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The point of this thread is in the title so heres my card [B]WWE No Mercy 2007[/B] [B]Special Apperance By HHH[/B] An apperance by HHH wher he will say he is returning and his first match will be tomorrow night where he belong in the Main Event on RAW. [B]Intercontinental Title Nick Dinsmore(c) vs. Johnny Nitro[/B] It all started when eugene beat nitro for the title on Raw so the next week nitro beat him down and berated him saying he was stupid the next week eugene said he was through with acting like an idiot and challenged nitro to a rematch to prove it wasn't just a fluke. [B]United States Title Samoa Joe(c) vs. Goldberg vs. Mark LoMonaco[/B] (bubba ray dudley under his real name as d-von still has a year left on his TNA contract) Joe stated an open challenge to anyone who wanted a shot at his US Title which both Goldberg and Mark answered. They have had triple threat tag team matches and a mix of single matches building up to this. [B]No DQ Match Abyss vs. Joey Mercury[/B] Abyss has been unstoppable since coming to the WWE and Joey Mercury is just another on the list who had tried to stop him but in their first match Joey won by DQ so the next week on ECW Abyss destoyed Joey after his match with Kenny Dykstra to set the score. Joey wanted revenge so he challenged Abyss to a no DQ match at No Mercy. [B]Rene Dupree vs. Marcur Cor Von[/B] Rene has been given a massive push since he was called up and Marcus is just a stepping stone to eventually get him to the main event. [B]Fatal Four Way Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] Angle and Brock went at it as soon as Brock heard Kurt was back in WWE. The Hardy's became involved when it was Kurt vs. Matt and Brock came running in with a chair and slammed it into the face of Matt so Kurt would lose but Matt took it that it was to injure him for no reason so the next week a tag team match was set up Brock and Kurt vs The Hardy's which went to a double count out so to settle it all this match was made. [B]Grudge Match The Rock vs. Mr. Kennedy[/B] It all Started When Rock was No. 1 contender to the world heavyweight title and in one of his interviews he may of mentioned something that was offensive to Kennedy so in the title match Kennedy attacked the Rock. So the next Week on Samckdown The Rock interferes in the No.1 contender match with Kennedy and Edge to make it so Edge wins. From there on it has been a battle of the promos on Samckdown. [B]Bobbly Lashley vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker[/B] PPV filler match but a really good one though. [B]WWE Title Chris Jericho(c) vs. Carlito[/B] The RAW after King Of The Ring Carlito came out at the start of the show and said he was tired of being pushed around by the 'Big Guys' so he made a challenge to the 'Biggest' person on the RAW roster the only person who thought he cooler then Carlito Chris Jericho. He then berated Jericho saying he was just obnoxious not cool at all and Carlito was the coolest guy in WWE. Thats when Jericho came out and accepted the challenge. In later weeks there have been beatdowns, run-ins, apple spitting ans gre3at interviews all leadin to this. [B]ECW World Title CM Punk(c) vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] Upon his return Rey went to Smackdown but Teddy long reminded him that he lost his I Quit match with Chavo so he had to leave after that he went to being mixed up with RAW and ECW both trying to get him to sign for them he eventually picked ECW and went through a few months not doing much then he set his sights on Gold. [B]World Heavyweight Title MVP(c) vs. Edge[/B] Edge is trying to win what he lost 4 months ago. He earned the right by winning the No.1 Contender match against Kennedy which The Rock interferd with since then there have been tag matches and pick your poison matches to build up to this much anticipated rematch.
