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Rip Chord: Where it All Begins Again (CV75)

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Should Rip Chord… [i]A) Deleted for option B below.[/i] I pick this not because of MAW but because it would allow him, McCoy and Bowman to run roughshod over the territory. A powermad Chord just seems fun. Of course, I'd really have liked... C) A couple of big names with the rest being young up-n-comers to be groomed. Because I do want big names, but I think saving that for later might be a better option for now. [b]B) I've changed my mind and now want you to hire the prime time players to hamstring SWF before Eisen first conceives of 'sportz entertainmentz'.[/b]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;295337]A) Start pushing a regime of future stars, who may still be a bit rough around the edges but will pay off in the long run? [I]I'd go with this one too. Also thinking of it from the diary perspective, perhaps some of the older members of the Cornellverse were just rookies round about that time and it will be interesting to see you handle younger versions of well known veterans. [/I][/QUOTE] What he said
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[b]Rip Chord Should…[/b] [b]A)[/b] Start pushing a regime of future stars, who may still be a bit rough around the edges but will pay off in the long run? [b]B)[/b] Hit the ground running in the pursuit of SWF, grabbing a couple big names to beef up the show ratings, saving the trump card for a later date While Chord may push young talent in the future, and while he may be trying to harken back to the territories in the future... in the past he knows what is likely to happen and as a result I imagine he'd do whatever it took to stop Eisen from getting a Khali Vice Grip on the wrestling industry again... not that I wouldn't think Chord would then cause TWL to stop expanding once he'd stopped SWF... he likes territories, he just needs to stop SWF from getting too big for their britches. :) Derek B
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Go for [B]B[/B]. Building stars for the future is all well and good, but this isn't present day and the wrestling world is ripe for the taking. A couple of big names would be the way to go or maybe just one for now... perhaps the start of the legendary Chord and Strong series?
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Now THIS is a good question! On one hand, he knows who's going to hit it big--if he can remember from all of the drinking he did in the eighties and nineties. On the other, he has the chance to just totally re-write history. I wouldn't trust his once-alcohol-befuddled brain...so I vote for B. Hit the SWF before they come up with the idea!
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Foolinc is right. You could probably, knowing what Rip knows, accomplish both goals simultaniously. A question. Since Chord is privy to the way wrestling has evolved, is he going to introduce, say, a TLC match at the biggest show of 1978? Or would it just blow people's minds to the point that it wouldn't be worth it? You know, like Marty McFly's "Johnny B Goode" guitar solo in Back to the Future. But again, great concept.
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The Lone Star Stampeder leaned in, keen to hear what Rip Chord had in mind. Chord seemed to be unsure for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and began. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“We need to make our move now. The SWF is going for the jugular of the smaller territories, and we don’t have time to develop new stars at this point. Even if we did, they’d jump ship to Eisen’s crew if we failed to expand. I’d like to contact some of the big names still left in the territory scene, if you don’t mind spending a few extra bucks.”[/COLOR] Judging from Stampy’s reaction, this was exactly what he wanted to hear. “[COLOR="Navy"]Round up the usual suspects,[/COLOR]” he began with a smile. “[COLOR="Navy"]But remember- a [I]few[/I] extra bucks. I’m not made of money[/COLOR].” [B]Saturday, March 6th. 6:00 PM[/B] Rip Chord slammed the phone back onto the hook again. Kenzo Isozaki had just signed a short term contract with GCG, and was no longer accepting bookings. He joined Jackson Andrews, George DeColt, and even Earnest freaking Mason on the long list of people who had declined to even negotiate terms. Chord still hadn’t heard back from Dan Stone, but he wasn’t optimistic. He’d opted to stay in the Lay Low for another week, but he didn’t feel like telling his boss the bad news face to face. Rip picked the damn phone back up and simply pressed the “3” key. [COLOR="Navy"]“This is Jim.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Stampy, it’s Rip. Got some bad news for you: Jackson Andrews and Kenzo both rejected negotiations today.