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Jim Force Month!

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Okay guys, here's my idea - Actarus' Jim Force character is the closest thing we have on these boards to a [b]legitimate cult phenomenon[/b], and I think we need to dedicate April to his invention. Here's what I'm proposing: Throughout April, I think as many of the diaries on here as possible should bring in [COLOR="Lime"][u]"THE FOOOOOOOOOORCE"[/u][/COLOR] on a one or two time talent trade as possible, and keep as close to Actarus' awesome gimmick as they can. I think you should post in this thread if it's something you're interested in doing, and then again when you actually do it. What's more, I think REAL WORLD DIARIES score extra points for doing the same thing, especially DoTT mods. (I think we can all envision the metaphysical psychosis of FORCE vs WARRIOR - the world might actually explode) For my part, I'll be matching [B][I][U][COLOR="Magenta"]J[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]I[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"]M[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]F[/COLOR][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]O[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]R[/COLOR][COLOR="PaleGreen"]C[/COLOR][COLOR="Yellow"]E[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] against [B]Jack "The Wrath of God" Giedroyc[/b] in a special episode of DaVE: Vendetta the week after the PPV. I would really like to see Jehovah, Shipshirt, J Silver, Scapino and all of the other great C-Verse diaries on the board get on-board with this. Who's with me?
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Eh, you've got me... a televised match at this point might well be pushing the story in my diary, but I will work a little bit of Jim Force goodness into HGC somehow. Although "throughout April" might be a little premature seeing as how there aren't a whole host of days left until we're in May.
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Okay, I've done my bit. Jim Force had a one night only thing in the WWF in 1998 to commemerate April/May being the month of Jim Force. My diary is World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude. Jim Force is in there, complete with a promo that mentions two or three of his fellow Cornellverse alumni. How many points do I get for that?!
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[QUOTE=Chuck;229166]Mr. Force shall appear in my ECW Game soon... This should be interesting....[/QUOTE] Cheers Chuck! I am looking forward to it! I think it's really terrific for people to do this too, all of the diaries are so great, and to see the other's kind of take part in something like this is almost like a new holiday here, lol.
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;229012]I would really like to see Jehovah, Shipshirt, J Silver, Scapino and all of the other great C-Verse diaries on the board get on-board with this.[/QUOTE] You say this as though I actually have a choice in the matter. I'll see if I can't do something special with the ranting, raving lunatic we all love so. Maybe I'll figure out a way to give him a world title shot...
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[QUOTE=J Silver;229174]You say this as though I actually have a choice in the matter. I'll see if I can't do something special with the ranting, raving lunatic we all love so. Maybe I'll figure out a way to give him a world title shot...[/QUOTE] I dunno, I say a debate between Jim Force and Giant Oak for a shot at William Hayes' title or Devine's would just scream Feeeeeeeeeeeeel the Ooooooooooooooooak!
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Sweet, I thought this was a good idea. Just one thing to remember (and I think Keefmoon did this already, I'm about to go check), when you do your FORCE cameo, post here and let us know so we can go look. And here's to you, Actarus, for starting the DREAM OF FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh...my...God...LMAO! I go away to study for and take final exams, and come back to an unofficial Jim Force month! You guys care crackin' me up! Keefmoon: Your contribution nets you not points, but FORCECHLORIANS! Feel your powers in the Force increase by 1000% Impress the ladies with your Jim Force mind tricks...oh, who am I kidding! You know, there's some Jim Force merchandise that I was going to debut later on, but I think I'll bump it up ahead of schedule to sometime this week. Better start working. EDIT: Forgot to mention that I wish Ramaeno were here to partake in this festival of insanity..
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[QUOTE=NoNeck;229455]Now when do I get my T-Shirt?[/QUOTE] Right now. [IMG]http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/Foooorceshirt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t206/Jsilver532/Foooorceshirt1BACK-1.png[/IMG] Enjoy it, It'll be a collectors item one day.
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