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Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary)

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CWB TITLE: [B]Nicolas Lopez[/B] (c) vs. Iceman Clark Alexander BEANTOWN RUMBLE BATTLE ROYAL: Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, [B]Masked Cougar[/B], Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Hugh de Aske, Tempest Appleby, Romeo Romero, Frankie Dee, Blackjack Robbins [B]Casey Valentine[/B] vs. Greg Gauge [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs. Romeo Romero [B]Hugh de Aske [/B]vs. Tempest Appleby Masked COugar makes a big splash with a battle royale win and a victory over Romero to jump back into title contention. Iceman is a good midcard titlist, but I haven't seen him show enough to carry the main title, even in a smaller fed as he needs the right opponents.
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CWB TITLE: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. Iceman Clark Alexander [I]Too soon for a title change and Lopez definitely is not a transitional champion[/I] BEANTOWN RUMBLE BATTLE ROYAL: Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, Masked Cougar, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Hugh de Aske, Tempest Appleby, Romeo Romero, [B]Frankie Dee[/B], Blackjack Robbins [I]Gets Frankie back up into title contention[/I] Casey Valentine vs. [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [I]I think Gauge > Valentine, both in the fathers and in the sons[/I] [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs. Romeo Romero [I]Masked Cougar has a lot more potential[/I] Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Tempest Appleby[/B][/QUOTE] [I]The Mover from Vancouver all the way![/I]
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CWB TITLE: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. Iceman Clark Alexander BEANTOWN RUMBLE BATTLE ROYAL: Greg Gauge, [B]Matthew Gauge[/B], Masked Cougar, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Hugh de Aske, Tempest Appleby, Romeo Romero, Frankie Dee, Blackjack Robbins Casey Valentine vs. [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [B]Masked Cougar [/B]vs. Romeo Romero [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby
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CWB TITLE: [B]Nicolas Lopez[/B] (c) vs. Iceman Clark Alexander BEANTOWN RUMBLE BATTLE ROYAL: Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, [B]Masked Cougar[/B], Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Hugh de Aske, Tempest Appleby, Romeo Romero, Frankie Dee, Blackjack Robbins Casey Valentine vs. [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs. Romeo Romero Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Tempest Appleby[/B]
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CWB TITLE: [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. Iceman Clark Alexander [I]- Should be fun but the Iceman isn't Lopez and likely is on a trade. Which I kinda like for the small CWB. Getting some over stars while shipshirt grooms the undercard.[/I] BEANTOWN RUMBLE BATTLE ROYAL: Greg Gauge, Matthew Gauge, Masked Cougar, Cameron Vessey, Casey Valentine, Hugh de Aske, Tempest Appleby, Romeo Romero, [B]Frankie Dee[/B], Blackjack Robbins [I]- I just think that with the Gauges and Millenials otherwise disposed and Cougar being on loan (maybe?) Frankie Dee just seems like the most likely suspect to pick up the win here. Does the winner receive anything?[/I] [B]Casey Valentine[/B] vs. Greg Gauge [I]- I think the knee heals up and when Greg goes for another Proton Lock Casey steals a quick roll-up of a victory.[/I] [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs. Romeo Romero [I]- Purely a guess.[/I] Hugh de Aske vs. [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] [I]- Because I mark for Tempest.