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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif


    Spotlight on...


    Paul Burchill



    If there is a wrestler in the entire industry that is worthy of noting, it is ECW's Paul Burchill. Why? He's the World Television Champion, a former Tag Champion and one of the promotion's hottest prospects in its fourteen year history. Frankly, if he is not World Champion within a year, one would have to conclude that Paul Heyman has lost his touch.


    Burchill's credentials are not surprising, nor is his recent elevation to the upper reaches of the card a shock. The fact is that he is one of the most fortunate men in the business. He has recieved personal training from both Owen and Bret Hart and Raven, all of whom he is said to be good friends with backstage. Then again, he can be considered a master of his own destiny as he has made sure to benefit from the experience that surrounds him.


    It is, perhaps, this that is the most refreshing aspect of Burchill's character: he is, in effect, a new breed of backstage politician. He makes connections behind the scenes not with a view to adavancing his place in the company (he let's his ring work do that) but in order to learn from the best.


    So PWI's pick for the year 2007 is Paul Burchill.

  2. Just one very tiny observation . . how many times are you going to make Raven the champ?! I mean he's great and all, but is he challenging Flair for the 16 or so runs? :p


    Fair querstion, I guess. Trouble is I suffer from a few syndromes that have led to this situatuation:


    1. I'm a huge Raven mark (in case you hadn't figured).
    2. I like to try and keep a dominant heel champ. Just because, in my view, it makes for more interesting stories.
    3. Despite the second point I just made, I'll regularly watch my old ECW tapes back and realise how much I love another worker (like Sabu). So, I'll give them a megapush only to think "Sh*t, what happened to the dominant champ idea?" :p


    I hope it's not too unbelievable. Anyhow, my forseeable plans for the world title are already drawn up.


    Shame about McIntosh though. If that's the girl off Neighbours like I suspect then I would not enjoy seeing her go through a table. Poor girl, even the hottest women aren't safe in ECW!


    It is and I'm sorry. I was just getting very bored with my own character (and hers). Neither we really adding much and their ejection made for some interesting possibilities...


    Cheers for the feedback, boys ;).


    Quote The Raven


  3. Saturday, week 4, February

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3158919&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and I am once again alongside two former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

    Taz: Thanks for the intro as always Joey.

    Corino: Likewise.

    Joey: Well, ladies and gentlemen, tonight we witness the fallout from Living Dangerously.

    Taz: Oh, man, the pay-per-view was so good! New tag champs, a new International All Action champ and a new TV Champ! The New Age Enterprise really are in a strong position now.

    Corino: No arguments from me, Taz, but tonight may be just as good in its own right and the NaE might become even more dominant as Raven takes on Sabu for the gold.

    Taz: I dunno, Oldschool, Sabu looked pretty hot last night!

    Joey: Well, that's not until the main event. For now, Kenta Kobashi aims to extend his unbeaten streak against Rhino.



    Kenta Kobashi comes out looking confident but is surprised by Rhino's ferocity.

    The Man Beast simply destroys his opposition, winning with a Gore at 6:02

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Rhino picks up a mic.


    Rhino: This is exactly what I'm talking about! Time after time I am booked in sh*tty, low-level matches against washed-up wannabe extremists. Kenta Kobashi on a wining streak? Frankly, I don't give a f**k! Paul E if you don't start giving me the push I deserve, there won't be anyone left on the active roster. As for the rest of you pussies, for the sake of your own well-being, you better learn to fear the gore!


    Taz: Wow, Rhino is pissed!



    The match is very even.

    In the twelfth minute, Vito rolls up Lyger and gets his feet on the ropes for leverage.


    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, Vito heads backstage.



    He enters the NaE locker room where certain members are conversing.



    Raven gets up and slaps Vito's hand.


    Raven: Good work, man.


    Vito: Thanks.


    Raven: Listen, you're just in time.


    Vito: For what?


    Burchill: Raven's little plan of action.


    Raven turns to the TV champ.


    Raven: This is so much more than a "little plan".


    Burchill: I know. I didn't mean it like that.


    Raven glares at Burchill.


    Raven: Now, here's how it goes down...


    Charlie Pag and Stephanie Mcintosh enter.



    Pag: How what goes down?


    Raven: Oh, my plan to get the gold back off Sabu.


    Pag: Yeah, last night was a glorious night for us but let's not let it end there. Tonight we certify our dominance!



    The match is very even.

    Owen wins with a Sharpshooter at 12:06

    Match Rating: B-


    Shawn Michaels approaches RVD backstage.



    Michaels: shouting Hey, Rob.


    RVD: Oh, f**k this. I have no time for you anymore Shawn. You sold me out!


    Michaels: Sold you out? What the f**k?


    RVD: You were macking on Traci!


    Michaels: It wasn't like that!


    RVD: Oh excuses, excuses!


    RVD walks to the locker room door.


    Michaels: Oh, hell no!


    Michaels steps in the way and slams the door shut.


    Michaels: I've been wanting to say this for a whole goddamn month. So, you're gonna sit the f**k down and listen!


    He pushes RVD into a seated position on a nearby bench.

    RVD raises his fist.


    Michaels: Don't even try it, hotshot. I'll kick your ass nine ways to Sunday!


    RVD: You and what army?


    Michaels: How many times have you been world champ, Rob?


    RVD looks pissed.


    Michaels: Oh that's right: none! How about me? Twice. Now, for f**ks sake shut up 'cos I'm trying to apologise.


    Michaels sits down next to Van Dam as the camera cuts back to ringside.


    Match Number Four in the Best-of-Seven Series


    The two men put on another great display.

    In the twelfth minute, Lynn attempts a Hurricanrana but Storm counters him into the position for a Powerbomb.

    Storm carries Lynn to the ropes and throws him over but Lynn uses his leg strength to pull Storm out as well.

    Both men crash simultaneously through a ringside table.

    John Finnegan begins a ten count.

    Both men stay down.

    Match Rating: B+


    Steve Austin is backstage.



    Austin: Sabu, I won't lie, I didn't deserve to win last night; you did. I was off my game and that's the exact reason that I want to challenge you again. So, you crazy homicidal bastard, what do you say to you and me one more time for the title after you kick Raven's ass?




    The match is very even.

    In the fourteenth minute, Daniels hooks up Punk for the Angel's wings.


    Goliath appears at the apron.



    Daniels releases Punk, runs and delivers a dropkick that sends Goliath flying off the apron, to the floor.

    As he turns around, Daniels is blasted by a lowblow by Punk.


    Match Rating: B+


    The camera cuts back to the Whole F**kin' Show.



