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Latest Progress Report

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[B]Latest Progress Report[/B] May 16th I'll be doing occasional progress reports over the next couple of months, to keep people informed of what's going on. The current plan is to start a Developer's Journal, like we did with TEW07, around mid-July, and this will be where I'll explain features in depth. Currently, the game is coming together well. The reason things have been so quiet recently is that I've been very busy with the lengthy process of coding the main game engine. This is the part that handles the basics, like the AI for hiring new fighters, the booking engine, etc. Although it isn't quite finished, I'm extremely pleased with how everything is working so far, and some of the design decisions that have been made are working a lot better than even I had hoped for. I'm confident that the balance of fun vs. realism is strong, perhaps even better than TEW07 (which I was pleased with). The only downside is that the game engine section is fairly dull to talk about, so there's not a great deal to write for this update. My aim is to have the basic game engine framework finished by the end of next week, which will allow me to move on to the more exciting features elsewhere in the game.
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Thanks Adam. I tried to do a speech on you as most important man to America (Not nessasarily an American) in the last 50 years. My professor wouldn't let me. So much for the global economic trends you set. After this post the New York Stock Exchange is on the up! Now my list is Bob Hope, Bill Gates, Jonas Salk, Alan Greenspan, and :(=Vince McMahon.
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