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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5726648[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]Tuesday Week Three November 2007 – ECW on Sci Fi live from the Bank Of America Arena in Seattle, WA[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]CM Punk vs. Kevin Thorn[/B] [I]Non-Title[/I] [SIZE="1"]- After beating both John Morrison and Mark Henry at Survivor Series, anyone could forgive CM Punk for wanting a night off but instead the champion requested a match. Armando Estrada duly obliged by sanctioning a non-title bout with Kevin Thorn. It’s Thorn’s first appearance on ECW since October and he will be looking to impress in this high profile match, while the champion will be looking to notch up another win, as we press on towards Armageddon.[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Purple"]Number One Contender for the ECW World Championship[/COLOR] Open Battle Royal[/B] [SIZE="1"]- Anyone on the Extreme Championship Wrestling roster is eligible to enter, so fans can expect to see the two challengers from Survivor Series, Mark Henry and John Morrison, along with the ECW Originals Tommy Dreamer, Guido, Stevie Richards and Balls Mahoney, and many more! The last man in the ring will go on to face CM Punk for the ECW World Championship at Armageddon in just under a month. In a Battle Royal this size, anything could happen![/SIZE] [B]PLUS:[/B] Armando Estrada has an announcement!
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CM Punk vs.[B] Kevin Thorn[/B] Non-Title Since it's non title, you can have Punk lose with no biggie, while giving credibility to Thorn, of course, it wouldn't be clean, with perhaps an interference from Morrison or Henry or even Elijah, only time can tell. Number One Contender for the ECW World Championship Open Battle Royal Tough to decide...I'm tilted towards Morisson, that's my pick, but you could surprise us and have Dreamer win, but I pick [B]John Morrison[/B] Btw, you did nice there with Jericho, I can't wait to see how you use him.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][IMG]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/4949/ecwmx9.png[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]Tuesday Week Three November 2007 – ECW on Sci Fi live from the Bank Of America Arena in Seattle, WA[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] ECW begins by recapping the ECW Main Event from Sunday, where CM Punk beat John Morrison and Mark Henry to retain his title. It starts with Armando Estrada’s announcement that the match would be an elimination match. After that it shows how Punk was able to first defeat Mark Henry, then Henry’s post-elimination attack on John Morrison, before ending with CM Punk beating John Morrison to retain the championship. As the video fades, we cut to Joey Styles and Tazz, who welcome us to the show and start by hyping CM Punk to the moon. They talk about the heart and determination of the champion, as well as his immense talent. The duo begins to discuss the show’s Battle Royal Main Event, when they are cut off by the music of General Manager Armando Estrada. Estrada heads down to the ring, eating up the heat from the crowd. He takes a microphone and tells everyone to listen to him because he has an important announcement. Due to his misconduct after his match with Kane at Survivor Series - where he attacked referee Jim Korderas – the Board Of Directors have suspended Big Daddy V indefinitely! This gets a pop from the crowd, who seem happy that they won’t be seeing Big Daddy for a while. While Estrada leaves, Styles and Tazz are incredulous about the suspension, seeing it as blatant bias against ECW. By the time they are done, we’re ready for the first match. [CENTER][IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/6100/cmpunkfs9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Thorn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]The ECW Champion starts this non-title match a little tentatively, trying to get a feel for his vampiric opponent. The two lock up and Thorn scores with a couple of knees, before shoving Punk away and attempting a clothesline but CM ducks underneath his arm. Thorn spins round, right into a stiff right hand, followed up by a spinning kick that knocks him into the corner. Punk lifts Thorn to the second rope and spikes him down to the canvas with a DDT but only gets a two count. Kevin Thorn starts to fight his way back into the match with punches to the gut, before drop toeholding Punk to the canvas. He lays into him with boots to the gut but gets pulled away by the referee. Punk pulls himself up with the middle rope and Thorn charges at him but the champion drops his shoulder and lifts the vampire over the top rope and onto the apron. Punk tries to drag Thorn back into the ring but he turns the tables on the champ with a shoulder to the gut ...but CM steps back and dodges it! Kevin Thorn is prone ...and CM Punk connects with a devastating kick to the head! Thorn flops back into the ring and looks complete out of it as Punk covers for the three count.[/COLOR] As CM Punk has his hand raised, we cut backstage where the ECW Originals Balls Mahoney, Guido, Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards are seen talking by a monitor, which was showing the Punk / Thorn match. Tommy Dreamer takes the lead in the conversation, saying that after Balls successfully got rid of The Miz at Survivor Series, it’s time for someone else to step up and take out Kevin Thorn. Stevie Richards suggests that they don’t bother waiting for a match at a pay-per-view and all four team up to take him out next week, an idea that goes down well we the rest of the group. Elsewhere Raw’s Super Crazy is found asking Armando Estrada to let him join ECW. Estrada isn’t sure but Crazy insists that he wants to return to the Land Of Extreme, so Armando says he can join the brand …if he wins a tryout match tonight! Almost to the second that Estrada finishes talking, Matt Striker bursts into the office, ranting and raving about Big Daddy’s suspension. Armando Estrada quickly shuts him up and says there’s nothing he can do about the suspension but he does have a use for Striker tonight …he’ll be facing Super Crazy, and that match is next! On our final stop backstage for now, we see John Morrison striding arrogantly down the halls of the arena, getting heat from the crowd. Suddenly he gets smacked from behind by Mark Henry! The sight of Henry is even worse in the eyes of the fans, who jeer him wildly! Henry picks Morrison up and slams him into the wall, before smirking down at him as we cut back to ringside. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Striker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Crazy2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]Striker tries to keep Crazy grounded in the early going by working over his legs and keeping him trapped on the canvas. The arrogant former schoolteacher drives his knees and elbows repeatedly into the inner calf of Super Crazy, and then wrenches at him with a side leg lock. He becomes too ****y though and spends too much time taunting, allowing Crazy to slip free and floor him with a low dropkick. Super Crazy hobbles slightly, to sell the work Striker did early on but gradually becomes more fluid in his movements as he continues to build momentum. He springboards off the second rope, looking for a cross body but Striker catches him and drops him onto his knee, driving it into Crazy’s ribs. Matt Striker quickly covers but only for a two count. Striker pulls Crazy back to his feet and whips him against the ropes but the luchadore comes flying back with a forearm to the face! Crazy throws Striker to the ropes and uses his momentum to nail a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! The Mexican steps onto the bottom rope …and scores with a moonsault! He recovers quickly and jumps to the second rope …and nails another moonsault! Crazy takes a little longer to recover but finally pulls himself to the top rope …and connects with a third moonsault! Super Crazy makes the cover, one! …Two! …THREE! Crazy wins an ECW Contract![/COLOR] Super Crazy rolls from the ring, over-excited and celebrating his victory. He rushes up the ramp and through the curtain, where the ECW Originals are waiting for him. There is a brief staredown, before Tommy Dreamer extends his hand and welcomes Super Crazy back into the fold. Elsewhere, we see John Morrison looking determined and walking backstage, having recovered from Mark Henry’s earlier attack. We quickly cut to a shot of Henry also walking; both are presumably heading to the ring for the Number One Contender Battle Royal. We return to ringside, to find The Boogeyman, Kevin Thorn and Matt Striker already in the ring. The music of Tommy Dreamer hits and the ECW Originals, including Super Crazy, come out together, accompanied by Kelly Kelly. Moments later Mark Henry’s music hits and the Silverback heads down to the ring, looking menacing and trying to intimidate his opponents. After Henry has entered the ring, the former ECW Champion John Morrison comes out from the back, without his usual arrogance, instead showing a steely determination, and after jeering Mark Henry the fans actually seem pleased to see Morrison. With all the ECW roster, bar CM Punk and the suspended Big Daddy V, in the ring, the referee is about to get the match started when the music of Armando Estrada hits! The ECW General Manager comes out onto the stage with a microphone and says that anyone who thought Big Daddy V’s suspension was his announcement tonight was wrong; his announcement will be made right now. As of 12:00AM Monday, there was a new member on the ECW roster; a man that will be entered into tonight’s battle royal. He is an old associate of Estrada. He is …UMAGA! The Samoan Bulldozer comes out from the back, looking ready to take out anyone that gets put in front of him. Estrada leads him to the ring, and once he climbs between the ropes, the GM orders the bell to be rung. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/ECWBR.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]Umaga immediately charges into the pack of wrestlers that were already in the ring, sending several of them sprawling across the ring. The Samoan grabs Guido by the head and tosses him into the corner, before crushing him with a charging body block that leaves him limp and an easy target for elimination.[/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Guido[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]While John Morrison is doing his best to fend off Mark Henry, the ECW Originals have split their interest between The Boogeyman and Matt Striker. Dreamer and Balls take turns to nail Striker with hard shots, as Crazy and Richards take Boogeyman down with a double suplex. After eliminating Guido, Umaga grabs Kevin Thorn, whose eyes seem glazed - presumably from the kick to the head he received at the hands of CM Punk earlier - and easily tosses the vampire over the top rope.[/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Kevin Thorn[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney beat Matt Striker against the ropes and clothesline him over the top rope but he lands on the apron and clings to the middle rope, desperately hanging on to his long shot at getting a title match. On the other side of the ring and Super Crazy is also on the apron, with Stevie Richards down on the mat and The Boogeyman trying to eliminate the luchadore. Crazy displays his incredible athleticism though, and performs a jaw-dropping leaping hurricanrana to take Boogeyman over the top rope and down to the floor![/COLOR] [b]Elimination: The Boogeyman[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]Super Crazy and Stevie Richards decide to maintain their teamwork and try to take on The Samoan Bulldozer and they get in some good shots at the start of the exchange but soon get floored by a double clothesline. Umaga continues charging after the double blow and crashes into Balls Mahoney, sending him over the top rope and out of the match![/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Balls Mahoney[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]During the rest of the furore, Morrison and Henry have continued to battle and now John Morrison is attempting to get the World's Strongest Man out of the ring. He receives help from Matt Striker but the duo turn their back on Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards, who attempt to lift the duo out of the match! Morrison's agility helps him hang on to the top rope and pull himself back in but Striker isn't quite as flexible and crashes to ringside.[/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Matt Striker[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]With Morrison and Striker being attacked, Mark Henry breaks free and immediately targets Stevie Richards. The Extremist doesn't see him coming and gets flattened by a charging body block. Henry scoops Richards up from the canvas and onto his shoulder, and easily dumps him over the top rope.[/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Stevie Richards[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]As Mark Henry eliminates Stevie Richards, Tommy Dreamer and Super Crazy try to lift him over the top rope as well but it's a struggle. John Morrison is quickly on hand to help out but Henry is still too damn heavy but then ECW's Bulldozer adds his weight to the effort and the four men are able to lift him over the top rope and send him crashing to the floor.[/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Mark Henry[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]The teamwork quickly disintegrates and Crazy and Morrison start to brawl, while Dreamer valiantly cracks Umaga with rights and lefts, and knees to the gut. Dreamer continues to hit Umaga with everything he's got but the monster still doesn't seem fazed. Meanwhile, an angry Mark Henry rolls back into the ring and nails John Morrison from behind! Henry tosses the former champion over the top rope and out of the match![/COLOR] [b]Elimination: John Morrison[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]With Morrison out of the match, Super Crazy turns to help out Tommy Dreamer and dropkicks Umaga in the back of the knee. The monster is half-dropped and vulnerable to shots from both men but each blow just seems to further enrage him. Just as he seems to be losing energy and feeling the blows, Umaga explodes into action! He takes down Tommy Dreamer first, and then launches himself into Crazy! The Samoan Bulldozer whips Crazy into the corner, before flinging Dreamer after him and crushing both men into the turnbuckle! Dreamer stumbles out of the corner, and walks right into a huge Samoan drop! Crazy, meanwhile, has dropped into the corner. Seconds later, Umaga's huge rump crashes into his head and seemingly knocks him out. Umaga lifts Crazy's lifeless body up and flings him over the top rope[/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Super Crazy[/b] [COLOR="Purple"]Tommy Dreamer staggers back to his feet and hits Umaga from behind but the monster isn't fazed at all. He turns to face Dreamer, who continues to throw punches, trying to knock back the monster. Suddenly Umaga grabs Dreamer's arm, as he attempts a punch, and pulls him in for a short arm clothesline that turns Dreamer inside out. The Samoan Bulldozer drops his full body weight onto the ECW Original, surely crushing the wind out of him. Umaga pulls Dreamer to his feet and lets out a primal scream before connecting with a Samoan Spike! Tommy Dreamer goes limp, and is easy pickings for Umaga to throw from the ring! Umaga wins the Battle Royal![/COLOR] [b]Elimination: Tommy Dreamer[/b] The bell rings and Umaga is announced as the new number one contender. He looks menacing in the ring, while Styles and Tazz speculate about whether he can be beaten as ECW goes off the air. [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] CM Punk def. Kevin Thorn in 6:10 Super Crazy def. Matt Striker in 7:42 to win an ECW Contract Umaga won a battle royal in 15:50 to become the Number One Contender for the ECW World Championship ------ Can't believe it took so long to get this show up :eek: [/SIZE][/FONT]
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lol, you kept this quiet Just skimmed through it pretty much, good stuff so far especially the brewing power struggle with Vince vs. Shane & Steph, and I like how you used the traditional Survivor Series matches to bring in pretty much everyone of any use who hadn't got a role elsewhere. As far as the negatives go, well it's not on Neo and I'm not involved, which just about halves how good it is. :rolleyes: But yeah, keep it up, though with three shows to handle I give it until the new year before you put things on hold. ;)
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][img]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/3871766[/img] [b]Friday Week Three November 2007 – WWE Smackdown from the Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, FL[/b][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Kane and Rey Mysterio vs. Elijah Burke and Finlay[/B] [SIZE="1"]- These four men are fighting for prominence on the Smackdown roster at the moment, each looking to move into the World Heavyweight Championship picture in time for the Royal Rumble and maybe even Wrestlemania. A win here would give either team a boost, and could be the start of a title charge. A loss could relegate the losers back into the shuffle with the other non-contenders.[/SIZE] [B]Michelle McCool vs. Victoria Laron[/B] [SIZE="1"]- While there is no official Women's Championship on Smackdown, these two divas will certainly be out to prove who is the alpha female on the brand this week as they clash in singles actions. They have crossed passed before in Mixed Tag Team action but on Friday night there will be no helping hands as we find out who truly is Smackdown's number one diva.[/SIZE] [B][color=#0066CC]WWE Tag Team Championships[/color] Burchill & Palumbo vs. Matt Hardy and Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [SIZE="1"]- The new tag team champions have only held the belts a week and already they are putting them on the line. They will defend the belts against the former champions, who they beat last week at the end of a long tag team gauntlet. Since then Burchill and Palumbo have helped Teddy Long regain control of Smackdown, while MVP cheated to retain his United States Championship at the expense of Matt Hardy. The new champions certainly look like a more cohesive unit but as they say, anything can happen in WWE![/SIZE] [b]Bobby Lashley vs. Funaki and Shannon Moore[/b] [SIZE="1"]- After leading Team Long to victory at Survivor Series, the returning Bobby Lashley attacked Theodore Long, Rey Mysterio and Ric Flair, as they celebrated in the ring. On Smackdown Lashley has demanded what he calls a "tune-up" match against Funaki and Shannon Moore. Clearly the monster is as focused and aggressive as ever and it will be up to the two cruisers to try and stop him ...if that is even possible![/SIZE] [b]PLUS:[/b] Theodore Long confronts Bobby Lashley over his actions at Survivor Series![/FONT] ----- [SIZE="1"]Sorry for the delays recently, I have in no way given up on this, it's just that the festive season kind of took over in the last week or so. After New Year has come and gone, I should be back on track.[/SIZE]
