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Posts posted by Turkeyninja

  1. Here's what you do, and this is what I do; stop caring about grades, and only play the game for yourself. The grades are how the virtual audience sees your match. Who cares about the fans that don't really exist. If you're having money problems, go to the editor and give yourself more.


    Yes it's cheating. But it's that or giving up on the game. I'd rather cheat and enjoy a game them play a game and making it seem like a chore.

  2. I always set a cap for myself for how many workers I can have on my roster depending on my size. Never going over it has saved me from so many problems, the main exception being that if a good worker gets off a written contract I can't sign them until I get rid of someone else on my roster, and I don't like just firing people to make room for a better worker, I wait for their contract to come up first.


    My way of playing might not be everyone's cup of tea but I don't worry (too much) about finances, I can actually make stars because not everyone can be a main eventer when you intentionally limit yourself, someone has to job or be a mid carder so you can't just push every worker you have. I find it a limiting yet relaxing way of playing TEW at the same time.

  3. I came across this in an ad on Facebook today, and it looks interesting. I figure if anyone has played this and would know anything about it, the guys who play TEW would be my best bet.


    The base game is 40 bucks and they have a 15 dollar expansion, which isn't that much but at the same time I don't want to spend 55 plus whatever shipping is to play it once and put it in my closet for the rest of eternity.


    Worth it, not worth it? I don't know any more then what I read off their Facebook ad.

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48383" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Your desire for unrealistic levels of perfection is what's stopping you from running that show, not the game or your product.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This. There are some of out there, myself including, who don't really care about the "rules" of the game and just fantasy book. Do I want to have a deathmatch while playing as TCW? Then it's going to happen. Or maybe I want to bring in a women's division to USPW but base it on BOSC. I will do that too if that's what I wanted.</p><p> </p><p> I don't think people should restrict themselves to what the game says they have to do, that's not having fun if you ask me.</p>
  5. I think it's safe to say TCW is supposed to be WCW and SWF is supposed to be WWF, but what do you guys think about the others? Do you guys think ECW is more DAVE or IPW? And I'm not sure of BHOTWG or PGHW is supposed to be NJPW, and does that mean the other is AJPW?


    But here's my biggest one; what is CZCW supposed to be? I cannot think of a real life counterpart to it. I get that the Cverse promotions aren't necessarily based on real life promotions but most real life promotions could be described as one Cverse promotion or the other.

  6. no worries you’ll be in the giveaway :)


    Hey thanks I appreciate it, but I have to decline because not only am I still working but I am actually doing overtime. Because of that I think it would be better to give it to someone else who maybe isn't working and can't afford to get it otherwise. I just wanted to share my story but thanks for making an exception!

  7. I know I don't qualify, and my favorite moment isn't a match. I just want to tell you guys my favorite wrestling moment.


    So when I was really young my parents split up. Because of that, my father was raising two boys by himself so obviously money was tight. I think it's safe to say the majority of people who browse this thread wanted to be professional wrestlers when they were kids but I was an exception, I was obsessed to the point where when I was a teenager I was a monthly subscriber to three different wrestling magazines (WoW and I can't remember the others) and I was on a tape trading list. I paid for everything myself by doing odd jobs for neighbors such as mowing lawns and washing cars. I already knew the financial situation, so it was on me to get those things if I wanted them.


    So it's like 2000 or 2001 and they air one of those "hey guys, WWF is doing a house show in your area" commercials. I see my dad get up right then but I thought he was getting a drink or making a call or something. So the day of the show, two hours before it's supposed to start I'm playing video games and I see WWF tickets rain down from nowhere into my lap. My dad somehow saved the money to buy tickets for us. And by the way, my dad hates wrestling.


    Spoiler alert; I did not become a professional wrestler. But I was so set on it at the time and my dad wanted to support my dream. I will never forget that. The card and the matches don't matter to me as much as the reason we went.


    But that doesn't mean I don't remember the entire card and who won.

  8. He doesn't have to necessarily win though, just use the keep strong agent note and maybe have him lose to a flash pinfall/outside interference.


    I remember Triple H (as champ at that) went 3v1 against Kaientai and Brooklyn Brawler and Triple H lost because someone interfered, I don't remember who but the point was Triple H lost against jobbers and he clearly dominated the whole match.

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