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The (Re)Birth of a Phenom(inal) Deadman

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week 3, May 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating Mando Guerrero [b]CWA[/b] - [color=red]Juan Rodriguez and Bob Della Serra defeated Dynamite Kid and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]MLW[/b] - Rick Martel retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Buck Robley [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Dandy [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Mascara Sagrada [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Skip Young[/b] The match begins and I give Young a kick in the gut and an arm wringer smash. I irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow and a couple of punches. I give Young a throat thrust then he avoids a kick in the back and applies an arm wringer. Young gives me a knife edge chop then I break from a front facelock and give him a couple of headbutts. Young reverses an irish whip and gives me a jab punch before irish whipping me. Young hits me with a clothesline and gives me a knee drop, a dropkick, and a couple of elbow drops. Young applies a side headlock then I slip away and whip him into a corner. Young slips away and applies a hammerlock before dropkicking me. He gives me an elbow drop and a legdrop then followed them with a knee lift. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip Young and give him a clubbing blow. I put Young in a bearhug and rammed his back into the turnbuckles. Young breaks out of the corner but I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him. I give him a high backdrop but he counters a flap jack with a dropkick and gives me a knee drop. I fight back but Young slips from a backbreaker and gives me an arm wringer smash then applies a side headlock, a front facelock, and another side headlock. I break a side headlock and give Young a cross knee backbreaker. Young avoids a mafia kick but I slip from a snap mare and give him a hammerlock shoulder breaker. I climb the turnbuckles and hit Young with a flying clothesline then an inverted piledriver and pinned him. [b]Time: 12 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Bob Holly[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - The Von Erichs retained the WCCW Texas Tag Team titles by defeating Killer Tim Brooks and Killer Kahn [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Joel Deaton [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run[/b] I am not scheduled tonight and there are no title matches scheduled. [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Dory Funk, Jr retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Wahoo McDaniel [b]MACW[/b] - Jimmy Valiant retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Ted Dibiase [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Superstar Billy Graham defeated Jack Brisco[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Steve Regal and Jerry Blackwood defeated Leon White and Scott Hall[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Bob Brown defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Johnny Rodz defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Giant Baba [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Barbarian[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Enrique Vera
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week 3, May 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Jake Milliman, Curtis Iaukea and Greg Gagne defeated Scott Hall, Leon White and Steve Regal[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Perro Aguayo retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating El Dandy [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand [color=red]The Commando[/color] versus Genichiro Tenryu -- Main Event[/b] Owner and head booker Bob Geigel decided to put the current Central States Tag Team holders, The Stunners, against each other in the main event. I've got no clue as to what he's doing. First he puts us together and somehow we beat the then-champions Terry Funk and Harley Race and now not only haven't we defended the title, but now he puts us against each other. The bell rings and I punch Tenryu then kick him in the gut. I irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow, a headbutt, and a kick in the chest. I give Tenryu an elbow drop then he counters a flying double axe handle with a forearm in the gut. Tenryu irish whips me then headbutts me and applies a front facelock. He gives me a legsweep snap pinfall and gets a one-count. I break a hammerlock then irish whip Tenryu and give him a throat thrust and a backbreaker. Tenryu counters a flying double axe handle with a forearm in the gut then gives me a judo sweep and applies head scissors. I slip a knee pull and give him an arm wringer smash before irish whipping him. Tenryu avoids a backdrop and applies a front facelock. He gives me a legsweep snap pinfall and gets a one-count. Tenryu gives me a single leg trip then I slip from a knee pull and whip him into a corner. He slips out of the corner and gives me a forearm in the gut. I slip from a standing arm lever but Tenryu reverses an irish whip and gives me a clubbing blow. I break head scissors and headbutt Tenryu then irish whip him and give him a clothesline. I kick him in the back then go up top and give him a flying double axe handle. Tenryu gives me a single leg trip then a knee pull before climbing the turnbuckles and giving me a flying standing knee. Tenryu gives me a knee pull and applies head scissors then I slip from a knee pull and give him a double backbreaker. Tenryu gets to the ropes to break out of a head twist then I put him in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Tenryu counters a choke with a shooter takedown and applies a rear chinlock. I slip from a knee pull and give him a hammerlock back bomb. He avoids a mafia kick then headbutts me and gives me a knee pull. I avoid a headbutt and bodyslam Tenryu. He reverses an irish whip and gives me a clothesline. I break head scissors and give Tenryu a couple of roundhouse punches before giving him snake eyes. Tenryu goes up top and gives me a flying standing knee and a knee pull before applying head scissors. He gives me a knee pull then applies wrenching head scissors, head scissors, a rear chinlock, and head scissors again. Tenryu gives me a knee pull then I break head scissors and irish whip him. I give him a high backdrop then a flying standing elbow smash. Tenryu applies a side headlock then gives me a short arm knee lift and a short arm judo toss before applying a front facelock. I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him. Tenryu avoids the lariat but I break an arm wringer. I give Tenryu a short arm clothesline then he falls on top of me after a press slam and gets a two-count. Tenryu irish whips and clotheslines me before applying a rear chinlock. He gives me a knee pull then applies head scissors before giving me another knee pull. I counter a forearm with a choke slam then picked him up and gave him an inverted piledriver. Tenryu kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second and I gave him another inverted piledriver. Tenryu is busted open and he starts to bleed but he is still able to kick out of the pin attempt at the last second. Tenryu slips from a choke slam and gives me a short arm shoulder tackle and a russian legsweep. I avoid a side spinning kick and give him a third inverted piledriver. I covered and pinned him. [b]Time: 22 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [color=red]Hurricane Castillo, Jr defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News NJPW[/b] - Rick Martel won the WWF International title by defeating Shiro Koshinaka [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to be on. In the main event, Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Tetsuo Sekigawa. [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Les Thornton retained the GCW Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Juan Rodriguez. [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Scott McGee and Davey Boy Smith defeated Drew McDonald and Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Earthquake defeated Randy Mulkey and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Raymond Rougeau won the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Akio Sato [b]CWA[/b] - Lawler and Idol retained the Southern Tag Team titles by defeating Otto Wanz and Stan Lane [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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[QUOTE=D. Boon's Ghost]While it didnt get the rating I expected, the match against Tenryu sounded like a lot of fun. Great job, Cap![/QUOTE] I expected a better rating too. Considering the match had 6 pin attempts, five finishers, and had blood you think that the rating would be better. Tenryu and Mean Mark are pretty evenly matched. Tenryu's power number is just as high and he has a higher technical rating.
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[QUOTE=jonlawson]I'm loving and following this Thread btw,.....very nice stuff. Jon :D[/QUOTE] Thanks. I'm loving every minute of this too with my favorite current wrestler. i've even got two DVDs: "Undertaker: He Buries Them Alive" and "Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker". The later one has 3 discs. He is also a favorite of Ric and David Flair. (Ric Flair dislikes Hulk Hogan)
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week 4, May 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Toshiaki Kawada and Ken Shamrock defeated Tracy Adams and Tracy Smothers[/color] [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] versus Les Thornton -- Main Event[/b] Manager Don Carson is at ringside to watch his wrestler, Les Thornton, take on the big masked man. The match begins and I punch Thornton then kicked him in the gut and give him a throat thrust. I irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow tnen picked him up and suplexed him. Thornton avoids a kick in the chest and delivers a european uppercut. He then slaps me in the chest and snap mares me. Thornton applies a knee bar and a side headlock. I slip from a snap mare and give him a backbreaker. I climb the turnbuckles and Carson distracts me. Thornton throws me off the top rope and applies a front facelock before giving me a knee lift and a european uppercut. Thornton irish whips me twice and each time gives me a jab punch. He then gives me a european uppercut and another jab punch before irish whipping me. He gives me a forearm blow and a leg drag. I slip from a knee bar and give him an arm wringer smash. Thornton reverses an irish whip and applies a front facelock. He irish whips me and gives me a jab punch then snap mares me. Thornton applies a head and straight arm lock and an inside toe hold before giving me a jab punch and a forearm blow. I slip from a snap mare and irish whip Thornton. I give him a backdrop and an elbow drop before climbing the turnbuckles. He counters a flying double axe handle with a forearm in the gut and gives me a leg drag. I slip from a knee bar then irish whip and headbutt Thornton. I suplex him and give him a flap jack then he breaks a head twist and slaps me in the chest before applying a side headlock. Thornton gives me a european uppercut then applies a front facelock before giving me another european uppercut. I slip from a side headlock and whip Thornton into a corner. He counters a choke hold with a drop toe hold and applies a head and straight arm lock, a knee bar, and another head and straight arm lock. I slip a knee bar and irish whip Thornton. I give him a high backdrop then pick him up with both hands on