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[B]Kane & Rey Mysterio[/B] vs. Elijah Burke & Finlay [I]I like Kane & mysterio being in the title picture![/I] Michelle McCool vs. [B]Victoria Laron[/B] [I]Victoria must win surely?[/I] WWE Tag Team Championships [B]Burchill & Palumbo[/B] vs. Matt Hardy and Montel Vontavious Porter [I]MVP pummels Hardy or something to that effect![/I] [B]Bobby Lashley [/B]vs. Funaki and Shannon Moore [I]SQUASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/I]
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Elijah Burke & Finlay vs. Kane & Rey Mysterio - The better team is Burke/Finlay. But I sense something happening, so, I'm giving it to Kane/Jumping Bean. Lashley vs. Funaki & Moore - Lambs to the slaughter. Lashley squash. Michelle McCool vs. Victoria Laron - Difficult call. Obviously, Victoria is the better wrestler and all-round superstar (despite Michelle being ok-good). But I'm giving it to my girl, IMO the best women in the WWE - Victoria. (Get her a Women's Title damn it!) Burchill & Palumbo vs. Hardy & MVP - I think that this will be the match where the MVP/Hardy feud kicks off. I don't think you'd take the titles of Burchill/Palumbo after a week. Plus, with the MVP/Hardy storyline - it would make no sense. So - Burchill & Palumbo. I like this dynasty. Keep it up =]
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[B]Kane and Rey Mysterio[/B] vs. Elijah Burke and FinlayTHem in the title picture should be interesting. [B]Michelle McCool[/B] vs. Victoria Laron I'm agreeing with JBL. (Holy ****!) she is the hottest woman on the planet. [B][color=#0066CC]WWE Tag Team Championships[/color] [B]Burchill & Palumbo[/B] vs. Matt Hardy and Montel Vontavious Porter I dislike everyone in this match but Palumbo. Sadly, I have to live in your mind. (Actually, nice deal. LOTS of space!) Champs retain, event hough a win for the challengers was my first guess. Bobby Lashley vs. [B]Funaki and Shannon Moore[/B] What? I wanted to be different. However, could Teddy Long interfere? Naah, you'd NEVER think of that... [b]PLUS:[/b] Theodore Long confronts Bobby Lashley over his actions at Survivor Series![/FONT] ----- [SIZE="1"]Sorry for the delays recently, I have in no way given up on this, it's just that the festive season kind of took over in the last week or so. After New Year has come and gone, I should be back on track.[/SIZE] 'Tis alright. Look at the delay in my diary![/QUOTE]
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[FONT="TAHOMA"][SIZE="1"][B][COLOR=#0066CC]Dark Match: Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble vs. Dave Taylor and Drew McIntyre[/COLOR][/B] Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble defeated Dave Taylor and Drew McIntyre in 5:33 when Jamie Noble defeated Drew McIntyre by pinfall. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348181_SD.png[/IMG] [B]Friday Week 3 November 2007 – WWE Smackdown from the Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee, FL[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Smackdown starts with the music of former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Batista ringing through the arena. He gets a positive reaction from the crowd as he strides out from the back, still bandaged up and hampered with injuries sustained at Survivor Series. The Animal makes his way to the ring and takes a microphone. He starts by talking about all the punishment he took from The Undertaker last night, and then reminds fans of the damage he inflicted on the new champion. Finally, he says that, as the former champion, he is entitled to a rematch …and he is cashing it in at Armageddon! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] IT’S EDGE! After months on the sidelines with an injury, Edge is back! The Rated R Superstar initially gets a pop from the crowd but his arrogant manner and the way he taunts the fans as he jogs out through a cloud of smoke quickly turns them against him. He smirks from ear to ear as he heads to the ring and rolls in. Edge snatches a microphone from ringside but before he can talk, Batista cuts him off! He demands to know what Edge is doing out here during his promo time. Edge quickly fires back that he is saving the segment from the charisma black hole that is Batista. He then states that he is also a former champion that hasn’t cashed in a rematch clause so, just like Batista, he will be cashing his in at Armageddon! This announcement gets a huge pop from the crowd, quickly followed by the music of Theodore Long. The Smackdown General Manager, who is clearly still feeling the effects of Bobby Lashley’s attack at Survivor Series, walks out onto the stage with a microphone. He confirms the match at Armageddon but says he has a stipulation to add. Long reminds Edge of how he lost his belt without being beaten earlier in the year, and then reminds Batista of how he also lost the title without being beaten in 2006. With that in mind, T’Lo says he is going to make a stipulation for their Armageddon title match that they can relate to. For either of them to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, they don’t just have to win the match …they have to actually beat THE UNDERTAKER! The crowd erupts for this, probably mostly due to Long dropping Taker’s name though. Before Smackdown fades to commercials, Long states in no uncertain terms that if either Batista or Edge pins the other or makes him submit at Armageddon, then The Undertaker will retain the title. However, they will get the chance to beat each other …tonight. In the Main Event of Smackdown it will be The Rated R Superstar Edge against The Animal Batista! And on that bombshell, Smackdown heads to a break. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/BurkeFinlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/KaneRey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]We come back just in time to catch the entrances of these four potential title contenders. Mysterio starts in the ring with Finlay and the former World Champion starts well but The Fighting Irishman soon gains control and uses quick tags and double team moves with Elijah Burke to keep Rey trapped in their corner. It looks like Mysterio is about to break free and get the tag but he receives a thumb to the eye from the veteran Finlay. The heels continue to work over Mysterio until the crowd start to get behind him. Slowly Rey fights back into the match, showing his trademark heart and determination. He beats Burke away, and begins to build momentum. Elijah Burke charges at him but gets caught with a drop toehold onto the middle rope! Mysterio looks set to dial it up …but Burke rolls out the way at the last second! Rey makes the tag instead! Here comes Kane! The Big Red Machine explodes into the match, taking down both Finlay and Burke with huge clotheslines. Both heels get to their feet, one after the other, and walk into big sidewalk slams from Kane! He stalks Elijah Burke for a Chokeslam but he takes an exorbitant amount of time to recover, drawing the referee over. With the ref distracted, Finlay nails a low blow on Kane! He attempts to hit him with the shillelagh but from nowhere Rey Mysterio connects with a dropkick! Finlay falls from the ring, and Mysterio follows! Meanwhile, Kane has recoiled to the corner to recover and is prone. Burke is looking for the Elijah Express! NO! Kane steps forward and catches Elijah Burke with a big right hand! CHOKESLAM! Kane makes the cover, ONE! TWO! THREE![/COLOR] Backstage, Theodore Long is in his office when suddenly the door bursts open and the frame of Bobby Lashley appears. Silently – thank god – he takes a seat. Long demands to know what the hell Lashley was doing at Survivor Series. He just sneers, and in his most macho voice, he says that Survivor Series was just a taste of what Smackdown has to look forward to now that he’s back, and with that, Lashley leaves, not wasting any time listening to what else Long has to say. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Michelle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Victoria.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]Victoria seems to be carrying this match from the start but it isn’t bad. The more experienced Victoria makes Michelle look good and really sells her offense but a couple of minutes into the match she cranks it up a gear and starts to dominate McCool. The former Women’s Champion makes light work of Michelle once she turns it on and finishes her off with a Widow’s Peak for the three count.