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New York City Wrestling: From The Top of The World

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Geronimo Joey J:[/B] And now all you cats and kittens out there we're gonna segway into something else here. Now I KNOW I get alot of crap about this part of the show, but you know what? I really don't care. I love it, and deep down inside I know you all love it and if you didn't, then this wouldn't be the highest rated segment of our show. Today, however, we're gonna be taking a smaller look into things, smaller because today we aren't talking SWF or TCW, no... We're talking local. We're talking as local as local gets! That's why, at this time, I'd like to welcome in our VERY, VERY special guest today, none other than the Bronx's very own, Ramaeno Ramaelli. Rae, as you prefer to be called, how are ya doing, paesano? [B]Ramaeno Ramaelli:[/B] I'm very good, Joey, how you doin? [B]Geronimo Joey J:[/B] We're doing just fine out here Ramaeno and we appreciate you taking out the time to join us today. For the listeners out there, let me just run down this little thing I got here... Rae, you began writing to wrestling magazines across the country at the age of 15 years old. Wow. From there you eventually got a job working for a couple of minor league wrestling groups, doing stuff there and eventually you went to Europe. Apparently you did a pretty good job out there because then you landed a full time job in the front office of Total Championship Wrestling. I understand you left there just recently and now you're back here, well Rae, as my father said, you're like crap, you're all over! Hahahaha! [B]Ramaeno:[/B] Hahaha, yeah. You could say that. Well listen, I loved California, I loved Italy and all of Europe but theres only one city that I call home and that's New York City. TCW is one of the best organizations in the world, not only as a wrestling company but as any workplace. I made alot of friends out there and California is beautiful. Tommy Cornell is one of the most standup, best guys you can ever know. He may come off like a real jackass on camera but off camera he is a real softy. I love the guy. I left there on good terms. I actually asked to leave. [B]Geronimo Joey J:[/B] Thank you all for tuning in, this is Geronimo Joey J on Fordham College local radio, broadcasting online and all over the Bronx here on AM 890. You've entered the WRESTLING ZONE, our weekly segment where we check into the world of pro wrestling. Don't worry, Fordham Rams basketball will be discussed as the Rams continue their push for a possible tournament championship bid but right now we're on the line with our special guest Ramaeno Ramaelli, a Bronx native who has worked for TCW as well as companies in Europe and across the country. A former wrestling magazine writer, he has some very special local events going on that we're gonna get into. But let me piggy back what you just said, Ramaeno. You asked to leave TCW, well, isn't that a dream job? Why'd you decide to leave? [B]Ramaeno:[/B] Listen, money is important, but Geronimo, you can't take that in the grave with you. I got enough money to live a comfortable life. TCW was very generous with me. Fact is that there are alot of family related issues going on, some illnesses and to be honest, my wife doesn't like California. There are a million reasons why coming home was necessary. The bottom line is, Tommy Cornell told me straight up that if I ever needed a job I didn't need to think twice about it. The door is open. That's the kind of guy he is. I love him like a brother. He taught me so much and took me in when he really didn't have to. Now I'm out here, I manage the family pizzaria and I stay in the business that's what I'm here to talk about. [B]Geronimo Joey J: [/B] Yes. That's right. Folks if you've been around the City, especially downtown, then you've seen the posters. They're on practically every lamppost in the street. It's called New York City Wrestlng and they are staging their Tri-Borough Challenge, Ramaeno, why don't you talk a little bit about this. [B]Ramaeno: [/B] Okay Joe, thanks alot. Well yes. It's called New York City Wrestling. That's where I work now and I love i. It's the best wrestling in the Tri-State area, hands down. I know the alternatives but I'm telling you this not just because I work there but as a wrestling fan. I mean it. At the end of this month, last Sunday of the month, New York City Wrestling is promoting fights at the Weston Gymnasium. Ticket prices ain't bad at all and we've got some good stuff going on there. [B]Geronimo Joey J: [/B] You're listening to the voice of Ramaeno Ramaelli, former TCW Employee and current promoter for the local wrestling organization New York City Wrestling. We're live on Fordham College Radio and thank you for tuning in. [B]Ramaeno: [/B] Yeah. Two matches we're especially excited about are the Championship match and the Retirement match. The main event is gong to be a triple threat, championship unification match. We've got the Tri-State Regional Champion, Steve Flash putting his belt on the line against Empire Champion Grandmaster Phunk, who you probably know better as Danny B. Bling from his days in the SWF. [B]Geronimo Joey J: [/B] Oh yeah. Definitely. He was a great manager. [B]Ramaeno[/B]: He's a hell of a fighter too. Yes. Well, he puts his belt against Steve Flash's Tri-State Regional belt and they lock horns with top contender and veteran, The Stomper. [B]Geronimo Joey J: [/B] THE STOMPER! He sounds mean! [B]Ramaeno:[/B] Oh yeah, one of the nastiest, dirtiest and slickest veterans in the sport. He has a chance to sweep the whole contest. [B]Geronimo Joey J: [/B] Wow. He sounds like a real tough, tough customer. Now what about this retirement match? Somebody is calling it quits? [B]Ramaeno:[/B] NYCW regulars know about the bitter relationship between former SWF superstar Black Hat Bailey and Lee Wright. They hate eachother so much that they've said somebody has to go. They're putting it all on the line. Bailey is a bonefied superstar of the past decade and Wright, well, anybody who has seen him fight knows he packs a hell of a left hand. That's really all there is to it, Joe. These guys hate eachother and in wrestling, as you know, a retirement match is as close as you can get to a medieval styled gun duel. [B]Geronimo Joey J:[/B] Wow. Oh yeah, Rae. I know Black Hat Bailey and I'm sure all our listeners do too. A real popular guy, won the SWF North American belt a bunch of times. I was surprised to see that he left SWF but then again that's why NYCW gets the premier talent, they are a premier company, aren't they? [B]Ramaeno: [/B] Well you said it, Joey. We have alot of talented wrestlers and athletes and put on a hell of an event. You'll be hearing alot about and from us in the future. This will be the best live wrestling event anybody can grab a ticket to. It's a big league environment at a minor league price so I say come on down and have the time of your life! [B]Geronimo Joey J:[/B] Well Rae it's been a pleasure having you on the show this week and hopefully we'll be hearing from you again in the near future. All you listeners out there that's Ramaeno Ramaelli, former TCW promoter and now doing stuff locally. A huge wrestling event going on at the end of the month, the last Sunday of January at the Weston Gymnasium, tickets are fairly priced and later on in the show we'll be giving away a pair... Stay tuned for that. But thanks alot Rae and best of luck! [B]Ramaeno: [/B]Thanks alot Joey J and you keep up the good work.
