didn't waste any time. He just picked his spot and got the psychological edge going into the pay-per-view.

    Callis: You think that will give him an edge? I think it will just make Austin even more pissed off!


    Paul Heyman is backstage ready to address the fans.



    Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is brought to you courtesy of the evil genius of Paul Heyman. No, but seriously, this contest is to get you all hyped for the 4-way tag gauntlet at November To Remember. So, it's gonna be Bub-Buh Ray Dudley, Salvatore, Matt Hardy and Juventud Guerrera all squaring off next. Oh, and each man's tag partner is banned from ringside!


    Callis: Oh, this should be great!

    Gertner: Absolutely, Don.



    The match is very even but Juventud Guerrera eventually picks up the win with a Juvi Driver on Salvatore at 16:47

    Match Rating: A*


    Backstage, Owen Hart is preparing for his match as Paul Burchill walks passed.



    Hart: Hey, Paul.


    Burchill: What the hell do you want?


    Hart: Woah, easy, I was gonna pay you a compliment!


    Burchill gives a quizical look.


    Hart: I just wanted to say that out of all the young guys I've seen wrestle during my time in the business, you are one of the best.


    Burchill: Are you serious?


    Hart: Of course.


    Burchill: Hey, thanks man.


    Hart: No problem.


    Callis: I see that Owen is clearly impressed with Burchill.

    Gertner: Well, if I were Owen I'd focus on my match. Don't forget that he's in a handicap match against the two men he has defeated most recently...

    Callis: ...being Jeff Jarrett and James Gibson.

    Gertner: Absolutely and that's no easy matchup!



    Hart is surprisingly dominant and forces Gibson to tap out to the Sharshooter at 9:21

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Jarrett and Gibson decide to get retribution and start to dish out a 2-on-1 beating to Owen Hart.


    Suddenly, Burchill comes running out.



    He clotheslines Gibson over the ropes, to the outside and delivers the C-4 to Jarrett. He then helps Hart to his feet.


    Callis: Well, Burchill clearly took Owen's words to heart.

    Gertner: Oh, come on. Are they gay?

    Callis: Joel, I...

    Callis decides to give up on a lost cause.



    Douglas dominates and looks set to pick up an easy victory. However, Raven runs in and DDTs The Franchise, allowing Lynn to pick up the pin.

    Match Rating: A


    Raven picks up a mic.



    Raven: Hey, Shane, do you see these plasters on my face? They're from when you cut me open last week. Now, I was considering doing the same thing to you but I thought I'd save it until Friday night. However, I am the devil and I am here to do the devil's work...


    Raven pulls a length of rope from under the ring. He ties it tightly around Douglas' neck and throws him over the ring ropes. He then proceeds to hang The Franchise.


    Callis: Oh f**k me! Someone stop this!

    Gertner: Jesus, that's sick!


    Raven is eventually restrained by several officials, while Shane Douglas is attended to by medical staff.


    Callis: Oh, thank god. I'm glad that's over!

    Gertner: You think that's bad? Wait 'til the Taipei Deatmatch!

    Callis: Yes, that will be brutal. However, now it is time for our outstanding main event.



    The match quickly turns hardcore and each wrestler focuses on his rival. In the nineteenth minute, Eddie Guerrerro picks up a chair and goes to nail Christian. However, the ducks and the chair connects with Chris Benoit's skull. Christian hits the Unprettier on Eddie as Jericho makes the cover on Benoit 1...2...3!

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match, Jericho and Christian leave the ring as quickly as possible while Sabu and Dreamer chase Cactus Jack and The Sandman backstage.


    Callis: Oh man, Guerrero and Benoit are still out.

    Gertner: Wait, Eddie looks like he's sturring.

    Callis: Oh, Chris too... this could be awkward.


    Eddie approaches his partner to apologise but Benoit doesn't want to hear it and turns away. Eddie pulls on his arm to turn him round and Benoit delivers a huge clothesline.


    Callis: Oh my god!

    Gertner: Wow, Benoit's pissed!


    He then applies the Crossface until hoardes of officials come to pull him off an unconcious Guerrero. Benoit walks to the back to a chorus of boos from the crowd.


    Show Rating: A*

  11. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW online can announce that a huge main event is scheduled for next week's Revolution:


    Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Guerrerro & Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack, The Sandman, Chris Jericho & Christian





    This contest should add even further to the anticipation of November To Remember!

  12. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg


    ECW online can announce that a huge main event is scheduled for next week's Revolution:


    Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Eddie Guerrerro & Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack, The Sandman, Chris Jericho & Christian





    This contest should add even further to the anticipation of November To Remember!

