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WRESTLING: The Federation

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Paul Steadyfast vs. [b]D.C Rayne[/b] - He's just cool. And Steadyfast's picture annoys me. Cal Sanders vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] Hernandez has beaten Wallace, and Wallace has beaten Sanders, but two months ago Sanders and Wallace had an epic draw, so that doesn't really mean much now. I still think Hernie can do it. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs. Joey Beauchamp Beauchamp will lie down and let Perez into the finals. Either that, or Perez will lie down and let Joey get within a point of it. Personally, I think the former is probably the safer bet. Either way, I can't see it being much of a contest. Ed Larkins vs. [B]Alexander Fayt[/B] I can see Larkins having an emo losing streak after being surgically removed from his precious title ¬_¬ Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship Randy Bumfhole (c) vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] Either Joey will win, or it'll be thrown out due to Larkins. I can't see Posion losing.
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[CENTER] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... Anarchy In Alberta![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [I]The fallout from Ed Larkins' title reign hasn't been good, as he has had to deal with personal problems between him and Joey Poison. Larkins wants a shot at Poison, but Poison is cashing in on his title shot tonight. And tonight, Frankie Perez is in prime position to make it to the finals of the No Limits Tournament, which has spanned over months now. With a win, and two more points, Perez secures a shot at the [B]No Limits WRESTLING Championship. Mainstream Hernandez is also in this position.[/B][/I] --------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]D.C Rayne vs. Paul Steadyfast[/COLOR][/B] [I]D.C Rayne wins with the help of Eddie Howard who was at ringside with him.[/I] [B] Winner: D.C Rayne Rating: E+[/B] --------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Mainstream Hernandez vs. Cal Sanders[/COLOR][/B] [I]This was an intense match. Cal Sanders at 5 points, and Hernandez at 6, he could take himself to the finals here. Perez and Beauchamp were at ringside. Beauchamp distracted the referee and Perez tossed a pair of brass knuckles into the ring, but Sanders caught them. Sanders used them, knocking Hernandez out, the referee being none the wiser.[/I] [B]Winner: Cal Sanders Rating: D+[/B] [I] After the match, Hernandez held his pounding head. [B]He accused Perez of tossing the brass knuckles on purpose, being jealous that Hernandez might be the first one to get to 8 points.[/B] Hernandez stormed off to the back, Perez and Beauchamp pleading their cases.[/I] ------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Kid Toma vs. Ash Campbell[/COLOR][/B] [I]A surprise match for the fans, Campbell has changed his look to be more like his father Nemesis. He however, got the loss here when Toma hit him with a diving headbutt. [/I] [B]Winner: Kid Toma Rating: D-[/B] ------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Frankie Perez vs. Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hernandez came down to the ring to support the two of them in their contest, but when Beauchamp tapped out in like, 5 seconds to a weak looking P-Clutch, Hernandez smacked the ropes and cursed profanities at them as he left to the back, mad as hell.[/I] [B]Winner:Frankie Perez Rating: C-[/B] ------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ed Larkins vs. Alexander Fayt[/COLOR][/B] These two met back in the triple threat for the Championship, where Larkins pinned Fayt to become Champion. And this match was better than that triple threat. Fayt however, lost to the grieving champion as he climbs the ladder to the top once again. [B]Winner: Ed Larkins Rating: C- [/B][I](Hes finally getting me some good ratings, but with opponents like Fayt and Bumfhole, its not hard)[/I] -------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Randy Bumfhole vs. Joey Poison[/COLOR][/B] [I]Poison came out, oozing of arrogance, which even Randy who is employed by SWF doesn't do. Poison brought out his dastardly tactics from the beginning, dodging a handshake to poke Bumfhole in the eyes. Bumfhole fought an uphill battle all match, trying to put up with Poisons clever ways of getting the upper hand. Bumfhole, showed why he is Champion however coming back and rallying hard. Until...[/I] . . . . [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SamPratt.jpg[/IMG] [I]SAM PRATT!!! Sam Pratt made his way down the aisle in a shirt and jeans, standing outside the ring. Bumfhole saw this, and runs across the ropes, ducks under a Poison clothesline, diving through the ropes right at Pratt. [B]The referee calls the match a countout victory[/B] for Joey Poison, Randy Bumfhole retaining the title. Bumfhole gets up, and is immidiately met by a right hand from Pratt. Poison attacks Bumfhole now, as Pratt and Poison beat on the champ. [/I] [B]Winner: Joey Poison via DQ, Randy Bumfhole makes defense # 3 Rating: C[/B] [I][B]Eddie Larkins runs down the aisle[/B] and tackles Joey Poison, who, after eating a few rights and lefts from Larkins manages to escape through the crowd. Bumfhole begins to get the upper hand on Pratt, who escapes down the aisle. Bumfhole rolls into the ring to get his title, and as he gets to his feet, he is startled to see [B]Ed Larkins,[/B] holding his title right in front of him, as Larkins holds his hands out, offering it to Randy. [B]Randy takes it, then offers his hand in respect for helping him, as the two shake hands to end the show.[/B][/I] [B][SIZE="4"]Show Rating: C-[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[U][B]No Limits Standings[/B][/U] [I]Dave Wallace: 5 points (2-1-1) Cal Sanders: 7 points (3-1-1) TEMPEST: 4 points (2-2) Joey Beauchamp: 4 points (2-2) [B]Frankie Perez: 8 points (4-0) - ADVANCES[/B] Mainstream Hernandez: 6 points (3-1) Kashmir Singh: 0 points (0-4) Roderick Remus: 0 points (0-4)[/I] [CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"]WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]The Webs We Weave[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][U]Recap[/U][/SIZE] [I]Last month, [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B], World WRESTLING Champion, defended his WWC in a loss against Joey Poison, due to a countout loss. [B]Sam Pratt[/B], whom many people may know from SWF fame as The Calamari Kid, came down the aisle to the ring, and Bumfhole dove out of the ring to attack him. Apparently, Randy thought Sam was there to distract or attack him during the match, and tried to make him a non-factor. In doing so, he lost the match, AND ticked off Pratt. [B]Joey Poison [/B]was not happy about losing by countout, and he was even less impressed by being attacked by former World WRESTLING Champion, [B]Ed Larkins.