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Heheh. Well I figured what the hell. I tried my hand at a number of different dynasties ranging from TCW, DAVE, UCR and others....I'm a New Yorker why the hell not go this route and see what happens. BTW Fordhams a hell of a place. The reason I like it so much is because only blocks away is Arthur Avenue, go over by there and you'll know why it's probably the best place in The Bronx. :D Though, I don't know that Fordham has a radio station IRL.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="2"]NYCWrestling.com[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]New York City Wrestling . COM[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/LeeWrightBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE="2"][CENTER]LEE WRIGHT[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] On January 31st, 2007 New York native Lee Wright, one of the toughest men in the world, steps into the ring of warriors for perhaps the last time. Wright is scheduled to face world famous wrestling superstar Black Hat Bailey in a "retirement" match. The contest is being sanctioned by New York City Wrestling and will spell the end of a lifetime of work for either man. The quest to one of wrestlings most sacred matches is not an easy one, especially not in New York City Wrestling. While it is true that in certain organizations these matches seem to occur and become void on a weekly basis, New York City Wrestling has maintained a strong and firm stance on the legitimacy of the sport and holds a strong line on this extremely serious matter. Combatants seeking approval for a match of this magnitude must plead their case to the NYCW sanctioning committee in hour long meetings. Lawyers and legal work are piled high on tables and IF the NYCW sanctioning commitee grants approval then the stage is set for this illustrious contest. To get approval, two men must prove to have such a bitter hatred and rivalry for one another that they simply can not co-exist together in NYCW. Other instances could also provoke a retirement match but in this specific situation there is no debating the reason for this match. Lee Wright and Black Hat Bailey HATE eachother. They hate eachother so much that at the end of the month, one of these two men will risk retirement from the sport they love, just to ensure the other man is out of their professional life forever. Lee Wright has joined us here at NYCW.COM to discuss this contest and what it means to him. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Hello Lee, how are you doing and how has your training been coming along? [B]Lee Wright[/B]: Thanks for having me. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Lee let's cut right to the chase. What do you think of when I say Black Hat Bailey. [B]Lee Wright:[/B] The absolute worst, dispicable scum on the face of the earth. That's it. Point blank. Straight up. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Yes, your rivalry with Black Hat Bailey in NYCW has been well documented and the ultimate exclamation mark will be put on this rivalry at the end of the month, but just what is it exactly that gets you so upset about this man, Lee? Why can't you two great competitors learn to co-exist? [B]Lee Wright: [/B] I can't speak for anybody else but I'll tell you this much. From my end, I tried. I tried but every time we'd be in the same building he'd say something, I'd say something and sure enough before the night was over the real fighting was taking place behind the curtain. Now enough is enough. I hate him, he hates me so let's just do this. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Black Hat Bailey has said that he will not only send you into retirement but that he would cripple you in the process. Does this worry you or frighten you at all, Lee? [B]Lee Wright: [/B] You want to know what worries me? It ain't that. It sure as hell ain't that. What it is, is the idea that this piece of crap has kids and when they grow up they are gonna wanna come after the guy who turned their father into a paraplegic. That's what worries me. You know, I wrestled in Japan for years. Years. You ask anybody who knows ANYTHING about this business and they'll tell you that the most innovative, most powerful and the toughest wrestling is in Japan. Problem is the money ain't as good out there. People fight in Japan because they're warriors. People fight in the states for the money and the fame. The movie deals and the celebrity. That ain't who Lee Wright is. Black Hat Bailey fought for years out here facing weak competition, doing it for the money. He don't love this business. He don't bleed this business. He bleeds bull**** and cash. I'm gonna leave his blood splattered on the mat at the end of the day and that's it. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Wow. Mr. Wright you are certainly not understated! [B]Lee Wright[/B]: Well I'm tired man. I came to NYCW because I'm from New York, I felt it was the right thing to do and then this piece of trash comes out here looking to pick a fight. Well he picked one and after January 31st, it'll be the last fight he ever picks. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well, Lee, what do you predict? You gonna take this to the mat, you gonna go all out swinging? Are you gonna try to react to him, I mean, what is your approach to this match or would you prefer not to disclose that kind of information? [B]Lee Wright[/B]: I'm not scared of him, guy. Not at all. I'll tell you EXACTLY what I'm gonna do. I'll even spell it out for you. K.O. That's it. Two letters. K.O. I am gonna KNOCK him OUT. I'm going in there and I'm jacking him right in the freakin' jaw. One two three. One two ten. It don't matter. He's done. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Lee, you sound EXTREMELY confident. We thank you on behalf of NYCW.COM and we wish you the best of luck. [B]Lee Wright[/B]: Yeah, thanks alot. I'm too young to retire, man. This is my time, it's gonna be my day. When I'm done I'm gonna take that freakin' Black Hat of his and stick it up his black a- [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Thank you Lee. Thank you very, very much.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/Westongym.jpg[/IMG] [B]Weston Gymnasium - New Jersey[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]_____________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NEWYORKCITYWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/AMBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]AMERICAN MACHINE[/CENTER][/B] [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Thank you all for tuning in to this internet web cast, ladies and gentlemen. This is New York City Wrestling online, the official home of New York City wrestling on the internet and we are coming to you from down the turnpike out here in New Jersey. We're at The Weston Gymnasium, a fine, fine facility and the site of NYCW's Tri-Borough Challenge event. We are here alongside NYCW Wrestling sensation, American Machine whom is attempting no small feat. Today, the American Machine is attempting to set the Weston Gymnasium push-up record and to do so he is going to have to break an astonishing four-hundred consecutive push up mark. Machine, how are you feeling? [B]American Machine:[/B] I'm feeling extremely focused, thank you very much. