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Mass Destruction Wrestling (C-Verse)

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[CENTER][U][SIZE="5"][B]Intro (1/3)[/B][/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] [U]At the Remus house:[/U] [B]Roderick Remus:[/B] “Dude this sucks, since you had that dumb biking accident I haven’t heard from any wrestling promotion. I am really dying to get into a wrestling ring again.” [B]Remmington Remus:[/B] “Yeah man, I’m sorry bro. If there’s anything I can do to help, just tell me.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Well, you could get me a job with some wrestling company.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “I’m afraid I can’t do that bro. Haven’t heard from anyone in the business since the accident. That business is hard you know.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Tell me about it.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Dude, how would you feel going back to how it all started? Wrestling in our own backyard?” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Well who am I going to wrestle? You obviously aren’t stepping into that ring again…” [B]Remmington:[/B] “I don’t know. Let’s do like those kids do and have our own fictional promotion.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Sounds cool. But who would want to come wrestle in our backyard.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Guys like you. Guys desperate enough. Guys who want to give wrestling a try or guys who got kicked out of the business. I for one am sure our old friend Mark Smart would want to join.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Yup, that guy has way too much time. He spends his days watching wrestling on youtube, whining on forums and watching porn of course, haha.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “True, true. I heard he even has his own website with all kind of news from the wrestling world.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “So, anyone else?” [B]Remmington:[/B] “I don’t know, that guy we went to school with, Ben Williams, perhaps? He was into wrestling right?” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Yeah, I think so.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “I’ll give him and Markie boy a call. Mark will know how to find more people…”
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]Intro (2/3)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] (beep - beep - beep) [B]Remmington:[/B] “Yo Markie boy, it’s Rem, how do you feel about getting to wrestle again?” [B]Mark:[/B] “Tell me where and when I have to be.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Woah, relax dude, it’ nothing big, not for a real company you know. Just wrestling in our backyard. Come on over if you’re interested, we need your help.” … [B]Remmington:[/B] “Uh Mark, are you still there…?” (Ding - Dong) [B]Remmington:[/B] “Woah, you’re fast.” [B]Mark:[/B] “So, you need my help, interesting…” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Yea, me and my bro are going to start our backyard fed and we’re wondering if you know anyone that would want to join us.” [B]Mark:[/B] “Show me your computer and I’ll see what I can do.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “How are you going to find guys on the internet? It’s not like you’re going to find any wrestlers on dating sites or so, haha.” [B]Mark:[/B] “Ha - Ha… very funny. Seriously though are you stupid? If I make a thread on every wrestling forum I know - and believe me, I know a lot - I’m sure there will be enough guys wanting to join us.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Allright.” [B]Mark:[/B] “First of all, we aren’t that far from where MAW holds their shows, so we might find an MAW cast-away to wrestle with us, I’ll see if I can find one. Another thing that will definitely work are foreigners. Know any Mexican kids that live nearby? They’ll do anything for a dollar… and they usually are quite good at what they do.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Yea I think I know some Mexican dudes. I’ll talk to them.” [B]Mark:[/B] “Excellent. If I post on those forums I’m sure most replies will come from Canadians. You know, they would actually be crazy enough to drive here every week.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Yup, a weird folk.” [B]Mark:[/B] “Then there will also be the odd American that wants to join and I think we’ll have enough people to start with.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Sounds good.” [B]Mark:[/B] “I’ll go home straight away and start working on it. I’ll come over next week to see tell you who I’ve found. See ya.”
