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Posts posted by Turkeyninja

  1. I may have to replace my TV title with the McDonalds Cheeseburger Title. Free Cheeseburgers for whoever holds it! That way no main eventer, who needs to carefully watch his diet, would ever want it. While sloppier talents and kids with super-powered metabolisms would be all about it. This started as a joke, but I actually love this idea.


    Food is valued by taste and/or nutritional value, but why is one title better than the other? Abstract concepts like 'prestige' don't do it for me. I just prefer a UFC style set up, where each belt means something unique and real that is communicated to the viewer.


    This would be great for a Morality Wrestling promotion lol. The nutritious faces are trying to take it away from the glutenous heels in order to force McDonald's to offer more healthy items on their menu while the heels want to keep pushing fast food.


    I know my burger analogy was bad, but I couldn't think of anything else where you have two of the same thing but one is better, but if I were Triple H I probably wouldn't remember what fast food tastes like, that dude is eating things we can't pronounce, he's not going to eat dollar menu burgers when he can afford four star restaurants on the daily. Other guys who are not Triple H, they do have to eat McDonald's. Not that they wouldn't if they didn't have to, but they have to settle with McDonald's. I'm still trying to compare the fifty dollar burger and McDonald's to title prestige in this sense.

  2. I hate secondary titles, when that's all they are. If a title has value, then everyone should want it. And if everyone wants it, the top fighters should be competing for it. I've never liked the Intercontinental/United States belts for that reason. It's never been explained/consistent as to why the top guys don't think it's worth their time. So why should I care about it?


    Would you rather have a cheeseburger from McdDonalds (secondary title), or a burger from a high end restaurant (primary title)? You're going to want the restaurant burger, ofcourse. But only rich people (main eventers) can afford a fifty dollar burger, everyone else (non main eventers) are going to have to settle for McDonalds.

  3. Me, personally, I only play ECW or WWF as I had no interest in WCW. I push the wrestlers I liked back then. It's your game, push the guys you want. I had access to ECW back in the day and preferred them over WWF, so I usually bring in Raven and RVD much earlier then they did IRL, and build both up to eventually become champions. I also liked Kane so I will give him a few runs with the title. Other guys I liked would be Test, Hurricane Helms, and Road Dogg I will build them up and have them feuding over the IC title. For me, it's about what I would have wanted to see in wrestling back then.


    Other things I like to do are use other gimmicks. I don't like Viscera. But I do like Mable. I usually put Mable into a tag team with Raven as The Flock while in the process of getting Raven over. I will also use the Papa Shango gimmick instead of the Godfather and have him team with Kanyon using his Mortis gimmick to form a tag team either aligned with The Ministry or with Kane depending on the storyline I'm running. Imagine trying to put those two together with the Godfather and Kanyon gimmicks...


    Bring in random workers too to spice things up. I loved Hayabusa, and will find ways to work him into the roster. I'm pretty sure Hayabusa would've flopped with the crowd back then (probably now too, the way things are being ran in WWE), but this isn't real life so don't hold yourself back to thinking a worker wouldn't work out for you just because he wouldn't fit in back in the day.

  4. I never used a Women's championship while playing ECW, but that's exactly what I would call it. I grew up watching ECW in the 90s, and let's take The Dudleys for example. The Dudleys were waaaay more vulgar in ECW then they ever were in WWF yet when they held the titles they were just the Tag Team Champions, they weren't "Most Bad Azz Men Around" or whatever gimmick title. Jazz was in ECW, and I guarantee if there was a Women's title, not only would she have been their first champ, but it would've also just been called the ECW Women's Championship.
  5. When I play TEW, my preference is to create my own Insignificant promotion where I stick to hiring only unemployed talent. Much fun to be had. I want to start a new save with this same concept, except my company already starts with workers. I typically run with the No Style Style product. I know I can go to the editor and just mass create new workers, but thats not what Im looking for.


    I'm just going to create twelve to start with, but I have two problems; 1.) How should I distribute sizes and styles amongst the twelve, and 2.) when I eventually grow in size, do I just create new workers right there or do I create a bunch right off the bat and simply pray that none get signed?


    I also dont want to hire any other C-Verse workers in this particular save hence the problems, everything I do is to created by me in this save.

  6. For now, my first choice would be a round robin 10-man tournament (or perhaps the whole 12 men roster, but then I'd need to use something outside of the game to set it up), and let the AI decide who will be crowned (mostly). On the other hand, even if I had a weekly 1h show, that would mean waiting for 4 months and a half before having enough space on the show to do matches other than tournament ones (+ a women match).

    I could probably do a regular "King of the Ring" type, but I always do that when starting from scratch, so I want to do something new that is not a rumble. Any ideas would be more than welcome !


    I'm a fan of using the 10 man Mayhem match to crown my first champion in tiny created feds, you can't have your entire roster be in the match but not like you want the two guys you designate to be your jobbers to accidentally win the title anyway.

  7. Started in May 2001 as WCW, which is now Global Wrestling Entertainment (GWE). My player character is Jeff Jarrett, who is the owner and head booker of GWE. It is currently mid-February 2002, immediately after WCW Sin 2002.