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[B]WWE No Mercy 2007[/B] [B]Special Apperance By HHH [/B]- Triple H is always a good pick for you to use, so good choice. [B]Intercontinental Title Nick Dinsmore(c) vs. Johnny Nitro[/B] - Both very talented in the ring. I see you letting Dinsmore hang onto it, but a upset with Nitro winning would definitely add a twist. [B]United States Title Samoa Joe(c) vs. Goldberg vs. Mark LoMonaco[/B] - I've never once thought of Bubba in a singles match, so this kind of caught me off-gaurd. I like Joe a lot, with my bias of Bubba as a tag team wrestler only, and the simple fact Golberg is pretty lousy in the ring - Joe should pick up the win. [B]No DQ Match Abyss vs. Joey Mercury[/B] - I think this would be pretty interesting to actually see in real life. Mercury is awesome and Abyss is really talented as well. But, in my eyes - if you've had Abyss destroy people as of late, don't let a guy like Mercury pin him for the three. Maybe a DQ, countout, or something? [B]Rene Dupree vs. Marcur Cor Von[/B] - Very simple. Dupree wins and his career continues building. I understand why you want to do this with Dupree. I did the same exact thing in one of my TEW05 games a year ago. Very good talent that would be a shame to waste. [B]Fatal Four Way Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] - This would be a very exciting match to see. A bunch of different styles in the ring at once. I'd have Lesnar or Angle pull out the win though. [B]Grudge Match The Rock vs. Mr. Kennedy[/B] - Wow! Grudge match? More like DREAM match. I honestly believe that Kennedy is a charismatic machine like The Rock was and has even more in-ring ability then The Rock does. I would continue this feud for months to tell you the truth. Letting both get equal wins. [B]Bobbly Lashley vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker[/B] - I love Orton and Lashley a lot. But I have to say Orton. Since we've basically seen this - I don't have much to say on it. [B]WWE Title Chris Jericho(c) vs. Carlito[/B] - Jericho is awesome. But Carlito is my FAVORITE WWE wrestler currently and he has the charisma and in-ring talent. I doubt you'll have Carlito win it, but I'd like to see it. :) [B]ECW World Title CM Punk(c) vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] - I have nothing to say about this. You should get a good rating on this match and you better let Punk retain. ;) [B]World Heavyweight Title MVP(c) vs. Edge[/B] - Very simple. Let Edge get a hold of that belt again! :cool: [B]Overall[/B] - Very interesting card and fairly unique as well. I'll be interested to see how this show turns out (match ratings, overall rating, buyrate).
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[QUOTE]I would continue this feud for months to tell you the truth. Letting both get equal wins.[/QUOTE] If it gets a good rting that is my plan [QUOTE]I'll be interested to see how this show turns out (match ratings, overall rating, buyrate).[/QUOTE] I'll get that to ya as soon as I can. On another note after No Mercy it is Cyber Sunday I will post all the different picks in this thread and then the overall card I will continue to post all my PPV cards in here until I feel the advice it isn't worth the time but it's good so far.
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im not that interested by the card. MVP is not a main event calibur wrestler...yet...Punk-Mysterio could be all kinds of fun but their may be a style clash. Jericho-Carlito is ok, but im not high on Carlito. Triple Threat could be fun as well, as Booker will probably the match to a good rating. Mr Kennedy vs. The Rock is a match featuring the two wrestlers i think are the most overrated but i could be a fun match. i like the Fatal 4 Way, mainly coz Brock and Angle are freaking awesome. Dupree vs. Von Cor (~!) will probably send me to sleep. Mercury isnt the right guy to work a No DQ match with Abyss. i like the US title match just for the personal glee at seeing my favourite WCW guy (except Booker) face off against my favourite TNA guy and my former favourite ROH guy. Nitro vs. Dinsmore could be allright but not much more. all in all im not that interested in this card, and if it was an actual PPV im not sure i would buy it. that being said you may be able to get some sweet game ratings from some of these matches. so from a wrestling fans perspective, thumbs slightly down. from a gameplay perspective, thumbs in the middle
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First things first. No women's match? That disappoints me. [B]Special Apperance By HHH[/B] I do not like Triple H. As a heel he consumes too much airtime and gets stale very quickly. As a face, he consumes possibly even more airtime and is stale from the get-go. But at least this way he's not tying up a match spot on this PPV card. [B]Intercontinental Title Nick Dinsmore(c) vs. Johnny Nitro[/B] I've been waiting forever for Eugene's heel turn to consist of pulling a fast one and revealing to everyone that he was faking them out. But it's never happened. I could see this feud playing out on television and think Dinsmore should get a couple more victories over Nitro to infuriate him before Nitro gets his revenge. [B]United States Title Samoa Joe(c) vs. Goldberg vs. Mark LoMonaco[/B] I don't really care for Bubba Ray at all, even as a