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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][img]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5726648[/img] [B]Tuesday Week Four November 2007 – ECW on Sci Fi live from the Cox Arena in San Diego, CA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Guido vs. The Boogeyman[/B] [SIZE="1"]- The ECW Originals have made it quite clear in recent weeks that they have grown tired of the influx of new talent that aren’t true to their vision of ECW, and the time has come for them to fight back. Mike Mizanin was their first victim, shortly followed by Kevin Thorn. This week Guido goes one on one with The Boogeyman, and while this might not be the last we see of Boogeyman on ECW, Guido can send a message on behalf of the Originals with a victory.[/SIZE] [B]Balls Mahoney vs. Matt Striker[/B] [SIZE="1"]- Balls Mahoney, who was the man to rid ECW of The Miz, will also represent the ECW Originals this week, as he faces everyone’s favourite teacher Matt Striker. Without the support of Big Daddy V, who is still serving a suspension, Striker isn’t quite as tough a prospect as he was a couple of weeks ago but he will no doubt have a trick or two up his sleeve and outsmarting Balls can’t be too hard, can it?[/SIZE] [B]Kelly Kelly vs. Michelle McCool[/B] [SIZE="1"]- Kelly has won acceptance from the ECW Originals due to her special relationship with Balls Mahoney, so will surely receive their support as she represents the brand against Smackdown’s Michelle McCool. Neither are renowned for their technical expertise but regardless, this one is certainly a mouth-watering prospect.[/SIZE] [B]PLUS:[/B] ECW World Champion CM Punk will come face to face with his new Number One Contender Umaga![/FONT]
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I have had so many ideas for this recently, and it has really got me excited for it again. I'm supposed to work tomorrow but might take a sick-day [after just having a Christmas break? They're gonna love me!] because I'm working with a pair of no-hopers. It'd make me smile to know they were struggling to find out their own information for a change... anyway, if I do take a sick-day, I'll get ECW done and get a Smackdown preview up and be rolling again.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/ECW-1.png[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week Four November 2007 – ECW on Sci Fi live from the Cox Arena in San Diego, CA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] After the initial opening of ECW and the welcome from Joey Styles and Tazz, we cut backstage where John Morrison has just barged into the office of ECW General Manager Armando Estrada. Morrison tells the GM that he is sick and tired of Mark Henry screwing him out of championship opportunities. First, he gets added to what should have been a singles rematch, then he attacked Morrison when he is no longer a part of the match and finally he interfered in last week’s battle royal after he was already eliminated! Morrison ends by saying that either he goes or Henry goes, and then leaves Estrada to muse on that thought. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.gr/upload4/out.php/i36326_Guido.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/8345/boogeyip8.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]The match starts tentatively before Boogeyman uses his strength to overpower Guido. The first couple of minutes tick by with Boogey in control for the most part, but then Guido’s technical prowess begins to show. He slips free from The Boogeyman and takes him down with ease, and then keeps him trapped on the canvas. Guido finally releases Boogey and stalks him as he gets to his feet, before moving in to score with a bridged Northern Lights suplex for the win.[/COLOR] Backstage Armando Estrada is just welcoming a new face into his office, someone he clearly doesn’t recognise. The man introduces himself as Julius Smokes, the new representation for Mark Henry. Smokes says he has come to try and broker a deal to take Mark Henry to Raw. Obviously asking for a trade away from his brand doesn’t sit well Estrada but he does say that he has an idea, and will answer Smokes next week. For the meantime, though, Mark Henry will be in the Main Event, as he teams with Umaga to take on John Morrison and ECW Champion CM Punk! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Balls.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Striker.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]Striker starts well and is able to outsmart Balls Mahoney in the early going and use his superior wrestling ability to his advantage. It doesn’t last as Balls begins fighting back with stiff shots and soon Mahoney has Striker trapped in the corner and is pummelling the life out of a cowering Striker. Balls has no mercy, though, and nails a Nutcracker Suite for the win.[/COLOR] Backstage former foes CM Punk and John Morrison are discussing tactics for their match against Umaga and Mark Henry later in the show. They agree that the only viable plan is to make quick tags and focus on taking out the limbs of their opponents. As Morrison leaves, Punk is clearly suspicious of his new ally. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Kelly2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Michelle-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]This is obviously just an eye candy match from the start, with Kelly and Michelle scrapping nonsensically but looking good while doing so. Kelly’s new found toughness as the female face of ECW shines through as she finishes Michelle off with a spinning heel kick for the win.[/COLOR] Armando Estrada is backstage with Umaga, getting the Samoan Bulldozer prepared and suitably psyched up for his Main Event match, which we are told is coming up next. Elsewhere, ECW’s resident vampire Kevin Thorn is shown looking creepy …when from nowhere the ECW Originals jump him from behind! Stevie Richards cracks a chair against Thorn’s back, and Dreamer quickly follows up with a cane shot to the head! Thorn drops to the floor and the Originals proceed to put the boots in to him. Thorn is a bloody mess but they aren’t done. Thorn is propped up against the nearest wall, and gets his head caved in with a chairshot from Balls Mahoney that slams his head firmly against the brickwork. As if that wasn’t enough, they place a chair across his chest and watch gleefully as Guido nails a low dropkick, crunching the steel into his ribs. The four Originals pick up the carcass of their victim and drag him to the closest exit, take him outside and throw him into the dumpster, forever ridding ECW of the vampire known as Kevin Thorn. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/PunkMorrison.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/HenryUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]John Morrison and Mark Henry start the match, with the World’s Strongest Man overpowering Morrison to take the early control in the match. Henry’s hard punches keep Morrison at bay and soon he is stumbling all over the ring. Henry charges and nearly takes Morrison’s head off with a clothesline! He is turned inside out! John Morrison slowly gets back to his feet and Henry charges again but Morrison moves! Mark Henry hits the ropes and gets tripped by Morrison as he comes back. Morrison works Henry over on the ground, tying his legs up in a reverse figure four, before rolling forward to apply an armbar. Morrison wrenches at Henry’s arm until the Silverback forces his way back to his feet and sends Morrison flying across the ring! Henry crushes the Shaman Of Sexy into the turnbuckle with a body splash, before tagging out to Umaga. John Morrison is sitting prone in the corner, as Umaga prepares to smash his head with his ample-sized ass but fortunately CM Punk slams into Umaga from behind with a forearm! The two brawl, alternating punches from Umaga and chops from Punk, until the referee forces Punk out of the ring. With the referee distracted, Morrison jabs a thumb into Umaga’s eye and drops him with a DDT, before diving to make the tag to Punk. Punk connects with a quick series of stiff kicks to the back and chest of the Samoan Bulldozer, which appear to weaken at first, but he suddenly explodes with a snap clothesline! Punk springs back up, right into a side kick to the jaw! The ECW Champion falls to the mat and Umaga measures him for a big splash! Umaga climbs the turnbuckle, lining Punk up from the turnbuckle. He dives off, looking for a headbutt, but Punk moves! Umaga crashes into the canvas. As the monster staggers back to a vertical base, Punk nails a kick to the gut that doubles him over. CM lines Umaga up for a potentially devastating kick to the side of the head but before it can connect, Mark Henry slams a steel chair against his back! The referee calls for the bell![/COLOR] John Morrison rushes into the ring, to try and make the save, but gets floored with a chairshot of his own! The two monsters each pull their respective foes to their feet. Henry scoops Morrison up, as Umaga grabs Punk by the throat! Simultaneously they connect with the World’s Strongest Slam and a Samoan Spike! As ECW goes off the air, Umaga and Mark Henry are left standing tall in the ring! [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Guido def. The Boogeyman in 6:21 Balls Mahoney def. Matt Striker in 6:58 Kelly Kelly def. Michelle McCool in 3:53 CM Punk and John Morrison def. Mark Henry and Umaga in 9:39 ----- This show was a LOOOONG time in the making. I've been so busy recently this kind of got lost in the shuffle but it is most definitely not dead. I have today off so I might even crack on and do Smackdown.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/3871766[/IMG] [B]Friday Week Four November 2007 – WWE Smackdown from the Orange Show Stadium in San Bernardino, CA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Matt Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [SIZE="1"]- The ongoing feud between the former WWE Tag Team Champions rages on this week, as they meet in one on one action! Matt Hardy is vying for a United States Championship shot at Armageddon, and a win over the champion on Smackdown would surely put him that much closer to getting that shot. However, MVP has had Hardy’s number recently so the winner of this match is anyone’s guess.[/SIZE] [B]Elijah Burke vs. Finlay[/B] [SIZE="1"]- Elijah Burke and Finlay lost to Kane and Rey Mysterio on last week’s show and both will be looking to bounce back as quickly as possible to keep themselves fresh in Theodore Long’s mind as we head towards a new year. Finlay is obviously the more experienced of the two but can Elijah’s enthusiasm and energy cause a shock for the veteran Irish fighter?[/SIZE] [B]Chris Masters & Kenny Dykstra vs. Chuck Palumbo & Paul Burchill[/B] [SIZE="1"]- After defeating The Major Brothers last week, Masters and Dykstra are looking to establish themselves a real threat to the tag team division with a victory over the new WWE Tag Team Champions. That, however, is easier said than done. Not only did Palumbo and Burchill win a mutli-team gauntlet to win the belts, they have since helped Team Long to victory at Survivor Series and defended the gold against the former champions.[/SIZE] [B]PLUS:[/B] Ric Flair has a challenge for Jimmy Yang![/FONT]