his throat and throw him to the mat. I give Thornton a cross knee backbreaker and snake eyes. Thornton counters a backbreaker with a forearm blow and applies a front facelock. He snap mares me and applies a single leg grapevine and an inside toe hold. I slip from a head and straight arm lock and rammed Thornton's back into the turnbuckles after putting him in a bearhug. I give him a flurry of stomps in the corner then press slammed him. I cover Thornton but he kicks out at the last second. He counters an inverted piledriver with a slap in the chest then applies a front facelock. Thornton takes me down in a side headlock then applies a knee bar, and an inside toe hold. I slip from a single leg grapevine then irish whip Thornton and give him a big boot in the face. I give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles but he counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a slap in the chest. He takes me down with a half nelson and gives me a wrist lock. Thornton irish whips me and gives me a charging forearm then applies an inside toe hold. I slip from a single leg grapevine then give him a shoulder breaker after putting him in a hammerlock. He avoids a mafia kick and gives me an arm wringer smash. Thornton applies an arm lock and wrist bend then I slip from rear head chancery and smash his back into the turnbuckles after putting him in a bearhug. I give Thornton a flurry of punches in the corner then he fights back and applies an arm lock and wrist bend. He puts me in a step over leg lock submission hold and I tap out. [b]Time: 23 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Tony Charles defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Kerry Von Erich retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Killer Tim Brooks [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher won the WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title by defeating Tatsumi Fujinami [b]PNW[/b] - Kenny Jay retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Tony Parisi [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle tonight. Main Event: Andre the Giant retained the Mid-South Television title by defeating Magnum T.A. [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Kenny Jay defeated Leon White[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Dick Murdoch won the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Masked Superstar [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Toru Tanaka [b]CMLL[/b] - Super Pinocho retained the NWA World Middleweight title by defeating Dr. Wagner [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Hiroshi Hase defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Rick Martel retained the WWF International title by defeating The Assassin [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating The Mighty Igor [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Johnny Rodz[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bob Della Serra defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Akira Maeda retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Barry Darsow
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week 4, May 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Hennig and Hall defeated Jake Milliman and Leon White[/color] [b]AWA[/b] - The High Flyers retained the AWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Dino Bravo and David Schultz [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Davey Boy Smith defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Lars Anderson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Gino Brito [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Lane Huffman[/color] Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Harley Race [b]Today's Wrestling News MSW[/b] - Signed Gypsy Joe [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Superstar Billy Graham given 2-week notice[/color] :mad: [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Gran Hamada, Solar and Hector Guerrero defeated Leon White, Koji Kanemoto and Hiroshi Hase[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Animal Hamaguchi retained the WWF Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Yoshiaki Fujiwara [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Fuyuki, Rodz, Fuyuki and Lizmark defeated Shamrock, "Maniac Matt", Moondog and Rick[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Baba & Jumbo retained the NWA International Tag Team titles by defeating Dory Funk, Jr and The Destroyer [b]PNW[/b] - Porkchop Cash retained the PNW Television title by defeating Tony Parisi [b]PNW[/b] - Kenny Jay retained the PNW Heavyweight title by defeating Ed Wiskowski [b]SWCW[/b] - Orton and Slater retained the Southwest Tag Team titles by defeating Buddy Lane and Igor Volkoff [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show Main Event: [color=red]The Commando[/color] vs Riki Chosyu[/b] The main event begins and Chosyu takes me down in a side headlock. I break a rear chinlock and headbutt Chosyu. I irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow, a couple of punches, and a throat thrust. I irish whip Chosyu again and give him a backdrop and a kick in the back. He avoids an elbow drop and applies a rear chinlock then kicks me in the thigh and gives me a single leg trip. I slip from a knee pull and give Chosyu an arm wringer smash. Chosyu reverses an irish whip and hits me with a back fist and takes me down with a fireman's carry. He gives me a knee pull then kicks me in the thigh. I avoid a kick in the knee then suplex Chosyu and give him an elbow drop. He stops me from climbing the turnbuckles then headbutts me and applies a front facelock. Chosyu gives me a pair of european uppercuts then takes me down in a side headlock and gives me a knee pull and drives a knee into my leg. I slip from a knee pull but Chosyu reverses a whip into a corner and smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. He applies a rear chinlock then drives a knee into my leg. I slip from a knee pull then give Chosyu a backbreaker and a press slam. I put Chosyu in a bearhug then ram his back into the turnbuckles. He avoids a choke and applies a rear chinlock. Chosyu gives me a forearm in the gut and a rear amateur takedown. He gives me a european uppercut then I break a top wrist lock and give him a flap jack. I irish whip Chosyu and give him a high backdrop then climbed the turnbuckles and give him a flying standing elbow smash. Chosyu counters a backbreaker with a back fist then applies a side headlock and a hammerlock. Chosyu kicks me in the thigh then gives me a single leg trip and an arm breaker before driving a knee into my leg. I slip from a knee pull but Chosyu counters a backbreaker with a back fist. He gives me a european uppercut then applies a front facelock and kicks me in the thigh. I avoid a european uppercut but Chosyu breaks a choke hold and takes me down with a fireman's carry. I slip out before he could drive a knee into my leg and give Chosyu a double backbreaker and a roundhouse punch. Chosyu counters a choke slam with a back fist then hits me with another back fist. Chosyu kicks me in the knee then applies a top wrist lock and gives me a forearm in the gut. He drives me into a corner after putting me in a hammerlock then gives me a knife edge chop and smashes my head into the top turnbuckle. Chosyu gives me a knee pull then drives a knee into my leg. He drives me into a corner after putting me in a hammerlock then I am able to slip away. Chosyu breaks a hammerlock then gives me a shooter takedown and applies an inside toe hold. I avoid an arm breaker but he counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the thigh and irish whips me. I counter a rolling wheel kick with a lariat clothesline. Chosyu counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a palm thrust. I break an inside toe hold but he counters snake eyes with a back fist and gives me three forearm blows. Chosyu applies an inside toe hold then I avoid an arm breaker. Chosyu counters a choke slam with a back fist then irish whips me and gives me a side spinning kick. I slip from a single arm bar and give Chosyu a shoulder breaker after putting him in a hammerlock. I hoisted Chosyu up and give him a domination powerbomb then cover and pin him for the win. [b]Time: 22 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [color=red]Lane Huffman defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Randy Rich and Fumihiro Nikura defeated Ken Shamrock and Angel Acevedo[/color] [color=blue]Sunday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jimmy Valiant retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Angelo Mosca [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Dory Funk, Jr retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]MACW[/b] - Wahoo McDaniel won the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating The Assassin [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Medic #1
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Mark's Progress Report - June 1, 1985 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 66 ([color=red]-5[/color]) Canada - 40 Mexico - 40 Japan - 30 UK - 20 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 61 ([color=red]-4[/color]) power - 76 technique - 50 speed - 54 psychology - 83 stamina - 64 toughness - 88 ([color=red]+2[/color]) charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 66 looks - 92 respect - 31 ([color=red]+4[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder -- No longer in promotion Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former WCCW Heavyweight champ Former WCCW Six Man Tag Team title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 31-6 Tag Teams: 21-1 [color=blue]Central States[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer [color=purple]Current co-holder Central States Tag Team title Former Central States Television champ (2)[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 15-6 Tag Teams: 6-1 [color=blue]Mid-South Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 10-2 Teams: 3-2