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]BEANTOWN RUMBLE[/SIZE][/FONT] Friday Week 1, March 2010 300 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Masked Cougar d. Romeo Romero (w/Vita)[/B] We start right out with some CWB action as the returning Masked Cougar, put out of action by Rhino Umaga, has a strong match against the inexperienced Romero. Romero did a few spots where he went for Cougar's mask but was put away pretty decisively with the I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. [B]D-[/B] Andy Hartigan climbs into the ring for an interview with Masked Cougar: Hartigan: [COLOR="Green"]"Cougar, you had such a great 2009 with winning the Plumelli Cup and looking to really make a name for yourself here in Boston. Then tragedy occurred during a match with then-CWB Champion Rhino Umaga at [B]A New Revolution[/B]"[/COLOR] Cougar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Insiders all over were saying that 2009 was going to be a breakout year for me. I was in the hunt for the CWB Title and then Umaga tried to crush my skull. I sat at home and I watched Nicolas Lopez take my spot. I watched CWB have sellout after sellout here at Biker's Paradise and all I could do was sit at my computer and watch. Andy, I don't care what it takes...I know Umaga has signed with PGHW in Japan and is on tour but I want you to get him back. You get him back and I don't care if it's even for one stinkin' match. He has never pinned me and I need to know...that I can beat him. I'm not taking no for an answer with this. Rhino, I will have my revenge for what you took from me!"[/COLOR] [B]D- Tempest Appleby d. Hugh de Aske[/B] Another strong match between these two. Appleby is the internet darling and de Aske is really coming along nicely as the fans are starting to take to him. Good high-flying with a surprising dash of brawling. The Mover from Vancouver gets a clean win over the rookie but I don't expect this to be the last time they face off. [B]D Casey Valentine d. Greg Gauge[/B] Valentine, still wearing a wrapped knee, put on one of the best matches of his short career here tonight. Definitely more of a grudge match as Valentine sought revenge for his prolonged exposure to the Proton Lock. That was pretty much the story of the match and as Beeker called it, he was rolled up into a Small Package for the pin during an application of the dreaded hold. [B]C- Cameron Vessey wins the 10 Man Battle Royale![/B] Lots of action here with the order of elimination being: 1: Blacjack Robbins (everyone in the match ganged up on the heavyweight cowboy to get him the hell out of Dodge) 2: Romeo Romero (by Frankie Dee) 3: Frankie Dee (a surprising early elimination thanks to the brothers Gauge) 4: Hugh de Aske (by Cameron Vessey) 5: Casey Valentine (by Masked Cougar...hey, it's every man for himself!) 6: Masked Cougar (by Cameron Vessey) 7: Tempest Appleby (by the Gauges) 8: Matthew Gauge (by Cameron Vessey) 9: Greg Gauge 10 and the winner: Cameron Vessey [B]C[/B] Vessey calls for the mic: [COLOR="Blue"]"I know that the winner of tonight's battle royale gets a title shot and I can't tell you how honored I am to be that person. The one thing it didn't specify was which title shot we got. My partner Casey Valentine has been through a lot with his knee and we make one hell of a tag team. So I'm requesting, for my title shot, that Casey and I get one last change at the Gauge Bros. for the CWB Tag Team Titles!!"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] Andy Hartigan stands up at ringside and gives Cameron the thumbs up, signaling that the match WILL take place! The boos of the crowd can only mean one thing...here comes "Trademark" Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"Shut up, shut up right now. I assume you bunch of townies were here last month and if you were I know that you saw me BEAT Nicolas Lopez right in this very ring. I had him pinned for the 1-2-3 and that idiot Chad Brent was off taking a nap somewhere. Lopez, I'm going to sit right there at ringside and illuminate the masses with my color commentary. You aren't going to get rid of me so soon!"[/COLOR] [B]D Nicolas Lopez d. Iceman Clark Alexander to retain the CWB Title[/B] A good "off month" headline match with the on loan Alexander really putting on a good show with the champion. Clark is someone I might look into hiring on full time down the line. Nice style clash match with Iceman working the ground game and Lopez taking to the skies. This one went about 20 minutes with the Lopez Buster for the finish. Good clean win for the champ. [B]C[/B] Thomas Morgan charges in from the announce table and blindsides Lopez. Morgan then takes the CWB title and leaves with it! [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B]