[/COLOR] Backstage, Matt Hardy is confronting Montel Vontavious Porter about their United States Championship match at Survivor Series but the champion tells Hardy that he won their match because he’s smarter, which makes him a better role model for the children of America, and ultimately a better champion than Hardy could ever be. Matt looks ready to crack MVP with a right hook but Theodore Long interrupts, seemingly from nowhere, and reminds them that their WWE Tag Team title match is coming up in just a few minutes. Elsewhere Jimmy Wang Yang is searching for Ric Flair and soon finds him. He asks the sixteen-time champion if he saw his title defense on Sunday, and The Nature Boy says he did but he still isn’t convinced. Flair says that Yang still hasn’t understood what it means to be a true champion, and until he does, Flair can’t help him. Finally backstage Edge is with new Smackdown interviewer Daizee Haze. She doesn’t do a bad job but the real focus is obviously Edge, who needs no help from her and if anything makes her look better. Edge talks about his months on the sidelines, watching Batista killing Smackdown and taking WWE with it but now the Rated R Superstar is back to save the show, and it starts tonight …and it’ll continue at Armageddon when he regains HIS World Championship to become a four-time WWE Champion. [CENTER][IMG]http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/2710/palumboburchilldq7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img117.imageshack.us/img117/9428/mvphardybr3.jpg[/IMG] [b]WWE Tag Team Championships[/b][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]Paul Burchill and MVP start the match with the United States Champion getting the upperhand early on. He traps Burchill in the corner and unloads with knife-edge chops before whipping him across the ring to the opposite corner. Burchill staggers forward, right into a big clothesline. Porter quickly drops a knee onto Burchill’s ribs, and then lines him up for a second to the side of the head. MVP starts to get a little too full of himself and taunts for too long, giving Burchill the chance to get back into the match. The youngster puts MVP under pressure with heavy punches, followed by as suplex into a front slam. Burchill dumps Porter in the corner and scores with a couple of knee lifts before tagging out to Palumbo. Together, they whip the US Champ against the ropes and slam him down with a double spinebuster but it only gets a two count. Palumbo’s smash mouth style allows him to overpower MVP for a couple of minutes but the devious heel turns the tables by pulling the referee in front of himself as a shield. With the referee between him and Palumbo, MVP tags out to Matt Hardy. Hardy explodes into the match with right hands that send Palumbo reeling but Matt isn’t going to let up and scores with a twisting elbow smash, and then a bulldog. The crowd are hot for Hardy, as he stalks Palumbo. The tag champ swings at Matt but he ducks it and nails a Side Effect! The cover, one! Two! Th-KICKOUT! Palumbo battles back to his feet and is able to tag out to Burchill. The champions take Hardy down with a double clothesline, and then it is up to Burchill to try and carve out an advantage. He starts brightly but the experienced Hardy feeds off the crowd to get back into the match once again. He goes for a kick to the gut but Burchill grabs his foot! …ENZIGURI! Matt crawls towards his corner, trying to tag in MVP …but Porter jumps off the apron! Smirking and oozing arrogance, the United States Champion heads back up the ramp, leaving Hardy alone in the ring. A shocked Hardy can’t believe it but turns back to the match …right into a C4! Paul Burchill makes the cover, ONE! TWO! THREE![/COLOR] As Matt Hardy rolls from the ring and heads back up the ramp, furious at MVP’s desertion, Chris Masters and Kenny Dykstra hop over the barricade and roll unnoticed into the ring! The catch the successful champions off-guard and tackle them to the canvas! Each takes a title belt and stalks a champion. As Palumbo and Burchill get to their feet, they get clobbered by their own gold square in the face! The duo lies motionless in the ring as Masters and Dykstra each take a microphone. The following promo is a car crash, with the basic point being that they want a title shot at Armageddon and to prove how great they are, they will face any team right here and now! Moments later, as the groggy champions are helped from the ring, The Major Brothers come out from the back and it appears we have another match. [CENTER][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9230/mastersdykstraog3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348144_Majors.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]From the start, this is a showcase for Masters and Dykstra. Masters power is too much for both Major Brothers and Dykstra’s all round game has him looking impressive in every area. Brett Major is slammed to the canvas and then tossed from the ring, before Masters and Dykstra turn their attentions to Brian. Chris Masters locks on The Masterlock but instead of wrenching, he lifts Major into the air so Dykstra help to slam him down with a modified double powerbomb! Dykstra makes the cover, one! Two! Three![/COLOR] Jimmy Wang Yang is backstage with Daizee Haze, who is about to get her first real test as an interviewer. She does a good job of helping Yang through the segment, in which he makes a challenge to any and all former Cruiserweight Champions to face him at Armageddon in an Open Battle Royal with the title on the line! With the challenge made, Yang walks out of shot but bumps into Ric Flair. Flair shakes his head and says the problem isn’t how often Yang defends his title, it isn’t about how many people he can beat, it isn’t about how long he can hold the gold. What he needs to change is himself; the stupid cowboy attire; the stupid name; the stupid taunts in the ring. Everything about it needs to go. With Yang looking ponderously into the distance, we fade back to ringside. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/LashleySD.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/FunMoore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The two cruisers try to double team Lashley early on but he easily powers away from them and floors both with a double clothesline. Funaki gets thrown from the ring, so Lashley can focus on Shannon first. The monster damn near cuts Moore in half with a vicious Spear! Funaki tries to catch Lashley off-guard by attacking him from behind with a sleeper hold but Lashley demonstrates his incredible power by pulling Funaki up onto his shoulders with ease, despite him being behind him. Seconds later Funaki is being crushed against the canvas with a Running Powerslam! Lashley covers, Funaki, one, two, three. SQUASH![/COLOR] After the match, Lashley hoists Shannon back to his feet and nails a vicious Dominator! Funaki isn’t spared, as the monster drags him back to his feet as well and slings him across his shoulders before connecting with a tornado face slam! With the two cruisers destroyed, and Lashley barely breaking a sweat, we cut backstage. We see the former champion Batista walking to the ring, still all bandaged up but looking focused. We cut from that to a video recapping the opening segment of the show, where both Edge and Batista said they would be cashing their rematch clauses in at Armageddon. It then goes into Theodore Long’s announcement, including clips of Batista and Edge relinquishing their belts due to injury. As the video ends, Batista’s music hits and we are moments away from the start of the Main Event! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Batista.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Edge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]Edge takes advantage of Batista’s injuries early on by picking his shots carefully and precisely for maximum effect. At every opportunity, the Rated R Superstar cracks Batista in the ribs, a tactic that proves effective in stopping The Animal building any momentum. Edge continues to control Batista until the crowd start to get behind The Animal, which seems to induce an adrenaline boost, allowing him to surge to his feet! He shoves Edge away and nails a spinebuster as he comes back off the ropes. Edge is quickly back up but gets clobbered with hard right hands that knock him into the corner, where Batista begins to ram his shoulder into his gut. Batista hoists Edge into the air for a suplex, leaving him hanging upside down for several seconds before he slams him down hard to the canvas. Batista pulls Edge to his feet and tries to whip him against the ropes but gets reversed …and comes darting back with a huge spear! Batista covers, one! Two! Thr-KICKOUT! Edge slips out of the ring, trying to recuperate from Batista’s sustained offense. The Animal soon follows but Edge manages to out-manoeuvre him and take him down at the knee. The Rated R Superstar stomps Batista’s ribs and leaves him propped up against the barricade, before hitting a low dropkick into his chest. The Animal crawls towards the