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[QUOTE]Meanwhile in Canada & Japan, three seperate press conferences were called the first week. Kim Gallagher (aka Nicci Powers) was explaining that her career in wrestling wasn't taking off all that well and she was retiring to concentrate on fitness work. Over in Japan, former NOTBPW Womens Champion Junko Hayakawa, announced that upon returning to Japan, the work had dried up and she was going to move into training the next generation of wrestlers. Finally, Namiyo Muro - two time 5 Star World Champion - told the world that she was ending her career. Namiyo had been out of work since leaving 5SSW following a contract dispute and would now be concentrating on training rookies.[/QUOTE] Had the exact same female wrestlers retire at the exact same time in my current dynasty. Too weird. ;)
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[FONT="Arial"][B][SIZE="3"]May 2007:[/SIZE][/B] May was a little boring: NYCW see's the departure of Whistler. He decided that he wanted to end his career somewhere other than America, But no-one is hiring. The Exodus from SWF continues into its second month, with Enygma & Jack Bruce leaving with claims that they cant work under the current management. This leaves Rich Money, Skull DeBones, Christian Faith & Steve Frehley to carry the company. However chances are that you wont be able to see them on TV, as first CBA pulled TNT, and then America-Sports 1 pulled Supreme TV leaving them with no coverage in the states. The only channel still airing the show is UK Broadcasting Secondary, but considering its on Friday at 10pm, chances are that the ratings wont be too high with the last show earning a 0.44 IVR Rating. In Japan, fans were saddened to hear that 8-time Burning Junior Champion Optimus was retiring from in-ring action. Kaneie Komine has already let it be known that a road agent position is available for him and that his place on the booking team was still secure. [B]Title News:[/B] Rolling Johnny Stones defeated Nightmare [SIZE="1"][I]for the 21CW United Kingdom Championship[/I][/SIZE] Sensational Ogiware defeated Thunder Hike [I][SIZE="1"]for the 5 Star World Championship (Now 8-Time Champion)[/SIZE][/I] Sensational Dragon defeated Dark Angel [I][SIZE="1"]for the Burning Junior Championship (Now 2-Time Champion)[/SIZE][/I] Nissho Tuasa defeated Samoan Machine [I][SIZE="1"]for the Burning Openweight Championship (Now 2-Time Champion)[/SIZE][/I] Hooded Kudo defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa [I][SIZE="1"]for the Burning World Championship (Now 4-Time Champion)[/SIZE][/I] Grace Harper defeated Emma Bitch [I][SIZE="1"]for the CWWF Universal Championship[/SIZE][/I] Pistol Pete Hall defeated Hiroyasu Gakusha [I][SIZE="1"]for the GCG World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/I] Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Mito Miwa [I][SIZE="1"]for the PGHW Glory Crown (Now 4-Time Champ)[/SIZE][/I] Roku Sotomura & Masayuki Shiga defeated Hirokazu Yamanoue & Strong Style Yoemon [I][SIZE="1"]for the PGHW International Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/I] Hirokazu Yamanoue defeated Hitomaro Suzuki [I][SIZE="1"]for the SAISHO Destiny Championship[/SIZE][/I] Enrique Merino, Rebelde Loco & Vincente Romero defeated Blood Raven, Mexican Beast & Mexican Ghoul [I][SIZE="1"]for the Camperones de Trios SOTBPW Championship[/SIZE][/I] Ketsueki Karasu defeated Yuki Horigoshi [I][SIZE="1"]for the WLW Intercontinental Championship[/SIZE][/I] The Incredible KOYAMA defeated UK Dragon [SIZE="1"][I]to become World Level Show Stealer (Now 3-Time)[/I][/SIZE] The Incredible KOYAMA & Silver Shark defeated Insane Machine & Dean Daniels [I][SIZE="1"]for the World Level Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/I] Koji Kojima defeated Dark EAGLE [I][SIZE="1"]for the World Level Universal Championship (Now 3-Time Champ)[/SIZE][/I] [B]GDS Watchlist:[/B] [B]Jean Cattley [SIZE="1"](aka Mean Jean)[/SIZE]:[/B] [I]Extends his streak to 4 wins by beating Huey Cannonball.[/I] [B]Cal Sanders:[/B] [I]Sanders goes back to losing matches, this time against Murderous Mikey on the Canadian Indy Circuit.[/I] [B]Sherie Guthrie [SIZE="1"](aka Cherry Bomb)[/SIZE]:[/B] [I]Once again fails to beat Raven Nightfall for the AAA #1 Contenders, and her match on the debut show from CWWF ended in a no contest against Suzanne Brazzle.[/I] [B]Marc DuBois:[/B] [I]Appears in a triple threat match with Bart Biggz & Calamari Kid for the Shooting Star Championship on PPV. He fails to take the belt.[/I] [B]Aaron Andrews:[/B] [I]Met Freddy 'Hugmeister' Huggins on the PPV and wins, marking the 3rd time he has bested him since march.[/I] [B]Fox Mask:[/B] [I]Fox Mask has appeared on every CZCW show this year, and at every show, he has lost[/I] [B]Coming Up:[/B] [I]June 2007. Halfway through the first year. Watch this space for the preview.[/I] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;247515]I'm starting to swell a little by this :eek: ... these two are my favorites..[/QUOTE] heh then you might wanna keep an eye on my diary. Without revealing too much, I like Cherry Bomb a lot too and Raven's character reminds me a lot of one Mark Calloway so...... ;) Grace over Emma is SO gonna bite them in the hiney fairly soon. :p