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Glad to see you alive and kicking again. The awards were well deserved. [b]Matt Hardy[/b] vs. MVP [i]I'm expecting a DQ. Hardy will probably get the title shot that was mentioned, so this match is to show that he can still hang with MVP, despite his recent problems. I expect MVP to get frustrated, and bean Hardy.[/i] [b]Elijah Burke[/b] vs. Finlay [i]Partners last week, opponents this week. It makes an interesting dynamic. Something's fishy here, but I don't know what it is. It leads me to believe that Burke's got something up his sleeve.[/i] [b]Chris Masters & Kenny Dykstra[/b] vs. Chuck Palumbo & Paul Burchill [i]Via the good ol' foreign object.[/i]
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[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"][COLOR=#0066CC][B]Dark Match: Dave Taylor vs. Vladimir Koslov[/B][/COLOR] Vladimir Koslov defeated Dave Taylor in 5:37 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/SD.png[/IMG] [B]Friday Week Four November 2007 – WWE Smackdown from the Orange Show Stadium in San Bernardino, CA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Smackdown opens with the music of General Manager Theodore Long hitting. The GM appears from the back and heads quickly down to the ring, where he is handed a microphone. Long says that at Survivor Series he was attacked and embarrassed by Bobby Lashley, who claims he was trying to make a mark on his return to the brand. He goes on to remind fans that last week, Lashley overcame both Funaki and Shannon Moore in a handicap match. Long says that if it’s handicap matches Lashley wants, it’s handicap matches he’ll get! Tonight it will be Bobby Lashley against the team of …EDGE and BATISTA! The crowd erupts at this announcement! Michael Cole squeals with excitement at ringside, as Teddy Long drops the microphone and returns to the back. Backstage Ric Flair is talking to Jimmy Yang; he tells Yang not to worry about the open challenge he made for Armageddon because he is going to help him prepare …by setting him three challenges against former Cruiserweight Champions. Tonight he will take on a man who has held the Cruiserweight title a record eight times. Yang looks a little concerned, and his fears are only compounded when Flair announces he will take on the former World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio! WOOOOO! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/MHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/MVP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The opening match of the night begins with Matt Hardy surging into an early advantage over MVP with a frenzied attack, which seems based more on passion than any tactics. Hardy’s assault forces Porter to take refuge outside the ring but he is soon back in and trading punches. Slowly the United States Champion takes control, before grabbing Hardy and gripping him with a front facelock. He wrenches at the neck of Matt, trying to weaken him but Hardy has a rush of adrenaline that allows him to lift MVP up and over into a bridged pin! One, two, kickout! MVP shakes it off and starts to chop Hardy and then ram his elbow into the side of his head, forcing him into the corner. He whips Matt across the ring and follow close behind to nail a clothesline into the turnbuckle; Montel scores with a bulldog as Hardy stumbles forward and then lines him up for the BAAAAALLIN’ elbow drop …but Matt moves! Hardy seizes the opening and starts to rebuild his momentum. He springs off the ropes with a spinning elbow smash, and another! And a third! MVP is reeling and swings wildly, allowing Hardy to duck underneath …SIDE EFFECT! Matt Hardy is on fire and starts to stalk MVP for a Twist Of Fate …but from nowhere he gets clobbered by Mr Kennedy! What the hell?! Hardy wins by disqualification![/COLOR] The bell rings but the heels, in typical fashion, ignore it and start to lay the boots in on Matt Hardy. Suddenly the crowd erupts as the Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy rushes from the back! Jeff helps chase off the two attackers and helps his brother back to his feet. As Kennedy and MVP retreat up the ramp, Jeff Hardy takes a microphone from ringside. He says that since he wants a piece of Kennedy and Matt wants a piece of MVP, and the two of them clearly have a problem with The Hardys, how about at Armageddon Kennedy and MVP face off against him and Matt …with both the Intercontinental and United States Championships on the line! Winners take home the belts! The crowd pop for this suggestion, as the heels just smirk and nod their agreement. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348119_Burke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348117_Finlay.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The two heels circle each other as the bell rings, before both darting in and locking up. The veteran Finlay comes out on top after the exchange and controls Burke for the opening sequence of the match, before the youngster breaks free and starts to fight back but, as he engages Finlay in a brawl, things start to go against him again. A quick eye rake and Burke is back in the driving seat, and he drop toeholds Finlay face first onto the middle turnbuckle! Burke slams a foot into the gut of Finlay and kicks him from the ring. Elijah lines the Irishman up and nails a suicide dive, taking both men down. They slowly return to their feet and start to brawl on the outside and once again Finlay begins to take control. Burke valiantly fights back but Finlay is able to scoop him up onto his shoulders, looking for the Celtic Cross …but Burke squirms free and is able to pull himself onto the barricade, before dropkicking Finlay right on the jaw and sending him sprawling to the ground! Elijah slowly pulls himself up, struggling back towards the ring as the referee’s count reaches eight …but Finlay grabs his leg! The Fighting Irishman drags Elijah to the floor! Both men are counted out![/COLOR] As another brawl sparks up between Burke and Finlay, which requires intervention from road agents, we head back to Ric Flair’s locker room, where the legendary Nature Boy is giving Jimmy Yang some final words of advice and encouragement before his match with Rey Mysterio. Elsewhere Michelle McCool is just leaving Theodore Long’s office, and we catch the end of their conversation with Michelle thanking Teddy for giving her the opportunity to be Smackdown’s backstage interviewer. We sure are getting through ‘em at the moment. As she leaves, Masters and Dykstra burst into Long’s office and demand a WWE Tag Team Championship shot! Teddy Long ponders it for a few seconds, and then agrees! Masters and Dykstra are a little taken aback at his cooperation but turn to leave, with smiles on their faces …but as they leave Long adds that they can have a title shot, provided they beat Burchill and Palumbo tonight. The two heels instantly lose their arrogant smirks and walk off, looking just as pissed off as when they burst into the office. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Yang2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Mysterio.