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Now, American Machine, we're here in the heart of where the big time NYCW card, the "Tri-Borough Challenge" is set to take place, what are your thoughts on the event it'self and what are your thoughts about this place and basically, very generally, what are your thoughts on all the happenings of NYCW? [B]American Machine:[/B] Well, to be quite honest with you, I'm trying not to think too much about anything right now other than beaking this record. But, since you ask, I am very excited to come back here later on, especially as the PUSH UP RECORD SETTER, also as a wrestler. I'm looking forward to the Tri-Borough challenge as I see it as another opportunity to push myself up in the rankings and push for a title shot. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Well yes, and Machine, the way you've been wrestling lately a title shot certainly seems in order. Now, the main event of NYCW's Tri-Borough Challenge is being dubbed the Tri-Borough Triple Threat which will stage a unification bout between Tri-State Regional Champion Steve Flash, Empire Champion Grandmaster Phunk and the third man in the equation, the top contender, The Stomper. American Machine, who do you think is going to take all the gold and who would you personally prefer to face? [B]American Machine:[/B] Well, like I said, I'm not trying to think too far into the future right now. I've done that a couple of times and I've always wound up on the short end of the stick. Right now I'm just thinking about breaking this record. In the past, I was right in line for a title shot but I got so caught up in thinking about the title-fight that I screwed up the business at hand and lost both a nothing match and a title shot in the process so I'm just trying to stay focused. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] So you don't have a favorite? [B]American Machine[/B]: Not really, that's those guys's deal. I just know that thanks to this fight, when it comes time for me to step up to fight for the title I'll be getting more than one piece of gold after I win. Hahaha. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] Well noted. Well another story taking the wrestling community by storm is the retirement match between bitter rivals Lee Wright and Black Hat Bailey. Your thoughts on that and who would you like to see come out of that with the win? [B]American Machine:[/B] Like I said before, that's none of my business, really. I think those two guys have been some of the best wrestlers I've ever seen. They're two of the all time greats, if you ask me and I think its a shame that they both can't coexist. Personally I would love to see Lee Wright shut Black Hat Bailey up but again, I don't invest too much time into it. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Shut him up? You don't like him that much either then, presume. [B]American Machine:[/B] Well you've seen him, man. The guy has an attitude problem. Walks around like he owns the whole damn state of New York. When he first came here after leaving the big place just a little north of here, he thought he was hot stuff. King of the world. Real ego problem man. You've seen it. I don't like that stuff and I hope Lee Wright shuts him up. That's it. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well said, Machine. Well said. Well then, in that case, let's turn to more important matters, one of the two main reasons we're here and then we'll let you go and have our viewers check out your record setting exploits. American Machine, you are scheduled to appear at The Tri-Borough Challenge and yet you have no opponent. I know you have something to say about that, please, the floors yours. [B]American Machine:[/B] Well thanks. Okay. Well here's the deal I am ready to wrestle. As you're about to see I'm in the best shape of my life and I'm ready for all comers. I don't have a signed contract to face anybody yet but I'm making it an open contract. So, I'm saying it right now infront of the world, I'll sign my name on the dotted line and I don't care who signs against me. That's right. This here is an open challenge. I'm calling out wrestlers from New York, New Jersey, Florida, Montana, California, Canada, Tokyo Japan and Russia. Shoot it don't matter if you live six thousand major leagues under the sea, let's get it on. Anybody out there, this is an open challenge and I'll see whoever accepts at the Tri-Borough Challenge show! [B]NYCW.COM: [/B] Wow! That is fascinating! Anybody, Machine? Anybody at all? [B]American Machine: [/B] Well of course I mean, you'v got to be a liscenced wrestler first of all but after that, ANYBODY. [B]NYCW.COM: [/B]Anybody? [B]American Machine:[/B] ANYBODY. [B]NYCW.COM:[/B] There you have it, ladies and gentlemen! A NewYorkCityWrestling.com EXCLUSIVE! The American Machine is calling out anybody ready and willing to wrestle! We'll just have to wait and see who will accept his challenge and boy, I feel bad for whoever does! Thanks for your time American Machine, we're gonna let you get to business here, thanks alot for your time and good luck! [B]American Machine: [/B]Thanks alot man.
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Thanks for the comments there buddy. Fordham is a great place, got a friend who attends (but he's looking to leave soon enough and do some culinary schooling. but what the hell, half of us go into college thinking one thing and end up doing the total opposite, atleast I can say that about myself and a number of my friends) But the true beauty of Fordham Uni is it's 4-6 block radius away from Arthur Ave (plug) lol. But in the early stages here I am gonna try to show off a bit of New York in the writing with various mentionings of places and so on. I live about 5 blocks away from Manhattan College, myself and the Jaspers have had more success in College basketball out here then St Johns, Fordham or anybody else (yeah Syracuse but cmon, that's about as New York City as Rutgers). But thanks again and do stay tuned! Hopefully something fun for all will come out of this and doing this diary is a million times less stressful than when I was trying to do TCW and a few others (not to mention untimely events occurred which derailed those past projects) CURRENT LINE UP FOR NYCW TRI-BOROUGH CHALLENGE [CENTER]TRIPLE THREAT UNIFICATION TITLE MATCH - "TRI-BOROUGH THREE-WAY DANCE" STEVE FLASH (Tri-State Regional Champ) vs Grandmaster Phunk (Empire Champ) vs The Stomper (no. 1 contender) RETIREMENT MATCH BLACKHAT BAILEY vs LEE WRIGHT OPEN CHALLENGE AMERICAN MACHINE vs ???[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/Alley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Hell's Kitchen - New York City[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]A Dark Alley[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]______________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/GMFBW.