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“That is bad news. Have you talked to anyone who’s interested yet?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Just one- an SWF guy who’s unhappy with how he’s being used.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Oh really? Who?”[/COLOR] The Stampeder sounded interested at the prospect of grabbing another SWF outcast, despite his displeasure with Austin McCoy at the moment. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Robbie Gordon.”[/COLOR] The mention of Gordon triggered a long string of curses from the other end of the line. Rip Chord held the receiver at arm’s length, but even from a distance he heard the Stampeder punctuate his tirade with an emphatic[COLOR="Navy"] “NO”[/COLOR]. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well, then where do we go from here?”[/COLOR] There was a sigh and a brief silence from the line. [COLOR="Navy"]“To be honest, Rip, I was expecting this. When I had the book, I probably contacted every big name out there. I thought having a top star like you doing the calling might sway some people. But this is why we need to grow. I’ll tell you what- call the next tier down. McCoy came by today and told me he’d be ready to go next week, and we’re running both shows in the Mid South this month anyway, so we can make do with the workers we have. I got the booking sheet you slipped under my door today and it looks fine. Now unless you want to quit avoiding me and grab a burger and a beer, I’ll see you at the West Texas Coliseum on Monday.”[/COLOR] Chord smiled. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I’ll pass on the beer, but let’s grab a burger. I have something I didn’t put on the booking sheet that I wanted to pitch to you.”[/COLOR] [B]Monday, March 8th 8:00 PM[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="3"]TWL Deep in the Heart of Texas[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] There was a packed house at the West Texas Coliseum- there always was. The local crowd was renowned for being the most rabid wrestling fans on the planet. It was belltime, and Rip Chord was guest commentating the first match so he could further hype his title match later in the night. [B]Match #1 (Pre-Show): Chief Two Eagles vs. Shane Sneer[/B] With nobody agreeing to terms with TWL in time to work the show, Shane Sneer was thrust back into an active position. Sneer was surprisingly opposed to the idea, even attempting to cry off with an ailment, citing Migraine Headaches. In the end, he wrestled though, and thanks to Chief working through the match with him step-by-step backstage, the match was slightly better than expected. Of course, Two Eagles scored an easy win with the Tomahawk Chop. [B]Match Length- 3:54 Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Olive"]D+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #2 (Pre Show): Archie Judge vs. Larry Vessey[/B] Rip turned over color commentary duties to Shane Sneer and watched this match from behind the curtain. Knowing both men historically would become long-term members of the TWL roster, Chord watched the match with some interest. He’d forgotten that Larry Vessey was only a 16 year old kid at this time, and that he didn’t really even know his way around the ring at this point. The match was a nightmare, as Vessey botched a scoop slam and mistimed a big boot. Judge worked through it as professionally as possible and managed to end things on a high note using a nice sequence and finishing with the Drawn and Quartered for the submission victory. [B]Match Length- 7:11 Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/B] After the match, Rip Chord came back out to the ring with the TWL World Championship in tow, preparing to give an interview. He motioned for the announcer to hand him a microphone, only remembering when he was after Kurt Berkley looked at him like he was crazy. He turned back around and took hold of the descending ceiling mic. Rip Chord Interview: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Tonight, as you all know, “Perfect” Pat Deacon has demanded a rematch for the TWL Championship which I beat him for right here in this very ring two months ago. Now, until that match, Deacon, you had a right to call yourself “Perfect”. You defended the title 25 times in a row without losing it. But that all ended when I hit you with the Rip Chord DDT and pinned you, ending your long unbeaten streak. Now, you’re just “Plain” Pat Deacon, another name on the long list of Rip Chord’s victims. You see Pat, you never were perfect, you were just better than the rest of the bums here in TWL. It’s clear to me you still haven’t come to terms with being second best, since you still want to claim I cheated and used brass knuckles. Personally, I don’t remember doing that at all. Either way, you’ve demanded tonight’s match be a No-Rules Texas Death Match. Be careful what you wish for, old-timer: Rip Chord is the true Pinnacle of Perfection and I’ll prove it again tonight, even if it means you end up leaving on a stretcher!”