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Posts posted by Turkeyninja

  1. Im using a made up company named Nor Cal Wrestling using The Art Of War mod where I only hire unemployed workers until I reach Medium and also while I do the hiring and firing, I auto book all shows and then try to make storylines out of the crazy randomness that is TEW AI booking. Were now at September 2004


    NCW Heavyweight - The Rock (who I picked up after WWF gave him the boot for the racial slur random event)

    NCW California - Shawn Michaels

    NCW Lightweight - Chris Jericho

    NCW Tag Team - Chris Jericho and Lance Storm

    NCW Womens - Amazing Kong

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pat666" data-cite="pat666" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52730" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Book this;<p> Vince Mcmahon wants a shakeup. He asks both GM to the ring. Says to build a team. The brand winner will be able to choose a superstar, a tag team and a women from the other brand. Build from there.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Im stealing this, great idea for a small yet effective draft.</p>
  3. Of all my friends I have talked wrestling with, I have come to the realization that everyone gets bored with it and goes away for one reason or another for awhile but then eventually comes back. For me, I stopped watching around 2002-2003 and honestly the reason was because I was in high school then doing high schooler things and staying home to watch wrestling didnt sound as appealing as going to hang out with the boys or going on a date with a cute girl. I came back around in 2015ish maybe 2016 but the storyline then was John Cena vs AJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose for the title.


    Nearly everyone stopped watching at one point or another. Why did you stop and when did you pick back up?

  4. <p>Road Dogg and Hayabusa in the Rising Storm mod. I had then in a feud with each other and then the AI decided to book them together as a team when I got lazy and had it auto book, and then found out they have great chemistry tagging together.</p><p> </p><p>

    Road Dogg was always the mouthpiece in New Age Outlaws because Billy Gunn never did anything on the microphone, I'm running the New Age Outlaws team with Hayabusa replacing Billy Gunn. They have become my favorite made up team to book.</p>

  5. Player's Handbook (question mark in upper right corner) > Workers > Workers: Skills > Experience


    "The other significant use of Experience is with Road Agents as it is one of the two major stats (alongside Psychology, with Respect being a less powerful third influence) that decide how good a road agent is at his or her job."


    As a new player it would probably be best to familiarize yourself with the PH to see what each stat does.

  6. Depending on how many workers you have, you might want to have a B show. And if you do have a B show that will affect your main show because you wont be putting as many lower card performers on the main show and leaving more room to develop storylines. Pretty cool if you have alot of workers but it's not necessary for smaller rosters.


    The Season Finale is Wrestlemania or the Super Bowl, it's your star attraction show where you pull all the stops. You're going to want to do any gimmick matches such as hell in a cell or ladder matches here, have some workers take some risky bumps, have a well known celebrity appear to simulate Beyonce at the Super Bowl halftime show, etc.


    I've never been able to help people much with storylines other then offering the advice to throw some of your midcarders into storylines as well, dont just focus on your main eventers.

  7. If you want an in game explanation, then we have to kinda stretch the line a bit and use our imagination, but if asked, who will most people say is the most hardcore wrestler of all time? Mick Foley will get that award. But I can name a bunch of wrestlers who are more hardcore then him, Jun Kasai just off the top of my head for example, but nobody knows who Jun Kasai is. But everyone knows who Mick Foley is.


    I get it, this isn't exactly what you're asking, but this is the closest I can come up with.

  8. Trying to simultaneously build Dreadnought, James Diaz, and Texas Hangman is proving difficult. Hangman has gotten a couple squashes, but that's it. Diaz is tagging with Billy Russell, and Dreadnought is getting squashes but is about to get his first major storyline.


    Almost at the end of Q1 with my touring NXT promotion (lots of WCW, WWE and NXT event names). Once I get to the end of that I amy start a dynasty.


    I also have those three in my made up promotion. Dreadnought is my monster wrestler who just destroys stuff. Think post Wyatt Family Braun Strowman or Brock Lesnar. As of now, Dreadnought hasn't lost and will not lose until he gets the title and then reigns for atleast five months.


    James Diaz is my badass character, think Stone Cold. I have plans to make Diaz my figurehead eventually but for now he will lose every now and then while he builds up popularity.


    That leaves us with Texas Hangman. I like him, but not enough to make him one of my main eventers. Not yet, atleast, well see how he progresses. Think Test. Okay in ring skills (he improves rapidly in my games though) but terrible entertainment skills. Just like Test.