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week 1, June 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Juan Rodriguez defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Enrique Vera won the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Perro Aguayo [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson won the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled and there were no title matches on the card. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Dick Murdoch retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Ivan Putski [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock and Fred Ottman defeated Bob Holly and Randy Mulkey[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - Kerry Von Erich retained the WCCW Television title by defeating Buddy Roberts [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run Blade Runner Flash, Jesse Barr and Dennis Condrey vs. Tiger Mask, [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] and Mr. Wrestling II (noted below as MW2)[/b] The match begins and it's Flash against Tiger Mask. Flash irish whips Tiger Mask and gives him a forearm blow and a flying double axe handle before tossing him into a corner and giving him a knife edge chop. Tiger Mask slips out of the corner and irish whips Flash into a backdrop then dropkicks him and gives him a flying standing knee. Flash avoids a running senton and tags Condrey. Condrey stops Tiger Mask from climbing the turnbuckles and takes him down in a side headlock. He gives Tiger Mask a knee drop and an elbow drop before driving a knee into his leg. Tiger Mask slips away from a driving knee and drives Condrey into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock. Tiger Mask gives him a slap in the chest then Condrey reverses and puts Tiger Mask into the corner and smashes his head into the top turnbuckle. Condrey gives Tiger Mask a knee lift then Tiger Mask slips from a snap mare and irish whips him. Condrey avoids a dropkick and gouges Tiger Mask's eyes. Tiger Mask slips from a side headlock and takes Condrey down in an arm wringer. Condrey stops Tiger Mask from tagging and snap mares him. Condrey kicks Tiger Mask in the gut then applies a hammerlock and drives him into a corner. Tiger Mask slips out of the corner and tags me in. I give Condrey a headbutt and a backbreaker before kicking him in the back. I irish whip Condrey into a backdrop then he avoids a kick in the chest and kicks me in the gut before applying a side headlock and a top wrist lock. Condrey dropkicks me then I slip from a front facelock and irish whip him into a throat thrust. Skandor Akbar distracts me and Condrey gouges my eyes twice and applies a side headlock. He kicks me in the gut three times and in between each one he punched me. Condrey kicks me in the gut again and applies a front facelock before giving me a flying double axe handle. He applies a hammerlock and forearms me in the back of the head before tagging Barr. Barr punches me then irish whips me and punches me again. Barr irish whips me but I avoid a bionic elbow and irish whip him. Barr avoided a backdrop then applies a front facelock and takes me down in a side headlock. He applies an arm bar then I avoid an elbow drop and tag MW2. Barr stops MW2 from climbing the turnbuckles and applies a front facelock. MW2 slips from a side headlock and gives Barr a backbreaker and applies body scissors. MW2 irish whips Barr and gives him a backdrop and a kick in the back. Barr fights back and snap mares MW2 then tags Flash. Flash applies an arm bar then MW2 slips from a rear chinlock and dropkicks Flash. Flash breaks head scissors but MW2 reverses an irish whip and headbutts Flash. MW2 gets Flash in a charging roll up but only gets a one-count. MW2 takes down Flash in an arm wringer and chokes him. Flash fights back but MW2 counters a suplex with an eye gouge then gives Flash an arm wringer smash and whips him into a corner. Flash counters a high knee with a kick in the gut then tosses MW2 into a corner. MW2 slips out of the corner but Flash stops him from tagging and kicks him in the gut. MW2 avoids a back fist and irish whips Flash but he avoids a running dropkick and tags Barr, who applies a side headlock. Barr gives MW2 a forearm blow and punches him before applying a top wrist lock. MW2 avoids a dropkick and tags Tiger Mask. Barr counters a charging roll up with a dropkick and gives Tiger Mask an elbow drop. He dropkicks Tiger Mask and gives him a knee drop. Tiger Mask slips from a front facelock then takes Barr down in an arm wringer and tags me in. Barr avoids a kick in the back and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from an arm bar and give Barr a backbreaker. I irish whip Barr and give him a high backdrop then he slips away and tags Condrey. Condrey gives me a flying double axe handle then irish whips me and kicks me in the gut before gouging my eyes. I avoid a flying double axe handle then Akbar distracts me and Condrey takes me down in a side headlock. I avoid a bionic elbow then suplex Condrey and tag MW2, who gives him a knee drop. MW2 gives Condrey an arm drag and applies body scissors. Condrey kicks MW2 in the gut and gives him a flying double axe handle. MW2 slips from a side headlock and gives Condrey a back suplex and a kick in the back. Condrey reverses an irish whip and tags Flash, who gives him a forearm blow and tosses him into a corner. Flash gives MW2 a knife edge chop then MW2 slips out of the corner and whips Flash into a corner. Flash avoids a knive edge chop then MW2 slips from a side headlock and irish whips Flash into a european uppercut. Flash avoids a knife edge chop and gives MW2 a forearm blow. He irish whips MW2 into a kick in the gut then takes him down in a side headlock. MW2 fights back but Flash falls on top after a gutwrench suplex and gets an one-count. MW2 counters a flying double axe handle with a dropkick then gives Flash a double underhook suplex and applies a single leg boston crab. MW2 whips Flash into a corner then Flash tosses MW2 into a corner and tags Barr. MW2 slips out of the corner and puts Barr in a half nelson with a wrist lock. Barr slips from a single leg grapevine then gives MW2 a forearm blow and applies an arm wringer before irish wihpping him. MW2 avoids a bionic elbow and tags Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask gives Barr a screw legdrop then Barr avoids a flip legdrop and tags Condrey. Condrey gives Tiger Mask a couple of elbow drops then Tiger Mask avoids a knee drop and gives Condrey a half senton bomb. Tiger Mask gives Condrey a springboard side spinning kick and applies a leg twist before irish whipping him. Condrey avoids a dropkicksault and punches Tiger Mask before taking him down in a side headlock. Condrey gives him a knee drop and drives a knee into his leg then Tiger Mask avoids a knee drop and applies body scissors. Condrey breaks a tiger spin then gives Tiger Mask a flying double axe handle and tags Flash. Tiger Mask avoids an elbow drop and gives Flash a leg drop. Flash reverses an irish whip and hip tosses Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask avoids a knee drop then irish whips Flash, knocking out the ref in the process. Flash avoids a hot shot then snap mares Tiger Mask and gives him a knee drop before applying an arm bar. Flash gives Tiger Mask a knee drop and an elbow drop on the knee. Tiger Mask breaks a rear chinlock and gives Flash a dropkick from the second rope turnbuckle. Tiger Mask whips Flash into a corner and gives him a corner handstand takedown. Flash avoids a corkscrew legdrop and tags Barr as the ref recovers. Barr gives Tiger Mask an elbow drop and a knee drop then Tiger Mask breaks an inside toe hold and gives Barr a thrust kick. Tiger Mask climbs the turnbuckles but Barr catches him on the top rope. Tiger Mask fights back and gives Barr an arm wringer triple kick and a slingshot senton bomb before doing his tiger spin. Barr counters a running enziguri kick with a kick in the gut then gives Tiger Mask a bionic elbow and a flurry of forearms before tagging Condrey. Tiger Mask avoids a seated hammer and tags me in. Akbar distracts me but then I reverse an irish whip. Condrey prevents a high backdrop and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from a driving knee then put Condrey in a bearhug and smash his back into the turnbuckles and choke him. Condrey counters a backbreaker with a kick in the gut and irish whips me. Condrey punches me then snap mares me before irish whipping me again and gouging my eyes. Condrey kicks me in the gut then I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him. I give Condrey a running elbow smash then he fights back and I stop him from tagging out. I give Condrey a hammerlock back bomb then an inverted piledriver but Condrey kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. Condrey breaks a choke slam and gouges my eyes before applying a front facelock. He takes me down in a side headlock and applies a top wrist lock. Condrey gives me a forearm in the back of the head and tags out but the ref didn't see it. I give Condrey a flap jack then he counters an inverted piledriver with a punch. He gives me a flying double axe handle and tags Flash. Flash dropkicks me in the knee then gives me a leg drag and an arm whip. I slip from a hammerlock but Flash counters a backbreaker with a punch and kicks me in the gut. He gives me a flying double axe handle and takes me down in a side headlock. I avoid a knee drop and give Flash snake eyes. flash counters a backbreaker with a punch and applies a front facelock before giving me a flying double axe handle. I slip from a side headlock then put Flash in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Flash reverses and puts me into a corner but I slip out and give him a double backbreaker. Flash counters an inverted piledriver with a back fist then takes me down in a side headlock and tags Barr. I slip from a driving knee and irish whip him. Barr avoids a lariat clothesline and punches me. I slip from a front facelock but Barr counters a backbreaker with a punch and applies a top wrist lock. He gives me an arm wringer smash then I slip from a hammerlock and give him a hammerlock shoulder breaker. Barr counters an inverted piledriver with a punch and gives me an arm wringer smash. I slip from an arm wringer and tag MW2. MW2 applies a rolling cross armlock on Barr but he doesn't submit. MW2 then hits Barr with a thesz press and pins him. [b]Time: 39 minutes, Rating: C+[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jack Brisco wins the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk, Jr [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Ricky Steamboat defeated Superstar Billy Graham[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff wins the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Hulk Hogan [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]Cyclone Negro defeated The Spoiler[/color] [b]CMLL[/b] - Double Shot retained the CMLL World Tag Team titles by defeating Super Pinocho and Fishman [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Masanobu Fuchi and Hector Guerrero defeated Leon White and Killer Tim Brooks[/color] [b]CWF[/b] - Adrian Adonis retained the CWF Television title by defeating Steve Keirn [b]CWF[/b] - Break and Enter retained the CWF Heavyweight Tag Team titles by defeating Tetsuo Sekigawa and Bob Sweetan [b]AJPW[/b] - [color=red]Koudou Fuyuki defeated Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba won the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Terry Funk [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Hurricane Castillo, Jr defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Hijo Del Diablo
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week 1, June 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Jake Milliman and Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal and Leon White[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Fit Finlay retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Rene Goulet [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Bret Hart[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating John Tenta [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Fit Finlay. [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Released Riki Chosyu [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Hector, Sweet Stan, Rusher and Fuchi defeated Dr. D, Yamazaki, White and Black Tiger[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Tito Santana [b]NJPW[/b] - Double Trouble retained the I.W.G.P. Tag Team titles by defeating Shiro Koshinaka and Dr. Wagner [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Rene Goulet and Steve Grey defeated Steven Regal and Cowboy Bret Hart[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Raymond Rougeau retained the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Shamrock[/color] [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Bret Hart and Ron Simmons defeated Jeff Jarrett and Hurricane Castillo Jr[/color] Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Mighty Inoue [b]Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Bob Brown[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Fred Ottman and Ken Shamrock defeated Mike Von Erich and Tony Falk[/color] [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Larry Cameron [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches today.