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Century Gothic"]NYCW Empire Champion[/FONT][/U][/B] [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B][/CENTER] Filming began in Hells Kitchen for a promo segment with NYCW Empire Champion Grandmaster Phunk. It was a deeply dark night in the famed Hell's Kitchen and the promo would be distributed online and via DVD to NYCW hardcore fans that are on the NYCW mailing list. Furthermore, as NYCW does with each of their live events, when the total show is completed and the announcing is added to it, the promo segment would be cut and pasted onto the shows film strip. This segment, obviously, would be for the upcoming NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge. Filming began and finished in the same day (Friday Week 1, January) and took only one take. The Grandmaster had a huge amount of gold on his fingers, neck, chest, waist, teeth, ears and basically anywhere jewerly could be placed. No gold, however, was quite as bright as the NYCW Empire championship belt that was slung over the shoulder of his enormously large fur coat. He had on a purple derby with a big bright yellow feather sticking out of the top. Two women flanked his sides, one a cheap model who may not have been a model but rather a friend or special friend of one of the camera guys and the other, though difficult to see through the heavy makeup, was Fern Hathaway. This fact was never acknowledged. [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B]: YO. What's up? This is O.G. G.P. in this mutha an' let me kick this thang off right here by sayin' HOLLA ATCHA BOOOOOY!!! YEAH. That's right! You see the ladies, you see the gold, you hear me singin' an you know I be BLINGIN'! I'm the EMPIRE STATE CHAMPEEN, DAWG! WHATCHA GOT TA SAY ABOUT THAT, ALL YOU PLAYA HATIN' SUCKAS OUT THERE? WHAT'S UP NOW? The Grandmaster was holding a black cane in his left hand. The handle barely visible as it was camoflauged by his thick gold rings. He lifted the cane up and pointed it at the camera. [B]Grandmaster Phunk:[/B] You playa hatas out there been talkin' mad jazz about the champ. Ya'll think I'm some kinda chump? Ya'll be frontin' on the wrong G, you feel me? Lemme tell ya'll a lil' somethin'. I'm the MAN, homes. THE MAN. I got the GOLD, I got the BITCHES and I got YO'ASS! You feel dat? Lemme tell ya'll whats good. I got this gold on this shoulder here an then when this thang is all said and done homie, I's gonna gets dat otha gold on THIS SHOULDER! BELEE DAT!! The Grandmaster swung his cane in the air and then pressed it back into the ground. [B]Grandmaster Phunk: [/B] Everybody be talkin' bout them two old men out there fightin' to retire and punk eachotha out. Well that ain't the real story. The real story is how this pimp daddy gonna get in the ring an how I'm gonna smack an ol' man and a silly white boy. I'm gonna slap 'em, take they money, then I'm gonna sell them one of these ho's so they pay me even more, WHATS GOOD NOW! The Grandmaster began yelling, the two girls casting sultry smiles at the camera. [B]Grandmaster Phunk: [/B] LEMME TELL YOU SUMTHIN', STEVE FLASH. LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHIN' TOO, STOMPA. I'MMA SCHOOL YA'LL RIGHT NOW. THE ILLEST DANG THE DEVIL EVER PULLED WAS WHEN HE MADE YA'LL THINK HE WAS GONE, THEN HE CAME BACK AN HE SNUFFED SOME PLAYAS OUT. YA'LL THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME EASY WELL THAT'S GONNA BE YA'LLS DOWNFALL. FO-SHO I GOTS TO GET PAID, BUT MY MIND AIN'T ALWAYS ON THE STREET. WHEN I HIT IT, I HIT IT HARD, AND IN EVERY WAY... AN I'MMA TELL YA'LL RIGHT NOW, I'MMA HIT YA'LL SO HARD WITH MY SWIFT PIMP HAND THAT IT'S GON' BE YA'LL PAYIN' ME MONEY, BITCHES. The Grandmaster then spat at the camera and looked at both the women by his sides. [B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B]: Honies, let's bail on these suckas. It's time to make yo sugar daddy a little sugar. LET'S GO TO WORK! With one last glance at the camera, the Grandmaster lifted his cane again. [B]Grandmaster Phunk:[/B] Steve whatever the hell and Stompa, I'mma see ya'll at the Tri-Borough Challenge, WOOF! WOOF! WHAT'S UP NOW?!
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Thank you MrOnu. I will check yours out promptly as well. I tended to get heavy into backstory and stuff but I'm trying my best to keep it as relavent as possible now so I don't get too caught up and overwhelmed with outside of the ring stuff. That's what I dig about Scapinos diary, no flash, no pizazz... Just writing, I don't want to be 100% writing, I like doing graphics as a hobby and I think it does add effect but I do wanna be able to churn out stuff... The other cool thing about NYCW is that you dont realy have the resources to be running shows nonstop, so that lightens the load too... Anyway man, thanks for stopping by this thread and Ill check out your stuff too man :cool:
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWLogo3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NYCWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/RDBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]ROGER DODGER[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][U][FONT="Arial Black"]BREAKING NEWS: ROGER DODGER BIG LEAGUE BOUND!![/FONT][/U][/B][/CENTER] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]SATURDAY WEEK 1, JANUARY -[/SIZE][/FONT] Breaking news! NYCWrestling.com and the representation of NYCW superstar Roger Dodger have confirmed that Dodger, 34 years old, has been offered and has accepted a contract with Supreme Wrestling Federation developmental league Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. In conjunction with his agent and attorney, Roger Dodger has issued this press release exclusively for NYCWrestling.com: [CENTER][FONT="Garamond"]"It is with both a happy and heavy heart that I announce to my New York Dodgers (and I know there are millions of ya!) that I will no longer be competing in the New York City Wrestling organization. New York City Wrestling is the premier wrestling promotion of the East Coast and I leave behind great moments, great memories and great fans. In 1981 when I was a 9 year old boy I fell in love with wrestling. It was The Supreme Challenge, the big cahuna! Sam Strong vs Rip Chord! It was larger than life! Bigger than anything you could imagine! At the end of the Supreme Challenge I told my father, Daddy, I'm gonna be a pro wrestler! It has been a long, tough road but I finally feel like the greatest accomplishments of my career are just abou to get underway. Signing with RIPW was the end of one of the best chapters of my life and I am very greatful to NYCW. For all The New York Dodgers out there, get ready for one wild ride because first Rhode Island, then...THE WORLD!"[/FONT][/CENTER] We have also received a response from NYCW Chairman, The Stomper. [FONT="Garamond"][CENTER]"Well NYCW Fans, this year has certainly kicked off with a bang and we wouldn't have it any other way around here! The news hit me like a snapmare takedown from my most dreaded enemies! Roger Dodger has been a truly great addition to the NYCW family and it is sad to see him go. This is just proof that the top talent is here in NYCW and are sought after by every major organization out there. Roger, best of luck to you and yours and you have made us all proud! Knock 'em dead!"[/CENTER][/FONT] Roger Dodger had a great NYCW career. While never capturing any of the main titles, his bouts were often exciting and his group of fans dubbed the "New York Dodgers" were always there to support him. Roger, best of luck from NYCWrestling.com!