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]Intro (3/3)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [U]One week later:[/U] [B]Remmington:[/B] “So, Markie boy, how are things going?” [B]Mark:[/B] “Great! I even managed to make a website and all. Is it ok if we call our fed Mass Destruction Wrestling?” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Whatever, dude.” [B]Mark:[/B] “Cool. So I have received replies from several people. As expected most of them were Canadian… They’re willing to come over every Saturday to wrestle. I believe there are five of them. Most of them are a bit weird though. There’s this hooligan type of guy who calls himself Weird Waldo Odlaw, some wannabe asian cartoon hero called Frankie Dee, some black kid called Jeremy Jazz - he seems the most normal of them all - , some guy named Romeo ‘Valentine’ Romaro and last but sure as hell not least, Stretch The Chicken Boy.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “And that’s his wrestling name?” [B]Mark:[/B] Yup. I’ve only received word from one American guy, well two actually but the second is just too weird. The first is Keith Vegas, a guy that wants to give wrestling a try.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Who was the second guy?” [B]Mark:[/B] “An almost 30 year old bald headed goof called Mad Dog Mortimer.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Tell him he can join, we could use some experienced people.” [B]Mark:[/B] Whatever you say, boss. So Rem, did you find the Mexican?” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Yup. His name is Carlos Corona Rodriguez.” [B]Mark:[/B] “Allright, give him a mask and his name should be some simple word like ‘speed’ for example translated to Spanish.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “If you say so. By the way, Williams will join us as well. What about MAW. Found any castaways?” [B]Mark:[/B] “Ah yes. Al Coleman. Got kicked out for acting like a hothead backstage. He wants a little more than just gas money though.” [B]Roderick:[/B] “Awesome, looks like an interesting roster to start with! Who knows we might get big sometime.” [B]Remmington:[/B] “Don’t start dreaming bro, let’s start with having fun. So Mark, you tell those guys to be here every Saturday. If they can’t come every week that’s no problem if they let me know.”
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[Thanks for the comments.] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_MDW.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]“MDW: Mass Destruction Wrestling”[/B][/SIZE] [B]2007 - January - Week 2 - Saturday LIVE at the Remus family’s Backyard 11 People in attendance (Some kids and Roderick’s grandpa)[/B]
[QUOTE]Roderick Remus is in the ring and cuts a promo on how he is going to dominate here in MDW. He ensured everyone that he is walking away with the title strap in next week’s four way elimination match. Tonight he will face Mark Smart in the main event. [B]F[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/KeithVegas_A.jpg[/IMG] [B]VS[/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/MadDogMortimer.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Keith Vegas in 5:39 by pinfall with a DDT.[/B] [QUOTE]The first match ever in MDW was what you’d expect from a backyard fed, unorganized and way too fake. The kids who were watching laughed at Vegas from the moment he entered the ring. This hurt Vegas’ confidence and it showed in the match. Mortimer looked strong yet unspectacular in the ring. [B]F[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [B]VS[/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] [B]Velocidad defeated Ben Williams in 6:34 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado.[/B] [QUOTE]This match was better than the first one. Velocidad was loved by the kids because he reminded them of enygma. Seems like they came here more to laugh at people then to watch wrestling as now they booed Ben Williams. Velocidad showed some great lucha moves he has in his arsenal. [B]F+[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] [B]VS[/B] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Roderick Remus defeated Mark Smart in 7:56 by submission with a Remus Clutch.[/B] [QUOTE]The main event was good, mainly because the crowd knew the guys in the ring. Smart kept up nicely with Remus, who showed that he’s pretty good as an individual competitor. Smart started crying in the ring after he lost. [B]E[/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]FINAL RATING: F+[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
[B][U]Post show:[/U][/B] [B]Remmington:[/B] "Quite a decent show to begin with, you really carried this event, Rod." [B]Roderick:[/B] "Yup. Yo, Mark, where the hell were those Canadians?" [B]Mark Smart:[/B] "Erm... I mailed them the wrong adress. Damn are they going to be pissed." [B]Roderick:[/B] "Make sure they're here next week so those who qualify can compete in the four way elimination match for the Mass Destruction Championship." [B]Mark:[/B] "Will do."