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The two cruiserweights start brightly with a speedy exchange, both displaying acrobatic counters in quick succession before landing back on their feet. Mysterio throws a quick punch and Yang strikes right back with a quick kick. A flurry of fists and feet follows, until Yang takes control and whips Rey across the ring. Mysterio ducks a clothesline and then grabs springboards off the second rope, looking for a DDT but instead he gets slammed hard to the canvas by Jimmy Yang. He is quickly back up and another back and forth sequence ensues until Mysterio drops Yang with a dropkick to the knee and a stiff kick to the chest. Mysterio jumps to the top rope, as the cruiserweight champion gets back to his feet. Rey dives off the top but Yang steps back and scores with a devastating roundhouse to the side of the head! Mysterio could have been knocked out! Yang covers, ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Somehow Rey gets a shoulder up! Jimmy Yang stalks Mysterio, gearing up for a Shining Wizard but as he charges, Mysterio trips him onto the second rope! Rey Mysterio dials it up …6-1-9! It connects! Mysterio springboards off the top rope - West Coast P-NO! Powerbomb by Yang! He covers again, one! Two! Thre-KICKOUT! Again the former champion kicks out! The frustration is evident on Jimmy Yang’s face as he drags Mysterio to his feet and whips him against the ropes. Jimmy Yang hits the mat as he comes back, sending Rey all the way across the ring but as he comes back, Mysterio scores with a crossbody! Jimmy Yang springs back up and walks right into a hurricanrana! Yang lands on the middle rope! A second 6-1-9 connects! Mysterio springboards back into the ring and Drops The Dime on Yang! Rey Mysterio covers, ONE! TWO! THREE![/COLOR] The crowd show their appreciation for the fine showing from the two cruisers, as Mysterio has his hand raised. He shakes the hand of a disappointed Jimmy Yang, who heads to the back with his head bowed, as we cut to the image of the Rated R Superstar backstage. Edge glances around to check he isn’t being watched, before entering a nearby locker room. The camera zooms in on the door, which has a sign that reads “Bobby Lashley”. At ringside the Titantron kicks into action, and an eerie video is played highlighting the victory of new WWE World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker at Survivor Series, before showing a variety of clips to emphasise his supreme dominance over the past decade and a half. [CENTER][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9230/mastersdykstraog3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/2710/palumboburchilldq7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The match begins slowly, with Masters and Palumbo duking it out. The two brawlers trade punches back and forth early on until Masters is able to overpower Palumbo and take control. Masters and Dykstra work him over in their corner for a couple of minutes, keeping him isolated from Paul Burchill. Finally, however, he starts to fight back and a mistake from Dykstra leaves him prone to be slammed to the canvas by Palumbo, who then tags out to Burchill. The Brit flies into the match, taking down both opponents with huge flying lariats, followed by spinebusters. Burchill continues his attack on Dykstra and scores a near fall after a twisting neckbreaker. The match steps up a notch with Dykstra and Burchill in the ring but it soon gets slowed right down when Kenny thumbs Burchill in the eye, before hitting a European uppercut and making the tag. Masters storms into the ring but Burchill ducks his clothesline. Dykstra attempts a cheap shot on Burchill to distract him from Masters, as he comes back off the ropes, but to no avail as the Brit gets a firm kick into Masters' gut. With the referee distracted by Dykstra's attempted interference, Masters nails a low blow that goes unnoticed! The Masterpiece nails Palumbo off the apron, before rolling Burchill up with a handful of tights for the stolen three count![/COLOR] As Masters and Dykstra head up the ramp in victory, we cut backstage to Michelle McCool, who is getting her first taste of backstage interviewing. Sheesh, that's Kristal, Daizee Haze, Torrie Wilson and now Michelle that have all had a go recently. Anyway, she is interviewing the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Batista ahead of his match tonight. The Animal makes it clear that he doesn't like Edge and he doesn't trust Edge, and for him this may as well be a triple threat match. As far as Bobby Lashley goes, Batista tells Michelle that if Lashley thinks he can jump back to Smackdown and walk straight into the title picture, he is sorely mistaken, and tonight he is going to prove that Lashley is just another overhyped, overpaid, overexposured wannabe. Elsewhere, Theodore Long is trying to calm an argument between Kane, Rey Mysterio, Elijah Burke and Finlay. All four are adamant that they deserve a shot at the championship. They are all agreed that Batista, Edge and The Undertaker have had more than their fair share of chances, and it is about time someone else had a shot. That's as far as their agreement goes, as obviously each man wants that chance himself. When Long finally cools the arguing, he tells them that if they want the chance to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, they'll have to earn it ...at Armageddon ...in a Fatal Fourway match, with the winner facing the champion at the Royal Rumble! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/BatistaEdge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/LashleySD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]Edge is more than happy to let Batista start off in the ring against Lashley, and the two powerhouses get straight down to business. The Animal looks to be building up some momentum but Lashley suddenly blocks a punch and sends Batista reeling with a forearm to the face! He quickly follows up with a sharp clothesline ...but Batista stays on his feet! He staggers back, hits the ropes and takes Lashley down with a spear! Bobby is soon back up and again they start to trade punches. After a short brawl, Lashley takes control and hoists Batista into the air for a stalling suplex. The former amateur champion clamps on a headlock and then scissors Batista's body but Edge darts in to break it up, before looking smugly at Batista. The Rated R Superstar returns to the apron, with his arrogant grin distracting Batista, who gets nailed from behind by Lashley! Batista fights back up and beats Lashley away, before whipping him against the ropes and scoring with a HUGE powerslam as he comes back! Batista strides over to his corner ...and slaps Edge across the chest to tag him in! Edge tries to no-sell the slap but it clearly rocked him but he starts to take the fight to Lashley nonetheless. Knowing that he is at a power disadvantage, Edge keeps Lashley grounded with an armbar, before rolling into a leglock, which he switches into a figure four. Lashley grabs the ropes and the break gives him a chance to get to his feet. Edge stings his chest with knife edge chops but the monstrous Lashley barely flinches ...before nearly decapitating the Rated R Superstar with a short arm clothesline! Edge goes down and Lashley taunts, looking to finish him off. Bobby Lashley hauls Edge to his feet and lifts him onto his shoulders ...but Edge squirms free! And makes the tag to Batista! The Animal explodes into the match, taking Lashley down three times with a series of shoulder blocks. The champ rains punches down on Lashley and then slams him hard to the canvas with a suplex-front slam combination! Batista is feeling it and the crowd react loudly as he shakes the top rope! The Animal sets Lashley up for the Batista Bomb ...but Bobby Lashley powers out of it! He pushes Batista up and over his head, but The Animal lands on his feet! Lashley turns ...SPINEBUSTER! That has to-SPEAR! SPEAR TO BATISTA! What the hell?! Edge just nailed his own partner! Edge dumps Lashley on top. ONE! ...TWO! ...TH-[/color][color=purple][b]GONG![/b][/color] [color=#0066CC]The lights in the arena shut out and the fans scream! Moments later they come back up and The Undertaker is in the ring behind Edge! Lashley and Batista are down on the outside, what the hell happened? Edge slowly backs up ...and bumps into The Deadman! He spins round, and a look of fear descends over his face. The Undertaker scoops him up ...TOMBSTONE! The referee calls for the bell, Bobby Lashley is disqualified![/COLOR] Edge and Batista are announced as the winners via disqualification but it is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion that ends the show standing tall! As Smackdown ends, The Undertaker stands over Edge, with the championship belt glistening around his waist! [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Montel Vontavious Porter def. Matt Hardy in 10:39 Elijah Burke drew with Finlay in 11:50 Rey Mysterio def. Jimmy Yang in 17:37 Dykstra & Masters def. Palumbo & Burchill in 8:09 Batista and Edge def. Bobby Lashley in 17:35 ----- I really liked this show, maybe it's my own bias but I think it came together nicely. Hmm...[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5302996[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]Monday Week One December 2007 – WWE Raw live from the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, CA[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [b]Jeff Hardy vs. Mr Kennedy[/b] [SIZE="1"]- After agreeing a tag team match at Armageddon for both the WWE Intercontinental and United States Championships, Jeff Hardy and Mr Kennedy will be searching to gain some momentum in this one. Hardy has held his belt for many months now but some feel his time as the champion is coming to a close. Can Kennedy send an important message to the champion on Raw?[/SIZE] [b]Vladimir Koslov vs. William Regal[/b] [SIZE="1"]- After his shocking debut as the muscle behind Shane and Stephanie McMahon last week, Vladimir Koslov will be intent on stating his dominance once again as he takes on the Raw General Manager in singles action. Regal is a veteran competitor but will need to draw on all his cunning and gile to get through this one and escape with a victory.[/SIZE] [b]Cody Rhodes and London & Kendrick vs. Cade & Murdoch and Snitsky[/b] [SIZE="1"]- Last week the WWE World Tag Team Champions sent a message to any teams thinking of challenging them when Trevor Murdoch piledrived Hardcore Holly through the announce table. Nevertheless, later in the evening Mickie James said that she would do anything to get London & Kendrick another shot at the gold at Armageddon. On Raw, the high-flying duo can prove that they are worthy contenders, as they team with Cody Rhodes, who will be out for revenge, against the tag team champions and the monster Snitsky.[/SIZE] [b]PLUS:[/b] Special guests for next week's Fifteenth Anniversary of Raw will be revealed![/FONT]
