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NYCW: Life In The Big City

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My story isn't really worth telling at all. But seeing as you're here, I guess I'll spill a little, eh? The only reason you guys are here is that my walk took me down the wrong part of town. You know the places. Fifth Avenue, Broadway, those kinds of places. So I was walking down Fifth Avenue, looking up at all the pretty colors and all the screens, when I stop for a hot dog. Love them hot dogs neh? I eat my dog, and keep on going. But there's this homeless guy on the street. Now, the residence impaired usually stay off of the big streets. but not this time. This guy had a sign out that said "Look behind you." And me, I'm a gullible son-of-a, so I did. And whack, I went down for the dammned count. And for some reason, no one f***ing stirred. No screams, no cries for help, just quiet. I woke up, I dunno how much later. It was pitch black, and I mean PITCH black. I couldn't see s***. But then, neither could my abducta, ya know? So, I woke up, and this guys fumbling around looking for something. I don't know what, but he's definitely lost. He keeps looking for a light, but keeps running into the damn wall. That makes me feel so damn good about the situation. Not only do I have to get kidnapped by a crazy, he's a dumb one too. Finally he finds it, and I get my first look at 'em. He's huge. And I don't mean normal huge, I mean DAMN huge. He walks around the room, and stands in front of me. By the way, I'm f***ing tied to a chair. One of those hardback motherf***ers. He stands there a while, grinning, which just makes me more worried. Finally, he opens his mouth and says: [COLOR="Magenta"]"What do you know about wrestling?"[/COLOR] Wrestling? [I]Wrestling?[/I] Dammnit, this is one crazy son-of-a b****! I mean, I know a little something, I've watched some SWF in my day, and once or twice I've gone down for a DAVE show, but It's not the focus of my damn life. And I tell that to the crazy. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"It's not the center of my damn life."[/COLOR] He just smiles wider. This can't be a good thing in any sense of the word. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Well, It's about to be. My name's The Stomper, and you're the new head booker of New York City Wrestling.[/COLOR] Dammnit, I was right. This was not good, in [I]any[/i] sense of the damn word. NYCW was the wrestling promotion I had tried to avoid like the plague. Not easy to do when you live right in their home base, but I did my best. Because NYCW was the slowest, oldest, stupidest wrestling alive today. They were worse then USPW! It's like they were designed like "Hey, I like the 70's! Let's wrestle like we were there!" And so they go, preying on the golden oldies of the industry, and managing to build a little reputation. Due to what, I don't know. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Not if I've got anything to do with it motherf***er. NYCW is the worst promotion in the city, let alone the world."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Then you change it. I'm sick of losing money, I'm sick of not going anywhere. Bailey's out as booker, you're in. End of Story."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"You want a change, so you go kidnap some poor shmuck off the street?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Who else's gonna work for NYCW?"[/COLOR] He had a point. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I'll give you free room and board. Cable, utilities, the works."[/COLOR] In New York City, that's nothing to sneeze at. I was currently between engagements, so it sounded like a good idea. Plus, he said I could change the promotion. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"You said I could change the promotion up?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Within reason. I've only got four rules. We've gotta have more money in two years then we do know. We've gotta be more popular then we are know. No steriod machines, they tear up my s***. And fer christ's sake, Don't go into debt at any time. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Done, Mister Crazy Stomper guy. I'll take the job."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Good for you, you start tommorrow. Show up."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Done."[/COLOR] And I was off on my journey of magic and wonder. Wait, magic and wonder? More like fighting to make the worst promotion in the dammned world, the dammned best!