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2007 - January - Week 3 [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_Smark.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - [B]Whippy The Clown [/B]has won the CGC Canadian Championship from Shooter Sean Deeley this week. This title change was inevitable as Deeley is moving over to NOTBPW. The boy may have all the talent in the world, it just isn’t a nice way to say thanks to the company that made him. Good to see they put the title on a talented guy as well. -[B] NOTBPW [/B]hasn’t just acquired [B]Sean Deeley[/B]. They have offered a contract to [B]Frankie Perez [/B]as well! Although a man with that much talent deserves to be with a big promotion, it’s a pity we won’t get to see his matches for a few bucks anymore. - [B]Nicky *yawn yawn* Champion [/B]won the vacant USPW National title. The title was vacated last week because Jim Force left for SWF. - Former SWF World Heavyweight Champion [B]Corporal Doom [/B]has just signed a written contract with [B]TCW[/B]. Although I respect him and his legacy, why the hell would they sign an old man when there’s that much talent on the indy scene? - Finally there’s a reason to go to [B]NYCW[/B] shows. [B]Jungle Jack [/B]has confirmed that he will be working for them from now on! Good to see him back in America.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_MDW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“MDW: Mass Destruction Wrestling”[/SIZE][/B] [B]2007 - January - Week 3 - Saturday LIVE at the Remus family’s Backyard 19 People in attendance[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/RemmingtonRemus.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Remmington Remus:[/B] “Tonight ladies and gentlemen, you’re going to be witness of the first ever MDW Championship match. In the four way elimination match the following competitors will battle for the title belt: my brother Roderick Remus, Canadian sensation Jeremy Jazz, “White Angel” Frankie Dee and former MAW badass Al Coleman.” [B]F+[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/Valentine.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Smart defeated Valentine in 5:48 by pinfall with a roll up.[/B] [QUOTE]The first Canadian to enter the MDW Ring (or something that looks like a ring) immediately received heat from the (very) vocal crowd. Both guys showed that this wasn’t the first time they stepped into a wrestling ring and made a good showing. Mark Smart won the match after Valentine got into an argument with someone in the crowd. [B]E-[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="White"]versus[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZ_MassDestructionBelt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="white"]versus[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Al Coleman defeated Frankie Dee, Roderick Remus and Jeremy Jazz in 12:02.[/B] [QUOTE]If you thought Valentine was hated, you should’ve heard what the crowd threw at Jeremy Jazz. Jazz was the first to get eliminated, only two minutes into the match Coleman made him tap out. After that, around the 10 minute mark, it was Frankie Dee, who surprisingly was a crowd favorite, who got eliminated after taping out to the Remus Clutch. So either Coleman or Remus was going to be the first Mass Destruction Champion. Coleman used the figure four leg lock to make Remus tap. He cheated in a way as he used the ropes to tighten the lock even more. Coleman wins the Mass Destruction Championship. [B]E[/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]FINAL RATING: E-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
[B][U]Post Show:[/U][/B] [B]Remmington:[/B] "Mark, where'd you find all those people to watch our shows?" [B]Mark:[/B] "I told them they'd all receive a cookie if they come watch us. That strategy seems to work, doesn't it."
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News: [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_Smark.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]2007 - January - Week 4[/CENTER][/U][/B] - CGC Canadian Champion Whippy The Clown will be adding 4C’s events to his calendar. He would fit there well, a good character with good skills. He won his first match by the way, defeating Phenomenal E and Canadian Dragon. - Apparently someone working at USPW is reading my blogs. They once again have a new USPW National Champion as Demon Spite won the belt from Nicky Champion, who didn’t manage to defend his title once. At least someone respected wears that belt now. - Duke Hazzard, some manager from Texas joined CZCW. I wonder who’s he going to manage though. .. - Des Davids won this year’s Rip Chord Invitational. He defeated the Mid Atlantic Champion, Steven Parker. Sounds like the beginning of an interesting fued.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_MDW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“MDW: Mass Destruction Wrestling”[/SIZE] 2007 - January - Week 4 - Saturday LIVE at the Remus family’s Backyard 18 People in attendance [/B]