ring, trying to catch his breath, as Edge rolls in and out to break the count. Batista pulls himself up on the steel steps, not noticing Edge stalking him. Edge charges …but Batista moves! Edge crashes shoulder first into the steps! Batista rolls back into the ring, with the count at five. Slowly Edge tries to recover from the agony of having his shoulder rammed hard into the steel. At eight he is just getting to his feet with the help of the apron. Nine. Edge clambers back into the ring just before the referee reaches ten. Batista pulls Edge to his feet but gets a punch to his gut and another and another and soon Edge is back to his feet and trading blows with The Animal. Being beaten for power, Edge has to change his game plan and ducks under Batista’s right hand, slipping in behind, before slamming him back first to the canvas. He heads to the corner and pulls himself onto the top rope, waiting for Batista to get back up. Slowly The Animal climbs to a groggy base …and dives against the ropes! Edge is crotched up top! Batista moves in, looking to capitalise with a powerbomb …but Edge reverses into a hurricanrana! Edge recoils to the corner, stalking Batista. Stumbling and staggering, The Animal gets back to a vertical base and turns round right into a SPEAR! Edge’s shoulder crashes into Batista’s ribs! Both men go down in agony. Edge slowly pulls himself across the canvas, drooping an arm over Batista. ONE! …TWO! …THREE![/COLOR] Both men are exhausted and struggle to their feet, as Edge is announced as the winner. Suddenly the lights go out! A loud GONG echoes around the arena, to the delight of the fans! A few silent seconds pass until a crack of lightning hits the stage and the lights return …with The Undertaker in the ring! Edge is the first to take a shot at the champion but gets levelled with a three quick stiff punches. Batista rushes at The Deadman, trying to take him down with a shoulder block but he gets caught with a right hand! Edge charges in as well …but gets caught with Taker’s left hand! DOUBLE CHOKESLAM! Smackdown goes off the air with the new champion standing over his two Armageddon challengers, with his title belt glimmering around his waist and Michael Cole orgasming over the dominance of The Undertaker. [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Kane and Rey Mysterio def. Finlay and Elijah Burke in 13:49 Victoria Laron def. Michelle McCool in 3:56 Palumbo & Burchill def. Matt Hardy and Montel Vontavious Porter in 11:46 to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships Dykstra & Masters def. The Major Brothers in 5:31 Bobby Lashley def. Funaki and Shannon Moore in 3:48 Edge def. Batista in 19:35 ----- Hmm, I don't think the writing did this show justice. Things didn't come off quite as well as they could have done but I'm more interested in getting back into the rhythm of writing the shows after the holiday break.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5302996[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]Monday Week Four November 2007 – WWE Raw live from the Alexander Memorial Coliseum in Atlanta, GA[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [b]Cade & Murdoch vs. Holly & Rhodes[/b] [SIZE="1"]- Cade and Murdoch retained their World Tag Team Championships at Survivor Series, after a distraction from Mickie James allowed Lance Cade to capitalise for the win. Then last week, Cade rejected a request from Mickie to allow London & Kendrick have another shot. This week the champions face off against the men their last challengers beat just seven days ago. With London & Kendrick seemingly out of the title picture, Holly & Rhodes have the chance to impress and maybe gain a shot of their own! That’s if they can beat the champions…[/SIZE] [b]Eve Torres vs. Melina Perez[/b] [SIZE="1"]- On last week’s Monday Night Raw, Melina struggled to put Eve Torres away and had to resort to putting her feet on the ropes to gain the pinfall, after controlling the match. By doing so, she became the Number One Contender for Beth Phoenix’s title and will face the Glamazon at Armageddon. One week on and Eve has the chance for revenge. While the title match is no longer up for grabs, Eve could earn some credibility for the future in this one by picking up her first WWE win.[/SIZE] [b]London & Kendrick and Mickie James vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team and Victoria Laron[/b] [SIZE="1"]- London and Kendrick seem happier now that Mickie James is part of their team but has it really been that successful? They lost a title match at Survivor Series and only just snuck a win last week when London rolled up Hardcore Holly moments before he could hit the Alabama Slam. This week, Mickie steps into the ring with her clients for the first time, as they take on Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and Victoria Laron in an Intergender Six Person Tag Team match. The World’s Greatest Tag Team are looking to get back on the road to the gold, while Victoria will be hoping to make a mark on Raw with the cross-brand Royal Rumble coming up in a little under two months and the chance of a Women’s Title shot opening up to her. Now would be a good time for London, Kendrick and Mickie to prove their alliance is a winning one.[/SIZE] [b]Hornswoggle vs. ???[/b] [SIZE="1"]- Shane and Stephanie McMahon’s plan of pitting Hornswoggle against Snitsky didn’t quite go to plan last week. In fact, it ended with Shane getting a chair shot from his father, while Regal took out Snitsky. Seven days on and they have another challenger lined up for the little man. Who will it be and can Hornswoggle’s lucky streak continue?[/SIZE] [b]PLUS:[/b] What is going to happen in light of the second vicious attack on Shawn Michaels in as many weeks?[/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Verdana"][b][COLOR="Red"]Dark Match: Carlito vs. Colt Cabana[/COLOR][/b] Carlito defeated Colt Cabana in 4:30 by pinfall with a Backstabber. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/RAW.png[/IMG] [B]Monday Week Four November 2007 – WWE Raw live from the Alexander Memorial Coliseum in Atlanta, GA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B][CENTER][COLOR=#42A500]“Bow Down To The King”[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] The Raw crowd explodes when they hear the music of Triple H blaring through the arena. They are all on their feet as he pushes through the curtain and onto the stage. He doesn’t look in any mood for niceties; instead he just strides with a focused look on his face towards the ring, not even acknowledging the legions of fans stretching out just to touch their hero. He climbs into the ring and plucks the microphone from Lilian Garcia. The Game doesn’t wait for the crowd’s excitement to die down, and instead just launches straight into his promo. [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] Orton! Get your ass out here …now! A simple message, delivered with authority, but it does confuse the fans a little. Triple H waits in the ring, chewing on some gum, waiting for a response to his demand. The arena is silent for a few moments, and it is clear that The Game isn’t about to add anything to his original statement. Finally, the patience works. [B][CENTER][COLOR=#AAA111]“HEY!”[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] The crowd jeer wildly at the WWE Champion as he struts out from the back, looking as arrogant as ever. He saunters down to the ring, trying to look as suave as possible. He rolls into the ring and tries to snatch the microphone from Triple H …but The Game keeps a firm grip on it! Orton is visibly embarrassed but quickly recomposes himself and takes a new stick from ringside. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] What can I do for you, Hunter? Randy Orton speaks without losing that cheesy smirk. Triple H looks him up and down …and then swings with a right hand! It knocks the champion down, and he scurries from the ring. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy there, I am the WWE Champion, you cannot lay your hands on me! [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] I can do whatever the hell I want! Now get your ass back in the ring. Orton attempts to speak but the anger seems to be bubbling very close to the surface inside The Game. [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] You think you can kick the crap out of Shawn Michaels and no one will do anything about it?! You’re even more of a coward than I thought, Orton. You know, I know, and all these damn people know that HBK has your number and that he should be the WWE Champion right now. So, Randy, we can do this the easy way, where you get back in the ring and take your beating like a man. Or we can do this the hard way, where I track you down and beat the crap outta of you until every last breath has been beaten out of your lungs. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] What? I had NOTHING to do with that attack on Michaels. That was just him being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Randy Orton cautiously climbs back into the ring, and has to dodge the lunge of Triple H. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Listen, Hunter. I’m telling you I didn’t do it. I had nothing to do with the first attack; nothing to do with what happened at Survivor Series and NOTHING to do with what happened last Monday. [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] You’re full of crap. I know you, Orton. You’re a dirty, cheating coward. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Oh yeah? You know me, huh? Well, Hunter, you must be forgetting that I know you pretty damn well too. When I became the youngest WWE Champion in history, you and Evolution beat the hell out of me in this very ring. When Batista outgrew you, you beat the crap outta him. When Shawn Michaels came back from what everyone thought was a career ending injury, who was it that turned on him and beat him down? It sure as hell wasn’t me. [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] You think I did this? Orton, I knew inbreds were a little – y’know – slow but I didn’t think even YOU could be that damn stupid. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Go ahead and make your jokes, Hunter but everyone in the back knows that you want the WWE Championship and that you’ll do anything to get it but with Shawn around, you weren’t gonna get that chance, were you? And why? I think you know but let’s just throw this out there. It’s because you know that he is, was and always will be the more talented, more charismatic and more beloved member of Degeneration X. And that kills you, doesn’t it? [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] Shawn and I have been friends for years. Our friendship is built on professional respect, there is no way I’d do what you did to him. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Isn’t that what you said in 2002? How did that turn out again? Before Triple H can respond, the titantron fires into action …with a five second countdown! FIVE! …FOUR! …THREE! …TWO! …ONE! A massive set of pyros explodes from the stage, as the crowd go nuts. [B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]“Break The Wall Down!”[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] Chris Jericho appears from the back, arms outstretched and a microphone in his right hand. He spins round, looking confident and glancing around the arena at the fans cheering for him. He waits for them to settle down before speaking. [color="Red"][b]Jericho:[/b][/color] I hate to break up this counselling session because it seems you two were making some real progress but can I just say that I couldn’t give a rat’s ass who beat the crap out of Shawn Michaels? I was in the back, watching you two bickering like horny school girls and felt it was my duty as the saviour of WWE to come out here and tell you, Orton, to PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP! [b][POP!][/b] Could you be any more dull? You’re like beige in human form. So before you get your lights knocked out, Randy, let me remind you of something. WWE stands for World Wrestling Entertainment, and let’s just say you must be swimming in air miles ‘cause you’re not filling two out of the three criteria. The crowd pop again and let out a laugh at Orton’s expense. The champion looks less amused but Triple H seemed to enjoy that one, as did King and JR. [color="Red"][b]Jericho:[/b][/color] I’ve been thinking it over, Randall, tossing ideas back and forth, trying to figure out how the hell you became WWE Champion in the first place and to me there’s only one possible answer. It’s the same reason Triple H was WWE Champion a couple years back and quite frankly, if that’s how you get the WWE Championship, I’d rather have my health. Y’see I weighed up the positives of Y2J being the WWE Champion; proving once again that I’m the King Of The World, showing these fans what it means to be truly electrified, all that good stuff. But… but then I weighed up the negatives and as good as all that other stuff is, nothing is worth having to sleep with that skanky, disease-ridden, bottom-feeding trash bag ho! JR’s reaction is a classic one of shock and laughter that sounds like he’s been poked with a red-hot cattle prod. Triple H has stopped laughing and now looks equally as pissed off with Jericho as Randy Orton. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] That’s funny, Jericho. You can keep running your mouth and talking trash but when it comes down to it, you just don’t have it in you to challenge me seriously. I heard your little speech last week, hell I was standing in the ring right in front of you but let’s face it, we both know that you’re all talk. But me? I’m not all talk… [color="Red"][b]Jericho:[/b][/color] Junior, you’re not EVEN talk! Once again the crowd pop loudly and laugh at Jericho’s joke. Even Triple H lets out a wry smile. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Laugh it up, make your jokes Chris, but some day you’ll have to face facts; you can’t beat me, you have never beaten me and you will never beat me…and you know it. [color="Red"][b]Jericho:[/b][/color] I can’t beat you? Is that what you think, junior? Then how about this: Armageddon 2007, twenty days from now, in one corner the flat-faced, monotron Randy Orton and in the other the electrifying, heart-stopping, show-rocking, ass-kicking Ayatollah Of Rock And Roll-ah! Chris Jericho! WWE Championship on the line, in front of thousands of screaming fans! Fans that are screaming “Go, Jericho, go!” Fans that watch in awe as I nail the Codebreaker, hit a picture-perfect Lionsault and cover your lifeless body for the one, two, three; the un, duh, twah; the uno, dos, tres; the iconic three count that sees Chris Jericho FINALLY regain what is rightfully his and FINALLY regain his position as the most irrefutably dominant and talented man on the face of this earth! The three count that ensures that Randy Orton is confined to the history books, to never again torture the millions of Jericholics around the globe with his constant whining and never-ending rest-holds. [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] If that’s what it takes to shut that big mouth of yours, Chris, I have no problem beating your ass at Armageddon. Consider the match on! The fans almost blow the roof off the arena with their cheers! Jericho smiles widely, already formulating how to become the next WWE Champion. Of course, he isn’t done causing trouble tonight yet. [color="Red"][b]Jericho:[/b][/color] That’s all I need to hear, Orton. But how about I do you a favour tonight? Y’know, sort out this little squabble with Pi-nose-io in there? Clearly there’s some underlying sexual tension between the two of you and I think what you need to do is let it all out. Get it all out in the open. So my advice, and this is just my opinion, would be for there to be a match added to the card tonight. In one corner The Game Triple H and in the other the WWE Champion Randy Orton, whadda ya think? [color=#AAA111][b]Orton:[/b][/color] Whoa, hold on a seco… [color=#42A500][b]Triple H:[/b][/color] See you later, champ. Triple H cuts off Orton, before shoving him aside and leaving the ring, as his music hits. As the opening segment comes to a close, we head backstage. Snitsky is in the office of Raw General Manager William Regal, who doesn’t exactly seem delighted by his company. It appears we are just catching the end of a meeting of some sort. Regal stands up, getting ready to usher the monster out of his office, whilst stating for the benefit of the fans that it is settled; Snitsky will face Jeff Hardy later tonight for the WWE Intercontinental Championship! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/CadeMurdoch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1369206_HollyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]The two teams of brawlers start just as you would imagine, would a good old fashioned four man brawl that sees Cody Rhodes come out with an advantage over Lance Cade, as the referee regains control. The rookie does a good job of building momentum but Cade is able to use his dirty tactics to carve an opening to make the tag to Murdoch. Murdoch uses his freshness to take control of the match and continues where Cade left off with the dirty tactics, something that riles Hardcore Holly, who tries to enter the match but gets restrained by the referee, allowing Murdoch to hit an unseen low blow! Murdoch tags out to Cade and the duo proceeds to perform a series of quick tags and double team moves…that is until Rhodes comes back off the ropes with a double clothesline from nowhere! Cade is up first but gets a kick in the gut and thrown from the ring. Murdoch charges next but Rhodes hooks him and drops him with a DDT before getting the hot tag to Hardcore Holly! Holly takes down both members of the opposition with a strong forearms and high dropkicks, before scoop slamming them both onto the canvas. Cody Rhodes runs back into the ring to clothesline Trevor Murdoch over the top rope, as Hardcore Holly lifts Lance Cade into the air for a Falcon Arrow …but the tag champ wriggles free and connects with a snap DDT! Cade stalks Holly from the corner …and nails him full on with a running clothesline that turns him inside out! Lance Cade covers, ONE! …TWO! …THREE![/COLOR] Cody Rhodes is just to late to make the save but does get a stiff right hand from Cade, as Murdoch drags Holly from the ring and over to the announce table. In the ring, Lance Cade hoists Cody Rhodes into the air and drops him hard to the canvas with a sit-out front slam! Meanwhile, Murdoch has dragged Hardcore Holly onto the announce table and has him in position …for a PILEDRIVER THROUGH THE TABLE! Laughing, Lance Cade leaves the ring and grabs a microphone. He says that people are probably wondering why Trevor Murdoch did what he just did to Holly, who is clearly unconscious, but the reason is simple. He did it to prove to anyone that was thinking of challenging them for their World Tag Team Championships, that they are the most destructive tag team unit in the world today …so think carefully before taking them on or you might end up like Hardcore Holly. We cut from the tag team champions to a video package, which highlights Shawn Michaels’ attack last week and follows him as he is loaded into an ambulance and taken to a nearby hospital. It shows him being rushed into theatre and then again unconscious in recovery. When it is over, JR and King inform us that he is suffering serious head injuries, along with potentially crippling back and knee injuries, and that there is currently no date set for a possible return. The sombre moment is interrupted by the music of Snitsky, who has an Intercontinental title match coming up. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/JHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Snitsky.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Intercontinental Championship[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Jeff Hardy’s quickness and agility allows him to stay away from Snitsky in the early going and get in a few quick blows. However, as Hardy tries to dart in for another shot Snitsky damn near takes his head off with a huge clothesline! Jeff is turned inside out but shakes it off and gets back to his feet. He rushes at Snitsky again, ducks a clothesline and comes back off the ropes with a dropkick to the back of his knee. From there, Hardy can take Snitsky down with a bulldog and works him over on the ground until the monster powers back to his feet. Snitsky slams Hardy into opposing turnbuckles, before crushing him against the canvas with a scoop powerslam! He pulls the champion to his feet and hoists him up into a bear hug. Snitsky wrenches and tightens his grip, and slowly Jeff begins to fade. The referee lifts his arm, and it drops. He lifts it again; it drops. He lifts it for a third and final time …Hardy keeps it up! The crowd pop and Jeff starts to pound his way out of the hold. Finally he breaks free and bounces off the ropes …right into a Big Boot! Snitsky covers, one! Two! Th-KICKOUT! Angry, Snitsky scoops Hardy from the canvas up into position for a Pumphandle Slam in one movement but Jeff wriggles free and slips behind Snitsky! He shoves him into the turnbuckle, and as the monster staggers out, Jeff runs up the opposite turnbuckle …WHISPER IN THE WIND! Slowly, Hardy climbs back to the top rope …SWANTON BOMB! Jeff covers, ONE! TWO! THREE![/COLOR] The bell rings and Jeff Hardy is announced as the winner and still the WWE Intercontinental Champion. Referee Jack Doan hands him his title and the crowd are cheering wildly for the Charismatic Enigma. However the happiness is about to end… [CENTER][B][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]“I SPIT IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T WANT TO BE COOL!”[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Carlito appears from behind the curtain to heat from the crowd. He is already holding a microphone, and grinning like an idiot. He congratulates Jeff on a successful defense before saying that he is cashing in his Intercontinental title shot right now! Carlito pulls off his shirt and rushes down to the ring, ready to take advantage of Hardy, who is clearly feeling the effects of his match just moments earlier. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/JHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/2784/carlitoko8.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE Intercontinental Championship[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Carlito is much fresher than Jeff and knocks him to the ground with a high knee lift, before starting to pummel him until the referee pulls him away. Hardy slowly gets back to his feet, still trying to gather himself but gets floored with a clothesline from Carlito! Again the champion gets back up but he is flattened by a clothesline once more. Ever resilient, Jeff pushes himself back up to a vertical base and walks right into a series of knife-edge chops from Carlito. Carlito connects with a few unchallenged chops but then Jeff starts to fire back with right hands! Chop! Right hand! Back and forth they go until Hardy starts to build some momentum. He bounces of the ropes and nails a forearm to the face. Carlito springs back up, into a bulldog! Hardy grabs Carlito’s legs, and score with a double leg drop to the groin! Jeff rolls into the cover, one, two, kickout! Carlito shrugs off Jeff’s burst of speed and slows him down with a thumb to the eye. Carlito is able to control Jeff for several minutes with simple moves, before locking on a side headlock. Hardy begins to fade but the cheers from the crowd fire him up and he starts to fight back! Jeff shoves Carlito away, and catches him with a knee to the gut as he comes back. Hardy nails a perfect DDT! Jeff slowly climbs to the top rope, clapping to get the fans fired up, before ripping off his shirt to the delight of the women in the audience …but from nowhere Ken Kennedy smacks Hardy from behind! What the hell? The referee immediately calls for the bell; Jeff wins by DQ![/COLOR] As a pissed off Carlito retreats to the back – clearly not wanting any part of a fresh Kennedy – Mr. Kennedy climbs into the ring and climbs to the second rope. He grabs the crotched champion …and hits a Green Bay Plunge! With Jeff laid out, Kennedy demands a microphone. He says that Jeff got lucky at Survivor Series, and he isn’t going to sit by while undeserving challengers attempt to take what is rightfully his …the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Kennedy tells the crowd that the person to dethrone Jeff Hardy will be “MISTER KENNEDY!” … … “KENNEDY!” With that, Kennedy tosses his microphone aside and starts to lay into Jeff with stomps, before dropping to the canvas and unloading with punches to the face. Suddenly Matt Hardy charges out from the back! He slides into the ring and chases Kennedy away, before helping his brother to his feet and posing with him in the centre of the ring to the delight of the fans. Vince McMahon is seen backstage, talking to William Regal. He asks Regal if he knows who Shane and Stephanie have arranged to face Hornswoggle later in the night. The Raw General Manager reluctantly tells the Chairman that he has no idea who they have in mind, which clearly isn’t what Vince wanted to hear. He berates Regal for being incompetent, before an evil grin flashes across his face. He is clearly formulating a plot, but there’s no time for that now – it’s time for Eve Torres against Melina Perez! WOW! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Eve.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/9233/melinaom3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Eve’s completely unsuccessful start to her WWE tenure continues in this match, as the Number One Contender for Beth Phoenix’s WWE Women’s Championship easily controls the match from the start, right through until the finish, when Melina nails a spinning facebuster on Eve for the win.[/COLOR] As Melina celebrates, we cut backstage, where we find Beth Phoenix watching a monitor backstage, scouting her Armageddon opponent. She doesn’t look impressed. Elsewhere, Maria Kanellis is with Chris Jericho, ready for an interview. She asks how he is feeling after Randy Orton accepted his challenge. Jericho, unsurprisingly, is delighted that Orton had the guts to accept the challenge. Y2J adds that in twenty days he will fulfil step one of his quest to save the WWE but until then, he intends to have a little bit of fun with Randy Orton. Maria asks what he means but Jericho just flashes a smile and walks off. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/LonKenMic.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/WGTTVic.