    Michaels: So, you see, I never meant to step on your toes; it was completely not my fault.


    RVD stays silent.


    Michaels: And, now, Traci hates my guts because she thinks I used her or something when, in fact, I was doing my best to set her up with you. So, without sounding like a whiney bitch, I think I'm the one who's had a hard time here.


    RVD's mouth corners start to turn up.

    He suddenly breaks into uncontrollable laughter.


    Michaels: Oh, what the f**k? It's not funny, man! You two have made my life very difficult recently.


    RVD carries on laughing.


    Michaels: Oh, shut up!


    Despite trying not to, Michaels cannot help from lauging also.

    The camera cuts back to ringside as the two friends are in hysterics.


    Taz: Well, that was strange.

    Corino: I guess they're on better terms than last night!

    Joey: Undoubtedly. Now, though, it's time for the main event. Raven challenges Sabu for the World title.

    Taz: I wonder if the Enterprise will involve themselves.

    Corino: I'd be amazed if they didn't.




    The match is even but Sabu seems to maintain a slight advantage due to his recent great form.

    In the thirteenth minute, after controlling the match for a good five minutes, Sabu sets up a chair.


    Goliath and Burchill make their way to the ring unbeknown to the World Champion.



    Sabu leaps off the chair looking for a Triple Jump Moonsault but is knocked off the ropes by a clubbing blow from Goliath.

    Raven, now on his feet, whips Sabu to the ropes.

    He goes for a Drop Toe Hold onto the chair but Sabu jumps his feet.

    The World Champion again launches off the chair, springboards off the ropes and Dropkicks Raven in the face.


    Joey: Oh, what a counter by the Human Highlight Reel!


    As Sabu rises, Burchill enters the ring.

    He blasts Sabu squarely in the face with the TV Title.

    Raven makes the cover.



    Joey: OH MY GOD! Sabu just kicked out!


    Burchill and Goliath lift the champion to his feet.

    Raven hooks him up...

    Evenflow DDT!


    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: smacks the announce table in frustration Damn it! Raven is the new World Champion.

    Taz: As much as I hate to say it, it was almost innevitable.

    Corino: You say that but Sabu put up one hell of a fight!


    The rest of the NaE enter the ring to celebrate.



    The group celebrate and congratulate the new World Champion.


    Mcintosh: The New Age Enterprise is back!


    Pag: We said we would once again be the most dominant force in wrestling...


    While Pag speaks Vito and Punk position tables at either side of the ring as Burchill and Goliath pick up Sabu.


    Pag: ...and, lo and behold, our prediction came true!


    Raven gives a signal and Vito and Punk re-enter the ring.


    Pag: Now, we have the International All Action champion, the World TV Champion and the World Heavyweight champion in our ranks.


    Raven gives another signal and Goliath throws Sabu from the ring.


    Pag: Do you know what this means?


    Raven gives a third signal.

    Burchill picks up Stephanie Mcintosh in a Military Press and Goliath does the same to Pag.

    They then launch them from either side of the ring, through the ringside tables.


    Joey: OH MY GOD! Pag and Mcintosh just got unceremoniously ejected.

    Taz: What the hell?

    Corino: I have no idea.


    Raven: Oh, I know what it means "Bossman". It means that it's time to take out the trash! You see, you were useful for a time. For instance, you made this title match but, now that we are dominating the title picture, we don't need you anymore!


    Taz: Woah!

    Corino: Raven just ousted Pag and Mcintosh.

    Joey: Oh, great, one egomoniacal leader replaced by another!


    Raven: So, allow me to introduce everyone to the newly re-formed Raven's Nest!


    The crowd jeer deafeningly.


    Raven: Don't delude yourselves; there is not a single person in ECW who can stand in our way!


    The Hart Foundation sprint to the ring.



    Joey: Oh, I can think of two people.


    The Hart brothers enter the ring and clear house.

    After Punk, Vito Burchill and Goliath have been thrown over the ropes, Bret leaves the ring to keep them subdued.


    Joey: Here we go folks, Owen and Raven face-to-face.

    Taz: You've gotta know that Owen's been waiting for this moment for months!

    Corino: Wait a second...


    Abyss enters the ring.



    The Monster turns Owen around and hits the Blackhole Slam.


    Raven: Hey, Owen, say hello to my little friend!


    The Nest's outnumbering of Bret takes its toll.

    They roll him back into the ring and a 6-on-2 assault ensues as the show goes off the air.


    Show Rating: B+

  4. This diary needs more PAUL HEYMAN! :D


    Great card, but how the hell does Hart vs Burchill only get a B?


    Haha, you read my mind. Paul E's role will be increasing substantially in the coming weeks.


    As for Hart/Burchill, I have no idea :mad:.


    BTW, look out for the new intro vids I've put together for the TV shows. I think they're much improved.


    Quote The Raven


  5. Friday, week 4, February

    The Sinister Minister is shown backstage.

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=3149181&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Joey: Hello and welcome, everyone, to ECW Living Dangerously, here, in the soldout O'Neill Center in Danbury, Conneticut. I'm Joey Styles alongside Don Callis and former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks for the intro, as always, Joey. Man, am I hyped for tonight?

    Callis: You should be Taz. The card that's lined up is nothing short of phenomenal! All four ECW titles are on the line and we get to see the first ever Lucha Libre six man tag match broadcast live on American pay-per-view.

    Joey: Very true, Don, and that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Stevie Richards, the leader of the Blue World Order, will face the Great Sasuke, leader of...well, his own world order. Plus there...

    Taz: ...Woah, Joey, woah.

    Joey: What?

    Taz: You're forgetting something. Before any of that, it's time for your favourite part of the show.


    Joel Gertner is ready in the ring.



    Gertner: Well, well, well, hello to all the stuck-up, middleclass, mediocrity destined chumps of New England! Tonight your dull little lives will change not because you'll witness extreme violence in an ECW ring but because you get to hear me speak!


    Joey: Talk about arrogance.

    Taz: Shut up, Joey. It's Joel's turn to speak.

    Joey: Oh, for crying out loud...


    Gertner: So, allow me to introduce myself. It is I, the only man who your girlfriend hangs up on 'cos she loves the way I *69 her, the quintessential studmuffin, Joel "If you've got an hour, I've got the power" Gertner.


    There is a huge cheer.


    Gertner: Now, I apologise if this disappoints you but, instead of my usual crude introduction, I have opted for a more highbrow approach.


    Joey: There's a relief.

    Callis: Yeah, thank god.


    Gertner: I shall, for one night only, tell you the greatest story ever told!