[B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/BenWilliams.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg[/IMG] Ben Williams vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw[/B] [QUOTE]The crowd made their dislike of both guys pretty clear. During this match most of the kids in the crowd decided to play with a ball instead of watching the match. The match was bad and there is really nothing more to say about it. [B]Weird Waldo Odlaw defeated Ben Williams in 6:25 by pinfall. F[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Remmington Remus:[/B] “Tonight there will be a #1 Contender match. The two people that got eliminated last in last week’s match will compete. Those two people are Frankie Dee and Roderick Remus.” [B]F[/B][/QUOTE] [B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/KeithVegas_A.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg[/IMG] Keith Vegas vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B] [QUOTE]A better match than the first one. Had some decent looking moves in it. Both guys were disliked by the crowd again, but at least they kept watching this one. They just like laughing at Keith Vegas. Stretch looked strong compared to Vegas. [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy defeated Keith Vegas in 5:35 by pinfall with a Poultry In Motion. F+[/B][/QUOTE] [B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] Frankie Dee vs. Roderick Remus[/B] [QUOTE]The crowd came to see this match, too bad the guys in the ring don’t really click as opponents. Both have much in ring talent and that made the match. Frankie Dee won out of nowhere when things were looking bad for him and he used his Shinanju Kick. [B]Frankie Dee defeated Roderick Remus in 8:54 by pinfall with a Shinanju Kick. E-[/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]FINAL RATING: E-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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News: [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_Smark.jpg[/IMG] [B]2007 - February - Week 1[/B][/CENTER] - Pretty dull week this one. Let’s take a look at some of the foreign promotions then. I heard [B]Pit Bull Brown[/B] won the [B]21CW Championship [/B]for the third time in his career. He beat Joss Thomson for it. - One of America’s export products, [B]Stuart Ferdinand, [/B]is going to do a few shows for that close to MMA promotion in Japan, [B]INSPIRE[/B]. - [B]Joey Poison[/B] signed a pay per appearance deal with [B]CGC[/B]. Good move for him I’d say. - [B]MAW[/B] has proven to me that it’s a real promotion. I no longer think we can label them as a local promotion. Let’s call them [B]small[/B] from now on. - The unexpected happened! [B]USPW[/B] has lost their TV slot. Let’s hope CZCW or another good promotion takes their place. - Another great high flying prospect is joining [B]4C[/B]! MAW’s 2006 Rip Chord Invitational Winner [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]is joining them . Am I the only one dreaming of a fatal four way between Jacob Jett, joey Poison, Mainstream Hernandez and Whippy The Clown? - DAVE’s [B]Nathan Coleman [/B]is going to tour with [B]BHOTWG[/B] the next couple of months.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;270364]Did you create this fed in the database before you started or did you create it in game? If you have a base C-verse database with this fed in it I'd kill to give it a try. Great diary, love the concept, awesome humor. Keep it up.[/QUOTE] I created it before I started. A promotion with 1% overness in the Mid Atlantic, $25.000 and lifetime contracts for the Remus Brothers.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_MDW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“MDW: Mass Destruction Wrestling”[/SIZE][/B] [B]2007 - February - Week 1 - Saturday LIVE at the Remus family’s Backyard 12 People in attendance[/B]
[QUOTE][B]Frankie Dee:[/B] “Tonight The White Angel faces Al Coleman for the Mass Destruction Championship. The White Angel will show Al Coleman what the force of the white light is capable of. The White Angel will fly like never before.” [Coleman comes out.] [B]Al Coleman:[/B] “So… The White Angel thinks he can fly, huh? What do you say about a ladder match? Normally I don’t do ladder matches, but this is a backyard fed and I lower myself to that level. Besides… I own all of you amateurs in any type of match there exists.” [B]Frankie Dee:[/B] “The White Angel says yes. The closer to the sun, the better The White Angel becomes.” [B]F[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/Valentine.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Valentine vs. Velocidad[/B] An actually very good match. Too good to be in the opening spot. The crowd was rooting for our underdog, the Mexican of course. Surprisingly the underdog won, with a Velocidad Tornado that literally came out of nowhere. [B]Velocidad defeated Valentine in 6:48 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado. E-[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Weird Waldo Odlaw:[/B] “Oi, I thought this was a backyard fed? Where’s the hardcore matches? I don’t come all the way from bloody Canada to do some fancy wrestling moves. I want pain, blood, weapons, …” [Mad Dog Mortimer comes out with a shovel in his hands.] [B]F[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/MadDogMortimer.