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LOL!! Remi the comments are much appreciated and taken to heart. To know in some way I was able to channel the voice of an authentic sugar daddy is reassurance that I'm not that one dimensional. Thanks alot!! :) BTW, Studio 54 back in the day huh? My pops tells me lots about that place, sounds like it was an awesome, psychadellic and crazy time (all at the same time) Sebs! Thanks for coming over to this diary as I do you recall your commentary in the TCW board. I hope to do some cool stuff here as well man. So I inspired you to sign the G-Daddy? LOL. Consistently for me pairing him up with Persephone has done tons for her. In my games when those two are together they constantly improve and she comes in at the 14th street discount price of 15 dollars a bl- I MEAN if your a small fed shes only 100-150$ Per Appearance, not bad for a girl with alot of upside!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/CUNYTVlogo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]Friday Week 2, January[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]CITY UNIVERSITY of NEW YORK PUBLIC TELEVISION STATION 75[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]_________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/SMBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]SHEIK MUSTAFA[/CENTER][/B] Professor Godfrey is a short, stocky woman in desperate need of a shave. Her scalp close curley reddish brown hair slightly resembled Ronald McDonald if the clown prince of the big M had a few too many McVodka's. She wore a disgusting long pokadot coat and waterproof rain boots. She had no makeup on and if she did it was purposely to enhance an overly "natural" look. If this woman sound familiar than perhaps she is or was your college sociology professor. Professor Godfrey is an alumni of that storied brother/sisterhood that stormed the nation in 60's and 70's. Le Hippays, Los Hippos or just straight up, The Hippys. Now in her mid 60's, Godfrey decided to go mainstream in a small way when 'Nam ended. She, as did many of her "brothers" and "sisters" totally became sociologists. Now among the leading sociologists in the CUNY system, Godfrey has a bi-weekly half hour TV show on CUNY TV. The quality is so poor you can nearly hear the electronic gurgle of static in everybodies voice and the annoying echo of some kind of machine that hasn't been plugged in. Shows often took place in either a small class room (where you can see a giant piece sign drawn on the chalk board in the background) or in a small autotorium with speeches being given from a stage. Her show is called "Godfrey's Goofy Half Hour" and deals in either three things: Lectures on why Peace is the only way, Lectures about assignemnts [with subtle jabs taken at conservative colleagues or students] and then the stuff Godfrey does to let us know that shes a real kidderooskie at heart, interviews with entertainers. On Friday Week 2 of January, such entertainers were present. Godfrey, as awful looking as ever, sat on the top of an audotorium stage with NYCW pesonnel Marv Earnest and...not NYCW personnel, or is he? The veteran SHEIK MUSTAFA!!! [B]Professor Godfrey: [/B] GOOD EVENING, GOONIES, LOONEYS AND TOONIES! PEACE and LOVE be with you all! If you recognize me than ya know this is that zanny professor Godfrey and we're on Godrey's Goofy Half Hour! Howdy doody everyone! Well, we only got a half hour tonight so let's get this cracker cracked, shall we? Godfrey smiled wide, cheese puff leftovers on her left cheek. She looked to Marv Earnest and Sheik Mustafa. Marv had on an NYCW generic T-shirt of poor quality. The Sheik looked like he just came back from mosc. An awkward stare and awkward silence filled up the screen for a moment then Godfrey spoke. [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] WELL! You are some fine looking men! How do you do?! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Hello Mrs. Godfrey, how are you? Thanks for having me. [B]Prof. Godfrey: [/B]AHEM! Listen, sweet cupcake. That's MISS! [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Oh, I'm sorry! [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] THAT'S OKAY, BOOBY! That's fine! If you would've used your eyes you would've seen that there's no slave bracelette on my ring finger! But it's okay. How are you? Who are you? What's going on here, sweety? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Oh, okay...Well, yes, I'm Marv Earnest. I represent New York City Wrestling, we are a professional wrestling promotion based out of the city. I am here with the great Sheik Mustafa and we're basically here to talk about our big event and the Sheiks big announcement. [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] WOW! A wrestler! You seem a little skinny to be a wrestler! [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Oh, I'm not a wrestler, MISS. I am actually more of a backstage sort of guy. I do interviews and stuff like that. [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] You know, my sisters son...my nephew, now he is a wrestler too. I think...they call it the middleweight class....He is a good wrestler from what I understand. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Oh, sounds like he is a school athlete or an amateur athlete, is that right? [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] What do you mean, amateur? [B]Marv Earnest[/B]: Oh well from what it sounds like, I was simply saying that your nephew sounds like a college or high school wrestler, am I wrong? Is he a pro wrestler? [B]Prof. Godfrey[/B]: OH! YOU mean you guys are PRO WRESTLERS! Godfrey nodded and shot a glare of hatred at an area behind the camera. She looked back at the two guests. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Well NOT ME. Sheik Mustafa here is a veteran of the sport. He is the real tough guy here. [B]Prof Godfrey:[/B] OH! You! Okay... So hey there cutey. Okay... So you're the wrestler then, right? Okay... Well, do you like to jump off the top ropes and run around in ya underwear? [B]Sheik Mustafa:[/B] NO! NOW YOU GOING TO SHUT UP! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! THAT SON OF THE GUN THAT PIECE OF THE CRAP, I SPIT FOR YOU! AMERICAN MACHINE! I SEE YOU CHALLENGE, YOU CHALLENGE EVERYBODY, ANYBODY. WHAT, YOUR A CRAZE? YOU KNOW WHAT. I HERE TO SAY FROM IRAQ I GOING TO TAKE YOU CHALLENGE. YOU WANT CHALLENGE EVERYBODY YOU AMERICAN MACHINE I KILL YOU!!! Godfrey's eyes went wide. Her lips pursed. [B]Prof. Godfrey: [/B]Now, you don't tell me to shut up. Young man. But that's okay. I don't understand your accent though, sir. What is it that you are trying to say here? It sounds like your pretty mad. [B]Mustafa:[/B] NO! YOU CANT TELL ME MISTER SMALL DOCTOR MAN! I AM NO TAKE NO CRAP FROM NOBODY! AMERICAN MACHINE I SEE YOU CHALLENGE I TELL YOU TONIGHT I COME OUT OF RETIREMENT! I WILL FIGHT YOU TRI-BOREW SCHALLENGE I WILL BE THERE I WILL KICK YOU ASS!! GOD BLESS A ALLAH! [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] Now, all that I could get from that there is that your coming out of retirement? You were retired? You look so young! [B]Mustafa:[/B] I AM COME OUT OF RETIREMENT TO KILL HIM! I HATE THIS ONE THIS PIECE OF CRAP! Godfrey shot another look passed the camera, at the producer. Godfrey was gonna give that guy an earful and maybe a pink slip to boot. [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] Now we don't have time for this kind of hate and anger, Sir. We don't like that around here. Let's talk more about this retirement thing. You know, people everyday