[/B] Also, last week, we saw [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] lay down and 'take one for the team' as he lost his match to [B]Frankie Perez[/B] via a very suspect submission. [B]Hernandez[/B] felt that Perez wanted him to lose his match earlier in the night because he was jealous that he might not be the first in the finals, therefore, giving [B]Cal Sanders[/B] brass knuckles on purpose. No news on this situation yet, as for the rest of the night their lockerroom door was closed, and locked.[/I] -------------------------------------------- [I][B][U][SIZE="4"]PREVIEW[/SIZE][/U][/B][/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ash 'Enemy' Campbell vs. Kashmir Singh[/COLOR][/B] [I]Opening match.[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Natural Storm vs. ???[/COLOR][/B] [I]D.C Rayne wants the WTF booking commitee to bring in an actual tag team to face them. Will they have a respectable team for Rayne and Howard to face?[/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Joey Beauchamp vs. Kid Toma[/COLOR][/B] [I]Toma hasn't amounted to much here, and has gotten lost in the mix of talented competitors. Joey Beauchamp on the other hand, got the attention of everyone upon his debut, and has been pretty solid ever since. Will there be a role reversal this match, or will natures course ring true?[/I] [B][U]No Limits Tournament Match[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Cal Sanders vs. Dave Wallace vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hernandez with 6 ponts, Wallace with 5 points and Cal Sanders with 7 points, the rules are being bent a little bit, with Perez already in the finals. To find a challenger to face him for the vacant No Limits WRESTLING Championship, these three face off to get the second spot.[/I] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Event - Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Sam Pratt and Joey Poison vs. Randy Bumfhole (c) and Ed Larkins[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the brawling that went down after the Main Event of Anarchy In Alberta, this match was the obvious choice. Joey Poison will want a rematch, and guaranteed Sam Pratt wants a shot at Bumfhole. Larkins' mind seems to be off the World WRESTLING Championship, at least while Joey Poison is stirring things up. This match should help sort things out.[/I] [/CENTER]
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[B]Ash 'Enemy' Campbell[/B] vs. Kashmir Singh Singh didn't get a tournament win, and I don't see him starting here. [B]Natural Storm[/B] vs. ??? Obviously the mysteries have got a chance, but I'd like to see you stick with Strom. [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] vs. Kid Toma Toma's past form gives no indication of an upset here. No Limits Tournament Match [B]Cal Sanders[/B] vs. Dave Wallace vs. Mainstream Hernandez I've always wanted to push Sanders, but never stuck with him. Main Event - Tag Team Match [B]Sam Pratt and Joey Poison[/B] vs. Randy Bumfhole (c) and Ed Larkins This might not decide who gets a title match (Triple Threat.. Fatal Fourway?), but it'll gaurantee one of Pratt and Poison gets one.
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[B]Ash 'Enemy' Campbell [/B]vs. Kashmir Singh [B]Natural Storm [/B]vs. ??? [B]Joey Beauchamp [/B]vs. Kid Toma Cal Sanders vs. Dave Wallace vs. [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] [B]Sam Pratt and Joey Poison [/B]vs. Randy Bumfhole (c) and Ed Larkins I'll go with the heels to win and become major challengers to Bumfhole's title. Hernandez to set up a big Perez vs Hernandez match. Natural Storm to get a bit of momentum. Beauchamp is more up the ranks than Toma at the moment, I think. The first one is a toss up.
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[CENTER] [B] [SIZE="5"] WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"]The Webs We Weave[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B] Week 1, Wednesday December Yorkton Pavillion, 141 in attendance[/B] [I][U][B][SIZE="3"]Preshow[/SIZE][/B][/U][/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Paul Steadyfast vs. Des Davids[/COLOR][/B] Davids lost a match to Paul Steadyfast in his debut. [B] Kashmir Singh[/B] came out to watch the match, standing in the aisle. [B]Winner: Paul Steadyfast Rating: E+[/B] ------------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ash 'Enemy' Campbell vs. Kashmir Singh[/COLOR][/B] [I]Ash got the win here, which upset Singh, when Ash hit his [B]'Enemy Arrow'[/B] which is a missile dropkick from the top rope.[/I] [B]Winner: Ash Campbell Rating: D[/B] ------------------------------ [B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"]Tag Team Taunting[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/B] [I][B]Natural Storm[/B] made their way out first, not knowing who their opponents would be for the night. Some new music played, and [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B], of [B]Flash Savage[/B] and [B]Oscar Golden[/B] stepped through the curtains. They slapped hands with the fans, before rolling into the ring.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Flash Savage[/B]: [I]You wanted some tag team competition, well, you guys have got the greatest up and coming tag team in Canada[/I].[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Oscar Golden[/B]:[I] Tonight, we start our rise to the top, with our domination of you two chumps.[/I][/COLOR] [I]D.C Rayne and Eddie Howard, who are on the outside pacing, can be seen trying to contain their laughter.[/I] [COLOR="SeaGreen"] [B]D.C Rayne[/B]: This... this is what WTF officials brought for us as a challenge? This is more like childs play. There is a reason we have been MAW Tag Team Champions for over a year, and it is because these chumps couldn't dethrone us.[/COLOR] [I]Rayne tosses the mic down, as he and Eddie have ****y grins on their faces as they get into the ring.[/I] --------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Natural Storm vs. The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Blondes brought some high octaned team work to the table, but Natural Storms ruthless aggression and teamwork were just a bit too much for Flash and Oscar too handle.