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[QUOTE=Remianen;247824]heh then you might wanna keep an eye on my diary. Without revealing too much, I like Cherry Bomb a lot too and Raven's character reminds me a lot of one Mark Calloway so...... ;) Grace over Emma is SO gonna bite them in the hiney fairly soon. :p[/QUOTE] yeah, I've kept up a little, not as much as I'd like to.. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things.. so I'm ready for some excitement!!! ;)
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[QUOTE=Remianen;247824]heh then you might wanna keep an eye on my diary. Without revealing too much, I like Cherry Bomb a lot too and Raven's character reminds me a lot of one Mark Calloway so...... ;) Grace over Emma is SO gonna bite them in the hiney fairly soon. :p[/QUOTE] Are you using MY diary to promote YOURS?? Damn.. I wish i thought of that idea first :D
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][SIZE="3"]June 2007:[/SIZE][/B] GDS Blog writer reappears and apologises for his absence last month. He claims to have been holidaying in the behamas and never had a chance to put up a blog. This month however he wanted to sing the praises of the European League of Professional Fighters. Michael Moodies fledgling promotion has apparently been raising the roof since its inception and wowing crowds enough to warrant a prestige increase.. He henceforth dubs them Small. He also retracted what he said about Joel Bryant a few months back. He explains that TCW's recent shows have been well above the standard and reckons they must be the new leader in international wrestling. Joel Bryant himself must have noticed as he went on a hiring spree soon afterwards, signing DaVE referee Ryan Holland, SWF's Enygma, DaVE's Joey Minnesota & SWF's Joe Sexy, which meant their Tag Titles became vacant. Recent debuters Alicia Strong & Bulldozer Brandon Smith finally found employment this month. Alica signed on for a tour with 5SSW & Brandon will be featuring on WLW's latest tour. They join Davis Wayne Newton who signed a PPA deal with 4C in May, but has yet to actually debut. This month we get two more retirements. The first was Jakki White Trash, who decided to leave the in-ring action alone and concentrate on becoming a decent manager. The second was one half of the 4-Time TCW Tag Team Champions & 2-Time CGC World Tag Team Champions before settling in for a final run at USPW. June 2007 was the month when The Demons Of Rage finally went their seperate ways as Demon Anger hangs up his boots. [B]Title Changes:[/B] Elimination Agents defeated The Ivanoff Brothers [I][SIZE="1"]for the 21CW Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/I] Cherry Bomb defeated Suzanne Brazzle [I][SIZE="1"]for the CWWF #1 Contendership[/SIZE][/I] Jimmy Cox defeated Pistol Pete Hall [I][SIZE="1"]for the GCG World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/I] Hitomaro Suzuki defeated Heihachiro Sakai [I][SIZE="1"]for the Hinote Dojo All-Japan Championship[/SIZE][/I] Kada & Eien Miyamoto defeated Nakazawa & Yoshikawa [I][SIZE="1"]for the SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/I] El Diamante Azul defeated Hysteria [I][SIZE="1"]for the Campeon de Menor SOTBPW Championship[/SIZE][/I] Lobster Warrior defeated Rich Money [I][SIZE="1"]for the SWF North American Championship (Now 3-time Champ)[/SIZE][/I] Darryl Devine defeated Bart Biggz [I][SIZE="1"]for the SWF Shooting Star Championship[/SIZE][/I] Steve Frehley defeated Runaway Train [I][SIZE="1"]for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/I] Freddie Huggins defeated American Elemental [I][SIZE="1"]for the TCW All Action Championship (Now 3-Time Champ)[/SIZE][/I] Painfull Procedure defeated The Wrestling Machines [I][SIZE="1"]for the TCW World Tag Team Championship (Now 3-Time Champs)[/SIZE][/I] Burning EXILE defeated Hiroshi Morisue [I][SIZE="1"]for the WEXXV King Of Death Matches Championship[/SIZE][/I] [B]GDS Watchlist:[/B] [B]Jean Cattley (aka Mean Jean): [/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Tagged with Antonio to defeat Ricky Douglas & Oscar Golden[/SIZE][/I] [B]Cal Sanders:[/B] [SIZE="1"][I]Biff The Bruiser took Sanders apart in another indy match.[/I][/SIZE] [B]Sherie Guthrie (aka Cherry Bomb):[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]The usual AAA defeat against Raven Nightfall but she did manage to beat Suzanne Brazzle for the CWWF #1 Contendership[/SIZE][/I] [B]Marc DuBois:[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Only 1 match in June beating Kurt Laramee on PPV[/SIZE][/I] [B]Aaron Andrews:[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Was thrown into a random 3v3 match which his side lost[/SIZE][/I] [B]Fox Mask:[/B] [I][SIZE="1"]Like Andrews, he was thrown into a random 3v3 match which his side lost[/FONT][/SIZE][/I] [FONT="Tahoma"][B]Coming Up:[/B] [I]July 2007.. Jim 'Buy My Merchandise' Force gets another job, & another worker leaves SWF. Where does Jim end up and who is walking out of SWF..? Tune in to find out...[/I][/FONT] [QUOTE][I][FONT="Tahoma"]I need a name for GDS's blog writer.. Any suggestions?[/FONT][/I][/QUOTE]