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A little bit of advice, I highly recommend bumping up to the next sized venue. The difference between Tiniest ($200) and Tiny ($1,000) is only $800, so if you're charging $6 a ticket you only need about 130 fans to recoup that cost. My guess is you could get 450 fans easy for shows of this quality.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;367949]A little bit of advice, I highly recommend bumping up to the next sized venue. The difference between Tiniest ($200) and Tiny ($1,000) is only $800, so if you're charging $6 a ticket you only need about 130 fans to recoup that cost. My guess is you could get 450 fans easy for shows of this quality.[/QUOTE] He may want to have a sold out place for his shows as it does help the show grade if the audience is sold out vs half empty or more.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;367950]He may want to have a sold out place for his shows as it does help the show grade if the audience is sold out vs half empty or more.[/QUOTE] Yup, that's it. I like having a packed 300 person place and I'll move up to the Tiny venue when I can pull in about 600-700 people. I'm still at "370" for my estimated attendance. I like having that home, packed arena :) And by selling that out, I'm still making a little over a grand a month. Once I get some coin in the bank I'll be able to hire some more names. The roster looks to be going through a big overhaul in the coming months. Lots of guys moving on to greener pastures...stay tuned! :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWBwebsite.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]NEWS FROM AROUND THE WRESTLING WORLD[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] ** The Gauge Bros. vs. The Millenials...inside a Steel Cage!! The match has been signed and this will be a "Final Battle" match. No matter who wins, these two teams will not face each other for at least one year. It's a last ditch effort for the babyface team of Vessey and Valentine. ** Rhino Umaga signs deal with PGHW and leaves Championship Wrestling from Boston. CWB Owner Andy Hartigan is working on putting together a deal to have him come back for a few shows to finish up the feud with Masked Cougar ** Dazzlin' Dave Diamond=Flake. After no-showing one event too many, the man known as DDD has been fired from Championship Wrestling from Boston. We wish him well on his endeavors. ** Valiant has won the USPW World Title after a series of matches with T-Rex. He is a wrestler who, along with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Jesse Christian and Primus Allen could spark a revolution in that company.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES PREVIEW!![/SIZE][/FONT] [B] FINAL BATTLE: INSIDE A STEEL CAGE![/B] The Gauge Bros. (C) vs. The Millenials [B]FOR THE CWB TITLE[/B] Nicolas Lopez (c) vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita) vs. The L Street Express "Bullet" Bob Casey vs. Edward Cornell Blackjack Robbins vs. Cal Sanders[/CENTER]
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FINAL BATTLE: INSIDE A STEEL CAGE! The Gauge Bros. (C) vs. [B]The Millenials[/B] [I]One or both of the Gauges usually end up on a developmental or written to someone, so I pick the Millenials as safer options for a monthly show champion.[/I] FOR THE CWB TITLE [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [I]Lopez is you best right now and will remain the figurehead of the company.[/I] [B]Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita)[/B] vs. The L Street Express [I]The extra person at ringside makes the difference[/I] "Bullet" Bob Casey vs. [B]Edward Cornell[/B] [I]Here is to your effort to do something I never could, get Eddie over in the states.[/I] Blackjack Robbins vs. [B]Cal Sanders[/B] [I]I know he is an eternal jabroni, but Cal needs some occasional victory love.[/I]
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FINAL BATTLE: INSIDE A STEEL CAGE! The Gauge Bros. (C) vs. [B]The Millenials[/B] FOR THE CWB TITLE [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita) vs. [B]The L Street Express[/B] "Bullet" Bob Casey vs. [B]Edward Cornell[/B] [B]Blackjack Robbins[/B] vs. Cal Sanders
