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TNA Impact 7/19/07


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Hey..since we dissected Smackdown' boking this week I wanted ot take a look at the alternative: --Joe vs Angle: the two best wrestlers. booked as the two toughest guys in the copany. they curently hold every belt in TNA between them. So the build-up almost writes itself, right? No way. We need a wacky skit. The show starts with Angle hanging out in his underwear, tanning. (no seriously) te next segment, he's still in his underwear, but now his clothes have been stolen. He psends the rest of the show wandering around the Impact Zone in a speedo, beating people up to try to find his clothes. FINALLY..the show ends with Angle wearing a bath robe over his undies in the ring, saying he thinks one of the fans took his clothes, when Joe comes out and challenges him for ALL THE GOLD at the next PPV. Joe cheapshots Angle (stripping him of his robe), but Angle recovers and puts Joe through a table (Joe looks lik a total wuss in this segment) Sow end swith Joe screaming like a girl in an Ankle Lock. The rest of the show: Not bad. The matches were OK. -Triple X got a huge pop. -The Cage/Storm vs Harris/Rhino match was good but if you count the post match stuff there were 5 run-ins. Plus I think Harris feudig with Dustin Rhodes ia major step backwards. -The Dudleys teased a heel turn. -And for some god awful reason they continue the never ending story with VKM and Christy Hemme and Lance Hoyt. Although the Bashams didnt make an appearance. And VKM have added Nikki Roxx. TNA always bitches it doesnt have enough time to tell good stories, but yet VKM somehow gets 8 minutes every frickin week. OVER-ALL: WTF? Not a terrible show. And the AJ/Christian skit backstages was pretty funny, actually. But I am STUNNED by the Joe/Angle stuff because the screwed up way it was booked last time was what killed the heat of that feud. I really can't believe they would mess it up twice. The two best, most over gys in your company want to beat this crap out of each other. They don't need to add all the bells and whistles.
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When you sum up the Angle/Samoa Joe situation in a paragraph or less, the person summing it up sounds like they wandered out of a mental ward... For example: Angle and the fat man won all of the gold belts! Then, Angle couldn't find his pants for some reason... It was probably someone in the crowd! Then, the fat man fell through a table... Sounds like good ol' WCW booking... If David Arquette shows up with a storm trooper helmet on, I'll s*** my pants... But seriously, I like TNA's wrestlers more than the WWE's for the most part, but come ON!!! You can't use a silly skit that would be low for Val Venis with the guys that hold ALL of your gold...
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Wacky skits are fine, but PH's point is more that Angle/Joe is enough by itself to draw (and it is -- as long as the rest of the card doesn't totally suck, I will by Hard Justice for this match alone!). Save the creative stuff for folks that need additional exposure and for those who it fits. My nitpicks: Why does Joe get to defend the tag belts in a singles match? He's supposed to pick a partner, isn't he? What was the point of having Christopher Daniels win the #1 contendership for the X Division title if he doesn't get a shot? What belt was Tomko holding in the promo segment for the Cage/Storm match? It looked like another IGWP belt -- does TNA have a working relationship with Inoki?
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;264847]My nitpicks: Why does Joe get to defend the tag belts in a singles match? He's supposed to pick a partner, isn't he? What was the point of having Christopher Daniels win the #1 contendership for the X Division title if he doesn't get a shot? What belt was Tomko holding in the promo segment for the Cage/Storm match? It looked like another IGWP belt -- does TNA have a working relationship with Inoki?[/QUOTE] 1. I don't think anyone has an answer for that. 2. Daniels became the number one contender and I'm guessing he'll get a shot either on Impact or a future PPV. 3. I believe it was the IWGP Tag Titles that he holds with Giant Bernand (A-Train)
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I watch TNA and I watch WWE and I go to see ROH live shows. Which one do I like ebtter, none they all have points. I know what I'm getting when I watch WWE half the show is angles and funny skits, a lot of the wrestlers aren't the most talented in the ring but at times it's fun and I watch every week, all three big shows. I know what I get when I go to see ROH tons of high flying the stuff they never show on WWE anymore. Characters with believable gimmicks and a wide variety of wrestling styles. I know what I used to think I was getting from TNA. Decent wrestlers on average. A good division for intense action. Believable storylines even if soem of the characters are over the top. And belts that are respectable becaues of who holds them. What does this have to do with the current coversation. For some reason TNA has begun to believe it is just a mini WWE. The X-Division belt and division which was their biggest draw for a long time means aboslutely nothing any more. Not only are their storylines unbelievable tehy are so convoluted it's hard to keep track of who's fueding with who anymore; Is Harris fueding with christian or now with Rhodes Are sting and abyss fueding with Christian, Tomko (and maybe styles who I hate as being a lackey when he could be a major X-Division or even World title contender) or are they fueding with Mitchell and his new monster. one mans holds the tag titles and a world title contender holds the X-Division titles which means both of these divisions have been basically flushed down the toilet. Anyway all I'm asking is where's my middle ground why is TNA being written by an eight your old with ADD sucking down pixie sticks all day. Is it going to stop me from watching? No barring the run-ins and the crappy stories a lot of the wrestling is still decent to good so I'll stick it out and optimistically hope they get their heads out of their asses and stop trying to become WWE because they aren't going to survive that way.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;264808]Some of us like wacky skits.[/QUOTE] WB addresed two points I would make to respond to this. 1) They don't really need to do wacky skits to build this up 2) People will buy this match with a traditional build but TNA seems to go out of its way to avoid traditional builds for feuds like this. And that's what screwed up the last Angle/Joe feud. The first Joe/Angle match at Genesis wasn't *just* the most successful TNA PPV ever. At nearly 60 K buys it was almost double the next most successful PPV and almost triple the TNA average. This shows that a great many people who probably didn't normally watch TNA bought the PPV just to see this match. Their rematch at Turning Point did around 28 K buys and their third match at Final Resolution (my personal fav of the three) did the company average: 20 K buys. Now it certainly doesn't help that the first match was just ok and it's natural that some people will tune out once the "new" wears off, but that's a major drop off. Statistically, almost NONE of the people who tuned into that first match stayed with TNA as a viewer. What it demonstrated was that, in 8 weeks, the TNA bookers managed to turn the biggest money maker in the history of the company into just another feud that no one but the hardcore TNA fans were interested in.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;264878]I know what I used to think I was getting from TNA. Decent wrestlers on average. A good division for intense action. Believable storylines even if soem of the characters are over the top. And belts that are respectable becaues of who holds them. [/QUOTE] Also a good point. TNA doesnt play to its strengths. Its irritating. The more talent they aquire, the less I like what they do with it.
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I love the fact that when he first came to TNA Kurt Angle kept saying "you're gonna see the REAL Kurt Angle, not the wacky comedy character from WWE"... yeah, how long did it take to revert back to the "wacky" Angle skits? It would be nice if TNA could go a week without a heel/face turn. Seriously. I mean, you've always heard about Russo's premature ejaculation booking style, with weekly title changes and off the wall turns, but come on! It's like they can't handle having over wrestlers like Christian, Angle, Dudleys, etc. without turning them heel. And of course, turning face guys like Jarrett and Scott Stiener who fans really could give a **** about. At least they kinda book Joe as a face... Then again, when half your roster is lame ducking their contracts and have asked and been denied a released...
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;264881]What it demonstrated was that, in 8 weeks, the TNA bookers managed to turn the biggest money maker in the history of the company into just another feud that no one but the hardcore TNA fans were interested in.[/QUOTE] Ah the legacy of TNA...
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