    Nitro Brand (WCW)


    WCW World Heavyweight Champion - Ric Flair (defeated Kurt Angle at Starrcade 2001)

    WCW United States Heavyweight Champion - Buff Bagwell (defeated Perry Saturn at Starrcade 2001)

    WCW Television Champion - Johnny Swinger (defeated "Big Vito" LoGrasso on Nitro in week 3 of January)

    WCW World Junior Heavyweight Champion (formerly the Cruiserweight Champion) - Jushin Thunder Liger (defeated Ultimo Dragon at WSW Episode V in February 2002)

    WCW Hardcore Champion - Cactus Jack (defeated Meng at WCW Sin 2002)

    WCW World Tag Team Champions - Defiance (Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko) (defeated The Dudleys at Starrcade 2001)

    WCW World Women's Champion - Jackie Moore (defeated Madusa ©, Jazz, and Sugar Sato in a four-way at WCW Greed 2002)


    Shockwave Brand (WSW)


    WSW Heavyweight Champion - Tony Davidson (defeated Kendall Windham at WSW Episode III in November 2001)

    WSW United States Heavyweight Championship - Chris Kanyon (defeated Curtis Thompson to claim the vacant title at WSW Episode IV in January 2002)

    UPW Western Heavyweight Champion - "The Patriot" Del Wilkes (defeated Spanky at WSW Episode IV)

    WSW Television Champion - Ron Killings (defeated Disco Inferno at WSW Episode V)

    WSW Junior Heavyweight Champion - Tony Davidson (defeated Shane Helms in a title-for-title match at WSW Episode V)

    WSW Tag Team Champions - Ray and Terry Gordy (defeated X-Factor at WSW Episode V)

    WSW Women's Champion - Jazz (defeated Shelly Martinez ©, April Hunter, and Luscious Carejo in a four-way match on WSW Shockwave in January 2002)


    Florida Championship Wrestling - This is the dev promotion I created


    FCW Southern Heavyweight Champion - Vacant

    FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion - Kevin Northcutt (defeated Daniel Bryan...yes, I changed his name to Daniel Bryan...hehehe for the inaugural title at FCW Showcase 1)

    FCW Southern Tag Team Champions - Vacant

    FCW Southern Women's Champion - Ariel (defeated Sara Del Rey for the inaugural title at FCW Showcase 1)


    National Wrestling Alliance


    NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Rey Mysterio (defeated Eddie Guerrero at WCW Sin 2002)

    NWA World Light Heavyweight Championship - AJ Styles (won a four-way match over Syxx, Jamie Knoble, and Adam Pearce to unify the World Middleweight and Welterweight Championships into the World Light Heavyweight title)

    NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion - Jushin Thunder Liger (defeated Ultimo Dragon at WSW Episode V)

    NWA Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion - Kevin Nash (defeated Goldberg on an episode of WCW Nitro in November 2001)

    NWA North American Heavyweight Champion - Sting (defeated Dustin Rhodes at Starrcade 2001)

    NWA American National Heavyweight Champion - Rob Van Dam (defeated Tony Davidson at WCW Sin 2002)

    NWA Heritage Champion - Mark Jindrak (defeated Terry Gordy on an episode of WSW Shockwave in February 2002)

    NWA World Tag Team Champions - The Road Warriors (defeated Harlem Heat at Starrcade 2001)

    NWA Intercontinental Tag Team Champions - The Dudleys (defeated Konnan and Rey Mysterio on an episode of WCW Nitro in January 2002)

    NWA World Women's Champion - Rena Mero (defeated Tina Ferrari at WCW Greed 2002)




    Does having that many titles help or hinder your workers' popularity in any way, or can you have a million titles and it wouldn't matter? I haven't personally tried playing with so many.

  8. Im with you in the my-computer-is-taking-a-crap boat and while I have 2020 and I play the Cornellverse, I do not feel that my computer can handle downloading the mods or picture packs without taking a dump on my and creating errors, so I play 2016 when playing mods, 2020 when playing the C-Verse.


    Id like to upgrade my comp but I enjoy sleeping in a bed and, you know, eating, more then having an awesome computer.

  9. In real world, Raven was one of my favorite wrestlers and I enjoy making him the star he should've been.


    In Cornellverse, I've always liked making The Silencer into a star. In my mind, The Silencer is very much like Kane but with a special ops gimmick instead. No talking, just pure brutality and chaos. He has had two championship runs in my current save and only one promo.

  10. I like to create my own matches for my deathmatch promotion the same way real life DM promotions do. For example right before making this post I created a 1 vs 1 Chain Ropes Barbed Wire Boards Light Tube match, with the Set Up being Light Tubes, Barbed Wire Boards, and Strap/Chain and the Finishes are Pinfall and Submission. My favorite match is probably my 1 vs 1 Fish Hook Syringe Light Tube Thumbtacks match, with the Set Up being Tables, Light Tubes, Thumbtacks, and Weapons and the Finishes are Pinfall and Submission. The Spider Net Scaffold match is pretty cool too and its super basic with the Set Up being Barbed Wire and Scaffold and the Finish is Thrown From Scaffold


    While I have many more, there are more matches then I have ideas. Help me, Obi Wan Greysoft Kenobi

  11. It depends on what product you are running. I'm also doing a local to global save, here's my roster;


    Axl Avatar

    Cheech Kong

    Cockroach Carter

    Dead Man Walken

    Dominic DeGraff

    G Force

    Jerry Pepper

    Mercy Michaels

    Original Sinner

    The Masked Mauler VII


    Guys you wouldn't even hire to be enhancement talent. Why is my roster full of losers and nobodies? Because my product is Deathmatch and these guys are most of the only Unemployed guys (personal rule, only hire Unemployed until Medium) who will work a deathmatch. Someone said Logan Wolfsbaine which is usually good advice but he doesn't work out for my type of product. My guys certainly won't work out for most other promotions products.

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