[/COLOR] Rip let go of the mic and stifled a smile, absorbing the boos of the fans with an arrogant look on his face. It was good to be back on top. [B]Rip’s Grade: [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #3: The Lone Star Stampeder vs. Warlord Agony[/B] Warlord Agony attacked L.S.S. before the bell, smashing him in the back with a series of axhandles. He picked Stampeder back up and shoved him into the corner, keeping him there and doing heavy damage with a series of shoulder rams. The ref counted to 4 and pulled Agony away, but the face-painted powerhouse shoved him aside and motioned for one more shoulder charge. The Stampeder ducked to his right at the last second, avoiding the charge. He then grabbed Agony in a headlock and tried to bring the big man to his knees. Agony powered out and lifted the Stampeder into a back suplex, causing a loud thump as he dropped the 250 pound man to the canvas. Agony decided to taunt the crowd further, stepping on the downed LSS’ chest. The Warlord picked his opponent up for a scoop slam, but Stampy slipped out the back and fired off a blizzard of punches that sent Agony reeling. The rookie regained his senses quickly and charged the Stampeder, but LSS was ready and caught Agony on his shoulders, then slammed him hard to the mat with the Texas Takedown (a Samoan Drop). He followed up with a Texas Tumble that got the pinfall. [B]Winner- The Lone Star Stampeder Time- 5:38 Rip’s Grade: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #4: The Sadistic Duo[/B] (Professor Nero & TimberWolf)[B] vs. Master & Apprentice [/B](Mark “the Lariat” Krogan & Johnny Boy Tucker) TimberWolf and Professor Nero gained an early advantage when ‘Wolf left his corner and provoked Tucker off the apron, allowing Nero to clip the Lariat’s leg with his trusty cane and choke him with it while the ref tried to restore order. Nero continued to work Krogan over, using a reverse chinlock that restricted his breathing and applying an abdominal stretch that was given extra leverage when TimberWolf grabbed Nero’s arm from outside the ring. Sam Sparrow finally put an end to the Duo’s cheating, breaking the illegal assistance with a dramatic kick, allowing Krogan to hiptoss the surprised Nero out of the ab stretch. The Lariat made a desperate tag out, and Johnny Boy Tucker stormed the ring, barraging Nero with a series of rights. A thumb to the eye ended that, and Nero tagged ‘Wolf in to combat the fresh Tucker. TimberWolf used a nice dropkick and the Nero inspired running knee drop to lay Johnny out. He covered Johnny Boy, but Tucker kicked out at two. TimberWolf then used a blatant choke, drawing the ire of Sam Sparrow. While ‘Wolf was being admonished, Nero grabbed Tucker from outside the ring and dragged him to a prone position with his head leaning off of the apron. Nero then again used his cane, bashing Tucker in the side of the head. TimberWolf collected the knocked-silly Tucker and rolled him into a pinning position, getting an easy three count while Nero held off a furious Mark Krogan. [B]Winners- The Sadistic Duo Time- 6:40 Rip’s Grade-[COLOR="SandyBrown"] C-[/COLOR][/B] After the Match Mark Krogan and Johnny Boy Tucker engage in a heated argument, obviously angry about the loss. Eventually Johnny Boy storms away from the veteran. [B]Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Olive"]D+[/COLOR][/B] TWL Tag Team Title Match [B]Match #5: The Texas Outlaws[/B] (Mean Mark Green & Trailer Park Kid) [B]=©= vs. The Border Runners [/B](Carlos Reyes and Pavel Landis) The Outlaws dominated this match, controlling the offense with a combination of the Mean Machine’s technical expertise and TPK’s speed. Pavel Landis ended up with Nowhere to Run (The Outlaws’ double Sidewalk Slam finisher), marking another defense in the books for the Outlaws. [B]Winners- Texas Outlaws Time- 8:24 Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Olive"]D+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Pat Deacon Interview:[/B] Along with W.G. Reginald, Deacon returned the lip service to Rip Chord, and guaranteed he’d win the TWL World Title back tonight. [B]Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Match #6 (No DQ rules): Floyd Bowman & Austin McCoy vs. the Motorheads [/B](Derek Barnes & The Night Rider) The Motorheads had demanded a match for the tag team titles, and the Outlaws accepted on the circumstance that they could beat the other two members of the stable in a tag team match. Austin