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[FONT="Verdana"][size=1][CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/RAW-2.png[/IMG] [B]Monday Week One December 2007 – WWE Raw live from the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, CA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] Raw opens with the music of General Manager William Regal ringing through the arena. He heads down to the ring, where a red carpet is covering the ring and a table has been prepared. Regal takes a microphone and informs the crowd that the contract signing for the Main Event at Armageddon is going to take place right now! [COLOR=#AAA111][CENTER][b]“HEY!”[/b][/CENTER][/COLOR] The WWE Champion is out first with his title belt slung over his shoulder. He strolls to the ring with the crowd jeering him all the way. Orton climbs into the ring and poses arrogantly, until a countdown starts on the titantron! The crowd erupt as the countdown hits zero, pyros explode and Chris Jericho’s music hits! Y2J appears from the back to a rapturous reaction from the Bakersfield crowd and quickly makes his way to the ring, where he stands toe to toe with Orton until William Regal separates them and gets proceedings started. However, before he allows either man to sign the contract, he announces that there has been a change to the scheduled match at Armageddon! First, he says that there will be a third entrant into the title match, and then he announces that next week on the fifteenth anniversary show there will be a fifteen man battle royal, featuring stars from the past and the present, to determine who takes that final spot! Randy Orton is livid and starts to remonstrate with Regal, as Jericho calmly signs the contract before snatching up a microphone. He tells Orton to just sign the damn contract, getting a pop from the crowd, and then states that he has a special announcement of his own. Next week, live on Raw, he will be hosting a special one-off return of the Highlite Reel! …And his guest will be none other than STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! The crowd nearly blow the roof off the arena for Jericho’s announcement but their celebrations are interrupted… [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][CENTER][b]I SPIT IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE THAT DON’T WANT TO BE COOL![/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] It’s Carlito! The Caribbean superstar steps out onto the stage with a microphone and tells the crowd to shut up, before revealing that he has an announcement that can trump Jericho’s because next week on Raw, Carlito’s Cabana will return …with a mystery guest that will make Stone Cold look like The Brooklyn Brawler! And then later in the night, it will be Carlito that wins the battle royal to earn a shot at the WWE Championship and that it will be very …cool. However, Carlito’s confidence is severely dented when William Regal reveals that only former World Champions are allowed to enter the battle royal, so unfortunately Carlito doesn’t qualify but fans will see the likes of Mick Foley! The Undertaker! Ric Flair! And many more! [COLOR="YellowGreen"][CENTER][B]BOW DOWN TO THE KING![/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] More drama at the start of Raw, as Triple H heads down to the ring to a huge ovation! He climbs in and stands toe-to-toe with Orton, before snatching a microphone from ringside. Aitch informs Orton that he will be in next week’s battle royal – a statement that gets a pop from the fans – and that he will challenge for the title at Armageddon and make Orton pay for sidelining Shawn Michaels. The arrogant champion shrugs off Triple H’s threats and calmly picks up the contract and signs it right under Triple H’s nose. Irritated by Orton’s blatant disrespect, Triple H throws a right hand! Instantly a full on brawl breaks out, with Chris Jericho diving in as well! Carlito sprints down the ramp and soon enough Triple H and Chris Jericho are taking the fight to both the heels, until the roll from the ring and up the ramp to safety. As the two duos stare each other down, General Manager William Regal ends the opening segment of the show by declaring that if the four of them want to get their hands on each other so badly they can compete in the Main Event tonight! It will be WWE Champion Randy Orton and Carlito against Chris Jericho and Triple H! Backstage Shane and Stephanie McMahon are in the office of their father, and the trio are already arguing. Vince is demanding that Shane and Steph stop being so selfish and stop trying to hurt the company but his offspring bite back that they are trying to save the company and until they rid it of Hornswoggle, they won’t back down; they’ll just keep coming. Annoyed at their stubbornness, Vince lays down a challenge… to prove who is the most ruthless and shrewd of the McMahons; each of them can pick someone to represent them in a match at Armageddon! Shane and Steph both agree and tell their dad that they’ll have their representation ready for next week’s Raw. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/JHardy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Kennedy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Kennedy and Hardy lock up to start the match and it is Kennedy that comes out on top, wrenching Hardy with a side headlock. Jeff pushes him away and catches him with a drop toehold as he comes back, before going to work on his right leg with a couple of stomps, followed by a leg drop to the calf. Hardy slams Kennedy’s knee into the canvas and then drags him to his feet and starts to batter him with right hands. Jeff hits the ropes and dives across the ring looking for a flying forearm, but Kennedy moves and Hardy gets caught out with a chopblock. Kennedy keeps the IC champ trapped on the canvas for a couple of minutes with a chinlock, and then a sleeper hold but Jeff is able to fight to his feet. The two exchange fists briefly, before Jeff begins to unload some chops, forcing Kennedy into the corner. Hardy climbs to the middle rope and rains punches down on Kennedy, as the crowd count but at six Kennedy shoves him away and Jeff lands hard on the canvas! Kennedy pulls himself to the top rope …KENTON BOMB! Kennedy covers, one! Two! Th-JEFF kicks out! Hardy struggles back to his feet, as Kennedy remonstrates with the referee. Jeff grabs Kennedy and tries to whip him into the corner but he reverses! Jeff runs up the turnbuckle …WHISPER IN THE WIND! Kennedy pulls the referee into its path! Doan is out of it! Kennedy grabs Hardy from behind and attempts a swinging neckbreaker but Jeff swings it all the way round …TWIST OF FATE! But there’s no referee to make the count! Hardy tries to revive the referee and doesn’t see MVP slide into the ring behind him! Porter slams his United States Championship into the back of Hardy’s head and he goes down! Kennedy covers, as MVP revives the referee, who makes a slow count, …one! …TWO! …THREE![/COLOR] As the bell rings, MVP returns to the ring and together with Kennedy starts to beat down Jeff Hardy but suddenly Matt Hardy runs from the back to make the save! He fights off Kennedy and Porter, mirroring the save Jeff made on Smackdown. Matt helps his younger brother to his feet and Jeff demands a microphone. The Intercontinental Champion challenges Montel Vontavious Porter to a singles match on Smackdown! The crowd pop loudly, as MVP looks around the arena before nodding and then arrogantly holding up his own belt and pointing at it, as Raw cuts backstage. We catch up with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, who is now with William Regal and his bastard son Hornswoggle. He is explaining to Regal the importance of winning tonight, to show Shane and Stephanie that he is still the most dominant member of the McMahon family. Regal suggests that perhaps it’d send a stronger message if he took on Koslov himself but the glare from the chairman is enough to convince Regal otherwise. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1369207_BethMelina.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/EveMaria.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]This is just a typical diva match, highlighting the dominance of Beth Phoenix. The opening stages of the match are fairly even with Melina taking on Maria but when Eve tags in it goes downhill for her team, and after Melina makes the tag to the Women’s Champion it is curtains for Torres, who gets dropped with a fisherwoman’s suplex before being covered.[/COLOR] As Maria and Eve quickly leave the ring, Beth Phoenix celebrates by holding her Women’s Title aloft but suddenly gets taken down from behind by Melina! The number one contender for the Women’s Championship batters Beth with alternating fists and pulls her hair as officials try to pull her away. Raw cuts from the catfight in the ring to Chris Jericho, who is backstage with a microphone. He starts by hyping the return of the Highlite Reel on next week’s show, and gives a detailed run-down of everything Stone Cold Steve Austin has achieved, before moving on to mock Carlito and his claim that he’ll have a bigger star on the Cabana. Just as Jericho is getting into his flow, Roddy Piper steps into shot to interrupt him! The crowd pop for the Hotrod, who tells Jericho that the best damn interview segment of all time will return next week, which at first pleases Jericho, who takes it as a compliment …until Piper reveals that Piper’s Pit will return next week with special guest… sixteen-time World Champion RIC FLAIR! Elsewhere the World Tag Team Champions, Cade & Murdoch, are arguing about whether or not to take Mickie James up on her offer of doing anything to get London and Kendrick a title shot. However, the duo can’t reach a decision before we cut back to ringside. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Koslov.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/MiniMcMahons-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Regal.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Regal tries to technically dominate Koslov early on and has a mild degree of success but before long the huge Russian overpowers him and starts to toss him around the ring with ease. William Regal is able to break free from Koslov’s grip eventually and drops him to one knee with a fist to the back of the leg. With Koslov halfway down, Regal picks him off with quick fists to the face and the Russian looks to be fading but he suddenly surges back to his feet, lifting Regal up as he does! Koslov grips his arms around Regal to lock on a Bearhug. He wrenches it and the Raw GM begins to fade. Just as Regal looks to be passing out, Koslov slams him to the canvas and covers him for the three count, as Shane and Stephanie look on in delight.