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Cena out 6-8 months, surrenders title


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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;296759]Something interesting to note... If you check out the poll on who people think should be the new champ at No Mercy (on WWE.com), Val Venis is trailing only Ken Kennedy and Triple H with currently around 15%. That's about 8% more than the person that has been number one contender for two or three months.[/QUOTE] I just checked, and if I'm not mistaken Val now has 31% of the votes and is leading the poll. While I suspect this won't lead to a title run, it may however open the eyes of WWE to give Val a push.
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Or it may further convince them internet fans don't have a clue in the world. It's incredbily disappointing to see message board fans actually celebrate a guy getting a severe injury. John Cena may not be your favorite character, but he busts his ass, he's been the only solid draw in the US for the past couple of years, he is by all accounts a real class act, and he spent the last year carrying guys like Umaga and Khali to respectable outings while having MOTY candidates with HBK...he is just about everything you could ask for from a main eventer. But God forbid anyone give any credit to a guy with a limited moveset who plays a traditional good guy! BECEAUSE THAT NEVER WORKS IN PRO WRESTLING!!! I'm sure the E can just sigg up the indy spotmonkey of the moment and they would be JUST as successful. Internet wrestling fans are idiots.
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Val Venus as champ,....it worked about 10 years ago, right? Wasn't he like in the running for the IC belt at one time? It would be nostalgic to have VV hold the title, but I think it would be a mistake to give the title to Y2J at the PPV, which is why they will do that. I think give the title to HHH and feud him with Y2J,....comedic gold on the mic, ratings booster, and another one of my fav pairings of all time. Why not let Umaga TRY to hold the title?? You never know, I mean Cena sucked until he returned after his injury, IMO. I think this could be an opportunity to use Umaga right instead of having him as like an enforcer for Vince. I don't know....with Cena out for a while, this looks like WWE's chance to change things up a bit and throw others in the mix besides the crap they've had lately.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;296797]Or it may further convince them internet fans don't have clue in the world. It's incredbily disappointing to see message board fans actually celebrate a guy getting a severe injury. John Cena may not be your favorite character, but he busts his ass, he's been the only solid draw in the US for the past couple of years, he is by all accounts a real class act, and he spent the last year carrying guys like Umaga and Khali to respectable outings while having MOTY candidates with HBK...he is just about everything you could ask for from a main eventer. But God forbid anyone give any credit to a guy with a limited moveset who plays a traditional good guy! I'm sure the E can just sing up the indy spotmonkey of the moment and the y would be JUST as successful. Internet wrestling fans are idiots.[/QUOTE] I whole-heartedly agree with you. I certainly wasn't trying to imply that I was happy with Cena getting hurt, because it's not the case at all. I'd love to see some of the lesser guys receive pushes, and it's unfortunate that it could happen because of something like this. I am by no means a Cena "fan" but I don't hate him either. I can completely accept him as champion, I'm just not a fan of the character. I'm from Kentucky, and was quite the "Prototype" fan from back in his OVW days. It's a shame for the WWE to lose their big gun and I was very happy to see him hold the title for as long as he did because it worked and he drew the fans. In wrestling there is a phrase used quite often where a wrestler "couldn't draw flies", but despite all the "haters" John Cena is a huge draw and him being gone is going to hurt. While it is a sad circumstance, I really do hope the WWE utilizes this time to create some new stars like they did with Cena so many years ago.
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[url]http://www.wwe.com/shows/ecw/preview/[/url] [QUOTE]WWE.com has learned that WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon will kick-off ECW on Sci Fi tonight with a special announcement addressing John Cena’s injury and the fate of the WWE Championship. Read more on the injury[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=jonlawson;296802]Val Venus as champ,....it worked about 10 years ago, right? Wasn't he like in the running for the IC belt at one time? [/QUOTE] He had the IC belt at least once...it may have been twice, but my memory isn't helping me at the moment. This definitely hurts the "E" in terms of drawing power--I must agree with some of the other posters that Cena was a big draw for them. And sadly, I see them doing something that PeterHilton alluded to in the third post of this thread: "All Trips, All The Time." Given the E's track record, it seems a safe bet, and I'd not be surprised to see it happen precisely that way.
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;296841] And sadly, I see them doing something that PeterHilton alluded to in the third post of this thread: "All Trips, All The Time." Given the E's track record, it seems a safe bet, and I'd not be surprised to see it happen precisely that way.[/QUOTE] Here's the thing: with the possibility of them still being draggged in front of congress, the probably can't put the belt on guys like Kennedy, Umaga, or RKO. In terms of drawing power, the way he's been booked (how many times does Jim Ross have to bring uphis 'unbeaten' streak since his return? We get it.), AND his backstage behavior, Trips is probably the safest bet. I just hope he doesn't get the Kurt Angle treatment where 80% of the show is about him.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;296873]Here's the thing: with the possibility of them still being draggged in front of congress, the probably can't put the belt on guys like Kennedy, Umaga, or RKO. In terms of drawing power, the way he's been booked (how many times does Jim Ross have to bring uphis 'unbeaten' streak since his return? We get it.), AND his backstage behavior, Trips is probably the safest bet. I just hope he doesn't get the Kurt Angle treatment where 80% of the show is about him.[/QUOTE] You do realise that HHH has lost two in a row now, right? Cage match, and 1 vs 1 match against Vince (with Carlito's help). I aggree that this is a bad thing, John Cena being hurt. You know that's not something I wanted to here, however... Although your point about HHH being the "Man" now, is well taken, you can't say you don't see the potential (maybe not right away) that this might give to other folks on the roster. Yeah, HHH could get the belt, but without Cena on the roster period, there is a hole. ONE that if filled by HHH, then that leaves another hole, that could be left to Kennedy which in turn leaves another, and so on. It might take the whole six to eight months, but, in some way, these guys have a good point. RAW will have to make a new star, or they will have to take one (Might even be Undertaker, who knows) from another brand, which in turn gives that other brand room for another star. Just saying, one way or another, sooner or later, this should eventually lead into someone actually moving up, instead of just teasing us that they might. Someone like MVP, or Hardy, or whoever.. Just saying, there is a little merrit to the posts wanting this. They have been hoping for this forever and a day (not Cena getting hurt, just moving on). I, although I can see where you going with the "It's a shame to see people happy that such a great worker is hurt", and I aggree... but I don't think that's really how they feel. I think they are happy that Cena's gone, not that he's hurt.