tag wrestler. And even though I have Goldberg on my WWE game, he doesn't win many matches. Samoa Joe is just better than them both. Give him the victory and move him onto a real challenge. Maybe a feud with the returning Triple H? That'd be kind of cool to see without McMahon booking it. [B]No DQ Match Abyss vs. Joey Mercury[/B] Surprised by the choice of Joey Mercury but I think it works real well. Like someone said above though, don't let Mercury steal everything Abyss has built up. Maybe take Abyss into a match against Kane or Umaga? [B]Rene Dupree vs. Marcur Cor Von[/B] I don't personally care for either man but I dislike Rene less than Cor Von. [B]Fatal Four Way Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] Brock or Kurt, definitely. I just can't see either Hardy in the main-event, despite what everyone says or how many pushes they get. They just aren't at that level, in my opinion. [B]Grudge Match The Rock vs. Mr. Kennedy[/B] I agree that this would be a dream match and a feud I'd like to see continued. Perhaps end this in a draw to keep them even, and the heat alive between them. Either that, or Kennedy steals the victory to earn Rock's ire. [B]Bobbly Lashley vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker[/B] I like Lashley and Orton, but I don't care for Booker. So as long as he doesn't get the win, it should be good. [B]WWE Title Chris Jericho(c) vs. Carlito[/B] I miss seeing Jericho with the top title and think he should definitely hold onto it, but the feud with Carlito should definitely continue. Carlito wouldn't take being beaten by Jericho laying down. I could see them inviting one another as guests on the Highlight Reel and Carlito's Cabana. Or doing mock interviews on their show. This could be a really fun feud to play through a mixture of angles and matches. [B]ECW World Title CM Punk(c) vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] If Rey's been jobbing a lot lately, I'd say put the belt on him. But there's not really any build to the win. He and Punk don't have any heat, right? It wouldn't really be that great of a story for Mysterio to knock off a top face champion at this rate. Maybe turn one of them heel in/after this match and go into a bigger victory at December To Dismember or drag it out to WrestleMania, if that's possible. [B]World Heavyweight Title MVP(c) vs. Edge[/B] I do not like Edge at all. I think he's boring on the mic and in the ring. Leave it on MVP. I have a soft spot for unlikely guys pushed to the top as champion. After all, Johnny Stamboli held my World Heavyweight Title for a year. Overall, the PPV looks great on paper but if it were real, I wouldn't buy it simply on the fact there's no women's feud running (sorry, I'm a girl and I like watching women's feuds) and I don't care for the main-event match. I'd probably illegally download Rock/Kennedy, Punk/Mysterio and Jericho/Carlito but that's about it. Sorry, dude.
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Oh and about there being no womans match it's because I started with mickie and victoria and beth phoenix in dev and aload of eye candy that can't wrestle so the womens division is pretty much dead for the next year or two until all the indy women that i signed up and sent to shimmer get up a little bit more in overness then i will be ready to go with a brand new womens division.
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;260900]BTW MVP Is the most over man in America. Just Saying[/QUOTE] what kind of freaky backwards game are you playing? and if the overness and talent of wrestlers has changed over time how can you expect us to give you an accurate accessment of a card when we have little to no knowledge of worker skills or overness? answer, we cant
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My Opinion as a fellow Brit [B]WWE No Mercy 2007[/B] [B]Special Apperance By HHH[/B] Great to see HHH back, maybe he could interfere in a championship match getting him back on the main event scene [B]Intercontinental Title Nick Dinsmore(c) vs. Johnny Nitro[/B] I am a huge fan on Nitro but to continue the fued I would have Dismore go over Nitro. Good match in my opinion [B]United States Title Samoa Joe(c) vs. Goldberg vs. Mark LoMonaco[/B] Well for me im not a fan of Goldberg at all. So either guys pinning Goldberg would be a good idea. But seeming as I don’t think Mark as much credibility as a singles competitor I would have to go with Joe [B]No DQ Match Abyss vs. Joey Mercury[/B] Probably a good match but I don’t see it unless your planning on abyss crushing Mercury. I agree with the feuding with Kane or Umaga, it would give him more of a monster look while going against another monster [B]Rene Dupree vs. Marcur Cor Von[/B] Both very under rated in WWE so awesome to see them being used on a PPV, much prefer Sylvan but he’s not in the match so… The winner should be Rene but not an easy victory as I think MCV has great potential [B]Fatal Four Way Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] Lesnar 2 win (over angle) Brock is truly a superstar and angle is truly a ****, as of Matt and Jeff they are great wrestlers but not on the level of Brock [B]Grudge Match The Rock vs. Mr. Kennedy[/B] Defiantly a Dream Match. The Rock has already established himself as a Superstar so I think Kennedy should win. Continuing the feud would be a great idea maybe involving a title? [B]Bobbly Lashley vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker[/B] PPV filler? 