[/I] [B] Winners: Natural Storm Rating: E+[/B] --------------------- [I]After the match, Natural Storm were standing in the ring celebrating, as The Canadian Blondes went up the aisle, when from behind the curtain,[B] Snap Dragon and Flyin Jimmy Foxx. [/B] Remmington Remus hyped the arrival of [B]Air Force 1[/B] from CZCW, and the fact that it looked like the tag team division was starting to heat up, as the three teams stared eachother down.[/I] ---------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Joey Beauchamp vs. Kid Toma [/COLOR][/B] [I]Beauchamp, quickly making his rise within the WTF ranks, takes on someone who hasn't been that hot as of late, or, really at all in WTF. Beauchamp got the win after an alright contest, with a [B]Breeze Block[/B] on Toma.[/I] [B]Winner: Joey Beauchamp Rating: D+[/B] ----------------------- [B][SIZE="3"] A Poisonous Affair...[/SIZE][/B] [I]Joey Poisons music played, a long drowned out moan being heard from the crowd. He ****ily swaggers to the ring, looking pissed off.[/I] [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Joey Poison[/B]:[I] Last week... the unthinkable happened, and that coward Randy Bumfhole stole one from me, walking away from our match with the title. What he didn't walk away with, was any dignity, or my respect.[/I][/COLOR] Crowd doesn't like what Poison is saying about their Champion. [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Joey Poison[/B]: [I]A true Champion, would have stayed in the ring, and taken his loss like a man and let me beat him in the center of that ring, giving me my title![/I][/COLOR] Poison scratches his goatee, pausing for a moment. [COLOR="Magenta"] [B]Joey Poison[/B]: [I]But no. Randy had to take the easy way out. He have to prolong the inevitable, and most importantly, IRRITATE THE HELL OUT OF ME![/I][/COLOR] Poison takes off his sunglasses, screaming at the camera. [COLOR="Magenta"][B] Joey Poison[/B]: [I]There won't be any ducking or dodging Bumfhole. I want a rematch, I deserve a rematch, and I will get a rematch and [B]WRESTLING: No Limits.[/B][/I][/COLOR] [I]Poison tosses the mic down, leaving to a chorus of boos.[/I] --------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Dave Wallace vs. Cal Sanders vs. Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR][/B] Wallace and Sanders have been backbones of WTF, and Hernandez has really been coming into his own as of late, after he got off to the worst start in his trio with Perez and Beauchamp. The winner of this match would face [B]Frankie Perez[/B] at the next event, [U][I]WRESTLING: No Limits[/I][/U] for the [B]No Limits WRESTLING Championship.[/B] [I]Perez and Beauchamp were at the announce table, pestering Remmington Remus while this match was going on, cheering on Hernandez. The match was pretty even, and the fans really didn't know who was going to win, or who they wanted to win as the momentum shifted throughout the match. Perez and Beauchamp got involved in the match, after Dave Wallace hit the referee with a crossbody block that was meant for Sanders. Beauchamp took out Wallace to the outside, and immobilized him, as Perez went into the ring. Perez went to nail Sanders with a superkick, but he dropped to the ground, and Perez nailed an unsuspecting Mainstream Hernandez who just turned his chin into it. Perez grabbed at his hair, not believing what happened for the second week in a row, before Sanders tossed him over the top rope. Sanders runs to the top and hits a 450 splash on Hernandez, as referee [B]Gregory Chapman[/B] runs from the back to help out the downed Dewey Libertine. Cal Sanders will face Frankie Perez in the Main Event at No Limits![/I] [B]Winner: Cal Sanders Rating: D[/B] ----------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Event - Tag Team[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SamPratt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Sam Pratt and Joey Poison vs. Randy Bumfhole (c) and Ed Larkins[/COLOR][/B] [I]Noone really knows why Sam Pratt is here, or why Randy Bumfhole dove out of the ring at him during his title match with Poison, but they'd get a good Main Event out of those events. Eddie Larkins is still the most over with the loyal crowd, but Randy Bumfhole is slowly earning the adoration of the fans with his hard work. Pratts reaction was mixed, and Poisons was littered with boos as usual. This match never really got started as Bumfhole attacked Pratt right away, and Larkins went right after Poison and they brawled around the ring. Referee finally got things under control, and the match was pretty good, Bumfhole and Larkins trying to climb out of a hole, as Bumfhole needed to make the hot tag to Larkins. Finally came as Poison was in the ring, and the fans were hot to see Eddie get his hands on Poison, but Poison tagged in Pratt and rolled out. Finish saw Pratt get the with with a [B]'Sam Slam Driver'[/B] on Randy Bumfhole after Larkins got fed up with not being able to get his hands on Poison, and began chasing him around the ring. [/I] [B]Winners: Joey Poison and Sam Pratt Rating: C-[/B] [I] Larkins tried to make the save, but it was too late, as Pratt and Poison celebrated in the ring, both motioning towards Bumfhole and his belt.[/I] --------------------- [B][SIZE="4"] Show Rating: D+[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[center] [B][SIZE="5"]WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"]No Limits[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B] Des Davids vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond[/B] [I]Newcomer Davids takes on longstanding member, DDD![/I] [B]The Canadian Blondes vs. Air Force 1[/B] [I]The Canadian Blondes made their debut in a loss last week to Natural Storm. Air Force 1 made their presence noted when they showed up in the aisle after the match. With these two new teams, who will take the victory?[/I] [B]Dave 'Air Attack' Wallace vs. Kid Toma vs. Ash Campbell vs. TEMPEST[/B] [I]Four corners matchup here. All could be future No Limits contenders.[/I] [B]American Elemental vs. Ed Larkins[/B] [I]The Phenomenal One, Eddie Larkins takes on American Elemental, who is always an allstar, on any lineup, of any given night. Could be a huge victory for Elemental to beat the former Champion. [/I] [B]Sam Pratt vs. Alexander Fayt[/B] [I]The young rookie takes on former backyarder and gymnast, Sam Pratt.[/I] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Event - [I]Ladder Match[/I] for the No Limits WRESTLING Championship[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B] Frankie Perez vs. Cal Sanders[/B] [I]Perez was the first to get 8 points in the tournament, and Sanders won a triple threat between the next closest point getters to enter himself in this match. Can Sanders overcome the numbers odds like he has the last two weeks? And what state of mind is Mainstream Hernandez is after getting superkicked by his supposed partner in crime, Frankie Perez?