    He clears his throat.


    Gertner: This girl I know wanted free seats to the show here in Co-nne-ticut

    So, I told her to bend over and I'd show her where I'd stick it.

    For fourty five long minutes she proceeded to please and tease and lick it

    But, when all was said an done, you know I made her buy a ticket!


    Joey shakes his head in disbelief as Gertner leaves the ring to a huge ovation.



    The match is very even as Sasuke sees much offence but Stevie is able to slow the pace down when necessary.

    In the tenth minute, Stevie lifts up his opponent for a Powerbomb.

    However, the lights suddenly turn off.

    When they come back on, Sasuke is on the top turnbuckle and Stevie is down in the centre of the ring.

    Sasuke leaps off to deliver a 450 Splash.

    However, Stevie springs to his feet in one jump and delivers a Stevie Kick to Sasuke in mid air.


    Match Rating: C+


    After the match, Stevie picks up a mic and heads up the aisle way.


    Stevie: Hey, Sasuke, you pulled that trick one too many times. I was ready for ya!


    Hollywood Nova and Da Blue Guy join Stevie at the entrance.



    Nova: Watcha gonna do Sasuke-o when the Blue World Order Rumbles on you?


    Blue Guy: Oh and er... if you ain't down with that, we got three words for ya.


    The crowd chant along.


    Stevie: WE'RE TAKING OVER!


    Looking pissed off, Sasuke makes a gesture. Smoke fills the ring and, as if by magic, he vanishes.


    Taz: It looks like Big Stevie really stuck it to the Great Sasuke.

    Callis: True, Taz, but if there's one thing we have learnt about this strange cult figure, it's that he doesn't take kindly to being humiliated.

    Joey: Next up, the Canadian Connection are set to take on Team Mexico. First, however, it pains me to tell you that the New Age Enterprise are standing by.


    The NaE are backstage.



    Pag: Tonight, the New Age Enterprise will reclaim what is rightfully ours. CM Punk will prove he deserves the International All Action Championship and Paul Burchill will destroy Bret Hart for World Television Title!


    Punk: Look, out Michael Shane and Chris Daniels. You're about to get Punk'd.


    Burchill: And as for you Bret, get ready to kiss your quaint little title reign goodbye. It's time for old timers like you to pass the torch. If you're not willing to do so, I'll rip it from your hands and burn your legacy to the ground!


    Pag: Oh, that reminds me. Owen, if you show your face within twenty feet of that ring tonight, I'll be signing your redundancy papers faster than you can say "Your winner and new ECW World Television Champion, Paul Burchill."


    The group laughs as the camera cuts back to ringside.


    Taz: That would actually take quite a long time to say.

    Callis: I think you missed the point...

    Taz: I so didn't!

    Joey: Actually, Taz, I'm with Joel. Anyway up next is the Lucha Libre six man tag team match.

    Callis: Why don't you explain the exact implications, Joey?

    Joey: Basically, a tag does not have to be made to become the legal man. If your partner is thrown from the ring, your partner can take your place legally without a tag.

    Taz: Fair enough. Is that all?

    Joey: No, martinetes are illegal.

    Taz: Oh, okay. For those who don't know that word, it means a head first move. So, stuff like DDTs and Piledrivers are illegal. Am I right, Joe?

    Joey: Spot on.


    Lucha Libre Rules


    The Mexicans capitalse on the fact that the match stipulations are to their advantage.

    In the twelfth minute, Guerrero and Jericho are the legal men.

    Rey and Juvi drop from the apron and set up a table on the outside.

    Eddie whips Jericho to the ropes.

    As he rebounds, Eddie goes for a Back Body Drop but Jericho rolls over his back and rebounds off the ropes again.

    Eddie turns, takes a step backward and this time succesfully lifts Jericho.

    However, he lifts him even higher and delivers a Back Body Drop over the ropes and through the table below.


    A "Holy Sh*t!" chant begins.


    Eddie then assesses the situation, runs against the ropes and delivers a Springboard Senton to the outside.


    The "Holy Sh*t" chant changes to an "ECdub" chant.


    Juvi and Benoit enter the ring to replace their partners.

    Juvi goes for a Spinning Wheel Kick but it is reversed into a Sitout Powerbomb.

    Benoit rises and applies the Sharpshooter.

    Reacting quickly, Rey Mysterio Jr enters the ring, bounces off the ropes and delivers a dropkick that sends Benoit over the top rope.

    He then follows Eddie's earlier example and hits a Springboard Plancha.


    A "Mex-i-co" chant begins.


    Christian enters the ring as referee, John Finnegan, checks on the state of the four men outside.

    He seizes the opportunity and, as Juvi rises, delivers the Unprettier.

    The ref turns round upon hearing the impact.


    Match Rating: B-


    Taz: Hey, Joey, doesn't that count as a martinete?

    Joey: It would have done if the ref had seen it.

    Taz: Point taken.


    Chris Daniels is backstage.



    Daniels: D'you know why this is called the All Action title? Because it doesn't matter how much talking you do; if you can't get it done in the ring, you will never be the champ. So, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. Shane Punk, put simply, I am just a better wrestler than the two of you combined. I will pin one of you and prove how much I deserve this strap. That's not a threat or a promise... it's gospel according to the Fallen Angel.


    He makes his way to the ring.




    The match is very even with all three men seeing much offence.

    In the thirteenth minute, Shane hits Daniels with a Superkick.



    Taz: Daniels ain't going down even after a Super Kick!

    Callis: It shows how much that title means to him!


    Shane rises but is met with a Double Underhook Backbreaker by Punk.

    Punk goes for the cover but realises Daniels is coming around.

    He waits for the champ to stand and goes for a Saito Suplex.

    However, Daniels reverses it into the Angel's Wings.

    He then climbs the turnbuckle, clearly looking for the BME.


    Ravenemerges from the crowd with chair in hand.



    Raven connects squarely with Daniels face and the champ falls to the canvas.

    Punk makes the cover.


    Match Rating: B


    Callis: Damn it, Punk's the new All Action champion.

    Joey: And in typically shady fashion...


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



    Michaels: We're gonna kick ass tonight!


    He places his hands on his companions' backs but Traci shys away and walks off.


    RVD: What's up with her?


    Michaels: Who knows? Are you ready?


    RVD: Oh, I'm ready.


    Michaels smiles and walks off after Traci.


    Callis: Well that looked more civil.

    Taz: Maybe it's sorted.

    Callis: Maybe.


    Match Three in the Best-of-Seven Series


    Lynn and Storm, as always, do not fail to impress.