McCoy and the Night Rider started. The Wild Boy tried to stand toe to toe with the much larger Rider and trade blows with him, but Rider devastated McCoy with a haymaker, then picked him up of the canvas and delivered three straight scoop slams, the impact echoing through the arena. He made a cover, but only got a 1 count. Rider tagged Derek Barnes in, then held McCoy to allow the Bad Boy to start his offense with a stiff chop. Barnes followed up with an arrogant fistdrop, then sent Austin into the Night Rider’s waiting boot in the corner. Derek tried to end things early, getting McCoy into piledriver position, but McCoy held onto his thighs and managed to power out with a back body drop. The Wild Boy came off the ropes with a flying forearm that sent the recovering Barnes reeling through the middle ropes and to the outside. McCoy was eager to stay on top of Barnes, following him out and irish whipping Derek back-first into the guardrail. McCoy then took advantage of the No DQ stipulation, grabbing Barnes in a Boston Crab outside the ring. Barnes cried in pain, and it didn’t take long for his partner to give him a hand, as Rider left his corner and broke the hold with a running boot to the back of Austin McCoy’s head. Barnes managed to return to his corner and tag out just as McCoy was crawling back into the ring, but the Wild Boy slipped right between the Night Rider’s legs and reached his corner for the tag. Floyd Bowman wasn’t there. He’d dropped from the apron and was eye level with the still-crawling McCoy. He simply shook his head as McCoy got to his feet and gave him a questioning look. The Night Rider wasted no time in waylaying McCoy from behind, destroying him with a big lariat that crushed Austin against the turnbuckle. The Rider added on a powerslam for good measure, getting the academic three count as Floyd Bowman looked on from the outside. [B]Winners-The Motorheads Time-7:44 Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR][/B] [B]An Alliance is Announced[/B] Floyd Bowman rolls back into the ring and has the Motorheads hold Austin McCoy up. Bowman doesn't say a word to McCoy, he simply Salute' N 'Boot's him, then raises his arms in a show of alliance to the Motorheads. The fans booed viciously as the three exit the ring. [B]Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="SeaGreen"]B-[/COLOR][/B] [B] TWL World Championship Match- Texas Death Match Rules Match #7: Rip Chord =©= vs. “Perfect” Pat Deacon w/ W.G. Reginald[/B] Rip had butterflies in his stomach as he made his way down the aisle to the ring. He handed his title belt to the ref, who held it high before signaling for the bell to start the match. Chord and Deacon locked horns with a collar and elbow tieup, with Deacon using a go-behind to lock on a hammerlock. Chord tried a back elbow with his free right arm, but Deacon avoided it and tripped Rip, sending him face first into the mat but maintaining the hold. He continued to wrench on the arm from a mount position, paintbrushing his hated rival to the fans’ delight. Chord finally grabbed one of Deacon’s legs and rolled him over onto his shoulders, getting a one count but forcing Deacon to relinquish the arm. Deacon put his arms up for a test of strength, appearing at first to have goaded Chord into the contest, but Rip simply booted the Perfect one in the gut. Rip dropped to a knee and popped Deacon with a quick uppercut, then sprung up and delivered a huge chop to Deacon’s broad chest. Pat turned and grabbed his chest, and Rip landed another chop to his back. Rip rolled his opponent backwards into another pinning position, then used the momentum from Deacon’s kickout to propel himself off the ropes and follow up with a seated dropkick. Chord picked his challenger up and brought him right back down with a headlock takeover, lying on top of Deacon while maintaining the hold. Pat fought his way to his feet, and powered Rip into the corner, prompting the ref to force a break. Seemingly unharmed by Chord’s offense, Deacon approached Rip again only to be halted with a thumb to the eye. Rip then rolled out of the ring for a brief time-out. Deacon started to follow, but WG Reginald stopped him and told him to wait. Annoyed at things not going according to plan, Rip rolled back in under the supervision of Sam Sparrow, who prevented Deacon from getting any cheap shots in. Deacon still got the best of Chord when the two finally started to trade blows again, and he returned the stiff chop Chord had delivered early in the match. Deacon grabbed the wounded Chord and snap suplexed him to the mat, following up with a well-measured that caught Rip across the chin. Deacon went for another elbow, but Chord rolled out of harm’s way and got to his feet. Both men were hesitant to make the next move, but Perfect Pat