[/I] [/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="3"]Quick Picks[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Des Davids vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond TEMPEST vs. Dave Wallace vs. Kid Toma vs. Ash Campbell The Canadian Blondes vs. Air Force 1 Ed Larkins vs. American Elemental Sam Pratt vs. Alexander Fayt Frankie Perez vs. Cal Sanders - No Limits Championship[/I]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"]WRESTLING: The Federation Presents...[COLOR="DarkRed"] No Limits[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [U][I][SIZE="3"]Preshow[/SIZE][/I][/U] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Des Davids vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond[/COLOR][/B] [I]Des Davids won when Kashmir Singh came down and tripped up DDD for him. Davids gets the pin, but looks confused as to why Singh helped him.[/I] [B]Winner: Des Davids Rating: E+[/B] ------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Air Force 1 vs. The Canadian Blondes[/COLOR][/B] [I]Once again, The Canadian Blondes fought valiantly, but their efforts weren't enough, as Snap Dragon hits the [B]Dragons Breath[/B]from the top for the win.[/I] [B]Winners: Snap Dragon and Flyin Jimmy Fox Rating: D[/B] ------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ash 'Enemy' Campbell vs. TEMPEST vs. Kid Toma vs. Dave 'Air Attack' Wallace[/COLOR][/B] [I]Crowd actually got into this match, and Ash Campbell seems to have found himself a fanbase. Toma and TEMPEST were hated by all, and the fans were split between Campbell and Wallace. Ash played up his fathers mannerisms, and the crowd ate it up, but unfortunately he was the one getting pinned. TEMPEST got the win with a Tempest Bomb after 14 minutes.[/I] [B] Winner: TEMPEST Rating: D[/B] ----------------------- [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]'Phenomenal' Ed Larkins vs. American Elemental[/B][/COLOR] [I]This match hypes itself. Former World WRESTLING Champion, takes on American Elemental for the first time, and the two didn't disappoint. Larkins seemed to have other things on his mind, probably Joey Poison, but he still managed to get the job done. Larkins hit a [B]'Simply Phenomenal'[/B] shooting star legdrop for the win after 22 minutes.[/I] [B] Winner: Ed Larkins Rating: D+[/B] --------------------- [B][I][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkRed"]You've Got My Back Right...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B] [I]Backstage we see Perez, pacing in the lockerroom area, with Beauchamp and Hernandez sitting there.[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"] [B]Frankie Perez[/B]: [I]Okay, so James, lets be serious, you KNOW last week, and then the month before we were only trying to help you... that kick last week, was a TOTAL accident, and Sanders wasn't supposed to get those brass knuck;es the month before...[/I][/COLOR] [I]Hernandez is sitting on a couch, with his feet up, with a rather smug grin considering the last two months. He just slightly nods in the direction of Perez.[/I] [COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Frankie Perez[/B]: [I]Hey, come on now, tonight is a huge match for us! We can become No Limits WRESTLING Champion tonight, I just need to know that we're on the same page.[/I][/COLOR] [I] Hernandez just nods in his direction, reassuring him.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: [I]We're definitely on the same page.[/I][/COLOR] ----------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SamPratt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/Random_Male07.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Sam Pratt vs. Alexander Fayt[/COLOR][/B] [I]Would be a very hard match to pick if I were to make some predictions. Fayt has been a rock for the company, and was in the triple threat match that crowned Ed Larkins as first ever World WRESTLING Champion. Since then he has one of the better win/loss records in WTF, but hes got no easy task in taking down former Calamari Kid, Sam Pratt. While, Pratt is a 3 time SWF World Tag Team Champion and 2 time Shooting Star Champion, this very well may be Fayts biggest match of his career. And it was a good match, that saw Pratt take this with his new [B]Sam Slam Driver.[/B][/I] [B]Winner: Sam Pratt Rating: C-[/B] ------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="5"]Main Event - No Limits Championship Ladder Match[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Frankie Perez vs. Cal Sanders[/COLOR][/B] [I]Both men have been impressive in their WTF tenures, and this would be a huge match for the two of them. This was a No Limits Championship match. And we saw plenty of punishment dished out using the ladder, and lots of high flying moves. These guys put this title on the map during this match, and gave WRESTLING the best match of the year so far, on the last show of the year. Finish saw Beauchamp and Hernandez come down to help aid in the cause. Beauchamp pulled Sanders down off the ladder, while Hernandez was pushing on the backside of Perez, trying to help him up the ladder. Next thing we knew, Hernandez was lowblowing Perez while on the ladder, causing him to fall off. Hernandez tosses Beauchamp to the outside, Joey not knowing what was going on, as Sanders got back up and climbed the ladder to retrieve after 29 minutes! Hernandez heads back up the aisle to the back, stopping at the top with microphone in hand.[/I] [COLOR="Red"] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B]: [I]Frankie... we may have been on the same page, too bad you were reading the wrong damn book![/COLOR] Fans pop for Hernandez as Perez freaks out, and goes to attack Sanders, but Cal smartly leaves up the aisle with his title, celebrating in the fans as Perez throws a hissy fit![/I] [B]Winner: Cal Sanders first ever No Limits WRESTLING Champion! Rating: C (best match of the year)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Show Rating: C-[/SIZE][/B] [/center]
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;300170]Yeah, to be honest, I don't know why more people don't push him. Hes got good ring stats, good highflyer, good technical skills... hes not the most charismatic, but in a fed based mainly on wrestling, I've got no qualms with the boy.[/QUOTE] I use him all the time anywhere from a jobber to midcarder. The huge problem with me is that I am a huge fan of pushing storylines through angles and matches, espically for my main eventers.