    In the fifteenth minute, Storm sets up a table on the outside and places Lynn on top if it.

    He then ascends the turnbuckle.


    Callis: What's he planning here?

    Taz: God only knows.


    However, Lynn rises and meets Storm on the turnbuckle.


    Taz: We have an oldschool slugfest on our hands.


    Lynn clearly rattles Storm and hooks up for a Hurricanrana.

    He launches Storm through the table to the floor below.


    Joey: OH MY GOD!


    Lynn rolls Storm back into the ring.


    Storm rolls Lynn over into a Small Package.


    Match Rating: A (2-1 to Lynn in the series)


    Callis: Wow, that came out of nowhere.

    Joey: Lance Storm shows great presence of mind and pulls one back in the series.


    The Hart Foundation are backstage.



    Owen: Hey, BUrchill, I may not be able to make it to ringside to watch but my brother is still gonna kick you arse. And, Raven, if you even consider getting involved...


    Bret: Calm down, man. I'll handle it. New Age Enterprise or not, Burchill can't compete with the Hitman. You see, Paul, I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. That means I'm better than you.




    The match is even but the Whole F**kin' Show's frequent tags mean they mantain a slight advantage.

    By the fourteenth minute, Shawn Michaels has been the legal man for a long while and is starting to tire.

    He hits a Wheel Kick on Brandon and goes to make the tag.

    RVD steps off the apron.


    Taz: What the hell?

    Callis: Shawn, look out.


    Shawn, looking stunned turns and is hit with a kick to the gut by Brandon followed by a Spike Powerbomb by both Saints.

    Salvatore covers.


    Match Rating: B


    As the Iron Saints celebrate their victory, Shawn Michaels stares up the aisle way in disbelief at his partner.

    RVD simply mouths "I know, Shawn. I know."


    Taz: Wow, I think the team of the Whole F**kin' Show just imploded!


    Team Mexico are backstage.



    Eddie: Hey, you Canadian ass holes, you cheated us, holmes.


    Juvi: So, seeing as you bastards can't play the rules, we say that we throw the rulebook out the window at Baptism Of Fire.


    Rey: It's gonna be an extreme Cage War where anything and everything is legal!


    Callis: Wow, the Mexicans are pissed.

    Taz: No doubt, Don, no doubt. That match at Baptism of Fire should be off the hook.


    Before the next match, Beulah is escorted by officials to sit at ringside.



    Barbed Wire Match


    This is another very even match as both men have a score to settle.

    By the twelfth minute, both men are covered in scratches and bruises; Dreamer's face is obscured by a huge amount of blood.

    The Sandman, with Singapore cane in hand, sets up Dreamer for the White Russian Legsweep.


    Rhino runs in.



    Sandman drops Dreamer to make ready to defend himself.

    He is not quick enough.


    Joey: GORE! GORE! GORE!

    Callis: Why, though?

    Joey: It must be payback for Sandman blindsiding Rhino last week.


    Dreamer capitalises and makes the cover.


    Match Rating: B


    Beulah rushes to the ring and hugs her husband.


    Callis: Dreamer wins Beulah back off The Sandman and gets control of that evil bastards booking for a month.

    Taz: I hope he makes it count.


    Dreamer steps towards Rhino and offers his hand.

    However, Rhino's response is a Gore.


    Joey: Oh, Rhino just Gore Tommy.


    Rhino then turns to Beulah and delivers a Spike Piledriver.


    Joey: OH MY GOD!


    The Man Beast picks up a mic.


    Rhino: I am f**king sick of being overlooked, underbooked, assaulted and generally being treated like ****! I'm the f**king Man Beast! I'm Rhino and I'm starting my own hardcore revolution as of right now. My goal is to once again reach the top of ECW and anyone who tries to stop me will be very, very sorry!


    Rhino slams the mic on the canvas and heads to the back looking pissed.


    Taz: Wow, I certainly wouldn't want to get in his way!

    Callis: Me either.

    Joey: Yeah, I'll third that. However, now it's time for Bret "The Hitman" Hart to defend his World Television Title against Paul Burchill.




    Paul Burchill is seemingly able to match Bret Hart hold for hold and presents the champion with some difficulties.

    However, Hart is able to establish an advantage.

    In the twelfth minute, he goes to lock in the Sharpshooter but Burchill kicks him towards the ropes.


    The New Age Enterprise make an inevitable appearance.



    Surprisingly, though, Burchill signals for them to head backstage.


    Taz: What the...?

    Joey: I think he wants to prove he can beat Bret by his own merit.

    Callis: That's surprisingly admirable!


    Pag motions for them to ignore Burchill's instructions and involve themselves anyway but Raven holds the others back.

    Hart and Burchill look on awaiting an outcome.

    After a few seconds deliberation, the NaE head to the back and the match continues.

    In the seventeenth minute, Hart floors Burchill with a Spinebuster and, again, goes to lock in the Sharpshooter.

    Burchill rolls him up into a Small Package.



    Taz: Wow, that was close.


    Burchill goes for a Clothesline but Hart reverses into a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge pin.



    Callis: And again.


    Burchill hits a quick Sitout Powerbomb and hooks Hart's legs.

    1...2...Hart inverses the weight to cover Burchill.


    Taz: This is insane!



    Both men roll backwards out of the predicament.

    Hart now goes for a Clothesline but Burchill catches his arm.

    He hits the C-4.


    Callis: This could be it.



    Match Rating: B


    Joey: Paul Burchill just pinned Bret Hart with no help from the New Age Enterprise!

    Taz: Wow. That's Bret's first loss in ECW.


    After the match, Bret offers his hand to Burchill, who looks skeptical.

    However, he accepts and shakes Bret's hand as the fans cheer the gesture.


    Joey: That's great to see!


    The NaE enter the ring from behind Hart.



    Burchill motions for Bret to turn around and a 5-on-1 assault ensues.


    Taz: Guess you spoke too soon, Joey.

    Callis: Yeah and there's no one to make the save as Owen is banned from ringside.

    Joey: That's the problem with Paul Burchill. He's as much a conceited ass hole as he is a great wrestler!


    Backstage, RVD is seen leaving the arena with Shawn Michaels running after him.



    Michaels: Shouting Rob! Hey, Van Dam!


    RVD ignores Michaels, gets in a car and speeds off leaving Michaels fuming.


    Joey: Well, now it's time for our main event. Three title changes have occured already tonight, so, anything could happen.




    The match is very even and both wrestlers see much offence.

    In the twelfth minute, Austin goes for a "Supersar" Stunner only to be pushed to the ropes as he turns around.