3 top superstars with no use building up a feud between Lashley and Orton could be quite good. Both are up coming Superstars and both with a lot already under their belt. I am sure you could come up with a good storyline [B]WWE Title Chris Jericho(c) vs. Carlito[/B] Y2J to win. Carlito is a great superstar and will probably put on an awesome match with Y2J. Personally I don’t see him with the WWE championship anytime soon. On the other hand Y2J is a great champion and can maybe be included in the Rock vs Kennedy feud [B]ECW World Title CM Punk(c) vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] Hmmmm you have me split here. On one hand Rey is the bigger Star. But on the other hand CM Punk could be made into a huge superstar with a win over Rey. Great match and good back story. [B]World Heavyweight Title MVP(c) vs. Edge[/B] Edge over MVP for sure. MVP is a great star but doesn’t have much to him other than good in ring skills. I would personally have HHH interfier and get Edge the win seeming as his last match was in a tag match against Edge. This could be a good feud to set up but would involve HHH on Smackdown [COLOR="Red"][B][U] Overall a good PPV made even better by the Return of The Game[/U][/B][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE]what kind of freaky backwards game are you playing? and if the overness and talent of wrestlers has changed over time how can you expect us to give you an accurate accessment of a card when we have little to no knowledge of worker skills or overness? answer, we cant[/QUOTE] Oh so now I can't push someone who I think has potential because it would comfuse you read the backstory MVP has had the title for 4 months he is gonna be over otherwise he wouldn't even have the title,even with smackdown being the worst brand for the main event scene. [QUOTE]i imagine it pulled some decent ratings[/QUOTE] I havn't run it yet gonna run it in the next few days for sure
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[B]WWE No Mercy 2007[/B] [B]Special Apperance By HHH[/B] I would have had him return on aw with a build up to his first match on the PPV personally but if he gets into a major angle then fair dos. [B]Intercontinental Title Nick Dinsmore(c) vs. Johnny Nitro[/B] So has Dinsmore admitted to faking? In my book that would make him a heel for duping the fans and playing on their sympathies for so long. I'm guessing Nitro is still heel so I'm not too keen on the match up to be honest. [B]United States Title Samoa Joe(c) vs. Goldberg vs. Mark LoMonaco[/B] Goldberg is beyind the belt (unless things have changed dramatically during your game) and I hate the Dudleys so Joe kills LoMonaco :) [B]No DQ Match Abyss vs. Joey Mercury[/B] Squash. [B]Rene Dupree vs. Marcur Cor Von[/B] Again, it depends on where things lie in your game but I would hae extended this to a feud and used that to get Dupree over rather than just beating him. [B]Fatal Four Way Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] The Hardy's complicate it because they have no reason to fight one another. Its very TNA but I'd have had Lesnar and Angle forced to team against them. [B]Grudge Match The Rock vs. Mr. Kennedy[/B] Should be a good match though the real gold lies in the mic work :) [B]Bobbly Lashley vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker[/B] As before, this depends on your game status, but these guys are too important to just throw together in a random filler match. Even if it will be good. [B]WWE Title Chris Jericho(c) vs. Carlito[/B] First match up, Jericho retains but Carlito isn't satisfied [B]ECW World Title CM Punk(c) vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] Glad to see the I Quit match being remembered :) Really depends on who's the most over and how long you want to stretch it. [B]World Heavyweight Title MVP(c) vs. Edge[/B] Who is face? If Edge has been chasing I assume tis he. This seems like a good time to get it back if you have Kennedy go over the Rock. Otherwise Rocky goes after MVP Interesting card but it really is hard to give an accurate opinion if your game has moved on from the current "real world" state.
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Johnny Nitro def. Nick Dinsmore - B- Samoa Joe def. Goldberg and Mark LoMonaco - C Abyss def. Joey Mercury – C Rene Dupree def. Marcus Cor Von – C+ Matt Hardy def. Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy – C+ Ken Kennedy def. The Rock – C (Kennedy had a broken hand which effected his performance) Chris Jericho def. Carlito – C+ CM Punk def. Rey Mysterio - B- Bobby Lashley def. King Booker and Randy Orton – B Edge def. MVP – B+ Overall - B Overall a really dissapointing PPV but the buyrate was decent at 10.94. I expected better from most the matches any feedback? also on a slightly unrelated note I will try and get the cyber sunday choices up asap.
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Not too bad honestly. I mean...sure the overall rating could be better but if anything MVP being in the highest rated match of the show helps to prove that he belongs where you put him. I'm all for people pushing whoever they want...if we all only push the same people then the game is going to get awful boring awful quick.
