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Watching the TNA budget (not suprising... to me)


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well I know if you contact TNA to book guys you can get what they want you to charge... and most guys are 5 bills. But Samoa Joe was a grand... so that list isnt WAY off, (outside the Sting/Christian/Angle who are really expensive). I know Devine is 250... but alot of the guys are 500 bills. So if thats what you have to pay to book them, through TNA, I'm guessing thats what TNA pays them too. So I just saw the post above me. AJ is 500 Samoa Joe is 1000 Mind you, you also pay travel expensese and hotel accomidations I believe. So flying AJ to Ontario from Georgia is a couple hundred, a hotel for a night is a hundred, so it would end up worth 1000ish maybe by the end of things. WWE pays a bit differance, not on a appearence basis. You have a salary. Last time I checked I knew (dont want to out who told me) a developmental talent making $750 a week, which is 42,000 a year. But I also know that gets a significant boost when you get called up to the main roster. So technically alot of guys make less then 500-750 an appearence if they are working even 2 times a week on a developmental deal. The differance is you get that 750 if you work or dont, have a 20 minute match, or 2 second squash.
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Guest Ransik
Actually WWE has downside guarantees.... so if they're not used it's significantly less than their working wage. That way if they can't think of one thing for a worker to do they can pay them a fraction of the amount for them to sit at home.
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