    As he rebounds, Sabu hits a thunderous DDT onto a nearby steel chair.


    He then positions the chair and hits a Triple Jump Moonsault.



    Taz: Man, how much punishment can Austin take?


    Sabu takes the chair to the toprope and jumps off, hitting an Atomic Arabian Skulllcrusher.



    Taz: Jesus, Austin is one tough bastard!


    Sabu takes a table from outside and slides it into the ring.

    He goes to put Austin on top but Austin fights back.

    "Superstar" Stunner!



    Joey: Sabu just kicked out.


    Both men groggily rise to their feet and engage in a fist fight.

    Sabu eventually picks up a chair and uses it to floor Austin.

    He puts the challenger on the tabble and ascends the turnbuckle with chair in hand.

    He again hits an Atomic Arabian Skullcrusher, this time through a table.


    Joey: OH MY GOD!



    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Sabu is still champ.

    Taz: Yeah it damn near took his entire arsenal, though.


    As Sabu rises from the canvas exhausted, Raven enters the ring behind him.



    As the champion turns around, Raven delivers the Evenflow DDT.


    Joey: Damn it!


    The show closes with Raven holding Sabu's World Title above his head.


    Show Rating: A

  6. I can't wait until Living Dangerously, I get the feeling it's going to be one of those huge, brilliant PPVs that you have every now and again, that are just that little better than your usual ridiculously high standards.


    Oh, no pressure, then :D! Cheers, though, dude, I really appreciate the sentiment.


    ...So you have no reason to think of any rivalry champ, yours was the benchmark back then, yours still is the benchmark, the likes of keefy and myself we just want to give a diary to people that gives them as much enjoyment as your effort has given us all. What you put together is the...whole....F'N.... show of all shows.


    Haha, cheers, bud. On a serious note to you and keef: if you guys consider my diary a benchmark, I regard that as the highest compliment. How could I not?


    Anyway, enough of the love fest. This is supposed to be the land of the extreme...


    Quote The Raven


  7. Cheers for placing predictions, Tristram. After some of the posts that have been on these forums I've started to see you as the main rival in the dynasty stakes (in a good way, mind ;)).


    I'll be honest, I haven't read your diary just because WCW was always and probably will always be a major turn off for me but I guess that's my loss. Anyway, the long and short is: thanks for posting on here; I feel like I have to step up my game to compete with you. So, look out, bitch :D!


    I should have the PPV up before the end of the week. My apologies for the delay, I've had a massive amount of work to get through.


    Finally, I've noticed a few diary award threads kicking about. So, to anyone who voted for me: "thanks!". I can't be arsed to type out everyone's name but, believe me, I noticed and it's appreciated!


    Thanks again to all.


    Quote The Raven


  8. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/LivingDangerouslypromo.jpg


    The leader of the bWo versus the leader of the sWo

    Big Stevie Cool vs. The Great Sasuke





    6-Man Tag Team Match under Lucha Libre rules

    Team Mexico vs. The Canadian Connection





    ECW International All Action Championship Match

    CM Punk vs. Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels©






    Match Number Three In The Best-Of-Seven Series

    Lance Storm vs. Jerry Lynn





    ECW World Tag Team Title Match

    The Iron Saints vs. The Whole F**kin' Show©






    Barbed Wire Match

    Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman

    If Sandman wins he gains Beulah's "managerial services".

    If Dreamer wins he gains control of The Sandman's booking for a month.





    ECW World Television Championship Match

    Paul Burchill vs. Bret Hart©





    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    "Superstar" Steve Austin vs. Sabu©






    All predictions welcomed.

  9. Monday, week 4, February

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: We're nearly there folks; this is the last ECW broadcast before Living Dangerously this Friday Night.

    Gertner: So, Don, what can we expect?

    Callis: Well, Kenta Kobashi, The Sandman, Michael Shane and our World Champion, Sabu, are all scheduled to be in action. Plus, The Whole F**kin' Show will defend their tag titles against the bWo.

    Gertner: In which case, let's not waste anymore time.



    Michael Shane wins with a superkick at 9:42

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Shane picks up a mic.


    Shane: Hey, Fallen Angel, your title reign is as good as over 'cos at Living Dangerously I'm gonna prove, once and for all, that I deserve the International All Action Championship a hell of a lot more than you! Oh, and as for you, CM Punk, just make sure that you don't get in my way!



    The match is very even and many weapons are involved.

    Kobashi wins with a Moonsault at 12:07

    Match Rating: C+


    Callis: So, Kobashi has one two out of two so far.

    Gertner: And you can't argue with a performance like that, Don.


    RVD approaches Shawn Michaels.



    RVD: Hey, dude, where's Traci?


    Michaels: I have no idea.


    RVD: Didn't she arrive with you?


    Michaels: What the hell do you mean by that?


    RVD: Woah, easy tiger! What's up with you? You seem a little paranoid.


    Michaels: Nothing, just drop it.



    The match is very even but Sabu seems to maintain an advantage throughout.

    He wins with an Arabian Facebuster at 13:51

    Match Rating: B+


    A video is shown to promote the main event at Living Dangerously.



    Raven approaches Vito backstage.



    Raven: Hey, man, can I have a wrod?


    Vito: Shoot.


    Raven: I just wanted to say how bad I felt for you.


    Vito: Really, about what?


    Raven: You mean you hadn't noticed?


    Vito: Noticed what?


    Raven: That Pag keeps overlooking you.


    Vito: Does he?


    Raven: Think about it. You were the last TV Champ, yeah?


    Vito: Damn f**king right.


    Raven: Yeah, but who does Pag keep booking to challenge Bret?


    Vito: Burchill?


    Raven: Bingo.


    Vito looks thoughtful.


    Raven: Now, far be it from me to want to stir up trouble but it seems to me that you've been treated unfairly by a guy who's suppossed to be looking out for you.


    Vito: You know what? You're right.


    Raven: Hey, but listen, even if the other guys don't see you as a legitimate challenger in ECW, I do. I'll always have your back.


    Vito: Cheers, man. You're a good friend.


    Raven: No problem.


    The two men hug as Raven smiles sinisterly.




    The bWo put up a good fight but cannot seem to deal with the tag team expertise of the Whole F**kin' Show.

    RVD and HBK win with a 420 Splash at 11:52

    Match Rating: B


    Callis: Well, they seemed to work together well despite their little argument earlier.

    Gertner: It's strange, Don. I don't think RVD knows that Shawn kissed Traci but because Shawn thinks he might know...

    Don: ... it's just as much of a problem as it would be if he did.

    Gertner: Exactly... if that makes sense.