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I got to the office at Nine O'Clock A.M. sharp. And there was no one there. Every door in the place was locked, and there was absolutley no one in the area. So I sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, around Noon, a cab pulled up, and dumped The Stomper on the pavement. The cab then squealed away, pulling out as fast as it could. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Oh....my head. What time is it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"Stomper! It's Twelve O'Clock! Where the hell were you? You said nine o'clock sharp!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Oh, I had a bit of a late night last night mate, lemme regain a bit of me strength. Go to ya office, should be a roster list in that whereabouts..[/COLOR] [COLOR="#556b2f"]"The doors are locked!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Ah. I'll get ye a key before the day is over."[/COLOR] [COLOR="#556b2f"]"Where'd you get an accent overnight, anyway?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"I was drinking a wee bit of Guiness."[/COLOR] [COLOR="#556b2f"]"Oh, my... Can you just open the door?"[/COLOR] He opened the doors, and I walked up the stairs to my office. Except there was no office. There was a bathroom. With my name on it. I opened the door, and there was a desk there, with the normal office things. This is just turning out spectacularly. There was a pile of papers on the desk. The first was a week's notice from Roger the Dodger, who was leaving for RIPW. Wunderbar. Then there was a roster page, with the following on it. I've added my own commentary, for a bit o'fun. Main Event: Black Hat Bailey: Brooklyn Crap. Grandmaster Phunk: Pimp Crap. Whistler : American Crap. Upper Card Honest Frank: Honest Crap. Rick Sanders: Veteran Crap. American Machine : Patriot Crap. Mid card Steve Flash: Talented Crap. Coyote Dyanmite and Wiley Steinway: Tag Team Crap. Lee Wright: Old But Good Crap. Land Mass: Fat Crap. Lower Mid Masked Mauler: Scary Crap. New York Doll: Young Crap. Sammy the Shark: Young Crap 2. Rodger Dodger: Leaving Crap. Manager\Staff Herb Stately: Manager Crap. Marv Earnest and Rock Downpour: Announcer Crap. Fern Hathaway: Eye Candy Crap. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Oh, I've been struggling a little to pay those big salaries, so some of 'em may have to leave. Like that Steve Flash."[/COLOR] [COLOR="#556b2f"]"Perfect, the most talented worker on the roster. I think you have to let me sign some talent." [/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Whatever mate, I have to go sleep this off."[/COLOR] One more piece of paper: New York City Wrestling Empire Title Date Of Victory Champion October 2006 Grandmaster Phunk March 2006 Joey Minnesota (2) August 2005 American Buffalo (3) February 2005 Whistler (2) May 2004 Joey Minnesota January 2004 Whistler March 2003 American Buffalo (2) November 2002 Paul Steadyfast June 2002 The Stomper (2) January 2002 American Buffalo August 2001 The Stomper (unifies NYCW World and NYCW United States championships) NYCW Regional Title History September 2006 Steve Flash May 2006 Grandmaster Phunk February 2006 Nevada Nuclear October 2005 Travis Century The Stomper finally struggled through the door. There was a website on the computer that said "Other Workers" above it. Lovely, a beautiful list of all the available talent in the world of wrestling. I called up a few of the workers, and sat back, waiting for the responses. They came back. Damn fast. Do these people have anything else to do in their lives then to sit by the computer? Eh... Here's the rundown on the signings. Frankie Perez Des Davids Kashmir Signh Thomas Morgan Cal Sanders William Hayes Yays, guys who can wrestle! But who aren't over! Oh well, I'm getting there. It was five o'clock. Woo! I love fast days. Stomper stomped by. [COLOR="Magenta"]"See you tommorow, then?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="#556b2f"]"Sure. How many days till our first event, anyway?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Now? Eleven days until NYCW Rush Hour."[/COLOR] Gulp. Eleven days to think of some kind of a plot, some kind of a story. [COLOR="Magenta"]"You can meet the boys tommorow."[/COLOR] Oh boy.
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[QUOTE=Bye1918;230972] [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"You want a change, so you go kidnap some poor shmuck off the street?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Who else's gonna work for NYCW?"[/COLOR] He had a point. [/QUOTE] Priceless! Good luck with this new diary. And a personnal note : Lee Wright is an overpaid somewhat decent crap ;)