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[QUOTE]I'm all for people pushing whoever they want...if we all only push the same people then the game is going to get awful boring awful quick.[/QUOTE] That's exactly what i mean. anyway here are the Cyber Sunday picks. Cyber Sunday Picks Chris Jericho vs. ??? 1. Triple H 2. Bobby Lashley 3. Randy Orton Dudley’s vs. ??? Which Tag Title should they challenge for? 1. The Hardy’s world tag team title 2. The Hooligans WWE tag title Nick Dinsmore vs. Johnny Nitro Choose the match stipulation. 1. 2/3 falls match 2. Cage Match 3. First Blood Match Edge vs. ??? 1. MVP 2. The Rock 3. Ken Kennedy Samoa Joe vs. Lance Storm 1. Submission match 2. Normal Match 3. Falls Count Anywhere match CM Punk vs. ??? 1. Abyss 2. Rene Dupree 3. Kenny Dykstra Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW Winner Gets Their Brand last entry in interbrand Battle Royal at Survivor Series worth 5 Survivor points in the night competition. Raw Superstar to compete 1. Carlito 2. King Booker 3. Brock Lesnar Smackdown Superstar to compete 1. Goldberg 2. Ric Flair 3. Batista ECW superstar to compete 1. Joey Mercury 2. Chris Benoit 3. Rob Van Dam Hope as many of you as possible leave picks.
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Cyber Sunday Picks Chris Jericho vs. ??? [B]1. Triple H [/B] 2. Bobby Lashley 3. Randy Orton Dudley’s vs. ??? Which Tag Title should they challenge for? 1. The Hardy’s world tag team title [B]2. The Hooligans WWE tag title [/B] Nick Dinsmore vs. Johnny Nitro Choose the match stipulation. [B]1. 2/3 falls match [/B] 2. Cage Match 3. First Blood Match Edge vs. ??? [B]1. MVP [/B] 2. The Rock 3. Ken Kennedy Samoa Joe vs. Lance Storm 1. Submission match 2. Normal Match [B]3. Falls Count Anywhere match [/B] CM Punk vs. ??? [B]1. Abyss [/B] 2. Rene Dupree 3. Kenny Dykstra Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW Winner Gets Their Brand last entry in interbrand Battle Royal at Survivor Series worth 5 Survivor points in the night competition. Raw Superstar to compete 1. Carlito 2. King Booker [B]3. Brock Lesnar [/B] Smackdown Superstar to compete 1. Goldberg [B]2. Ric Flair [/B] 3. Batista ECW superstar to compete 1. Joey Mercury 2. Chris Benoit [B]3. Rob Van Dam [/B]
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Cyber Sunday Picks Chris Jericho vs. ??? [B]1. Triple H[/B] 2. Bobby Lashley 3. Randy Orton Dudley’s vs. ??? Which Tag Title should they challenge for? 1. The Hardy’s world tag team title [B]2. The Hooligans WWE tag title[/B] Nick Dinsmore vs. Johnny Nitro Choose the match stipulation. 1. 2/3 falls match [B]2. Cage Match[/B] 3. First Blood Match Edge vs. ??? 1. MVP [B]2. The Rock[/B] 3. Ken Kennedy Samoa Joe vs. Lance Storm [B]1. Submission match[/B] 2. Normal Match 3. Falls Count Anywhere match CM Punk vs. ??? [B]1. Abyss[/B] 2. Rene Dupree 3. Kenny Dykstra Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW Winner Gets Their Brand last entry in interbrand Battle Royal at Survivor Series worth 5 Survivor points in the night competition. Raw Superstar to compete 1. Carlito [B]2. King Booker[/B] 3. Brock Lesnar Smackdown Superstar to compete 1. Goldberg [B]2. Ric Flair[/B] 3. Batista ECW superstar to compete [B]1. Joey Mercury[/B] 2. Chris Benoit 3. Rob Van Dam
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[QUOTE=LoganRodzen;260713] [B]No DQ Match Abyss vs. Joey Mercury[/B] - I think this would be pretty interesting to actually see in real life. Mercury is awesome and Abyss is really talented as well. But, in my eyes - if you've had Abyss destroy people as of late, don't let a guy like Mercury pin him for the three. Maybe a [B]DQ[/B], countout, or something?[/QUOTE] how could it end in DQ, if it's a No DQ match? :D Anyways onto Cyber Sunday Picks Chris Jericho vs. ??? 