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OOC: Yeah, see I don't start worrying about storylines much until I am further along in popularity. Sure it would help my momentum, just not a huge fan of it. [CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"] WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"]Xmas Xplosion[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] With Cal Sanders and Frankie Perez coming off, probably the best match of their WTF tenure so far, things are looking good for WTF. Joey Poison was irrate at how Randy retained his Championship, and so challenged him again, which Bumfhole has accepted. And we see one member from each three of the tag team factions in action in a triple threat match tonight! --------------------------- [B]Des Davids vs. Kid Toma[/B] [I]Davids tries to continue his winning ways![/I] [B]Paul Steadyfast vs. Kashmir Singh[/B] [I]Whats been up with Singh lately, and why is he so interested in Des Davids?[/I] [B]Flash Savage[/B] [I](Canadian Blondes)[/I] vs.[B] Eddie Howard[/B] [I](Natural Storm)[/I] vs. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] [I](Air Force 1)[/I] [I]Pretty simple. Three teams in WTF. We split up the teams and force them into singles competition in a triple threat match![/I] [B]Mainstream Hernandez vs. Silver Shark[/B] [I]What state of mind is Mainstream in after blatantly costing Perez the No Limits Championship?[/I] [B]Cal Sanders (c) vs. TEMPEST - [I]No Limits WRESTLING Championship[/I][/B] [I]TEMPEST won a four corners match against Campbell, Wallace and Kid Toma, earning him a shot at the NEW, and FIRST EVER No Limits WRESTLING Champion, Cal Sanders.[/I] [B]Alexander Fayt vs. Burning EXILE[/B] [I]These two faced off several times during the coming up of WTF, and now, EXILE is back and looking for someone to dance with.[/I] [B][U][SIZE="3"]# 1 Contenders Match[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Ed Larkins vs. Sam Pratt vs. [I]????[/I][/B] [I]Larkins and Pratt are both deserving, and Joey Poison is having his rematch tonight. Who else could they find to slot into this position, and will the winner be facing Bumfhole or Poison?[/I] [B][SIZE="4"][U]Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship[/U][/SIZE][/B] [B] Joey Poison vs. Randy Bumfhole (c)[/B] [I]The Main Event. Joey looks to defeat Bumfhole again, only this time in the center of the ring, capturing WTF gold![/I] [/CENTER] [B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] [I]Des Davids vs. Kid Toma Paul Steadyfast vs. Kashmir Singh Flash Savage vs. Eddie Howard vs. Snap Dragon Mainstream Hernandez vs. Silver Shark Cal Sanders (c) vs. TEMPEST -[B] No Limits Championship[/B] Alexander Fayt vs. Burning EXILE Sam Pratt vs. Ed Larkins vs. [B]????[/B] Joey Poison vs. Randy Bumfhole - [B]World WRESTLING Championship[/B][/I]
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Des Davids vs. [B]Kid Toma[/B] Paul Steadyfast vs. [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] Flash Savage vs. Eddie Howard vs.[B] Snap Dragon[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Silver Shark [B]Cal Sanders (c) [/B]vs. TEMPEST - No Limits Championship [B]Alexander Fayt[/B] vs. Burning EXILE Sam Pratt vs. Ed Larkins vs. [B]????[/B] Joey Poison vs. [B]Randy Bumfhole [/B]- World WRESTLING Championship
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Des Davids vs. [B]Kid Toma[/B] [B]Paul Steadyfast [/B]vs. Kashmir Singh Flash Savage vs. Eddie Howard vs. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]vs. Silver Shark [B]Cal Sanders [/B](c) vs. TEMPEST - No Limits Championship [B]Alexander Fayt [/B]vs. Burning EXILE Sam Pratt vs. [B]Ed Larkins [/B]vs. ???? Joey Poison vs. [B]Randy Bumfhole [/B]- World WRESTLING Championship
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[Center] [B][SIZE="5"]WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"]Xmas Xplosion![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I][U][SIZE="3"]Preshow[/SIZE][/U][/I] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Des Davids vs. Kid Toma[/COLOR][/B] [I]Kashmir Singh came out during the end of the match, and Davids caught him out of the corner of his eye. This prompts Davids to turn his attention, and tell Singh to get to the back, and that he didn't want or need his help. Unfortunately, this distracted Davids from Toma, who locked on a sleeper hold that Davids couldn't shake.[/I] [B] Winner: Kid Toma Rating: D[/B] [I]After the match, Singh tried to tell Davids that he could have helped him win that match, and that he had a proposition for him. Davids shoved passed him, heading back up the aisle to the backstage area.[/I] ----------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"] Kashmir Singh vs. Paul Steadyfast[/COLOR][/B] [I]Kashmir Singh got the win via an armbar after about 8 minutes.[/I] [B]Winner: Kashmir Singh Rating: D-[/B] ------------------------------ [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Show[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Flash Savage vs. Snap Dragon vs. Eddie Howard[/COLOR][/B] [I]This was an interesting match, with the other three partners being involved at the next event. Flash Savage got the win with a surprise roll up on Eddie Howard.[/I] [B]Winner: Flash Savage Rating: D-[/B] ---------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Mainstream Hernandez vs. Silver Shark [/COLOR][/B] [I]Mainstream is looking a hell of a lot more confident after the No Limits event, and has been walking like hes gotten a huge load off of his shoulders. Silver Shark did put up a valiant effort, but the confidence of Hernandez was overwhelming and helped him put away the Silver Shark.