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I stepped into the office the next day with a bit of apprehension. Meeting the wrestlers. The men whose lives I now controlled. I decided their fates, glory, or despair. Triumph, or anguish. MUHUHAHAHAHA! Sorry about that. Anyway, I walk into the room, with the "talent" standing before me. Old guys, fat guys, young guys, big guys. Anyway, just a few pleasantries here. We didn't do anything much, just said "Hey, I'm the new booker, so, there you go." But that's not the point here. As I walked back to my office, I was jumped by Black Hat Bailey. He pressed me up against the wall and said: "[COLOR="DimGray"]"Don't f*** it up son. This may not be the biggest promotion, but it's our lives. Do it right, or I'll make you pay for it, eh?"[/COLOR] Ooooh, scary. But I really do intend to do my best. I'm gonna do this company right, as well as I can. Now, on to what I was going to do. Posting the card for NYCW Rush Hour. [QUOTE] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"] [CENTER][B]RUSH HOUR PREVIEW[/B][/SIZE] Grandmaster Phunk vs. Whistler NYCW Empire Championship [I][FONT="Lucidia Console"]The NYCW Empire champion takes on the best opponent for him, here in New York Championship Wrestling. Who will come out the NYCW Empire Champion??? [/FONT][/I] Steve Flash vs. ??? NYCW Regional Championship [I][FONT="Lucidia Console"]Steve Flash defends his NYCW Regional Championship against the winner of the newcomer's match. Who will be Flash's opponent? Who will triumph in this sure-fire classic match?[/FONT][/I] Kashmir Singh vs. Frankie Perez vs. Des Davids vs. William Hayes vs. Thomas Morgan [I][FONT="Lucidia Console"]These five newcomers have come to NYCW to get a shot into a big promotion. But who will win the match, and who will get the shot at Steve Flash for the NYCW Regional Championship later tonight against Steve Flash?[/I] [/center] ALSO IN ATTENDENCE: [LIST] [*]Black Hat Bailey [*]American Machine [*]Masked Mauler [*]Which of these men will actually do something? [/LIST] [/FONT] [RIGHT][FONT="Courier New"]Predictions: Grandmaster Phunk (ch) vs. Whistler Steve Flash (ch) vs. ??? Kashmir Singh vs. Frankie Perez vs. Des Davids vs. William Hayes vs. Thomas Morgan [/FONT] [/RIGHT] [/FONT][/QUOTE]
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NYCW: Rush Hour [CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="5"]NYCW RUSH HOUR[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] DARK: Cal Sanders d. Sammy The Shark (E+) Whistler walks out to the ring. [COLOR="Green"]"Tonight, all you real American's in the arena will be chanting USA, USA as I defeat that unamercian purveyor of unsavory female flesh. I will rend the very flesh from his bones as I win the NYCW Empire Championship. Grandmaster Phunk, be ready. Tonight, you meet a real american in pitched combat, with the biggest prize of them all on the line. HOOOOOOOOO!"[/COLOR] (C-) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheMaskedMauler.jpg[/IMG] Rick Sanders defeated The Masked Mauler in 7:58 with a Figure Four Leg Lock. Grandmaster Phunk is backstage with our own Brent Avatar (User Character) [COLOR="Navy"]"So, The Whistler, the pride of DixieLand thinks he's gonna take my title. The truth is my brother, that there is no one better at making money then a pimp. And no one betta at keeping their gold. And who the hell am I? I'm the Grandmaster of all dem pimps. So holla at the champ. He's staying on top."[/COLOR] (B-) [IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] William Hayes defeated Kashmir Singh, Frankie Perez, Des Davids, Thomas Morgan in 14:34 when he pinned Thomas Morgan after a Slick Trick. (D) Steve Flash walks out to the ring. [COLOR="Indigo"]"Apparently, I'm supposed to give you a shot at my NYCW Tri-State Regional Title now. So let's get this over with son. You've got no shot here. Just some advice, but you might as well give up right at this very moment. Because you know you will feel the Flash Bang!"[/COLOR] (E) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] Steve Flash retained the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship with a Flash Bang after 13:49. (D) [U]No Chemistry[/U] Rock Downpour's marking out at the announce booth. [COLOR="Sienna"]"Ladies and Gentlemen, right now we've got the NYCW Empire Championship match between The Champion, Grandmaster Phunk, and "The Pride of Dixieland" Whistler! Will we have a new champion in just a few moments? "[/COLOR] (C) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] Grandmaster Phunk defeated Whistler in 14:17 with a Gold Teeth. (D+) Grandmaster Phunk celebrates as Rush Hour ends for another year. (C) [B]Show Rating: D+[/B] Notes: Show Raised our popularity. Lost too much money though, stupid five man match. Gotta be more careful with that, but I wanted to get everyone debuted. The show was held in front of 300 fans at The Weston Gymnasium.
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[QUOTE=Gremlinator;231101][B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] (ch) vs. Whistler [B]Steve Flash[/B] (ch) vs. ??? Kashmir Singh vs. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Des Davids vs. William Hayes vs. Thomas Morgan I like the way you talk about the roster lol, spot on with Land Mass.[/QUOTE] Close on the predictions, nice job. Yeah, the roster's no good, but I'm hoping to change that over time. Those expensive "talents" are just way too much for us to afford. [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;231195]Ok I will start by saying at first I didnt like the backstory but now that I have read through this again I like it. This may make me start an NYCW game.[/QUOTE] Go ahead! NYCW is an interesting promotion to work with, due to the fact they have nothing actually going for them. Trying to turn the company around, especially in the early days, is difficult. Trying not to hemmorage money and die, even more difficult. [QUOTE=MrOnu;231242]No chemistry between Flash and Hayes... wow that sucks ! A okay first show, now let's see where you're going next.[/QUOTE] First show's always the hardest! And something happened in-game that makes the lack of chemistry bearable. Yep, definitely bearable. Check it out, it'll happen at the next show.