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week 2, June 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]La Parka and Oly Olsen defeated Alvin Stones and Ken Shamrock[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Terror Rising retained the Universal International Tag Team titles by defeating Matt Borne and David Schultz [b]UWF[/b] - Tatsumi Fujinami retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating riki Chosyu [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Dandy [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Kenny Jay [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches tonight. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Masked Wrestler [b]WWF[/b] - Dick Murdoch retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Ivan Putski [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Randy Mulkey and Tony Falk defeated Bob Holly and Ken Shamrock[/color] [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs. Magnum TA - 1 fall Tables Match[/b] The match begins with me punching Magnum TA twice then he reverses an irish whip and dropkicking me before applying a side headlock. He punches me and gives me an arm whip. I slip from a hammerlock and give him a backbreaker. Magnum avoids a kick in the back and irish whips me. I avoid a punch then headbutt him and kick him in the gut. I irish whip Magnum, knocking the ref out, then give him two throat thrusts. I irish whip him and give him a backdrop and a kick in the chest. I give Magnum an elbow drop then irish whip him and give him a clubbing blow. Magnum avoids a legdrop and punches me. I slip from a top wrist lock and give him an arm wringer smash. Magnum counters a suplex with a punch then irish whips me. He punches me, as the ref recovers, then irish whips me again and punches me. Magnum takes me down in a side headlock then I fight back and headbutt him and kick him in the back. Magnum fights back and irish whips me into a punch then takes me down in a side headlock and applies a rear chinlock. He knee drops me twice and gives me an elbow drop and applies an arm bar. Magnum irish me and kicks me in the gut before giving me a european uppercut. He irish whips me into a punch then I avoid a punch and headbutt him. I pick Magnum up by the throat with two hands and throw him onto the mat. Magnum breaks a head twist then kicks me in the gut and gives me a european uppercut before applying an arm wringer and a wrenching top wrist lock. He irish whips and punches me then applies a front facelock. Magnum irish whips me again and gives me a drop toe hold and a knee drop before taking me down in a side headlock. I avoid a knee drop and give him a short arm clothesline. Magnum fights back and applies a top wrist lock before driving me into a corner after applying a hammerlock. I slip out but he breaks a hammerlock. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip Magnum but he prevents a high backdrop and applies a front facelock. Magnum gives me a european uppercut then irish whips me twice and punches me both times before applying a front facelock. Magnum punches me and gives me a flying double axe handle then I slip from a top wrist lock and throw him out of the ring. I leave the ring and he counters a roundhouse punch with a snap mare. Magnum gives me a knee drop and an elbow drop before applying a single leg grapevine and a front facelock. He snap mares me then gives me a series of knee drops and elbow drops. He then slides a table into the ring. Magnum gives me a european uppercut then I avoid a flying double axe handle and smash his face into a guard rail. I try to drop Magnum onto the guard rail but he counters with a punch then gives me a drop toe hold and a knee drop. I avoid a kick in the gut then put him in a bearhug and smash his back into the ring apron. I give Magnum a flap jack and roll him back into the ring. I put Magnum in a bearhug then smash his back into the turnbuckles in a corner and start choking him. Magnum counters a choke slam with a kick in the gut then irish whips me and gives me a knee lift and applies a single leg grapevine. I slip away from under him and give him a hammerlock back bomb. Magnum breaks a powerbomb then wails on my shoulder after applying a hammerlock. Magnum gives me a running dropkick then irish whips me but I avoid a roundhouse body punch and choke slam him through the table, ending the match. [b]Time: 25 minutes, Rating: C[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Wahoo McDaniel retained the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title by defeating Harley Race [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]GCW[/b] - Ole Anderson retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Toru Tanaka [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Kintaro Oki [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating Dory Funk Jr [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Lane Huffman [b]UWA[/b] - Enrique Vera retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Doug Somers [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Keith Hart defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Chris Youngblood
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week 2, June 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Leon White defeated Jake Milliman[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Nikolai Volkoff retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Pedro Morales [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Solar defeated Bret Hart[/color] [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]MSW - The Sam Houston Coliseum Len Denton, [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] and Scott Irwin vs. Mando Guerrero, Jules Strongbow and Chief Jay Strongbow -- 3 vs. 3 -- Table Elimination[/b] The match begins and it's Len Denton and Mando Guerrero to start things off. Denton gives Guerrero a knee lift and a backbreaker before irish whipping and dropkicking him. Guerrero avoids a flying double axe handle and gives Denton a european uppercut. Denton slips from an arm wringer and drives Guerrero into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock then stepped on the first turmbuckle and punched Guerrero's head ten times. Denton gives Guerrero an arm drag and applies an arm bar. Guerrero reverses an irish whip and punches Denton. Guerrero gives Denton a jab punch then applies a hammerlock and tags Chief Jay Strongbow. Strongbow irish whips Denton, knocking the ref out, and kicks him in the gut. Denton counters a knife edge chop with a punch then Strongbow breaks an arm wringer and gives Denton a slap in the chest. Strongbow gives Denton a knife edge chop then applies an arm bar, a knee bar, another arm bar, and a rear chinlock. Denton slips from a knee bar then whips Strongbow into a corner and gives him a knife edge chop. Strongbow avoids a headbutt then gives Denton a knife edge chop and a tomahawk chop before applying a front facelock as the ref recovers. Denton slips from a side headlock and tags me in. I give Strongbow a couple of punches then he reverses an irish whip and gives me a knife edge chop. I slip from a rear chinlock then Strongbow reverses an irish whip and gives me a slap in the chest before applying a front facelock and a hammerlock. Strongbow rakes my back and applies a top wrist lock then rakes my back again and kicks me in the gut. Strongbow gives me a gutwrench suplex and applies a rear chinlock then I slip out a knee bar and give him a forearm in the back and a backbreaker. I kick Strongbow in the back then headbutt him and kick him in the gut before irish whipping him into a backdrop. I suplex Strongbow and give him a mafia kick before putting him in a bearhug and slamming his back into the turnbuckles. I choke Strongbow then tag Scott Irwin. Strongbow avoids being biten on the forehead then irish whipped him and gave him a knife edge chop and a slap in the chest. Strongbow snap mares Irwin and tags Jules Strongbow. Jules applies body scissors then Irwin slips out of a rear chinlock and gives Jules a backbreaker and a kick in the back. Irwin goes up top and gives Jules a flying double axe handle then Jules reverses and irish whip and slaps Irwin in the chest. Jules snap mares Irwin but Irwin slips from an arm bar and drives Jules into a cormer after putting him in a hammerlock. Irwin irish whips Jules but he avoids a running body smash then irish whips Irwin and gives him a knife edge chop. Jules dropkicks Irwin from the second rope then Irwin breaks a rear chinlock and irish whips Jules into a clubbing blow. Jules avoids a clothesline and applies a front facelock before irish whipping and dropkicking Irwin. Irwin slips out of an arm bar then irish whips Jules and tags Denton. Denton gives Jules a high backdrop then gives him a flurry of punches while Jules was on the mat and climbs the turnbuckles. J.J.Dillon distracts Denton so that Jules could tag Guerrero. Denton kicks Guerrero away from the corner and gives him a flying double axe handle and applies an arm wringer. Denton irish whips Guerrero but he prevents a backdrop and gouges Denton's eyes. Guerrero dropkicks Denton from the second rope then Denton avoids a knee drop and applies an arm bar. Guerrero fights back and gives Denton a jab punch then Denton slips from a suplex and applies a hammerlock. Guerrero avoids a forearm and gives Denton a jab punch and a european uppercut before gouging his eyes twice. Denton slips from a hammerlock and gives Guerrero a rear amateur takedown then Guerrero avoids a knee drop and gives Denton a knee drop. Denton avoids a legdrop and tags me in. Guerrero avoids a throat thrust and punches me. I avoid a european uppercut and suplex Guerrero. I irish whip Guerrero into a clubbing blow and give him an elbow drop. Guerrero fights back and punches me then applies an arm wringer. Guerrero gives me a european uppercut then punches and jab punches me. I slip from a hammerlock and give Guerrero a backbreaker and twist his head. Guerrero counters a cross knee backbreaker with an eye gouge then punches me and applies an arm wringer. Guerrero punches me then gives me a jab punch before punching me again and gouging my eyes. Guerrero punches me then I avoid a european uppercut. Guerrero counters a bearhug with an eye gouge then I avoid an eye gouge and give him a flap jack. Guerrero avoids a mafia kick then I slip out of a hammerlock and give him a hammerlock back bomb and snake eyes. I throw Guerrero out of the ring and follow after him. He slips away before I could smash his face into the guard rail then I avoid a dropkick and give him a short arm clothesline. Guerrero breaks a choke slam then punches me and gives me a european uppercut. Guerrero dropkicks me then gives me a knee drop. I slip from a choke hold then Guerrero counters a drop onto the guard rail with an eye gouge then punches me. I slip from an arm wringer then smash Guerrero into the ring post and powerbomb him through a table at ringside. Chief Jay Strongbow runs out of their corner and I tag Irwin. Strongbow counters a shoulder breaker with a slap in the chest then he gives him a knife edge chop. Irwin slips out of a side headlock and unties a turnbuckle cover. Irwin bites Strongbow's forehead then Strongbow breaks a hammerlock and slaps Iriwin in the chest then gives him a tomahawk chop and applies a top wristh lock. Irwin avoids a rake in the back then gives Strongbow a samoan drop and tears his face. Strongbow stops Irwin from climbing the turnbuckles and applies a top wrist lock before tagging Jules. Jules takes Irwin down in a side headlock and applies a rear chinlock and a front facelock. Jules kicks Irwin in the gut and gives him a slap in the chest. Irwin slips from a side headlock then irish whips Jules. Jules avoids a bionic elbow then Irwin slips from a front facelock and irish whips Jules into a hot shot. Irwin stomps on Jules's arm then irish whips him. Irwin gives Jules a butt drop on his back while he's draped on the second rope. Jules avoids getting his knee stomped and kicks Irwin in the gut before applying a front facelock and a side headlock. Jules kicks Irwin in the gut then Irwin slips from an arm whip. Jules counters a backbreaker with a slap in the chest. Irwin breaks a front facelock then gives Jules an arm wringer smash and a headbutt. Irwin kicks Jules in the chest then Jules counters an atomic drop with a kick in the gut. Jules takes Irwin down in a side headlock then applies an arm bar. Irwin breaks body scissors but Jules counters a top ring rope drop with a kick in the gut. Jules snap mares Irwin and applies body scissors before tagging Chief Jay. Strongbow applies an arm bar, a rear chinlock and another arm bar then Irwin slips from a rear chinlock and irish whips Strongbow. Irwin tags Denton but Strongbow avoids a forearm and gives Denton a gutwrench suplex. Denton slips from an arm bar and gives Strongbow a neckbreaker then applies an inside toe hold. Denton gives Strongbow a flurry of punches while Chief Jay is tied up in the ropes. Strongbow stops Denton from leaving the ring and applies a top wrist lock before giving him a bell clap. Denton avoids a rake in the back then irish whips Strongbow but Chief Jay avoids a running knee to the head and applies two side headlocks and a front facelock. Strongbow irish whips Denton and gives him a tomahawk chop. He irish whips him again but Denton avoids a slap in the chest and gives Strongbow a gutwrench backbreaker. Denton leaves the ring, slides a table into the ring, then climbs back in. Strongbow fights back and applies a pair of knee bars and rear chinlocks. Denton slips from a knee bar and gives Strongbow a knee breaker and an atomic drop before piledriving him through a table. Jules comes in and Denton gives him an inverted atomic drop before he fights back and gives Denton a slap in the chest. Denton slips from a side headlock and gives Jules a bacbreaker before leaving the ring and sliding a table into it. Denton irish whips Jules but Jules avoids a backdrop and kicks Denton in the gut. Denton slips from a side headlock and tags Irwin. Jules breaks a piledriver then applies a top wrist lock. Jules gives Irwin a bell clap and a dropkick before applying body scissors, a knee bar, and body scissors again. Irwin breaks an inside toe hold but Jules slips from a backbreaker and drives him into a corner after putting him in a hammerlock. Irvin avoids a knife edge chop then throws Jules out of the ring and goes after him. Irwin puts him in a bearhug and rams his back into the ring apron. Jules breaks a double arm DDT and slaps Irwin in the chest before applying a side headlock and a front facelock. Irwin slips out of a side headlock and drops Jules onto the guard rail. Jules fights back and applies a top wrist lock. Irwin slips from a front facelock and gives Jules a backbreaker before dragging him back into the ring. Irwin irish whips Jules, knocking the ref out, then goes into his pants and grabs some brass knuckles. Jules avoids the brass knuckles punch and slaps Irwin in the chest. Jules goes up top and gives Irwin a flying knife edged chop then applies body scissors and head scissors. Irwin breaks an inside toe hold and tags me in. I give Jules a roundhouse punch as the ref recovers. Jules counters a powerbomb with a slap in the chest then applies a side headlock and a front facelock. Jules kicks me in the gut then applies a side headlock and takes me down in a side headlock. I break from an arm bar then Jules counters snake eyes with a slap in the chest and applies a front facelock. Jules gives me a knife edge chop and I slip from a snap mare and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and he is busted open and begins to bleed. Jules couters a choke slam with a slap in the chest then does it again and snap mares me. Jules begins to feel dizzy but he counters a powerbomb with a slap in the chest. I reverse an irish whip and give Jules a high backdrop that sends him through the table to end the match. [b]Time: 39 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Signed Masanobu Fuchi [b]MSW[/b] - Signed Porkchop Cash [b]MACW[/b] - [color=red]Superstar Billy Graham leaves MACW[/color] :( [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown won the National Heavyweight title by defeating Ole Anderson [b]NJPW[/b] - Andre the Giant retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating The Masked Superstar [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Steve Grey and Ben McCoy defeated Pin Point (Kwik-Kik Lee/Cowboy Bret Hart)[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Ted Oates [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there are no title matches held. [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - Dick the Bruiser retained the AWA Television title by defeating Sgt. Slaughter [b]GCW[/b] - [color=red]The Spoiler defeated Genichiro Tenryu[/color] [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]JPUK[/b] - Johnny Saint won the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Fit Finlay [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated La Parka[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Tatsumi Fujinami retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Riki Chosyu [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor matches featuring journaled wrestlers today.