finally bit and tried to grapple with Chord again. Rip kneed the larger challenger in the groin, doubling him over in pain, then threw him through the ropes. Following his downed opponent out, Rip moved one of the ringside mats and slammed Deacon on the concrete floor, drawing a chorus of boos. Rip arrogantly played to the crowd, going to a knee and choking Deacon. Perfect Pat wasn’t as injured as Chord thought, though, and grabbed Rip in a choke of his own. The two men made their way to a standing position, still firmly at each other’s throats. Deacon started to overpower Chord, forcing him backwards and causing Rip to relinquish his half of the death grip. The two ran out of room, and Deacon further leveraged his hold by leaning Chord over a guardrail as the champion frantically reached into his tights. His face turning red, Rip finally procured a pair of brass knuckles, slipped them on, and peppered Deacon’s ribs with shots until Deacon collapsed next to Chord on the rail. Rip stood back up, rubbing his throat. He barely had time to catch a breath before an infuriated Deacon was giving chase. Rip took Perfect Pat for a lap and a half around the ring before WG Reginald got into his path, hoping to halt the champion for his client. In a split second, Chord rolled to his left and Deacon collided headfirst with his manager! Rip then wrested his title from the timekeeper and blasted both men in the head with it! Chord slid his belt into the ring, then rolled his downed challenger in as well. Rip picked Perfect Pat up one last time and delivered a perfect Rip Chord DDT onto the World Title! Chord covered and got the pinfall, giving Deacon 10 seconds to make it to his feet. Sam Sparrow began the count: 1…2…3…4… Signs of life from Deacon… 5… 6… 7… 8… Deacon is trying to get a base… 9… Deacon collaspses back to the mat! 10! Rip Chord defends the title! [B] Winner- Rip Chord Time- 13:51 Rip’s Grade- [COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR] Final Show Rating: [COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR] [/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B] Tuesday, March 9th 12:30 AM The Longhorn Bar in Waco, Texas[/B] Rip Chord sat a table, far away from the bar. He had a rum-less coke in front of him, something he was still trying to cope with. The temptation to drink was strong, especially when he was disappointed with the show and his match in particular. His buddies Austin McCoy and Floyd Bowman were not having that problem, as they were holding down the pool table against frustrated locals and getting progressively more belligerent. The Lone Star Stampeder arrived and made a beeline for Chord’s table. [COLOR="Navy"]“Is there liquor in that?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Nope.”[/COLOR] Stampy seemed genuinely surprised.[COLOR="Navy"] “You’re serious about this non-drinking thing, huh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Yep.”[/COLOR] Picking up on Chord’s somber mood, the Stampeder changed the topic. He knew what Rip really wanted to talk about. [COLOR="Navy"]“Look, tonight’s show was fine. The fans are burning up about Bowman’s heel turn. When we come back in two weeks they’ll want his blood. It was a set-up show, baby.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“My match with Deacon…”[/COLOR][COLOR="Navy"] “It was good for what it was. Deacon dragged down the beginning and it never recovered. We have plenty of guys who can put on better matches with you, and plenty more who can work with Pat. We’ll blow it off A.S.A.P. and reorganize our programs, incorporate whoever we end up signing. What I really want to talk to you about is setting your boys straight.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“I saw McCoy snorting blow at the arena after his match. Floyd was half-drunk when he showed up at the Coliseum. Now, I’m all for having fun, but this locker room is a mess right now, and it starts at the top. Just sleep on this one, but sometime within the next couple days, you have to confront one of those guys or the other. Don’t try both at once, they’ll only turn on you. I’m going up to the bar to get a beer.”[/COLOR] As Stampy stood up, Chord silently cursed. Saying he wanted to help his friends was one thing, but confronting either of them was another. He’d been sober for 7 days at this point, still teetering on the edge himself. But, the sooner he got McCoy or Bowman to face their demons, the easier it would be for him. Rip took a long drink, still wishing it contained alcohol, and pondered his options. [B][I]Should Rip Chord…[/I][/B] [B]A) [/B]Confront Austin McCoy about his drug problems. [B]B) [/B]Confront Floyd Bowman about his drinking problems. [B]C) [/B]Worry more about his own problems at this point, confronting neither man in the near future.