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FINAL BATTLE: INSIDE A STEEL CAGE! The Gauge Bros. (C) vs. [B]The Millenials[/B] [I]Babyface victory in the final encounter between the two teams.[/I] FOR THE CWB TITLE [B]Nicolas Lopez [/B](c) vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [I]As much as I love Morgan, Lopez seems to be a strong champ so I don't see why you would take the belt off him at this point.[/I] [B]Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita)[/B] vs. The L Street Express [I]I like LELE better...[/I] "Bullet" Bob Casey vs. [B]Edward Cornell[/B] [I]Eddy will probably get a strong push because of his family name.[/I] [B]Blackjack Robbins[/B] vs. Cal Sanders [I]I think you're giving Robbins a chance to have a good match here, since you seem to have a soft spot for him.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES[/SIZE][/FONT] Friday Week 2, April 2010 300 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Blackjack Robbins d. Cal Sanders[/B] Not a bad opening match. Sanders got in more offense than you would expect, but Robbins just played the punishing brute. Not exactly a squash. Robbins with the Leaping Side Slam. [B]D-[/B] Nicolas Lopez comes to the ring for an interview with Andy Hartigan: Andy: [COLOR="Green"]"Last month, after a hard fought and spectacular title defense over Clark Alexander, Thomas Morgan beat you down and literally stole the CWB Title from you."[/COLOR] Lopez: [COLOR="Blue"]"Let me tell you Andy, this Morgan is the lowest form of snake. He can't beat me straight up so he has to resort to stealing my title...[I]como un ladrón en la noche[/I]!! Morgan, tonight you get a chance to earn that title. I don't think you have it in you."[/COLOR] [B]D- "Bullet" Bob Casey d. Edward Cornell[/B] A lot of people picked an easy win for Cornell here but he's definitely getting a slow build. I have him working with Sanders and Casey because they'll definitely get him up to speed. Cornell actually dominated the match and lost it when Casey hit a surprise rollup for the leverage pin. [B]D-[/B] Vita leads Love Em & Leave Em to the ring: Vita: [COLOR="Red"]"You are looking at the expression of manhood. The true meaning of machismo and raw animal passion. And they are mine ladies, all mine. They are the men every woman wants to be with and every man wants to be!"[/COLOR] [B]E Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita)d. The L Street Express[/B] Eeek, not a good match at all. I was definitely hoping for more and it's unsure where the fault lay. Just a lot of sloppy moves and mercifully Romero hit the Last Kiss on Wilkes to end this. It was, as they say, the drizzlin' s---s! [B]E[/B] "Trademark" Thomas Morgan comes to the ring wearing a title belt that is not his! Morgan: [COLOR="Red"]"Lopez I heard you out here talking about me. Calling me a theif in the night...yeah that's right, I took high school Spanish! It's not cheating if you don't get caught and it's certainly not stealing when the object belongs to you in the first place. I MADE this company. I MADE this title and anyone else holding it is just an imposter!!"[/COLOR] [B]D+ Thomas Morgan d. Nicolas Lopez by countout; Lopez retains the CWB Title[/B] A fantastic match that had some juice going into to it to boost it up even further. Right now, this is the best match ever booked by CWB. Lopez was all business and tore into Morgan and "Trademark" had to out maneuver him every step of the way. The finish came when they were battling outside and Morgan beat the 10 count by one second to "win" the match. After the match, he nutshots Lopez from behind and steals the belt yet again!! [B]C+[/B] While the cage is being set up, Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey cut a promo from the far corner of the place: Valentine: [COLOR="Blue"]"When I saw Cam win that battle royale last month, I was happy for him. He was finally going to get his shot at singles stardom. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he'd use that opportunity for us to get one more shot at the tag titles."[/COLOR] Vessey: [COLOR="Blue"]"We've gone up and down the road with the Gauge Brothers and I know, in my heart, we're the better team. Matt, Greg...it all gets settled tonight. Final Battle inside a steel cage! Destiny is calling!"