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Table Elimination Six Man Tag Matches... it's good to see such direct representations of Hell, I tell you. With such examples of what might await me, it's a fabulous way to stay on the straight and narrow. ;) Seriously, I shudder every single time I am booked in such tripe. Heh. Loved the ending, though. Backdropping Jules through the table was poetic justice. :)
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The Strongbows did put up a good fight but the overall power of my team was just too much. I can't stand being put in those matches either because they cut into my playing time by taking so long to play. I did like the 3vs3 match from week 1 because I got to use Tiger Mask. I was looking at his moves and he is quite a crowd pleaser with a ton of "wow" moves to entertain them. It's the one thing that I like about the tag matches. I get to use wrestlers with different styles of my own.
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week 3, June 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock, Oly Olsen and Charlie Fulton defeated Alvin Stones and Tracy Somers[/color] [b]MLW[/b] - Otto Wanz won the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Rick Martel [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] and Bob Roop vs. Stan Frazier and Les Thornton[/b] The match begins with me and Frazier in the ring. Frazier snap mares me then I avoid a knee drop and give him a kick in the back. I give him a couple of headbutts then irish whip him into a throat thrust. I kick Frazier in the chest then he fights back and applies a side headlock. I counter a headbutt with a throat thrust then he avoids an elbow drop and stomps me. I avoid a kick in the chest and give him a backbreaker. Frazier fights back and gives me a knife edge chop and a running clothesline. Frazier stomps on me and kicks me in the chest then gives me a running clothesline and an elbow drop. I avoid a knee drop but Frazier stops me from tagging and applies a top wrist lock. I slip from a backbreaker and give him an arm wringer smash. Frazier reverses an irish whip and clotheslines me then tags Thornton. I slip from a side headlock, whip Thornton into a corner, and then tagged Roop. Thornton breaks out of the corner and gives Roop a forearm blow and applies a front facelock. Thornton headbutts Roop then Roop slips from a side headlock and dropkicks Thornton. Roop drives Thornton into a corner after applying a hammerlock then smashes his head into the top turnbuckle and applies body scissiors. Roop gives Thornton a flying double axe handle then irish whips him into a backdrop and gives him an elbow drop onto a knee. Thornton fights back and headbutts Roop before snap maring him and applying a head and straight arm lock, body scissors, a knee bar, and a side headlock. Thornton gives Roop a european uppercut then a couple of forearms in the back of the head and in the gut before applying an arm wringer and a front facelock. Thornton gives Roop a jab punch then applies a top wrist lock and irish whips him. Roop avoids a european uppercut and gives Thornton a gutwrench suplex before tagging me. I kick Thornton in the back then suplex him and give him a mafia kick. I whip Thornton into a corner and choke him then he fights back and takes me down in a side headlock and tags Frazier. Frazier kicks me in the chest then gives me an elbow drop and stomps me. He gives me a knee drop and a kick in the back then I avoid a stomp and kick him in the gut. I give Frazier a backbreaker then irish whip him into a backdrop and kick him in the back. I give him a throat thrust and bodyslam him. I irish whip Frazier into a clothesline then give him a clubbing blow and a headbutt before whipping him into a corner. Frazier counters a choke with a running clothesline then I avoid a knee drop and give him a short arm clothesline. I throw Frazier out of the ring then leave the ring, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the ring apron. I give Frazier a roundhouse punch and roll him back into the ring. I irish whip him but he avoids a backdrop and applies a side headlock. Frazier gives me a running clothesline then stomps on me and tags Thornton. Thornton applies a head and straight arm lock, a couple of knee bars, and another head and straight arm lock. Thornton takes me down in a side headlock then I slip from the side headlock, whip him into a corner, and tag Roop. Thornton counters a high knee with a drop toe hold then applies a knee bar. He gives Roop a european uppercut then applies an arm wringer before irish whipping him. Roop slips from a snap mare and gives Thornton a side suplex. Thornton avoids a half-strangle hammer and ghts Roop with a jab punch. Roop slips from a front facelock then gives Thornton a spinning back suplex and applies an inside toe hold. Roop gives Thornton a shoulder breaker and whips him into a corner then Thornton reverses and goes for a tag but Roop stops him and gives him a roundhouse punch. Thornton breaks a bodyslam then applies a side headlock and tags Frazier. Frazier slaps Roop in the chest then applies a side headlock and a front facelock. Roop avoids a running clothesline but Frazier counters a roundhouse european uppercut with a slap in the chest. Roop slips from a side headlock and gives Frazier a neckbreaker. Frazier avoids a flying double axe handle and slaps Roop in the chest. Roop reverses an irish whip, knocking the ref out, and gives Frazier a european uppercut. Frazier fights back and gives Roop a clubbing blow. Roop slips from a side headlock then whips Frazier into a corner and gives him a high knee. Frazier fights back but Roop avoids a knife edge chop and gives Frazier a drop toe hold and slaps on a sleeper hold. Frazier does not submit then Roop gives him a running knee to the head and applies a single leg boston crab and an arm wringer. Roop gives Frazier a charging forearm and a knee drop. Frazier reverses an irish whip but Roop avoids a running clothesline as the ref recovers. Frazier reverses an irish whip but Roop avoids a slap in the chest and whips him into a corner. Roop gives Frazier a flurry of forearms then Frazier breaks a reverse headlock clutch and gives Roop a knife edge chop. Roop avoids a running clothesline then gives Frazier a roundhouse punch and applies a rolling cross armlock. Frazier does not submit so Roop re-applies the rolling cross armlock and now Frazier gives up. [b]Time: 27 minutes, Rating: D[/b] [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar won the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Nikolai Volkoff [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Nobuhiko Takada and Killer Tim Brooks defeated Atsushi Onita and Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock and Bob Holly defeated Tony Falk[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Colon and Morales retained the WWC World Tag Team titles by defeating Moondog Rex and Medic #1 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run Main Event - [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs. Cyclone Negro - Cage Escape[/b] We are inside the steel cage and I punch Cyclone then kick him in the gut and irish whip him into a throat thrust. I headbutt him twice then he slips from a backbreaker and gives me a forearm in the back of the head and an arm wringer smash. Cyclone gouges my eyes then punches me and gives me a forearm blow and gouges my eyes again. He irish whips me into a punch then I avoid a flying double axe handle and irish whip him into a clubbing blow. Cyclone avoids a kick in the back and launches me into a cage wall. He applies a rear chinlock then I fight back and suplex him. Cyclone avoids a kick in the chest then gives me a flying double axe handle and launches me into a cage wall. He irish whips me bht I avoid a forearm blow and launch him into a cage wall. Cyclone avoids an elbow drop then kicks me in the back and in thc chest before irish whipping me and gouging my eyes. I avoid a forearm blow and give Cyclone a throat thrust before irish whipping him. He prevents a backdrop then headbutts me and gouges my eyes. Cyclone irish whips me then gouges my eyes and gives me a rope rake and applies a rear chinlock. I avoid a kick in the chest and launch him into a cage wall. Cyclone slips from a backbreaker and launches me into a cage wall then applies a rear chinlock. He kicks me in the back and applies a rear chinlock then I avoid a kick in the back and headbutt him. Cyclone slips from a backbreaker then wails on my shoulder after putting me in a hammerlock and launches me into a cage wall. Cyclone kicks me in the back then I avoid a bionic elbow. He reverses an irish whip and punches me before applying a front facelock and launching me into a cage wall. I avoid a kick in the chest and suplex him. Cyclone fights back but I slip from a front facelock and launch him into a cage wall. Cyclone reverses an irish whip and punches me. He gives me a forearm blow then applies a front facelock and gives me an arm wringer smash. I slip from a front facelock then he reverses and sends me into a cage wall. He gives me a bionic elbow then I avoid a kick in the back and bodyslam him. I irish whip Cyclone into a backdrop then he avoids a mafia kick and irish whips me into a punch and applies a front facelock. I avoid a rope rake then he counters a flap jack with a forearm blow. Cyclone punches me then headbutts me and punches me again before applying a top wrist lock. I stop him from climbing the turnbuckles and launch him into a cage wall. I give him a flurry of punches while he is on the mat then he breaks a bearhug and launches me into a cage wall. Cyclone slams my face into the mat then tears my face. He gives me a bionic elbow then tears my face and gives me another bionic elbow. I slip from an arm wringer and give Cyclone a hammerlock back bomb before whipping