realize that they still have the desire to continue a working life... Matter of fact my good friend Miss Sakaloicious, the best gynecologist I've ever seen, at the tender age of 75 she is back in her practice. She is a true sweetheart, certainly a touch of gold... Bless her free spiri- [B]Mustafa:[/B] YOU SHUTTING UP AGAIN YOU CRAZE. I AM SHEIK-A-MUSTAFA I AM KILLER OF KILLERS! YOU LOOKING FOR TROBBLE AMERICAN MACHINE YOU ARE FINDING ME! GOD PRAISE TO THE ALLAH, SAVE ME FROM I DONT WANT TO KILLA THIS PERSON! YOU GOING TO FEEL THE TROUBLE! [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] NOW MISTER ALI, SHEIK ALI, YOU ARE GONNA HAVE TO CALM DOWN NOW! DON'T MAKE ME RAISE MY VOICE HERE! [B]Mustafa:[/B] NO! YOU SHUT IT UP!!! With that, Mustafa leapt out of his chair and then picked it up and flung it acrooss the room. The CUNY camera is a bonefied 1970's 500 ton piece of metal so moving the lense to watch the chair fly was outof the question. Mustafa stormed off the stage and Godfrey watched him go, in horror. [B]Professor Godfrey[/B]: Mr. Earnest, I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. If I want to try to salvage this show I'm gonna have to change the pace and change the whole aura.. This just isn't peaceful... I'm sorry. Please leave. [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] Mrs. I am really sorry about all of this. I truly am. This was entirely unintended...I am so so sorry. Earnest quickly turned to the camera [B]Marv Earnest:[/B] END OF THE MONTH, JANUARY, WESTON GYMNASIUM, OUT IN JERSEY, COME CHECK OUT NEW YORK CITY WRESTLING'S TRI-BOROUGH CHALLENGE!! [B]Prof. Godfrey:[/B] Now that certainly is enough! I'm no MRS! I'M NOT A DOG! I'M NOT ON A LEASH! GET OUT!!! GEEEEET OUT OF MY AUDOTORIUM!!! Godfrey leapt to her feet. She jiggled like half eaten jello from under that polka dot outfit. Her arm extended, pointing at the exit. Marv Earnest pointed at his T-shirt and then flew out of the room, chasing after Sheik Mustafa.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/HarleyStore.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"]"MEGA" MONDAY WEEK 3 JANUARY 2007[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]HARLEY DAVIDSON OUTLET - NEW JERSEY[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]___________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/cdbw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WSBW.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="Impact"]NYCW Tag Team Champions[/FONT][/U] "WILEY COYOTE" [B]COYOTE DYNAMITE[/B] [B]WILEY STEINWAY[/B][/CENTER] The Harley Davidson Outlet is in Edison, New Jersey. Right off the highway and it's logo shines bright as it's lifted in the sky on one of those high tier logo instruments you often see at the gas station. Today is "Mega" Monday at this particular outlet, the sale is, buy one pair of Harley Davidson boots, gloves, vests or other clothing, get another half off. That's a hell of a deal considering the quality and general pricing of the items. To help promote this fundraiser and gain some promotion in return, NYCW sent it's NYCW Tag Team champions to the store to host a variety of games and giveaway events. One of the highlights of this sale was when Wiley Coyote collectively (with tag team titles over their shoulders) stood outside the entry door towards the mid-way point of their commitment, to read an interesting letter. This footage was captured and distributed online by NYCWrestling.com There was a micropone to be shared by both champions and they stood right at the entry door infront of a crowd of about 30-60 people. [B]Coyote Dynamite: [/B] Well how the hell ya'll doin' today? Cheers and applause from the people there. A biker who was on his gear revved up the engine. [B]Coyote Dynamite[/B]: Shoot. Sounds good to me. Well first of all on behalf of New York City Wrasslin' I wanna go ahead 'n thank all you good folks here at Harley Davidson of Edison. A hell of a brand, a hell of a bike, a hell of a place, shoot a hell of alot of hell. How bout it, folks? Cheers again. [B]Wiley Steinway:[/B] Right. As you all have heard about a thousand times by now, NYCW is throwing a big fight at the Weston gymnasium coming up the last day of the month. It's gonna be a hell of a time. [B]Coyote Dynamite[/B]: Sure is. Wiley. And well, we're the NYCW tag team champions and we hold the belts with pride. We ain't scare of no man. [B]Wiley Steinway[/B]: We ain't scared of no man, no monster, no freak, no nuthin! [B]Coyote Dynamite: [/B]That's right! Now, we're always lookin' to put our belts on the line against all comers. So we got this letter, I got it right here in my hand. It's a challenge and it's a weird freakin' challenge, man. You wanna read this Wiley? I failed out of Kindergarten. Laughter and cheers. [B]Wiley Steinway[/B]: Shoot. I failed outta second grade, but I'll try. Okay, here goes. Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite you are the NYCW tag team champions. My name is.... Death, and on behalf of Fam... Famino...? Fam... Fam...er??? Famine? ah.. Okay, uh, Famine... On behalf of Famine and War I want to challenge you for the NYCW Tag Team championship at The Tri-Borough Challenge. Signed, Death. And there's lipstick. What the hell? [B]Coyote Dynamite: [/B] Now basically, what in the hell this moron is tryin' to say in that letter is that somebody that's a freakin' weirdo guy wearin' lipstick, is callin' out Wiley Coyote. NOBODY calls us out an don't get what they asked for! You want it, you got it! So whoever the hell ya'll are... We'll see ya there! [B]Wiley Steinway:[/B] Damn straight! Now who wants some beer?!
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Oh man bro, you're taking all the cool ideas!!! Actually, you and MrOnu have inspired me to take up writing my own diary. I've actually started writing it, but I'm not gonna post it until I've done at least two shows. Hopefully it'll be half as good as you guy's. By the way, Sheik is reminding me of a less educated version of Muhammad Hassan
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[QUOTE=Ramaeno;221605]LOL!! Remi the comments are much appreciated and taken to heart. To know in some way I was able to channel the voice of an authentic sugar daddy is reassurance that I'm not that one dimensional. Thanks alot!! :) BTW, Studio 54 back in the day huh? My pops tells me lots about that place, sounds like it was an awesome, psychadellic and crazy time (all at the same time)[/QUOTE] Believe me, I've heard so many stories, sometimes I wish I could be Marty McFly. Stuff like "Cocaine was like sugar, daddy! It don't hurt nobody. Just season to taste." and "If you wanted you some nani, you could you some right there on the dance flo'. Aint nuthin' wack about that, jack!". But you nailed not only the actual terms but the flow and the vibe of it. Very nice job! People think Jesse Jackson's manner of speech is 'unique'. Uh uh, that's old school Detroit/Chicago/New York PIMP speech, from what I've been told and seen/heard. The Public Access segment was gold as well. I am SO stealing these concepts. :p