  13. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Lita defeated Orlando Jordan, Trish Stratus and Melina D


    Funaki defeated Scotty 2 Hotty D


    Lance Cade defeated Shane Mcmahon C-


    Johnny Nitro defeated Aguila to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C-


    Justin Credible defeated Sylvain Grenier to retain the WWF European Title C


    Kevin Nash defeated Bret Hart for the WWF World Heavyweight Title C




    Show Rating: C

  14. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/smackdown.jpg


    Lita defeated Orlando Jordan, Trish Stratus and Melina D


    Funaki defeated Scotty 2 Hotty D


    Lance Cade defeated Shane Mcmahon C-


    Johnny Nitro defeated Aguila to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title C-


    Justin Credible defeated Sylvain Grenier to retain the WWF European Title C


    Kevin Nash defeated Bret Hart for the WWF World Heavyweight Title C




    Show Rating: C

  15. Thursday, week 3, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Joey: We have an awesome card lined up that includes many top tier ECW stars.

    Taz: Too true, Joe. The new and exciting team of RVD and Shawn Michaels, otherwise known as the Whole F**kin' Show, are in action.

    Joey: And not just them. Also, Kensuke Sasaki, Sabu and ECW's newest signing, Owen Hart, will compete!

    Taz: Wow, Joey,I'm so pumped; let's not waste anymore time.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, from Tokyo Japan, Yoshihiro Tajiri. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion and is accompanied to the ring by Francine, "The All Japan Assassin" Kensuke Sasaki.




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 13:22

    Match Rating: A


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: Tonight, the hype for November To Remember really begins! So, therefore, Super Crazy, Chris Daniels and Vito, who will all compete for the All Action Title next Friday, will wrestle here tonight. Basically, you three will be in the main event in a 3-way tag gauntlet. So, that gives you about an hour and a half to find a suitable partner. Good luck to all of you.


    Joey: You see, this is why Paul E is known for his booking excellence!

    Taz: Damn straight, Joey. That match should be off the hook! I wonder who their partners will be...



    The Whole F**kin' Show work extremely well together again and Shawn Michales takes no mercy on his nephew. After a 420 Splash (simultaneous Five Star Frog Splash and Flying Elbow Drop from opposite turnbuckles), WFS pick up the win.

    Match Rating: A*


    Owen Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Hart: I am the Jack of Harts and I am in ECW for one reason only: to win the ECW World Heavyweight Title. Raven, as the current champion, you stand in the way of that vision but, rest assured, I destroy all obstacles foolish enough to cross my path!


    Taz: Wow, have you ever heard anyone more focused?

    Joey: Honestly, I don't think so.



    Sabu dominates and destroys Martin with a chair. He wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 11:16

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Cactus Jack ambushes Sabu.



    A huge hardcore brawl ensues around ringside. Both men have to, eventually, be seperated by several officials.



    Owen Hart dominates and wins with a Sharpshooter at 16:43

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: How good is the form that Owen Hart is on?

    Taz: Amazing. He is slowly working his way through the entire roster.


    Suddenly, Raven attacks Hart from behind with a chair.



    The champion lays his rival out flat and proceeds to lay the boots in.


    Then, the number one contender, Shane Douglas, runs to the ring.



    He floors Raven with one punch and the champ starts bleeding perfusely.


    Taz: What the hell? He's bleeding after one punch...


    Douglas picks up a mic.


    Douglas: Raven, you said you wanted a Taipei Deathmatch but I don't think you really knew what you signed up for, so, I thought I'd show you. You see, the reason why you can taste your own blood right now is because I dipped my taped fists in glass before I came out here.


    Taz: Well, that explains it and don't forget, folks, that is the stipulation in their title match.

    Joey: Absolutely, Taz, this is nothing compared to the brutality that we'll see next Friday!


    Douglas then proceeds to kneel beside an unconcious Raven. He pummels him with glass covered fists until the champion's face is nothing more than a sick, crimson mask.


    Taz: Oh my god, I think you spoke too soon, Joey!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is a 3-way tag team gauntlet. Each participant in the International All Action Championship match at November To Remember has selected their partner...




    Taz: Oh man, Rhyno, Goldberg and Burchill? Those are some pretty impressive tag partners!

    Joey: You can say that again Taz.

    Taz: Those are...

    Joey: You can but don't!


    The match is a very even contest with all six competitors seeing much offence. In the seventeenth minute, Vito pins Super Crazy after a Vatican Driver.

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Can you believe how much has gone down tonight?

    Joey: I know, Taz. The Cactus Jack and Sabu situation seems set to implode!

    Taz: Yeah, not only that but The Franchise absolutely violated Raven!

    Joey: And, to top it all off, Owen Hart has sworn to take the same belt that Shane Douglas is after and Raven is desperate to keep hold of.

