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Alright so I'm sure I've lived a sheltered life, but I've never seen a ROH match before. To be honest I dont even follow them all that well. However I'munder the impression they are more "pure" based as compared to "sports entertainment" correct? So do they still have gimmick matches or are all their matches basic 1 V 1 one fall type things
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i believe they are all about competition so they dont have many gimmick matches as such, they do have triple threats 4ways etc but yea i doubt u would see a barbwire rope match or such in an roh ring, i cant say i follow them much from the uk because TWC's adverts annoy the hell out of me but i have never seen more than a triple threat or 4way type match there, plenty of high flying tho AJ styles, christopher daniels and samoa joe all getting to tna thru roh.
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ROH has occasional cage matches, they have had barbed wire rope matches (shows such as War of the Wire and War of the Wire 2)...there are I Quit matches...ladder matches (Whitmer/Jacobs was fantastic). So yeah, while their focus is more on wrestling there certainly are gimmick matches and storylines. It certainly isn't "sports entertainment" but they run some fantastic storylines. Anything ya wanna know about ROH I can probably help you with.
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sorry for the double post but ROH also used to run Scramble Cage matches...not so much any more. I found a link to one that you can watch online though (should you so desire). This is THE scramble cage match for those of you that know...for those of you that don't it is the match where Teddy Hart got himself a lot of negetive heat from the locker room and signaled the end of his time in ROH as he chose to show off with moonsaults/shooting star presses from the top of the cage after the match rather than selling the "grueling" bout he was just in [url]http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=701997447[/url] - Backseat Boys vs The SAT vs Teddy Hart & Jack Evans vs The Carnage Crew vs Hydro & Angel Dust Its a little bit more "highspot" oriented then I like my wrestling and certainly more highspot oriented than you're going to find anywhere else in ROH...but just to show that they have put on a fair amount of "specialty" matches in the past. Scramble cage matches are cage matches with platforms on the top corners of the cage to assist in high flying moves..etc.
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i would be reluctant to describe Ring of Honor as a "pure wrestling" promotion. after all they have had several very bloody matches in their history. i would call ROH a very modern promotion, with the emphasis being on in-ring abilities rather than promo skills. the focus is in-ring, and if youve ever been to a show there are maybe 1-2 or max 3 promos or angles that the live crowd sees. ill give you further help, TEW style. this is what i think the product definition should be for ROH: 1 vs 1 = 65 2 vs 2 = 25 3 vs 3 = 6 Triangle = 1 Four Way = 3 Match Ratio: 90% Expected Match Lengths: Minor Match: 8 minutes Medium Match: 15 minutes Main Match: 30 minutes Match Intensity: between 80-90 Match Danger: around 70 Women's Wrestling: division T&A Levels: none Face/Heel Divide: medium Traditional: medium Mainstream: none Comedy: very low Cult: medium Risque: none Modern: key feature Realism: medium/heavy Hyper Realism: none Hardcore: low Lucha Libre: none Pure: medium Daredevil: very low hope this helps
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Just to kind of continue the "here's some 'specialty' ROH stuff" thing I have going... here is a good music video tribute thing to the first ROH Barbed Wire Rope match between Corino/Homicide at war of the wire in '03. [url]http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=7424179[/url]
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I don't know about no T&A Christopher Daniels Valet coming out in the ultra short girl scout outfit seems a little T&A to me. I'm not sure if he's considered Lucha but El Generico has been in both shows I've seen in New York. I wouldn't put realism any higher then medium and maybe even to low because they pretty much tell you what's going to happen for the next few months on their website by listing a number of shows in advance. And Daredevil very low some of the flying is totally insane 560 degree splash was nuts and powerbomb over the top rope and through a table on the outside seems pretty dangerous. SPeaking of tables they do some gimmick matches ala the tag team tables match at the February show in New York. I see ROH as a palce that has room for everything but that focuses on the flying and who's fans are rapid. I'd go Traditional: medium Mainstream: none Comedy: very low Cult: High Risque: none Modern: key feature Realism: Medium Hyper Realism: none Hardcore: low Lucha Libre: Very Low Pure: medium Daredevil: medium
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when they say stuff in advance on the website there are usually things like "if he retains the title" etc. I don't think that really "gives away" that much. I would put T&A at very low (lacey's ass has been shown on more than one occasion) Lucha i would keep at none just because it isn't something that the company has any "focus" on. Where you put Daredevil is a gut call. They do some pretty crazy spots but there is usually something behind it...i.e. the powerbomb from the top rope to the floor had all that Jacobs/Whitmer backstory....etc
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It's common misconception from those who have not seen Ring of Honor, that it's a pure company. A wrestler wont get over in ROH on mic-skills or a good look alone and it does focus on in-ring ability over anything else but it does have storylines. As NOAH Fan pointed out earlier there is very little in the way of angles that the live crowd would see at the show itself, they use alot of pre-recorded promo's/angles for their DVD's to help drive forward the storylines. I'd say that Apu has pretty much got the product settings spot on.
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Agreed, unless an angle directly applies to that evening's action it will probably be pre-recorded. But the ROH Website makes it pretty easy to keep up on the angles. But yeah...CM Punk is a good case of a guy who can wrestle his ass off but ROH running his huge feud with Raven is what "made" him into a superstar. Punk was around tearing it up in places like IWA-MS but it was a storyline in ROH that really got him that "future superstar" tag.
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They don't do to many angles but they do some attacks and some hype interviews. At both events there were at least two really long (6 to 10 minute) hypes at each one of them was done by Samoa Joe. "This Ain't My Space. You're Not my friend. Get the F out of my ring" is still classic. Also there were a few run ins before adn after matches maybe 2 or 3 at each event. So I definitely wouldn't put them at 100% but the fans did seem to crap on everything but Joe so I would go 90% on match ratio. If this were 2005 I would label them more a a Cutting Edge Promotion, similar to CZCW or 4C. edit: I've never seen a video so I don't know what they put on their DVDs I'm only speaking about live events.
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RoH are in no way a Pure promotion. There's a big difference between "100% Match Ratio" and "Pure". RoH are more Modern, than Pure. No Pure fed would hire Homicide for a start ¬_¬ If they were a Pure fed, they wouldn't need a Pure Wrestling title :p
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[QUOTE=underfaker;263134]plenty of high flying tho AJ styles, christopher daniels and samoa joe all getting to tna thru roh.[/QUOTE] I've always had to debate this. When TNA opened in June of 2002, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels only wrestled for ROH like 2 or 3 times. I don't think TNA would justify that their decision to get them came from 2 or 3 matches that they saw prior to the opening of the company. They were prospects who have had a good rep and great ability before they wrestled for ROH. They weren't first booked through ROH, but through Bill Behrens who is/was a main figure for TNA in the first years. But I'd have to completely agree with you on Samoa Joe. A nearly 2 year reign as a champion will get you noticed anywhere, and he proved it.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;263503]RoH are in no way a Pure promotion. There's a big difference between "100% Match Ratio" and "Pure". RoH are more Modern, than Pure. No Pure fed would hire Homicide for a start ¬_¬ If they were a Pure fed, they wouldn't need a Pure Wrestling title :p[/QUOTE] Homicide is freaking awesome though. Did you see his match with Joe at the FYF Finale? "You going down motha****a'" [i]Homicide headbutts Joe[/i] "Oh ****, why'd I do that?"
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