[/COLOR] [B]D The Millenials d. The Gauge Bros in a Steel Cage Match to win the CWB Tag Team Titles[/B] Not at the level of the preceding match but it had all of the emotion it needed going in. The bulk of the match saw the Gauge's dismantling Casey Valentine and getting some color on him. When Valentine made the hot tag to Vessey, it was on! At one point, all four men were bleeding which isn't a common occurrence in CWB. The finish came with Valentine leaping out of the Shotgun Blast attempt and hitting a spinning DDT on Matt for the win!! The crowd erupted as the heroes finally brought the tag titles home! [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: A great ending to the Millenials-Gauges close to two year war (Cameron first fought Greg in November 2008!). I'm also really happy with the Lopez-Morgan feud as it's really showing some legs and producing kick ass matches.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/ToH_2010.png[/IMG][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Rhino Umaga vs. Masked Cougar Thomas Morgan vs. Frankie Dee Cameron Vessey vs. Greg Gauge Jared Johnson vs. Bobby Thomas Sanders & Casey vs. The Wigan Bulldogs
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[B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Masked Cougar [I]Savage Samoan Agression reigns supreme[/I] Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] [I]Dee to finally truimph over his former 'mentor'[/I] Cameron Vessey vs. [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [I]Since the millenials took the title, Gauge takes the singles match[/I] Jared Johnson vs. [B]Bobby Thomas[/B] [I]Experience over youth[/I] [B]Sanders & Casey[/B] vs. The Wigan Bulldogs [I]Because you seem to want to see if they can do more than just be jobbers.[/I]
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[B]Rhino Umaga [/B]vs. Masked Cougar [I]Dragonmack said it best: Savage Samoan Aggression[/I] Thomas Morgan vs. [B]Frankie Dee[/B] [I]D for the W![/I] Cameron Vessey vs. [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [I]I wouldn't be surprised if the other brother comes in for a little revenge beatdown[/I] Jared Johnson vs. [B]Bobby Thomas[/B] [I]Jared has potential, but nows not the time to use it[/I] Sanders & Casey vs. [B]The Wigan Bulldogs[/B][/QUOTE] [I]Sanders & Casey = Job Squad (plus I had to pick something different from dragonmack)[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="6"]TOP OF THE HUB[/SIZE][/FONT] Tuesday Week 3, May 2010 300 fans at Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA [COLOR="Red"]SOLD OUT![/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Bob Casey & Cal Sanders d. The Wigan Bulldogs[/B] This was a "dark match" and not show on the internet stream. More of a real test for Eddie Cornell and Svennson and they really held up their end of things. Casey and Sanders needed a win and this is a nice bottom of the card feud to give everyone some experience. Casey rolls up Cornell for the pin. [B]D- "All Business" Bobby Thomas d. Jared Johnson[/B] Johnson is a newcomer to Boston and he looks good. Thomas really carried him along in this one but think "JJ" will be a good uppercard face for the company in a year or so. He'll just need the right storyline and work against the right opponent. Thomas needed a match and a win to keep him happy. [B]D+[/B] Rhino Umaga comes to the ring with a title belt slung over his shoulder: [COLOR="Red"]"A lot of you are probably wondering what this title is that I'm holding. As a lot of you know, I signed a deal with PGHW in Japan and this is the prestigious Historical Japan Title. I am a title holder and champion all over the world, wherever I go. Then I hear Masked Cougar calling me out. Cougar, you didn't learn when I bashed your skull in when we last met? That wasn't enough for you? Fine...I've come back to the States to finish the job."[/COLOR] [B]D-[/B] Greg Gauge comes to the ring: [COLOR="Red"]"Last month, my brother and I...the greatest tag team in wrestling today, were basically cheated out of our title belts. The Millenials knew they could never beat us in a rematch so they made sure it was the last time. I may not get another tag title shot so I'm just going to take out my frustrations on you tonight, Vessey."[/COLOR] [B]D- Greg Gauge and Cameron Vessey went to a 15 minute Time Limit Draw[/B] Strong match as these two have been feuding for close to two years and know how to work to each other's strengths. Vessey came close to tapping due to an extended Proton Lock but Gauge set it up too close to the ropes. Vessey hit the Vessey Driver and as the ref counted, the time limit sounded. [B]C-[/B] Thomas Morgan comes to the ring with Nicolas Lopez' CWB Title: [COLOR="Red"]"Last month I beat Nicolas Lopez. He couldn't make it back into the ring and he lost. By my count...that should make me CWB Champion! Lopez doesn't deserve the title and know he's apparently off in Japan wrestling. I've just got word that next month, this title is going to be held up...literally! That's right...for the first time ever, Nicolas Lopez and me, Thomas Morgan are going to battle for the CWB Title...in a Ladder Match!!"