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I know Eddie Peak is still holding onto the top DaVE title. 13 defences i think so far.. As for Bryan Holmes.. I dont know what he is upto. I left it simming and i think its now upto November. So tomorrow (given the fact its 3.30am) i should knock out another month and let you know how he is doing
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[QUOTE=Clarity;249112]I know Eddie Peak is still holding onto the top DaVE title. 13 defences i think so far.. As for Bryan Holmes.. I dont know what he is upto. I left it simming and i think its now upto November. So tomorrow (given the fact its 3.30am) i should knock out another month and let you know how he is doing[/QUOTE] Looking forward to it! I guess since everyone else is getting in on it, I might as well post my own interests. Kozue Kawashima & PRIDE Koiso? Periodic updates on them would be awesome. :D
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;249124]Looking forward to it! I guess since everyone else is getting in on it, I might as well post my own interests. Kozue Kawashima & PRIDE Koiso? Periodic updates on them would be awesome. :D[/QUOTE] Adding both of those takes the Watchlist upto 10. To save myself from it getting too out of hand, i better cap the amount to watch at 15. I can always swap some out later on
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[QUOTE=Alex Gariepy;247445]Really? Because every game I played has Leo Davis becoming head booker... and it also gets annoying, because it seems even if you have great reputation, Larry won't accept you as head booker. ;)[/QUOTE] Leo Davis is Head Booker of RIPW my dev territory. I am a bit pissed off because he has held the main title there 8 times! (in 2017 in my game) leaving more talented workers in the dark.
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[FONT="Arial"][B][SIZE="3"]July 2007:[/SIZE][/B] I thought May was bad for news. July had even less happening. SWF really cant seem to get a break lately. Over the last few months, their lineup have all but walked out on them. Mikel Alonso, Shady K, Knuckles, Jim 'Buy My Merchandise' Force, Brett Biggz, Jessie, Duane Fry, Enygma & Jack Bruce have all left leaving Eric Eisen as a main eventer when Skull DeBones walked out this month. Cult Hero Jim Force had only been at SWF for a month or two when he became part of the exodus, and found himself out of work. Jim has now headed up to Canada to work to George DeColt's Canadian Golden Combat. Joining him there was SWF colleage Skull DeBones. On Skull DeBones debut TV match he defeated John Maverick to win the CGC Canadian Championship. Jim Forces debut was on the same show but didn't go as well. He lost to Grimm Quibble and hasn't been seen on TV since. [B]Title News:[/B] [I][SIZE="1"](Any worker on the GDS Watchlist involved in a title change is highlighted in red)[/SIZE][/I] Wanda Fish defeated Joanne Rodriguez [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"]for the AAA Femme Fatale Championship (Now 4-Time Champ)[/SIZE][/COLOR] Skull DeBones defeated John Maverick [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]for the CGC Canadian Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] The Natural defeated Alex DeColt [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the CGC World Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"][COLOR="Black"][SIZE="2"]The GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship[/SIZE][/COLOR] was vacated when Jack Marlowe left the company.[/COLOR][/SIZE] The Natural defeated Dark Angel [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Navy"]for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Swarm II defeated Luis Montero Jr [COLOR="navy"][SIZE="1"]for the Campeon de Mexico OLLIE Championship[/SIZE][/COLOR] Akinori Kwakami & Bryan Vessey defeated [COLOR="DarkRed"]PRIDE Koiso & Kozue Kawashima[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"][SIZE="1"]for the PGHW Glory Tag Crown[/SIZE][/COLOR] Joshua Taylor defeated Washi Heat [COLOR="navy"][SIZE="1"]for the PGHW International Championship (Now 2-Time Champ)[/SIZE][/COLOR] Julian Watson defeated Hirokazu Yamanoue [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the SAISHO Destiny title.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Henry Lee & Doug Peak defeated Battle Sakata & Hiroshi Morisue [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the WEXXV Blood Brothers title.