[/COLOR] With the dominant Koslov standing tall in the ring over William Regal, and the McMahon offspring applauding his performance, Raw cuts backstage once again, where we find Chris Jericho and Triple H discussing their match later in the night. Jericho tries his best to warm to his partner with cheap shots about Carlito and Orton but Triple H cuts him off and simply tells Y2J that he doesn’t like him but if he stays out of his way, they’ll be just fine. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/CadeMurSnits.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/CodyLonKen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]The quick duo of London and Kendrick control the match in the early going but Snitsky is able to slow London down with his power and begins to carve an advantage for his team before tagging out to Cade, who works London over in the corner with Murdoch, as the champions exchange quick tags. After battering him in the corner, they whip London against he ropes but he ducks their double clothesline attempt and then springs off the opposite ropes with a flying crossbody that takes both men down! He slips across the ring and makes the tag to Cody Rhodes! Rhodes comes in off the hot tag and takes the fight to both Cade and Murdoch but gets nailed from behind by the monstrous Snitsky! The referee forces him from the ring, but while doing so Cade & Murdoch hit Cody with a Sweet and Sour! Murdoch dives on top for the cover but Kendrick breaks it up before the three! Rhodes battles back up, as Kendrick clotheslines Cade over the top rope. Cody tags out to London, before shoulder blocking Snitsky off the apron and following him to the outside. Murdoch lunges at London but he slips in behind, and Mickie James climbs onto the apron to distract Murdoch, giving London the chance to roll him up! One! Two! Three![/COLOR] An irate Lance Cade storms into the ring to berate Trevor Murdoch for being distracted by Mickie James, as London, Kendrick and Rhodes head up the ramp with Mickie. Murdoch tries to explain but Cade doesn’t listen, and instead turns away and grabs a microphone from ringside. He calls to London and Kendrick to stop on the stage, before telling them they can have their title match at Armageddon! …On one condition: the winners also win Mickie James’ managerial contract! On that bombshell of a stipulation, Raw cuts to a video package to allow everyone to clear the ring. The video shows some of Raw’s greatest moments, highlighting such stars as The Undertaker, Mankind, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Triple H, and many more! It also shows memorable tag team partnerships like The Hardys and the Acolytes, before ending by saying that fans can expect to all these and more on next week’s fifteenth anniversary show! When the video ends and we cut back to ringside, JR and King inform us that it is Main Event time! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/CarOrt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Y2JHHH.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"]Chris Jericho and Randy Orton open the match with a lock-up but both power out and start to trade punches. Jericho starts to ease into the driving seat and chops the hell out of Orton’s chest and then takes him over with a snap suplex. The champion is quickly back off, brushing off the early onslaught from Jericho and catches Y2J with a stiff shot to the gut that takes the wind out of him. Randy locks up with Jericho and rams his knees into his gut. Orton throws his arm around Jericho’s neck and holds him in a front facelock, and then drops to the canvas to grapevine his body and add more pressure. Y2J seems to be fading but at the last moment before being declared unconscious, he starts to fight back! Jericho breaks free and begins to build a comeback! He fights Orton off and scores with a resounding step up enziguri to the side of the head! Randy flops to the canvas and both men stay down. Chris Jericho slowly crawls towards his corner, as does Orton. Y2J makes the tag! The crowd go wild for Triple H and a look of fear descends over Orton’s face! The champion just manages to reach Carlito for the tag, and rolls to the safety of the outside, as his partner dives into the ring to take on Aitch. Triple H is caught off-guard by Carlito, as he is still watching Orton on the outside and the Puerto Rican gets in a few quick shots but his advantage doesn’t last long and Triple H begins to fight back and exert his dominance over the former Intercontinental Champion. His sledgehammer-like punches keep Carlito reeling and The Game knocks him down with a running knee to the face, before he just starts pummelling Carlito with right hands. Mike Chioda pulls Triple H and remonstrates with him but The King Of Kings just brushes him off and tackles Carlito back to the canvas and starts to unload once more! Again, Chioda pulls him off Carlito, and it gives the sneaky cool dude the chance to slip across the ring to tag in Randy Orton. Triple H gets drilled with a DDT from Orton almost immediately and the WWE Champion is in control quickly with a sleeper hold. Just like Jericho early, Triple H begins to fade. However, he is saved by Y2J, who darts into the ring and slams his foot hard into Orton’s lower back, before being ushered from the ring. The Game again begins a period of domination and nails a DDT of his own, before lifting Orton to his feet and dropping his face onto his knee! Randy recoils in pain and spins back round into a huge spinebuster! Triple H is on fire and the crowd are on their feet as he taunts! He lifts the champion to his feet and sets him up for the Pedigree …but Orton reverses and flips Triple H up and over his head! The champ falls forward and just manages to reach Carlito’s outstretched hand! Carlito nips in behind the recovering Triple H …BACKSTABBER! Carlito covers, one! Two! Thre-KICKOUT! Triple H forces his way back to his feet, looking like he is going to take the fight to Carlito once again but he gets a thumb in the eye and turns away, temporarily blind. With Carlito taunting and mocking the crowd, Chris Jericho sees his opportunity and tags himself in off Triple H, before nailing a Codebreaker from nowhere on Carlito! Jericho covers, ONE! TWO! THREE![/COLOR] With the match over, Randy Orton grabs his title and heads up the ramp, not bothered about the defeat and in no mood to stick around. Carlito rolls from the ring, annoyed with himself. In the ring Chris Jericho and Triple H stand locked in a staredown as Raw goes off the air. [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Mr. Kennedy def. Jeff Hardy in 18:02 Beth Phoenix and Melina Perez def. Eve Torres and Maria Kanellis in 4:49 Vladimir Koslov def. William Regal in 6:14 Cody Rhodes & London & Kendrick def. Cade & Murdoch and Snitsky in 12:56 Chris Jericho and Triple H def. Carlito and Randy Orton in 22:01[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][img]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/5726648[/img] [B]Tuesday Week One December 2007 – ECW on Sci Fi live from the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Masters & Dykstra vs. Guido & Super Crazy[/B] [SIZE="1"]- The number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championships journey into the Land Of Extreme this week, by virtue of the continuing alliance between Smackdown and ECW. Their opponents will be two of the ECW Originals, who have fiercely defended their brand in recent weeks. With their title match just under two weeks away, can Masters and Dykstra keep up their momentum or will their trip to ECW be one to forget?[/SIZE] [B]CM Punk vs. Umaga[/B] [SIZE="1"]- In an Armageddon preview, ECW Champion CM Punk takes on his nearest rival Umaga in singles action but more than pride will be on the line in this one, as the winner will be able to pick the stipulation for their title match in twelve days time! That will no doubt be an added incentive for both men but with the ECW General Manager openly backing Umaga, the deck is certainly stacked against the champion.[/SIZE] [B]PLUS:[/B] Armando Estrada has an announcement for Mark Henry and John Morrison! [RIGHT][COLOR="Purple"][b]Scheduled Matches:[/b][/COLOR] Masters & Dykstra vs. Guido & Super Crazy CM Punk vs. Umaga[/RIGHT][/FONT]
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[b]Masters & Dykstra[/b] vs. Guido & Super Crazy [i]It certainly won't be a clean victory, but they're the #1 Contenders. That counts for something. The ECW Originals will gain this back down the line.[/i] CM Punk vs. [b]Umaga[/b] [i]I see Punk retaining the title at the PPV, so logically, Umaga takes this round. Samoan Spike FTW.[/i]