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Hahaha! Remi that is the funniest bit right there and I'll say couldn't have opened up easter in a more comical way! COCAINE IS LIKE SUGAR! LOLOLOL!! Wow, makes me look at my pizza oven and scratch my head saying, "maybe I'm in the wrong business" LOL. Yes, I also agree about double J, J-e-double S-e J-a-c-k-s-o-n. That is one sweeting talking son of a gun, huh? LOL. Sure sure. Stealing, borrowing, lending, it's all good! Thanks for the post :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NEWYORKCITYWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/AMBW.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"]Friday Week 3, January 2007[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]AMERICAN MACHINE[/CENTER][/B] As NYCW fans look at the rather high tech website of NYCWrestling.com (an odd contrast seeing as the quality of the site would suggest that NYCWrestling.com were running shows out of major arenas as oppossed to high school gyms and the like) they scan their eyes over the title pages three headlines. First, promotional material for the upcoming NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge and beneath that, video clips a written report and a reaction to recent NYCW signee and retirement leaver, Sheik Mustafa. In the articles about Mustafa it is continually shoved down our throat how he flipped out on CUNY Public Access and accepted American Machines open challenge for the Tri-Borough Challenge. After the Mustafa material is over with we are given a link to a new webcast with American Machine, whom has a response for Mustafa. [CENTER][B]*CLICK*[/B][/CENTER] The webcast begins, American Machine is sitting topless, he's in good shape. The setting is some gymnasium where the Machine has been working out. Of note is the American flag colored gym towel over his traps. He is also wearing sunglasses for some reason (they are indoors) When we click play, the American Machines latest opinions are voiced. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: American Machine with us here at NYCWrestling.com. Machine, you look extremely busy, extremely prepared. We appreciate you taking time out of your intense preparation to speak with us at NYCWrestling.com [B]American Machine[/B]: Yeah. Sure thing. Look I wanna do all I can for you guys but this interview, if it's on the quick side that'd be great because I still have a bunch of sets to do in the other room. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Completely understood, Machine. We will be as quick as we can. So in that case, let's just jump right into it. A week ago on CUNY public access, one Sheik Mustafa appeared on the "Godfrey Goofy Half Hour" and in a round about way, though it was hard to understand his Iraqi dialect, the man essentially is coming out of retirement to face you, Machine, how do you feel about this? [B]American Machine[/B]: Well I'll be quite blunt. This is the biggest fight of my career. Bigger than any title challenge. Bigger than any contendership match. This came as a total shock to me but I'm glad about it. In light of all that's goin' on over seas with our boys, this match is my little way of contributing to the efforts. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Wow. Are you compairing Sheik Mustafa to our nations enemies? [B]American Machine[/B]: Well you know what, ordinarilly man it don't matter where you come from. This is the good ol' US of A. We got Iraqi immigrant citizens, Mexicans, British, Chinese, Italian, when you come here, yer American. So normally I wouldn't insult anybody like that but you know what man? You seen the things he says about our good ol' country! You hear what he thinks about old glory! He hates us so shoot, I hate him! If it's so bad over here, get the hell out, know what I mean? [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well sure. I can see you are very passionate about this, Machine. [B]American Machine[/B]: Damn right! I'm the AMERICAN MACHINE. I'm not the CANADIAN MACHINE. I ain't the WELSH MACHINE. I ain't the Bangladesh Machine! I'm the AMERICAN MACHINE! You mess with AMERICA, then son your messin' with ME! [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Wow! So we can expect some extra intensity when you step into the ring at NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge at the end of the month? [B]American Machine:[/B] Extra intensity? Brother you better have the meat wagon waiting in the back. He said he'd KILL ME! Well brother our great Christian lord says do unto others as others would do unto you so Sheik, your gonna get yours just the same, son! [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: American Machine, I've never seen you this fired up! [B]American Machine[/B]: Well I am, man! Let me tell you something, this match means everything to me. If I lose this match man...shoot... I mean, shoot I just don't know what I'd do.... Hell man, mark my words! The Machine flung is shades off his face and looked with a look of death right into the cameras face. [B]American Machine[/B]: Mustafa, I'm gonna beat you harder and worse than you ever did. Youre goin straight back to retirement. Know how sure of it I am? I'm so sure that I'm tellin YOU right now...If you beat me...I quit. I retire. This aint the sport for me. If I can't accomplish this goal, the greatest goal I've ever set for myself, then that's it. I might as well sell insurance. Screw it. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: AMERICAN MACHINE! ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?! [B]American Machine[/B]: I'M AS SURE AS THE SKY IS BLUE! I'M AS SURE AS THE FLAG BLEEDS RED WHITE AND BLUE! I'M SURE! I'M GONNA TAKE THIS PUNK OUT! NOW I GOT A WORK OUT TO GET TO! MUSTAFA, I'M COMIN' FOR YOU MAN! The Machine, in a fit of rage jumped up, snorted and pointed at the camera. He spat at the camera and then ran his thumb across his throat and stormed out of the area.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWPromo2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="2"]NYCWrestling.com[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]New York City Wrestling . COM[/CENTER][/B] [B][CENTER]________________________[/CENTER][/B] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="3"][CENTER]SUNDAY WEEK 3, JANUARY 2007[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/TSBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]THE STOMPER[/CENTER][/B] There is nothing fancy about the offense, defense or overall style of wrestling veteran The Stomper. The 57 year old wiley veteran goes in there, grabs his opponents rips them apart with some brutal mat wrestling and to add insult to injury, he stomps them into the ground when he knows he's already put the opponent away. The Stomper is one of wrestlings oldest active competitors but unlike his veteran colleagues, The Stomper has displayed unnatural longevity, still able to compete with the top ranked wrestlers of NYCW. Now this veteran of the sport steps into yet another title match when he enters the Tri-Borough Triple Threat Unification Title Match. The Stomper goes up against arguably NYCW's best overall wrestler in the Tri-State Regional Champion, Steve Flash. He also steps into the ring with one of the games toughest and flamboyant names, the big cahuna, the NYCW Empire champion, Grandmaster Phunk. We were able to catch up with The Stomper to get his thoughts. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Stomper, how are you today? [B]The Stomper[/B]: HEY. I'M DOIN' GOOD. DOIN' GOOD. DOIN' REAL GOOD. HOW 'BOUT YOURSELF? [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: We're doing just fine. [B]The Stomper[/B]: WELL DATS GOOD TA 'EAR. