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Posts posted by Turkeyninja

  1. West Coast Wrestling: Best Of The West '20


    10. Mimic def Arthur Dexter Bradley in the semi-finals of the WCW Best Of The Best tournament, June 2020 - 59

    Mimic takes on ADB in this high flying packed match in the semi finals of the first annual WCW Best Of The Best tournament.


    9. Monday Next and Simon Flemmingway def Full Force and World's Most Wanted at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 59

    Monday Next and Simon Flemmingway form a makeshift team for the night to take on tag team champions Full Force (Edo Phoenix IV and Stealth Z) and World's Most Wanted (Gram Gorman and Shiva) in a non title match on WCW's weekly Warzone program.


    8. Davis Wayne Newton © def Edo Phoenix IV, Omezo Shikitei, and Shiva for the WCW United States title at WCW Warzone, April 2020 - 60

    Cocky as ever, DWN decides to issue an open challenge to anyone who hasn't had a title shot against him yet, specifically singling out the tag team division. Who, if anyone, will answer the call?


    7. Quentin Queen def Omezo Shikitei, Shiva, and Stealth Z - at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 61

    The second bout of the night of four way single matches featuring members of the tag team division. Each team has proven their tag team worth but how do they stack up against each other without their partner to get their back?


    6. The Silencer def Lance Lott at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 61

    This might be the greatest squash match you have ever seen. Three minutes of pure action.


    5. The Next Generation def Full Force © for the WCW Tag Team titles at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 64

    The Next Generation (Quentin Queen and Ozzie Goldstein) finally get their shot at the WCW Tag Team titles after the champions Full Force disposes of their familiar foes NEO, but does Full Force have what it takes to turn away the new challengers?


    4. The Next Generation and World's Most Wanted def Full Force and NEO at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 65

    The Next Generation and World's Most Wanted don't like each other. Full Force and NEO (Masashi Urogataya and Ozemo Shikitei) don't like each other. What's the worst that can happen when they're forced to team up?


    3. The Silencer def Davis Wayne Newton at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 66

    In a rare champion vs champion match, Heavyweight champion The Silencer takes on United States title holder Davis Wayne Newton in a non title match after The Silencer broke up a seven minute monologue of DWN telling the crowd how awesome and beautiful he thinks he is and gives his own extremely rare promo telling DWN is he doesn't shut his mouth he will silence him for good.


    2. Full Force © def NEO for the WCW Tag Team titles at WCW Mayhem, May 2020 - 67

    NEO has been hounding the inaugural Tag Team champions Full Force but have been turned back twice already. Full Force was hesitant to grant them a third title shot but NEO came up with a proposal Full Force couldn't refuse; if NEO loses again, they will not be able to challenge for the Tag Team titles during Full Force's current reign. Wanting to seek other challengers (and to get these pesky flies off their backs) Full Force agrees.


    1. Remmy Skye went to a Double DQ with Davis Wayne Newton at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 72

    In perhaps the best match thus far in WCW's young history, former champion Remmy Skye takes on DWN to decide the number one contendership to The Silencer's Heavyweight title. (James Diaz feels he should be number one and he attacks both, resulting in the double DQ)




    *The Silencer gives his first - and so far only - promo against not a face but a fellow heel, Davis Wayne Newton*


    Simon Flemmingway def Blackwell Bush at WCW Warzone, August 2020 - 58

    Did you think we only had one great squash match for you? Well, oh, well, here's a second one for you!


    The Silencer def Texas Hangman in a Cage Match at WCW Warzone, July 2020 - 58

    The Silencer takes on Texas Hangman for the number one contendership to Remmy Skye's Heavyweight title. These two have two victories each on their belts, what better way to settle this feud then a good ol' cage match.

  2. I don't think that burying an opponent will make the winner's popularity increase and I don't think a domination will hurt the loser too much more then reguairly.



    I've read in the dirt sheet where my matches get a bonus for a good squash match even though I didn't use either of those notes. I think a squash match is really just someone beating someone else in four or under minutes with a clean finish.

  3. I used to watch The Walking Dead on AMC every week, and I don't remember why but I stopped watching it, so I said screw it and just started over on Netflix, there is a scene where a guy who was with the main group in season one comes back in season eight, and if I kept up the weekly viewing rather then the binge watching I would've been really lost and had no idea who that guy was or what was going on.


    The Walking Dead is definitely better when you binge it. I'm almost done with it, any suggestions on what I should watch next?

  4. <p>It depends on what I'm doing, I find myself to be more creative while playing the C-Verse because other then what information is given about a worker in their bio, it's up to you to determine their moveset and how they present themselves as a wrestler, for example I like to think that The Silencer wrestles alot like Kane with the same mannerisms, but someone else might prefer to think that The Silencer wrestles more like Brock Lesnar with the mannerisms of Cactus Jack.</p><p> </p><p>

    With real life mods, I discovered TEW late, 2013 was my first version, and I was already 28 at that time so I've been thinking about all these dream matches and who would go in what stables etc for a really long time. It's less creative for me personally because when I book matches and angles it just seems automatic, I'm not really putting any thought and therefore no creativity in my real life games. I don't book wrestlers the same they are in real life, but I don't do off the wall things such as giving Kevin Nash the Kane gimmick.</p>

  5. So you want someone of Flair's caliber to take the title from him? Unless that guy is named "Hulk Hogan" and he somehow doesn't work for WWF anymore, Flair is going to be the sole and only title holder for a decade. There simply are not any names, popularity wise, who can come close to Ric Flair, the WWF already signed up all those guys.