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[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/ECW-1.png[/IMG] [B]Tuesday Week One December 2007 – ECW on Sci Fi live from the Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] After the usual opening to the ECW show and the welcome by the announcers, we head backstage to the office of ECW General Manager Armando Estrada, who has summoned John Morrison and Mark Henry, along with his new manager Julius Smokes. Estrada informs them that he has been in negotiations all week with a special someone and has settled on an idea that he believes will satisfy all parties. At Armageddon it will be John Morrison versus Mark Henry ...and the winner will be granted a move to Monday Night Raw! Both men appear content with the announcement, as we cut back to ringside. [CENTER][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9230/mastersdykstraog3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/ECW2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]The pace of Guido and Super Crazy allows them to control Chris Masters early on, as they manage to easily avoid his grasp and keep him contained in their corner. However before too long Masters bursts free and takes both his opponents down, before making the tag to Kenny Dykstra. The youngster starts brightly and cleans house, and then focuses his energy on keeping Super Crazy grounded. Using cheap shots to keep Crazy from his corner, Dykstra starts to grow in confidence but it soon turns to arrogance, which costs him, as Crazy slips free and dives to tag in Guido. Dykstra gets caught off-guard at first but soon a chain of counters and re-counters ensues until Chris Masters plows into the back of Guido! The unfair intervention allows Dykstra to take advantage and nail an outward swinging cutter for the three count, as Masters attacks Super Crazy.[/COLOR] Guido and Super Crazy head back up the ramp, as Kenny Dykstra snatches a microphone from ringside. Dykstra tells everyone to take notice of what they just saw ...the complete and utter dominance of one of ECW's premier tag teams! And that is nothing compared to the beating the WWE Tag Team Champions will receive at Armageddon in twelve days time! With the ECW crowd firmly and vocally against Dykstra and Masters, the show heads backstage to Armando Estrada, who is now with his client Umaga. Armando Estrada starts by hyping the destruction of the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga and lists his current achievements, including being the next ECW Champion. Estrada says that after Umaga steamrolls through CM Punk tonight it will be the beginning of the end of Punk's pathetic title reign because at Armageddon, Punk will put his title on the line against Umaga in a ...Special Referee match, with himself Armando Alejandro Estrada as the referee! [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/ECW1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/StriBoo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]The two ECW Originals come flying out of the blocks early on and dish out all manner of punishment to their opponents. Matt Striker's cheap tactics give himself and Boogeyman a route back into the match but their momentum doesn't last long and soon enough Boogey is put away with a Spicolli Driver by Tommy Dreamer.[/COLOR] As Boogeyman and Striker retreat from any further beatings, Tommy Dreamer takes a microphone and tells Boogeyman that his time in ECW is coming to a close because at Armageddon it is going to be The Boogeyman versus Stevie Richards, with the loser leaving ECW ...forever! Backstage CM Punk is taping his wrists in a low-lit room. He brings his head up to look down the camera and says that it doesn't matter what happens tonight, win or lose, because it makes no difference to him how he has to defend his title ...or when ...or who he has to face; when it is all said and done, he will remain the ECW Champion. As the picture fades a slight sneer can be seen spreading across Punk's face. We cut from Punk to a video package, which hypes up Rob Van Dam and announces that he will return for next Monday's fifteenth anniversary of Raw! [CENTER][IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/6100/cmpunkfs9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/UmagaECW.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/MiniEstrada.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Purple"]The match starts with Umaga charging out of the blocks but Punk is able to evade him and score with a couple of quick blows. The champion continues to dodge the rampaging monster until Estrada grabs at his leg from the outside, and Umaga can catch Punk. Immediately his power advantage shows and he takes firm control of the match, slamming CM from side to side across the ring. The sheer power of Umaga is evident by how quickly Punk starts to show the after-effects of his attack and soon enough the champion is caught by Umaga’s nerve grip and begins to fade. The rhythmic chanting of the crowd do nothing to help Punk and referee Mickie Henson is forced to check the champion’s consciousness. Once his arm drops; twice his arm drops; thrice his arm d-NO! Punk gets his arm up! The crowd erupt and slowly Punk begins to fight off Umaga! Gradually CM forces himself back to a vertical base and escapes the hold of the Samoan Bulldozer. The champion slowly starts to catch Umaga with fists and feet, and begins to build some momentum as the strikes quicken. Umaga is forced down to one knee after a solid kick to the leg, and Punk bounces against the ropes before nailing a resounding Shining Wizard! Punk makes the cover, ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT! The dazed Samoan pushes himself back to his feet and absorbs some swift shots from Punk, who tries to once again take the monstrous Umaga down. Slowly though the rage can be seen building up in Umaga and he suddenly snaps into life with a vicious forearm to the throat that puts Punk down! The Samoan elevates himself with the second rope and lands hard on the champion with his ample arse, pinning him in the process. ONE! …TWO! …THR-KICKOUT! Punk just manages to squeeze a shoulder off the canvas, to the annoyance of Umaga and Estrada. The Samoan Bulldozer intimidates Henson, as CM Punk struggles to his feet behind him. The champion dives onto Umaga from behind, clobbering him in the back of the head and sending him stumbling into the referee! Henson is knocked down! Punk doesn’t seem to noticed, such is his tunnel vision and his focus on his opponent, and nails a series of knees into Umaga’s gut, before trying to lift him onto his shoulders …but he hasn’t got the strength! Frustrated, Punk whips Umaga across the ring and into the corner, where he lifts him to the top rope …what has Punk got in mind here? We’ll never know as Armando Estrada cracks a chair across the champion’s back! CM falls to the canvas, and is completely helpless as Umaga regains his senses and dives off the top rope with a huge body splash. Umaga covers, as Mickie Henson comes round …ONE! …TWO! …THREE![/COLOR] Armando Estrada snatches the ECW World Championship from ringside and returns to the ring and raises Umaga’s arm, while holding the title aloft in his other hand. As ECW fades off the air, the duo poses over CM Punk, who lies motionless in the middle of the ring. [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Dykstra & Masters def. Guido & Super Crazy in 10:28 Balls Mahoney & Tommy Dreamer def. Matt Striker and The Boogeyman in 5:34 Umaga def. CM Punk in 15:36[/SIZE] ------ Finished this last night but got sidetracked and forgot to post it... anyway, enjoy![/FONT]
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[FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/3871766[/IMG] [B]Friday Week One December 2007 – WWE Smackdown from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Jeff Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [SIZE="1"]- After the interference of Mr Kennedy in a match between Matt Hardy and MVP last week, and then interference by MVP in a match between Jeff Hardy and Mr Kennedy on Raw, Jeff Hardy demanded this match for Smackdown this week to gain some sort of payback, as well as some momentum as we close in on Armageddon. With the Intercontinental and United States Champions squaring off this is sure to be a match of the highest quality, as well as a bragging point for the brand of the winner![/SIZE] [b]Finlay vs. Kane[/b] [SIZE="1"]- Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long has already signed a fatal fourway to determine the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship but for the men involved, Armageddon can't come soon enough and on this week's Smackdown there will be two preview matches. The first sees the Fighting Irishman Finlay square off with the Big Red Machine Kane. Many would argue that both men have seen their finest days already but both will be out to defy their critics, starting on Smackdown ...and hopefully ending with the World Title.[/SIZE] [B]Elijah Burke vs. Rey Mysterio[/B] [SIZE="1"]- The second of the number one contender preview matches pits Smackdown newcomer Elijah Burke against former World Champion Rey Mysterio. While Mysterio certainly has a lot more experience at this level, Burke has impressed since coming to WWE on both ECW and Smackdown. Many see him as the outsider to claim a championship opportunity but with a size and weight advantage over Rey Mysterio he surely stands a chance against the ultimate underdog.[/SIZE] [B]Batista and The Undertaker vs. Bobby Lashley and Edge[/B] [SIZE="1"]- It is no secret that Batista and The Undertaker don't see eye to eye and haven't for a long time but once again the fates have conspired to bring them together as a tag team to fend off common enemies, who this time are Edge and Bobby Lashley. The Rated R Superstar and The Most Dominant Man In Sports Entertainment attempted to get one over on Batista last week but were left with egg on their faces as The Undertaker turned the tables and once again proved his dominance. With these four men colliding in one ring, chaos is guaranteed to ensue.[/SIZE] [B]PLUS:[/B] Shane and Stephanie McMahon will be in attendance! [RIGHT][color=#0066CC][b]Scheduled Matches:[/b][/color] Jeff Hardy vs. Montel Vontavious Porter Finlay vs. Kane Elijah Burke vs. Rey Mysterio Batista and The Undertaker vs. Bobby Lashley and Edge[/RIGHT][/FONT]
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  • 1 month later...
Been over six weeks since I last posted any form of update in this :eek: I have written the majority of Smackdown and it WILL be up tomorrow but I thought I'd bump now in the hopes that some new readers would read up the last few shows to get into it before I whack up the new show... and then it's finally time for the Raw 15th Anniversary show! I've also been doing some more future planning for this today and I'm all psyched up for this diary again so here's to more regular updates from now on!