  9. I imported over 2016's Rising Storm mod as I'm still not sure if a 2020 version has been released, and my major self imposed rule is only hiring unemployed talent until I reach the point where I can sign workers to written contracts, then anyone is free game at that point. I only hire/fire workers, set tag teams, and create storylines. So here are the champions the AI has provided me and the tag teams/storylines I can make out of the AI's booking;


    Sacramento Wrestling Federation Heavyweight: Yokozuna

    SWF California: Hurricane Helms

    SWF Tag Team: The Sumo Duo (Yokozuna and Rikishi)


    Tag Teams


    Booker T and La Parka (feuded at first, teamed up later)

    The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley)

    Los Loco Luchas (Super Crazy and Psicosis)

    The Sumo Duo (Yokozuna and Rikishi)




    Al Snow vs Booker T

    The Sumo Duo vs Los Loco Luchas

    Hayabusa vs Road Dogg (I might team them up, the AI decided to recently tag them up even with a storyline against each other and they have been getting good grades)

  10. I imported over 2016's Rising Storm mod (still not sure if a 2020 version has been released) and I'm doing a save where I only hire unemployed workers and I all I do is hire/fire workers, create tag teams, and set storylines, and I sim the rest. Here's what the AI has given me to date;


    Sacramento Wrestling Federation Heavyweight: Yokozuna

    SWF California: Hurricane Helms

    SWF Tag Team: The Sumo Duo (Yokozuna and Rikishi)

  11. At that point, just start fantasy booking as there is no need to "prove" that you can afford someone's contract or broadcasting deal.


    I have found that my biggest flaw when I get filthy rich is I start hiring random wrestlers just because. And I bet I'm not alone here, I bet most TEW players go on a spending spree when they have an overabundance of money...


    ...so intentionally limit your roster. It doesn't matter how much money you have, you can only have X amount of wrestlers on your roster.

  12. Here's some rules that I think will make your save a lot more interesting than the usual C-Verse save I see many people end up doing.


    Nepotism Is Worthless Here: You may not hire any talent who have a generational predecessor in the business. That means no James Diaz, no Logan Wolfsbaine, no Lucy Stone-McFly, no TCJ, no SoVen, no Gino Montero, no to any other second-or-more generation talent I might have forgotten.


    Card Subject To Change: If you cannot achieve Tiny size in your home region in the first year of running your promotion, and alternatively if you cannot hit 20 popularity in your home region by the end of the second year, you must change your product. You never mentioned if this was an RTG, so if your boss says no, go in the Game Editor and change it yourself.


    Lex Luger's Law: If your top wrestler is not regularly achieving individual ratings above 35 in his matches by the end of the first sixteen months, install somebody else as the top star of your promotion.


    This Promotion is The Major Leagues: If any of your contracted talent begins working for another promotion, you only have access to that talent for the first show after they sign to the new promotion. Then you must release them.


    Big Boys Make Big Noise: You must have a yearly tournament card that exclusively features wrestlers sized Light Heavyweight and above.


    Title Belts Cost Money And I'm An Independent Wrestling Promoter, Let's Repurpose My 7th Grade Spelling Bee Trophy Instead: You can go all out with creating as many tournaments, trophies and annual matches with unique stipulations as you want. However, you can have only one traditional wrestling championship belt for the first four years of your promotion's existence.


    Zero Tolerance: You can only use the 'Fine' and 'Fire' punishments for any negative backstage incident.


    How To Artificially Inflate Your Indy's Roster: After the first three shows, pick two wrestlers that you think you will use quite often for the first couple years of your promotion's life. Those wrestlers must be given masked (or unmasked) alter egos that must make their first appearance before the end of the first year. From the second year on, the alter egos must appear at least as many times each year as the regular wrestlers using them.


    Gooker Award Contender: In the first year of your promotion's existence, you must give one worker a gimmick you know would be absolutely terrible for that worker in a real life setting. The worker must keep that gimmick for at least eighteen months. This can be one of the aforementioned alter egos if you choose.


    Nothing Is Original: Any clichéd storylines, such as a faction of wrestlers trying to take over/destroy your promotion or an underdog with great in-ring skill rising to the main event, can only be used once every five in-game years. There are so many reasons for wrestlers to want to fight each other; what excuse is there for unoriginality?


    The Kip Frey Business Model: To incentivize good performances from your roster, the any wrestler to achieve an individual performance over 50 in any match except Eye Candy must be immediately offered a new contract that pays at least twice as much per show as their current deal.


    Thank you, I especially like "Nepotism Is Worthless Here" and "This Promotion Is The Major Leagues" they will definitely throw a wrench into how I usually play these kind of saves. I'm also looking forward to seeing how "How To Artificially Inflate Your Indy's Roster" is going to work out for me, it's going to be interesting trying to figure out how I can get my main face take on my main heel when they're the same worker.

  13. I once had them appear in a pre show battle royal and it locked in there disposition and gimmick change so did i waste their debut? Is there a boost to someone making a debut, i feel like i read that somewhere?


    I don't think there is a debut boost, or atleast not that I've noticed. When I play the C-Verse I always play my made up Insignificant promotion and ALWAYS use Unemployed talent. Most of my guys have absolutely zero popularity across the board, even in their own home area. Sometimes I use the same guys in different saves, sometimes I change it up; the guys that I use more frequently have never showed signs of a debuting boost. They usually get the same first match rating time and time again. Infact, (and as should be expected) my guys give me bad match grades until they gain a little popularity, then they will start giving you better match grades.