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[COLOR="Magenta"]"You lost HOW MUCH!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Uh...5,518 dollars..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Dammnit, we can't afford that!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Yeah, I definitely know that. Trust me, as the roster turns over, I'll do my best to install cheaper talent over the untalented sacks of crap that the roster currently consists of."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"You better. Or you could be in trouble here. I can't lose that kind of money."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"It'll get better, let me get my footing."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Okay, what else happened."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"We sold out The Weston Gymnasium. So I raised ticket prices a dollar, we'll see how that impacts attendence. Also, the contracts of Black Hat Bailey and Land Mass are coming up."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Wow, that's quick.!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Tell me about it. What do you say we do with Bailey. I'm going to let Land Mass go, no matter what you think about it, the guy's got no talent whatsoever."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"What's he asking for?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"1,450 dollars per appearence."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Ooh... We can't afford that. Tell him I'm sorry we're going to have to let him go."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Okay, I'll do that. Or better yet, how about you do that. He'll kill me, I'm the new guy."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Alright, I will. Now, what do you have on tap for NYCW Mass Transit?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"A wrestler has just returned to the industry I believe we'll be interested in signing, for the right price of course."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Get it done. And lose less money this time!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I'll do my best."[/COLOR] Turning back to my computer, I posted the card for NYCW Mass Transit: [QUOTE] [CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]NYCW Mass Transit[/SIZE] Grandmaster Phunk vs. Freddie Datsun --NYCW Empire Championship-- [I]The USPW stalwart has come to NYCW to add to his championship gold. Will he defeat the pimp with the biggest bling-bling of them all? Find out, at NYCW Mass Transit. [/I] Steve Flash vs. ??? --NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship-- [I]Steve Flash, fresh off his victory against William Hayes, has issued an open challenge for anyone in the wrestling universe to come take a shot at the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship. Who will answer the call? And will they dethrone the champion?[/I] William Hayes vs. Thomas Morgan [I]Two of the newer wrestlers here in New York City Wrestling go one-on-one. Who will win this matchup? Will it be Hayes, last month's challenger for the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship, or Morgan, the man he pinned to get the chance?[/I][/CENTER] [B]Also In Attendence: [/B] [LIST] [*]Kashmir Singh [*]Frankie Perez [*]Whistler [*]And many more! [/LIST][/FONT] [RIGHT][FONT="Courier New"]Predictions Grandmaster Phunk (ch) vs. Freddie Datsun Steve Flash (ch) vs. ??? William Hayes vs. Thomas Morgan[/FONT][/RIGHT][/QUOTE]
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5000$ losses is kinda big, I agree. I'm 6 months in my diary and I try to lose only 2000$ each show. I could do better, but then, I would have to fire everybody from the original roster and it wouldn't be the NYCW anymore. Predictions [b]Grandmaster Phunk (ch)[/b] vs. Freddie Datsun [b]Steve Flash (ch)[/b] vs. ??? (still too soon for him to drop the belt to an eventual big name surprise imo) William Hayes vs. [b]Thomas Morgan[/b]
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DARK: Cal Sanders d. The New York Punk (E+) [CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]NYCW Mass Transit[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Freddie Datsun is in the center of the ring as the show begins. [COLOR="Orange"]"Now, you all know me as a former USPW World Champion, and as one of the top wrestlers on the East Coast in the last several years. Tonight, you will know me as another thing. NYCW Empire Champion. Grandmaster Phunk. Say goodbye to that belt, it's coming to me. "[/COLOR] (C) Grandmaster Phunk attacks Freddie from behind with a pimp cane, knocking him to the floor. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Sorry cool cat, the belts staying with the king of the swing, the big pimp daddy, the champion with the biggest bling around. Me, Grandmaster Phunk. And don't you forget it."[/COLOR] (C+) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/HonestFrank.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] Kashmir Singh defeated Honest Frank with a Jackhammer in 8:51. (D+) Marv Earnest talking at the announce table. [COLOR="Purple"]"Remember folks, tonight we have a NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship match between Steve Flash and a mystery opponent. Get ready for a great match! Don't leave your seats!"