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Yuki Horigoshi defeated Ketsueki Karasu [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the WLW Intercontinential Championship. (Now 3-Time Champ)[/COLOR][/SIZE] Dean Daniels defeated Hell Monkey [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the World Level Street Fighting Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Other Notes:[/B] CZCW, MoSC, BSC, 4C, MAW, RIPW, ROF are yet to have a Championship change hands. [B]GDS Watchlist:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Jean Cattley:[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Appears to have been given the month off[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Cal Sanders:[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"]Someone must have it in for him. He met Biff again and lost[/SIZE] [COLOR="Navy"][B]Sherie Guthrie:[/B] [/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Went to a time limit draw against Vixxen in AAA[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"][B]Marc DuBois:[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Beat up Big Smack Scott only to lose to Sam Keith at The Supreme Challenge[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"][B]Aaron Andrews:[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]2 Matches, 2 wins. First was a 3v3 match, and the second was against Fumihiro Ota[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"][B]Fox Mask:[/B] [/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Tagged with Masked Couger but lost to Air Force 1[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"][B]Eddie Peak:[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Appeared on Day 2 of the Extreme Double Header defeating Big Cat Brandon to retain his belt. Is currently riding a 7 match winning streak.[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"][B]Bryan Holmes:[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Involved in 6 matches this month as part of the PGHW Hell Hole tour. He won them all.[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"][B]Kozue Kawashima:[/B][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Lost the Glory Tag Crown's after 16 defences. Then proceeded to get some form of salvation by beating Team Toronto.[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="navy"]PRIDE Koiso:[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE="1"]Lost the Glory Tag Crown's after 16 defences. Then proceeded to get some form of salvation by beating Team Toronto. [/SIZE] [B]Coming Up:[/B] [I]Trouble for DaVE, a champ retires, and could SWF [B][U]FINALLY[/U][/B] be started to get out of its slump. Predictions are always welcome as we head into August 2007[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B][SIZE="3"]August 2007:[/SIZE][/B] If i asked you to name someone from DaVE, chances are that there would be the same names thrown around again & again. Eddie Peak, Jack Giedroyc, Chris Caulfield, Eric Tyler, Nemesis, and depending on whether you read the diary, Mark Cuban. But when the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet comes calling, you cant say no really.. And so John Cambell (aka Nemesis) left DaVE after 9 years to take up the colour commentary position at TCW alongside Kyle Rhodes & Jason Azaria. Just two months after his partner hung up his boots, Demon Spite retired this month, officially ending The Demons Of Rage. However Spite decided he didn't want to job his last match against Mick Muscles and as such still held the USPW National Championship. The title was later vacated and won by Giant Redwood. Along with Demon Spite, there was another retirement this month. Appearing on 22 shows on the 5SSW Wrathchild Tour, Nene Ebina has decided to end her career. However when the tour finshed Nene found herself out of work. Over the last few months, Richard Eisen has been pulling his hair out trying to sort SWF out, and this month i think he might have been able to breath a sigh of relief.. Even with Remo walking out, things are looking brighter as he signed a new PPV deal with Public Access Select. Admittingly its a very small company but considering that Supreme TV was only shown in the UK, any american coverage is good. [B]Title News:[/B] [I][SIZE="1"](Any worker on the GDS Watchlist involved in a title change is highlighted in red)[/SIZE][/I] June Butler defeated Saori Nakadan [COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"]for the 5 Star All-Asian Championship[/SIZE][/COLOR] June Butler & Raku Makuda defeated Saori Nakadan & Saeko Hiroyuki for [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]the 5 Star Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Emma Bitch defeated Melody Cuthill [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the NOTBPW Womens Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Raymond Diaz defeated Dread [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the PGHW Historical Japan Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Robbie Retro & Akima [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the vacant SWF World Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Toby Juan Kanobi defeated Beast Bantom [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the UCR European Championship (Beast beat Jed High earlier in the month)[/COLOR][/SIZE] Giant Redwood defeated Warlord Agony [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the vacant USPW National Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Saionji Omura defeated Burning EXILE for [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]the vacant WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Cyber Fighter 3000 defeated Yuki Horigoshi [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the WLW Intercontinential Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Haru Kurofuji defeated The Incredible KOYAMA [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the World Level Show Stealer