    Taz: Damn, only on ECW, baby!

    Joey: Well that's all we've got time for.

    Taz: Check ya later folks.


    Show Rating: A*

  16. Thursday, week 3, November

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1534964&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW...

    Taz: ...F' The Mainstream.

    Joey: We have an awesome card lined up that includes many top tier ECW stars.

    Taz: Too true, Joe. The new and exciting team of RVD and Shawn Michaels, otherwise known as the Whole F**kin' Show, are in action.

    Joey: And not just them. Also, Kensuke Sasaki, Sabu and ECW's newest signing, Owen Hart, will compete!

    Taz: Wow, Joey,I'm so pumped; let's not waste anymore time.


    Bob Artese: Tonight's opening contest is one fall and for the ECW World Television Championship. To my left, from Tokyo Japan, Yoshihiro Tajiri. And, to my right, he is the ECW World Television Champion and is accompanied to the ring by Francine, "The All Japan Assassin" Kensuke Sasaki.




    Kensuke Sasaki wins with a Northern Lights Bomb at 13:22

    Match Rating: A


    Paul Heyman enters the ring.



    Heyman: Tonight, the hype for November To Remember really begins! So, therefore, Super Crazy, Chris Daniels and Vito, who will all compete for the All Action Title next Friday, will wrestle here tonight. Basically, you three will be in the main event in a 3-way tag gauntlet. So, that gives you about an hour and a half to find a suitable partner. Good luck to all of you.


    Joey: You see, this is why Paul E is known for his booking excellence!

    Taz: Damn straight, Joey. That match should be off the hook! I wonder who their partners will be...



    The Whole F**kin' Show work extremely well together again and Shawn Michales takes no mercy on his nephew. After a 420 Splash (simultaneous Five Star Frog Splash and Flying Elbow Drop from opposite turnbuckles), WFS pick up the win.

    Match Rating: A*


    Owen Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Hart: I am the Jack of Harts and I am in ECW for one reason only: to win the ECW World Heavyweight Title. Raven, as the current champion, you stand in the way of that vision but, rest assured, I destroy all obstacles foolish enough to cross my path!


    Taz: Wow, have you ever heard anyone more focused?

    Joey: Honestly, I don't think so.



    Sabu dominates and destroys Martin with a chair. He wins with a Triple Jump Moonsault at 11:16

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Cactus Jack ambushes Sabu.



    A huge hardcore brawl ensues around ringside. Both men have to, eventually, be seperated by several officials.



    Owen Hart dominates and wins with a Sharpshooter at 16:43

    Match Rating: A


    Joey: How good is the form that Owen Hart is on?

    Taz: Amazing. He is slowly working his way through the entire roster.


    Suddenly, Raven attacks Hart from behind with a chair.



    The champion lays his rival out flat and proceeds to lay the boots in.


    Then, the number one contender, Shane Douglas, runs to the ring.



    He floors Raven with one punch and the champ starts bleeding perfusely.


    Taz: What the hell? He's bleeding after one punch...


    Douglas picks up a mic.


    Douglas: Raven, you said you wanted a Taipei Deathmatch but I don't think you really knew what you signed up for, so, I thought I'd show you. You see, the reason why you can taste your own blood right now is because I dipped my taped fists in glass before I came out here.


    Taz: Well, that explains it and don't forget, folks, that is the stipulation in their title match.

    Joey: Absolutely, Taz, this is nothing compared to the brutality that we'll see next Friday!


    Douglas then proceeds to kneel beside an unconcious Raven. He pummels him with glass covered fists until the champion's face is nothing more than a sick, crimson mask.


    Taz: Oh my god, I think you spoke too soon, Joey!


    Bob Artese: Tonight's main event is a 3-way tag team gauntlet. Each participant in the International All Action Championship match at November To Remember has selected their partner...




    Taz: Oh man, Rhyno, Goldberg and Burchill? Those are some pretty impressive tag partners!

    Joey: You can say that again Taz.

    Taz: Those are...

    Joey: You can but don't!


    The match is a very even contest with all six competitors seeing much offence. In the seventeenth minute, Vito pins Super Crazy after a Vatican Driver.

    Match Rating: A*


    Taz: Can you believe how much has gone down tonight?

    Joey: I know, Taz. The Cactus Jack and Sabu situation seems set to implode!

    Taz: Yeah, not only that but The Franchise absolutely violated Raven!

    Joey: And, to top it all off, Owen Hart has sworn to take the same belt that Shane Douglas is after and Raven is desperate to keep hold of.

    Taz: Damn, only on ECW, baby!

    Joey: Well that's all we've got time for.

    Taz: Check ya later folks.


    Show Rating: A*

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