    Charlie Pag enters the ring.



    Pag: I am here, on behalf of the New Age Enterprise, for two reasons. Firstly, I am booking a singles match for Living Dangerously: Big Stevie Cool will face The Great Sasuke. Secondly, I'm here to announce the main event for tonight: CM Punk will take on Bret Hart and Owen will be banned from ringside.


    Gertner: Oh, man, that doesn't sound good for Bret.



    The Sandman dominates and wins with a White Russian Legsweep at 9:41

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Tommy Dreamer appears at the entrance way.



    Dreamer: Sandman, I'm not out here to kick the crap out of your opponent to send you a message. You know why? You attacking Rhino last week proved only one thing and that's that your head isn't in the game. You see, the time that you've spent trying to figure out how to push me over the edge and get me fired, I have spent preparing for our Barbed Wire match on Friday. So, Sandman, just know that Beulah is coming home and you are gonna get the kicking you deserve!


    Callis: Wow, Tommy means business.

    Gertner: To say the least.




    The match starts off evenly but Bret quickly takes an advantage.

    He looks set to win with a Sharpshooter in the tenth minute.


    The NaE run to the ring.



    They quickly begin a 4-on1 assault on Bret, allowing Punk to rest.


    Callis: God damn it, Owen is banned from ringside and can't stop this.

    Gertner: Well, the New Age Enterprise are the masters of the numbers game.


    The assault continues as Punk rejoins the fray.


    Suddenly, Chris Daniels sprints to the ring.



    He springboards off the top rope, over the NaE and takes out Punk.

    He then proceeds to engage the rest of the group.

    In the confusion, Hart gets top his feet and hits a Piledriver on Punk.


    Match Rating: A*


    Callis: Yes! Somehow, with help from Chris Daniels, Hart beat the odds.


    Owen Hart sprints to the ring.



    A huge brawl ensues as the show goes off the air.


    Show Rating: B+

  10. Saturday, week 3, February

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/video/flv_player_branded.swf?contentId=2400524&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='365' height='340' name='video_play_500' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><br/>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and I am once again alongside two former ECW World Champions: Taz and Steve Corino.

    Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joe, I am so pumped for tonight.

    Corino: Me too, man. What's on the card, Joey?

    Joey: Well, the bWo and the sWo have got a tag match to settle their differences from last week.

    Corino: That should be pretty entertaining!

    Joey: Kensuke Sasaki is set to take on a mysterious debuting competitor, while the Iron Saints, Tommy Dreamer and Rhino are all in action.

    Corino: Awesome.

    Taz: Oh, yeah, baby.

    Joey: And, to top it all off, both the All Action title and the TV title will be defended tonight!



    The match is very even and both sides see much offence.

    In the tenth minute, Stevie hits a Stevie Kick on Chessman.


    Match Rating: B-


    Suddenly, the lights dim and the ring begins to fill with smoke.

    Chessman hands two voodoo dolls of Stevie and Nova to The Great Sasuke.

    Sasuke appears to cast a spell on the dolls as the bWo look on in astonishment.


    Taz: What the hell is going on?


    Chessman then produces a lit match and offers it to Sasuke. However, he somehow manages to burn his finger and drops the match.

    As he bends down to pick it up, the bWo take the opportunity to rush their opponents and throw them from the ring.

    Sasuke slams his fists on the apron in annoyance as the ring still fills with smoke.

    He then motions for he and Chessman to leave.

    Before they do so, Chessman lifts up the material that covers the side of the ring.


    Espiritu and Ozz can be seen beneath the ring, each smoking a cigarette.



    Chessman flaps his arms about as a vague indication to make an exit.

    In response, both Ozz and Espiritu stub out their cigarettes and the smoke in the ring seems to dissapate miraculously.


    Nova: Watcha gonna do Sasuke when the Blue World Order Rumbles on you?


    Stevie: Oh, and if you ain't down with that, we've got three words for ya.


    The crowd chant along.




    Suddenly, the lights turn out.


    Corino: What now?


    When the lights turn back on, the bWo are somehow dressed in pink bikinis.

    Nova and Stevie turn to one another.


    Stevie: Nova, you're...


    Nova: Stevie, you're...


    They simultaneously come to a realisation.


    Stevie & Nova: But that means that I'm... Oh, god damn it!


    The lights fade to black again.


    Traci approaches Shawn Michaels backstage.



    Traci: Shawn, can we talk?


    Shawn looks disappointed.


    Michaels: What about?


    Traci: Last Saturday.


    Michaels: Look, Trace, I'm flattered 'n' all but...


    Traci: But what?


    Michaels: I... I don't feel the same way.


    Traci: But, I...


    Michaels: Hey, babe, It's not that I don't like ya, 'cos god knows I do.


    Traci: I'm a big girl, Shawn, I can handle it.


    Michaels: Look, Traci, there's something you should know. It isn't really my place to say but...


    Traci: Shawn please leave it.


    Michaels: No, Trace, it's about...


    Traci screams at the top of her lungs.


    Traci: Shawn, I said leave it.


    Michaels reaches out to calm her down.


    Traci: No, you may not feel the same way as me. I can deal with that but I won't stand here and let you rub it in my face.


    Traci storms out of the locker room and slams the door.


    Michaels: I wasn't gonna do that.


    He sighs.


    Michaels: For f**ks sake, Rob.


    Taz: Wow, that was awkward.

    Corino: Do you think he was gonna tell her about RVD's interest interest in her?

    Joey: I can only assume so. In any case, he never got the chance.



    Kenta Kobashi makes an impressive debut in an evenly contested, hardcore-oriented match.

    In the twelft minute, he hits Sasaki so hard in the head with a Singapore cane that it snaps clean in half.

    He then hits a thunderous Brainbuster.


    Match Rating: C


    Taz: Wow, sit up and take note folks, Kenta Kobashi has come to ECW.


    Team Mexico are backstage



    Eddie: Hey, Jericho, Benoit and Christian, you pathetic Canadian ass holes, we have a simple message for you me vito loco.


    Rey: Boys, we accept your challenge for Baptism Of Fire. So, you better get ready for the ass kicking of your life, me amigos.


    Juvi: That's not all, though. Our Cage War isn't until March, chicos, and Living Dangerously is just around the corner.


    Eddie: So, we say we have a little warm up contest. You three versus us three, in a traditional Lucha Libre match, this Friday night. Wadd'ya say, holmes?



    The match is very even but the Iron Saints maintain an advantge throughout.

    They win with a Spike Powerbomb at 12:22

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, the Iron Saints pick up a microphone.