[/COLOR] [B]D- Thomas Morgan d. Frankie Dee[/B] A decent match with Morgan cheating his ass off to beat Dee. They took it outside when, conveniently, Morgan pulled a ladder from under the ring and proceeded to beat Frankie with it. The finish came with Dee going for a sunset flip over the rope on Morgan. Morgan does the classic heel move of sitting on Dee and holding the ropes for leverage and the win. [B]D+[/B] Masked Cougar: [COLOR="Blue"]"Rhino Umaga, you can talk all you want about how honored you are around the world but here in Boston there's only one place for you...laying on your back, looking at the lights and bleeding!"[/COLOR] [B]E+ Rhino Umaga d. Masked Cougar by DQ[/B] Another strong match with a new intensity shown by Cougar. Umaga got a lot of heat on the masked one early in the match with Cougar making abig babyface comeback. The action got violent when Cougar, despite several warnings by referee Chad Brent, bashed Rhino in the head with a steel chair repeatedly. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]D+[/B] Notes: Nicolas Lopez signed a deal with WLW and it was either him or Rhino (who is signed with PGHW right now and on loan) for tonight. I went with the latter to give Masked Cougar something. I'll have both available for next month's Plumelli Cup. Sorry for the sporadic updates...I've been crazy busy and working on a movie (coming to a video store near you very soon!!! :) ) so that's been taking up a lot of my time. I have two more shows "in the can" and I'll try to get them up and post at least once or twice a week ongoing leading to TEW08.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r219/jkeats/CWB_heading_logo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="6"]THE GENE PLUMELLI MEMORIAL CUP TOURNAMENT PREVIEW[/SIZE][/FONT] [B]FIRST ROUND TOURNAMENT MATCHES[/B] Greg Gauge vs. Tempest Appleby "Bullet" Bob Casey vs. Blackjack Robbins Masked Cougar vs. Rhino Umaga Matthew Gauge vs. Jared Johnson [B]LADDER MATCH FOR THE CWB TITLE[/B] Nicolas Lopez (c) vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [B]CWB TAG TEAM TITLES[/B] The Millenials (c) vs. Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita) And for the first time...The Gene Plumelli Cup will be taped for DVD distribution!![/CENTER]
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Coz I want to edge out Dragonmack for once... FIRST ROUND TOURNAMENT MATCHES [B]Greg Gauge[/B] vs. Tempest Appleby - [I]I love Appleby but Gauge is too much for the Mova from Vancouva[/I] [B]"Bullet" Bob Casey[/B] vs. Blackjack Robbins - [I]The Bullet outguns the Blackjack![/I] [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs. Rhino Umaga - [I]Cougar picks up a farewell win from Rhino, before Umaga heads east.[/I] [B]Matthew Gauge[/B] vs. Jared Johnson - [I]Johnson has a shot at this... in a year.[/I] Round 2 [B]GGauge[/B] over Casey - [I]See what I said about Tempest. Same applies to Casey[/I] [b]MGauge[/b] over Cougar - [I]Umaga says 'goodbye' to Cougar with some Samoan Savagry[/I] Final [b]Gauge[/b] over Gauge! Or fine... uh... Matt over Greg. [I]They're both probably soon on their way out but this could be another nice rub for them AND CWB since it can be their 'first taste of solo success' and first time in a ring against each other. And be immortalized on DVD (but not Blu Ray!)[/I] LADDER MATCH FOR THE CWB TITLE [B]Nicolas Lopez (c)[/B] vs. "Trademark" Thomas Morgan [I]- Lopez is better and Morgan whiney is always good for the few more months of storylines.[/I] CWB TAG TEAM TITLES [B]The Millenials (c)[/B] vs. Love Em & Leave Em (w/ Vita) [I]- I could see LE&LE pick up the titles due to Vita's interference but after the long chase of the Gauges I'd like to see Vessey and Valentine enjoy a bit more of a run.[/I] And for the first time...The Gene Plumelli Cup will be taped for DVD distribution!! [I]- Ah, so THAT's the coming soon to DVD you've been working on and keeping yourself away from the boards. NOW it makes sense![/I]
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