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][size=1][CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/SD.png[/IMG] [B]Friday Week One December 2007 – WWE Smackdown from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [center][color=red][b]“YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME!”[/b][/color][/center] Smackdown opens with the Rated R Superstar Edge jogging out from the back, through a screen of smoke. He heads to the ring, looking as arrogant as ever. He climbs into the ring and takes a microphone from ringside. Edge starts by announcing that on Monday’s Raw special Chris Jericho’s “Highlite Reel”, Roddy Piper’s “Piper’s Pit” and Carlito’s “Cabana” will all be upstaged by the return of “The Cutting Edge” …with wrestling’s biggest legend HULK HOGAN! The crowd pop for Edge’s announcement but he isn’t done; he tells them that it gets better because later on in the night he will enter the fifteen-man battle royal and will be the second challenger for Randy Orton’s WWE Championship at Armageddon, where he will win both the WWE Championship and the World Championship! This outrageous claim brings Batista out from the back to a huge reaction from the fans. The Animal quickly makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone of his own, before flatly rejecting Edge’s claim. He tells Edge that if anyone is going to get that double championship win, it’ll be him. Edge is about to make a retort but Batista smacks the microphone from his hand and pulls off his own jacket, challenging Edge to duke it out here and now! The crowd are electric but Edge backs off, not wanting a piece of The Animal …but then suddenly darts forward with a cheap shot on Batista! He smacks him in the gut with a couple of knees, battering Batista down to one knee but The Animal surges back to his feet, lifting Edge as he does! Batista slams him down with a ring-shaking spinebuster! As Batista poses for the fans, Smackdown cuts to a video package hyping the Raw 15th Anniversary Show on Monday, with clips of many memorable Raw moments and many legendary superstars. [CENTER][IMG]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9230/mastersdykstraog3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/YangFlair.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]Jimmy Yang starts in the ring with Kenny Dykstra and the Cruiserweight Champion starts out brightly with a flurry of strikes, before taking Dykstra to the canvas with an arm drag and rolling into an armbar. Dykstra fights back to his feet and Yang attempts to sweep his feet out from underneath him but Kenny avoids it and drives his knee into the lower back of Yang. The Cruiserweight Champ clutches his back in pain but Dykstra doesn’t let up for a moment and beats Yang into the corner. He tags out to Masters, who keeps Yang trapped in the corner with shoulder thrusts. The power of The Masterpiece is enough to control Yang and weaken him enough for several near falls. Masters soon becomes too arrogant and poses for just too long, allowing Jimmy Yang enough time to recover and score with a leaping roundhouse kick from nowhere! Both men go down! Yang struggles towards his corner… slowly edging closer and closer… but before he can make the tag Masters grabs his leg! Enziguri! It echoes around the arena, as Masters crashes back to the mat! Yang makes the tag! Ric Flair comes in off the hot tag, dishing out knife-edge chops to both Masters and Dykstra. Dykstra walks right into a suplex from The Nature Boy and rolls from the ring …but from behind Masters grabs Flair, trying to lock on The Masterlock! Flair just manages to squirm free, moving forward into the referee, while catching Masters with a low blow! The referee doesn’t see it! As The Masterpiece holds his manhood, Flair bounces off the ropes… chop block! Flair grabs Masters’ leg… can he lock it on? YES! FIGURE FOUR! In the centre of the ring! Masters struggles but he has no choice …he taps![/COLOR] As Flair and Yang celebrate in the ring after their victory, we cut backstage. Matt Hardy is with his brother, Jeff, and is psyching the Intercontinental Champion up for his match with MVP later in the night and offering him advice. Elsewhere, Finlay and Elijah Burke are discussing their matches tonight. They agree that if they can get Kane and Mysterio out of the picture, they’ll both be two steps closer to earning a World Heavyweight Title shot, and agree to work together until it comes down to just the two of them and who is the better man. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/JHardy-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/MVP-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The two champions start cautiously, circling each other and then darting in to lock-up, before pushing out of it. Jeff is the first to take a chance and catches MVP with a quick right hand, followed by some toe kicks to the gut. With Porter reeling, Hardy drops him with a quick DDT but MVP is able to escape his follow-up sleeper attempt and return to his feet. The two men trade counters, with neither making much in-road until MVP catches Jeff with a kidney punch that gives him an opening to take control. MVP pummels Hardy with right hands, before forcing him into the corner and continuing his assault. The referee forces him to break, and the US Champ does briefly, before charging back at Jeff …but he avoids it! MVP hits the turnbuckle hard and stumbles back, right into a dropkick from Hardy! Porter hits the ropes and staggers right into a modified jawbreaker from Jeff Hardy! As MVP stumbles around, clearly on the back foot, Jeff attempts to whip him into the corner but Porter reverses! Hardy quickly runs up the turnbuckle and flies off, looking for Whisper In The Wind but MVP scouts it! Jeff hits the mat hard! The US Champion dives onto Hardy and unloads with right hands until slowly the IC Champion uses the chants from the crowd to mount a comeback! As Jeff fights back to his feet and builds momentum, MVP shows his cunning with a thumb to the eye, which puts him back in control. He grabs Jeff’s head and sets him up for the Playmaker …but Hardy spins out of it! Jeff grabs MVP by the head… TWIST OF FATE! The cover… ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! MVP just gets a shoulder up! Hardy seems to be full of adrenaline and hits MVP with rushing elbow smashes from both sides, before nailing a sit-out front suplex! MVP is laid out, flat on his back! Jeff pulls himself up the turnbuckle and the crowd pop. He lines the US Champion up, and dives from the top rope …but MVP moves! Swanton Bomb misses! Once again, Porter reads straight from Hardy’s playbook! With Jeff writhing in pain, MVP dives onto him for the pin and the referee doesn’t notice his feet on the ropes! ONE! …TWO! …THREE! MVP steals one![/COLOR] As the devious United States Champion rolls from the ring and grabs his title belt from ringside, we cut backstage to the office of Theodore Long. Suddenly Bobby Lashley bursts in, nearly taking the door off its hinges. Lashley demands to be added to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at Armageddon, citing his dominant return as reason enough. Long tells Lashley that the match has already been signed and sealed, so he’ll just have to earn his shot another way. Furious, Lashley storms out of the office. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348117_Finlay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348142_Kane.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The match begins with some stiff back and forth brawling that sees Kane muscle his way into an early advantage. He throws Finlay around the ring with relative ease, focusing largely on damaging Finlay’s lower back. Kane traps the Fighting Irishman in the corner and begins to ram his shoulder hard into Finlay’s gut, slamming his back into the turnbuckle over and over again, before whipping him hard across the ring into the opposite corner. Finlay staggers forward, and right into a huge sidewalk slam! Kane covers, but only for two! Finlay rolls from the ring to take a breather but Kane soon follows and chases him around the ring but Finlay avoids his lunge and catches Kane in the gut with a solid elbow. The Fighting Irishman batters Kane with hard rights and lefts and then slams him into the announce table. Finlay launches Kane into the ring steps, before rolling in and out to bring the count by the referee. With Kane reeling, Finlay rolls him into the ring and goes to work on his right arm with knee drops and an armlock. The Big Red Machine struggles vehemently before a sudden surge of power helps him break free from the hold and get to his feet. The two men square off again, trading blows back and forth, and Kane comes out on top. He whips Finlay into the ropes and catches him with a big boot. With Finlay on the back foot, Kane ascends to the top of the turnbuckle… and crashes down on Finlay with a diving clothesline. The crowd can feel the end drawing near, as Kane stalks for the Chokeslam, but Finlay feigns injury in the corner. As Nick Patrick checks on him, Elijah Burke slips into the ring behind Kane with Finlay’s shillelagh! LOW BLOW! Kane crumples to the mat and Burke smacks him across the back with the weapon just for good measure, before rushing from the ring, as the referee turns around, oblivious to the infraction. Finlay locks on the Celtic Knot and wrenches until the Big Red Machine has no choice but to tap![/COLOR] As Finlay rolls from the ring to escape a furious Big Red Machine, Smackdown heads backstage where Theodore Long is seen walking through the halls, as Montel Vontavious Porter approaches him. MVP tries to engage the General Manager in a discussion but T’Lo tell Porter that he can’t get out of his match at Armageddon, before telling the US Champion that he has somewhere he needs to be, and before MVP can get another word in, Long is gone. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Chavo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/3456/shannonrr9.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]A nice short, back and forth match between two of the cruiserweights that will compete at Armageddon for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Both men are at the top of their game, as they try to snatch a psychological edge before the pay per view, as well as building some momentum. After several near falls, it’s Chavo Guerrero that picks up the win with a Frog Splash.[/COLOR] Guerrero gets his arm raised by the referee, as we cut backstage to a monitor where WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jimmy Yang is watching the action in the ring, and looking slightly concerned. He is approached by Nature Boy Ric Flair, who is wooing and is clearly pleased about something. He takes Yang to one side and tells him that he has great news… next Monday on the fifteenth anniversary of Raw, Jimmy Yang will face off with one of the greatest cruiserweights of all time… JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER! Yang’s jaw nearly hits the floor, as Flair struts away, continuing to WOOOOO! [CENTER][IMG]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1348119_Burke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/Mysterio.