him into a corner. He avoids a spear then I slip from a boston crab, put him in a bearhug, and smash his back against the turnbuckles. He avoids being choked and gives me a flurry of punches. I slip from a boston crab and whip him into a cage wall. I give Cyclone a flying standing elbow smash then pick him up with two hands by the throat and throw him to the mat. I irish whip Cyclone and nail him with a lariat clothesline then he breaks a short arm clothesline. I get away before he could bite me in the forehead and turn him into a human frisbee and he goes flying into the mat. Cyclone counters a backbreaker with an eye gouge then I avoid a flying double axe handle and give him a roundhouse punch. Cyclone counters an inverted piledriver with an eye gouge then I slip from a head claw. He breaks a hammerlock and I prevent him from inciting the crowd. I choke slam him and start climbing a cage wall but Cyclone catches me at the top and brings me back in. He irish whips me and I stop him from inciting the crowd. Cyclone counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then I slip from a big bearhug. Cyclone reverses and launches me into a cage wall before inciting the crowd. I slip from a head claw then give him a hammerlock back bomb and an inverted piledriver that busts his head open and he starts to bleed. I then go to a cage wall and climb up and over and down for the victory. [b]Time: 27 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Sodbuster, Magnum, Saito and Mulligan defeated The Bull, Mr. Electricity, Crusher and The Milkman[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Big John Studd [b]GCW[/b] - Norvell Austin retained the National Television title by defeating Thunderbolt Patterson [b]AJPW[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Ultraman [b]AJPW[/b] - Giant Baba retained the PWF Heavyweight title by defeating The Destroyer [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Bret Hart and Lane Huffman defeated Barbarian and Paul Roma[/color] [b]CStates[/b] - Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Scott Casey [b]MLW[/b] - Otto Wanz retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Bobo Brazil [b]UWA[/b] - Enrique Vera retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Randy Rich [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating David Sammartino [b]CSW[/b] - Akira Maeda retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Chris Youngblood
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week 3, June 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Leon White defeated Scott Hall[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Cowboy Bret Hart and Steven Regal defeated Mark McCoy and David Taylor[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Abdullah the Butcher retained the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating The Mighty Igor [b]UWA[/b] - Enrique Vera retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Ed Moretti [b]SWCW[/b] - Ken Timbs retained the Southwest Heavyweight title by defeating Jim Neidhart [b]SWCW[/b] - Orton and Slater retained the Southwest Tag Team titles by defeating Jeff Gaylord and Stan Frazier [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Chris Carter [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle. [color=red]Bret Hart defeated Jeff Jarrett[/color] Terry Funk retained the Central States Heavyweight title by defeating Bob Brown [b]Today's Wrestling News NJPW[/b] - [color=red]Gran Hamada defeated Leon White[/color] [b]NJPW[/b] - Seiji Sakaguchi won the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Andre the Giant [b]JPUK[/b] - Johnny Saint retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Alan Kilby [b]CSW[/b] - Mongolian Stomper retained the CSW North American Heavyweight title by defeating Jeff Costa [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show Main Event: [color=red]The Commando[/color] vs Genichiro Tenryu[/b] Central States owner, Bob Geigel, had put the two of us together and we won the tag team titles. Once again, he has us booked to wrestle each other. The match begins and I punch Tenryu a couple of times then irish whip him into a clothesline and kicked him in the back. I irish whip him into into a clubbing blow then headbutted him and kicked him in the gut. I irish whip Tenryu again and he avoids a throat thrust and applies a side headlock. Tenryu goes up top and gives me a flying standing knee then irish whips and headbutts me. I slip from a hammerlock and give him an arm wringer smash then suplex him and kick him in the chest. I bodyslam Tenryu then give him a backbreaker and a flying double axe handle. Tenryu avoids a clubbing blow and irish whips me into a clothesline then gives me a knee pull. I avoid a legsweep and give him a throat thrust then flap jack Tenryu but he falls on top and gets a one-count. Tenryu takes me down with a sweeping ankle trip then I slip from a rear chinlock, put him in a bearhug, and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Tenryu counters a choke in the corner with a shooter takedown and gives me a knee pull. I slip from a rear chinlock then irish whip him into a high backdrop. Tenryu slips from a cross knee backbreaker then irish whips me and gives me a headbutt and a single leg trip. He irish whips me but I duck under a clothesline and press slam him. I go for a pin but I only get a one-count. I flap jack Tenryu and again he falls on top of me and gets a one-count. I avoid a flying standing knee and give Tenryu snake eyes then he avoids a mafia kick and applies a hammerlock. I slip from an arm wringer and whip Tenryu into a corner and give him a flurry of stomps. I go up top and give Tenryu a flying standing elbow smash and a cross knee backbreaker before irish whipping him. He counters a running elbow smash with a clothesline then applies head scissors and a side headlock. Tenryu gives me a single leg trip then a double leg trip and a knee pull. He irish whips me into a clothesline then I avoid an arm breaker and give him a roundhouse punch and a flying standing elbow smash. I give Tenryu a double backbreaker and an inverted piledriver but he kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second. Tenryu breaks a choke slam and headbutts me then I avoid an arm breaker and give him a short arm clothesline and a flying double axe handle. I give him a hammerlock back bomb then he slips from an inverted piledriver and gives me a judo sweep before applying head scissors. Tenryu takes me down with a sweeping ankle trip and applies a knee pull then I break from head scissors and choke him. I give Tenryu a flying standing elbow smash and a flap jack then he slips from an inverted piledriver and applies a standing arm lever. I break from a front facelock and irish whip Tenryu but he ducks under a lariat clothesline then irish whips me into a short arm judo toss and applies head scissors. I slip from a rear chinlock and give him a shoulder breaker while in a hammerlock then he breaks a choke slam and applies a side headlock. He gives me a single leg trip then applies head scissors and gives me a knee pull. Tenryu applies a rear chinlock then gives me a single leg trip and a knee pull before applying head scissors and a rear chinlock. Tenryu irish whips me into a short arm judo toss and gives me a knee pull. I slip from a judo sweep and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and he begins to bleed. Tenryu breaks a choke slam and gives me a clubbing blow before feeling dizzy. He breaks a short arm clothesline and gives me a legsweep into a snap pinfall and gets a two-count. I slip from a hammerlock then put Tenryu in a bearhug and smashed his back against the turnbuckles and give him a flurry of punches. Tenryu slips from a spinning inverted piledriver and gives me a forearm in the gut then applies a standing arm lever and wrenching head scissors. Tenryu gives me an arm breaker and applies a standing leg split hold but I don't submit. I slip from a hammerlock and irish whip him into a running elbow smash then Tenryu breaks from a running powerslam and gives me a short arm shoulder tackle then drives me into a corner after putting me in a hammerlock. Tenryu gives me a high knee in the corner then I slip from a kataha jime judo choke. I irish whip him but he avoids a big boot then I counter a running knee to the head with a choke slam. Tenryu kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second then gives me a shoulder breaker after putting me in a hammerlock and begins to feel dizzy. I flap jack him but he falls on top of me but I am able to kick out at the last second. I break from a hammerlock and irish whip him, knocking the ref out. I give him a high backdrop then throw him out of the ring. I leave the ring and pick up a chair but Tenryu counters a shot in the back with a back kick. I avoid an enziguri kick then put him in a bearhug and ram his back into the ring apron. I go to grab the chair but he catches me by surprise as the ref recovers inside the ring. I slip from a double underhook suplex and try to drop Tenryu on the guard rail but he falls on top of me then rolls me into the ring. He gives me a double underhook suplex then applies the gokuraku-gatame. I don't submit and he begins to feel dizzy. Tenryu reverses an irish whip then gives me a running knee in the head and applies the gokuraku-gatame. I couldn't take it anymore and submit. [b]Time: 40 minutes, Rating: B- Today's Wrestling News GCW[/b] - Norvell Austin retained the National Television title by defeating Cyclone Negro [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Raymond, Dusek, Charles and Mike defeated Shamrock, La Parka, Falk and Hardcore Holly[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the Southern Heavyweight title by defeating Gypsy Joe [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor matches involving journaled wrestlers.