    Salvatore: Hey, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels. We're coming for you bastardi, so, watch your backs.


    Brandon: By this time, Friday night, we will be the new ECW World Tag Team Champions!


    A video is shown to promote the main event at Living Dangerously





    Chris Daniels wins with an Angels Wings at 14:51

    Match Rating: B-


    Three members of the NaE are backstage.



    Pag: The New Age Enterprise is proud to announce that two matches are to be added to the card for Living Dangerously. Firstly, the man on my left, CM Punk, will compete in a Triangle Match against Michael Shane and Chris Daniels for the International All Action Title.


    CM Punk nods and clenches his fists.


    Pag: Secondly, the toughest son of a bitch alive, Pau Burchill, will challenge Bret Hart for the World Television Title. Mark my words, by this time next week, the New Age Enterprise will be back on top!



    The match is a fantastic and very evenly contested hardcore spectacle.

    In the tenth minute, Rhino looks set to deliver the Gore.


    The Sandman sprints to the ring with Singapore cane in hand.



    Corino: Wait a second, he can't lay a finger on Tommy can he?

    Joey: Not unless he wants to end up unemployed.


    The Sandman walks up behind Rhino and delivers a White Russian Legsweep.


    Taz: What the hell? He just decked Rhino.


    Referee Jim Molineaux starts a ten count which neither man is able to beat.

    A no contest is called.

    Match Rating: A*


    Sandman: Dreamer, let this be a f**king example of what you can expect at Living Dangerously. 'Cos, after I pin you in the middle of this ring, your pretty little wife will be nothing more than my crackwhore!


    Joey: What a sick bastard.

    Taz: You ain't joking, Joey. He won't stop at nothing!




    Ultimo Dragon makes an impressive return to the ring and dominates the match for a good five minutes.

    However, Bret Hart is able to slow the pace and turn the tables.

    The champion wins with a Sharpshooter at 17:06

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, the NaE storm the ring.



    A 5-on-1 assault on Bret Hart begins.


    Owen Hart sprints to the ring.



    He immediately starts to clean house until just he and Raven are left in the ring.

    He points at Raven and mouths "Finally, it's just you and me" as Raven backs away.


    Joey: Finally, after all the insults and the running, Owen is gonna get his hands on Raven.


    Paul Burchill enters the ring from behind Owen with a chair in hand.

    He swings and as the chair connects with Hart's skull, a sickening thud is heard.


    Joey: God damn it!

    Taz: Safety in numbers, Joe.


    A 5-on-2 assault continues as the show goes off air.


    Show Rating: A

  11. Monday, week 3, February

    <embed src='http://www.bolt.com/audio/audio_player_flv_branded.swf?contentId=1529208&contentType=2' loop='false' quality='high' bgcolor='white' width='360' height='340' name='audio_player_flv' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />




    Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Don Callis...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Callis: It's a turbulent time here in ECW as the rift between certain members of the New Age Enterprise has not been fixed and the partnership of Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels looks set to implode.

    Gertner: Yeah, Don, the Whole F**kin' Show have been hanging on to those tag belts by the skin of their teeth recently and it looks like things are gonna get a whole lot worse!

    Callis: Not worse for the Iron Saints, though, Joel. If RVD and HBK can't sort out their problems before Living Dangerously, the Saints might get their first taste of ECW Gold.

    Gertner: Very true and, speaking of gold, the TV Title is still around Bret Hart's waist, much to the annoyance of the New Age Enterprise.

    Callis: That's the least of their problems. Similar to the tag champs, if Raven and Pag don't reconcile, the Enterprise looks to be heading towards self destruction!

    Gertner: Yeah, not to mention that the best-of-seven series between Lance Storm and Jerry Lynn looks like it could be one for the history books.

    Callis: Plus, on top of all that, Tommy Dreamer is still seeking his revenge on The Sandman despite The Franchise's intervention and Sabu and Steve Austin are set to square off for the title at Living Dangerously in a match that could be one of the most incredible spectacles in ECW history!

    Gertner: I don't often agree with you Don but I can't argue with that. Man, it's a great time to be an ECW fan!



    Sasuke makes a great return after his neck injury.

    The match is very even as Stevie tries to slow the pace down.

    Suddenly, the lights turn off.


    As they come back on the Cult Of Sasuke are in the ring.



    The lights turn off again.

    This time, as the lights come back on, Stevie is out cold on the mat and Sasuke is on the top turnbuckle.

    450 Splash.


    Match Rating: B+


    Sasuke heads up the aisle to the entrance-way where his followers are waiting.

    Suddenly, simultaneously they all tear off their shirts to reveal sWo logos spray painted on their chest.




    Upon instruction from Sasuke, the sWo head to the back.


    Gertner: Well, that was weird.

    Callis: To say the least.


    Raven approaches Goliath backstage.



    Raven: Hey, Goliath, you big bastard, how ya doing?


    Goliath: Not too bad, champ, how 'bout you?


    Raven sighs.


    Goliath: What's up, man?


    Raven: Aah, nothing.


    Goliath: No, man, go on.


    Raven: Well, I just get the feeling that the Enterprise is going down the sh*tter.


    Goliath: You and Pag still not worked it out, then?


    Raven: No, man.


    Goliath: Too bad. Y'know the rest of us are counting on you two to sort it.


    Raven: Yeah, I know. I just get the feeling whatever I say will be too little too late.


    Goliath: I can have a word with him if you like.


    Raven looks thoughtful.


    Raven: Yeah, man, that'd be good.


    Goliath: Fine, consider it done.


    Goliath turns to leave.


    Raven: Hey, do me one favour.


    Goliath turns back.


    Goliath: What's that?


    Raven: Whatever happens with all this sh*t, whatever happens to the other guys in the Enterprise, let's stick together, you and me.


    Goliath smiles.


    Goliath: Hey, you've had my back ever since I joined and I'll always have yours.


    Raven: Good lad.


    The two men touch fists and walk off.


    Gertner: Don, I swear Raven's said almost the exact same thing to Burchill Punk and Goliath now.

    Callis: That's because he has, Joel. Something tells me the master of mind games is working his twisted magic.



    LuFisto and Akino work together very well for the first time.

    However, Jazz and Amazing Kong's slight advantage in tag team experience seems to pay off.

    They win with a Double Elbow Drop on Akino at 9:07.

    Match Rating: C-


    The Canadian Connection are backstage with a microphone.



    Jericho: We still haven't settled our issues with Team Mexico but we have an idea to change all that.


    Christian: You see, the first ever Baptism Of Fire is coming up in March. So, we say we mark the ocassion with a very special kind of grudge match.