[/I] [B]Winner: Mainstream Hernandez Rating: C-[/B] --------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Cal Sanders (c) vs. TEMPEST[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sanders, fresh off his No Limits Championship win, was confident, and even ****y for once. He celebrated with the fans, this being the first event after his title win. TEMPEST looked as crisp as ever, but Sanders was just riding too high off his recent title win. Sanders wins a close, competitive contest with TEMPEST.[/I] [B]Winner: Cal Sanders makes first defense Rating: D[/B] ---------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Alexander Fayt vs. Burning EXILE[/COLOR][/B] [I]These two faced almost a year ago, twice, both taking a contest. EXILE is back, and this was the first match he requested. But he should have thought otherwise. Apparently Fayts gotten alot better, which caught him by surprise. Fayt pulled out the win with an Oxceltyne Burner on EXILE. The two shook hands and embraced after the match.[/I] [B]Winner: Alexander Fayt Rating: C[/B] ----------------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"] Ed Larkins vs. Sam Pratt vs. ????[/COLOR][/B] [I]Larkins and Pratt both made their way to the ring in their respective entrances. Larkins could BBQ a newborn baby in front of these fans and they'd still love him, thats how over he is right now. Pratt had an icecold expression as he stood across from Larkins, stretching on the ropes. . . . . Eddie Larkins and Sam Pratt grew impatient waiting, until suddenly the lights went out.[/I] . . . . [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [I] The lights came on and Plague was standing in the ring! Larkins and Pratts mouths dropped, as Remmington went crazy on the microphone. The crowd were BURSTING with cheers, almost blowing the roof off the place. A standing ovation crowd drowned into one sound, a loud[B] 'Plague' [/B]chant in unison. Pratt was now on the outside, as Larkins looks like he doesn't quite know what to do. Plague gets face to face with him, and they stare at eachother for what seems like an hour, before they immidiately out of nowhere, come to blows. They blow start throwing frantic rights and lefts at eachother, brawling to the floor. Pratt stayed on the outside and watched the two beat the crap out of eachother. The match settled down a bit and Pratt got involved, but the finish saw Pratt get sprayed with the [B]Silver And Cold Kodak Moment,[/B] before Plague hit Larkins with the [B]New Jersey Turnpike after about 18 minutes.[/B][/I] [B]Winner: Plague is the new # 1 Contender Rating: C-[/B] ----------------------- [B][U][SIZE="4"]Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Randy Bumfhole (c) vs. Joey Poison[/COLOR][/B] [I]Poison tried every trick in the book, but Bumfhole was 2 steps ahead of him everytime. It wasn't Poisons time yet, as Bumfhole is looking as great as Champion as he ever has. Bumfhole got the win with the Bumfhole Buster after 29 minutes.[/I] [B]Winner: Randy Bumfhole retains Rating: C[/B] [I] Joey Poison shook the extended hand of Randy Bumfhole after the match, despite being really pissed about losing.[/I] [/CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]Show Rating: C-[/SIZE][/B]
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After one whole year, alot has happened. A Year In Review will be done a little later, not as 'in depth' as some of the other peoples, like Marcel Fromages awesome Year End Review, but I've not got the patience for that :P [center] [U][B]Card for WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... R E B I R T H [/B][/U] [B]Kashmir Singh/Des Davids vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond/Ash Campbell[/B] Singh has had somewhat of an obsession with Davids as of late, and requested a tag team match with Davids as his partner, despites Davids' discontent. [B]D.C Rayne vs. Flyin Jimmy Foxx vs. Oscar Golden[/B] Last week, we saw Flash Savage pick up the victory in the triple threat, representing The Canadian Blondes. Who will rep their team with honor this week? [B]Frankie Perez confronts Mainstream Hernandez![/B] We will hear thoughts from Frankie Perez after what happened to him at the hands of Mainstream Hernandez at [B][I]No Limits[/I][/B]. [B]Ed Larkins vs. Joey Poison[/B] This has been brewing since the night Larkins lost his title. Some could blame Poison, others could say he didn't actually get involved. Rumours were also stirring that Poison had relations with Eddies girlfriend after a 4C event. Larkins finally gets a chance to get his hands on the 4C World Champion! [B]Sam Pratt vs. Plague[/B] Pratt expressed his views on what happened at XMas Xplosion, him not being pinned, and wants a chance to redeem himself. This is not a # 1 contenders match, but gives Pratt a chance to show what he can do. [U][B]Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship[/B][/U] [B]Randy Bumfhole (c) vs. Cal Sanders (c)[/B] We thought long and hard about this match. With Plague being the current # 1 contender, he opted out of fighting Bumfhole this weekend, but at a later date. So, we picked the man on the biggest role as of late. With victories over Hernandez, Perez, TEMPEST and Dave Wallace, who better deserving then the Leaping Lumberjack? [/center]
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[B]Kashmir Singh/Des Davids[/B] vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond/Ash Campbell If Singh can't win when he's got a partner, he's never going to pull out a win. [B]D.C Rayne[/B] vs. Flyin Jimmy Foxx vs. Oscar Golden Could go any way. But I go this way. Ed Larkins vs. [B]Joey Poison[/B] Somethings going on here, and I'll say a larkins heel turn. Maybe not now, but its brewing. Sam Pratt vs. [B]Plague[/B] You're not going to haev Plague losing to squid boy. Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship [B]Randy Bumfhole[/B] (c) vs. Cal Sanders (c) Interesting match, which Bumfhole will never lose clean. Still, with challengers around, Bumfhole will have to watch his back, but he'll still win.