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week 4, June 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News CWA[/b] - [color=red]Oly Olsen and Ken Shamrock defeated Tracy Adams[/color] [b]UWF[/b] - Tatsumi Fujinami retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Genichiro Tenryu [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Dandy [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Lars Anderson [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show Main Event: [color=red]Master of Pain[/color] vs Les Thornton[/b] I open the match by headbutting Thornton twice then he reverses an irish whip and gives me a jab punch, a slap in the chest, and a european uppercut. I slip from a knee bar and give Thornton a backbreaker and an elbow drop. He reverses an irish whip and applies a top wrist lock. Thornton gives me a series of forearms in the back and in the back of my head then applies a hammerlock. He gives me a forearm in the back then irish whips me and gives me a slap in the chest. I slip from an arm wringer then irish whip him and give him a throat thrust. Thornton avoids a kick in the back and gives me a forearm blow. I slip from a side headlock then give him a forearm in the back and an arm wringer smash. I irish whip Thornton but he avoids a backdrop and gives me a forearm blow and a slap in the chest. He gives me a forearm in the back of the head and applies an arm wringer. I slip from a side headlock and irish whip Thornton and he avoids a backdrop. Thornton reverses a whip into a corner then I fight back and suplex him followed by a kick in the chest. Thornton avoids a legdrop then applies a knee bar and a head and straight arm lock. I slip from a knee bar then irish whip Thornton into a clubbing blow. I irish whip and backdrop Thornton then he counters a bearhug with a forearm blow and applies a top wrist lock. Thornton gives me a forearm in the back of the head and applies an arm wringer. I slip from a front facelock and whip him into a corner. Thornton slips out of the corner and gives me a forearm in the back of the head and in the back. I avoid a forearm in the back then pick him up with two hands by his throat and throw him to the mat. Thornton reverses a whip into a corner and gives me a super knee lift. I slip from a knee bar then he breaks a bearhug and applies a side headlock. I slip from the side headlock and give Thornton a hammerlock back bomb before whipping him into a corner and choke him. Thornton avoids a throat thrust and applies a top wrist lock before giving me a forearm blow and a european uppercut. He slaps me in the chest and applies a front facelock then gives me a leg drag and applies a side headlock. I slip from a snap mare and whip him into a corner then irish whip him into a high backdrop. Thornton counters a cross knee backbreaker with a forearm blow and gives me a knee lift. I slip from a head and straight arm lock and throw Thornton out of the ring. He stops me from leaving the ring and gives me a leg drag. I slip from a knee bar then throw Thornton out of the ring over the top rope and leave the ring. I put Thornton in a bearhug and rammed his back into the ring apron. He tries to fight back but I slip from a snap mare and dragged him back into the ring, where I give him a short arm clothesline. Carson distracts me then Thornton gives me a jab punch and takes me down in a side headlock. Thornton applies a head and straight arm lock, a knee bar, and an inside toe hold before headbutting me and giving me a forearm blow and a knee lift. I slip from a knee bar then irish whip him into a roundhouse punch. Thornton counters an inverted piledriver with a forearm blow then takes me down in a side headlock. I fight back but he counters snake eyes with a slap in the chest then headbutts me and applies a side headlock and a front facelock. Thornton charges at me and hits me with a forearm before applying an inside toe hold, a single leg grapevine, and another inside toe hold. I slip from a single leg grapevine then give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and a spinning inverted piledriver. Thornton kicks out of the pin attempt at the last second then breaks a choke slam. I slip from an arm wringer but he breaks a hammerlock then charges and rolls me up but I'm able to kick out at the last second. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Thornton then he ducks under a lariat clothesline and applies an arm lock and wrist bend, and an inside toe hold. I break a step over leg lock then he falls on top of me during a press slam and I kick out at the last second. I counter a low blow with a choke slam then Carson pulls the ref out of the ring before he can count Thornton out. Thornton breaks a bearhug and gives me a low blow. I slip from a crossface then whip him into a corner and spear him. I give Thornton a domination powerbomb, busting his head open and he begins to bleed, and Carson pulls the ref out of the ring before he could count him out. While Carson distracts me, Thornton gives me a low blow. I break a step over leg lock then give Thronton a flap jack and a spinning inverted piledriver. Again Carson pulls the ref out of the ring before he could count Thornton out. The ref has finally had enough and banishes Carson back to the lockerroom. I choke slam Thornton then Tiger Mask runs out and pulls the ref out of the ring before he could count Thornton out. Thornton counters an inverted piledriver with a forearm blow then I slip from a crossface. Thornton breaks a hammerlock and gives me a low blow then I break from a step over leg lock and give him a short arm clothesline. Thornton breaks from a powerbomb and gives me two low blows beforea applying a single leg boston crab. I slip from a single leg boston crab and give Thornton a double backbreaker. Thornton counters an inverted piledriver with a forearm blow and gives me a low blow. I fight back but he counters a cross knee backbreaker with a forearm blow then begins to feel dizzy. Thornton counters a choke slam with a forearm blow then I slip from a crossface. Thornton breaks a bearhug but then I counter a low blow with a choke slam and pin Thornton. [b]Time: 35 minutes, Rating: B Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Paul Orndorff. [b]WWF[/b] - Dick Murdoch retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Chief Jay Strongbow [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock, Tony Charles and Frank Dusek defeated Angel Acevedo and Bob Holly[/color] After the night was over I requested a creative meeting and asked that I have a feud with Tiger Mask due to his interfering in my match. It was okayed by Bill Dundee, the head booker for Mid-South Wrestling. [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]MSW - The Mid-South Swamp Run[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle and there were no title matches on the card. [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Scott Hall, Blackjack Lanza and Roddy Piper defeated Curt Hennig, Steve Regal and Leon White[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Dick Murdoch [b]GCW[/b] - Norvell Austin retained the National Television title by defeating Toru Tanaka [b]NJPW[/b] - Seiji Sakaguchi retained the NWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Butch Miller [b]AJPW[/b] - The Amazing Kung Fu retained the NWA International Junior Heavyweight title by defeating Mascara Sagrada [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Raymond Rougeau defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]MLW[/b] - Otto Wanz retained the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title by defeating Duke of Dorchester [b]CSW[/b] - Akira Maeda retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Chris Youngblood
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week 4, June 1985 -- Thursday thru Sunday [color=blue]Thursday[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News AWA[/b] - [color=red]Steve Regal and Curt Hennig defeated Jake Milliman and Leon White[/color] [b]AJPW[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the NWA International Heavyweight title by defeating Villano I [b]CSW[/b] - Akira Maeda retained the British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Johnny Kidd [b]CSW[/b] - [color=red]Bruce Hart defeated Bret Hart[/color] [b]PPW[/b] - Rocky Johnson retained the Polynesian Pacific title by defeating Buddy Lane [color=blue]Friday[/color] [b]CStates - Bulldog's Last Stand[/b] I am not scheduled to wrestle tonight. [color=red]Hiroshi Hase, Paul Roma and Jeff Jarrett defeated Duke Myers, Bret Hart and Lane Huffman[/color] Bob Brown retained the Central States Television title by defeating Bob Della Serra [b]Today's Wrestling News CStates[/b] - Signed One Man Gang. Released Buzz Tyler [b]NJPW[/b] - [color=red]The Cobra defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [color=blue]Saturday[/color] [b]CStates - Central States All-Stars TV Show Main Event: [color=red]The Commando[/color] vs. Ted Oates[/b] The match begins and I give Oates a headbutt and a kick in the back. Oates fights back but I reverse an irish whip and give him a throat thrust and a kick in the chest. I give Oates an elbow drop and a couple of punches then he breaks a bodyslam and punches me. He puts me in a schoolboy roll up and gets a two-count. Oates gives me a single leg trip then an elbow drop and a kick in the gut. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip him into a backdrop and a legdrop. I suplex Oates and give him a kick in the back then irish whip him. Oates avoids a clothesline then irish whips me and gives me a single leg trip. I slip from a side headlock and give him an arm wringer smash before irish whipping him into a clubbing blow. I whip him into a corner but he breaks free and applies a front facelock. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip and headbutt him. I pick Oates up by the neck with two hands then throw him to the mat and give him a mafia kick. I whip Oates into a corner and choke him then he avoids a throat thrust and applies a side headlock. He gives me a forearm blow and applies a side headlock before punching me and giving me a forearm blow. Oates applies a top wrist lock then I avoid a forearm in the back of the head and bodyslam him. I give him an elbow drop and throw him out of the ring. Oates stops me from leaving the ring and applies a side headlock and a top wrist lock. (thank you pepto bismol for your insightful message about common diahrea) I counter a forearm to the back of my head with a throat thrust and give Oates a roundhouse punch. Oates reverses an irish whip and I block his punch so he irish whips me again and gives me a knee lift and a punch. I avoid a kick in the gut and give Oates a double backbreaker. Oates counters a cross knee backbreaker with a punch then irish whips me into a kick in the gut and a punch. He irish whips me into a kick in the gut and a forearm blow then irish whips me two more times and each time gives me a forearm blow. Oates irish whips me one more time and punches me then gives me a forearm blow and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip from a rear amateur takedown then put Oates in a bearhug and ram his back into the turnbuckles. Oates slips away and gives me a foream blow before irish whipping and punching me. He takes me down in a side headlock then I fight back and give him a flap jack. Oates fights back but I slip from a side headlock and give him a hammerlock back bomb. He counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then irish whips me. I avoid a forearm blow then he counters snake eyes with a punch and applies a top wrist lock. I break a hammerlock and give him a flying standing elbow smash. Oates counters an inverted piledriver with a punch then gives me a single leg trip. I slip from an arm bar but he counters a backbreaker with a kick in the gut and applies a side headlock before irish whipping me. Oates gives me a forearm blow and takes me down in a side headlock then I slip from a single leg grapevine and give him a hammerlock shoulder breaker. Oates breaks a powerbomb and applies an arm wringer and a front facelock before irish whipping me and giving me a kick in the gut and punches me. I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip Oates but he avoids a lariat. I slip from a side headlock then irish whip him into a high backdrop. He fights back and irish whips me into a bionic elbow then gives me a single leg trip between two knee drops. Oates gives me a flying double axe handle then I slip from a side headlock and give him a backbreaker against the turnbuckles. Oates counters a choke slam with a punch then irish whips me and gives me a forearm blow and a single leg trip. He punches me then gives me a forearm blow before applying a side headlock and a top wrist lock. Oates gives me a rear amateur takedown then drives a knee into a leg and gives me an elbow drop and a knee drop. He gives me an elbow smash and a knee drop then applies an inside toe hold before giving me another knee drop. I avoid an elbow drop but Oates breaks a head twist and kicks me in the gut before applying a front facelock and dropkicking me. I slip a single leg grapevine and throw Oates out of the ring but he stops me from leaving the ring and punches me beforea applying a front facelock and giving me a drop toe hold. I slip from a single leg grapevine and irish whip Oates into a running elbow smash. Oates counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the gut then irish whips me into a forearm blow then applies a front facelock and a side headlock. He irish whips me into a bionic elbow then applies an inside toe hold and a single leg grapevine. I break an inside toe hold and headbutt Oates. He fights back and gives me a bionic elbow then applies an inside toe hold. Oates gives me a flurry of forearms then applies a single leg grapevine. I slip from a figure-four leglock and put Oates in a bearhug before smashing his back against the turnbuckles. Oates counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a punch then puts me in the late inning small package and I kick out at the last second. He gives me a double arm DDT then pins me. [b]Time: 38 minutes, Rating: C+ Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - No Remorse retained the NWA World Tag Team titles by defeating Jimmy Valiant and Terry Funk [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Ken Timbs [b]JPUK[/b] - [color=red]Cowboy Bret Hart defeated Steven Regal[/color] [b]JPUK[/b] - Johnny Saint retained the World Mid-Heavyweight title by defeating Jon Cortez [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock defeated Jeff Gaylord[/color] [b]CWA[/b] - Jerry Lawler retained the AWA International title by defeating Chavo Guerrero Sr [b]UWF[/b] - Tatsumi Fujinami retained the Universal International Heavyweight title by defeating Riki Chosyu [color=blue]Sunday[/color] There were no title matches nor matches involving journaled wrestlers.