[/COLOR] (D+) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ThomasMorgan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] Thomas Morgan defeated William Hayes with a Trademark Splash in 7:54 (D) Steve Flash walks out and gets in the center of the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Once again, I am called upon to defend my NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship against an opponent I can't scout, can't prepare for. But this is no issue. Because whoever you are, you will feel the Flash Bang!"[/COLOR] (D-) Unfamiliar music hits, and JESSE CHRISTIAN walks out from the back. [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Son, doesn't matter if you could have prepared for me. If you know your history, you know that I was a two-time SCCW World Heavyweight Champion. And son, winning those belts was a lot harder then this is gonna be. "[/COLOR] (C-) Steve Flash makes a "bring it" motion towards Christian, and the match begins. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] Jesse Christian defeated Steve Flash with a Brainbustah in 13:42 to WIN the NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship. (C) Jesse celebrates as the crowd goes wild. (D+) Marv once again's got something to say. [COLOR="Purple"]"Up next, we've got the NYCW Empire Championship between the champion, Grandmaster Phunk and the challenger, Freddie Datsun! Get ready!"[/COLOR] (C) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] Grandmaster Phunk defeated Freddie Datsun with a Bling Bling in 12:21. (C) Phunk celebrates in the ring as the crowd boos. (C-) [b]Show Grade: C-[/b] Notes: Better show this month, still too expensive. Christian just popped up at the end of January, perfect timing. He's half as expensive as Steve Flash.
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[QUOTE=MaxxHexx;231297][B]Grandmaster Phunk[/B] (ch) vs. Freddie Datsun [B]Steve Flash[/B] (ch) vs. ??? [B]William Hayes[/B] vs. Thomas Morgan[/QUOTE] Close, no cigar. 1/3's not bad. [QUOTE=MrOnu;231371]5000$ losses is kinda big, I agree. I'm 6 months in my diary and I try to lose only 2000$ each show. I could do better, but then, I would have to fire everybody from the original roster and it wouldn't be the NYCW anymore. Predictions [b]Grandmaster Phunk (ch)[/b] vs. Freddie Datsun [b]Steve Flash (ch)[/b] vs. ??? (still too soon for him to drop the belt to an eventual big name surprise imo) William Hayes vs. [b]Thomas Morgan[/b][/QUOTE] Obviously, it wasn't soon enough. Christian is so much cheaper then Flash, it's not worth keeping Flash around. Plus... his contracts up in two months, so he had to drop it anyway.
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Also when you renegotiate his contract he won't ask for a downside (usuall) so you won't have to pay if you don't use him. and there's no such thing as "it's not worth keeping" when some one has an A Psych and an A respect he's really the only thing worth keeping.
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the only problem is since he starts at 1500 and won't take a paycut, Stomper never lets you re-sign him as he won't allow you to spend more than 1100-1200 for his contract. Believe me, I have tried to keep him as he is the only one who can get a good match out of the starting roster.
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NYCW Skyscraper Showdown Hype [COLOR="Magenta"]"How much did you lose this time?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Keep in mind this [i]is[/i] less then last time, and must be treated as such. So with that firmly in the front of your mind..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"HOW MUCH DID YOU F***ING LOSE!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"In the neighborhood of 4,800 dollars..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Didn't I tell you that you were supposed to MAKE money?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"It's dammed hard to do that when no one f***ing likes you, and the entire roster is overpriced pieces of crap!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"How do you plan to make money for chrissakes?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"By overhauling the entire roster. Signing cheaper talent that may be less over, but is actually more [I]talented.[/I]"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Our fanbase expects a certain thing from this promotion, and we have to respect that."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Fanbase? FANBASE? You call the three-hundred people who show up because they have nothing better to do a FANBASE? I'm changing the fanbase. I'm changing the product. Gradually, sure. But this is the 21st century Stomper. It's not 1976. We've got to move on. If you want to make money, we have go with the times, man. "[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"Whatever you say. But remember, if you don't make money in two years, you're outta here."[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Trust me, I know. This show's the start of something man, I can feel it. Be ready."