    So it's Flair for the duration of your game, or a smaller name gets the title. Me personally, I'd rather a smaller name get it.

  6. I was playing around with a WINNOW save and decided to make Rei Chinkatsu my first champion, since she was the most skilled and experienced on the roster. However, right after she won the championship, she suffered a bruised pectoral muscle, and I took her off of the touring schedule in order to keep her from aggravating the injury, which meant that I had to run my shows without the champion. However, I compensated for this by pushing Asami Okubo with a huge undefeated streak, building her up to be the next champion.


    When Rei comes back to tour again, she works all of two title defenses before getting injured again, this time with a strained bicep. She's on the shelf for only about a week this time, and recovers in time for the big event where she loses the title to Asami.


    And when the championship match finally comes, Asami wins... and suffers her own strained bicep in the process.


    Anyone else have any stories like this?


    This kind of thing happens alot in sports. I am a Raiders fan and last year we had AB and Tyrell Williams. AB did what AB is known for doing and he was gone. Williams was gone from the start of the season, healed up, and reinjured himself. If you can't rely on your top guys, you have to turn to your secondary.


    So the question becomes "who is your backup, and are they good enough to 'start' for you?"


    In real life, cut unproductive players. As in real life, cut unproductive wrestlers.

  7. For no reason other then I like them, I always hire and push both Quentin Queen and The Silencer in almost every one of my games, if it's in a RTG game or messing around with one of the bigger promotions. I once put the strap on The Silencer in his first match with SWF in 2016 and somehow someway that went over, I haven't done anything significant with QQ other then make him my champ in my farm league/tiny promotion.


    Who do you guys pick up for no other reason then "because"

  8. More people die in my 2020 games then in my 2016 games as well. I'm not against people dying, I'm against workers with no drug, alcohol, or smoking history die before they reach 65.


    If people have a drug, smoking, or alcohol history and they pass away at 49, okay, but people of good health dying at 49 doesn't make sense because people live way longer then 49 in today's world before passing away due to old age.


    I can't back you up on the relationships thing, my relationships pretty much stay the same people rarely form or break relationships in my games.

  9. <p>I think there should be an option for it, but at the same time turning it off kind of gets rid of the gameplay in my opinion.</p><p> </p><p>

    When I play the 2005 Cornell mod, I always get Lady Melissa because her Sex Appeal is through the roof, she isn't terrible entertainment wise, and most of all, she isn't hooked on drugs in 2005. A great worker in 2005, a terrible worker otherwise.</p><p> </p><p>

    But this wouldn't be a problem if non wrestling workers weren't tested. I could just keep druggie Lady Melissa if I wanted to. Turn the option on for realism and I would get rid of her, but we should have the option.</p>

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MikeSc" data-cite="MikeSc" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51580" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, I meant like on a talk show or whatever. You shouldn't have whatever random guy go on TV because he is over. It should be your guys who can talk, etc. Not everyone in Major Star in a performance > pop fed is going to do well in a situation like that.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't know exactly who you're talking about, but I think this is about how popular the worker is. To use a real world example, New Day is everywhere even though they're not the main event in anyone's eyes.</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShaunGBD" data-cite="ShaunGBD" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47579" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What would be good background stats for jasmine and Michael Gregory son and Matt Hawkins and Cheyenne's son. They both has kids wanna add them in game</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You don't have to make a mix of their parent's stats, because in real life the children of wrestlers (and most sports stars for this manner) don't usually hold up to the expectations of their parents. Sure there is Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes, but then there's also Hogan's son, Flair's son, Snuka's son, etc. Even Goldust was a let down compared to how massively popular Dusty Rhodes was.</p><p> </p><p> Sometimes the children exceed the parents too ala Bray Wyatt. If I were to do this I would go the Wyatt route and give them better stats then their parents.</p>
  12. I feel the exact opposite. I felt that under the older system, I was playing a game, managing my roster, managing my company, and selecting a product that is conducive to my play style. The current products offer me very little, the only way any of them work is if I turn off half the options, which feels plain dirty - I should be allowed to decide for myself what angle-match length I want and shouldn't be pigeonholed into Match Aims that I dislike as "part of the compromise", or just turn it off to avoid the penalty for not booking the matches I don't want.


    I understand what you're saying, but imagine if I were playing 2003 CZW and I decided to run a bunch of promos and had only one or two matches, the CZW audience definitely would not be okay with that.

  13. In real life, time decline is harder to gauge for some workers then others. For example, it was more clear to see when Rey Mysterio Jr was losing it then, say, The Undertaker, because Undertaker has a really basic style while Mysterio's style is obviously easier to tell when a wrestler can't do certain high flying moves.


    The reason I agree with you is because this isn't a visual game, while we have numbers telling us how well a worker is doing we can't see for our own eyes how a worker is doing in ring. You can (and should) look at a worker's skill progression every month but that's not the same.

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