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/WeirdWaldoOdlaw.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Hardcore Match: Mad Dog Mortimer vs. Weird Waldo Odlaw[/B] Our two bad boys together in a ring in their favourite match type, a definite guarantee for success right? Nope. The only ones that had fun were the wrestlers themselves, but hey… that’s the point of backyard wrestling right? [B]Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Weird Waldo Odlaw in 3:59 by pinfall with a DDT on the bare floor. F[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZ_MassDestructionBelt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/FrankieDee.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]MDW Championship Ladder Match:[/B] [B]Al Coleman (c) vs. ‘The White Angel’ Frankie Dee[/B] The match everyone, yup all twelve people, were waiting for. It delivered! Coleman and Dee made a really good match with some nice spots from Dee and solid technical wrestling by Coleman. Dee had the opportunity to grab the belt but he decided to dive to Coleman, who was standing outside of the ring. Coleman dodged and Dee crashed. Coleman got in the ring and took the time to ensure victory and grab the belt. [B]Al Coleman defeated Frankie Dee in 8:32 when Al Coleman retrieved the item. Al Coleman makes defense number 1 of his Mass Destruction Championship title. E+[/B][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]FINAL RATING: E[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
[B]Mark Smart:[/B] "Damn I hate it when wrestlers improvise!" [B]Remmington:[/B] "Why so, doesn't that add more realism?" [B]Mark Smart:[/B] "Perhaps, but having to find a ladder and a way to get a belt hanging above the ring in less than 20 minutes isn't easy you know. Damn Coleman!" [B]Remmington:[/B] "Haha! You were luck theres a big tree above the ring, else it wouldn't have been that easy for you." [B]Mark Smart:[/B] "Why didn't you hang it there if it was that easy?" [B]Remmington:[/B] "Bad knee, boy, bad knee." [B]Mark Smart:[/B] "Pff... lame excuse..."
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[QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_Smark.jpg[/IMG] [B]2007 - February - Week 2[/B][/CENTER] - Nothing happened this week, nothing I can do about it. [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_MDW.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“MDW: Mass Destruction Wrestling”[/SIZE][/B] [B]2007 - February - Week 2 - Saturday LIVE at the Remus family’s Backyard 15 People in attendance[/B]
[IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/JeremyJazz.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/StretchTheChickenBoy.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Jeremy Jazz vs. Stretch The Chicken Boy [/B] They were complaining about not getting to wrestle a lot so that’s why they had this match. They showed more skill than expected, but the crowd still hates them both. Jazz won the hard fought match with a new move he calls the bass line. [B]Jeremy Jazz defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy in 6:57 by pinfall with a bass line. F+[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/MadDogMortimer.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Mad Dog Mortimer vs. Velocidad[/B] A clash of styles this one, Mortimer’s brawly punches against Velocidad’s speedy game plan. It would be a disgrace for wrestling if Velocidad didn’t win. He’s really surprising everyone by putting up these kind of matches every time. [B]Velocidad defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 6:31 by pinfall with a Velocidad Tornado. E-[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/AlColeman.jpg[/IMG][B]VS[/B][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/MarkSmart.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Al Coleman vs. Mark Smart[/B] For unknown reasons Smart wanted to wrestle Coleman. The former MAW star was always one step ahead of him, and if he wasn’t he used some underhanded tactic to get back on the offensive. Coleman won fairly easy. [B]Al Coleman defeated Mark Smart in 9:34 by pinfall. E-[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Blue"]FINAL RATING: E-[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
[B]Remmington:[/B] "So Mark, did you make Coleman pay for what he made you do last week?" [B]Mark Smart:[/B] "Just shut up."
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News: [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i232/tRyPi0/MDW/ZZZ_Smark.jpg[/IMG] [B]2007 - February - Week 3[/B][/CENTER] - Jesse “The Power” Christian wants to get in the ring again! He was the big star in Shane Sneer’s Southern Championship Class Wrestling and has been on a hiatus ever since SCCW closed its doors. The 36 year old wrestler told us in an interview that he feels there’s still plenty of people in the business that need an ass whooping.[/QUOTE]
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