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Stomper, this situation is certainly nothing new to you. A couple of young guns looking to take you down. The Tri-Borough Challenge takes place at the end of January, the last sunday, at the Weston Gymnasium. In the main event it will be you challenging Tri-State Regional Champion Steve Flash, Empire Champion Grandmaster Phunk. This is winner takes all. [B]The Stomper[/B]: YEA. YA KNOW SUMT'IN. YA RIGHT. YA DEAD ON 'BOUT DAT. BUT YA KNOW WHAT? IM DA STOMPA. IMMA MURDERA. I'M GONNA GET IN DERE AN IM GONNA HAMMER SOMEBODY AWAY. YA KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN? I GO IN DERE, DO MY T'ING. I DONT GOTTA WORRY 'BOUT NUTTIN ELSE. I AIN'T GONNA WORRY 'BOUT WHOSE DOIN' WHAT. LISTEN KID, IN A TRIPLE THREAT, THIS IS THE SECRET, AN IT TOOK ME ALL MY 57 YEA'S TA FIGGA DIS OUT...BUT... AS LONG AS YA IN THE RING AN IT AINT YOUR SHOULDAS ON DA MAT... WELL DEN, YA IN GOOD SHAPE. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well, some good insight to you young wrestlers out there looking for some tricks of the trade. Well Stomper, you definitely have the know how. Does either opponent strike you as weak in any certain area? [B]The Stomper[/B]: WELL DAY ARE BOF WEEK. DAY ARE BOF GONNA FEEL DA WRATH OF DA STOMPA. ILL TELL YA DIS... STEVE FLASH IS TOO SMALL AND DAT FREAKIN UH... WHADDAYA CALL DEM THINGS... PEACACK? THAT BIG FREAKIN COLORFUL BIRD DAT PEACACK GRANDMASTA FLASH...ILL FLASH HIS HEAD AROUND THE FREAKIN' POST! [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well said, Stomper. Now, if you were to say, win this contest, do you want to pin either man in particular? [B]The Stomper[/B]: NAH. IT DONT MATTA WHO IT IS. IM GONNA STOMP EM BOTH. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: I see. So, reports have been circulating that 2007 may be your last year in active competition. What do you have to say about this, Stomper? [B]The Stomper[/B]: I AINT WORRYIN' 'BOUT RETIREMENT. WHAT WOULD I DO WITH MICE ELF? I JUST DONT KNOW. ALL IM DOIN' IS FOCUSIN' ON COMIN' IN DARE AT DA END OF DA MONTH AN MURDERIZIN' SUMBODY. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well in that case, let's assume you are to emerge victorious, would you be looking to defend the title immediately or are you going to take some time off? [B]The Stomper[/B]: WELL WHEN I WIN DA TITLES, JERKY, DEN YA GONNA SEE WHAT IM GONNA DO. HOW 'BOUT DAT? [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Do you have any opinion on the Retirement match between Black Hat Bailey and Lee Wright? [B]The Stomper[/B]: YEA. HOW 'BOUT DAY KNOCK EACHOTHA OUT SO WE DON'T GOTTA DEAL WITH EITHER OF DEM! [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: And the fight between American Machine and Sheik Mustafa? The American Machine has said he'd leave NYCW if he lost this fight! [B]The Stomper[/B]: WELL DAT MOUT' OF HIS, DAT KID, AMERICAN MACHINE. HE BETTA CASH THE CHECKS HE BEEN SPITTIN' OUT. NOW IF YA LOOK AT SOME OLD VIDEOS OF ME IN MY HEYDAY, I DIDN'T SAY NUTTIN'. I JUST WENT IN DARE 'N I TOOK CARE OF MY BUSINESS. DIS KID MADE A BIG MISTAKE TAWKIN DAT WAY BUT WHAT YA GANNA DO? EH... HE'LL LEARN. BUT I DO HOPE HE BREAKS THAT CHUMP IN HALF, DAT NO GOOD SHEIK MUSTAFA. MAYBE DATS WHO I'LL GO AFTER WHEN I GOT DA GOLD. HEHEHEHEH. [B]NYCW.COM[/B]: Well Stomper, it has been a pleasure and best of luck to you at The Tri-Borough Challenge. [B]The Stomper:[/B] DONT WISH ME LUCK. WISH DEM LUCK CUZ DAY ARE GUNNA NEED IT!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/NYCWLogo3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NYCWRESTLING.COM[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]_________________________[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]MONDAY WEEK 4, JANUARY 2007[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]NEWYORKCITYWRESTLING.COM BREAKING NEWS![/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h247/Ramaeno/WhistlerBW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]WHISTLER[/CENTER][/B] [B][FONT="Arial Black"][CENTER]BREAKING NEWS: WHISTLER TO BE IN AMERICAN MACHINES CORNER![/CENTER][/FONT][/B] The Tri-Borough Challenge is less than 6 days away and NYCWrestling.com has learned of some beaking news. One of the feature attractions of the fight card is the intense matchup between The American Machine and recently unretired Iraqi superstar Sheik Mustafa. Sheik Mustafa is a former USPW Champion and a title holder in various wrestling organizations. Earlier in the month of January, at a weight training event at the Weston Gymnasium (the site of the Tri-Borough Challenge!) NYCW star American Machine laid out an open challenge. Fast forward to CUNY Public Access show "Godfrey's Goofy Half Hour" and Sheik Mustafa appeared to announce his coming out of retirement and his acceptance of the American Machines open challenge. During this time, the Sheik said many controversial things and suggested that he may "kill" the American Machine. The war of words continued and The American Machine fired back with great intensity. The Machine suggested that this bout was the biggest of his career and that should he lose to Sheik Mustafa, he'd leave NYCW and become an Insurance Salesman. Fast forward even more to today. It was only several months ago when the American Machine and Whistler lost the NYCW Tag Team championship. After the loss, both men remained friends but began focusing more on singles activities. Now, with his friend needing him more than ever, Whistler has stepped up to the plate to announce that he'd be in the corner of American Machine, playing the role of a manager for this important fight. Does this mean The American Made Men will go back into a full tour of tag team events after this fight? Well who can say. Both Whistler and American Machine released statements to NYCWrestling.com Whistler: Now I know I could've taken this opportunity at the Tri-Borough Challenge to further my personal career and put myself into contention for a third NYCW Empire championship but that isn't what's important to me. There comes a time in every Americans life where he has to put aside foolish pride and be there for family and friends and this time is now for me. The titles will come, I know that for a fact but right now my good friend American Machine needs me and I'll be there for him. I hereby announce that I'll be in the corner of the American Machine at The NYCW Tri-Borough Challenge. I have decided not to sign any fight contracts. My soul priority is going to be helping to manage American Machine to his crowning moment and to see that Iraqi bastard go down for the three count. American Machine: It wasn't too long ago that me and my good friend Whistler were on top of the tag team rankings in NYCW and were holding the Tag Team gold. Though we lost the belts in September, we still remain good friends and still discuss the possibility of making another run for the tag gold. Right now I am focusing very intensely on his hugely important match at the Tri-Borough challenge. Whistler has extended his hand to me as a friend to help assure that I will emerge victorious at the event. I have accepted his friendship and now when it's all said and done, two great Americans will be raising the greatest flag in the world after my victory. U-S-A! U-S-A! The American Made Men will certainly have their hands full. Sheik Mustafa may be a veteran but it was the great Ed "Strangler" Henson who famously said, "Every dog has his day. It ain't the pup you gotta worry about but that one vicious dog who knows the shot is coming so he's gonna raise some hell before his time is up." He made that prediction the night he upset a very young opponent, we all know who I'm talking about. Does the Sheik have anything left? Will it be the American Machines last NYCW match? Will the American Made Men ride again? THERES ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT! THE NYCW TRI-BOROUGH CHALLENGE!
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