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Just to answer a couple questions in the topic- I was only looking to make 1 to 3 signings at this point, so having "both" would have been hard to pull off. Looking back though, maybe I should have had it as an option, I ended up with peanuts in the new signings department so far! Maybe Dan Stone hasn't replied because he's clearing his schedule though... :rolleyes: I can't see Rip breaking out a TLC match, especially since he's going for a throwback to tradition with MAW. TWL is a notably "hardcore" place for its time though, so a barbed wire match or something of the like is a possibility. Also, this took quite a while to write. I may only do this for the end-month shows from now on, they're bigger. And I'll also quit being lazy and include pictures next time, I just didn't want to run out of time and not get it up before work.
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[b]Rip Chord Should…[/b] [b]A)[/b] Confront Austin McCoy about his drug problems. [b]B)[/b] Confront Floyd Bowman about his drinking problems. [b]C)[/b] Worry more about his own problems at this point, confronting neither man in the near future. An excellent entry but I have a little problem with it... the dreaded kayfabe. Given that this is 1975 and that it's unlikely that kayfabe has been broken anywhere, even in the Cornellverse, it seems wrong that Bowman and McCoy would be cozying up together in the bar. Especially when you consider that you're owner acknowledges that the crowd, presumably including those guys in the bar, will want his blood. I know that'll make it more difficult to write the dynasty and understand if you choose to ignore it, but I had to mention it. :) Derek B
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[QUOTE=derek_b;296125][b]Rip Chord Should…[/b] [b]A)[/b] Confront Austin McCoy about his drug problems. [b]B)[/b] Confront Floyd Bowman about his drinking problems. [b]C)[/b] Worry more about his own problems at this point, confronting neither man in the near future. An excellent entry but I have a little problem with it... the dreaded kayfabe. Given that this is 1975 and that it's unlikely that kayfabe has been broken anywhere, even in the Cornellverse, it seems wrong that Bowman and McCoy would be cozying up together in the bar. Especially when you consider that you're owner acknowledges that the crowd, presumably including those guys in the bar, will want his blood. I know that'll make it more difficult to write the dynasty and understand if you choose to ignore it, but I had to mention it. :) Derek B[/QUOTE] Argh..... Forgot about kayfabe. Well, given that a good deal of the dynasty revolves around Chord and his buddies, I guess kayfabe will now officially be ignored. I tried to '75 it all the way, but only being 22, I was bound to mess that up somewhere. :mad:
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Well - some of you guys may have noticed I haven't had an opportunity to post for a while, mostly due to boring and irrelevant school issues. But when I saw this diary, I immediately knew I'd have to log in; I just finished my last mid-term, and while I may not have time to run a mafia game, I've got the time to participate in this! Loving the voting angle so far MT - in addition it's very well written, along with being quite fun to read. TWL have some great prospects in there. With Deacon vs Chord turning out to be a bit of a flop, I'd love to see Deacon step down and start working on elevating someone with talent. More specifically, a Deacon vs Professor Nero feud would be money as an upper midcard program while Chord looks elsewhere for challengers. My vote would have to be [b]B[/b]. Sad as it is, McCoy just has too many problems to bother trying. If the drugs don't get him, the alcohol, legal issues, or low resilience rating all conspire to end his career early. The Stampeder already made it clear Austin is gone once his contract is up, so there's no need for Rip to waste his time on a lost cause. Focus on saving those who can be saved, like Bowman. [QUOTE=foolinc;296136][b]B[/b] seems to be the best choice, but why did you have Chord and Deacon wrestling each other? Did you start Rip out as a face?[/QUOTE] Pat Deacon is actually a face in the default 1975 database, while Chord, as always, is a heel. TWL has a proliferation of great babyface brawlers, actually. At the top of the card, though, not many great technicians for Chord to work with other than McCoy. Lastly, if Gabriel Peterson won't sign a contract, I wouldn't mind seeing Identity Black make his way to Texas. Now there's a guy who's got all the tools to make it in this territory. Feels good to be back. :p
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