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]The quickness of Rey Mysterio gives him an early edge of Burke and the fan favourite builds momentum in the opening stages, whilst wearing down the youngster. Mysterio is flying from pillar to post, battering Elijah with a varied offense and scores a succession of near falls. Mysterio attempts to whip Burke against the ropes but gets reversed… only to springboard off the middle rope, looking for a hurricanrana …but Burke reverses into a huge powerbomb! Elijah finally starts to get into the match and keeps Rey grounded, and begins to work his legs. Burke focuses heavily on Mysterio’s left knee, dropping his leg across it and drilling his elbow right into the patella. Elijah pushes up off Rey’s leg and slams down his knee into Mysterio’s own, before rolling into a single leg grapevine and wrenching. Rey squirms in pain, trying to get free, and is just able to reach the ropes. The referee forces the break and Mysterio struggles to his feet, only to get taken out by a chop block! Rey is still quick enough to roll from the ring though to escape further attack and recover. As Burke leaves the ring, Mysterio rolls back in and is followed by Elijah, right into a drop toehold that slams him face first into the canvas. Rey staggers to the corner and pulls himself to the top rope, before leaping off with a leg drop across the back of Burke’s neck! Burke rolls in pain, clutching his neck, as Rey stays down holding his leg and screaming in pain. Mysterio is the first to get back to his feet and hits a low dropkick into Elijah’s face. Rey staggers around the ring, waiting for Burke to recover, when suddenly he is clobbered from behind by Finlay! The referee calls for the bell![/COLOR] Finlay starts to stomp on Mysterio’s injured knee but almost immediately Kane appears from the back! He storms the ring and joins the fracas in the ring. The bell rings repeatedly but that isn’t going to stop all hell breaking loose in the ring, as Kane and Mysterio duke it out with Finlay and Burke. Kane quickly sends Finlay over the top rope with a big clothesline and follows him out, as Mysterio trips Burke onto the second rope! Rey hobbles in for the 6-1-9 but Burke moves and rolls from the ring! As Elijah stares smugly back at Rey after dodging his attack, he gets caught with a huge big boot from Kane! Kane and Rey share a nod of respect before Mysterio suddenly baseball slides from the ring… right into Finlay, who had been preparing for a shillelagh shot on the Big Red Machine! As Smackdown cuts away, Kane and Mysterio are left locked in a stare of mutual respect. Backstage, Shane and Stephanie McMahon are found in a luxurious suite somewhere in the maze that makes up the arena. A stagehand soon enters, and is berated for being late by the two McMahons. He apologises, before being given his orders. He is told to take a message to their father, Vince McMahon, telling him that they have invited a special guest to Raw’s Anniversary Show… ERIC BISCHOFF! Not only that, but they have signed a match pitting a superstar of Bischoff’s choosing against a superstar of Vince’s choosing! The crowd at ringside pop, as the stagehand scuttles off and we cut back to ringside for the Main Event. [CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/TistaTaker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/6937/vslq9.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/LashEdge.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#0066CC]Edge and Lashley enter first, and soon enough Batista joins them in the ring. The lights shut out and the fans pop.[/COLOR] [color=purple][b]GONG![/b][/color] [color=#0066CC]The crowd erupt as The Undertaker steps out from behind the curtain. The World Heavyweight Champion makes his way to the ring slowly, with the pretenders to his crown watching every step. Finally he reaches the ring and removes his hat and more importantly his coat – revealing the glistening belt around his waist. He hands his title to Nick Patrick, who holds it up, with Batista, Edge and Lashley staring longingly at it. The bell rings and suddenly everyone explodes into action! Edge and Lashley steam forward into ‘Taker and Batista respectively, trying to catch them off guard but the two fan favourites quickly turn the tables and send both men to the outside. Undertaker and Batista are left alone in the ring, staring each other down, until the referee orders one to leave the ring… and ‘Taker slowly obliges. With Batista distracted by his own partner, Edge slips into the ring and launches an attack. This time he does catch Batista off-guard and is able to control him in the early going. As The Animal tries to mount a comeback, Edge pushes a thumb into his eye, before tagging out to Lashley. The two powerhouses trade punches in the centre of the ring and it’s Batista that comes out on top. He hits the ropes, before slamming into Lashley with a body block that rocks him. Again ‘Tista throws himself into Lashley, knocking him further back. As Batista hits the ropes again, Lashley flies forward and nearly takes his head off with a huge clothesline! From there, Lashley begins to control the match and keeps Batista grounded as he works his head. The former ECW Champion hoists Batista to his feet and lifts him into the air, setting up for a suplex. He leaves The Animal hanging for a few seconds before bringing him crashing down with a brainbuster! He covers, one! Two! Th-KICKOUT! Spurred on by the crowd, Batista starts to beat Lashley away and mount an offense of his own. He slams Lashley to the mat and starts to pound away at him with right hands until the referee pulls him off Lashley. The Animal presses Lashley into the corner and batters him with more right hands before trying to whip him across the ring but Lashley uses his strength to block it! Bobby Lashley sends Batista against the ropes, before hitting the opposite set. The two mammoth men collide in the centre of the ring, taking each other down with a double clothesline! Both men stay down and crawl towards their corners… slowly each man stretches out to his partner. Just as it looks like both men will make the tag, Edge jumps down from the apron! He clearly doesn’t want any of The Undertaker! Batista makes the tag! The Deadman steams in off the tag, completely fresh, and lays into Lashley with right hands, before whipping him against the ropes and scoring with a flying lariat! Taker lifts Lashley to his feet and wrenches his arm, and then lifts him into the air with it. As he brings Lashley down, Taker slams him hard to the canvas! Keeping hold of his arm, Undertaker drags Bobby back to his feet and takes him to the corner. The Deadman is going old school… NO! Lashley manages to crotch him on the ropes! Undertaker falls into the ring, and Lashley takes a few seconds to recover as The Deadman gets back to his feet… and walks right into a huge Dominator! Lashley covers… one! Two! Thre-KICKOUT! Undertaker gets a shoulder up! The Champion forces his way back to his feet and absorbs the punches from Lashley, until he finally blocks one of the big right hands! He unloads with a quick combination of punches that force Lashley back against the ropes… but he comes darting forward, looking for a spear… but Taker scouts it! The Deadman uses Lashley’s momentum to scoop him up… TOMBSTONE! Undertaker covers, ONE! TWO! THREE![/COLOR] The bell rings, and Undertaker and Batista are announced as the winners but before Nick Patrick can raise The Deadman’s arm, Edge nails him with a Spear from nowhere! The Rated R Superstar just floored the champion! Edge smirks arrogantly and backs away from Taker towards the ropes… and bumps right into Batista! The Animal spins Edge round and hoists him up… BATISTA BOMB! Edge slams hard against the canvas! As Smackdown goes off the air, it is Batista standing tall![/FONT] [SIZE="1"][B]Quick Results:[/B] Jimmy Yang and Ric Flair def. Dykstra & Masters in 7:35 Montel Vontavious Porter def. Jeff Hardy in 14:52 Finlay def. Kane in 9:48 Chavo Guerrero def. Shannon Moore in 5:49 Rey Mysterio def. Elijah Burke in 7:52 Batista and The Undertaker def. Bobby Lashley and Edge in 18:25[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Verdana"][CENTER][IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc289/Slim_Jim_GDS/RAW15.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Navy"]Nitro[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="Red"]Raw[/COLOR][/B] [b]Eric Bischoff's Representative vs. Vince McMahon's Representative[/b] [SIZE="1"]- It has been years since the Monday Night War ended but this Monday Night it is reignited, as Eric Bischoff returns as the guest of Shane & Stephanie McMahon to pit a superstar of his choosing against a superstar of Vince McMahon's choosing. After WCW was beaten and bought out by McMahon, Bischoff will certainly be looking to taste some form of revenge, even if just for one night, and will have been flicking through his roll-a-dex all week long to find the perfect representation... but Vinnie Mac isn't without his contacts, so fans are guaranteed a huge match as these two egos collide![/SIZE] [b]Fifteen Woman Battle Royal[/b] [SIZE="1"]- Over the years, many women have stepped into the squared circle in WWE and a select few have gone down in history as truly competitive fighters, regardless of gender. The likes of Chyna, Trish Stratus and Lita will all return on Monday Night to compete with Divas old and new to try and claim the moniker of Queen Of Raw.[/SIZE] [b]Fifteen Team Battle Royal[/b] [SIZE="1"]- The likes of The Hardys, APA and Too Cool have entertained fans on Raw for many years and on this special anniversary edition, fifteen teams will square off to try and prove who is the best tandem in Raw history! The World Tag Team Champions Cade & Murdoch have declared their entry in the match and are determined to show just why they are the current holders of the gold but they face stiff competition, not least from their current foes London & Kendrick! The high-flying duo are still out to earn another title shot, and winning on Raw would be just the way to get General Manager William Regal to take notice.[/SIZE] [color=red][b]WWE Heavyweight Championship Shot At Armageddon[/b][/color] [b]Fifteen Man Battle Royal[/b] [SIZE="1"]- Confirmed for this Battle Royal are Edge, Batista, The Undertaker and Triple H! Eleven other men will join them to compete for the chance to face Randy Orton and Chris Jericho at Armageddon for the WWE Heavyweight Championship! As fans have seen over the past fifteen years, anything can happen on Monday Night Raw, so who knows what's going to go down in this special Main Event! WWE Champion Randy Orton will be keeping a close eye on this one, trying to scout any potential threats to his crown and has secured himself a seat next to JR and King to provide special guest commentary on this one![/SIZE] [b]PLUS:[/b] The return of Cutting Edge, Highlite Reel, Carlito's Cabana and Piper's Pit! [RIGHT][b]Scheduled Matches:[/b] Eric Bischoff's Representative vs. Vince McMahon's Representative Fifteen Woman Battle Royal - Confirmed Entrants: Beth Phoenix, Chyna, Lita, Melina, Mickie James, Trish Stratus and Victoria Jimmy Yang vs. Jushin Lyger Fifteen Team Battle Royal - Confirmed Entrants: APA, Cade & Murdoch, London & Kendrick, The Hardys and Too Cool Fifteen Man Battle Royal - Confirmed Entrants: Batista, Edge, The Undertaker and Triple H[/RIGHT][/FONT]
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Eric Bischoff's Representative vs. [B]Vince McMahon's Representative[/B] Fifteen Woman Battle Royal - Confirmed Entrants: Beth Phoenix, Chyna, Lita, Melina, [B]Mickie James[/B], Trish Stratus and Victoria [B]Jimmy Yang[/B] vs. Jushin Lyger Fifteen Team Battle Royal - Confirmed Entrants: APA, Cade & Murdoch, [B]London & Kendrick[/B], The Hardys and Too Cool Fifteen Man Battle Royal - Confirmed Entrants: Batista, Edge, [B]The Undertaker [/B]and Triple H
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