    I can't say one way or the other about a worker debuting in an angle, I have never had a worker debut in an angle before.

  14. I do know that you only need one worker with the required psychology, both of them don't need it. Afterall, the note says "there was nobody with psychology to lift the match" or something like that and to me that meant you only need one guy with a high psych score, not both of them. So I took one wrestler from that match, booked him against the wrestler with the highest psych and I did not get that memo again.
  15. Is there a way to keep fake companies from being generated in a real-world database over time? (They are not in the database to begin with, they appear after a few years with no logo)

    Example: https://imgur.com/a/s9iV8OX


    This is gamey, but go in the editor and give them negative money and set their popularity and momentum to zero. It will take a few in game weeks but they will go bankrupt and disappear.

  16. This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that wouldn't fall under the wrestling scene at all. Having a wrestling based reality program is more for a television/movie production simulation game then a wrestling booking simulation. In those shows, the audience has absolutely no idea who they are (and alot of the times, the contestants don't know squat about wrestling either). But that's just me.
  17. West Coast Wrestling: Best Of The West '20


    10. Mimic def Arthur Dexter Bradley in the semi-finals of the WCW Best Of The Best tournament, June 2020 - 59

    Mimic takes on ADB in this high flying packed match in the semi finals of the first annual WCW Best Of The Best tournament.


    9. Monday Next and Simon Flemmingway def Full Force and World's Most Wanted at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 59

    Monday Next and Simon Flemmingway form a makeshift team for the night to take on tag team champions Full Force (Edo Phoenix IV and Stealth Z) and World's Most Wanted (Gram Gorman and Shiva) in a non title match on WCW's weekly Warzone program.


    8. Davis Wayne Newton © def Edo Phoenix IV, Omezo Shikitei, and Shiva for the WCW United States title at WCW Warzone, April 2020 - 60

    Cocky as ever, DWN decides to issue an open challenge to anyone who hasn't had a title shot against him yet, specifically singling out the tag team division. Who, if anyone, will answer the call?


    7. Quentin Queen def Omezo Shikitei, Shiva, and Stealth Z - at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 61

    The second bout of the night of four way single matches featuring members of the tag team division. Each team has proven their tag team worth but how do they stack up against each other without their partner to get their back?


    6. The Silencer def Lance Lott at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 61

    This might be the greatest squash match you have ever seen. Three minutes of pure action.


    5. The Next Generation def Full Force © for the WCW Tag Team titles at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 64

    The Next Generation (Quentin Queen and Ozzie Goldstein) finally get their shot at the WCW Tag Team titles after the champions Full Force disposes of their familiar foes NEO, but does Full Force have what it takes to turn away the new challengers?


    4. The Next Generation and World's Most Wanted def Full Force and NEO at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 65

    The Next Generation and World's Most Wanted don't like each other. Full Force and NEO (Masashi Urogataya and Ozemo Shikitei) don't like each other. What's the worst that can happen when they're forced to team up?


    3. The Silencer def Davis Wayne Newton at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 66

    In a rare champion vs champion match, Heavyweight champion The Silencer takes on United States title holder Davis Wayne Newton in a non title match after The Silencer broke up a seven minute monologue of DWN telling the crowd how awesome and beautiful he thinks he is and gives his own extremely rare promo telling DWN is he doesn't shut his mouth he will silence him for good.


    2. Full Force © def NEO for the WCW Tag Team titles at WCW Mayhem, May 2020 - 67

    NEO has been hounding the inaugural Tag Team champions Full Force but have been turned back twice already. Full Force was hesitant to grant them a third title shot but NEO came up with a proposal Full Force couldn't refuse; if NEO loses again, they will not be able to challenge for the Tag Team titles during Full Force's current reign. Wanting to seek other challengers (and to get these pesky flies off their backs) Full Force agrees.


    1. Remmy Skye went to a Double DQ with Davis Wayne Newton at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 72

    In perhaps the best match thus far in WCW's young history, former champion Remmy Skye takes on DWN to decide the number one contendership to The Silencer's Heavyweight title. (James Diaz feels he should be number one and he attacks both, resulting in the double DQ)




    *The Silencer gives his first - and so far only - promo against not a face but a fellow heel, Davis Wayne Newton*


    Simon Flemmingway def Blackwell Bush at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 58

    Did you think we only had one great squash match for you? Well, oh, well, here's a second one for you!


    The Silencer def Texas Hangman in a Cage Match at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 58

    The Silencer takes on Texas Hangman for the number one contendership to Remmy Skye's Heavyweight title. These two have two victories each on their belts, what better way to settle this feud then a good ol' cage match.

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