Title[/COLOR][/SIZE] The Great Hisato defeated Koji Kojima [SIZE="1"][COLOR="navy"]for the World Level Universal Championship (Now 2-Time Champ)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]GDS Watchlist:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]Jean Cattley: [/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Defeated Antonio & Flash Savage in a tag match with Ricky Douglas at MAW Suicide Situation[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Cal Sanders: [/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Joined up with Biff this month to defeat Vars & Calvin Dark[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Sherie Guthrie:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Lost to Raven Nightfall [U]again[/U] for the AAA Top Contenders Title[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Marc DuBois:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Defeated Zimmy Bumfhole one week and then lost to Frederique Antonio Garcia the next week.. Come on. Its FLEX![/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Aaron Andrews:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]2 wins this month. First was Charlie Thatcher, and the other was Jay Darkness. Is now riding a 4 match winning streak[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Fox Mask:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]Fox Mask switched up partners this month to try capture the CZCW Tag titles. This months partner was Remmy Skye.. They lost[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Eddie Peak:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]A rematch from The Extreme Double Header, and the same result. Peak retains[/SIZE] [COLOR="navy"]Bryan Holmes:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]1 out of 4 wins on the PGHW Hell Hole Tour, however putting on B- Rated matches throughout.[/SIZE] [COLOR="Navy"]Kozue Kawashima[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]6 matches in August. Highlight of which was beating The Vessey Brothers at the end of the month with PRIDE Koiso[/SIZE]. [COLOR="Navy"]PRIDE Koiso:[/COLOR] [SIZE="1"]9 matches this month, and after an initial rocky start he helped defeat the Vessey Brothers and then beat Junnosuke Fukazawa to close August[/SIZE] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][B]Random Profile:[/B] [COLOR="navy"]Officer Goodhead[/COLOR] Officer Goodhead is a former centerfold, who was an original member of the Babes Of Sin City roster. She plays an evil law enforcement officer, who has no problem strip searching other competitors at any time. [B]Current Form:[/B] [SIZE="1"]7 months, 7 Matches. Lost the first 6 and has finally picked up a win against Anne Hitchc0ck.[/SIZE] [B]Average Rating:[/B] [SIZE="1"]E-[/SIZE] [B]Highest Rating:[/B][SIZE="1"] E[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Coming Up:[/B] [I]Who takes over the book for Nemesis at DaVE, and change at SWF[/I][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[FONT="Arial"]As a sneaky preview of things to come, i have just got to the end of 2007: [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]At least 3 of the GDS watchlist make the top 100[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]1 member of the watchlist winds up unemployed[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]Another winds up injured[/FONT] [/LIST][FONT="Arial"][/FONT] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]A shock Promotion Of The Year winner[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]We have at least 2 new head bookers[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]Someone fails a drugs test and another poses nude[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]And a promotion goes out of business[/FONT] [/LIST] All to come in the next 3 months[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;249797][FONT="Arial"]As a sneaky preview of things to come, i have just got to the end of 2007: [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"][B]At least 3 of the GDS watchlist make the top 100[/B][/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]1 member of the watchlist winds up unemployed[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]Another winds up injured[/FONT] [/LIST][FONT="Arial"][/FONT] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]A shock Promotion Of The Year winner[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]We have at least 2 new head bookers[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]Someone fails a drugs test and another poses nude[/FONT] [/LIST] [LIST] [*][FONT="Arial"]And a promotion goes out of business[/FONT] [/LIST] All to come in the next 3 months[/FONT][/QUOTE] Ooh, ooh, lemme take a guess: Bryan Holmes PRIDE Koiso Kozue Kawashima Thus proving once and for all that [B]PGHW > *[/B]. :D
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;249798]Ooh, ooh, lemme take a guess: Bryan Holmes PRIDE Koiso Kozue Kawashima Thus proving once and for all that [B]PGHW > *[/B]. :D[/QUOTE] Well one of those is featured in one of the events. Whatcha reckon.. Pride injured? Holmes posing nude?? Only i know *cue evil laugh*
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