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[CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="6"]The Year In Review[/SIZE][/U][/B] Well. It has been an amazing year so far. 24 shows. 2 shows a month. We've had some standouts, and some huge flops. We've had some nice surprises, great crowd reactions, and by my standards... some excellent matches so far. Let us start with the... [U] [B]Top 5[/B] [I]Impact Players[/I][/U] [B]1)'Phenomenal' Ed Larkins [/B] - [I]This was the man that helped put WTF on the map. He was pretty much unstoppable, other than a draw with Plague, a VERY tainted loss to Joey Beauchamp in the One Night Warrior tournament, and two singles losses to Randy Bumfhole. He was the first ever [B]World WRESTLING Champion[/B], as well as the first ever [B]One Night Warrior[/B].[/I] [B]2)'The Forsaken Messiah' Plague[/B] - [I]Plague had some great matches, and a great fued with Eddie. After he lost in his final attempt at the World WRESTLING Championship, he disappeared. He was gone since the beginning of September, until, out of nowhere, he returned and won the # 1 Contender match between himself, Larkins and Pratt. If he hadn't disappeared for 4 months, Plague may well have been our Top Impact Player.[/I] [B]3)'The Leaping Lumberjack' Cal Sanders[/B] - [I]This may make alot of people drop their jaws and shake their heads, but Sanders was a solid performer, gave it his all every night, and never complained. He is the first ever, and current [B]No Limits WRESTLING Champion.[/B][/I] [B]4)Randy Bumfhole[/B] -[I] Randy came in a little later than everyone else, but his impact was just as big. He is the current World WRESTLING Champion, and has had countless great matches, with just about anyone we throw at him. He may face his toughest test to date when he takes on Plague however.[/I] [B]5)The Unholy Icon' Alexander Fayt[/B] -[I] Fayt has been a WTF superstar in his own right. Almost captured the WWC title in the One Night Warrior tournament where Ed Larkins won it, he is a hometown hero fan favourite.[/I] --------------------------- [B][U][I]Biggest Letdowns[/I][/U][/B] [B] Frankie Dee[/B] - [I]Young Canadian with lots of potential, but didn't live up to any of the hype.[/I] [B] Roderick Remus[/B] - [I]We've heard many a people sing his praises, but he just didnt have what it takes to come to WTF.[/I] [B] Kid Toma[/B] - [I]Alas, we have let him go, with 17 days left on his contract, it looks doubtful that it will be renewed, although, he DID have a pretty good fued with American Elemental over the TCW/SWF thing.[/I] [B]Andre Jones[/B] - [I]This former SWF worker, and volleyball player didn't have anything we were interested in.[/I] -------------------------- [I]Our highest attendance was 249 at the Yorkton Pavillion in The Prairies. Our best show, was [B]It Won't Be Long[/B] in October. That card saw Alexander Fayt take on Joey Poison, TEMPEST take on Frankie Perez, in which many people consider a great match, and Randy Bumfhole retaining his World WRESTLING Championship over Ed Larkins. The Match Of The Year honors... go to [B]Ed Larkins and Randy Bumfhole[/B] at that event, [U]It Won't Be Long[/U], where Randy retained over Eddie. [/I] --------------------------- This year was fun, but rest assured, the next will be much, much, much, better. [/center]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="5"][B]WRESTLING: The Federation Presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"]R E B I R T H[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Kashmir Singh/Des Davids vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond/Ash Campbell[/COLOR][/B] [I]Davids did NOT want to be tagging with Singh, and Singh seemed to be ecstatic about it. On the other hand, DDD seemed to be annoyed with his young partners enthusiasm as well. Singh got the win when he made Ash 'Enemy' Campbell tap out to a crossface chicken wing.[/I] [B]Winners: Kashmir Singh and Des Davids Rating: D- [/B] ---------------------- [B][SIZE="3"][U]Partners???[/U][/SIZE][/B] [I]After the match, Davids tries to leave as quickly as he can, but Singh stops him. He tells him he has something to show him... He pulls a box out from under the ring, and it has t-shirts with Davids and Singh on them that say [B]'Dark Delight'[/B]. Davids drops his head and shakes it in shame... before Singh shows him the next thing in the box, matching wrestling trunks! Davids slowly makes his way to the back, as Singh follows him tossing the Dark Delight t-shirts into the crowd.[/I] --------------------- [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]D.C Rayne vs. Flyin Jimmy Foxx vs. Oscar Golden[/COLOR][/B] [I]Last week we saw Flash Savage score an upset win over Eddie Howard and Snap Dragon, who was favoured to win. Would Oscar Golden be able to do the same for The Canadian Blondes, or would one of the other teammates step up? This match wasn't as good as the other one, and D.C Rayne looked like he was leagues above the other two. He got the victory with a [B]Raynefall.[/B][/I] [B]Winner: D.C Rayne Rating: D [/B] ---------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="3"]Tag Team Champions?[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I] The brawl continues after Rayne gets the win, and it didn't take long for their respective partners to get out there. And when they did, all hell broke loose. Finish saw Snap Dragon and Jimmy Foxx clearing the ring, as Natural Storm left through the crowd and The Canadian Blondes up the ramp. Snap Dragon and Jimmy Foxx are motioning around their wastes that they want Tag Team Gold in WTF![/I] --------------------------- [B][U][SIZE="3"]A Plague Forthcoming...