[/COLOR] [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]NYCW Skyscraper Showdown![/SIZE][/FONT] [B]Grandmaster Phunk vs. Freddie Datsun[/B] --NYCW Empire Championship-- [I]These two put on a show last month, culminating with Phunk retaining the gold. These two square off in an epic rematch this month, at Skyscraper Showdown![/I] [B]Jesse Christain vs. Steve Flash[/B] --NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship-- [I]The title changed hands last month at Mass Transit, when Jesse Christain stunningly returned to wrestling by defeating Steve Flash. Flash has demanded a rematch, and it has been granted. Who will come back with the title around their waist?[/I] [B] Wiley Coyote vs. Lost Yardage[/B] [I]Who is Lost Yardage? Will they defeat the reigning NYCW Tag Team Champions? Find out at NYCW Skyscraper Showdown![/I] [B]Frankie Perez vs. William Hayes[/B] [I]Two rising up-and-comers in NYCW go at it here in pitched combat. Who will come out the victor?[/I][/CENTER] ALSO IN ATTENDANCE [LIST] [*]KASHMIR SINGH [*]AMERICAN MACHINE [/LIST] [RIGHT][FONT="Courier New"]Predictions Grandmaster Phunk (ch) vs. Freddie Datsun Jesse Christain (ch) vs. Steve Flash Wiley Coyote vs. Lost Yardage Frankie Perez vs. William Hayes[/FONT][/RIGHT][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]NYCW Skyscraper Showdown![/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] DARK: Thomas Morgan d. Sammy The Shark [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KashmirSingh.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanMachine.jpg[/IMG] Kashmir Singh defeated American Machine in 8:21 (C-) [U]Great Chemistry[/U] Freddie Datsun walks out to the center of the ring. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Last time we faced off Grandmaster Phunk, you beat me. I admit that. But tonight, I would like to challenge you to a non-title matchup, here in The Weston Gymnasium. I don't deserve another title match right now, but if I beat you tonight, I deserve one more. Oh, and Phunk? This isn't asking, this is warning. The match's been signed by The Stomper, and is happening TONIGHT."[/COLOR] (C) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Perez d. William Hayes with a P-Clutch in 9:45 (C-) Grandmaster Phunk is backstage for a shoot promo. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"You think you can beat me Freddie Datsun? You think you've got that much hip? Listen Freddie, dawg, I'm so hip I can't see over my pelvis. So man, there is no way I'm losing to you tonight. After you're all bruised and broken, maybe you'd like to invest in the services of one of my fine escorts? That's the only thing you'll take from me tonight!"[/COLOR] (B-) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/DesDavids.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z/WileySteinway.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/CoyoteDynamite.jpg[/IMG] Lost Yardage (Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Des Davids) defeated Wiley Coyote in 7:46 with a Quarterback Sack. (D) A young blonde walks out to the ring with a microphone. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Ladies and Gentlemen of the audience, this is Lost Yardage. They are top football players, and have all the toughness, strength, and speed that requires. I just want you to know, I'm Jenny The Cheerleader, and you will feel the Quarterback Sack!"[/COLOR] (D) Steve Flash walks out and snatches the microphone from Jenny. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"Get outta here girlie, I've got know quarrel with you. My issue's with Jesse Christain. Last month, I lost my Championship to him, but it wasn't fair. I didn't know he was coming and had no time to prepare. So Christain, get out here and see what happens when I'm ready for you!"[/COLOR] (D-) Jesse Christain comes out. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"You want another whooping Flash? I'm only too damn happy to oblige ya."[/COLOR] (C-) [IMG]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/JuggaloNinjaLee/TEW%20Game/ODW/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] Jesse Christain defeated Steve Flash in 12:53 to RETAIN the Tri-State Regional Championship. (D+) A video plays, hyping the upcoming match between Grandmaster Phunk and Freddie Datsun. (C) [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N/FreddieDatsun.jpg[/IMG] Freddie Datsun defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 14:11 by DQ when Grandmaster Phunk hit him with brass knuckles he smuggled in under his hat. (C) Phunk grabs a Microphone. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]"You want another shot at my title Datsun? TAKE IT! I've only got one condition. If I win, you leave NYCW until I lose this belt!"[/COLOR] (C) He savagely kicks the groaning Datsun several times, as the show ends. [B]Show Rating: C[/B] NOTES: WOW! Look at that rating!!! I didn't expect to hit "C" for some time, but so I did. But the show cost too much [I]AGAIN.[/I] I'm going to have to shake-up the roster. I didn't want too, I wanted it to retain the NYCW feel, but I can't afford it. So expect to see a new kind of New York City Wrestling in the weeks to come.
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