    Benoit: Guerrero, Rey, Juvi listen up good because we're challenging you to an Extreme Cage War.


    Jericho: Two rings, two cages, eight hundred and sixty four square feet of steel with nowhere to run. So, all that's left is for you greasy little bastards to accept the challenge.


    Match 2 in the best-of-seven series


    The match is a great spectacle but not quite up to the standard of the series opener.

    Lynn wins with a Cradle Piledriver at 15:24

    Match Rating: B+ (Match Toll: 2-0 to Lynn)


    Shawn Michaels is pacing up and down at the entrance to the arena as RVD arrives.



    Michaels: Rob...


    RVD extends his hand.


    RVD: Hey, what's up dude?


    Michaels looks confused but slaps RVD's hand.


    Michaels: Listen, about last week...


    RVD: interrupting Yeah, I know the Iron Saints were way outta line but, don't worry we'll teach 'em a lesson Whole F**kin' Show style.


    Michaels: That's not what I meant. Rob, I...


    RVD: quickly interrupting Look, man, I've gotta sort something out before our match tonight but I'll see you out there, okay?


    RVD starts to walk.


    Michaels: Rob...


    Van Dam doesn't respond.


    Gertner: Is he in denial or something? His best friend was macking on the girl he's after and he didn't even pass comment.

    Callis: I don't think it was quite like that, Joel, but I do agree that it seems a bit strange.



    The match is even but, in the end, Dreamer is able to subdue Tanaka with a Spicolli Driver at 13:38

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, The Sandman walks to the ring and goes nose to nose with Dreamer.



    Gertner: Hang on a minute, The Franchise has banned them from brawling in the ring.

    Callis: Yeah if either of them lays a finger on the other in an ECW arena, they're both fired.


    Instead of throwing a punch, The Sandman steps back and pulls a photograph from his pocket.


    Gertner: What the hell is that?

    Callis: It looks like a photo of Tommy Dreamer with his wife, Beulah.


    The Sandman takes a lighter from his pocket, sets the photo ablaze and uses it to light a cigarette.


    Callis: Oh, The Sandman is trying to get in the head of Tommy Dreamer before their match at Living Dangerously.


    The Sandman then drops the photo and stamps it out while laughing.

    Dreamer, although pissed off, restrains himself.


    Callis: Don't do anything stupid, Tommy.


    Dreamer smiles at The Sandman, snatches his cigarette and throws it from the ring.


    Gertner: Oh, man.


    Dreamer proceeds to spit in his rivals face and leaves the ring.


    Gertner: Well, it looks like Dreamer can give as good as he gets.

    Callis: Oh, I never doubted that.




    The Whole F**kin' Show work together brilliantly as usual and dominate the Hardys.

    In the twelfth minute, Shawn Michaels calls for the tag, clearly looking for the 420 Splash.

    RVD ignores him, though, hits the Five Star Frog Splash on Matt and picks up the three.

    Match Rating: B


    Gertner: Well, that was strange. Do you think Rob could see Shawn calling for the tag?

    Callis: I have no idea.


    RVD takes the tag belts gives one to Michaels and heads backstage without celebrating.


    Pag and the rest of the NaE approach Raven backstage.



    Raven looks sceptical.


    Pag: Hey, Raven, hear me out.


    Raven looks impatient.


    Pag: Okay, look, I've been an idiot. I've forgot what was really important and that's our sticking together.


    Raven nods in agreement.


    Pag: I wasn't pissed off with you, I just let our recent run of bad luck get to me.


    He pauses.


    Pag: I'm sorry.


    He extends his hand. Raven goes one step further and hugs him as the other NaE members look relieved.


    Raven: You're forgiven, man. I was quite the idiot myself.


    Pag: Now, listen, I can't get you a title shot at Living Dangerously because the match is already booked. However, I'm giving you one on the very next night on Blood, Sweat and Beers.


    Raven Smiles.


    Burchill: Hey, we're gonna hit the town? Want to join?


    Raven: I'd love to but there's actually something I've got to take care of. You go, though.


    Pag: Fairplay, see you later.


    Pag, Goliath, Vito, Burchill, Punk and Mcintosh walk off in a good mood.

    Raven stays behind, smiling demonically.


    Raven: whispering under his breath You may have created a monster, Pag, but that monster is gonna turn on you.


    Gertner: What the hell does that mean?

    Callis: I don't know but something tells me Raven wasn't exactly sincere.



    The match is a fantastic hardcore spectacle.

    Austin wins with a Superstar Stunner at 17:12

    Match Rating: A*


    After the match the lights go out for the third time this evening.


    They turn back on to reveal Sabu in the ring with chair in Hand.



    He floors Austin with the chair and ascends the turnbuckle.



    Gertner: Oh, man!

    Callis: This situation between Austin and Sabu looks like it's at breaking point.

    Gertner: Yeah, it doesn't look like they'll be able to wait until Living Dangerously.


    Show Rating: A

  12. Nice to see you back nevermore, was kinda worried that you couldnt get your ECW data back after the PC went down. cant wait to see what you have in store for ECW.


    Mate, let me tell you, you weren't the only one who was worried :D. It's all sorted now, though, and, on the plus side, the time away from writing up shows gave me some time to think about the upcoming storylines.


    Quote The Raven


  13. From ECW.com


    Historic Announcement



    In celebration of the tenth anniversary of its first ever pay-per-view (Barley Legal '97), ECW aims to launch a new yearly show in March to compete with WWF's Wrestlemania. It has been explained that the new PPV will be named "Baptism of Fire", a title that apparently alludes to the planned main event. Unfortunately, the company is unwilling to give any further information as it is expected for an official on-air announcement to be given in the coming weeks.

  14. I can't believe I read the whole thing from Page 1. Whew, that's a whole lotta pages! And a lot of insanity to go through.


    I'm not even a huge fan of ECW but you managed to keep me interested in this strange alternate universe. More respect goes out to you because you had to 'import' people people and such when we didn't have that "Import Data" feature as we do now in 2007. Still, must be a lot to go through.


    Anyways, can't wait to see future clashes you may have with Owen/Bret/Kurt (holy crap), Michaels/RVD, and Raven/anyone. That Raven's such a sneaky bastard. He's up to something! :p


    Good luck getting that computer/program/whatever working!


    Thanks very much for the positive feedback, mate. I particularly appreciate your efforts to read the whole thing ;).


    I also want to thank everyone for their patience. Everything is finally back to being operational on my PC. So, shows will start appearing again soon. I'm hoping the stories will be good as I've had extra time to consider them.


    Quote The Raven


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