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]London opens the match opposite Benjamin, and it's Shelton that comes out on top after the early sparring. He drags London to his corner and makes quick tags with Charlie Haas to keep Paul London trapped on the wrong side of the ring. London finally slips free and rolls across the ring before making a long dive to tag in Brian Kendrick, who flies into the match and takes out Shelton and Haas! After dropping them both several times, Kendrick sends Shelton flying over the top rope. He turns back to Haas but gets caught with a European uppercut! Haas tries to grab Kendrick but he slips in behind and pushes him against the ropes chest first, and then rolls him up for a near fall. Kendrick nips to his feet and tags in Mickie, automatically bringing Victoria into the match as well. Haas pulls himself up using the ropes but gets clotheslined over the top! The two tag teams start to brawl on the outside, while the women get it on the middle of the ring. Victoria overpowers Mickie and sets her up for the Widow's Peak ...but Mickie slips free! Victoria turns round ...right into a vicious Mick Kick! Mickie James makes the cover, one! Two! Three![/COLOR] After the match, Brian Kendrick fetches a microphone for Mickie James. She says that she is once again issuing a challenge to Cade & Murdoch to let London & Kendrick face them at Armageddon for the WWE World Tag Team Championships. Mickie says that she’ll do “anything” to get that title shot, which raises more than a few eyebrows in the arena, as well as the temperature. Backstage we find Trevor Murdoch staring into space, seemingly in a daydream after what Mickie James has just said. Lance Cade appears and clicks his fingers in front of Murdoch’s face but can get no reaction from his tag team partner. He shakes his head and walks off, leaving Murdoch to it. Out at ringside, London & Kendrick and Mickie James have made themselves scarce before the next match. Before that though… [CENTER][B][COLOR=#42A500]$$[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]HERE COMES THE MONEY[/COLOR] [COLOR=#42A500]$$[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] It is Shane McMahon and, of course, his sister Stephanie! The McMahon offspring head down to the ring, to a less than warm reception from the crowd. Shane takes a microphone from ringside and says that while things didn’t quite go to plan last week, this week they have a foolproof plan. They have scoured the globe and found the single most dominant athlete on the face of the planet; a man that knows no fear, no pain and no remorse; a man brought up under one of the harshest regimes this world has ever seen. He is a victim – hell – a survivor of the gritty and seedy underbelly of Soviet Russia. He is …Vladimir Koslov! Some heavy, Russian-themed music hits and a massive figure appears from behind the curtain. He strides slowly down to the ring, looking fearsome and generating jeers from the crowd. Shane and Stephanie laugh to each other, as they await the arrival of their half-brother. His music hits moments later to a big pop and he timidly comes out from the back, accompanied by William Regal and Vince McMahon. He slowly reaches the ring and climbs in, standing toe-to-toe and face-to-leg with Koslov as the bell rings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Hornswoggle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Koslov.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Vladimir Koslov shoves Hornswoggle aside with ease to open the match. The little man rushes at him but gets lifted easily by the huge Russian and slammed down to the canvas with a sidewalk slam. Koslov grabs Hornswoggle by the throat with both hands and lifts him into the air, trying to choke him out. He uses four of his five allowed seconds to choke the little man, and then brings him crashing down to the canvas with a double-handed sit-out Chokeslam! Koslov covers, one, two, three![/COLOR] The match ends all too quickly, and Shane and Stephanie quickly return to the ring to raise the arms of their monster. Valiantly, but perhaps stupidly, Vince McMahon and William Regal enter the ring to confront the trio …but get flattened by a double clothesline from Koslov! He tosses Regal from the ring, before grabbing Vince by the head and pulling him to his feet. He lifts him into the air, holding him above his head, before shifting him onto his shoulder and nailing a front slam that leaves the chairman flattened in the centre of the ring, right alongside his bastard son. The camera focuses on the evil smirks of Shane and Stephanie, as we cut away. A video package, highlighting the opening segment of the show, rolls and it recaps the argument between Randy Orton, Triple H and Chris Jericho. As it comes to an end, we are shown a split screen of Randy Orton and Triple H walking to the ring. Back at ringside and a five-second countdown starts! Pyros explode and music hits, and Chris Jericho comes out from the back. He heads down to the ring, high-fiving his fans as he does so. Jericho makes his way to the announce table, ready to join JR and King as a guest commentator. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1369227_Orton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1369228_TripleH.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]The two men lock up, with Triple H connecting with some knee lifts to the gut before shoving Orton away. He knocks him against the ropes with a series of big right hands, and then winds up for a big clothesline but Orton ducks and pulls the top rope down! The Game falls from the ring, and Orton arrogantly taunts in the ring, not noticing Triple H’s quick recovery. He grabs Orton by the legs and trips him to the canvas, and pulls him from the ring. Triple H starts to unload on the champion with hard punches that have him sprawling and trying to get away. The Game grabs Orton by the arm and whips him hard into the barricade and starts to stomp his gut, only just getting back to the ring to roll in and out before being counted out. The let up allows Orton to gather himself and catch Triple H with a resounding slap to the face! It just proves to further aggravate The Game but Randy is able to duck his attempt punch and slip behind Hunter. Orton drives Triple H from behind straight into the ring apron! The champ rolls Triple H back into the ring, now holding all the control of the match. Orton proceeds to slow the match riiiiight down with a side headlock, which he manoeuvres into a sleeper hold. As Triple H starts to fight back, Randy drops to his knees, slamming Triple H down with a modified backbreaker! Orton covers, one! Two! Th-KICKOUT! Triple H powers back up and starts to unload on Orton, with the crowd’s noise level increasing exponentially with each shot! A reversed Irish whip sees The Game come back off the ropes with a high knee to the face, which puts Orton on the canvas. The champion is quickly back up and charges at Triple H but gets taken down with a ring-shaking spinebuster! Triple H is flying now! He stalks Orton, waiting for him to get to his feet. The Game darts in to grab Randy but he rolls to the side and trips Triple H to the canvas! The champ locks on a grounded side headlock, before using the ropes to apply pressure. The referee sees and calls for the break. Orton gets back to his feet and starts to circle Triple H, stomping him as he does so. After a couple of quick stomps to the head, Orton begins to stalk The Game for an RKO. Meanwhile, down at ringside, Chris Jericho leaves his seat and climbs onto the apron, distracting the referee! With Jack Doan’s back turned, Triple H nails a low blow on Orton! The Game hooks Orton’s arms, PEDIGREE! Triple H covers, ONE! …TWO! …THREE![/COLOR] Doan calls for the bell and Triple H is announced as the winner, with Jericho smirking at ringside, pleased with the success of his distraction. However, Mike Chioda runs down from the back! He slides into the ring and starts to remonstrate with Jack Doan. After some heated discussion, Chioda seems to have won the argument and Doan leans through the ropes to talk to Lilian Garcia. [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Lilian:[/B][/COLOR] After consultation with senior referee Mike Chioda, referee Jack Doan has overturned the result of the previous match. Your winner, as a result of disqualification …Randy Orton! The crowd are incensed at the reversal of the decision! Chris Jericho and Triple H cannot believe it! Chioda quickly scuttles to the back, before The Game can get his hands on him. Orton grabs his title from ringside and heads up the ramp. Raw ends on the image of The Legend Killer standing on the stage holding his championship, as Triple H and Chris Jericho look on from ringside. [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Cade & Murdoch def. Holly & Rhodes in 8:30 Jeff Hardy def. Snitsky in 7:45 to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship Jeff Hardy def. Carlito in 9:44 to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship Eve Torres def. Melina Perez in 3:30 London & Kendrick and Mickie James def. World’s Greatest Tag Team and Victoria Laron in 10:26 Vladimir Koslov def. Hornswoggle in 2:56 Randy Orton def. Triple H in 15:39[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Just caught up reading the last few shows and good to see you're stll pumping them out with the same quality. I liked the last edition of ECW particularly, even if Umaga's unstoppable monster credentials have lost a lot of steam in reality. Just finished reading RAW and again, there's much about it that I like. I especially enjoyed seeing Carlito cash in and ultimately blow his Intercontinental opportunity as well as the debut of Oleg Prudis/Vladimir Koslov. Interesting to see Vince take a bit of a pasting from Koslov as well, although part of me was hoping that he'd stretch the chairman out with a torture rack whilst the McMahon kids goaded their father... I've no idea if Koslov still uses that as a finisher, although I know he did in several of his initial dark matches. I'm also curious as to where you're taking the Mickie/Murdoch storyline and how it'll work into Londrick getting a shot at the straps. Anyway, good stuff as always.
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