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Mark's Monthly Progress Report - July 1, 1985 [color=red]Changes are in red[/color] [b]World Overness[/b] USA - 70 ([color=red]+4[/color]) Canada - 40 Mexico - 40 Japan - 30 UK - 20 [b]Skills/Attributes[/b] Spirit - 61 ([color=red]-4[/color]) power - 76 technique - 50 speed - 54 psychology - 83 stamina - 64 toughness - 89 ([color=red]+1[/color]) charisma - 91 microphone - 29 safety - 66 looks - 92 respect - 32 ([color=red]+1[/color]) [b]Promotions & Match Records[/b] [color=blue]Pacific Northwest[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder -- No longer in promotion Won/Lost records: Singles: 18-3 Tag Teams: 10-0 [color=blue]World Class Championship Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer -- No longer in promotion [color=purple]Former WCCW Heavyweight champ Former WCCW Six Man Tag Team title holder[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 31-6 Tag Teams: 21-1 [color=blue]Central States[/color] Disposition: Heel Main Eventer [color=purple]Current co-holder Central States Tag Team title Former Central States Television champ (2)[/color] Won/Lost records: Singles: 15-8 Tag Teams: 6-1 [color=blue]Mid-South Wrestling[/color] Disposition: Heel Upper Midcarder Won/Lost records: Singles: 13-2 Teams: 6-2
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job change Since I was only in 2 matches in Central States this month I decided to call my agent to look for other locations to wrestle. I got a call back from him saying that Championship Wrestling Association (CWA) would like to meet with me. He also said that a company in Japan, New Japan Pro Wrestling, would also like to meet with me.
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I met with Jerry Jarrett, the owner of Championship Wrestling Association, and he said that I had potential and offered me a position as a Main Eventer for $640 per appearance for one year and that was graciously accepted. I told him that I would be wearing a mask and be known by the same name that I am using in Mid-South Wrestling, Master of Pain. I also flew on Sunday to Japan to meet with Antonio Inoki, the owner of New Japan Pro Wrestling. He thanked me for the inquiry and offered me a tryout match. I told him that it was okay with me since it was my first time in the country and accepted the tryout match. I told Mr. Inoki that I would like to be known as Punisher Dice Morgan. When I got back from my trip to the land of the rising sun, I met with Bob Geigel and told him that I was going to leave his promotion since I was rarely used this past month. I thanked him for the opportunity to wrestle in his promotion and then left for the airport.
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week 1, July 1985 -- Monday thru Wednesday [color=blue]Monday[/color] [b]CWA - CWA All-Stars TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled to make my debut in CWA and there were no title matches held. [b]Today's Wrestling News MLW[/b] - The Mercenaries retained the Canadian Open Tag Team titles by defeating Haruka Eigen and Otto Wanz [b]UWA[/b] - Mil Mascaras retained the UWA World Lightweight title by defeating El Dandy [color=blue]Tuesday[/color] [b]MSW - Mid-South Wrestling TV Show[/b] I am not scheduled and there were no title matches aired. [b]Today's Wrestling News WWF[/b] - Dick Murdoch retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Paul Orndorff [b]WCCW[/b] - [color=red]Ken Shamrock and Johnny Rodz defeated Bob Holly[/color] [b]WWC[/b] - Tatsumi Fujinami won the WWC North American Heavyweight title by defeating Abdullah the Butcher [b]WWC[/b] - Carlos Colon retained the Universal Heavyweight title by defeating Invader #1 [color=blue]Wednesday[/color] [b]NJPW - NJPW Puroresu [color=red]Punisher Dice Morgan[/color] vs. "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton[/b] We get to the ring for my tryout/debut match and they match me up with Bobby Eaton. I start the match by headbutting Eaton and giving him an elbow drop. I give him a throat thrust and a kick in the back then I climb the turnbuckles but he catches me at the top. I fight back then punch him and bodyslam him. Eaton avoids a kick in the chest and gives me a jab punch and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip away before he could elbow drop me on the knee and give him a forearm in the back. Eaton reverses an irish whip and gives me an arm whip and a forearm in the back of the head. He rakes my back then I slip from a side headlock and irish whip him and he avoids a backdrop. I slip from a snap mare and give Eaton an arm wringer smash. Eaton reverses an irish whip, knocking the ref out, and kicks me in the gut before going up and giving me a flying double axe handle. Eaton kicks me in the gut then takes me down in a side headlock and gives me a neck snap. Eaton gives me a fireman's carry takedown and drops an elbow on my knee. I fight back and give Eaton a clubbing blow and a couple of headbutts. Eaton reverses an irish whip, as the ref recovers, then I avoid a punch and give him a couple of throat thrusts. I irish whip Eaton into a backdrop then he breaks a choke hold and takes me down in a side headlock. I slip away but he reverses and whips me into a corner. I slip out of the corner then whip Eaton into a corner and ram my knee into his chest. Eaton fights back and snap mares me but I slip from a neck snap and whip him into a corner. Eaton counters a choke with a kick in the gut then snap mares me. I avoid a kick in the back and give Eaton a short arm clothesline and throw him out of the ring. He stops me from leaving the ring and takes me down in a side headlock then drops an elbow on my knee and kicks me in the back before applying a knee bar. Eaton gives me a neck snap then I slip away and give him a hammerlock back bomb then twist his head. I give Eaton a legdrop then he avoids a roundhouse punch and gives me a leg drag. He gives me a kick after putting me in a hammerlock then he drives me into a corner while in a hammerlock. He gives me a high knee in my chest then climbs the turnbuckles and dropkicks me from the second rope. Eaton slams my face into the mat twice then I slip from an arm wringer and irish whip him into a high backdrop. I climb the turnbuckles then Eaton avoids a flying clothesline and covers me but I am able to kick out at the last second. Eaton drives me into a corner after putting me in a hammerlock then I counter a high knee with a kick in the gut. Eaton slips from an inverted piledriver and gives me a low blow. I slip away but he breaks a bearhug and gives me a bionic elbow. I slip out of a DDT and give Eaton a backbreaker against the turnbuckles and his head is busted open and he starts to bleed. Eaton counters a spinning inverted piledriver with a kick in the gut then gives me a piledriver and covers me but I kick out at the last second. Eaton irish whips me and feels dizzy. He breaks a choke slam and gives me a low blow. I slip away but he breaks a hammerlock then irish whips me and gives me a low blow. I slip away again and he avoids a bearhug and gives me a low blow. I break a DDT and give Eaton a flap jack but he falls on top of me and I kick out at the last second. I counter a low blow with a throat thrust and give Eaton snake eyes. Eaton counters an inverted piledriver with a kick in the gut and irish whips me then I avoid a low blow. Eaton counters a choke slam with a kick in the gut then I slip from a DDT and give him a double backbreaker. Eaton fights back and I slip from an arm wringer. He breaks a bearhug then gives me a low blow and a running neckbreaker. Eaton irish whips me and gives me a low blow then I slip away and irish whip him. The lariat connects and I cover and pin Bobby Eaton for the win. [b]Time: 26 minutes, Rating: B-[/b] Also on the card: [color=red]The Cobra defeated Jushin Lyger[/color] [b]Today's Wrestling News MACW[/b] - Jack Brisco retained the NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Dusty Rhodes [b]MACW[/b] - Jimmy Valiant retained the United States Heavyweight title by defeating Wahoo McDaniel [b]AWA[/b] - [color=red]Jake Milliman defeated Leon White[/color] [b]WWF[/b] - Masked Superstar retained the WWF Intercontinental title by defeating Jesse Ventura [b]WWF[/b] - Dick Murdoch retained the WWF World Heavyweight title by defeating Hulk Hogan [b]GCW[/b] - Bob Brown retained the National Heavyweight title by defeating Pak Song [b]CStates[/b] - [color=red]Paul Roma and One Man Gang defeated Bret Hart and Rusher Kimura[/color] [b]UWA[/b] - Enrique Vera retained the UWA World Middleweight title by defeating Ron Ritchie
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I had a meeting with Antonio Inoki the next morning and said that Bobby Eaton had talked highly of me and gave me an offer as an opener for $160 per appearance. I asked if the contract could be shortened and he said that was a reasonable request. We decided upon a length of six months and I accepted the offer.
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