1. Triple H It's impossible for these two to put on a bad match against anyone, and against eachother, trips might try to put chris down, but come on. Dudley’s vs. ??? Which Tag Title should they challenge for? 1. The Hardy’s world tag team title I'm a hardyz mark through and through Nick Dinsmore vs. Johnny Nitro Choose the match stipulation. 1. 2/3 falls match the only classy way to do a match, by having a series of them right in a row. Edge vs. ??? 2. The Rock Too much, charisma, must look away... Samoa Joe vs. Lance Storm 1. Submission match Two great technicians, what else could it be? CM Punk vs. ??? 1. Abyss I was trying to decide whether I would pick kenny or rene, because CM punk is amazing and would get (like so many other people) demolished by a monster like abyss, but I couldn't decide so I just went back to Abyss. Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW Winner Gets Their Brand last entry in interbrand Battle Royal at Survivor Series worth 5 Survivor points in the night competition. Raw Superstar to compete 3. Brock Lesnar Smackdown Superstar to compete 2. Ric Flair ECW superstar to compete 2. Chris Benoit I would love to have seem ^ that match... being the submission-mark I am. Brock being this big athletic amateur-style powerhouse with submission moves, Ric Flair traditional charismatic brawler, and of course, Mr. Benoit, who I can say without a doubt is still one of my favorite all-time wrestlers, (random off-topic moment) and if he were in an earlier period, say early 1900's at the beginning of wrestling heyday, with George Hackenschmidt and Frank Gotch, I have no doubt in my mind that he could hold his own in hour-two hour long classics.
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[I]Hopefully I'm not too late with this. Also, it's too bad about your last pay per view, sometimes what looks good on paper turns out not so good. Keep it up though. Do you have a diary going on that I could get a link to? [/I] Cyber Sunday Picks Chris Jericho vs. ??? 1. Triple H 2. Bobby Lashley [B] 3. Randy Orton[/B] Dudley’s vs. ??? Which Tag Title should they challenge for? [B] 1. The Hardy’s world tag team title[/B] 2. The Hooligans WWE tag title Nick Dinsmore vs. Johnny Nitro Choose the match stipulation. [B] 1. 2/3 falls match[/B] 2. Cage Match 3. First Blood Match Edge vs. ??? 1. MVP [B] 2. The Rock[/B] 3. Ken Kennedy Samoa Joe vs. Lance Storm [B] 1. Submission match[/B] 2. Normal Match 3. Falls Count Anywhere match CM Punk vs. ??? [B] 1. Abyss[/B] 2. Rene Dupree 3. Kenny Dykstra Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW Winner Gets Their Brand last entry in interbrand Battle Royal at Survivor Series worth 5 Survivor points in the night competition. Raw Superstar to compete [B] 1. Carlito[/B] 2. King Booker 3. Brock Lesnar Smackdown Superstar to compete [B] 1. Goldberg[/B] 2. Ric Flair 3. Batista ECW superstar to compete 1. Joey Mercury [B] 2. Chris Benoit[/B] 3. Rob Van Dam
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Cyber Sunday Picks Chris Jericho vs. ??? [B] 1. Triple H[/B] 2. Bobby Lashley 3. Randy Orton Dudley’s vs. ??? Which Tag Title should they challenge for? [B] 1. The Hardy’s world tag team title[/B] 2. The Hooligans WWE tag title Nick Dinsmore vs. Johnny Nitro Choose the match stipulation. [B] 1. 2/3 falls match[/B] 2. Cage Match 3. First Blood Match Edge vs. ??? 1. MVP 2. The Rock [B] 3. Ken Kennedy[/B] Samoa Joe vs. Lance Storm [B] 1. Submission match[/B] 2. Normal Match 3. Falls Count Anywhere match CM Punk vs. ??? 1. Abyss 2. Rene Dupree [B] 3. Kenny Dykstra[/B] Raw vs. Smackdown vs. ECW Winner Gets Their Brand last entry in interbrand Battle Royal at Survivor Series worth 5 Survivor points in the night competition. Raw Superstar to compete 1. Carlito 2. King Booker [B] 3. Brock Lesnar[/B] Smackdown Superstar to compete 1. Goldberg [B] 2. Ric Flair[/B] 3. Batista ECW superstar to compete 1. Joey Mercury 2. Chris Benoit [B] 3. Rob Van Dam[/B]
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