[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] Plague makes his way to the ring. He has a microphone in hand, and the crowd is going nuts for a man that, only 4 months ago they loathed. [COLOR="Purple"][B]Plague[/B]: [I]Once again, fate has dealt me an oppurtunity. An oppurtunity to be where I belong. At the top, holding MY Championship. I was screwed out of the title at [B]One Night Warrior.[/B][/I][/COLOR] [I]Fans chant 'You Were Screwed'.[/I] [COLOR="Purple"][B]Plague[/B]: [I]And all Ed Larkins did was try to toy with me. He interfered in my matches, and cost me my # 1 Contenders spot to face him... all because he was scared. And it wasn't my time. At [B]Gutter Phenomenon[/B], it wasn't my time. But fate has a unique way of working things out.[/I] [/COLOR] [I]He pauses for a moment.[/I] [COLOR="Purple"][B]Plague:[/B] [I]Last month, at XMas Xplosion, I beat Sam Pratt, and the beloved Ed Larkins, fair and square. I earned this title shot against Randy Bumfhole. And I'm definitely not letting it pass me by this time...[/I][/COLOR] [I]Just then Randy, our World WRESTLING Champions music starts to play.[/I] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]Randy Bumfhole[/B]:[I] Everyones talking about it. Champion Bumfhole takes on challenger Plague. 'Biggest test to date' they say. But seems to me, you had your chance already. Several of them if I remember correctly.[/I] [/COLOR] [I]Plague starts pacing in the ring.[/I] [COLOR="Red"][B]Randy Bumfhole[/B]: [I]Everyone has told me that I'm too young. That I don't have the experience, the ring savvy, the poise and composure of a competitor like Plague. That it will be MY rookie mistake that leads to my downfall.[/I][/COLOR] [I]Bumfhole unstraps the Championship belt from around his waist.[/I] [B] Randy Bumfhole[/B]: [I][COLOR="Red"]But if you ask me, I'd take 'error in enthusiasm over complacency in wisdom' anyday. Plague, you're going to be just another mark on my calender, so you'd better get used to the sight of me holding this belt right here.[/COLOR][/I] [I]Bumfhole holds the title high above his head as his music plays and he backs through the curtain, eyeing down Plague the whole time, while Plague just has a stoic, stone cold expression in his eyes.[/I] ------------------------ [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Ed Larkins vs. Joey Poison[/COLOR][/B] [I]This match was high on everybodies lists. They wanted to see this brawl, because it has been brewing for some time now. Larkins could complain that Poison distracted him, and helped aid in Randy Bumfhole being the World WRESTLING Champion... as well as the fact that Poison apparently had 'relations' with Missy Masterson, Eddies ex-girlfriend. Larkins wasn't even dressed to compete, and told the referee that he could make it a [B]NO DQ match[/B], and let them go at it, or he would be disqualifying him within the first couple minutes of the match. Unfortunately, the referee never did make it a NO DQ match, and Larkins got disqualified for using a foreign object. Officials swarmed the ring, and Poison got away before Larkins could do some real damage.[/I] [B]Winner: Joey Poison via DQ at 2 minutes. Rating: D- [/B] --------------------------- [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/SamPratt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/PlagueMask3.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Sam Pratt vs. Plague[/COLOR][/B] [I]This was a pretty good match, and Pratt really looked like he belonged, and deserved to be in the upper echelon of WTF. Plague got the win with a [B]New Jersey Turnpike[/B] after Pratt missed the Squid Buster.[/I] [B]Winner: Plague Rating: C+[/B] [B]Very Nice[/B] [B][U]Main Event - World WRESTLING Championship[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d177/theunholyicon/TEWcharacters/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Randy Bumfhole (c) vs. Cal Sanders (c)[/COLOR][/B] The No Limits WRESTLING Champion, challenging the World WRESTLING Champion. Was a good match as one would expect from either man. [B]Plague[/B] came down during the match, and just sat inside the ring in the corner, watching the match, which didn't seem to phase Bumfhole. [B]Joey Poison[/B] made his way out to spectate during the match as well, but was followed by [B]Ed Larkins[/B] shortly after. The two brawled into the crowd, and to the back as officials tried to pull them apart. Sam Pratt then slowly, swaggered from the back. He eyed Plague sitting in the corner a bit, before he got into the ring, and blatantly hit Randy Bumfhole with a [B]Sam Slam Driver.[/B] The referee called the match, disqualifying Sanders via interference. Sanders wasn't happy, and tried to confront Pratt, who nailed him with a superkick. Pratt then stared at Plague a bit, as Plague stared back, neither man moving. Pratt finally farmers blew his nose on Bumfhole, and told him that[B] 'payback was a bitch' [/B]for attacking him before. [B] Winner: Randy Bumfhole retains via interference DQ Rating: C-[/B] [SIZE="4"][B]Show Rating: C-[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[U]NEXT CARD[/U] Dark Delight (Des Davids/Kashmir Singh) vs. The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage/Oscar Golden) TEMPEST vs. Joey Poison Cal Sanders vs. Burning EXILE - No Limits Championship Alexander Fayt vs. Sam Pratt Mainstream Hernandez vs. Frankie Perez Plague vs. Randy Bumfhole (c) - Non-title
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