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My first reaction was utter joy; not that Cena was hurt, as I wouldn't wish injury on anyone (certainly not a wrestling character I don't even know). . . just that he'd be off of my TV for a few months. Then the dread set it, thinking about the superman comeback they'll give him once he recovers.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;296888]You do realise that HHH has lost two in a row now, right? Cage match, and 1 vs 1 match against Vince (with Carlito's help). [/QUOTE] Jesus..the point was..JR is spending a lot of time driving home the fact that Trips has been hard to beat recently. By mentioning it. Over and over. I honestly don't see how the rest of your post relates to what I said. I was just pointing out that Trips is the most likely candidate to replace Cena as the top face. For a variety of reasons. And this "making new stars" theory only goes so far since Trips will be a face and they can basically run the exact same types of Cena-storylines with the face OVERCOMING IMPOSSIBLE ODDS against guys like Vince and Kennedy, Orton, Umaga, etc. Conceivably, Raw could change very little except for the fact that you are exchanging one uber-face for the other. Cena being out is going to have a huge effect on business. I just don't think that much of the WWE writing team to believe that they are going to have a burst of creativity and do something really interesting to compensate for the loss of talent. I mean..it hasn't happened so far and they've had plenty of opportunities. More than likely: All Trips, All the Time.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;296872]Awesome. I wonder if you take all news items like this. "Britney Spears lost her kids..well that's the opening he's been waiting for...GIVE EM TO UNDERTAKER!!!" ;)[/QUOTE] Maybe not all news items, but i'm sure 'Taker and his wife would do a better job of bringing up Britney's kids then she or Federline ever could. ;) (but when I heard we were going to war with Iraq I did say to a friend that we should just send 'Taker over and give Saddam a Tombstone :D)
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I can't believe osme people are glad Cena is injured. Sure, you may not like him, but that's pretty low. The people who wish an injury upon another person who they have never met need to take a long, hard look in the mirror and decide whether you are the person you want to be. Love him or hate him, he works his arse off and is supposed to be a true gent out of the ring. I would never wish an injury that will stop someone doing what they love for 6-8 months. And if you would, there's something wrong there. -------------------------------------------------------------- Umaga and Kennedy won't win the title. That would be a ridiculous decision in the light of the congress stuff, so they won't do that. Orton would be a mistake, given his past record, and if they drafted someone over from the other already thin brands that would completely destroy them, so we have three guys in the running. Carlito, Triple H and... Vince McMahon.
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No, I wasn't saying I'm glad Cena is injured. That's just wrong. Yo don't wish something like that on anybody, especially someone like Cena who no one can deny that he loves wrestling. I'm glad that this actually forces WWE to put the title on someone other than Cena who has had it for IMO WAY too long. Oh, and I'll seriously mark the f*** out if Carlito gets the title, which he wont, but hey, I can dream, right?
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[QUOTE]Oh, and I'll seriously mark the f*** out if Carlito gets the title, which he wont, but hey, I can dream, right?[/QUOTE] While I would love to see someone like Carlito being pushed into the Heavyweight Title scene... I don't see it happening. Carlito is a great worker, but someone who kind of lacks the "star power" to carry the company while holding the biggest title in all of the WWE.
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I am gutted about Cena, Although his character has become a little stale, he really does seem to give 100% in every match. There are few how can match his energy levels and he is sooooo over with the younger generation of fans its un-real! I think you are all missing the most obvious contender for the vacant title though. Who could carry the company? who gets huge pops? who has just been in the WWE's main storyline for the past month and has more heat then Randy Orton and Khali combined? and who has just dropped his own title....Ladies and gentleman the new WWE champion HORNSWOGGLE!!!!!!
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[QUOTE=panix04;296949]I am gutted about Cena, Although his character has become a little stale, he really does seem to give 100% in every match. There are few how can match his energy levels and he is sooooo over with the younger generation of fans its un-real! I think you are all missing the most obvious contender for the vacant title though. Who could carry the company? who gets huge pops? who has just been in the WWE's main storyline for the past month and has more heat then Randy Orton and Khali combined? and who has just dropped his own title....Ladies and gentleman the new WWE champion HORNSWOGGLE!!!!!![/QUOTE] You are soooo awesome panix :D :D :D :D But that works, he can be Cruiserweight and Heavyweight, I think he can handle that
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